Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Dec 1926, p. 4

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: ^"r. w W> -m r. :W « vrw : f. \ . v* v3> " • \ \**:-.v;.. •-vr, ' MOTNET MtUmUAT. into. • • 's. j».?c**5e;,r?*v? - * ^**pr^ir>- "Wyt, -> - . - )•• • • Pot Boasts, per lb and 18* 15* 28* Beef Stew, per lb, Pork Boasts, per lb. Hind Quarters, 60 to 70 lbs., per lb.lgA up Fore Quarters, 60 to 70 lbs., per lb Beef Bounds, M*o 501bs.f .per, X6* | THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER W * V . - Published »fi*3r Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. Entsrsd m second-class matter at tks at MeB«iy, HL, an iter am act ml Hay t, ll». ' WbmlpUw Rat-- One Year • . » » . » « »»«««»»» » . » » .«»»»«»»«•»«•»»» ••••• .» • «• Ml.tlXu • • . 9S.00 lix Months $1.00 * A. H. MOSHBR, Editor and Manager TBe whatever wages ol •r the fetp of sin It death, '"ptap ory will bring. LAND'S RULE INDORSFD P- - Another thing there Isn't so much of S*. :;4." aronnd the North pole is longitudes. ,* *,-f It looks as if the Chinese rerolu- } i tlon doesn't know which way to turn. If the .bravest are the tenderest, the steer that provided our dinner was a coward. . ! ^ What this country needs, n<wr ihk - then, lc a law Whose bite Is as°bad as ; • Its bark. •* i Familiar counsel, revised for the v;\ir - Information of revue producers: Fanc> *v Bier and not so loud. ^' ^ ' It seems there is a district down in f8outh America where they get milk from contented trees. % Syria is at this time regretting that so many rumors of universal peace are proving unfounded. . Another tflce thing about a short skirt In a high wind is that thaw's less of It to blow round. Discovery of new worlds Is interesting, though we don't know what to do with the one we have. FOUND--Police dog, black and gray, about five or six months old; black leather strap for collar. Owner can have same by applying at this office COOPER'S SAPONIFIED CRESOL-- and paying for this ad. 28 A conversation unseasoned with white lies leaves little to "exerci se your unraveling Ingenuity upon. « The great trick nowadays Is to home Monday in as good condition you left for the week-end. i-i The man who cooked for the Hohensollerns for forty-seven years ought to be an expert with a can opener. The world has seen almost everything except a radical who remained' a radical after getting' the reins. Something, it seems, should be done about the installation of machinery for quarter-sawing late asparagus. After the housewife has clapped her hands seven or eight time trying to catch it, tk» moth, thinks it's applause. Oratory' seems to be definitely on the wane. Virtually all the nonstop flight records are now held by aviators. The trouble with statistics Is that ' they delfl with conditions that have become history before they are com- ' pleted. Europe may eventually allege that the United States was td blame for the war, and charge up the expense to Uncle 8am. i i . China's richest man is visiting the United States, where his money enables him to keep pace wJ4b the average man. .. .... . ' ^ The young man who aflnfttiM in court that he was engaged to 14 different girls, certainly has had a varied ring career. Keneaaw Mountain Landis. „ Ashe villa, N. C.--The regime Of former Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis as "high commissioner" of organized baseball received unqualified indorsement at the executive meeting of the National Association of Professional Baseball leagues. $27,000,000 VOTED TO JAM DOWN 'LID" Weta Succeed in Cutting Out "Under Cover" Men, "I care not fpc^ permanent slats at Geneva," remarked the apprehensive king, "so long as mine may be fairly so at home." It is scientifically pf*edicted that In a death struggle between the Insects and man, the Insects will win. (Pass the mosquito lotion lj Now thajt there's no more North |M>le to discover, perhaps some of the explorers will remain with us and help us swear the summer out. Whatever became of the old-fashioned boy who could be induced to turn an Ice cream freezer for an hour If permitted to lk;k the dasher? 8ay what you will, these 'ftfce nights for sleeping and dreaming you're rich enough to work when yoti want to and rest when you please. Washington.--A.fter bowling over a batch of amendments offered by the wets, the house approved a $27340,: 905 appropriation for prohibition enforcement. The treasury prohibition unit was allowed $11,990,966 for the fiscal year 1928 and for the coast guard $15,349.