Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Nov 1926, p. 5

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THE M HENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, NOV. 18, 1926 !>•»•»« 11 »»»»»»•»»»»•«»••»•••»••»«»i > >»»»»»»••»»•»»•» |i • •4 K/'*V: &• <' '• "• " 1 mL m Thanksgiving Day Is near at hand. We do not serve Thanksgiving dinners, but we do serve some mighty tasty lnnches. you are hungry come on over t# KARLS' i Wl »••••••»•• 11U M I M \W%f* The U. S. Husker Haveadded some fine improvements on their • ' H u s k e r s . > • ' V * " • ; ? / If anyone i# planfcmg rra bnyiBg a htiskef they will be^ doing themselves a favor by looking over the new U. S. Huskers. WE SELL THEM Phone 100 GRAYSLAKE, ILL. ' • •• • - * ' - •' • s We Have Kept Faith KENT The foundation of a successful radio business MUST be built upon SERVICE. We pride ourselves in the fact that* we have been able to keep faith with the hundreds who have radios in their hemes purchased from .us. An efficient, courteous radio engineer is at your aecvicp at all times. See the new One-Dial Control. t ATWATER KENT RADIO SETS Terms Can Be Arranged KNOX MOTOR SALES Exclusive Dealers Phones 30 and 3V M'HENRY v*H#C s Lovely Linens Beautiful table linens are a mark of refinement. *• Our large selection of lovely linens wilfdelight ?very housewife. Our prices-are extremely low, practically the same as twenty years qgo. Beautiful patterns of fine quality 70-iuch wide ^jdamask at per Yard, $2.25 and $1.50 -64 inch half bleached, a lasting quality of table linen at per yard $1.00- oirs W«t McHearjr Oiviti Opera Company Opens Its Second Week The spectacular splendor of Chicago's opening week of opera, rivaled by the social significance emparted to the second week by the visit of Queen Marie of Roumania to the great Civic institution last Tuesday evening, will find an echo in the third week through the brilliance of the repertoire, commencing next Monday evening, Nov. 27, with an all-start performance of "Carmen." The closing days of the current week are of outstanding importance, for instance, tonight, Thursday, Nov. 18, brings a feast of novelty, the first performance of Donizetti's "Daughter of the Regiment," heard in Chicago in two generations, and the first performance ever given by Chicago's resident company, also affording the first expensive performance of divertissements offered by the ballet this seapon. Friday evening brings the first presentation of the year of "La" Juive" (The Jewess). The cast will embrace Rosa Raisa, Eide Norena, Charles Marshall, Jose Mojica, Desire Defere. Alexander Kipnis; Serge Oukdainsky, Helene Samuels, and the £orps de ballet; Weber conducting. : For Saturday matinee, Nov. 20, ^Resurrection" will be repeated with •the same great cast with which it was •first sung this season. Saturday evening introduces "RigflJetto" at popular prices. Monday, Nov. 22, "Carmen" brings forward Mary Garden, Eide Norena, Fernand Ansseau, Eduuard Cotreuil and Giacotno Rimini in ttie leading roles, surrounded by Anna Hamlin, Loma Doone Jackson, Jose Mojica. Erneste Toria, Desire Defrere, Eugenio Correnti, and others. There Will be incidental dances by Serge Oukrainsky, assisted by Miles. Shermont, Nemeroff, Samuels, and Chapman, and the entire corps de ballet will be seen in the fourth act. Maestro Polacco will conduct. Tuesday brings a repeat performance of "II Trovatore," with Muzio, Lenska, Misgen, Lindi, Mojica, Boneilli, and Merelate. Weber conducting, w Wednesday brings a repeat of melodious "Lucie di Lammermoer," with Dal Monte, Coris, Rimini, and Co- -treuil. St. Leger conducting. Thursday, TTianksgiving day, will have as solace for those who dine not too wisely but too well, tuneful, melodious, and atmospheric "La Boheme" with the same great cast with which the popular Puccini opera was restored to the repertoire on the third night of the season--Mason, Pavloska, Cortis, Oliviera, Montesanto, Lazzari, Trevisan; Polacco conducting. There will be no performance Friday