Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Mar 1927, p. 6

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, - ,<"" - "* '» * ' 9 W «"•*" - -*•»•* * ' '• '" N»r* ' * ' i *>> .,. *•<•» f ' -<« . . y. THE M'HBNRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, MARCH 3,19fT >MERS AND GOERS OF • WEEK IN OUR CITY i&s Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In , By Our Friends v' Leo Conway spent Monday in Chimgo. * William Pries was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. > Mrs. Glen Peterson spent the weekend at Chicago. . ' „ Mrs. John Bolger and son, Clarence, <**f Woodstock visited relatives here on Sunday. « Harry Fay of Elgin was calling in McHenry, Tuesday. Miss Marjorie Phalm-oT Chicago spent the week-end here. . Neil Doherty of Chicago spent Sunday with home folks here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson were callers at Hebron Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henry* irate' Woodstock visitors Saturday. Mrs. Minnie Mi]ler visited friends in Chicago over the week-end. Mrm and Mrs, W. E. Whiting were Woodstock visitors, Saturday. Miss Mayme Buss spent the weekend as the guest of friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. William Lester of Elgin visited relatives here, Sunday. Mrs. George Young of Ringwood spent Tuesday as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith. ,'h »•> 'VWW<MMVW«f» iHivm * PUBLIC enthusiastically ^ '^0- - ENDORSES DODGE BROTHERS Latest Improvements Study these improvements carefully. Notice how basic they are--how each definitely contributes^to the value and desirability of Dodge Brothers Motor Car. And remember--they are JN ADDITION to the new chrome vanadium five-bearing crankshaft, excellent new starting and lighting system and many other improvements recently announced: ANew Clutch -- Sbnplm, Prompt; Smrm «mi Silmmt -Softer Pedal Action Easier Gear Shi ftin g Greater Steeri ng Ease New Body Li nei--tmart and graceful New Color Combination! of Striking Beaaty Still Sturdier Bodies Seats Re-designed for oomn groater carmfmt New Silent-Type Muffler More Rigid Engine Mounting--providing stiB mmoother motor performance Improved Propeller Shaft, Differential and Axle Shaft--creating greater ttardtnesa and dependability And mMl? -Other Smart Now Refinements of Detail The effect of these improvements is striking awj definite. Investigate at the earliest opportunity. Standard Sedan $980 Special Sedan $1075 DeLuxe Sedan >..... $1208 Delivered James Morrow & Son Wankegan and West McHenry We AJ&o Soil Do,peadaftJe Uood Can t Electrical Wiring and Repair Work We are prepared to do all kinds of electrical house wiring or make any changes in your present equipment. Experienced workmen are employed to give prompt service and high class work. t; * * • When in need of anything in the electrical line, call on us. We also do plnmbing and Seating- H. E. 6UCH& CO. Batteries, Tabes and Radio Accesories Phon* 48 Oreen Street §*•• ' «.• >• - Up'-. Two Principles ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL DISCOVERED l an electrical principle upon which a great (Communications art has been founded. Those who undertook to give practical value to 4£» discovery likewise left to their successors a principle of service, that has been developed into an intercommunicating system of over 17,000 000 telephones. ' Both of these principles were built upon and de- Mfloped with the same objective,--that of enabling "men to talk one to another easily, conveniently cheaply. With nation-wide telephone service already accomplished fact, these principles still continue 40 act and react upon each other, producing new ijdeals of service, new goals toward which to strive. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY IKUfYtTIM Qrn Policy * System - Unlwrwl Service 'V"\ Mr. and Mrs. Willartf Colby of Grayslake visited relatives here one day ]ast week. Mr and Mrs. Albert Purvey and son, Jack, spent Sunday with relatives at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs, Draheim and family of Chicago spent the week-end at their cottage on Fox River. Arthur Peterson of Round Lake was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eddy, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Colyer of Elgin were Sunday guests in the August Rossman home. Mr. and Mrs. Math Baur spent Sunday at Spring Grove with Mrs. Baur's mother, who is qutie iJL Mrs. Fred Justen and , daughter, Mae, and Miss Bernice Weber were Elgin visitors Saturday. Miss Helen Gies of Chicago was a week-end guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson. Clarron Eddy of Elgin spent the week-end in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eddy. Miss Mayme Donahue of Chicago was P. Sunday guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. James Burke returned last week from an extended visit with relatives at Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Henry Block and her daughter, Mrs. Fred