- 040, the latter an Increase of $790,000 over last year. The big fight occurred on a motion by Representative James A. Gallivan (Democrat) of Massachusetts to withhold funds from the treasury prohibition unit on the grounds it if; "wasting the people's money In an attempt to enforce an unenforceable law." The wets split wide open on Galilean's proposition and the motion WHS smothered, 140 to 12. Representatives LaGuardla (Republican) of New York, Dyer (Republican) of Missouri. Hill (Republican) of Maryland and Schafer (Kepub llcan) of Wisconsin, all wets, voted for the appropriation. LaGuardla said members were "honor bound" to. vote funds. Schafer said: "The correct procedure is try and modify the prohibition act and not to nullify it by withholding appropriations." • Martin B. Madden of Illinois, chairman of the appropriations committee and a wet, delivered the most scorching attack on the Gallivan motion. He shouted: "We have sworn to obey the law and aid in its enforcement I would be untrue to my oath of office If I failed to rise against this attempt to assassinate the law. "Prohibition is the law of the land. We are here at least to obey the law. If w« don't do that what can we e*- pect of others? The amendment is unworthy of the gentleman from Massachusetts." MGuardia put one hole in General Andrews' plans, however, when, at his instigation, the chairman struck out an allowance of $500,000 <^or ^'finder 'cover" men. He made the point of order that It was contrary to law for the government to pay in advance for services. The man who was attacked by two 5ayMrd» when he picked up one of their young may he" thankful he did not disturb 'tWe nest of a hippopota mas. Classified Column TOR SALS FOB MOT FOR SALE--Wicker fernery and FOR RENT OR SALE--Farm of 70 bird cage combined, walnut tea cart, ®cr®®> *11 prairie land and good wrought iron fish aquarium. 88, Niesen Cafe. .Phone 28tf buildings. Inquire of Phone 489 Richmond. Frank May. 22-tf FOR ?ALE--200-acre farm, 60 aqres in aifaifa. Mrs. Heminer, Routs 4, Dixon, 111. 28* FOR SALE--Choice seed oats, free from foul seed. A. P. Freund. Tel. 654-M-2. n 28-3* FOR RENT--173-acife farm for rent «t Jlfi.50 per acre. Also h«v» a Rosenthal corn husker for sale, in good running order. Mrs. Joe H. Justen, McHenry. 21-tf MANY MOTORISTS WANT LOW NUMBERS WANTED; TO BUY FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for city WANTED TO BUY AT ONCE--Heatproperty, 120 acres; good 7-room jng stove, medium or large size, up house, good barns, 80 acres in city to 18 or 20 inch. Must be in good lilhit£ of good town in Wisconsin. In- condition and priced reasonable. Adquire F. S. Rich. Phone 603-J-l. dress F. S. Rich, West McHenry or 26-3* Phone 60®sJ-2. 28* FOR SALE--10-room house in good' WANTED--One second hand upright condition. Desire to sell house only, pjano at reasonable price, also phon- Reasonable price for quick sale. JJnti 0graph. Call 123-J. 28 Bros., Green and Elm Sts., McHenry. - •• • • • .• LOST FOR SALE--140 acres, all new build- LOST--Police dog, male, five months ings. Every foot can be plowed if old; answeri to the name of "Fritz." wanted. Will sell reasonable and w\ Reward for return. W. J. Huber, easy terms. Mrs. Joe H. Justen, Mo care H. it M. Motor Sales, McHenry. Henry, 111. 17tf 27-2 FOR SALE--Choice lots on Center street in West McHenry, -2 blocks from depot. Sidewalks, gas, water, electric lights. $500 per lot. F. H. Wattles, West McHenry. 4&-tf. FOUND MISCELLANEOUS For disinfecting barns after TB testing. Sold by Dr. J. E. Wheeler, WAt McHenry. 28-tt NEW DESIGNS IN WALL PAPER FOR SALE--Choice building lots near --Ntfw is the time to make your se- St. Mary's church. Prices $350 and lections and arrange for datings. Also up. Inquire of William Bonslett, own- painting and other interior decorater. Phone 124-J. 27-tf FOR SALE--Choice turkeys. Phone F. S. Rich, G03-J-2. 27-2* |WMl ing. W. P. Brooks, southwest corner Green and Pearl Sts., McHenry. 26tf RESULTS! Kent & Company Can sell that house! , Can rent that flat! Can find a buyer for that land! $25.00 REWARD to persons who will give'any information which will lead to the discovery of the thief who stole ninety Barred Rock chickens from my .place last Thursday or Friday night. -^TjjMione 632-J-l.^ W. H. Brandenburg. BRIEF JESTS The Modern Maiden "Good-night, mother." "Daughter, are you coming In golnft outr HORSE COMES BACK IN GREAT BRITAIN Dolly tht Cynic "So you think you'll be happy with Tommy?" "No, but I've tried working for a living." Kepi Them for the "Does your daddy tell any funny Jokes?" • "Naw, he's a vaudeville actor." No Trouble "Tommy gets along with ills wife very well." "Why shouldn't he? His dad own# * ttlllinery house." , > ^Utopia "What Is Utopia?" "The place where summer beard is what you expected." Well Matched "They are a well-matched pair.