evening, as the company goes to Milwaukee to sing "Aida" as the opening of a series of three Friday performances. Saturday afternoon is given over to the premiere of "La vena delle Beffe," and in the evening "Resurrection" will be repeated at popular prices. Sunday afternoon, Nov. 28, the Suburbanites special performance will be devoted to "The Jewels of the Madonna," repeated by special request. The cast will include Raisa, Lenska, Lamont, Rimini; Moranzeni conducting. Serge Oukrainsky, Miles. Marie Nemeroff, Viola Shermont, and the Oorps de ballet will contribute incidental dances. Because of the universal practice of making arrangements early for New Year's Eve parties, the management has shattered traditions by announcing the bill for that night. Ordinarily a full week is the arbitrary limit for future announcements, but on this occasion it is made known that ,tiie long promised treat for Mozart enthusiasts will provide the bill--an Elaborate all-star presentation of "Don Giovanni." The special prices iisual for New Year's Eve--$1.50 to $10.00-- will prevail and mail orders will be accepted now and filled later in the sequence of their receipt. The cast will include Raisa, Mason, Loring, Schipa, Vanni-Marcoux, Lazarri, Kipnis, Trovisan; Polacco conductining. VINOL HELPS NERVOUS RUN DOWN MAN BOWLING LEAGUES On Tuesday night the Dodge team played the Alexanders, winning ttfo out of three games. Dodger- - 1st 2nd 3rd Tot. . game game game H. ftpeotM* 134 124 157 415 Gunderson 115 162 208 485 Logenbach .... 150 129 142 421 R. Weber .... 153 125 131 Carlson 15© 176 145 409 480 711 716 783 2210 Team average 736.2-3. Alexander!-- Schaefer 152 152 131 435 Good ell 164 120 133 417 Halpin 125 125 125 375 Sayler 162 127 132 421 Johnson 144 129 199 472 "Before taking Vinol, I was rundown, nervous and irritable. Now, I feel like another person."--R. McCoy. Vinol is a simple, strengthening iron and cod liver compound in use for over 25 years for sickly, nervous women, run-down men and m*eak children. The very FIRST week you take Vinol, you begin to feel stronger, eat and sleep better. Contains no oil--you'll like its pleasant Jftste.--Thomas P. Bulger, Druggist. STOMACH SO BAD CANT EAT EVEN FRUIT "For years was badly constipated .And troubled with gas after eating. Could not eat fruit and many other l£hing$. Adlerika has done me good --can now eat anything." (signed) W. H. Fletcher. Adlerika removes GAS and often brings astonishing relief to the stomach. Brings out a surprising amount of old waste matter you never thought was in the system. Stops that full bloated feeling and makes you enjoy eating. Excellent for chronic constipation.--Thomas P. Bulger, Druggist. Crimson Heat Othcra may claim to be bp irood. bat th«n to no nibititiite for-- s CRIMSON HEAT A Rib for Pains, Ac has and torinm The Firct Aid For tat Citest, Neuritis, Nesisl gia, RtosiwliePai--, 1 ssit>|i, fctliaiaiitos, nasfcaehs, Addag fMt, I'm it wiaiw pain, inflammation, i or itching axiata. • koudicU MMMtj--BMP it on bud always. Jnaiat upon gattbi* tfc* genuine CRIMSON HEAT. Look for trade- A mark on package. In bandy tabaa. Me. Yoor - druggist will get it far you. Or if yoa prefer *we will aend it paatpaid upon receipt of price, •rug Ai -PE-N CO_ 1127 Pine St.. St Loui*, . THOMAS P. BOLGrER "The MeHenry Druggist" • . 747 653 720 2120 , Team average 706 2-3. Intke Business Men's league the Ford Atwater Rents played the Dodge team, winning three out .of three games Friday night. 1st 2nd 3rd Tot. ; ; game game game Ford Atwater Kents-- Page .... 180 109 Granger 226 150 Harrison 142 153 Ed Buss 144 T. Schiessle .. 125 145 125 1&9 145 148 129 125 448 521 443 418 375 Dodge-- Kreutzer R. Weber .. Logenbach .. Gunderson .. Carlson #17 682 706 2205 Team average 735. .. 147 .. 96 .. 125 .. 118 .. 189 109 125 129 125 145 165 125 88 130 401 420 375 320 414 680 687 673 1930 Team average 643 1-3. George Weber's team played J. E. Freund's team in the Forrester's Bowling league last Thursday night, winning two out of three games. 