Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Feb 1927, p. 4

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W t JWjg *7* : >;J'<Afi<i"ii,!^",' -. i.•^tr;a.V'S^v'.>»;-V';i',,V'X • -. & 'W:J i-m tfes M'HSrfRY PLAITOEALKt, THURSDAY, WS.24,19# »*v .fiiPPP V- -jj, •: :4c? #m M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published *V - every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. ••' -M •"wW Entered as second-class matter at §>r the act of May 8, 1879. the poatoffice at McHenry, 111., on- One Year .,. ftix Month? J)ul>ifri|i*'fft Sato > i ,....$2.00 M .«.00 A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager J: in. ®?v te TERRA COTTA Harold Knox visited relatives in Woodstock Sunday. , - Irving Lawrenz of Chicago visited Iriends here Sunday. Thomas Bernston of Elgin called at* the home of B. J. Shine Sunday. Miss Evk McMillan of Chicago epent Sunday at her home here. Miss Rita Green of Woodstock is Visiting1 relatives here this week. Miss Jennie Hogan of Elgin visited at the home of B. J. Shine Sunday. . Mia* Helen Brennan of Crystal Lake sBent Sunday with Miss Vera McMillan. Misses Mary and Ellen Frisby of Elgin spent the week-end at their home here. , Wil]ard Beebe of Crystal Lake spent the week-end at the home of Henry McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Anderson of Long Beach, Calif., are visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity. Coffee, the best on the market for the price. Saturday, 3 lbs. for $1.00, at Erickson's Dept. Store. Buy your harness and harness supplies at AlthofFs Hardware, West McHenry J I I1 >»••••»•»»»•» j I J ! »»»»« Classified Column FOR SALS Saturday, February 26 20 LBS OF SUGAR, with a $5,00 purchase, $1.00 BROOMS, regular 75c value 2 f°r $1.00' SHOES. Ladies' Serviceable Tan Oxfords, regular $3 and $3.25 values, Dollar Day, each..... $1.00 DRESS PRINTS--The very latest in fast color Dress Prints, 15 patterns to choose from, 3 yds. $1 00 UNDERWEAR CREPE .... 3 yds. $1.00 LINGERIE GOODS, The famous Satinette stripe. 60c value 2 yards $1.00 OLD MANSE MAPLE SYRUP, quart bottle, regular price 75c .2 bottles $1 00" KELLOG'S ROLLED OATS, 12c size 12 pkgs. $1.00 GRANDMA WASHING POWDER, regular 20c value per pkg., 6 P^gs. $1.00 OLD COLONY COFFEE, regular price 50c per lb 3 lbs. $1.00 KIBK,S OLIVE SOAP, regular price 10c per tar 15 bars $1.00 AXLE GREASE, pails, regular 75c, 2 pails $1 00 AXLE GREASE. cans, regular 10c, 10 cans $1.00 K. C. BAKING POWDER, 25c size. 5 for $1.00 MILLER'S STORE JOS. J. MILLER, Proprietor USED CARS FOR SALE 1926 Dodge DeLuxe Sedan. This car is an excellent buy; it is in good condi'Vn, has very good tires, and looks like new. Come in and' see it. 1924 Ford Touring Car; good tires good curtains and top; finished very good and in excellent mechanical condition. Price only $125. 1926 Dodge Business Sedan; mechanically perfect and looks like new. 1926 Dodge Blue Sport Roadster; driven only a few thousand miles. Come and see this one. Dodge %-ton truck; excellent tires; has a large platform box; can be purchased at a great saving. 1926 Chevrolet Landau, completely equipped. In appearance this car looks as if it had never been run. Can be bought at a greatly reduced price. JAMES MORROW & SON Phone 186 West McHenry FOR SALE--Pair goose feather pillows; also goose featherbed made in mattress form. Mrs. A. J. Schneider. Phone 53-R, McHenry. 38 •>22- FOR SALE--Choice lots on Center street in West McHenry, 2 blocks from depot. Sidewalks, gas, water, electric lights. $500 per lot. F. H. Wattles, West McHenry. 45-tf. COOPER'S SAPONIFIED CRESOL-- For disinfecting barns after TB testing. Sold by Dr. J. E. Wheeler, West McHenry. 38-tf FOR SALE--Fence posts, 5% and 6 feet long. Mrs. Joe H. Justen, route 3, McHenry. 34-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT--Store location in Centerville business district. Electric light, gas, water, etc. Inquire of Roy Kent, McHenry. Phone 8. 38-tf FOR RENT--Four-room flat; modern, garage; Riverside Drive. R. F. Conway, McHenry. Phone 167 38-tf FLAT FOR RENT--Inquire Popp, West McHenry. of B. 37-tf FOR SALE---Guaranteed new Kohler Power and Lighting Plant. This plant will take care of all lighting and power for any farm. Regular price $600; will sell for $400. W. L. Howell & Co., McHenry. 