Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Dec 1926, p. 2

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<:•'*•• v ^ „ ' * ^ ~ ** > ^ , >vi J"' •' p / (*j.'>'4 ^ „ -> ' ' $%%&&& 25^3! i.JVtH-'.; thk ^ " . i Rainbow at Night ; The weather bureau says that & rainbow at night is an unusual phe- ,»om*t>on, but not what should be called a rare phenomenon. It only requires a shower with bright moonlight «a it, wl»eK the wooa Is aottoe §* the heateiifc^ T PLAINDKALKR, THURSDAY, DIG. SO, 1986 .*-.*•* ., wj:4 '**- *4- • ' '-i • '•e-iv*'" . rwrn.- r * ' x . -1 i 'V'*1 ** + .*» A'"- •••.VS.. v. w^ww* ~zwwmm* m „ ' -- >^;:; ;f^V5 *«. v * " f „ 4 y '•> :"Vv".f4 » - . Correctly Termed The milliner who advertised tfco -.litest in hat.s at "appalling price®" : ^promtii!)' wana'i far out of the way *t that'--Pnyton Daily News. Farm Loans 3%, 5%% or 5%%, depending on value of land per aore : 5 '5: Prompt Service Savings bank or ttWAKB* " Kewanee, Illinois 0. W. KLONTZ, 11 D. Physician and Surgeon <Also treating all diseases of the Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat and doing Refraction) Office Honrs--8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence--Kent Home- South of City Hall, Waukegan St Phone 181 McHenry, III . WM. J£ CARROLL Lawyer Office with Kent & Company Ermt Wednesday Phone 34 , McHenry, III SLOCUM'S LAKE Telephone Nor 108-R. Stof fel & Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes of property in the beet companies. WEST McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS J. W. WORTH PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Audits Systems Income and Inheritance Tax Matters Member of £ Nblic Accountants Association .of Illinois Phone 206-J McHenry, DL Phone 126-WV--r Reasonable Rates A. B. SCHAEFBB Draying McHENRY, ILLINOIS Insure-- In Sire--Insurance -- with -- Wm. G. Schreiner Auctioneering OTPKip.4f- RESIDENCE Phone W-R McHENRY, ILL KIJNZ BROTHERS Itfcal and Long Distance Hanling Phone 91-R McHenry, 111. 4& Old Fashioned Buckwheat or Self-Rising Buckwheat We Have Them Both This is the time of year when buekwheat cakes are mighty good. Order tpday. Manufactured by Mw\ flour Mills WMI McHenry, M. Drs. Dr. L DENTISTS ^cOhesney & Brown iCQRPORATHD) , Brown Dr. R. M. Walker Established over 50 years and •till doing business at the old sfandL noneerrss iinn FFiirrsstt CCllaassss iNBBbry at Moderate FVicea. Ask your neighbors ana friends abost us. 8. E. Cor. Clark & Randolph St. 145 N. dark St., Chicago DafJjr 8 to 6, Sundays 9 to 11 Phone Cwtrii 2M7 .. _ . . . www £» » prescription f# Colds, Grippe, Flu. Dengue Bilious Fever and Malaria ttUblbm Willard Darrell attended a business meeting of the Mutual Casualty Insurance Co. in Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pfannenstill and daughter, Mae, and son, Arthur, spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ohrwall at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Powers and children, Be mice, Hattie and Warren, (the latter two being' home from Ev*- anston over Christmas) of Wauconda spent Christmas evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett enjoyed Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Liturler at Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and daughters, Myrtle and Hoffman called en Mr?- C. ^ Wprden at Wauconda Wednesday morning. Mrs. Werden is still confined to her bed most of the time. They spent the rest of the day at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, enjoyed Christmas at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Converse, near Volo. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and and daughter, Dorothy, were Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis. Mildred Hoffman and Miss Myrtle Darrell spent Friday in Chicago. Mr .and Mrs. Harry Matthews enjoyed a roast duck supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews at Crystal Lake last Friday. Later in the evening they all enjoyed the Christmas tree at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hayford. Mr.andMrs. Dan Gillie and children of Barrintgon spent Monday at the home of Mrs. Gillie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler. Miss Myrtle Darrell visited the W. T. H. S. last Thursday morning and was a dinner guest of Mrs. Julia Broncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winkler of Barrington and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler and son of Waukegan were Sunday guests at the Henry Winkler, Sr. home. Misses Beulah and Myma Bacon of Crystal Lake are spending this week with their cousin, Miss Frances Converse. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and daughters, and Myrtle and Mildred Hoffman attended the Christmas tree and program at the Munshaw school, near Cary, last Thursday evening. The former's daughter, Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews, of Crystal Lake is the teacher. