Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Nov 1926, p. 3

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. r WWWWIWW v w~ jgy» * »,^ S^A^-^iLv^r5* -jfr*^? ** t. ^ « P / •? !»,_ •"&&,, "*> 2\*~ "4,#^ f *"r'jti "£*A,t "jf hi*k <, <%^s' - ( \ ;.-.._„Vfc - Wv.-*'. . ' KrV* V,'. '* ' 4 " M , f' * V ' ' i"(j" .' "' / *'• • •*.•> -• *-'.V-i.'«W'. &.<•:••&,*.*».'! * >..?; £*.', ">!: "H w. ; *r . * • ir PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, NOV. 4, 19ST SLOCUM'S LAKE Mr. and Mri. H. L Brooks were Irasiness callers at Waukegan and reat Lakes last Tuesday. Miss Edith Koenig-mann of Milwaukee, Wis., and Mrs. Carl Ohrwall and Slaughter of Crystal Lake spent last ."pTriuuy at the J. W. Ffennenstili home, i Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Grantham and *wo children spent Sunday at the Hoirfe of Mr. and Mr?. G. A- Wilson at palatine. t Mr- and Mrs. H. L. Brooks and son, JBarold, spent Sunday at the home of phe latter's daughter, Mrs. Louis Roh- Jfc&n, in Chicago. Willard Darrell called on Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks last Friday. Arthur Wackerow spent Sunday 'ternoon at the home of Mr. and 'rs. Joe Dowell. ^ Mr. and Mrs. George Bagley and ack Haas of Chicago were week-end lests at the Blomgren home. William Brooks of Waukegan spent •iday evening at the home of his irents, Mi', and Mrs. H. L. Brooks. Mrs. Earl Johnston entertained the ^ olly Evening club at her home last ;%uesday evening. Six tables of bun- to were played with Miss Delia Kirt ran making high score and Mrs. Arthur Boehmer taking consolation. A • delightful lunch was served, completing the evening. I Mrs. G. J. Burnett speiit two days . Jast week at the home of her daughter at Round Lake., | Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks called at the William Toynton home at Wauconda Monday morning. Mrs. Harry Matthews and Miss Myrtle Darrell attended a Hallowe'en party at the home of their sister at Crys- ( T'aU coupon mnl 25c entitle the tutcr. a • :.v-rit to rre 35c c«n of Acme Curl" v { fcj.;.n;c'.-Ko*r, say color, gad a apecial ! 20c tkiat £.-u«h. I 0»iJ Nime. " o nfiivt :.nt you with Actne (inl'.y, v»e ure mal nj t *pe- •F^-TJVL t V"' **1 ' Home-- y&*ju$ta place to stay'? Can you point with pride to > your house and say, "There is my home"? Or do you look resentfully, if at all, at the unpainted, unattractive domicile in which you stay? Live row; Dcn't wait for the future to bring you enenjoyment. Beautify your place with Acme Quality liouse Paint. It's durable and economical. You'll enjoy the surprisingly delightful change. You'll begin to live! Incidentally you will increase your property val ue. ACME QUALITY Paint *dVarnish 0$e Acme Quality Paint and Varnish for enduring beautification of all interior and exterior surfaces. Come in and talk paint with us. We will gladly answer all questions. WILLIAM H. ALTHOFF Weak McHenry, DL^ tal Lake last Saturday evening in honor of Mr.s LaDoyt Matthews' Sunday school class. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of near Round Lake spent from Thursday until Monday morning at the Blomgren home. Mr. and Mrs. Lusk left Monday morning for their new home in Chicago, where the former has secured a position in interior decorating. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake accmpanied Myrtle Dar- W" to DeKalb Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son were callers at McHenry last Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and daughter, Dorothy, and I Jack Daley were Sunday dinner ana afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Mr. and Mrs. Loy and two sons and Mr. Loy"s mother and Mrs. Klein of Chicago were Sunday guests at the G. J. Burnett home. Mrs. John Zimmer and Mrs. J. R. Knox of McHenry spent Thursday afternoon and evening at the home of their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith and son of Elgin spent the week-end at the home of the former's parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cook of Zion City, Ed Bacon of Round Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook of Wauconda were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mrs. G. J. Burnett spent an afternoon last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary. Mildred Hoffman spent last Thurs day and Friday in Chicago. She was a Thursday night guest of Mrs. Clement, organist at the Milda theatre. Henry Geary and son, Jack, were business callers at Crystal Lake last Tuesday morning. Vedder Stone and son of Wauconda are decorating and repairing the old farm house on the G. J. Burnett farm. Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, were calling at Crystal Lake last Saturday morning. Sunday afternoon and evening guests at the Henry Geary home were: Mr. and Mrs. John Zimmer and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shaffer and son, Stanley, of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Geary and son of Freemont. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hayford and son, Edwin, *of Crystal Lake were Sunday calleTs at the Darrell-Mat? thews home. V Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and children of Crystal Lake spent last Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Converse. Willard Darrell called on Clayton Tiffany, who is seriously ill at his hos home in Mundelein one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews attended a euchre party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Gossel near Wauconda Monday evening. Mrs. Matthews received ladies' first prize. Mildred Hoffman and Mrs. Willard Darrell were callers at DesPlaines last Wednesday afternoon. Cement workers and carpenters are at work on the H. D. Binks farm for merly known as the Farnsworth farm, and when persent plans are completed, this community will have one of the most modern and up-to-date stock farms and game preserves in Lake county as well as a great show place. All farm buildings are to be reconstructed, a new home erected and the entire farm yard covered with concrete, making a most worthy appearance It is the intention of Mr. Binks to stock the farm with game and protect same. He expects also to have a herd of seventy or more cattle in the spring. Decision as to breed of these cattle has not been definitely made, but will no doubt be either Guernseys or Brown Swiss. Work along these lines is progressing rapidly ^nd it is expected a very noticeable change of scenery will be effected before snow hampers the workmen. Ladies, take a "timely tip.* Buy your Zipper boots and four-buckle overshoes now at Erlckson's Dept. Store, while the stock is complete. Trade in Your Old Tires Now AND HAVE NEW ONES FOR WINTER USE Battery Charging and Vulcanizing All kinds of tire and battery repairs. Ail repair work guaranteed., WILLARD AND GLOBE BATTERIES STANDARD MAKES OF TIRES GUARANTEED Walter J. Freund Tire and Battery Shop WEST M'HENRY, ILL. VOLO Delmer C. Townsend is visiting his brother and family at Brookings. S. Dak. Mrs. Joseph Vogt spent several days with Mrs. Ray Fitch of Waukegan. Mrs. Jay Vasey and daughters visited at McHenry Saturday. Harvey Williams of Grayslake spent the week-end with his aunt, Mrs. D. C. Townsend. Orland Raether of Algoma, Wis., was a week-end guest of Miss Berhice Johnson. William Rossdautscher of Joliei, Is spending a few days with relatives here. Miss Mary Vogt is visiting her cousin, Miss Myrtle Krause, of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Renner and son of Chicago were Sunday visitors of Joe Vogt. Mr. and Mrs. A. Paddock are visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. D. V. Smith, of Chicago. Miss Neoma Raether motored to Milwaukee Saturday to spend the week-end with relatives. Mrs. Earl Paddock was a McHenry visitor on Friday. ' Charles Wait erf East Troy, Mich., is visiting his sister, Mrs. Arthur Baumer, at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of Chicago visited their parents, Lou Lusk, Sunday. Mrs. John Rosing and children, Ernest and Charlotte, visited at Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Wait visited their daughter, Mrs. Stroker, of Gilmer Sunday. Part of the Lou Lusk family have returned to the old homestead vacated by their son, Raymond. ' ^ Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Perkins and family, also Grandpa Perkins, spent the week-end with the Jay Vasey family. Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Nulta of Chicago visited at Fred Converse's Thurs day. F. Hankie, Earl Jacobson and Jo£ Pasfield left Tuesday for Califonia. L. L. Mullens of Chicago and William Frost of Round Lake were Sunday visitors at C. G. Benwell's. Arthur Peterson visited his aunt, Mrs. Eddy, of McHenry on Sunday last. Howard Converse is reported as being on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Townsend motored to Wilmont Sunday. Nearly everyone from here attend ed the Hallowe'en party given at the Brick school, Friday evening and a good time was reported by all. E. K. Townsend transacted business at Waukegan on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alba Peterson of McHenry spent Sunday at the Earl Paddock residence. Mr. and Mrs. A. Paddock were Waukegan shoppers Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tumbull and family of Wauconda visited the latter's parents Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mutaw of Waukegan transacted business at Doc Rossdeutcher's Friday. Mr .and Mrs. Harry Lusk and family spent Sunday at Lou Lusk's. Miss Nellie Harvey of Grayslake spent Monday with her daughter, Mrs. D. C. Townsend. Ladies, take a "timely tip." Buy your Zipper boots and four-buckle overshoes now at Erickson's Dept. Store, while the stock is complete. BINGWOOD 3svo©7<> increase in 12 Y cars The i ai>id growth of Leath stores from one to twenty-nine in twelve years is due to Leath'a consistently lower price* for good furniture. You positively do save quite a bit at Leath'®. A Ix-atti Store Is New Too 76 Grtvc Aft. Rock ford--502 W. State WL> ' Aurora--27 Island Av«« Dnbnquc--S7C Main St. v Frecport--5-7 W. Main 8i». fcloit--429 E. Grand Ave. Waterloo--506 La Fayette 8tjotiet- 215 E. Jefferson St. Jane*vi U*--2M w MHwaokcc St. Cau Claire--«4>3 S. BcrstoW St. Oahkash--11 Main St. Pmria--32$ S. A^una 9L Doeatar--ll:i N. Water Sir Madiaon--11? State St. Creen Bay--«•! W. W»faut St. r*n4 4a Lac--M N. Main St. Mania--IIS W. WaAtactM St. Baapaataa--2IJ R. M«hi St o A. LEATH & CO. William Simes of McHeary spent Tuesday morning in Ringwood. Mrs. Lewis Schroeder spent Tuesday afternoon in .Hebron wtih relatives. Miss Cora Beth and Mrs .Maxwell Beth and son, William, spent Tuesday afternoon in Richmond. Joseph Kottner of Spring Grove was a Ringwood caller on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Wednesday in Janesville. Mrs. Henry Heinz of Crystal Lake spent Wednesday with her mother, Mrs. George Harrison. Mr. and Mr& Charles Stephenson spent Wednesday in Woodstock with relatives. The Home Circle will meet with Mrs. Bertha Whiting on November 10th instead of Mrs. Nellie Dodge's as intended. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Klintworth and son are visiting relatives in Michigan. Ralph Smith came out from Chicago and spent* the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown. Mrs. A. W. Smith visited her daughter in Chicago a few days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Hughes of McHenry visited her father, W. E. Smith, on Sunday. ^ There were quite a few attended the bazaar at Solon Mills on Thursday. Mr:. Charles Stephenson spent Thursday with her brother, C. H. Carr, and wife. Miss Eleanor Dodge ^pent Wednesday doing shopping in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webster and family of Greenwood spent Thursday eveninp in Ringwood. Miss Byrd Hodge was a caller in Ringwood one day this week. About $40.00 was cleared at the pageant held in the M. W A. hall on last Thursday evening. Wayne Foss of Greenwood spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Rillah Foss. Miss Arlyne Harrison spentthe week-end at McHenry. Mrs. Laura Brown and Mrs. Lewis Schroeder spent Friday afternoon in SfcHenry." Mrs. Clarence Ritter and two children of Deerfield spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pay. C. W. Harrison spent Saturday afternoon at McHenry. Miss Laura Weter spent the weekend with her parents at Hebron. Mrs. Max Beth and son, William, who have been visiting here, have returned to their home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephensen spent Saturday morning in Woodstock. Mrs. Lewis Schroeder attended the football game at Woodstock last Saturday. Mr. tuid Mrs. Robert Schuetze of Monroe spent the week-end in the Dr. 1B...I1ii>, I,;;* .