38-tf FOR SALE--Seven horses. Edmund Knox. Phone 67-J or 630-M-l 39* FLYNN-GABLE CHICKS Every one from pure-bred, carefully culled and supervised flocks. Write or phone for list. * FLYNN-GABLE HATCHERY Phone 34 Arlington Heights, 111. 37-2* STOCKHOLDERS' NOTICE You are hereby notified that a meeting of the stockholders of the Stevens Vacuum Husker company will be held at McHenry, Illinois, at the Creamer^ building, on the fifth day of March, A. D. 1927, at 3 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of voting epi the proposition to dissolve the Corporation and for the transaction of such other business as may be deemed necessary. By Board of Directors, 36-3* Stevens Vacuum Husker Co. MACHINERY OVERHAULING -- Am prepared to do overhauling of autos, tractors and other machinery. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 613-R-2. Wm. Buchert. 31-13 Birthday Surprise Party A very pleasant surprise was held at the home of John Schaid of this city on Wednesday evening of this week, being in honor of his birthday anniversary. About twenty-five relatives were in attendance. The evening was ^njoyed in playing cards and bunco. Prizes were awarded to the winners. At a ]ate hour a dainty lunch was served. Mr. Schaid received good, wishes from all and also some very handsome gifts. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. George Schaid, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karjs, Mrs. Peter P. Rothermel and sons, Elven and Carl, Mr. and Mrs. Math Glossen, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schaid, Mr. and Mrs. John Molidor, Mr. and Mrs. £eter M. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kennebeck and son, Elmeri Valentine Party On Thursday night, Feb. 17, Joyce Ki]mer Court, No. 573, Catholic Daughters of America, held a Valentine party, with a good attendance of members present. Various games were played, with prizes being awarded to Miss Genevieve Knox, Mrs. M. A. Sutton and Miss Leone Givens. There was also a valentine for a]l. Decorations were in keeping with the occasion. Most delicious refreshments were served. Three cheers were given the committee in charge for the pleasant evening's entertainment. FOR SALE--One stack of alfalfa hay, also twenty bushels potatoes. Peter J. Brown. Phone 614-J-l. 37-20 j CHOICE SEED BARLEY FOR j SALE--Quantity of choice barley, I threshed before the rain, that will ! make excellent seed. TTiomas M. Phalin, McHenry. Phone 617-R-2. 36-3* , fcESULTS! !h Kent & Company dan sell that house! Can rent that flat! Ca* find a buyer for that land! 18-tf WANTED DOLLARS DO DOUBLE DUTY DOLLAR DAY . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--One 300 or 400-egg electric incubator in good order. What have you J A. S. Parks, West McHenry; 36-31" WANTED TO RENT--Desire to rent 8 or 9-room house in McHenry, suitable for two families, or one that can be made as such. Will take lease for as long as two years. Phone 175, 184 or 186, McHenry, or write "W," care McHenry Plaindealer. 38 fc APPLES FOR SALE--Eating and cooking. $1.50 per bushel. Ringwood Nursery, Ringwood, 111. Phone McHenry 603-J-l or Richmond 947. 36-4 FOR SALE--Choice building lots near St Mary's church. Prices $350 and up. Inquire of William Bonslett, owner. Phone 124-J. 27-tf Loose leaf work is a specialty the Plaindealer job department. of WANTED--Farms of all sizes and descriptions for cash or exchange for income property. We specialize in quick deals. Kent & Company, McHenry. ^ 38-tf SPRING WILL SOON BE HERE-- Now is the time to arrange for wall papering and painting. New designs in wall paper are ready for your inspection. Arrange fof datings. W. P. Brooks, across street from grade school building. McHenry. 