* "Indeed!" "Yes; he snores and she's deal* A contributor to the Manchester Guardian declares that the horse is | jifcomlng back in Great Britain. There are more horses In service in the Streets than there were three years ago, and harness makers find business brisker than they did. . This return,, to quote from the article In question, "is due in no small tneasure to the growing congestion of traffic In our streets. It has origins, too, 1n the fact thatv!n the smallest sphere of haulage, the horse is still an economic factor. It cannot be K~ eaten, In the matter of cost of haulge, for short hauls where many stops have to be made." Another Influence, which, like narrow and crooked streets, may not be as important in England as In America, barring Boston, is the fact that ^loading and unloading arrangements ,at warehouses and factories are out of date. - The time that the motor vehicle gains between two given points is therefore more than lost because of ^ the waiting it has to do at one end ' or perhaps both ends of Its tripr^i* Ing Age. . v :.'j£ Jeyout Hour* ^flBernlce happily married?" "Yes, indeed, her husband's away most of the time." How Sweet I Clifford--I love you move love myself, darling. Gloria--So do I, dear. A Thrifty Chap't Lament "I wish you were a doll, dear." "Sir?" "A doll's satisfied'with sawdust" "A prison is a school of crime that never takes a vacation," says a paragraphed No, but a good many of Its pupils from time,to time manage to do sb/ " The average woman has a vocabulary of about 800 words, according tc a Middle Western newspaper man. It is the turnover which produces tlx volume. & v ':m. In spite of the fact that Dartmouth has nothing that resembles a stadium, some old-fashioned anonymous alumnus has given her. a mUUoa ilnilarr for a library. Death has removed another pretender to the French throne, but there is always some one left to hope that the French will give up their republic fend go back to the mlldei wars of the monarchy. An automobile statistician has fig •Ted that the United States produces thirty times as many cars for everj man employed in the motor Industry as Europe does, showing how the homt flivver assemblers are booming things The suggestion has been made thai any man who measures conversation ally with his hands outstretched maj be referring to a fish or a putt, bu> be may also be lqdlcating how cloec be was to the ptariy gates at thf WASHINGTON BRIEFS Net cash in the United States treasury on December 4 was $139,390,172. 0 • The American Red Cross has received a gift of $1,470,000 from the trust estate of the late James A. Scrymser, founder and former president of Ail-American Cables. Tax cuts of $335,000,000 are asked In Democratic bill. Introduced in the house by Representative Garner of Texas, financial spokesman for the mlnorlty^party. The bill faces s hostile Republican majority In. the ways and means committee, to which It was referred. A demand for downward revision of postal rates, has been filed with the congressional Joint subcommittee on postal rates, Postmaster General New and Director of the Bndget Lord, by John W. O'Leary, president of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. O. K. JPoincare't 1927 Budget Paris.--The chamber of deputies haB passed Premier Poincare's 1927 budget by a vote of 410 to 135. Rx pendltures for the year are estimated at slightly less than $1,000,000 000. while the revenue Is pot at about $1. 000,000.000. $2 pOOfiOO on Magtbaum'a Lift Philadelphia.--Charity will receive part of the $2,000,000 insurance carried by Judge E. Mastbaam. swtfaa Meters magnate, wfce died here. ? Etruscan Study Planned The Etruscans, predecessors of the Roman civilization In the Italian peninsula, are to have their little-known history Investigated by a group of Italian scholars, who organized for this purpose at a national Etruscan congress recently held at Milan. Present knowledge of the Etruscan race and Its culture is very fragmentary, though they had a high civilization and proud cities In Italy when Rom« was a mere collection of huts besid^' the Tiber. Their influence was strongly felt In the days1 of the ^arly republic, and . survivals of their religion probably held In the cults of Rome to the very end of paganism. It is believed by one of the Italian scholars interested In the movement that the famous burled city of Pompeii wa^1 originally an Etruscan settlement, -V-j Jtmboratdry on Wheels^ John Graham, the premier pathfinder of the United States, has been traveling between 40,000 and 50,000 miles a year for the past 14 years. He now has a nation-wide Job of checking road maps for one of the largest map firms In the world. His