Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Aug 1926, p. 4

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•mtp raKssi v*, " ];* - * s" * :^. ....^ ^ •„- Lj' .."' ..-..'/* ,1-. ^ _ :V..s » - " . ••* • • *" •• • M "*"* ' •• _ - " . tsi MeimT nfihts&i.?/ atoott 1a, me - * «Mnnnuia **• '•*' i • ' •-* Mr. tad Mrs. Joseph Diedrich «d |b the hoiM of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mffltr Tuesday afternoon. •V. • Mr. and Mrs. William Smith from | McHenry called at the home of the v./V"flatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph OJ. Michels, Tuesday evening. Miss Rosemary Gluemann and her j ; gentleman friend spent last Sunday J with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lcfris Adams and >M Of •M i OVMIO WM»«W ¥0{i home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Adams. ! Mr. and Mrs. John King visited in the home of their daughter and family recently. Mr. aai Mrs. Stephen King called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George King Sunday afternoon. T ^ - Mr. and Mrs, Charles Michel* and *41 tB v little son called at the home of John • M. Pitzen Tuesday evening. * -f Mr. and Mrs. John Oeffling from McHenry and daughters and Mrs. John E. Freund and son visited in the home of their parents oil Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nell and children of Woodstock visited in the home of his brother Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Schaefer and their I daughter of Chicago are spending the 1 week in the home of his brother and family. Mrs. William Oeffling spent Tuesday with her son and family. Mrs. John P. Lay visited Monday evening with Mrs. John Frett and family. John Kline of McHenry is visiting with his son and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horick of Woodstock called Tuesday evening at the home of Stephen H. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Niesen visited Monday afternoon in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pitzen were McHenry callers Friday evening. Mrs. John Thelen and daughter called in McHenry Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schaefer of Chicago were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Schaefer Sunday The Lady Foresters Court, No. 777, enjoyed their annual picnic Thursday afternoon in John A. Miller's woods. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer and Mrs. John M. Pitsen motored to Chicago Wednesday. Miss Lauretta Meyers spent a few weeks with relatives in Kenosha and Racine. Mrs. Louis Althoff and children of McHenry and her niece of Wilmot, Wis, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. William Altthoff. Little Miss Shirley Schmitt of McHenry is spending a few days with her grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Wagner and daughters of Volo were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff. Misses Katherine and Mary Althoff came out from Elgin Sunday morning to spend the day with home folks. Miss Elizabeth Kempfer motored to Chicago with her uncle, on Thursday where she will spend a week. Master John Washburn returned to Chicago Thursday after spending few weeks with his friend, Frank Kempfer. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Baur and children and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tonyan and children were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tonyan. Mrs. Joe Regner of Chicago and children were spending the day Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smith. Miss Helen Schaefer motored to Chicago ith her uncle to spend a week in the city of Chicago. Mrs. Joe Hettermann and children spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith. Rev. Nick Schmitt of Oklahoma was caled home on account of his father being seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oeffling, Mr. and Mrs. William Oeffling and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gupier were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Oeffling Thursday. There will be an ice cream social and bunco party and a quilt faffle. sponsored by the Christian Mothers and young ladies on Sunday evening, August 15, at St. John's church hall. Everybody invited. You are invited to attend the opening of the new N. J. Jus ten A Son furniture store, Saturday, August 14. Favors for all. Attend die opening of the Althoff Hardware Saturday,August 14. Favors will be given all visitors and a grand prize of a beautiful silver set will be awarded in the evening. Visit the store and register your name. It costs nothing mad you may be the lueky one. 10 r. t. * Miss Kezia Armstrong of Emerald Park is spending a week at Diamond Lake, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wheeler were guests in the home of Mrs. K. Armstrong one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong and Miss Ethel Puston of Emerald Park were in River Forest Tuesday. Beryl Stocking of Chicago is spending the week as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Johnson, has procured a ushiiig license and is now ready to go out after all the big channel fish in the river. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friesnicker of Freeport spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Friesnicker at their home in Emerald Park. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt, Mrs. Anna Korber and son, Miss Margaret Fries and William Fries, Miss Louise and John Prell of Melrose Park and Harold Mansfield of Oak Parte spent Sunday at the summer home of the Schmidts. Mr. and Mrs. Erickson and family spent Sunday at the Carlson summer home. The Carlsons returned to their city home after a week's vacation at their summer home here. Miss Julia Dug-dale of Evanston, Mrs. P. H. Dobbins of Rogers Park and Miss Anne Spurck of Peoria arc spending the eek at the summer home of Mrs. Kezia Armstrong at this place. Hugh Armstrong, wife and baby, drove out from Oak Park Friday and spent the day at the home of Mr. Armstrong's mother in this . subdivision. Miss Catherine Lyons, Miss Margaret Lyons and Peggy Lyons motored to Antioch Friday to visitt with friends. John Dugan and Miss Mary Dugan of Fond-du-Lac, Wis., and Miss Lena Prochnew of Watomah, Wis., were week-end guests of Miss Margaret Lyons. Mrs. A. Mundh and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bartz and nephew of Chicago are visiting at the Karhteiser's summer home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cohan and daughter and son of Oak Park spent the week-end in their summer cottage in Emerald Park. Mr. and Mrs. George Blum and family of Chicago spent the week-end in their summer home in this subdivision. D. W. Hill of Chicago spent the week-end at his cottage here. H. P. Johnson of Evanston visited his family over the week-end at their summer home in Emerald Park. Mr. and Mrs W. T. Blum and their daughter of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. George Fraser and family of Kenilworth spent the weekend in their summer home in Emerald Park. Mrs. William Hoeft of Chicago is spending this week in her summer home in this sub-division. Attend the opening of the Althoff Hardware Saturday, August 14. Favors "will be given all visitors and a grand prize of a beautiful silver set will be awarded in the evening. Visit the store and register your name. It costs nothing and you may be the lucky one. 10 and^had fourtssn of his herd left. He has just put in eighteen tasted cows and will soon be ready to deliver pure milk to the factory. You are invited to attend the opening of the new N. J. Jus ten St Son furniture store, Saturday, August 14. Favors for all. Attend the opening of the Althoff Hardware Saturday, August 14. Favors will be given all visitors and * grand prize of a beautiful silver set will be awarded in the evening. Visit the store and register your name. It coats nothing and you may be the lucky one. 10, Wm. M. Carroll, Atty. Guardian's Sale VOLO "1 State of Illinois, J r ^ County of McHenry,' :*S.. J" \ " By virtue of a decretST tirAer trf the County Court of said County, entered at the August Term of said Court, A. D. 1926, on the application of Nellie Bacon, Guardian of Weston E. Bacon, Harold J. Bacon, Rita M. Bacon, Anita I. Bacon and Maxine M. Bacon, Minora, to sell the following described real' estate, belonging to said minors, situate in the County of Lake, State of Illinois, to-wit: An undivided one-eighth interest in and to the following: The North One hundred Fifty (150) Feet of the North west quarter (1-4) of » the South West quarter (1-4) of Section Number Ten (10) and the North One hundred Fifty (150) Feet of the North East quarter (1-4) of the South East quarter (1-4) of Section Number Nine (9) all in Township Number Fortyfour (44) North, of Range Number Nine (9) East of the third Principal Meridian, situated in the County of Lake, in the State of Illinois. I shall, on the 28th day of August, A. D. 1926, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M., sell all the interest of said Minors in and to the said real estate, at the East door of the Court House in the city of Woodstock, Illinois. Terms of sale as follows: Twenty per cent of purchase price in cash on day of sale, balance upon approval of sale and delivery of deed. NELLIE BACON, Guardian for Weston E. Bacon, Harold J. Bacon, Rita M. Bacon, Anita I. Bacon and Maxine M. Bacon. 