1st 2nd 3rd Tot. game game game Schaefer 188 197 185 520 Meyers . 154 117 145 416 N. Winegart 96 105 200 J. Miller • .•«••• 82 "F 82 J. Schneider . 146. 134 154 434 J. E. Freund. . 149 144 201 494 682 674 790 2146 Team average 715 1-3. Geo. Weber's team- H. Weber . 144 160 113 41? J. Schaefer ... . 147 160 174 581 P. Freund ... . 125 88 213 H. Miller | 125 125 Ed Freund ... . 193 168 145 506 G. Weber . 167 140 156 463 ~7t6 753 676 2206 Team average 735. George Weber's team played Blake's team on Monday night, winning two opt of three games. 1st H. .....? 188 J. Schaefer .... 125 H. Miller 174 E. Freund .... 185 G. Weber 182 2nd 3rd Tot. game game 119 205 512 133 139 397 139 150 463 165 168 468 175 132 489 804 722 794 2280 Team average 773 1-8. Blake's team- W. Heimer ... 89 159 152 400 E. Smith 125 156 136 417 H. Blake ..... 122 184 104 420 G. Freund .... 115 141 162 418 P. Meyers .. 191 155 176 522 642 815 730 217* Team average 729. PERSONALS John R. Knox was a Waukegan visitor Tuesday. Mrs. J. Rj Smith spent Thursday at Ringwood. Mr .and Mrs. William Althoff spent Monday in- Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Weber spent Tuesday in Chicago. Art Groom of Elburn, 111., visited reatives here Armistice Day. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rothermel ani children were Elgin visitors Monday* Mrs. F. E. Boger and daughter, Elizabeth, spent Saturday in Chicago. The Lunch Box Cor. Waukegan and Elgin Roads Qverheard in the Lunch Box: Jimmy: "What does that sigK mean, "Please do not ask for credit?" Dick: "That means your face looks good to Mrs. Heimer but she can't put it in her cash register." ^ MRS P. J. HEIMER, Prop. Phone 202-M Hollow Grinding on Ice Skates alao Repairing and Overhauling on sewing machines and victrolas done perfectly.. No matter how badly your rugs are worn we weave them into new ones. AVe also weave Raff Bugs. Phone 162 West MeHenry Mrs. Roy Hankermeyer of Waukegan visited friends here one day last week. Miss Laura Weber spent*, several days this week as a guest of her sister in Chicago. Mrs. Anna Blake and Miss Alvina Freund visited with relatives in Chicago last week. "--v E. p. Dietz and Cla^a Brefeld of Chicago visited in the home of Jacob Freund Saturday. Mrs. John Carey and family attended the funeral of Walter Carey at Wiimot, Wis., Wednesday. Miss Eva Stilling of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stilling. Miss Berteel Spencer of Chicago spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Monroe and daughter, Betty, of Elgin were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Krause on Sunday. (Mr .and Mrs. Gus Peters and family of Woodstock spent Thursday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Phalin. ' ^ The Misses Ahrera Heimer and Dorothy Mathews were guests of friends in the city Monday and Tuesday of the week. Mr. and Mrs. William Burke and Mr. and Mrs. John Zimmer were Sunday evening supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Bonslett and spent the evening playing cards. Mrs. J. Carey and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey, Mr. and Mrs. John Phalin, Mrs. Paul Doherty, Mrs. George Phalin, Mn. John Relihan and Francis Bonslett attended the funeral services for Walter Carey at Wiimot Wednesday. PLA1NDEALER WANT ADS GET RESULTS Quickly -- Economically If you do not happen to have the time to call here with your advertisement, simply phone it to us. We will do the rest, mailing yon a bill, if you are a subscriber to the telephone, oar. W this s «) paper. Phone 170 Hart * Mara 1 < ' i s C°Mriffc< 1924 Mart Schanncr k Mani °i# WHAT AN--OVERCOAT SHOULD DO FOR YOU Give you style Qive you warmth Give you service ' » It will if tailored by Hart Schaffnfcr & Man $35 $40 $45 Otf^ at $25 dn& $30 Shoulders are wide; lines are easy and straight; there's a little more length. The colors are dusted blue,- dusk grey and Cedarwood tan. Q * -V; ,J Qreen Street McGEE'S MeHenry, Illinois / "safer c

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