^Jip^SWPW «lAl Sac. t to tiw S. W. Cur. of said ln« T. thence cut along the south Barer said Sec. * to the S. E. Cor. af «M 8m; being aba the N. W. 0cr. af See. IS. thenee sooth along Mm wmt Une of Saea. IS. 13 and 24, T/M N- *. 7 E., to the S. W. Corner af nM Sac. 24, .thane* east along the aatrth tin* ef aaid See. 24 to the S. E. eoraer of laid section, being also to tike line between Townships R. 7 and R. 8 E.. thence to the N. W. ftlMjjer of Ssttios 30 T. S9 M JJ. •:<§ E.. thence south alongthe west'line • •a***' ' hr %*?• r af Sao. 30 and 31 being also said fWnsh.p line to the S. W. corner of jBea. SI. being also the S. W. comer -f* T-39 N., R. 8 E. Thence to the N. W. corner of Sec. 6 T. 38 H., R. 8 E., thence south along the West line of Sections 6, 7, 18, 19, 30 And 31 to the S. W. corner of said Sac. 31. being also on the Township line between Kane and Kendall "Counties, thence to the N. E. corner •t Sec. I, T. 87 N. R. 7 E., thence West a]ong the nortl. line of Sacs. 1. J| and 3 of said Township *ud the boundary between Kane County and Kendall County to th? North ^4 cor-' aer of said Section 3, T. 37 N., R.! T E., thence south in Kendall County fbr a west bouituuiy of aaiu District along the north and south line of Sees 3 and 10 to the centcr of said Sec. 10, thence west along the east west Vi line of Sec. 10 to the W. % Cor. of said Sec. 10, thence south •long the west line o Sec. 10 to the S. W. Cor. of Sec. 10, being also the W. E. Cor. of Sec. 16 of said Township: thence west along the north "line of Sees. 16 and 17 to the N. 44 Cor. of Sec. 17 thence south along Jnbe north and south % line of said ||tc. 17 to th< south ^4 Cor. of said ISec. 17} thence west along the south line of Sees. 17 and 18 to the S. W. Cor. of Sec. 18? being also on the line between Townships Ranges I E. and 7 E. of the Third Principal Meridian. Thence to the S. E. Cor. of See. .13, T. 37 N.. R. 6 E., and the line between said Sec. 13 and Sec. 24 of aaid Township: thence west along the south line of said Sec. 13 to the S. ;W. Cor. of said Section, thence north jalong the west line of sai«> Sec. 13 to the W. M Cor. of said Sec. 13, thence east along the east and west % line af said Sec. 13 to the center of said Sec. 13. thence north *long the north and south line of said Sec. 18 to the N. *4 Cor. of said Sec. 13, whence Vest along th-- north line of said Sec. 13 and of Sees. 14, 15 and 16 to the , U. W. Cor. of said Sec. 16; thence > pouth along the west line of Sees. 16, •i*l and 28 to the S. W. Cor. of Sec. E8. thence east along the south line •f Sec. 28 to the S. E. Cor. of said (Bee. 28, being also the N. W, Cor. «f Sec. 3% thence south along the ..west line «Jf Sec 34 to the S. W. Cor. of said Sec. 34, being on the line 4 between Townships 37 N. and 36 N.; thence alone said Township line to the N. E. Cor. of Sec. 4, T. 36 N.; Jt. 6 E.. thence along the north line «f Sees. 4 and 5 of said Township to the north % Cor. of said Sec, 5. thence •Vouth a?ong the north and south M line LHf Sees. & and 8 to the south \4 Cor. JK said Sec.. 8 thence west on the ftorth line of Sec. 17 to the N. W. JtJor. of said Sec. 17, thenc" south on Qie west line of said Sec. 17 to the 14 Cor. of Sees. 17 and 18. thence West on the east and west % line of fisid Sec. 18 to the W. % Cor. of said Bee. 18, being on the line between rnges 6 E. and 6 E., thence to the * Cor. of Sec. 13, T. 36 N.. R. 5 E, thence west on the east and west <14 line of said Sec. 13 to the V4 Cor. f' Sees. 13 and 14. thence south ong the west line of Sees. 13, 24 •nd 25 to the Cor. of Sees. 25 and t6, thence west along the east and west ^4 line of Sees. 26 and 27 to the center of Sec. 27, thence south Along the north and south line of Sec. 27 to the H Cor of Sees. 27 and S4, thence west west along the north line of Sees. 34. 