9-4 The hull-less oat is primarily plant novelty, and farmers are advised not to grow it. Get it at Bolger's--the store that always has it. Onli^tHeeday evening the young people of our community surprised Frank Vogt at his home and helped him to enjoy his birthday, games were the evening's entertainment. Delicious refreshments were served, after which the party broke Up. Everyone expressed his enjoyment of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Essie -Fisher visited Mrs. Mary Ames in Waukegan on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Love joy of Genoa City visited at the Ira Smith home on Wednesday. Arthur Stanford and sister took a motor trip to Madison, Wis., leaving Friday morning. They passed Lake Geneva on the ay, stopped for the night at Fon-du-Lac, returning Saturday evening. Geneiveve Wright spent the past week at her grandparent's home near Volo. Mrs. Emily Lusk of Libertyville sp«nt part of last week at Lew Lusks. Blanche Converse is visiting her aunts in Chicago. Harvey Hanson and family came from Madison Friday to visit his rel atives here. Mrs. Earl Townsend is returning with them on Monday to visit her parents, who reside at Ore gon, Wis. Georgiana Waite of Chemung is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Waite. Grace Duesing of Chicago spent the week-end at William Dillon's. Mrs. Vandenhoom, who has been ailing, is slightly improved. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bacon and children are visiting the Sikes family at Chetek, Wis. Miss Ruth Davis of Chicago spent Sunday at the L. Russell home. Eleanor Gaa of Bellville, Ontario, and John Gaa of Fox Lake visited their cousins, the S. ,J. Russell family, recently. Mrs. James Kirwan, Mrs. Ed Lusk, Mrs. Emily Lusk, and Mrs. Lew Lusk drove to Elgin Tuesday. John Wagner has purchased the residence owned by Frank Rosing. Zelma Russell of Wesley hospital is spending her vacation at her home. Esther Lusk is camping with sixteen other girs at a Methodist camp ground at DesPlaines. Dorothy Dillon visited Beryl Gilbert of Wauconda on Friday. % Mrs. Charlotte Knippel of Chicago is spending a few days at the S. J. Russell home. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Vasey and family spent Sunday at Yorktilis with Vassjr'spawnts. Dor*byandJ Vassy returned home with * a several day's visit with their grand parents. Attend the opening of the Althoff Hardware Saturday, August 14. Favors will be given all visitors and a grand prize of a beautiful silver set will be awarded in the evening. Visit the store and register your name. It costs nothing and you may be tl\e lucky one. .10 Many like* Many fruit juices ax* well suited to vinegar making, as they contain the sugar necessary in the.proper proportions and other necessary or desirable substances. The United States "-©epatment of Agriculture has published a bulletin on making vinegar at home. Some Salad V Lettuce production has become gat Important industry in recent yeaNt. Shipments in 1924 filled more «•>» six times as many cars in 1916. Get ft at Bolger's--the store always has it. OAS PAEK OH THK BAT Mr. and Mrs. A. Gillinger and their daughter of Forest Park spent the week-end at Oak Park on the -Bay. Miss Maria Smalka spent Saturday and Sunday at Pistaqua Lake. A. H. Siebeir of Oak Park spent the •week-end visiting at Pistaqua Bay. Harry Neubiser of Forest Park spent Sunday visiting at Pistakee Bay. Orville Spencer of Rivers Forest spent an enjoyable week-end at Oak Park on the Bay. Alice Robertson of Oak Park spent Saturday and Sunday at Pistakee Bay. Glen Hays of Oak Park spent Saturday and Sunday at Pistakee Lake. Mr. and Mrs. P. Leptien of Chicago spent an enjoyable Sunday at Pistakee Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Earle P. Schueler of Morton's Grove spent Sunday as the guests of friends at Pistakee Bay. L. J. Bouiiging of Aurora spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Oak Park on the Bay. Among the guests at Oak Park hotel over the week-end were: William Schullp, Richard Marrenger, Mr. and Mrs. K. Walstrom, Juel Henneberg, Josephine Snyder, J. M. Stoerker, Earle Schueler, John House, Elmer Piel of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schueler of Nells Point Attend the opening of the Althoff Hardware Saturday, August 14. Favors will be given all visitors and a grand prize of a beautiful silver set will be awarded in the evening. Visit the store and register your name. It costs nothing and you may be the lucky one. 10 4 ' > ? \ /f"-. ' mart ",vi"-ry * * * " ' ? ^ t '4,'. -A I I 1 ' *•" *'4 >>: •"•'-'i • V ' ' J <fjt »..