Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Feb 1927, p. 6

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^ " "" r ' v " * \ , * >• „ THE M'H XNE7 PLAINDSALEK, THUBSBAY, FEB. S, 1927 \ . k " V .* ?' X;< ^-: RINGWOOD ifc urday Specials " i-; • ". • . ' -- / SUNBRITE CLEANSER, per can ,.V............ EATING APPLES, Baldwins, per lfe» . . . ......... 6<^ HEAD LETTUCE, large, fancy, per heat^ 12^ CORN OR PEAS, good q u a l i t y , per can . . . . . 12 ^ BULK DXfES, per l b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -15^ PEANUT BRITTLE, per lb. . . ... 15d CATSUP, large bottle ..,.. . ., .;V • 19£ FIGS, Smyrna, per l b . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r 2 5 PINEAPPLE or PEACHES, high grade, large can 25& GRAPE FRUIT, large size, 3 fur ....... •. 25<J BACON, the: Best, ,per-JlffeM* v-• • •: • • •-.38^ Riverside Cash Grocery and Market Phone 180 i McHenry, 111. How many eggs did you get Yesterday? Riirht in this neighborhood there are folks who are making their liens produce lots of big fine flavored eggs despite the weather and short daylight. Why don't yon feed Cooley Egg Mash 'A- -• And '•get more < too. This is th' fan !Ve<l that contains dried buttermilk, alfalfa meal, meat scraps, in fact everything that is necessary to make hens lay right through the season when eggs are at? a top price. Just try it. * Made and Sold by the V McHenry County Farmers| Co*op. Ass'n Phone 29 SPECIAL FOR NEXT WEEK tirbund Barley *t $30.00 per ton. Limit two tons to a customer.. Wv 1. It &• £ Electrical Wiring We are prepared to do all kinds of electrical house wiring or make any changes in your present equipment. Experienced workman are employed to give prompt service and high class work. --... •' r- N When in need of anything in the electrieal line, call on us. We also do plumbing and heating. ft E. BUCH & CO. Batteries, Tubes and Radio Accesories Phone 48 Green Street About |38.00 was cleared at the Ladies' Aid society dinner in the M. W. A. hall on Wednesday, quite a crowd was in attendance. Miss Jayne Gould is spending the week-end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bacon. Bert Sutton of Solon, was a Ringwood caller on Tuesday. Mrs. Jennie Spaulding has been seriously ill, but is improving at this writing, ^ Mrs. George Harrison, will entertain the Hortie Circle at her home on February 9, assisted by Mrs. Raymond Harrison and Mrs. Rillah Foss. Mrs. C. J. Jepson was a delegate to Champaign from this unit of the Home Bureau, last week from Wednesday until Saturday. Mrs. Andrew Butler visited her sister, Mrs. K. M. Bradley one day this week. Miss Lorena Jepson was numbered among the sick the past week. Wililam Beth, Jr. of Chicago, spent a few days with his father. Miss Ariyne Harrison, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Mayme Harrison. Mrs. Jennie Spaulding ie yet very ill at this writing. Mrs. Lewis Hawley, was a McHenry caller on Friday morning. Miss Frances Helms is spending a few days with her grandmother at Spring Grove. Miss Laura Weter spent the weekend with Hebron relatives. Mrs. George Adams and Mrs. Thomas Doherty and children, were McHenry callers one day recently. Mrs. Frances Hall and Mrs. Lewis Hall who have been spending some time with relatives at Manitowoc, Wis., returned home Friday. Wayne Foss of Greenwood spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Rillah Fo$s. "Mrs. K. M. Bradley was a Friday morning caller in McHenry. Mrs. Laura Brown, was a recent caller with her mother at McHenry. Misses Marion and Alyce Peet spent Saturday with their grandmother Mrs. Georpe Harrison. • • . Jack McLaughlin is quite sick at this writing. Howard Hamilton of Richmond spent a few days this week in the L. E. Shepherd home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dunne and son of Lake Geneva, were Sunday callers with her • mother Mrs. Ellen Whiting, i-*. People in Ringwood were grieved to learn of the acute insanity of Ed Hogan, a reside.nt of this village. He was taken to Woodstock, Thursday, and from there to Elgin. ^ Lyle Hopper is again able to he out after being so seriously ill. r : Edward Harrison of Elgin spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison. Miss Nellie McDonald, spent the week-end at Keystone. Mrs. Melissa Gould of Elgin spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bacon. Mrs. Jessie Trow is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lewis Schroeder for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chicago spent Sunday in the E. C. Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sanborn of Spring Grove, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Abbott. Mrs. Frank K. Johonott of Richmond spent the week-end with Mrs. Charles Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Welter and family are the owners of a new Pontiac car. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Saturday evening at Woodstock. Mrs. Emma Merchant, spent Monday with Miss Nellie Merchant who is very ill. Miss Nellie McDonald spent Monday with Miss Cleo Pentz of Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wolfe and son Jack of Woodstock spent Sunday in the C. D. Bacon hoane. Mrs. Julia McCannon and Mr. and Mrs. Bert McCannon of Greenwood were Sunday callers with Mrs. Emma Merchant. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bradley, and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer of McHenry. Joseph Young spent Saturday even ing at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. James Bell and Mr. and Mrs. George Young attended a birthday party at the home of Mr. Ed Thompson on Saturday. Joseph Young and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Math Glossen o^Ostend. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Sunday with Mrs. Christen Young. . Frank Buchert of Richmond spent Sunday evening in the C. p. Bacon home. Arthur Hitt of Elgin WM, A Monday caller in Ringwood, ' Miss Julia McLaughlin spent Sunday with Miss Beth. Read the full-page of M. J. Walsh in this issue announcing a going out of business sale. It contains many bargains. Mrs. Amos Smith spent Monday with her daughter Mrs. B. T. Butler of Chicago. Mrs. Laura Brown sprat Monday in Chicago. Fred Walker and his mother, Mrs. Hannah Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young attended the funeral of Miss Stocking of Greenwood Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgren of Spring Grove spent Monday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young. Karl Fay of Chicago spent Tuesday with his mother, Mrs. Jennie Spaulding. Mrs. Lewis Hawley spetlfTuesday morning at McHenry. Raymond Hall is improving at this' writing. x Miss Alyce Wilcox was a Monday evening caller in Ringwood. Miss Bernice Smith spent the weekend with Mrs. Delbert Bacon of N. Crystal Lake. Better coffee for the same money Erickson Dept. Store. ' Leonard Carlson received word of the death of his sister, Mrs. Mack Dennis which occured at Harvard on Monday. Ray Conway was a Ringwood caller on Monday morning. A big assortment of english prints, percales, dress and apron ginghams, voiles and lingerie materials, now. on sale at Erickson Dept. Store. Try a can of Old Hickory Smoked Salt at the McHenry Co. Farmers Co-op. Ass'n. SLOCUM'S LAKB ' G. J. Brunett was a busniess caller at Crystal Lake last Tuesday . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son were callers at McHenry, last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and daughter, Dorothy were business callers at Crystal Lake Friday morning. Mildred Hoffman spent last Friday in Chicago. John Blomgren, Mrs. E. Anderson and Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Saturday afternoon. Henry Geary and son Jack and G. J. Burnett spent last Wednesday at Crystal Lake. • Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks spent Monday in Chicago. Whev\You See By'theJPaper that a cold wave is on the way, you can rest assured that your home, office or store will be warm and comfortable if your bin contains-agood supply of our Keeps You Warm Pocohontas Coal Look into your bin and let us supply yinix needs Phone 46 M-IJENRY LUMBER Aw -M- A Chmlitti nnA fbmvu** Mildred Hoffman spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mrs. G. J. Burnett spent two days at the home of her daughter at Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Amann and son and Miss Freida Otto visited the Montgomery Ward & Cos.' store at Woodstock last Saturday. C. A. Bevans of DesPlaines called on Willard Darrell last Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. George Schaid, Jr., and daughter Lillian of near Wauconda spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. McGill. Forrest Geary of Fremont township visited at the home of his grandparents here, last Fridajjr and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hayford and son Edwin and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowley of Crystal Lake called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk who have spent most of the winter in Chicago are now visiting at the Blomgren home and the Lou Lusk homes at Volo, before moving on the Cldugh farm at Wacounda, March 1. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hansen of Barreville were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. McGill. W. E. Brooks, Otis Phillips, Andrew Amann, R. B. McGill, and William Johnston and son Earl attended the farm sale of John Lambke, near Cary last Friday. Mrs. G. J. Burnett spent last Saturday afternoon at the home of her sister, Mrs. H. L. Grantham at Wavconda. Mrs. J. W. Pfannenstill and son Arthur visited at the home of the former's daughter at Crystal Lake, last Saturday afternoon. Joe and Frank Gansinger and Mr. Barber of Chicago 'spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. McGill. Mildred Hoffman visited at the the home of her sister at Crystal home of her sister at Crystal Lake. Saturday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. William's mother, Mrs. Clara Smith. Harry Matthews accompanied by Andrew Amann motored to Elgin on Wednesday with a truck load of the lateifs pigs. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Amann, Miss Freida Otta and Frank Dearborn attended the movie at the Gem theatre .at Crystal Lake, Sunday evening. Misses Jennie and Alma Dowell who are students at the Wauconda township high school have been absent a week on account of being ill with the measels. The Slocum Lake school closed last Friday morning on account of members in several families in the district being ill with measles. E L E C T I O N IN O T ICE Proposed Park District1 ^ TO ALL ELECTORS, MEN AND WOMEN: Public notice is hereby given that On Saturday, the 19th day of February A. D. 1927, at polling places as designated by the County Judge of McHenry County, in the State of Illinois viz: Polling Place No. 1^--City Hall in-McHenry, McHenry Township, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. . ** polling Place No. 2--School House in School District No. 17, McHenry County, Illinois, located on the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of section No. 1, township No. 44 North, range 8 East of the third principal meridian, Nunda Township, McHenry County, Illinois, all of said 'pollt. jj^places being situated within ' \ Sections five (5), six (6), seven. , (7), eight (8), seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19), twenty (20), twenty-nine (29), thirty (30), thirty-one (31), and thirty-two (32), township number forty-five North range 9 East of the tliirdf principal meridian, McHenry Township, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. Sections twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14), twenty-one (21), twenty-two (22), twentythree (23), twenty-four (24), t^entv-five (25), twenty-six (26), twenty-seven (27), twenty-eight (28), thirty-three (33), thirtyfour (34), thirty-five (35), and - thirty-six (36), township number forty-five (45) North range 8 East of the third principal meridian, McHenry Township, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. Sections five (5), six (6), seven (7), eight (8), seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19), and twenty (20) township forty-four (,44), North range 9 East of the third principal meridian, Nunda Township, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. Sections ope (1), two (2), eleven (11), twelve (12), and thirteen (13), township number forty-four (44) North, range 8 East of the third principal meridian, Nunda Township, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, and« all being situated in the proposed Park District to be known as "Fox^Biver Valley Park District"-- t - an election will "be held for tlie purpose of voting 44FOR PARK DISTRICT" or 4 4 AGAINST • PARK DISTRICT", as to whether the legal resident voters of said proposed Park District in said Townships of McHenry and Nunda, McHenry County, Illinois, will organize all of the territory embraced in said proposed Park District, viz: " Sections five (5), six (6|, seven (7), eight (8), seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19), twenty (20), twenty-nine (29§yW thirty (30), thirty-one (31), and thirty-two (32), township number forty-five North range 9 East of the third principal meridian, M®r Henry Township, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. •' Sections twelve (12), th.ii (13), fourteen (14), twenty-one. (21), twenty-two (22), twenty-r V three (23), twenty-four (24), twenty-five (25), twenty-six (26), twenty-seven (27), twenty-eight (28), thirty-three (33), thirtyfour (34), thirty-five (35), and thirty-six (36), township number forty-five (45), North range 8 "" East of the third principal meridian, McHenry Township, County §»f McHenry and State of Illinois. Sections five (5), six (6), seven •(7), eight (8). seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19), and -- twenty (20), township forty-four (44) North range 9 East of the third principal meridian, Nunda \ Tpwnship, County of McHenry aftd State of Illinois. Sections one (l),4wo (2), elevia (11), twelve (12), and thirteen (13), township number forty-four (44), North, range 8 East of the third principal meridian, Nunda Township, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, all being a compact area, t < into a Park District to be known as "Fox River Valley Park District." ~ Also to elect five legal resident voters as Commissioners of said Park District* the said election having been duly called by the County Judge of said County of "McHenry in the State of Illinois, in accordance with the prayer of proper petitions now on file in the office of the County Clerk of said \McHenry County, Illinois, under an Act of the General Assembly df . the State 6f Illinois to provide for the J3P"ganization of Park Districts, (Approved June 24, 1895, in force July 1, 1895) and all acts amendatory thereto. # The polls of which election in the respective polling places hereinabove designated, will be open at seven o'clock ^Tii the morning and continue open until five o'clock in the afternoon of said day. s, Dated at Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, this 25th day of January A. D. 1927. County Clerk• Easy to Fix Clock A comnierrtnl traveler staying at a small hotel wished to catch an early morning train, and asked the proprietress for the loan of an alarm*- clock. She produced the clock and remarked : "We don't often use it, dlr, and sometimes it sticks a bit, but If it doesn't go off just touch the Uttle hammer and it'll ring all rights- London Tit-Bits. • iv- Quality and, Service First West McHenry Somm Pewit >v "Say, mister, I bought 2 cents' worth [ W dried peas In this stort and eight of 'em won't fit my pea-sbooter. Could yon exchange 'etn?"--Progressive Arocer* fll25 c "And on that extra margin of precision in manufacture^ is based that extra measure of satisfaction which every Oakland owner enjoys" Throughout die entire Greats* Oakland Six chwdi yon will cover numerous Impressive ez< exceptional features as bodies by Fiaher in beautiful Duco colon, the Rubber-Silenced Chaesi*, four* wheel brakes, adjustable full cm of hmod construction--bat die SM> "• " sure oiling, and die like. And it la cr^t^nandfr SED^ ^£2L £ Ana on that extra margin of predion in man- linn nun always wiU be--built with *aa ufactnre is based that soctra measure of satis* ^u^ulouscare andexaUinjrwtiicharK^aivrnys faction which every Oaldaad owner enjoy*. the distinguishing marks of a trui? fine car i Everywhere the Greater Oakland Six is and which always result In better [g4asia| good will because it offers such <~ver a longer period of time. l02Stx»lZ9S. IS art •• Shfc. u !!!»••<>• «• j Ste. $S2S to$»7 S. - fLre. M At Owwil Mmn Tfcac I No Currency in Albania Albania has no curreBcy of Its own, neing the coins of neighboring cqso* Me*. . ;;x OmUmmdSUA,U* lCp rioa CONWAY MOTOH SALES, McHenry, Illinois * Ohe Greater OAKLAND SIX

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