33, and 32 to the N. W. Cor. of said Sec. 32. thence south •long the west line of Sec. 32 to the |8. W. Cor. of said Sec. 32 on the |Hne between Townships 86 N., and |5 N. Thenee west along said Town- Ship line to the N. W Cor. of Sac. 4, T. 35 N., R. 5 E., thence south for • west boundary of said District along rttm line between Ranges 6 E. and {4 E and along the west line of Sees, it, 7, 18, and 19 to the W. % Cor. of fsaid Sec. 19 thence east along the •i^gaat and west 14 line of said Sec. 19 Id tha center of said Section; thence •path along the north and south % ,Kna of Sees. 19 and 30 to the center af said See. 30, thence west along the east and west M line of said Secdon to the W. hi Cor. on the line between Ranges 5 E. and 4 E., thence South along said Range line to the S. W. Cor. of said Sec. 30, T. 35 N., "jjt. 5 E., thence to the N. E. Cor. of Sac. 36, T. 35 N.. R. 4 E.. thence great along the north line of Sees. 16, 35, and 34, T. 35 N. R. 4 E., for 4 north boundary line of aaid District, jo tha 14 Cor. of Sees. 34 and 27, thence north along the north and «oath % line of said Sec. 27, to the Sorth line of ssid Sec. 27> thence peat along the north line of Sees. 17 and 18 to the N. W. Cor. of said See. 28 thence south along the west ine of said Sec. 28 to the S. W. Cor. H#f said Sec. being also the N. E. Cor. ; ff Sec. S2, T. 35 N., R. 4 E. Thence .trot along the north line of Sees. 82 |mH 31 to the N. W. Cor. of Sec. 31 jfn tha line between Ranges 4 E., and 8 E.. thence south along the areat line of said Sec. 31 and said township line to the S. W. Cor. of ; Said Sec. 31 on the line between - Townships 34 N. and 35 N.. thence the N. W. Cor. of Sec. 6, T. 34 N.. ft. 4 E., thence south on the west line ff said Sec. 6 to the west % Cor. of Claid Sec 6, thence east along the east •nd wast ^4 line of sajd Sec. 6 to the fenter of said Sectioit, thence south ~ aloag the north and south U line of jtac. 6 to the sooth line of said Sec. I, thence east along the south line of fees. 6 and 5 to the K Cor. of Sees, and 8, T. 34 N., R. 4 E. thence >uth along the north and south M aa of Sees. 8. 17, and 20, T. 84 N., 4 E.. to the "center Sec. 20, tace west along the east and wast , Una to the West line of said See. J, thence south along the west line said Sac. 2Q to the S. W. Corner, EDfQWOOP Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hawley and daughters spent Sopday afternoon at Plstakea Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Laftnie Smith and family spent Sunday in the Charles Harrison home. Mrs. Melissa Gould of Elgigit spent 8anday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs diaries Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Mulheiro and two daughters of Chicago spent Sun-> liy in the M. 1* WeR« home. Mrs. Frank Fay has been nnmheiwd Wng the side this weak. Mr* and Mn. Hbsct LoMm ant Wng also tha N. E. Cor. of Sac. 80, T. 84 N„ R. 4 E. ,thenca west lo tha wast line of tha aast % of said Sec. 80, thance south along said wc t line of tha aast % of Sacs. SO and 31 to the south line of said Sac. SI, being also the line between Townships 34 N. and 33 N., and the plaee of be- «r ing. Excepting, however, from the area thus bounded, tracts of land described as follows: Exception 1: Tha sntirs arsa within the Elgin Sanitary District described aa follows: That part of Township 41 North. Range 8 East of the Tlrird Principal Meridian and that part of Township 41 North. Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian lying in the Connties of Sane and Cook, in the State of Illinois described as follows: Commencing at a point in the easterly line of said Kane County 950 fact southerly along said easterly line from the S. E. Cor. of Sec. 24 of said T. 41, N., R. 8 E., of the Third Principal Meridian for a place of beginning, thence westerly parallel with and 950 feet southerly from the south line of ssid Sec. 24 to the center thread o? Fox River; thence northerly along said center thread to the south line of said Sec. 24; thence westerly along said south line and the souOt lines cf Sees. 23 and 22 of said Township to a point 330 feet westerly along said south line from the S. E. Cor. of said Sec. 22; thence northerly parallel with and 330 feet westerly from the east line of said Sec. 22 to the southerly line of the Public High way commonly known as South Street; thence westerly along said southerly line of the Public Highway and said southerly line produced to a line 132 feet westerly from and parallel with the north and south center line of said Sec. 22: thence northerly