*»• ofc '.." ^'i' * vfv vC 4 For Sport Roadster mat* are justly popular, liiey •W a smart, rakish touch to ropnster , ^Jlinea^jjnd increase the carrying capacity ^ f>y two passengers. ^That Dodge Brothers Sport Roadster flow provides this convenience, Wffl to Wclcome news to thou sand a. •| t ». ^ ^ - :• j- i " .! nwdrc »eat, it is deeply upholstered in gray Spanish genuine eather, and the seat hack is high and pitched, providing unusual comfort. .u'-^ r'* ^ '• : 4fcVhen closed, the rear compartment is ^wjibsolutely waterproof, srra in faintest J weather. v',-/' | Ample space Is provided behind the ^Inain seat lor golf clubs, suit rssms. tennis rackets snd similar luggsge. Irilliant pheasant green lacquer body 1 hood, strikingly in contrast with tan top, black fenders and full spel equipment, completes general color While there is still demand for oat kernels without hulls for feeding purposes for squabs and young chickens, it is better economy, says the department, to buy ordinary oats that have had the hulls removed, rather than to try to grow the hull-less varieties. James Morrow & SODS Wnk«|«i aa4 West McHenljr fci-'i MOTOR CARS f OSTEND m- Harvesting is nearly done in this locality and now what we hear most from farmers is threshing. Frank Kaiser sold all his milk cows last spring, but one retained for the home use. He saved thirteen heifers that would be cows in September. Last week he had the whole drove tested and lost every one. They were shipped to Chicago Monday forenoon. In the afternoon, twenty<-three tested cows were delivered at the kaiser farm. John Anderson on a farm near Clarence Draper's had his cows tested the same day Kaiser's were and he, too, lost every one. It is a very heavy blow to Mr. Anderson. He is a renter and has a large family to support. Henry Hobart and son, Roy, were business callers at the county seat on Monday. The renter on the farm known as the old George Thomas farm purchased a tested dairy „of cows last November. Recently he had a retest All passed the test, o£ course. Steve feels fine. Henry Lambke and family of Cary were Sunday afternoon callers in the Francisco home here. C. E. Jecks is another fsrmer that has a lot of new tested cows. He had his whole drove tested some time ago J m Watch 'em MDig In*' •« a generator, temptmg tusn oi ixro- Jleiiry lee Cream before your younf- •ttirs and you'll set t. Jot of full i f 166111 c**'* ^ fast enough. An§ iwatch 'em "dig In" with their spooas. them have all they want. .It's pure, an§ |njmriflhing. Rich in health-giving qualities. ^ • Ice Cream '-y! Company r: JUSTEN & announce the opening , / Saturday, August 14 of their new home in West McHenry 'M MiM fWn V>!l W'V* ,i. 1 $:• I: Furniture and To carry on the traditions of forty-four years' service t 1 McHenry and surrounding community t 'Sr. For forty-four years the firm, owned and [ s' P. M. Justen, has endeavored to - a and the best of servloo Now the new home has been ;i jy\ completed, designed and equip- • I ped to give the utmost in mode y s e r v i c e . ' . \ . . . ; ; An invitation is extfeniffe^j to the public to visit our new store on Saturday, August 14, inspect the building and look over our- • full line of house furnishings. managed by N. J. Justen extend hospitality; Patrons will find a and willing response to quick every wish, just as always in former m v "avors will be given to who attend the opening; flowers for ladies, cigars for gentlemen and something of interest for each of the kiddies. e'A beautiful gift will be awarded tar ate of thpx nubo register their names during day w evening *« ^Be suit to registet. The fward will be*(m Saturday evening < I .2 . . Jk %.. v •.J ....... " -K,:vlX m.tmm uL.-bjPiAi. • ' S i i i I li f . JUSTEN & SON * ^ .W!*f " • ones 63-W or eniyrsc i*-v.4, t"J .rJAa li >„

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