•nrTTfrwp' -i -- - J Miss Ethel Whiting of Irving Park spent the week-end with her grandmother, Mrs. Ellen Whiting. Mrs. Rita Hopper and son, Elmer, spent Saturday afternoon in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hitchens spent the week-end in Chicago visiting her brother, v/hc has been very ill. K. M. Bradley spent the week-end with his family here. Mr .and Mrs. Henry Williams and family visited in McHenry Sunday. DMrs. Oliver Lawrence was a McHenry caller on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chicago spent Sunday in the E. C. Hawley home. Floyd Hopper of McHenry spent Sunday in the home of his mother, Mrs. Ruth Hopper. Clarence Ritter of Deerfield spent Sunday in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown were out of town callers Sunday. Mrs. Fannie Hplder left on a month's vacation to visit relatives in Indiana. Ed Thompson and Mrs. William Mc- Cannon, Mrs. Claus Larsen, Mrs. Nick Young and daughter and Mrs. Paul Meyers attended a party at the home of Mrs. Steve Ingalls at Spring Grove last Wednesday. Joseph Young and family spent Tuesday at Math Glossen's. Mr. and Mrs. John Sanborn of Spring Grove spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Franzen. Mrs. Claus Larsen entertained at a chicken dinner Tuesday and those present were: Mrs. John Keg, Mrs. Roy Smith, Mrs. Paul Meyers and Mrs. George Worts of McHenry and Mrs. Ed Thompson and Mrs. Nick Young. The afternoon was spent in tying a quilt for the hostess. Mrs. William McCannon entertained company on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and son, Stanley, spent Monday in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. James Bell and Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent Tuesday evening at Mrs. Ed Thompson's. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Saturday evening at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLaughlin and daughter, Julia, William Beth and daughter, Cora, spent Saturday evening in Woodstock. Miss Adele Young and Joe Weber also Miss Evelyn Maynard and Leo Blake spent Sunday at Waukegan Mrs. D. A. Abbott and her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Sanborn, left for a two weeks visit at Terre Haute, Indi Mrs. Clay Hughes of McHenry spent Monday with her father, W. E Smith. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Sunday with relatives at Delevan. Mr. and Mrs. Chares F. Krohn and daughters spent Sunday afternoon in the Irving'Walker home Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buchert and daughter, Betty Jane, of Richmond spent one evening this week in the C. D. Bacon home Little Gladys Shepherd is improving very slowly from her recent illness. Mrs. Clarence Ritter and two children of Deerfield spent the week-end wtih her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fay. C. W. Harrison spent Saturday afternoon at McHenry. Miss Laura Weter spent the weekend with her parents at Eft|bron. . Mrs. Max Beth and son, William, who have been visiting here, have returned to their home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephenson spent Saturday morning in Woodstock. Mrs. Lewis Schroeder attended the football game at Woodstock last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuetze of Monroe spent the week-end in the Dr. Hepburn home. Ladies, take a "timely tip." Buy your Zipper boots and four-buckle overshoes now at Erickson's Dept. Store, while the stock is complete. SPRING GROVE Miss Margaret Alwilder entertained seven little girl friends at her home Saturday afternoon, the event being Hallowe'en it is needless to say the little girls had a good time. The home was decorated for the occasion, Mrs. George Weiland of Chicago also attended. Miss Laura Winn, the public school teacher, treated her pupils to a surprise Friday afternoon with a program and she also served candy and nuts, which was greatly enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. Charles May and son were Sunday guests at the Anton May home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank May and son were Chicago passengers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Steven's home was a scene of pleasure Friday evening, the event being a Hallowe'en party given fix honor of their family. The house was appropriately decorated and the guests which numbered fortyfive enjoyed themselves with cards and games. At a late hour a tempting lunch was served. Mr?