Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Dec 1926, p. 6

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RINGWOOD Ml*. Ltm Brown spent Thursday lat Janesville, Wis. * Little Zane Grey has I>ee* having seige of the grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lawrence spent v Wednesday afternoon in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Rager and family are the proud owners of a new The next meeting of the B. M. Bunradio which they recently purchased. I co club will be held at the home of Mrs. Lewis Schroeder was a Chica- Misses Lorena and Mildred Jepson on go shopper on Wednesday. Raymond Hall is improving at this writing, after being so seriously ill. W. H. Kelley and Will Laurence were Wednesday afternoon callers in Ringwood. kt May Christmas You Happy We wkh yoa hflgxs with Christmas holly, Cheer and love and all things jolly, ery chimes and falling snow, ^ Christmas tree and mistleto^ McHenry Lumber Co. Quality and Service ¥ift$ West McHenry Only One Day Left to Shop Before Christmas PERCOLATORS from 4 to 8 cup sizes. ' " FLAT IRONS TABLE STOVES _ . , TOASTERS 1Z An American Reality Washfng Machine to lighten the drudgery of housework. How about an A«C DAYTON RADIO The best on the market A beautiful gift card free with each purchase. H. E. BUCH & CO. PLUMBING, HEATING AND ELECTRICAL won aire leatn faroitur« ft to bat* ft pMMWi an« a >iimai« to select gUt* trpm smch «iw aiiortmwti u A«wn la LMth <ww. Tkw tee, 'a atft of furniture carries added value, added pi ail|*. a«ad sentiment, tf tt (r«ai Utth'i. A lettb Stare la Mas* MM BWa--Tt Gnn Av*. » tow W Utmmt An. (wwmm j§rm* AtftoMoMtii • HUtCK WtlX Bono TMMEDIATELY, the Buick engine starts. The weather may be bitterly cold, but Buick has a high speed ^ --Starting motor, Automatic Heat Control and Thermostatic Circulation Control. ' -J*:' These three Buick features mean easier starting and smoother performance 365 days-a year. <•» Buy a Buick. driving it! The Greatest Y<tii will enjoy December 27 John Kolmer of Spring Grtfo spent Thursday morning here. Mrs. Lewis Hawley spent Thursday in Chicago shopping. Mrs. Jack Mclaughlin spent Thursday shopping in Chicago. Mrs. Fred Krohn was a recent Chicago shopper. A. W. Smith was seriously injured Wednesday when he fell through a trap door in the M. L. Walters store. Hi? condition is very serious at this writing. v Bert Sutton of Solon was a Ringwood caller on Friday. The Home Circle will meet with Mrs. Emma Brown on January 14. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ritter and children of Deerfield spent Thursday evening with relatives here. Mrs. Emma Merchant, who has been visiting in Chicago, has returned home. Miss Laura Welter spent the Weekend with Hebron relatives. - Mr. and Mrs. Claude Brush and sen, Richard, of Elgin were Friday callers with her grandfather, C. H. Stephensen. Mrs. Erma Williams has returned to Chicago, after spending Several days visiting here. M. L. Welter and daughter, Frances Helms, spent Friday doing shopping in Chicago. Quite a number from here attended the Masonic meeting at McHenry on Thursday evening. Miss Arlyne Harrison spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Mayme Harrison, of McHenry. Frank Brefeld spent Friday in Chicago on business. Wayne Foss of Greenwood spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Rillah Foss. Miss Nellie McDonald spent the week-end with her parents at * Keystone. Mrs. Frank Hitchens and son, Byrbn, spent Saturday evening at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harvey of Chicago spent Sunday in tfie Ef C. Harvey home. Mr .and Mrs. Jack MeLaughllin and daughter, Julia, and Miss Cora Beth were Sunday afternoon callers in Woodstoek. • " - Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Welter spent Sunday morning at McHenry. Miss Mary McAndrews of McHenry spent Saturday with Mrs. Lewis Schrceder. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and family spent Sunday in the C. W, Harrison home. Mrs. Delbert Bacon and Miss Irene Andersen of N. Crystal Lake spent Monday afternoon calling in Ringwood. Mrs. Clay Rager spent Monday with her father, Wm. Antcliff, of Richmond, who is very ill. The Ringwood prayer band and Sunday school held their Xmas tree in the M. W. A. hall on Sunday evening. Quite a cvrowd was in attendance. John Kottner of Spring Grove was a Ringwood caller Tuesday morning. M. L. Welter spent Monday afternoon at Pistakee Bay. Mr. and Mrs. James Ladd were called to Osceola, Iowa, by the death of her nephew; Mrs. W. C. Hepburn was a Woodstock caller on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer of West McHenry spent Tuesday afternoon with their daughter, Mrs. K. M. Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephensen spent Tuesday with Woodstock relatives. Airs. Nick Young entertained at a chicken dinner and bunco party Wednesday afternoon. High honors went to Mrs. William Marshall, second prize to Mrs. John Keg, third to Mrs. ESd Thompson and consolation to Miss Viola Engeles. Those present: Ifri. William Marshall, Mrs. Roy Smith, Mrs. John Keg, Mrs. Paul Meyers of McHenry, Mrs. Steve Engales of Spring Grove, Mrs. William McCannon, Mrs. Claus Larsen, Mrs. George Young and Viola Engales. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hitchens spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Garton of Antioch. Mrs. Emma Merchant, who has been visiting two weeks in Chicago, has returned home. Mrs. Karl Bradley spent Monday in McHenry with her parents. Mrs. Ed Thompson, Mrs. Claus Larsen, Mrs. Jack Young and daughter, Adele, attended a bunco party at the home of Mrs. Paul Meyers in McHenry. Mrs. Claus Larsen won first prize. Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Monday afternoon at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent Monday afternoon in McHenry. Mrs. Leslie Olsen entertained six- Men couples at her home on Saturday evening. For the evening's amusement 500 was played. A delicious luncheon was served by the hostess. Viola Engales was a Spring Grove caller over the week-end. C. W. Harrison was a McHenry caller on Tuesday morning. Fred Noble of Keystone was a Ring- Wood .caller on Tuesday afternoon. Bert Sutton of Solon was a Ringwood caller on, Tuesday morning. _ Miss Agnes ffligelow will spend the holidays with her parents at Brod- SPRING GROVE • X. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McAffsrtjr, Mrs. Edna Sweet and Mrs. Jennie Oxtoby motored to Kenosha Friday to do Christmas shopping. N. N. Weber was a Chicago passenger Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Peacock motored to Richmond Sunday afternoon. Miss Clara Rauen left Friday in company with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. William Justen, for California to be gone for two months. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sweet spent Saturday at McHenry having dental work done. C. Parfrey is having a heating and ventilating plant installed at his chicken farm this week. H. E. Cornish is on the sick list. Mrs. Math Nimsgren motored to McHenry Tuesday to shop. Mr. and Mrs. B. Watts and children motored to Richmond Monday evening. Math Rauen, Philip Hoffman and Alfred Richardson drove to Woodstock Friday. Mis? Agnes Weber motored to Mc Henry Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders and children spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Reed O.rr. Mr. and Mrs. William Bretz and son, Albert, and N. N. Weber drove to the city Sunday and spent the day with-Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Alwilder and family were Chicago shoppers Monday. D Laurence Foulke, who has been attending school in the city, finished his course and is enjoying a vacation. On Nov. 27 occurred the marriage of Miss Ivy Olsen of Alta Vista, Kansas, and Fred Waspi of Chicago. The wedding took place at Junction City, Kansas, and only the immediate relatives witnessed the ceremony. A reception followed at the bride's home with one hundred guests present. The bride is a stranger to this community but the groom is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Waspi and has lived here until two years ago. The happy couple will make their home in Chicago, where Mr. Waspi is employed. Their many friends extend congratulations. JOHNSEtTOCr . , , Henry Thelen motored to Woodstock Friday. Mr .and Mrs. Henry Hettermann and daughter, Martha, and Helen Smith motored to Harvard Thursday. Mr .and Mrs. Joe Tonyan spent Sunday at the home of Mn. Catherine Tonyan. The Jolly Eight met at the home of Mrs. Henry Hettermann Sunday evening. Cards were played during the evening and high honors were awarded to Mrs. Joe King first, Mrs. Joe Hettermann second and Mrs. John Thelen consolation. Miss Elizabeth Kempfer waaa caliper in McHenry Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horick visited Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smith~Sundav evening. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pepping and children of Spring Grove were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Het- home termann Sunday. A. Smith motored to Wis., Tuesday. Emll Simon of Chicago tor here over the week-end. Mrs. Rose Mueller pleasantly entertained a number of friends at her Wheatland, ' viai- Those praeent Khgl flcMCpmg last Sunday. were: Mr. and Mrs. and Adam Sieler of Roekford, Mrs!, Jacob Schumaker, Mrs. Jacob Thokm and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bildaer. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arid at Chicago were visitors at the Tine cottage one day last week. :: Buy Xmas Goods in McHenry ; When lunch time arrives remember we are ready io. i serve yon. Hot lunches our specialty. " m & ;; Ik- -- :-- The teachers and pupils of our school are preparing a Christmas program. There are only fourteen pupils and every one has to perform extra dtities. Mr. Howe, owner of the P. S. Martin or Rogers farm, spent a few days on the farm, returning to his Chicago heme Monday evening. Fred Eppel husked corn Monday and Tuesday of this week. Frank Kaiser and Steve Hautfinger both deliver milk to Borden's plant at McHenry and they go the old route, follow cement as far as it goes' and then rough it the remainder of the route. Monday, Dec. 20 was the time set for the company that has made a bargain with many of the Bull Valley farmers for their farms where they intend to make a wonderful lake to pay over a certain amount of cash. We will have to wait for facts. Last Monday is the first Monday since early last spring that the Greenwood grocery track failed to deliver goods. Miss Ammie Franeiser had a very severe attack of stomach trouble last Saturday. Dr. Hepburn was sent for and he gave medicine that relieved her immediately. She is as well as common again only a soreness across her chest. The Hobart family were business callers at the county seat Saturday. P. W. Freund drove to Woodstock Monday evening with Mr. Howe, the latter taking the 9 o'clock train for Chicago. Built A 21-15 Cowen Vhead, Wis. Mrs. Fred Krolin was a Chicago shopper on Tuesday, returning home on Wednesday. Joseph Young and family spent Sunday evening at the James Bell home. ' Mrs. Lewis Schroeder and Miss Cora Beth were out of town callers on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webster and family spent Monday with her mtfther, Mrs. Emma Merchant. Arthur Hilt of Elgin was a Monday caller in Ringwood. George Freund of McHenry was a Monday afternoon caller in Ringwood. t$o Place to Try It It may be true, as scientists say ttint stretching is tin hid to health, but tt doesn't seem to help truth any. I ' \ y Not Likely /! Bettek money has been made w4|lt § •tew engraving method, but It wont (buy any more.--Indianapolis Star. CHEVROLET PUJtCHASB CKKmrtCATEPtAN Mare than 40^900 motorists have taken advantage of the Chevrolet six per cent Purchase Certificate plan since the inauguration of the idea in 1924, according to an announcement by the Chevrolet Motor company. Wide-spread popularity of the plan ia accounted for in the money saving features of the arrangement and that through this means it is easy for anyone to accumulate the down payment on a Chevrolet. The plan was developed and copyrighted by the Chevrolet Motor company as a result of a survey which showed that the average motorist drives his car three years and pays for it the first year. It was found that during the entire time the car^is being operated the purchaser usually makes no provision whatever for buying his next car. Through this plan, the Chevrol company has made it -possible for the purchaser to accumulate the down payment on a car without difficulty, to enjoy the advantages of buying for cash and to save six percent on the money invested in certificates. It ahso enables the motorist to pay some' thing on his new car before his old one is turned in, thereby reducing his later payments. The Chevrolet Motor Company has made arrangements with nearly 4,000 dealers, whereby the certificate holder gains a credit of six per cent on money spent for service and accessories, in addition to the six per cent interest on the money invested in the certificate. Each succeeding month is showing a measurable increase in the enrollment of certificate holders, the company reports, with every prospect in* dicating a record sale of certificates in 1927. HETTERMAN MOTOR SALES, Adv* Local Dealers. Wow Girl Maod--"Why don't you accept «|f Rank If he's offered to have his life Insured in your favor?" Marie--"Baca use if he v/as a good risk for tita insurance company he'd be a bad on* for me."--Boston Transcript, Differentiation May be small sound differencial there is sound distinction betwe«fe pattw *nd pax.--Wall Street Journal. V 1? n For ursday and Friday Only 40-inch Cedar Chests (Copper Trim). 45-inch Cedar Chests (Copper Trim) 46-inch Walnut Cedar Chests "• • •.%o: •l|l $10.50 - 13.50 - 16.00 Tiolid Walnut Martha Washington Sewing Cabinets 10 Per Cent Discount on Smokers' Stands * See our line of Specials for children -- Small Rockers, Chairs, Tables, Kiddy Cars, Sleds. Your choice while they last. -: 16.00 as Early as Possible Justen telephone 63-W and 83-J wmi- : m'MNRY, ttl* a Qualities You cannot find many other Low-Priced Six you can nee duplicate Pontltc power, ipttd, Mmmlna and comfort at Ponctac The spectacular weeew of the Pontiac 81s Is based on m stimple set of conditions i Tlumkj to the type of ear it U, to dw >mri that were spent in its development, and to the gigantic reaowres o/Qeneraf Motors employed in itl man«/actvre- - --Pontiac Six provide* cettain definite, deebublr qualities, at a price tmeqmaled eluuhen fti the industry J Search where you will and as longias yoa prim. Nor the beauty and distinction of Pontiac'* Bodies by Fisher. That Is why the number &f Pontiac Sizes yon see on the road Is inoeasing with Incredible •peed-- --why the number bulk in the past tea months more than doubles th« full year record ever established by any other make of car. CONWAY MOTOR SALES , McHenry, Illinois C SIX 1 i4%'.

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