Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Dec 1926, p. 2

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; ;* V : "R .*?: • & *.; MB MHENRY PLAINDEALER, THOTUKDAT, DM. •, ^ < w '•$ '.~> ' -* fc-'TE* wr ygr-*** ••\y&r*t% *>•?•?•*•*. t |for« Than Ht Bargained For Paul JUontgoitiery went to ft dance |b e country town op In Iowa one flight. He met a girl there w*o was nattier easy to look at and after danc- |i| with her several times asked If |M couUl "see her bom#." She said •n. When It came time to go Paul Earned she lived live miles oat In the fount r> and hnd ridden a bicycle to tie dfince. He had to walk to her fcotnc and lead the blcydte.--Capper's jreekiy,_ Farm Loans •ft, 5M% or 5Wfa, depending f on value of land per acre ^ . Prompt Service BAVINGS BANK OF KEWANEE Kewanee, Illinois 0. W. KLONTZ, M. D. " Physician aod Surgeon (Also treating all diseases of the Eye* i Ear. Nose and Threat and doing 'fj Refraction) Office Hours--8 to 9 a. nu, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence--Kent Hone-- South of City Hall, Waukegan St Phone 181 McHenry, I1L WM. M CARROLL Lawyer Office with Kwt A Company Every Wednesday Phone 34 McHenry, 111. (telephone No. 106-R. Stoffel & Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes of property in the beat companies. WEST McHENRY, t: ILLINOIS --^ PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ; Audits Systems Income and Inheritance Tax Matters -r^r-- Member of PobUe Accountants Association of Illinois 396-J McHenry, I1L 126-W. Reasonable Rates A. H. SCHAEFER Drayiag McHENRY, ILLINOIS iw*<-- Insure-1b Sore-Insurance -- WITH Wm. G. Schreiner Auctioneering ' OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Phone 93-R McHENRY, ILL KUNZ^WOTHBRS Ltc&l and Long Distance Hauling Phone 204-J McHenry, HL f fe- H: • Sfcl Old Fashioned Buckwheat or a t' Self-Rising Buckwheat We Have Them Both This is the time of year when, buckwheat cakes are mighty good. Order today, Manufactured by Ncllein flour Mills War. MOAwu#. 111. Dcs. McChesney & Brown (INCORPORATED) DENTISTS Dr. L W. Brown . . Dr. R. M. Walker Established over 45 years *"d still doing business at the old ^u^.'Tioneers in First Class IWKtry at Moderate Prices. Aak your neighbors and friends about us. 8. B. Cor. Clark & Randolph St. 145 N. Clark St., Chicago Daily 8 to 5, Sundays 9 to 11 ~ Central 2M7 WV Js a prescription for Grippe, Fin, Ifefigiie Bilious Fever and Malaria WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY As Been By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In By Our Friends Mat Laures spent Friday in Chicago* John L. Knox spent Friday in Chicago. Clara Schiessle spent Tuesday in Chicago. Theresa Knox apent Thursday in Chicago. Miss Clara Freund spent Sunday in Chicago. Mrs. John Stilling spent Tuesday at Chicago. Mrs. Lewis ^McDonald spent Friday at Elgin. ~ Miss Pearl Claxton spent Saturday in Chicago. Mrs. Nellie Bacon spent Saturday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman spent Friday at Elgin, R. I. Overton was a Chicago passenger Tuesday. Miss Inez Bacon *rna an Elgin caller Saturday. W. J. Welch was a visitor at Hebron Friday. Miss Doris Bacon was an Elgin visitor Saturday. ' 1 • Miss Anna Friabj; .WM' a Chicago visitor Saturday. Miss Nellie Doherty spent Saturday in Chicago. Miss Mildred Welch spent Saturday in Chicago. Florence Antholx - was an Elgin caller Saturday. Mrs. Thomas Phalin spent one day last week in Chicago. T. W. Winkle is serving on the jury at Woodstock this week. Misses Doherty and Jean Matthews spent Friday in Chicago. • Miss Vera Doherty spent several days last week in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Purvey visited at Waukegan on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walsh were Waukegan visitors Saturday. Mrs. John Schuenaman spent last week with relatives in Chicago. Miss Vena Foulds of Berwyn spent the week-end with friends here. Misses Pauline and Adele Pufahl were Chicago visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund visited at Arlington Heights on Sunday. H. J. Schuenamann of Chicag© spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. George Phalin visited relatives at Woodstock on Sunday. Misses Ernestine Freund and Anita Bacon spent Saturday at Waukegan. Laura Michels spent the week-end with relatives and friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winkleman of Elgin spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. Foulds of Alton, III., spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. Martha Page. Miss Theresa Brefeld spent several days last week with relatives at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Engeln and children spent Sunday with relatives at Volo. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lonergan and children of Chicago spent Sunday in McHenry. Mrs. C. Unti spent several days the last <of the week visiting friends in Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin of Round Lake were visiting in McHenry Thursday, Mrs. Ann Howard and son of Elgin spent Sunday with her father, Mat. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. John Knox and family spent Sunday with relatives at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Laures and children spent Thursday with relatives at Crystal Lake. Mrs. E. J. Buss returned the last of the week, after spending several days at Waukegan. Mrs. W. J. Welch and daughter, Mildred, spent Sunday with relatives at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Durland and | family of Chicago spent Sunday with j relatives here. j Mr. and Mrs. George Zorn of Janesi ville, Wis., visited relatives in this 1 vicinity Sunday. ! John Engeln and P. W. Engeln went to Chicago Friday, where they saw the prize fight. Mrs. Mary Powers and daughter, Jean, spent the week-end with relj atives at Round Lake. I Raymond T. Murray of Geneva, 111., w»« a caller at the Thomas McLaughlin home on Saturday. Mercedes Bolger of Woodstock visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doherty on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and daughter of Ringwood spent Sunday with home folks here. Miss Cornelia Freund of Chicago spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Landgren and daughter, Elaine, of Crystal Lake visited relatives here Monday. Mrs. A. Butler of Chicago spent a few days last week with hex parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson and daughter, Betty Jean, of Chicago visited relatives here on Sunday. Misses Elizabeth, Edith and Josephine Purvey of Crystal Lake visited relatives here on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Yaughn Jones of Maywood spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell. Mr. and Mrs. George Kamholz and little son of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz. Mrs. Elizabeth Laures spent the first of the week with her daughter, Mrs. E. Landgren, at Crystal Lake. Mrs. John Engeln and Mrs. P. W. Engeln were Chicago visitors Friday, where they saw "Sweetheart Time" at the Garrick. Mr. and Mrs. James Marshall and daughter, Jane, of Champaign, HI., spent last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cobb and family. Thomas Knox is spending a few weeks at his home here, while recovering from an injury to his hand. Mr. Knox is an engineer on the Chi- BOWLING LEAGUES \ On Monday night of last week, Nov. 29, George Weber's team played J. E. Freund's team in the Forester, Bowling league, winning-two out of three games. - v J~< 1st 2nd 3rd Tot. fame game game H. Schaeftr V... 177 187 179 493 B. Meyers 152 152 134 433 Winegart 147 96 148 391 J. Schneider .. 152 21S 186 501 J. E. Freund.. 173 145 183 451 801 748 780 2274 Team average 758. H. Weber 167 184 156 507 J. SchaefpC .... 161 135 188 434 Freund 158 129 121 403 E. Freund .... 139 200 1S1 520 G. Weber ...... 157 175 150 482 * . » ' ? 777 823 746 2346 . Team average 782. On Thursday night, Dec. 2, Geo. Justen's team played Paul Myers' team and won all three games Justen's-* > 1st 2nd 3rd Tot. tame game game J. Webesr'ii*^ 154 137 182 473 W. Smith; -.... 159 176 190 525 E. Boiger ^ i4© 169 155 464 Nye ...-- .w. 170 148 132 450 G. Justea > .... 146 127 140 413 IS 757 799 2325 Team average 775. Meyers'-^, v W. Heimer • 122 146 181 399 A. Blake .. .... 168 120 173 461 E. Smith .. ,... 134 168 106 408 G. Freund .. 146 110 113 369 P. Meyers .. .... 147 196 166 508 Twice To Id Tales 1 Interesting Bita ef Ne*s Taken Jfrojn tlie Columns of m:ki Plaindealer Fifty and Twenty-ire Age V 712 740 689 2141 ' Tram average 713 2-3. In the Business Men's league the December, 18TI A few of the JCmas suggestions which appear in F. D. Smith's ad: Furs, dress patterns, shawls, felt skirts, elegant sets of jewelry, cloak patterns and scores of fancy articles which are ornamental and useful. Thursday And Friday of last week were the coldest days of the season, the thermometer ranging from 18 to 24 degrees below zero. The river is now completely closed and ean be crossed with safety at any point* R. Bishop A Son have pot into their miH a machine for mating patent floor. The auction sale of W. W. Golf last week footed up as follows: Total sales $1639.50. The cows soldi for |1^5.50^ an average of $45.18 per December, 1901 It is expected that a new iron bridge will soon be a reality. A gang of mere has been here this week putting up the false work in preparation for the iron which will arrive in a few days. It's a cold job and no one can envy Atwater Kents' played the Dodges' on j the workmen their positions. Tuesday night, Nov. 30, winning two j A new and modern depot would'be out of three games'. Fords'-- Page 146 Granger 137 Harrison Schiessle Buss ..... 