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks spent last Tuesday at Waukegan. Mrs. Ella Parks and son, Hugh, of Park Ridge called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith and children enjoyed Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Harris at Wauconda. Harold and William Brooks and Miss Josephine Thomet of Waukegan spent last Saturday afternoon at the H. L. Brooks home. Mrs. Elvira Darrell, Mildred Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Frank Dearborn, William Darrell of Wauconda, Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake and Myrtle Darrell enjoyed Christmas' dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell. Miss Ruby Grantham spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. G. A. Wilson at Palatine. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Larabee of Kenosha, Wis., spent last Wednesday afternoon at the home of the latter's parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith and son, George, of Elgin spent Sunday at the home of the former's parents, Mr. Page Smith. Mr .and Mrs. OUie Grantham and two children were among the guests who enjoyed Christmas at the home of the former's parents at Cary. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook of Wauconda were Christmas guests at the I W. E. Brooks home. I Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks were j callers at Waukegan, Kenosha and Bristol, Wis., last Thursday. Mrs. Clara Smith enjoyed last Friday night and Christmas at the home of her daughter at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and Miss Myrtle Darrell accompanied Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews to her home at j Crystal Lake Sunday afternoon. They ' a'so called at the Earl Matthews j home. Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Brooks and son, Chesney, spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Un derwood at Mundelein. Mrs. Louis Rohman , of Chicago spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks. Willard Darrell and daughter, Myrtle, and Chesney Brooks attended the basketball game between Wauconda T. H. S. and the Warren T. H. S. at Gurnee last Wednesday evening. Mr .and Mrs. H. L. Brooks and [ guest, Mrs. Louis Rohman, called on friends at Ridgefield Sunday afternoon. Charles Lundquist, a former em ployee of Harry Matthews and Walter Erickson of Western Springs called on friends at the Darrell-Matthews home last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son were callers at Crystal Lake last Wednesday morning. Miss Helen Bernier of Chicago was the gruest of her sister, Mrs. Jack Geary, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and daughter, Myrtle, Mildred -Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthws and Frank Dearborn spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fink. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son and guest, Miss Helen Bernier, enjoyed Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Knox at McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geary and son, Normand, of Grayslake were Sunday supper and evening guests at the home of the former's parents here Mr. and Mrs. Willard Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cook and son, Russell, Mr .and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of Chicago are spending the week at the Blomgren home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son spent last Friday evening at the £L J. Shaffer home in McHenry. SPRING GROVE •>$ Mr and Mrs. John Weber and Mrs. Ford Jackson motored to Burlington, Wis., to do shopping. Miss Bertha Rioepke. Alvin Hoff and Jerome Hoff of Waukegan spent Christmas with the former's father. Mrs. John Bell and sister, Mrs. Stevenson, of Michigan are here to spend the holidays with relatives. Louis Bell of Ringwood is enjoying the holidays with hip sister, Mrs. Bertha Esh, and family. Christmas day guests at R. D. Carr's were Mr .and Mrs. JC. A. Oxtoby, Lester Bell, Mr. and Mrs. C. Parfrey and mother, Mrs. Davy, H. C. Sweet and son, Charles. , Mr. and Mrs. Martin Butler are enjoying a few weeks spent with the latter's parents at Indianapolis, Ind. Mr .and Mrs. Earnest Peacock entertained for Christmas dinner the latter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders, and family. Mr .and Mrs. Leonard Franzen and children of Ringwood are spending the holidays with their mother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Math Mansgern and children enjoyed a few days in the city over Christmas. Dr. Davis and family spent Friday and Saturday with friends in the city. Miss Jane left Monday for New York, where she expects to spend the winter with her aunt. Miss Eva Weber and gentleman friend of Chicago and George May were Christmas guests in the home of N. N. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Carr, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders and daughter, Hazel, and Mrs. Fannie Carr motored to Honey Creek Sunday. Martin Weber of Chicago spent the week-end with his brother, Pete, and family. Miss Frances Bretz of Kenilworth was home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Salain Price entertained out of town guests for Christmas dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Orvis had a family gathering Christmas day at their home. Mr .and Mrs. Mark Pierce entertained relatives for Christmas dinner. Mr .and Mrs. Fred Wiaspi of Chicago were week-end guests at the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Waspi. Mrs. Robbe and sisters from the city spent the week-end with her family. Miss Regina Miller and brother, Elmer, ate Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. John Lay. Mrs. James Faulke was a Chicago passenger one day this week. Mrs. C. Parfrey spent a few days with relatives in^ti6 city the first of the week. ^ John and Nicholas Wagner and lady friends of Chicago spent a few days the first of the week with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown had Christmas dinner in their home for a few relatives. Word has been had from Mrs. Hubar, who is spending a few months at St. Petersburg, Fla., that she is ( enjoying the nice warm days. Mr .and Mrs. Math Lay and gdn, Leo, spent Sunday at Johnsburg. Vincent Feltes and his mother were guests with Nick Nett and family. On Thursday the public school children was pleasantly surprised at the movie hall when at 1:30 the teacher, Miss Winn, left the school with about forty-five children and marched to the hall where all were in readiness, prepared by Mrs. Thomas Me- Afferty. A party consisting of games and lots of fun, had been carefully prepared and at the hour of four a delicious lunch was served, where the children were all seated at a beautifully decorated table of Christmas dcorations. It is needless to say who enjoyed it the most, the mothers or the children. It is one Christmas which will long be remembered. A Christmas tree was prettily decorated and Santa appared with lots of nice present. Twice ToIdgt Tales - Interesting Bits of New* Tl(m FfWl cite Columns of (|t. Plaindealer Fifty aad • , ItantHto Team t :f - iliilli a lew days left to |ein oar mpr. 187C Geo. Owen caught a large grey iowi a few days since and now has him at the E. M. Owen's warehouse. He is a wise looking bird and looks almost able to tell who is to be the next president. O. W. Owen has put a new safe into his store that weighs nearly 4,000 pounds. It is large enough to hold all his jewelry, watches, books, etc. Norquest & Weber of this village have bought the right of McHenry county to manufacture Elliott's Improved Harrow. F. Whiting sold to Stewart Bros, of Nun da one day last week the fouryear- old bull, "Horace Greeley." The sum paid for him was $125. The finest Christmas beef that we have seen for a long time was at the market of John Lansing on Saturday last. It was a cow bought of Freeman Whiting that weighed 1,460 and dressed 870 pounds. L. Francisco is now making a Patent Wagon Box. It is a wagon box, hay rack, chicken coop and hog rack combined. The Ringwood Literary association is preparing the drama, "Out in the Streets," to take place some time in January. The Christmas party by the McHenry Cornet Band club was attended by about 50 couples and was one of the most enjoyable of the season. Mr. Adelbert Sherman and Miss Jennie Kelley, both of McHenry, Were married Christmas eve by the Rev. R. K. Todd at his residence .in Woodstock. ^ • fj i. J ^ J ; ?» ~ < ir , CHRISTMAS CLUB mw- r:-*- V. December, 1901 Butter was quoted at 24% cents on the El^in market. Work on the bridge will be nearly completed this week. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Conway, Tuesday, Dec. 17, a girl. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Knox, Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 24, a boy. Geo. Curtis commenced putting up ice last week and a fine article it is too. It is about twelve inches thick, perfectly solid and clear as a crystal. The people of Johnsburg are after a canning factory. A proposition has been made them and the chances are that the offer will be received. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Weber, Tuesday morning, a baby girl. Last Sunday Chas. Parks, accom*- panied by E. C. Joslyn and sieter, enjoyed an ice boat ride up the river and about the lakes. They aatflunre ptoatjr of READY CASli tor next Chriitmai . >•' "5 ^ > r.,: MSI :ff yon have not already joined our Christmas Club, by all in and do so before it is too late. on certainly want to be otie of the great many, who will rtoeive Big| hecks from-ns just before the Christmas shopping season opens next December.* of having all the money yon want to spend next Christmas ap4f >«ome left over for other purposes. Xfeafs what onr Christmas Clnfi 'Members have every year. Become a member now and you will always be a member, But ]t»1n now, Stton it M too lat* Club closes In jtlst a I.w days Fox River Valley State Bank McHenry, mine!