parallel with and 132 feet westerly from said north and south center line and the north and south center line of Sec. 15 of said Township to the southerly line of the Public Highway commonly known as Highland Avenue; thence westerly along said southerly line of said Public Highway to a line 1320 feet westerly from and parallel with the north and south center line of said Sec. 15; thence northerly parallel with and 1320 feet westerly from said north and south center line of said Sec. 15 and the north and south center line of Sec. 10 of said Township to the east and west center line of said Sec. 10; thence easterly along said east and west center line to the westerly line of Wing Park in the City of Elgin; thence northerly along said westerly line to the N. W Cor., of said Wing Park; thence easterly along the north line of said Wing Park to the east line of said Sec. 10; thence northerly along said east I re to the southerly line of the Right-of- Way of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company; thence easterly along said southerly line to a^ne 330 feet northerly of and parallel with the east and west center line of Sec. 11 of said Township; thence easterly parallel with and 330 feet northerly from the said east and west center line to the westerly line of the Public Higliway commonly known as North State Street; thence southerly along said westerly line to a line 66 feet northerly from and parallel with the east and west center tine of said Sec. 11; thence easterly parallel with and 66 feet northerly from said east and west center line to the center thread of Fox River; thence northeasterly along said center thread to the easterly line of Bellevue Avenue in the City of Elgin, produced northerly; thence southerly along said easterly line and said easterly line produced to the northerly line of Riverside Park Addition in the City of Elgin; thence easterly along said northerly line to the westerly line of the Public Highway commonly known as Dundee Avenue; thence northerly along said westerly line to the northerly iine of Georgo M. Ludlow's Addition ii. the City of Eljgin produced westerly; thence easterly along said northerly tine and said northerly line produced to the easterly line of said Kane County; thence southerly along said easterly line of Kane County 4273.1 feet thence easterly along the Corporate Boundaries of the City of Elgin 604.6 feet; thence southerly along said boundaries 1195 feet; thence easterly along said boundaries 33.8 feet; thence southerly along said boundaries 125.9 feet; thence easterly along said boundaries 1043.3 feet: thence southerly along said boundaries 2646.2 feet; thence easterly along said boundaries 895 feet; thence southerly along said boundaries 2684.7 feet; thence easterly along said boundaries 641.6 feet; thence southerly along Baid boundaries 1695.1 feet; thence northeasterly along said boundaries 638.8 feet thence southeasterly along said boundaries 1051.4 feet to the center line of Public Highway commonly known as Villa Street; thence south easterly along said center line to the center line of the Public Highwa> commonly known as Stelfori Place thence southerly along the center line of said Stelford Place to tin south line of Sec. 19, T. 41 N., R. 9 E., of the Third Principal Meridian; thenco westerly along said south line to the easterly line of said Kane County: thence southerly along said easlerl' line to the place of beginning. Exception 2: The entire area wit] in the Aurora Sanitary District described as follows: Beginning at the intersection 01 the north line of Sec. 15 with th< east line of the west ^ of the 8 E. % of Sec. 10; thence north alonthe east line of the wst H of the S E. % of Sec. 10 to th north line 01 the south bit of the south V4 of Sec 10; thence west along tne north lin« of the south % of the south V* o Sec. 10 to the west line of Sec. 10 thence south along the west line o Sec. 10 and along the west line 0 Sec. 15 to the north line of the south M of Sec. 16; thence west along th« north line of the south V of Sec. 16 to the west line of the east " thr S. W. ^4 of Sec. 16; thenc< • outh alnog said west line of the east. of the S. W. of Sec. 16 to the south line of Sec. 16; thence west along children and their nephews of Chicago spent Sunday in the M. L. Welter home. William Giddings spent the weekend with Hebron relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hawley and Mr. and Mrs. Luchman spent Sunday afternoon in Elgin. Mrs. Henry Heimer of McHenry and Ruth Nye spent Wednesday with Mrs. Karl Bradley. Mrt. Ed. Thompson and children and Mrs. William McCannon spent Tuesday with Mrs. Paul Meyers of McHanry. Joseph Young and family -"N" "'-.