159 ~ 136 .. 179 17® 179 132 143 1*7 132 183 43 136 8TN^ 757 820 788 2365 Team average 788 1-3. 406 Dodges'-- Kreutzer 149 121 136 R. Weber....... 164 187 179 Longenbach ~ 147 124 159 C. /Weber' ^ 168 146 163 Gundersoitv..™ 159 175 125 787 753 762 2302 Team average 767 1-3. On Fridky night, Dec. 3, the Alexenders played the McHenry Lumber Co. boys and won two out of three games. / McHenry Lumber Co.-- ' 1st tui JM Tot. game game game Winkle 154 152 156 462 H. Weber ...... 180 140 162 H. Hughes 139 135 125 G. Weber 168 177 168 R. Thompson 193 ' 122 198 482 399 513 513 <834 726 809 2369 Tfeam average 789 2-3. Alexanders-- '• H. Schaefer .. 182 139 147 Petesch .......... 198 160 187 Goodell ,...101 128 135 Halpin 160 166 166 SaylHr 168 134 19T 469 545 364 492 499 809 727 832 2368 Tfcam average . 789 l^L : TERRA COTTA Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan spent Saturfday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sund at Carpenterville. Harold Knox was a Chicago visitor Friday* and attended the International Live Stock Show. Irvin Lawrenz of Chicago spent Sunday with friends here. " Misses Florence and Marie Knox spent Saturday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Bolger and family visited at the home of D. A. Powers Sunday. Mrs. M. Knox, son, Harold, and daughters called on relatives in Woodstock Sunday. Miss Clara Klein visited at the home of Frank McMillan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox were callers in Woodstock Friday. Mr .and Mrs. George P. Bay and family spent a recent day iwth relatives in Chicago. Bring the children in to see our Xmas toys. Erickson Dept. Store. j greatly appreciated by McHenry peo- | pie during the cold days, w}ien men 5011 and women are compelled to huddle 4481 together in the 2x4 waiting room. 474 Agent Buss keeps the room scrupu- 415 lously clean, thereby making it toler- 527 able if not just as we would like it. Sleighing on the river is the finest it has been in years. The ice is smooth and clean 4ith just enough snow on the surface to make good footing. Ice has formed to the bed 530! of the river quite a distance from 430 > shore, making sleighing a pleasant 477 I and perfectly safe pastime. 4591 Attorney C. P. Barnes of Woodstock has purchased of Michael Justen of this place, "Oak "fcrlen," a summer cottage and grounds on the east shore of Pistakee Bay. Mr. Barnes will add a boat and bath house, barn and other improvements to the premises which will make it an ideal summer home. He is having a new nineteen foot electro vapor launcl^ constructed at Racine, Wis., to traverse the lakes and Fox river, that can run in shallow water regardless of weeds. The M. J. Walsh ad reads like this: One pound extra fancy broken mixed candy at 8 cents. One pound mixed nuts for -5 cents. Florida oranges, per dozen, 25 <jents. One pound fancy roAted peanuts, 10 cents. W. C. Evanson has an ad which js worth reading. Sugar, 20 pounds for $1.00. Seven pounds high grade Peaberry coffee for $1.00. Twenty lbs. hand-picked navy beans for $1.00. Twenty pounds rice for $1.00. Gilbert Bros, advertise almonds Iff cents per pound, brazil nuts 15 cento cents per pound, pecans 15 cents a pound, paper shell walnuts 18 cents. New hickory^ nuts 5 cents per pound. Fresh cocoanuts 5 and 8 cents each. Apples 50 cents per peck. Frank Schreiner, our promising young foreman, was absent from the office several days last week on account of sickness. The McHenry House barroom is now doing a good business with Jos. Heimer its proprietor, and Thos. Lauglfclin, manager. Mr. Heimer has put in a fine line of liquors of every de scription and will sell the famous product of the Independent Brewing association of Chicago. The Masons are now nicely settled in their new hall in the bank building. Some new carpets and new pieces of furniture have been added, making it one of the neatest and prettiest halls in ths county. My! What a difference it makes to **** have plenty of Christmas Money! x' and give handsomely to all your friends and relative* without stinting and sacrificing and WITHOUT EVER BUSSING THE MONET. -- isfi Hundreds of thousands of meB, w°men mid children iii every city, town and village throughout the Ui States have learned to do ttila. They nrp Christmas ClnliF ; members and as such they pay into the Ctob a smia))^ amount every week for 50 weeks--small change they r never miss--At the end of 50 weeks they have accunlu- • U ' lated an amount that enables them to* give generously to everybody they care to remember and have money left ^ .