soout car looks like a laboratory or a power house, and on the instrument board are found a tachometer, aneroid barometer, ammeter, oil gauge, gasoline gauge, ignltlonv and light switches, speedometer, odometer and clock. Among the equipment ire shovels and tow chains, ax, portable typewriter, compass, sleeping outfit, a gallon of gas, a gallon of oil and clothes for eight or ten weeks. Chicha Knew the Call The perplexing problem of -identifying 135 stolen chickens from a flock of 5,000 was solved by Mrs. Alfred Garand at Williamstown, N. .T. When the police asked her to. prove ownership, Mrs. Garand stood In an adjacent field apd began to whistle "There's no place like home." One by one the chickens hopped out of 'the flock and came over to her until 135 phickens, looking very much like brothers and sisters, stood peeping and crowing at her feet. The woman explained that every morning before feeding her flock she whistled that tune in the poultry ~ house, a signal for straying chicks to cowd around the cracked-corn hopper. Swedea Take to Auto P/' AwericaiPmotor cars are helping to motorize Sweden's highroad traffic at breakneck speed and the total Swed ish Import of automobiles and accessories during 1925 shows a Jump ot more than 30 per cent over the pre ceding year, according to official re ports published in Stockholm. Of the '/total sum of $10,612,000 spent for foreign cars in 1925, more than $9,000,000 was paid for cars of American makes. Hundreds of Applications Piled Up On Desk of Secretary of State Emmerson ^Please give me a low number for my car--anything in two figures or three figures, but if you can't give me that, at least a four-figure number." That, in substance, Ms the plea in hundreds of letters piled up on the desk" of Secretary of State Louis L. Emmerson. There are more applications for low numbers this year than ever befope and there are fewer available numbers. Under the law the holder of a low number may have it reassigned to him provided he makes application at least thirty days prior to January 1. Owing to the increasing demand for low numbers, very few owners failed to make their requests on December 1 and the few not called for already have been assigned. In order that all would have an opportunity to do so, application blanks and notices were sent by Secretary of State Emmerson early in November to all holders of licenses from No. 1 to No. 20,000 and to all holders of freak* numbers and combination numbers. "I felt that the holders of these numbers should be reminded of the law so that none of them would neglect filing their applications through oversight," Secretary Emmerson said recently. "Evidently the reminder worked, for very few of the thousands who received the notices failed to have their applications here on time." In a great many instances where the owner of an automobile has died or moved from the state, application has been filed by a relative or near friend with the statement that the number was willed to him. While this transfer of a low number, of course, is not obligatory on him, Mr. Emmerson says he makes the assignment as requested,' whenever it can be dbne. This, of course, further' curtails the number of available low numbers. Applications in general are coming in earlier this year than ever before and the indications are, Mr. Emmerson states, that the automobile department on January 1 will be far ahead of its schedule in the percentage of applications filed. Under the law the applications are required to be in by January 1. A large force of typists and mail sorters have been added to take care of the rush. The new system of handling licenses through a central cashier department and the installation of automatic number machines greatly facilitates the work. Eat Meat NASH NOVEMBER SALES - FAR AHEAD OF YEAR AGO Again Nash sales and production have established a new high record Itnd figures show that sales for November 1926 far surpass those of November a year ago. And Nash sales for the first eleven months of 1926 have exceeded the sales for the first eleven months of 1925 by the large and impressive margin of 45 per cent. The eleven months' sales of 1926 represent a figure which exceed^ by over 2,000 cars the total sales of the first ten months 6f 1924 and 1925-- twenty months--combined.. These figures emphatically prove that a discriminating motor wise public is expressing more and more its approval of seven-bearing cranksaft motor performance. George A. Stilling is the local Nash dealer. f Adv Phone 3 , , . , West McHenry, 111 Tour Own ,>/ Community ' 11<-J-- - fi !