Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Mar 1927, p. 3

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mv~'sr:t>< SIP 9P9Pi«PpppPHifi9i^ r-T v % * • * s ; ; ®f* TH - THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, MARCH 10,1927 tt RIN0WOOD -JMr. and Mrs. Ben Jlisten and family spent the week-end with Chicago relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Franzen and fiumily spent Sunday at Spring Grove. Matt Welter, spent Tuesday after- BOon at Pistakee Bay. Dick Fleming of McHenry spent 'Tuesday afternoon at Ringwood. 1 The Home Bureau, met with Mrs. Gforge Shepherd on Tuesday afternoon. John Kottner of Spring Grove was ft Ringwood caller on Tuesday morn- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rauliff of Woodflock spent Sunday evening in the Irving Merchant home. Mrs. James Ladd is visiting in Chicago for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Merchant and ^family spent Sunday with their mother Mrs. Emma Merchant. Mrs. Lewis Hawley spent Wednesday with her father Fred Shaw of Chicago. . Mrs. Ruth Hopper spent Tuesday ttorning with her daughter Mrs. Arthur Peet. Henry Foss of McHenry was a - Blngwood caller on Tuesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Wednesday at Janesville. Miss Myra Speaker of Richmond spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Leslie Olsen. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hopper and son Wayne of Barnards Mills spent Tuesday noon at Ringwood. Mrs. Jessie Trow who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lewis Schroeder has returned to her home in Hebron. Mrs. Leslie Olsen and Miss Myra Speaker spent Wednesday morning at Woodstock. Misses Bessie and Clara Randall of Keystone, spent Wednesday afternoon in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephensen spent Wednesday afternoon at the county-seat. Mrs. Harold Whiting and daughter, Ardis, of Chicago are spending a few days in Ringwood. ./ Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson have rented the Krohn residence, recently vacated by Joseph Young and family. Ed Bell of Spring Grove was a Ringwood caller on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison spent Tuesday with their daughter, Mrs. Grace Hinze at N. Crystal Lake. CLOSING OUT SALE at Wholesale Cost Ladies' ribbed Vests, fine yarn, V neck and bodice style, 50c grade. Sale price .\ 35c 35c and 40c grade. Sale prioe.-25<£ Boys' Union Suits, athletic, fine quality, 75c and 85c grade. Sale price Boys' Union Suits, ribbed, fleeced, $1.00 and $1.15 q u a l i t y , now . . . . . . . . Little Boys' Union Overalls, sists S to 8, $1.25 quality. Sale price ........ ....... Laces, Insertions and Embroideries, Friday and Saturday, all at A good Lace Curtain Net, per yard ....i..; 36-inch Challies, for comforts, 20c quality at'.... 27-inch Gingham Special, Friday and Saturday, yd. 15C - Medium light Percales, 36-in. Special Friday and Saturday ;.. .^X6^ White Dresses, fine India linen lace, embroidered and ribbon trimmed, sizes 2 to 5, worth $2.00, on sale for, each 95* Ladies' Bloomers and Stepins, popular colors, all sizes. All linen crash heavy twilled Toweling, 40c quality, 29<£ 75* 90# 28C 14& M. J. Tire Spef iaJ for Saturday and Monday Only MARCH 12 AND 14 Gooayear or Fisk Balloons Sue 29x4.40 $8.75 Walter J. Freund Tire and Battery Shop i WEST M'HENRY, ILL To CHICAGO From McHenry--Grays Lake Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains staking yonto the heart of Chicago--the "Loop" I^v. McTTenry am 10:30 am 5:10pm Lv. Grav s Lake • 18:10 an 11: 0 am 5:50 pm Arr. Waukegan EdfewCit. 8:52 am 11:52 am 6:22 pm Arr. Chicago TO: 05 am 1:05 pm 8:05 pm Arr. Milwaukee. 10:35 an».' 1:10 pm 7:36 pm Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R.R.CO. WEBER & SCHIESSLE Local Agents West McHenry and Mrs. Charles Stephensen! Schroeder, second prize to Miss Cora Friday afternoon in Spring Beth and third prize to Lorena Jepson, The Mr. spent Grove and Solon Mills. ( Mrs. Laura Weter spent the weekend with Hebron relatives. Little Marie Young entertained a party of little girl friends at her 6brth birthday party.. A, delicious luncheon was served by Miss Frances Young. All the little gtfests had a nice time. Miss Julia MIcLaughlin wishes to thank the friends of Ringwood very kindly who helped her with votes during the automobile contest. Mrs. Emma Merchant spent „the week-end with her son Floyd and wife of Woodstock. William Beth, Jr., of Chicago spent the week-end with his father and sister, here. Stephen H. Freund of McHenry spent Saturday afternoon at Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Bacon of N. Crystal Lake spent Sunday here. Miss Julia McLaughlin won the Ford touring car at the contest for the Woodstock Sentinel. It