Feltz, spent the weekend with relatives at Chicago, Joseph Bennett of Chicago was a Sunday guest in the home of Mrs. Katherine McCabe and family . Albert Rossman of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Rossman. Albert Buchert of Chicago was a Sunday guest in the home of his brother, Will Buchert, and family. Mrs. Henry Block is spending several days this week as a guest in the Theodore Bethke home at Dundee. The Melody Masters have been engaged to play at the home talent play at Ringwood Wednesday night. Miss Florence Rothermel of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rothermel. James Kennealy and son, Richard, and Edward Kennea]y of Elgin were Sunday guests in the Nancy Frisby home. Mrs. John Carey spent the week-end in the home of her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger, at Woodstock. - Mr. and Mrs. George Kamholz and little son of Chicago spent Thursday of last week in the Fred Kamholz hoim*. " * Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kamholz and little son of Chicago were Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Fleming and daughter, Ellen, and son, LaVerne, of Woodstock visited friends and relatives here Friday. Miss Frances Vycital, who is now employed at the Western Distributing Co., Chicago, was the guest of home folks, Monday night. Miss Marie Callahan and Gene Zoia of Woodstock spent Saturday afternoon and evening as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doherty. C. G. Berner, who has made his home with his daughter, Mrs. Charles Buchert, at Crystal Lake, left last Friday for a visit in Florida. The deputy superintendent of the police department of Chicago, Mat thew Zimmer, and wife, cal]ed on Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Kelter, Sunday. Clarence Niesen and Miss Verona Niesen were Chicago visitors Tuesday, at which time they visited their father M. M. Niesen, at the Oak Park hospital. Mr. and Mrs. William VanNatta of Fdbntain, Mich., spent Sunday in th« home of their son, Robert Thompson, and family. Miss Lillian Baur, who has been employed in Chicago, returned to her home here last week and is now employed in the office of Kent & Co., at Crystal Lake. Miss Lillian Doherty and her friend Miss Lillian Kordenick, of Rosary College, Chicago, spent the week-end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Doherty. Mrs. Ella Larnard of Los Angeles, Cal, who spent several days as a gu^t in the home of Mr .and Mrs. John Phalin, left the last of the week for her new home at Cairo, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newman of Chicago, spent Sunday in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman, where his grandmother, Mrs. Mary Ford, is seriously ill. Supt. C. H Duker and his Junior high basketball teams journeyed to Woodstock Tuesday after school, at which time they played the Woodstock teams. One team was victorious while the other was defeated. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer, in company with Karl M. Bradley and children of Ringwood, motored to Chicago Sunday, where they visited Mrs. Bradley, who is recovering from an operation at St. Anthony's hospital. " Mrs. Joe King and little daughter, Eleanor, of Jobnsburg were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Steffes, Tuesday. James Kennedy and son, Richard, and Edward Kennedy of Elgin were S(Jay visitors in the home of James Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers and family of Woodstock visited in the home of the former's father, George Meyers, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh visited the former's sister, Mrs. Maria Muldoon, at a Chicago hospital on Thurkday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Anton J. Frett and family of Wheaton spent Sunday in the home of the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. J. J. Frett. Mr /and Mrs. William Fleming and daughter, Ellen, and son, LaVerne, of Woodstock were calling on McHenry relatives, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nickels visited in the home of the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Dibler, at Woodstock, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McAndrews and son, Donald, of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl McAndrews. Mrs. Caroline Kramer of Chicago, who has spent several weeks in the home of her son, George Kramer, and family returned to her home the first of the week. LeRoy Conway spent Monday Elgin. LeRoy eotfwsy spent last Thursday at Elgin. Miss Eleanor Conway was In Elgin visitor, Friday, John Fay motored to Waukesha, Wis., Monday. C. W. Goodel| was a Woodstock visitor Monday. Mrs. P. M. Justen-was a Chicago visitor Saturday. George H. Johnson was a Woodstock caller Monday. Ray Page was a Woodstock caller on Friday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Klontz were Elgin visitors Monday. " Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conway were Elgin visitors Saturday. Dr. R. G. Chamberlin was a Monday evening" caller at Woodstock. Misses Mildred and Helen Welch were Chicago visitors, Saturday. Jerome Sievert passed the weekend with his parents in Chicago. Mrs. A. J. Barbian returned last week from a visit at Biloxi, Miss. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Covalt and children spent Sunday at Chicago. Elmer Koerner spent the week-end as the guest of friends at Batavia. Mrs. Agnes Wentworth spent the week-end with relatives in Chicago. William Bacon went to Waukesha, Wis., Monday for an indefinite visit. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson of Ringwood were callers here, Saturday. Mr.' and Mrs. Frank Hughes and family were Woodstock callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Rothermel and family were Elgin visitors Saturday. Mrs. Allan Noonan and Miss Lillian Freund were Chicago visitors, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hankermeyer of Waukegan were callers in McHenry Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hitchens of Ringwood were callers here Saturday evening. Mrs. Katherine McCabe^ and son, Henry, were Waukegan visitors, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Widell spent the week-end with relatives at Fond du Lac, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Martin of Wauconda visited friends here Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Nellis of Crystal Lake spent Saturday evening with friends here. Miss Minnie Conway and little Jean Conway of Elgin visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Walter Brooks entertained nher mother and sister from Chicago over the week-end. Miss Lenore Cobb commenced her new duties at the Robert Duda tailor shop, Monday. Richard B. Walsh of Evanston spent Saturday and Sunday in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh. the SMOOTH and : >< ELECTRIC HftSHER Sold the Easy 'Little by LittW Way Gift Bond ^•V;-gpod for $10 worth ^fmer~ chandise of your own selection at the Public Service Store -- is baing given free with every Federal Electric Washer. The Federal is popular with women every where because of its smooth and quiet operation. This Gift Bond Offer i§ for a limited time oojf* Come In Today I -- See It Today I PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 101 Williams St., Crystal Lake Telephone 280 ^ I. A. Schabeck, District Manager : i Payment Protection Every Federal Washer sold "Little *by Little" is covered by a Payment Protection Certificate. f This takes care of your payments In certain cases when you are pre- Vented from paying them yourself. Ask about this wonderful protection which comes without additional cost to you. GENERAL MOTORS* LATEST ACHIEVEMENT Ofce New and Finer PONTI Oakland today announces an entirely new line of Pontiac Sixes, notably enhanced in beauty, incorporating numerous refinements in design* and carrying new low prices. New Fisher Bodies Never in any low-priced six have been achieved such commanding beauty7 and luxury as in this latest achievement of General Motors. Lending luster to even die Fisher tradition of masterly craftsmanship, the new bodies by Fisher are longer, lower and superbly executed to the slightest detail. All New Duco Colors All body types are finished in new combinations of Duco colors. Original and fresh, these colors range from Beverly Blue and Black on the Sedan to Cherofete Gray on the Sport Cabriolet. ^ New Beauty md Style Pontiac Six beauty has always been outstanding. But now in these new and finer models has been achieved not only new beauty but also an arresting \ rakishness--the results of a deeper radiator; larger, heavier, and more sweeping crown fenders; and more massive headlamps. Windshield and body pillars are narrowed to conform to the accepted custom-built vogue and to provide a wider arc of visibility. Window ledges are smartly recessed and finished in a contrasting color. Mechanical Refinements In addition to the numerous elements of greater beauty and style, the new and finer Pontiac Six introduces many new features and refinements in engineering design--such as tilting-be am headlights with foot control, new transmission and brake levers, steering wheel with aluminum spider, a clutch even smoother and more positive in action and an oil-sealed universal joint. Two New Body Types Two entirely new body types of charao* teristic beauty have been added to the Pontiac Six line. These are a dashing, youthful Sport Roadster, finished in Lucerne Blue, striped with Faerie Red; and a 4-passenger Sport Cabriolet, with Brevoort Green top and fenders, land body in Cherokee Gray, striped with orange to rival in smartness die highest priced cars of the day. Come in and see the New and Finar Pontiac Six! AT MEW LOW Sedan • *775 Coupe• 775 Sport Roadster *775 Landau Sedan 895 Sport Cabriolet (4-PM*>) *835 DeLuxe Landau Sedaft 975 CONWAY MOTOR SALES, McHenry, Illinois

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