-'ii '"r\^Lr/ ' -r , _____ . . < 1 •" - *V ' t * y THE HcBUBY PLAIHDlALim, THURSDAY, ATOUST IS, IMS ., - . - J ! > V *_ ^ ^ •M Mr. id spent and Xn. Matt sooth lines of Sees. 16 and 17 to the wast line of the east ft of the lfc of Sec. 20; thapce south along " Ik linj of the east H of the af Sec. 20 to a point 1475.5 §m north of the south li:' of Sec. SO"; thenee east along a line parallel with the south line of Sec. 20 and 1475.5 faet north thereof to th west tine of the S. E. ^4 of Sec. 20; thenee south along the west Mne of the S. E. % of Sec, 20, and along the west lina of &£ N. S. M cf See. 29 to the -oath lina of the N. E. >4 of Sec. 29; thence east along the south line oi the N. E. II of Sec. 29 to the west line of the east Mi of the S. E. % of Sec. 29; thence south along aaid last above described line for a distance of 200 fast; thence east along a line parallel to and 204 feet southerly from tha north Una of the 8. K. M af Sec. 2t to the wast line of South Bad Addition to Aurora, as per plat of said Addition on record in the office of to Recorder of Deeds of Kane County, Illinois, in Plat Book 7. Page 67; thence southerly along the west line and west .line extended, of said South End Addition to Aurora to the south line of Sec. 29; thence east slong lines of Sees. 29 and 2S to the west line of the N. E. % of Sec. 33; thence south along said west !ine of the N. E. U of See, 33 to the south line, extended westerly, of Elliotts Addition to Aurora, as per plat of said Addition on record in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Kane County. Illinois, in Flat Book 7, Page 63; thence easterly along said southerly line extended, of Elliott's Addition to Aurora to the westerly line of said Elliott's Addition to Aurroa: thence southerly along tha westerly line, extended southerly, of Elliott's Addition to Aurora to the southerly line, extended westerly, of W. B. Miller's Second Addition to Aurora, as per plat of said Addition on record in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Kane County, Tllln^la, in Plat Book 12, Page 28; thance easterly along said south Hi># of W. B. Miller's Second Addition to Aurora and said line extended to the east line of Sec. 34; thence north along the east line of said Sec. 84 to the north line of the S. W. 14 of Sec. 35; thence east along the north line of the S. W. % of Sec. 85 to the east line, extended southerly, of South Park Addition to Aurora, as per plat of said Addition on record in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Kane County. Illinois, in Plat Book 11, Page 34; thence north zero degrees thirty two minutes (0* 82') aast along the easterly line of said South Park Addition and said easterly line, extended, to a point 304.1 feet south of the north line of the south % of the N. W. hi of Sec. 35; thence north e ghty-nine degrees fifty-seven minutes (89° 57') east along a line parallel to the north line of Sec. 85 a distance of 1481.5 feet; thence south lero degrees fifty-four minutes (0* 54') west a distance of 879.8 feet to the center line of the Aurora Montgomery Road; thence north eighty four degrees fifty-eight minutes (84* 58') east along the center line of said road a distance of 508.9 feet; thence north zero degrees fifty-four minutes (0* 54') east a distance of 840 feet; thence liorth eighty-nine degrees sixteen minutes (89° 16') esst along a line parallel to the north line of Sec. 85 a distance of 1266.5 feet to the west line of Lincoln Highway; thence north seventeen degrees flfty-four minutes <17° 54*) west along the west line of Lincoln Highway otherwise known as Aurora-Plainfteld Road, said west line being parallel to and 33 feet westerly of the centei