was the third prize. The Ringwood people are very much pleased to know she was the lucky one and extend their Congratulations to Miss Julia. Mrs. Harvey Bumgart and son. Harney, Jr., of Battle Creek, . Mich., are visiting her mother, Mrs. W. A. Dodge. \ . About $71.00 was cleared at the home talent play on Tuesday evening and about $46.00 was cleared at the dinner in the M. W. A. hall, on Thursday. The proceeds will go to the Methodist church. About forty friends atod relatives gathered at the home of Mrs. Leslie | Olsen on Thursday afternoon at a I f a r e w e l l p a r t y . B u n c o a n d 5 0 0 f u r - j nished the afternoon's entertainment.! At the close of the afternoon a de- J lieious luncheon was served. Mr. and j Mrs. Leslie Olsen are moving to Mc-i Henry to make their future home. _ Miss Alvina Ingall's is working in the home of Frank Adams and family. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and daughter A dele and ifiss Nellie McDonald spent Friday evening at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Hughes of McHenry are moving to Ringwood, where they will occupy her father's homo. Lewis Hawley was a recent McHenry caller, on business. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Speaker spent Thursday with their daughter, Mrs Leslie Olsen. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barthoff of Richmond spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. C. D.. Bacon. Julian Butler of Chicago spent Friday with his sister,. Mrs. Frank Hitchens. Miss Ellen Hall is numbered among the sick at this writing. Wyane Foss of Greenwood spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Rillah Foss. Mrs. Mary Carey and two daughters Evelyn and Genevieve, and Mrs. Thos. Doherty and son were Saturday shoppers in Elgin. Raymond Hall who has been confined to his home for four months is again able to be over town among his friends again. Mrs. George Young spent Tuesday as a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith. Mr, and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and family spent Sunday in the C. W. Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. W, O. Sanborn of Spring Grove spent Sunday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. D. A. Abbot. Miss Nellie McDonald spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and M rs. John McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLaughlin and Julia and Miss Cora Beth spent Sunday afternoon at Woodstock. Mrs. William Smith of Ringwood wes a Monday guest of Mrs. Edna Sweet. William Giddings wis a Saturday evening caller in Hebron. Miss Viola Rager entertained a party of young friends, from Genoa City, and her Sunday school friends from Ringwood at a party on Saturday evening. Sacred music was played. Ice cream and cake were served by the hostess' mother, Mrs. Clay Rager. All report an enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell and little Warren Jones of West McHenry spent Sunday afternoon with his erandmother, Mrs. Rillah Foss. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hawver and daughter. Hazel, of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Stephensen. Mr. and Mrs. William McCannon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon. ---r Joseph Young and family spent Sunday evening at McHenry. MrV George Young and family spent Sunday evening at McHenry. Mrs. George Young and family spent Monday at Richmond, visiting Mrs. James Bell. Mir. and Mrs. George Shepherd and* children spent Saturday evening in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Saturday evening in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer spent Sunday with Karl Bradley and daughter. Elaine. John Nett of Johnsburg was a Ringwood caller on Monday afternoon^ John Kottner of Spring Grove spent Monday afternoon in Ringwood. Mrs. Frank Hitchens entertained a party of friends at a party on Sunday a delicious dinner was served by the hostess, Joseph Williams of McHenry was a Rinerwood caller on Monday afternoon. Kirk Harrison of Elgin was a business visitor in Ringwood on Monday. Mrs. M. L. Welter and three children called on her mother at Spring Grove on Sunday afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams and family were Sunday callers at Johnsburg. Mrs. Abe Lawrence was a Saturday afternoon caller at McHenry. Mrs. Bruno Butler and daughter- Helen Ruth, have returned home to Chicago. The B. M. Bunco club w«i royally entevtained at the home of Mis? Julia j McLaughlin on Monday evening. She was assisted by M'ss FYances He A delicious luncheon was served |by the hostesses. Prizes were awarded follows: Xirat prise to Mrs. next meeting will be held with Misses Lorena and Mildred Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Antcliff