38-tf VOLO Mrs. John Rosing is ill with neuri- Saturday, Feb. 26 UNIVERSAL FOOD CHOPPER, Vo l, regular price $2.25 O & $1.7$ g tie. Miss Marjorie Eddy has the measles. Arthur Peterson was a week-end visitor at the Bay. ° Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wait irere Wauconda callers Monday. Miss Hazel Townsend spent the week-end with Beatrice Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Paddock were visitors at Ray Seymour's Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Townsend were business callers at Waukegan Monday. Miss Vera and Walter Vasey were Sunday callers at the A. J. Vasey home. Howard Birch spent Sunday at the Bemie Geary home visiting his father. Howard Converse and family were visitors at the R. C. Pierson home Sunday. Mr. aind Mrs. C. G. Benwell were Sunday dinner gueSts at the Joseph Vogt home. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cleveland of Pontiac spent Thursday at the Levi Wait home. Mr. and Mrs. Will VanNatta of Michigan called at the G. A. Vasey home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Owen M. Cleveland of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Wait. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher are the proud parents of a baby bpy, born Saturday, Feb. 19. Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Geary, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Vasey and Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Benwell surprised Mrs. Howard Converse last Tuesday evening on her birthday. Your dollar will go a long way Saturday at Erickson's Dept. Store. Buy your harness and harness supplies at Althoff's Hardware, West McHenry. I < © A No. 9 Heavy Tin, Popper bottom WASH BOILER Regular m«H.,................. . $2.35« FLASHLIGHTS, $1.50 value .... .$1.00 HOT POINT ELECTRIC FLAT IRONS, Regular $6.00 $3.69 4!i DUTCH OVEN 6 CUPS and SAUCERS, and 0 TUMBLERS. 10-qt. ALUMINUM PAIL, and DIPPER GOOD AXE ... .. W a « fc> $2.25 $1.00 o $1.00 g $1.00 M f M i s John J. Vycital 2 Hardware 0 j£2l PECIAL ALE Five Hundred Club Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schaeffer entertained the Five Hundred club at their home on Court street Tuesday evening, Feb. 22. The first prize at cards was won by Jacob Schaeffer, while Mrs. Mat Steffes won the first prize for the ]adies. A delicious luncheon in keeping with the day was served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Schaeffer and their guests later attended the Woodman and Royal Neighbor dance. The following members of the club were present: Mr. and Mrs. Nick Weingert, Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Frett and Mr. and Mrs. Mat StefFes. Edge water Bridge CJub Mrs. Lillian Cox entertained the members of the Edgewater Bridge club at her home on Saturday evening. Prizes at bridge were won by Mrs. H. Glover and A. C. Herzog. Delicious refreshments were served. The members will be entertained at the home of "Mr. and Mrs. E. Monaar for their next meeting. West Side Bunco Club . The West Side Bunco club was «ntertafied at the home of Mrs. Mayme Harrison on Monday evening. Severar games of bunco were played with first prize going to Mrs. Caroline Schiessle, second prize to Miss Clara Schiessfoand the consolation was carried away by Mrs. Vera Laures. Refreshments were served. The next meeting will be at the home ftjtjA, Caroli* ^,v Schiessle. Just see what a $ will buy at tfcft Ladies' Aid Society bake sale, held in the city hall, Feb. 26. DOUBLE DUTY DOLLAR for Saturday, Feb. 26 TOWELING, part linen .10 yds. $1.00 § at ^ West Side Card Club The West Side Card club met the home of Mrs. Emma Freund on Saturday evening. Five hundred furnished the evening's entertainment, with first prize going to Mrs. Henry Heimer, second prize to Mrs. P. H. Weber, and consolation to Mrs. Carrie Justen. Refreshments were served. The next regular meeting will take place at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Laures. Shoulder Dislocated P. J. Cleary received injuries one day last week while engaged in trimming some branches from one of the large trees in front of his home on Waukegan street. The ladder on which he was standing slipped from its position causing him to fall, dislocating his shoulder. He. received medical attention but still carries his arm in a sling. Q PILLOW TUBING, 42-ili, w PRINTS, 32-&U Ph . . . .4 yd«. $1.00 £ w v -- • •• • •7 $1.00 • ' ' M 3 LINGETTE 2W $1.00 6 O ^ Q CURTAIN GOODS, several kinds 4 yds. $ 1.00 ^ All 1-buckle RUBBERS for German Socks, * J. per pair 04 •J J O Q '-...Sl.oo PEACHES, S. B. 40c regular .. .3 cans $1.00 HEINZ' PUDDING .3 for $1.00 SOAP FLAKES, American Family, large - 2 for $1.00 All 5c SEEDS 30 pfcgs. $1.00 § FREE--One pound of SUGAR with each $1.00 order of groceries, excepting butter. Popular Twelve The members of the Popular Twelve Card club were entertained at the home of Mrs. Ben Stil]ing on Wednesday afternoon. Several games of five hundred were played with first prize being won by Mrs. Simon Michejs, second prize by Mrs. Ben Stilling, third prize by Mrs. A. Purvey and consolation by Mrs. N. Freund. A delicious two-course luncheon was served at the close of a delightful afternoon. This is the last party that this card cjub will enjoy this season although they have planned to commence again ne3jt fall. Linger Longer Bunco Club Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer was hostess to the members of the Linger Longer Bunco club at her home on John street on Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 23. The prizes were awarded to Mrs?. Frank Meyer, Mrs. Earl McAndrews and Mrs. Lester Page. A delicious luncheon was served at the close of the games. Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer _wi]l entertain at the next meeting. Stay-a-While Bunco ChA Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Young very pleasantly entertained the members of the Stay-a-While Bunco club at their home on Tuesday evening of this week. Those receiving high score in bunco were Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer and Fred C. Schoewer, with consolations going \to Peter J. Schaefer and Miss Theresa Knox. A most delicious luncheon was served at a late hour. ^The r/;t meeting will be at the home of Miss Theresa Knox. •£ Phone 96-M i m McHenry DOLLARS DO DOUBLE DUTT DOLLAR DAY $ Saturday, Feb. 26 LUNCH CLOTH and NAPKINS, values np to $1.00 LINEN DRESSER SCARF, Btamp«l and Hemstitched $1.00 LINEN FINISH PILLOW TUBING, 40c value.$1.00 LINEN FINISH SHEETING, 55c value 39* 95c APRONS and EMBROIDERY COTTON .. $1.00 APRONS to Embroider . 55^: KOTEX 50* 2 pairs SILK and WOOL HOSE $1.00 3 2-oz. Balls FLEISHER'S YARN $1.00 3 SILVER CASES to Embroider .......... $1.00 Whole table of novelties suitable for gifts and prises at greatly reduced prices. PILLOW CASES, Stamped and Hemstitched to Embroider $1.00 REGULAR $3.00 DRESSES .$1.00 $1.00 other wash Drsttei, Yegtflarty priced aft $5.00, $4.46, $2.65, $2.15 O. E. S Card Party A public card party will be given by the Eastern Star at. their hall, Saturday evening, Feb. 26. Bridge five hundred, bunco and lunch. Don't miss it--come and bring your' friends. AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Auct. The farm being sold, and having decided to quit farming the undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the farm located W<g miles north of Terra Cotta, 3 miles south of McHenry on the Terra Cotta road, commencing at 12:30 sharp on Friday, March 4th i;he following described property » 4 HORSES 18 COWf": 1 BULL t 10 BROOD SOWS - 100 CHICKENS Hay, Grain, and Full line of Machinery. o Yhe priee of many shoes will be such as'to save you $ $• Our regular prices for Lent will be interesting to you. S SMITH BROS. < Green St. H McHenry $ DOLLARS DO DOUBLE DUTT DOLLAR DAT $ On $ Day Eat your lunch at the restaurant on Riverside Drive, conducted by KARLS' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I for Saturday, Feb* 26, ICECREAM Brick Ice Cream, 50c value, Dollar Day, per qt. Bulk Ice Cream, 55c value, Dollar Day, per qt - Vanilla, New York, and Cherry CANDY Bunte's Milk Chocolates, ,1-lb. bog; $1.00 value, Dollar Day Fancy Box Chocolates for Dollar Day, $1.25 value $1.5fr value $1.75 value . 35«t 80<£ Nets W. jPaari : Lynn Richards, Cleric 95^ §1.20 1.25 CIGARETTES CARTON CAMELS, $1.40 value, Dollar Day $1.29 CARTON LUCgY SgjPKBfl, $1 40 value Dollar DayVvV..$ 1.29 UNTI BROS, Candy Cigars Cigarettes

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