line of the concrete lighwsy constructed as part of Route 22 of tha State Wide System of Durable Hard Surface Roads, to the south line of See. 26; thence east along the south line of Sec. 26 to the north and south center line of the east % of the S. E. % of Sec. 26; thence nofth along said line last above described to the south line of the N. E. K of Sec. 26: thence east along the south line of the N. E. ^4 of Sec. 26 and the %outh line of the N. W. % of Sec. 26 to the east line of the west Mi of the N. W. % Sec. 25; thence north along said east line of the west Vm of the N. W. ^4 Sec. 25 and said line extended northerly to a point 200 feet southerly from the center line _pf the Aurora-Naperville Road, said Rosd being the easterly extension of New York Street as said New York Street is laid out in the City of Aurora, Illinois; thence northeasterly along a line parallel to and £00 feet southerly from the center line of said Aurora- Naperville Road to the east line of the S. W. ^4 of Sec. 24; thence north along the east line of the west % of Sec. 24 and along the east line of the S. W. hi of Sec. 13 to the north line of the S. W. M of Sec. 13; thence west along the north line of the S. W. M of Sec. 13 and along the north line of the S. E. K of Sec. 14 to the eawt ling of the N. W. M, of Sec. 14 to the east line of the N. W. % of See, 14; thence north along the east line Of the N. W. ^4 of Sec. 14 to the north line of the douth H of the J. W. M o* Sec. 14; thence west along said north line of the south % of the N. W. ^4 of Sec. 14 to the east line of the west of the Sec. 14; thence north along the said east line of the west % of the N. W. % of Sec. 14 to the north line of Sec. 14; thence west along the north line of Sec. 14 and along the north line of Sec. 15 to the place of beginning, all of said territory lying within Township 38 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian and situated in the Township of Aurora, County of Kane and State of Illinois. Exception 3: That part of Kendall County bounded and described as follows: The S. W. K of Sec. 22, the S. E. % of Sec. 21, and the N. E. K of Sec. 28, all in Township 37 North. Range 7 East of the Third Principal Meridian. Exception 4: That part of Kendall County bounded and described as follows: The west % of Sec, 7 T. 37 N., R. 8 R.. and the whol^e of Sec. 12, T. 37 N., R. 7 E. of the Th:rd ; rincipal Meridian. That the object of *a^l petition is Nimsgren of Spring Grove. Quite a few from Ringwood attended the Rodeo at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLaughin and daughter, Julia, and Helen Lawrence spent last Saturday evening at Woodstock. _ Miss Frances Young spent Wednesday with Mrs. Matt Schald. Mrs. Ed. Thompson has been visiting with friends in Chicago for a week. Elaine Bradley has been visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Henry Heimer, ef McHenry. Mr. and Mra. Nick Young spent Saturday avaaiiaf ^al Woodstock. to orgaiiue miu teiiitoi j a» ttte Pox River Conservancy District under the provisions of said Act of the Legislature for the purpose of controlling Fox River and its perennial tributaries and to prevent the pollution of said streams; to develop water supply and navigation and to protect the fish life in said streams. And said County Judges sitting as a Board of Commissioners under the provision of the said Act of the Legislature, having granted said petition and having ordered an election to be held in said proposed Conservancy District for the purpose of giving the legal voters thereof tha opportunity of voting upon the question of whether said Conservancy District shall be organized under the provisions of said Act of the Legislature. Therefore publie notice ii hereby given that an election will be held in said district on Tuesday the 7th day September 1926. for the purpose of submitting the question of the organization of said Conservancy District to the legal voters of said" District; that the polls of said election will be open from one o'clock P. M. to six o'clock P. M. standard central time, and that the pollihg places in said district will be as follows: Township of Antioch, Lake County, at J, C. James office building. Township