* • $y~. /><• u::~f °] 4, "-V , - , % 'V-ll' 7' *f~ * Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan wer$ Elgin visitors one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMillan and family spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Rydquist at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Marian McMillan and Misses Marian Shales and Eleanor McMillan were guests of Henry McMillan and family Christmas day. Eugene Leisner of Chicago visited relatives here Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Colemon of Crystal Lake spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. George P. Bay and family. The teachers and pupils of the Terra Cotta school very pleasantly entertained the parents and friends at a Christmas program last Thursday evening. After the program had been skirted j enjoyed by all, the gifts were disthe shores of both Pistakee and Fox jtributed and refreshments were served, lakes and came home by Moonlight. In a spirited encounter with a pig last Thursday John Buch came out of the fray second best, the pig being awarded first blood. In attempting to throw the porker the back of Mr. Buch's hand Btruck a spike which was sticking through a stall partition, causing an ugly cut about one inch in length, severing one of the large veins. A small investment In a classified ad in the Plaindoakr wfil pay you unexpected dividends. JOHNSBURO Peter Pitzen is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen, over the holidays. Jacob A. Miller was pleasantly surprized by his friends on Monday evening, it being his birthday anniversary. The evening was spent playing cards. Luncheon was served at a late hour. The Afternoon club met at Mrs. William May's Wednesday, Dec. 22. * Mrs. Joe May and daughter, Ger-» trade, visited with Mr. and Mm Frank Miller Sunday. Miss Alvina Schumacher spent Friday with Mrs. Rose Mueller. Miss Florence Freund and Miss Agnes Thompson and Messrs. Alex and Nick Adams spent Sunday night at Mr. and Mrs. Pete Freund*s. Peter R. Freund and Jacob A. Miller were Chicago callers Wednesday. Miss Mildred Miller spent Sunday with) Miss Alvina Schumacher. Misses Margaret, Ella, Theresa and Rosemary Heumann and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Harland spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Heumann. Misses Angela and Alvina Miller, Eddie Thompson and Russell Gibbs attended a show at Woodstock Sunday night. Over 1,000 people attended the St. John's church at Johnsburg on Christmas at midnight mass. Almost 800 received holy communion. VOLOU Thm will be a chfeken dinner at the Volo M. E. church January J. Dinner will be served at noon. Everyone cordially invited. The Dillon family of Champaign m spending the week at Waltono. Cards and card cases to fit at the frlaindealer office. Ask to see than. .aAOOMPLSTE VARIETY OF WE1X-KNOWM QKMLCTT GROCERIES W ALWAYS AT MONEY-SAVING FR1C&S W TERRA COTTA Intelligent Phitoeophy Before philosophy can teach by experience, the philosophy has to be In readiness, the experience must be gathered1 and intelligently recorded.-- j Carlyle. Frank Spraud of Chicago- spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Knox and daughter, Patricia Ann, of Sycamore visited at the home of M. Knox Saturday and Sunday. Miss Lillian Riley of Chicago was a guest over the week-end at the home of B. J. Shine. Misses Mary and Ellen Frisby of Elgin are visiting at their home here. ~ Mr .and Mrs. J. S. Lynott of Whea^ ton spent Saturday and Sbnday at the home of Henry McMillan. Mrs. J. P. Green and children of Woodstock spent several days this week at the home of M. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hawley of Crystal Lake spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Shine and family. Henry Shales of Crystal Lyke spent Christmas day at the home of Frank McMillan. Irving Laurens of Chicago spent the week-end at the home of Henry McMillan. NATIONAL TEA CO. Their Destination A balloon ascent had just taken place, and a tiny girl among the spectators turned to her mother with the query, "Mother, is God expecting those gentlemen?" • . . v of Wauconda were callers at the H. » L. Brooks home Motfday. McHenry Cartage Company We specialize in iiauling rubbish, ashes, cans, etc. We will make weekly calls. We will also do expressing of all kinds at Reasonable rates., Far Quick Service Call McHenry 38 • • - . _ . _ - T - : ; - - y Pancake Flours i ^ 19c "WW P & G Soap The White Naptha 10 ban 35C Campbell's Tom»to soW. 25c Flour Hazel Brand 24 Vi lb. sack $1.14 Lima Beans Choice Re-cleaned ;v ^2 lbs. 'f Corn Meal White or Yellow . lbs. Special Blend National lb. Carton Ginger Ale American Home Lge. Bottle (5c refund for empty bottles) Grape Juice American Horn* Quart Bread - _ I f • National's Best lb. loaf 0S4 IV2 lb. loaf ll3 Ni<#» National Tea Store YOUR HANDY PANTRY Q1W AND BLM 8T& McHENRY, ILL. 11 n MM MM illinium «v IE . / -hfriiVnr^ • frrr I Ifi-i " kjL 'V.V:. S v , T_ 4 *2 n%n 1s8-MM m A. _ J. i \

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