•*« • -i - r - ~ i -- n r - ese Improvements are important There are two general classes of motor car improvements. Those made primarily for their effect on the public--and those made primarily for their effect upon the car. You will perceive at once that Dodge Brothers new five-bearing crank- 7 shaft, two-unit starting and lighting system, air cleaner and other recent ; improvements, are the sort that represent genuine value. They are sound and substantial betterments, producing definite and marked results, and as such they are typical of Dodge Brothers methods and product x U POURING • - - f 878 COUPE $•* ' ' '-iPECIAL SEDAN $10M -- DELIVERED ' James Morrow & Son Wankegan and*West MoHenry We Alae Smll Dapmndmbla Uemd Ceee Dodge Brothe-rs MOTORCARS Just Naturally Wrong fillnks--"There are two things a woman has that always are wrong." Jinks--"I know one, what's the other?" Blinks--"A watch is one and a husband, of course, the other."--Cincinnati Enquirer. Extend the Principle An English inventor has produced a shoe that can be regulated to the growth of a chlld's/foot. A great sav- *jng might be -effected if the principle could l»e applied to the hats of a lot of men who have acquired a little brief fame.--Philadelphia Inquirer. Forcible Reunion Charles C. Rutledge and L. Bur ton Ferguson, former classmates at the University of Pittsburgh, pledge* frequent meetings with each other . when tKey graduated. They neves ran Into each other, however, until their cars met with a -crash on the William Penn highway. Onlookers were astonished to see both men jump from their machines and shake hands /Vigorously. : s - Excueable Abaence Johnnie was absent from school one afternoon. The next morning the teacher received the following excuse: "Dear teacher, please excuse Johnnie's absence yesterday afternoon. He got his feet wet coming home at noon, and to pui oi ~ V"*v' •;**v- Aofo Enthumaete Martha's Vineyard, an Island 25 miles long and 5 miles wide, claims the largest per capita automobile own ershlp In the United States. The Is land has a population of 4,720 and there Is one automobile to every 8.77 persons. West Tlsbury, one of th< largest towns on the Island, having a population of 832, has Ooe mntomo bile to every 2.7 persons. Europe in America France own* French Guiana and j several West Indies island*, llo'.'and has Dutch Guiana and several islands, while the British also have a slice of Guiana, British Honduras, Canada and numerous West Indian Islands. Spain lost Its West India islands iu 1898 and Denmark sold the Danish West Indies to the United States before the States entered the Wbrtd wur. ' *^ ' You may select your Appliance Gifts in the evening, commencing Dec. 15 For the further convenience of holiday shoppers, Public Service Stores will remain open each evening until 9 o'clock PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS 101 Williams St. CRYSTAL LAKE Telephone 280 J. A.Schabeck,Dis.Mgr. ifi r8 will pay you more money for your Muskrat--Mink--Raccoon--and ALL your other furs than you can possibly get anywhere else. It's a long time since we have had such an enormous demand for all kinds of furs, so go to it -- trap for "SHUBERT" --g«t all the furs you can and rush your shipments in -- quick. Christmas will soon be here. Make a special effort to get a lot of furs for "SHU BERT "and get yourself some extra Christmas money. Send us as many shipments as you can before Christmas--and our bigger cash returns will make your Christmas the merriest you have ever had Haaa*tGra£nf fUMxlur Extra te Avrrafe No. 1 Urft Extra to Averse* Ha. IMoJin) Extra to Ar*raf« !*• 1 5omT Extra t* Aweraca N*. 2 ~ A« !• Sit* MUSKRAT Spnjjito--i U5te 2.75 2.75 to 2.15 j 2.1Ste MS MSI* US l*«s .75 MINK. Dark U>ulCahr 25.00to 20.00 16.00 to 13.00 20.00to 15.00 1340 to 10.50 15.00to 12.0012.00 to 9M 10.50 to 8.25 8.25 to 6J00 10.06 to 5.00 8.00 to 3.50 RACCOON SfHft kiMM RMCtmtcwMM bed pric+9 lS.OOto 13.0011100 to 10.00j 10.00 to 7.00 7.00 U S.OO) 7501s ISO M*. 3'(, !•*. 4'*, blta, Ait, 4uu|W ia4 «Umi»i»» Mwlw Aia at Wffcatt aukal vata*. > The above extremely high prices for Northern Illinois furs are based on the well-known "SHUBERT" liberal grading and are quoted for immediate shipment. Don't take chances. Deal direct with this big, live, progressive and safe Fur House and you will have the best season that it is possible for you to have. The fact that "SHUBERT" has been serving fur shippers since 1883 is your assurance that you will get a square deal here. Ship every fur you get direct to "SHUBERT." We know we can pay you MORE MONEY than you can get anywhere else, SO ship--ship QUICK-- and keep on shipping. A. B. SHUBERT, INC. De*t. X li, 35.37 W.AastlaAn. CHICAGO am i VI

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