>:.a*fef,ftspipth^r pnrpose^V' " , A great idea--The Christmas TTytittare not already • a member of our Club, we invite you to enrol! and share y|/ - in the many benefits the Club affords. \ A elub to suit every pocketboolc JOIN NOW! Today While It's Fresh in Yonr Mind . \ » , ^ r ^ \ Fox River Valley State Bank McHenry, Illinois V rfi r- 06TEHD Every family represented in our school hfts their share of stamps to dispose of, one dollar's worth. Tony Freund had & corn husking machine at work on his place Saturday, but Mondajf he was of a different mind, the snow causing a change. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE Barron strain large type purebred. White Leghorn baby chicks, $10.50 hundred. Chicks are very strong and stand cool weather better than hot weather. Everlay strain Brown Leghorns, $11.50 hundred. Sheppard strain Single Comb Anconas, $14 hund*e<L Owens and Donaldson strain Rhode Island Reds, $14.85 hundred. Thompson's strain; Barred RockS, $14.85 hundred. White Rocks, $16 hundred. , All good, healthy, strong' purebred guaranteed! We pay postage charges and guarantee live arrival on all baby chicks Pulltets of any breed listed, $1.50 each:. ) Cockerels, good size, $3 each. Poultry book on feeding and raising chicks and pullets, $3 postpaid. THE FULGHUM HATCHERY VKEEBURG, ILLINOIS Two young men from Chicago motored out for a little sport hunting, but they did more than most resident* do. They asked permission to hunt on other peoples' premises. Frank Kaiser delivers his own milk to Borden's plant at McHenry every day and goes the regular route at end of cement is pretty rough but the route is much shorter. One pupil from every family represented in our school has one dollar'sworth of stamps to dispose of to help pay expenses of hospital. Mrs. Hoppe and son hav^ a husking machine of their own and husk their own com when weather permits. Mrs. Nina Sherman is gaining nicely and is able to be up and around the- house all the time, only a short rest, period. Earl is not so well. He has an abcess on his side and was to have had it lanced Monday. Your Xmas grocery order is not complete without ordering some of our mixed candies and fresh assorted nuts. Erickson Dept. Store. Bicycle given away Saturday, Dec. 11, at 9 p. m. Wm. H. Althoff Hani, ware, McHenry. Moved to Arctic The Eskimos were originally an Inland people, living on the shores of lakes or streams, and only gradually moved to the Arctic in recent times, the latest researches on their origin seem to show. MILLER'S STORE GENERAL MERCHANDISE "A Good Place to Tr§4t in AH Ms of Weather" Jos. J. Miller, Prep. Phone 114-R McHenry, I1L •e»eee'Me»'»'»»»'»ee»ee»»»ee»'i"»»ee»*M»»|»i»ee»ee#eee<'»»»»'M»M»eee»»M»»»»e»ee»ee»o A COMPLETE VARIETY OF WELL-KNOWN QUALITY GROCERIES ALWAYS AT MONEY-SAVING PRICES Maundy Money Maundy Thursday, the day before Good Friday, was, in olden times, a day of alms-giving, upon which the sovereigns of Kngland gave money, food and clothing to as many poor persons as the, kings were years old. Miniature Sait Lake The water at tlie brine baths, Droftwlch, Worcestershire. England, which Is supplied by natural springs. Is ten times denser than sea water. It Is Impossible to sink in th& bathing pool •* la the case In Salt lake. utgfc. var Mexican Etiquette " Iu Mexico the men speak first when passing a woman acquaintance in tha street*. " ,' , McHenry Cartage Service Company We specialize in hauling rubbish, ashes, cans, etc. We will make weekly calls. 7 - -- ^ -- -- | iui, ixiiuA cagiucci un tuc viu- - X f c - M l l n m i l l f A A A Paul We will ftiee do reasonable rates. of all kinds at M, For Quick Service Call dtfdiemy 38 lite mk QUALITY GROCERS Special^ for Friday-Saturday Fancy Selected das. Sntin American Family 6 for Limit 8 bars to a customer 29c Mince Meats 9 os. pkgs. 2 pkg- for 25c Rice , Fancy Blue Rose •. % 2 lbs. for 13c Calumet TUlring ( Powder 1 lb. can$oir 25c Crispo v Biscuits ^ 3 pkgs. for 10c Snider's Catsup • • Large bottle 18c Coffee Special Blend 3 H>** 'or t m.°° National Tea Stores GREEN AND BLM ST& McHENRY, ILL. \ Pil; ^ • ' -.fib"

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