= Charles Rehmps and daughter Dorothy were Chicago passengers Saturday. / Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pierce attended the Hallowe'en party at Chester Stevens Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Clark and famly are spending a few weeks at Greenwood in the home of Walter Hoff who is taking treatments at Rochester, Minn. Silas Pierce, Mrs. Mark Pierce, Mrs. Lysle Pierce and Gerald Pierce motored to Richmond Thursday. Mrs. Mike Rauen entertained the 500 club Thursday at her home. Mr. and Mrs. McGee of Solon Mills, were Thursday callers at the latter's sister, Mrs. Mark Pierce's. Raymond Pepping is numbered among the sick. J. J. Freund was a Chicago passenger Friday. William Bracken moved his family to Kenosha Thursday where they exect to make their future home. Joseph Kattner and Ed Bohner. were Chicago passengers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Behmes and daughter, Dorothy, motored to Zenda Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoff of Chicago called at Mrs. John Sanborn's Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Bell and daughter of Ringwood called in the homes CrimsonHeatrir^rias Others may claim to be as rood, but thera Is no mibatitute for -- CRIMSON HEAT A Rub for Pains, Achas and Soranasw The First Aid For Oalds tat Chest, Neuritis, Neural* via, Rheumatic Pains, Lmba|0, Stiff Neck, Headache, •••Imcha, Cresp, Sprala*, Artrtng Feet, Sore Joints and MbmIm. Ufca.t wherevrr pain, inflammation, wnigwtiog er itching exiuiR A bouaehotd ntonaity--keep it an hand alwaye Insist upon gatting the CRIMSON HEAT. Look for tnd^ mark on package. In handy tubes, 60c. Your druiririiit will get it for you. Or if you prafsv we will send it postpaid upon receipt of pric% SHE Ali*EN CO.. iU7 Finest.. St. Louis. Ma THOMAS P. BOLGER "The McHenry Druggist" of Mrs. Bertha Esh and Joseph Rauen last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Franzen Ringwood were Sunday guests wi relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kersting and two sons of Hope North Dakota, who have spent the past week with their uncle and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Oxtoby, left Thursday morning for Baltimore. Miss Stella and Viola Roepke spent the week-end at Waukegan with Miss Bertha Roepke. Miss Evelyn and Bernice Bell of Elgin spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bern BelL Mrs. Robert Sutton of Solon transacted business here Saturday. Mrs. Grace Gardner, who has been spending the past two weeks at Waukesha, returned home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Peterson motored here from Chicago Saturday to spend Sunday at their cottage at Grass Lake. Ladies, take a "timely tip." Buy your Zipper boots and four-buckle overshoes now at Erickson's Dept. Store, while the stock is complete. Advice to the Cockwurm Any time you feel absolutely man 0t the quotation you're going to^ us* look It up. American Common School* The common schools of America had their beginning in Massachusetts In 163t>. The Boston town meeting tal that year asked PL .lemon I'urniont to become schoolmaster and voted Mm 80 acres of land in part payu^ent for bis serricea. The school be organised later btc^ma tbe Boston Latin school, baa had a continuous cdstexraQ tP tbe present (jay. The example set tfcr Boaton was followed by Other colonial setfhsm^lti In tbe following ten years. In l6ff Ae general court of Massachusetts m every town having 50 famines to appoint a teacher. At the snm<» ni»a townaMpe having 100 families wvflk refttlred to establish a grammaf fnoot t» prepare rouths for c«iHpge. Vn lew establishing these two gradsa Of •choois laid the foundation of ffca Dobtic sc£oql system In tha GnnA States.--fexchanca . ' Anger Exposes Defects He Fubmtts himself to be SSSB through n microscope who suffers self to be caught in a fit of Exchange. Splitting Kicm Wte crystal can be split to a ness of less than one-half ef one as»> thousandth of an Inch. MILLER'S STORE | GENERAL MERCHANDISE "A Good Place to Trade in 411 Kinds of Weathar" Jos, J. Miller,Prep. ;; Phone 114-R McHenry, HI ; To CHICAGO fmm McHenry--Graym Lake Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago--the "loop." Lv. McHenry 7:35 am Lv. Grays Lake 8:15 am Arr. Waukegan BdinaCt. 8:57 am Arr. Chicago 10:05 am Arr. Milwaukee 10:35 am 11:00 am 11:40 am (2:13 pas 2.-02 pas 1:55 pm 5:15 pa 5:55 pas 6:27 pm 8:05 pm 7:35 pa Oricago North Shore A Miiwailcee K.B.Gtb WEBER * SCH1ESSLE Laeal Agents West McHaary '"t Dispersal Sale of the John L. Nicholson Herd Beginning at IX o'clock 55 Head of Pure Bred Registered Holstein Cattle [TB Tested] 26 Cows 29 Heifers V: Including this Herd Sire - Bell Farm Tosch Pride Registry No. 374363 •S >'• x / BIRCHMONT FARM, Ingleslde, HI. Walter H. Brandenburg, Prop.' Located 2 miles tiorth of Veto Tel. McHearjr asa-J-X Robert E. Haeger, Auctioneer 6* J. Carey, Clerk

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