of Lake Villa, Lake County, at Siratton farm. Township of Grant, Lake Countyr at Town HalL ' Township of Wawfotida. .Lake County, at Town Hall. Township of Cuba, Lake County, at District No. 85 School House. Township of* Ela. Lake County, at Town Hall. Township of Hanover. Cook County at Purple Grackle Club House. SLOOUMI1AXS Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Matthews and Miss Myrtle Dam& Were businees callers at McHenry last Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Bonin were business callers at Elgin last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son of Crystal Lake called at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith Saturday afternoon and were aocommpanied by Mrs. Smith to McHenry. Mr. Russell of Chicago and Henry Winkler, Jr., of Waukegan, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. George Shades and the former's mother of Elgin called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pfannenstill Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Jack Geary and son returned home Saturday after spending a week with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Schreck of Lihertyville were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at tihe home of Mrs. Clara Smith. In the afternoon they were accompanied by Mrs. Smith and called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mrs. Chas. Bonin arad children were business callers at Elgin last Thursday afternoon. Mrs Sigrid Blomgren, Mrs. E. Anderson, Mrs. Harry Matthews, Mra, Willard Darretil and daughter Myrtle and Miss Zela Russell, the latter of Volo, were entertained at the home of Mrs. Raymond Lusk near Round Lake last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maiman of Township , of^ Richmond,^ McHenr^ Wauconda spent Sunday evening at County, Village Hall in Village of Ringwood. Township of Burton, McHenry County, at Villttfie Hall, Village of Spring Grove. Township of McHenry, McHenry County at CiCy Hall, City of McHenry. Township of Nunda, McHenry County, at residence cf Robert Bacon near Rawson Bridge. Township of Algonquin, McHenry County, at Village Hall in Village of Algonquin, and Village Hall in village of Cary. Township of Dundee, Kane County. Fire Station in City of East Dundee, City Hall in City of West Dundee, and Pumping Station in Village Of Carpentersville. Township of Elgin,-Kane County, at Village Hall in Village of South Elgin. Township of Campton, Kane County, at Bergiand's Store in Village of Wasco. Township of St. Charles, Kane County, City Fire Barn, Firat Avenue n City of St. Charier. Township of Geneva and Batavia, Kane County, at City Hall in City of Geneva, and office of Bowman Dairy Company, No. River St., and Parish 'House, So. Batavia Avenue, in City of Batavia, and at Mooseheart. Township of Blackberry, Kane County, at W. C. Masterson's store in Village of Bald Mound. Township of Aurora, Kane Counl at Village Hall in Village of N< Aurora. Township of Sugar Grove. Kane County, Village Hall at Village oi Sugar Grove. Township of Oswego. Kendall County, Village Hall at Village of Oswego. Township of Bristol, Kendall County, at Village Hall at Yorkville. Township of Little Rock, Kendall County, at City Hall in City of Piano. Township of Fox. Kendall County, at Town Hall at Village of Millbrook. Township of Northville. La Salle County, at Town Hall, Village of Northville. - Township of Mission^, La Sadie County, at Town Hall at Sheridan. Township of Miller, La Salle County, at Oliver Hodney farm. Township of Serena, La Salle County, Town Hall at Village of Serena. Township of Dayton, La Salle County, Village Hall at Village af Wedron. Dated this 3rd day of August, A. D. 1926. E. K. JARECKI, County Judge of Cook County, BL S. N. HOOVER, County Judge of Kane County. OL WILLIAM L. POND, County Judge of DeKalb County.