Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Mar 1927, p. 3

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^ ; ^ w ^ "--^ THE M'HENBY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, MARCH 3,192ff %:: • "j * n T ; - * ? » i FWe^T . - V *« vy ' 4,- _v^. IOHNSBURG I r - *: i / f Miss E s t h e r May was a S p r i n g Grove caller last week Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schumacher '. spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schumacher. Miss Helen Smith and Marie Mertes were McHenry callers, Wednesday. The Afternoon club met at the home of Mrs. William May, first prize being awarded to Mrs. Stephen H. Smith, second to Mrs. Hubert Michels, third to Mrs. Math Jungen. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Joe Michel. Miss Helen SchaSfer, Mary Schmitt and Esther May attended a movie at McHenry Sunday. • • Miss Alvina and Angela Miller were MceHnry callers Wednessday. Mrs. John Mertes returned home from a visit with her daughter at •Kalamazoo, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thelen spent ' Sunday with Mrs. Mary Thelen. Mrs. Jacob A. Miller was pleasantly 'surprised by some of her friends on ' Thursday evening, being her birthday 2 anniversary. The evening was spent playing cards. At a late hour lunch was served. Miss Alvina Schumacher called at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ben Kennebeck. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Freund spent Friday night at McHenry. Mrs. John Fay, Mrs. Jacob Schumacher and Mrs. Joseph Hueman called on Mrs. Marion Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schumacher and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schumacher, Wednesday. C. W. Peters and Jack Smith of Chicago an£ Mrs. H. T. Wilcox of Boston and Virginia Erickson of Glencoe were Sunday callers at the P. J. Williams home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred De Thome of Waukegan called on Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Williams. Monday. Sebastion Bokener of Kansas called at the P. J. Williams home, Sunday. Miss Gertrude Williams of McHenry visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wililams, Sunday. John Jones of Chiacgo was visiting his wife and family here Sunday. A truly Colonial stairway built of Curtis standard pum. Now to kndfid propocrioos and Man Built COLONIAL WHITE or ivory paint on the woodwork " docs not make a Colonial interior. Nor do hooked rugs and antique furniture. The truly Colonial house has its character but It in to if. Unless the doors and windows, moldings, stairs and cabinetwork are Colonial in dtsign, a truly Colonial home xs impossible. CURTIS WOODWORK Phone 46 If you are thinking of building a home in the Colonial or any other style, bv all means learn more about Curtis Woodwork. We arc the Curtis dealer for this territory. Come in and sec our stock and our Curtis Catalog. Let us help you select appropriate designs and si zes to fityourplans. No obligation to buy. Come TQDAY. Mf tlENRY LUMBER PQ -B- •*. Quality and Service- First • West McHenry Tire Special for Saturday, March 5 Only J10*3i GOODYEAR, U. S. OR FISX CORDS $7.75 Walter J. Freund Tire and Battery Shop WEST M'HENRY, ILL. Adam Bradner sold several of his fancy White Rock pullets to C. W. Peters of Chicago. Joe Adams visited Stephen Huff at Spring Grove, Sunday night. William Althoff is building an upto- date chicken house on his place. . John Metts had cpmpany from Fox Lake this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Math Rauen, Mr. and Mrs. John Rauen and Fred P. Frett and family of Spring Grove were guests in the John H. Freund home, Sunday evening. Math and Joe Xarls are improving their homes with n6w furnaces and snr. parlor. The very newest patterns in ginghams and prints can be found at Erickson Dept. Store. Hurry to the Closing Out Sale at Walsh's. Save dollars while you can. Some wonderful bargains in shoes for the whole family. M. J. Walsh. SPRING GROVE OSTEND Not many changes in this neighbor hood this March 1. Steve Hautsinger moved from the first farm south of Warren Francisco's on same side of road to the Carey farm southwest of Ringwood, known to some as the Gremoldby farm. .. Mr. Dezell and family moved on Tuesday from Lake county to the farm vacated by Steve Hautsinger, which-he purchased of J. D. Donavan. Henry Hobart and son, Roy, delivered some poultry to a dealer in Woodstock, Tuesday and brought home a Melotte separator. Charles Williams of Woodstock was a Tuesday afternoon caller in the Francisco home. A timely warning to form residents is to let the dog loose nights, sleep with ears open, keep shotgun loaded and when you hear a noise in hen house, shoot and shoot to kill. Beware, take warning. Miss Annie Francisco shows a very little improvement. A little stronger and sits up a short period each day. She tries to put a little weight or. <her feet when moved ft*om .bed to chair. The dentist was called Sunday evening and extracted two teeth which! has helped ease neuralgia pains. Bad Teeth has caused much of-her illness. Four of the Lincoln family were over from