* 111. PERRY L. PERSONS, County Judge of Lake County, IS. CHARLES P. BARNES, County Judge of McHenry County, 111. ARTHUR G. LARSON, County Judge of Kendall County, DL HARRY RECH, County Judge of LaSalla County, 111. , ,y H1 3 Bert Sutton of Solon spent Monday afternoon in Ringwood. Joseph Younp and family spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. John P. Miller. Arthur Riley and daughter and Charles Weiland visited their niece, Miss Frances Helms, recently. Mrs. H. B. Whiting and daughter of Chicago are visiting here. Mrs. Max Beth and son, William Henry, spent, Tuesday with Mrs. Frank Hitchens. Miss Ethel Bell of McHenry visited Tuesday evening in Ringwood. Erickson's big 10-day Bargain Sale is now on. A chance to get some real bargains. West McHenry. OAKS AND nsa mews Sportsmen qjf Ulnois, who visit the State Fair at Springfield, will have aa opportunity to study the work of their Department of Conservation. An elaborate display of many varieties of game birds and fish has been arranged by William J. Stratton, Director of the Department of Conservation. The entire west wall of the Centennial building at the State Fair Grounds has been fitted with large glass tanks. In these tanks will be shown Illinois' native 'fish of different ages. Included in this display will be bass, crappies, sunfish, blue gills, catfish, carp, trout and sturgeon, with possibly some other varieties. ' A large wire enclosed pen in the qame building will house the exhibit Of game birds. Several varieties of pheasants, such as Lady Amherst, Silver, Reeves, Golden and English Ring Neck, will be shown. In the same enclosure will be Blue, Mexican and native Bob White quail. A pool is bating arranged to care for tha Mafltfrd, Pin TWt tod Wood dudes that wffl add audi ipr' thi atuhuob •no nniifiv zor mm Wtif, MOPS than five hundiad eaHoads of these iBfhvaul vatkafc* af fish have been distributed to lafeaa and streams of the state during tba'pawt four years. Six fish luti lieilsa and thfe \p*eiAolined ponds agong rivers are the sources from trftfch *Hiese millions of fish have Almost two pheauwnt eggs and about 15,600 adult quail have also been liberated in all sections of the state. Th* axpenae of all of this, as well as other activities of Che Department, are parid by hunting and fishing licenses, without aid from direct Cimbin** Partaoaaf **hy things that onca aaafwd iiM •isKial and tn«wpen*Sle km kaaa abandoned in aw btnlrt tt^aai bat there are a few things tfcat'wa fansot give up without One of these Is little HUHhsid ttfct we shall ever abandon thfa. «ba* we have once dle(W9i*«4 feat ft If sot only a duty and a prlvflec* bat a Jey. Accepting Apology A lively discussion between two aw led to a row when one told the other he lied. The offended one rushed forward and they clinched. The other pun exclaimed: "I reiterate that you're a liar!" To the astonishment of those around, the aggrieved man let go his hegd. "Oh, well," he said, Hl accept the apology. If a man says he reiterates that's all a gentleman can ask." He did not understand why the bystanders laughed, but tha fight was oft--Boston Transcript imitation Forbidden It fehagalnst the law to nse any paper money which bears a resemblance to United States money. Any paper money which Is used on the stage or for other purposes of this nature most be approved by thejjhlef^of the Wait service, Treasury degiuftment Washington A stage authority My* that "most of the paper money which I11*!?!®*?!!*** the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and two children of Crystal Lake spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Mr and Mrs. Peter Anderson and children of Algonquin and Mrs. Martin Burman and two children of Ban* tavia were Sunday dinner guests at the Blomgren home. Mr. and Mrat Ed. Anderson and family of Cary; were afternoon gueets. In the after* noon the Blomgren family and their guests visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk near Round Lake and were supper guests there. Reed Carr and mother, Mrs. Fannie Carr, and Philip Hoffmann of Spring Grove were Saturday evening callers at the Darrell-Matthews homo. Mrs. Carr remained for a visit with relatives here, Mrs. J. R. Knox and Mrs. Henry Schaeffer of McHenry and Mrs. Albert Murray and daughter Dorothy and son -Albert of Chicago spent Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr and Mrs Henry Geary, Herman Christian, who has been spending the summer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse visited at the home of his parents at Oak Park last week. # Mrs. George Johnson and two sons of Kenosha spent the greater part of last week at the A. i. Amann home. %. Jbhnson spent the week-end there. Mrs. Chas. Bonin visited at the home of Mrs. Nick Peterson near Crystal Lake last Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mrs. Fannie Carr were Sunday afternoon and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. La Doyt Matthews at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bonin and children visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Herman Bonin at Elgin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith and children spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Harris at Wauconda. Mildred HoffWah of Chicago spent Monday morning at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Elvira Darrell. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett spent last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Litwiler at Round Lake. Mrs. Mary Clark and guest, Mrs. Charlotte Knipfel, of Chicago, spent last Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Elvira Darrell. Week-end guests and callers at the C. J. Burnett home were Mr. and Mrs. AI Irwin, Mrs. Almeda Grantham and son Walter of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Grantham of Cary, Mrs. Mary Clark of Roseville, and Mrs. Rohman of Barrlngton. John Blomgren, Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren and Mrs. E. Anderson attended a show at McHenry Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Allie Grantham and tives in Chicago last Thursday and Friday. Misses Lois and Beryl Gilbert of Wauconda called on Miss Myrtle Darrell last Friday afternoon. - J Mr. and Mrs. Allie Grantham and childreen spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kelley at Pingree Grove. Erickson's big 10-day Bargain Sale is now on. A chance to get some real bargains. West McHenry •si' Shakmpmarm Built Up. Language in Writing* When Shakespeare was at the height of his powers, he almost made his language, as the Americans say they do today, as he went along, Dr. George Gordon of Oxford pointed out In a lecture on Shakespeare English before the Royal Institution of London. Referring to the state of the English l&guage in the Sixteenth century, Professor Gordon said there waa no fixed pronunciation or accent and there was neither a standard graaimar nor a standard dictionary. The first quality of Elizabethan and therefore of Shakespearean English was Its hospitality and Its passion for experiment, Its willingness to use every form of verbal wealth, to try everything "once, at least." So far did R go, this movement of linguistic anarchy, declared Professor Gordon, that prudent, word-toarlng men grew alarmed, and later BOW words were blacklisted. Mmrfy laasjitnsa'aai MMdgm The first suspension bridge buHt la Aaiyrlca was a wooden structure erected over the Mohawk rtvfr at Schenectady, N. I.. between 1806 and 1806 bv Theodore Burr, brother ef Aaron Burr. * vaa torn torn* la 1M% crank case The new Vacuum Ventilator in the 1927 Bokk if remove* crankcase vmporg, and protects doted car from engine fumes and nob. TMi the first time this luxury has been attained. ^ 1 , -> quay Built! the V , a 3 EVER BUILT OVERTON St OOWKN Deakrs Phone No. 6 West . £ * ^ RADIO v:f£u We are the authorised dealers in McHenry tat nXXD USEMAKK, CR0BLXT and 0KPBDS BAStO SETS and CUNNINGHAM TUBES RADIO MPAIB8 • Bring ttiat batky set in and let us r&p&tr It for yairjfa radio repair work guaranteed for one year. * Wt repair anything electrical, such at metors, fan, ^ vacuum sweepers, etc. Tbm Radio Shopp* Phone 191 Green Street r,BL .viL DANCE! FOLLOW THE SEARCHLIGHT TO CHANNEL LAKE PAVILION, In* ANTIOCH, ILLINOIS Always assured of a good attendance any nigfcl in the week ^ We have the largest number of attraction* under one roof in Lake County, and we assure our patrous of an enjoyable evening. Dancing is only a small part of our ability tb entertain you, as we have games and sports for both young and old. Come tonight and meet your friends and maityf other charming people. . > V - i* Our popular eight pieoe Blue Devil will entertain yon with their . musia asKil tT"*