Harvard Sunday afternoon to call on Miss Francisco. John McBroom, wife and four young Sons of Woodstock were callers on old neighbors, Sunday. The girls of our school presented the boys with Valentines, Feb. 14 and served a fine lunch. The boys were to return the compliment Feb. 22, but they failed to keep the time, but Feb. 25 they came over with the lunch and the girls say it was fine. Don't forget the 9 cent sale beginning today at Erickson Dept. Store. . Do not forget th£ Big Closing Out Sale. Baragins for all. M. J. Walsh's t To CHICAGO From McHenry--Grays Lakm Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago--the "Loop" Lv. McHenry Lv Grays Lake Arr.Waukegan An*. Chicago Ait Milwaukee 7:301 8:101 8:52i 10:05) 10:35) 10:30 am •11:10 am 11:52 am 1:06 pm 1:10 pm S:10jmb S :50 pm 6:22 p« 1:05 pm 7:35 pm Chicago North WEBER Laeal Agmtn SCHIESSLE Wert McHenry CITlf COUNCIL PORCEEDINGS Council Room, Feb. 19, 1927. The city aldermen met in special meeting, Saturday for the purposes of acting on ordinances providing for the extension of water and sewer on Mill street, Main street, Crystal Lake road, Woodstock road and other streets west of the Chicago & Northwestern rai]road in said city of McHenry, McHenry county, 111. Aldermen present: Doherty, Frett, Hughes, Overton and Thennes, Aldermen absent: Frisby. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Frett, that 'an ordinance for a connected system of .sanitary sewers in a portion of Crystal Lake road, Mill street, Grove street and Waukegan road, in the city of McHenry, McHenry county, state of Illinois, be passed as read. Motion carried. Motion by Hughes, seconded by Thennes that an ordinance for a connected system of cast iron main water supply pipes in a portion of Crystal Lake road, Mill street, Grove street, and Waukegan road in the city of McHenry, McHenry county, State of Illinois be passed as read. Motion carried. Motion by Hughes, seconded by Doherty, that F. H. Wattles hereby agrees to grade and gravel and place in the best condition, all streets in the Wattles subdivision south of Center street,; known as "Wattles 2nd subdivision," according to the plat submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by* Hughes, to adjourn, Motion carried. I F. H. WATTLES, Mayor R. F. CONWAY, Clerk Goes for All of V, Armed with a little self-rontidence, a siiu-ere interest in others and tta agreeable manner, any girl can put nnhappiness to rout. IKhMk Blake tells us. That good-all-around recipe doesn't Cost much to try.--Capper's Weekly. A large crowd attended the dabce Saturday evening at Solon Mills given by the Soroity Girls of St. Peter's parish. A beautiful silk quilt made and donated by this same cjub of young ladies was given (away the same evening to Mrs. Ben Watts. A neat sum was added to their treasury. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Butler spent Tuesday evening at R. G. Oxtoby's. Mrs. Alice Stevens returned home Saturday after spending the week in the city. Edwin Bell of Ringwood has come to make his home with his daughter and family, Mrs. Bertha Esh. W« are glad to have Mr. Bell in our midst; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Freund and daughter, Cherley, of McHenry werf Wednesday evening callers with th# forhier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Step* hen Hoff. Herman Franks moved his family here Wednesday. They now occupy Math Lay's flat. Louis Be]l and Ben Stevens moved the former's father's household good* here Thursday. Mrs. William Smith of Ringwood was a Monday guest of Mrs. Edna •Sweet. ' Little Marie Oxtoby entertained about ten little friends at her homS Thursday afternoon at her birthday party. The table was prettily decornted in white crepe paper and a dainty lunch was* served about 5 o'clock. All the little tots present enjoyed themselves, and wished Marie many mora happy birthdays. Mrs. Butler entertained the Euchr# club at her home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Madden and Miss Dorothy Carlen of < Rockfori called on relatives and friends ovet Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Grace Gardner was a Chicago passenger Saturday. 1 Mrs. Charles Behrnes and Dorothy were Walworth passengers, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders and family spent Monday evening with the latter's sister, Mrs. E. Peacock. . Mr. and Mrs. K. Lopeman returned* home Sunday evening after a thres days' vacation with relatives. Twelve relatives and friends gathered at the home of Reed Carr, and spent the ^vening, Saturday to , help cejebrate his birthday. After a few games of euchre and five hundred were played, a beautiful birthday cake of pink and white with candles aA many as his age. was presented to him by Mrs. Jennie Oxtoby. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. R. Oxtoby, M&. and Mrs. E. Peacock, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sweet and Charley, Mr. ani Mrs. F. Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. C. Parfrey, Mrs. Fanny Carr, Mr. P. Hoffman. Clair Furlong, Leo Fay, Vincent Feltes, Miss Vyvian Skedsmo and Miss Eva Weber, all of Chicago, were ovet Sunday guests at home and to attend the dance at Solon Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Math Rauen motored to McHenry Thursday to have denta] work done. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hanke of Channel Lake transacted business here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders, with their family moved to Hebron the first of March. Sunday guests at Joseph Wagner's were Mr. and Mrs. Byron Orvis, Mfc and Mrs. Leonard Franzen and fan* ily, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders and family, Mr. and Mrs. Franzen and family remained over until Monday morning. Closing out everything at wholesale cost. Come and secure some of the bargains at M. J. Walsh's. Look over your linens, and replace the old. ones from Cur linen department which is always complete. Erickson Department Store. - " ' " f Historic Date December 10. 1493, marks the formal founding of the first European settlement to be laid fti America. The Settlement was originally named Hispaniola, after the Spanish. In jthe course of time, however, the name was changed to Huitl A loose leaf duplicate system of keeping your accounts will save hours of work in sending out your monthly statements. Ask the Plaindealer job department to explain it to you. ^ Alphabet Revision The--movement to revise the alphabet would receive more general support If it were understood that hereafter the letter indicating the first person singular will not be found. Indianapolis News. * SIMPLE MIXTURE STOPS GAS BLOATING* Simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as* mixed in Adlerika, oftent helps stomach trouble in TEN minutes by removing GAS. Brings out & surprising amount of old waste matter you never thought was in your system. Stops that full, bloated feeling and makes you enjoy eating. Excellent fQr chronic constipation. Adlerika works QUICK and delightfully easy. John P. Bolger, Drug-- gist. Classified ads are winnefi NASH Leads the World in Motor Car The New Special Sedan Spcnal Six Chassis $1485 Created by Nash Revealing an alluring French-type rear contour, this ultra-new and arrestingly original body design has now entirely changed American idcias of motor car style. First exemplified by the new Ambassador and Cavalier models this unique body conception was immediately hailed as the most important creative achievement in the history of American, enclosed car craftsmanship. Today this inimitablvdistinguishedhody mode is available in the new Special Sedans just introduced on both the Special Six and Advanced Six chatab at prices of wider popular appeal. The Special Sedan on the Special Six chassis, colorfully finished in an exqui» site new blue tone is pictured above. The extreme luxury of its interior is emphasized by the gray tufted genuine Chase Velmo Mohair Velvet upholstery, real walnut steering wheel, and select hardware in chaste pattern. All inside window moldings and door panels are of walnut finish, as is the instrument board and the crowned panel above the instrument board. The same fittings and appointments grace the larger Advanced Six model and both are powered with the big Nash 7-bearing motor -- the world's smoothest type, 4'wheel brakes and 5 disc wheels are standard equipment. George A. Stilling Garage ZS McHenry, Uttnoia > - a- -sU-- HE MADE $40,000 IN JUDITH BASIN I "A MAN that wants to be independent with a small start," says G. J. Dickson, of Coffee Creek, Montana, in the heart of the Judith Basin, "could never come to a better country than this! Nor meet a more generous and friendly people! We are satisfied and cannot say too much for the country!" Mr. Dickson has good reason for enthusiasm. He came here emptyhanded from Kansas, and is now worth $46,000. He owns 800 acres, and leases 400 more. His crops average per acre: 18 bus. wheat, 40 bus. oats, a ton of alfalfa, 300 bus. potatoes. In his • garden he grows beets, peas, onions, carrots, rtdishes, beans, cabbage, parsnips, lettuce, cucumbers. He -- raises some shorthorn cattle, Chester white hogs, turkeys, Rhode Island A Reds, and his own horses for farm- ^»ng. He gets a $30 cream check every month, and keeps three gallons for home use. "I like it fine," says Dickson, t. The horses feed out all winter. | There's no comparison between this locality and the one I came from." If you want more information about, this wonderful country, write J®-_]p- Hunter, Agricultural ^Agent, C. M. A St. P. Railway, Boom 796, Union Station, Chkac», Illinois. ; IT Kill the Chill of Damp, Raw Days Roper 2*Way Gas Ranges Heat the Kitchen - and Cook the Meals The following features are on all new & ! Improved 18% in Oven Efficiency. 2. Ventilated Oven 3. Rust Proof Gray Porcelain Enamel Oven Linings. T^ XJolonial flush Design. 5. invisible Nuts, Bolts and HingHk 6. No Manifold Hangers 7. Invisible Manifold Feed Pipe. 8. Patented Gas Saving Cocks and Burners. 9. Complete Qv#a Control No Extra Charge for Connecting CALL US FOR INFORMATION PHONE 167 i ' -V.sV' 3 Western United Gas & Electric Company R. F. CONWAY, Local Manager . % . fi ••

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