and Mrs. William Antcliff of Richmond were Tuesday afternoon callers with Mrs. Clay Kager. , M. L. Welter and H. E. Kelley spent Tuesday morning at Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Tonyan spent Saturday afternoon in the Henry Williams home. Mrs. Jennie Spaulding, Who has been ill, is again improving. Select your silk undies from our new line. All the pastel shades are to be found in this wonderful assortmM& Erickson Dept. Stan. . Miss Tresa and Rosemary Huemann of Chicago visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huemann, Sunday. Mrs. Joe King, Mrs. Steve King and Mrs. William Meyers visited Mrs. Jacob Steffes Tuesday. Mrs. Anna Tonyan of Fox Lake visited with Mrs. Mary Tonyan a few days last week. The^, Jolly Eight club met at the hom/ of Mks. Joe Michels, Tuesday evening. The evening was spent by playing five hundred. All the guests were dressed in old-fashioned costumes.. Prizes w£r§ awarded to Mrs. Joe Thelen, first; Mrs. H. W. Hetter- JOHNSBURO mann, second, and Mrs. S. H. Smith, consolation. Attractive colored materials that are guaranteed to boil. Just the thing for your summer dresses. $riekson Dept. Store. Dr: Your husband must have absolute quiet. Here is a sleeping draught. . Wife of Patient: And when will I give it to him? Dr: You donst give it to him at all. You take it yourself.--Exchange. Mien may not be practical, but they wouldn't wear knee pants and tfryn spend time trying to pull the darned thing§ down over their knees.--Portage LaPrairie GTaphte. She: I learned to smoke rfg&ettes at Palm Beach. He: Darned good thing you didnt go to Maine; they smoke herrbiff there.--The Leatherneck. If figures ever lied, they quit when modern styles came in.--Regina Post ' " -w/wwuvuww Detroit woman broke a leg when she stepped on the soap Tuesday night. Moral: Wait till Saturday nigkL-- St. Johns Times-Star. , llr. and Mrs. Emm^t Merick and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis fflthoff of McHenry visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff recently. Mrs. Catherine Althoff, daughter, Martha, and Mary Jane and Donald Carney of Kenosha, Wis., were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff. The Wide-a-Wake club met at the home of Frances Baur Sunday afternoon. The afternoon Was spent in playing bunco. The lucky ones were Miss Agnes Hetterman, first; Hilda Webe^. secondhand Dorothy Baur, consolation. • Mrs. Ben Schaefer and children, Helen and Raymond, boarded the train to Chicago Monday. MJrs. Schaefer will visit a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder of Chicago. Mrs. Lawrence Baer, daughter, Marie, and son, Edward, of Chicago visited with relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oeffling ^and son, Lloyd, visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Oeffling Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and family visted Mr. and Mrs. John Smith> Sundav. Mi ss Mildred Schaefer boarded the train to Chicago Monday evening. Helen Smith visited with Marie Miller Sunday. The Jolly Eight club met at the home of Mrs. Frank Kempfer Sunday evening. Five hundred was played prizes were awarded to Mrs. H. W. Hettermann. first; Mrs. John M. Pitzen, secondhand Mrs. Peter Freund, third. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hettermann and family and Mrs. ^Catherine Tonyan visited with Mrs. Elizabeth Tonyan Sunday. Miss Catherine Althoff of Elgin visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff Sunday. The Afternoon Five Hundred club met at the home of Mrs. John A Miller. Prizes were distributed to Mrs. S. H. Smith, first; Mrs. Hubert Michels, second, and Mrs. Jacob Miller, third. Mrs. Ray Horick of Woodstock visited with Mrs. S. H. Smith, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adams were McHenry callers Saturday and visited there with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Adams motored to Chicago, Sunday, where they visited Mr. and Mrs: Emil Debracht. Miss Margaret Smith is visiting with her parents, Mr and Mrs. S. H. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Michels, Jr., of Harvard visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Michels, Sunday. NASH Leads the World in Motor Car Value 23 Models ^ 4 Wheelbase Lengtha ; Prices range from $865 to $2090 /. o. b. factory ' '• * " - Never before in its history has Nash offered so compellingly attractive an array of motor car values. Colorfully finished in exquisite blends and harmonies, Ct£ supreme gracefulness in line and design, and richly appointed and fitted thruout, this great group of 23 models pro* vides America's most inviting opportunity in the selection of a motor car. Embraced within this notable array of body styles are three distinct series--the Light Six, Special Six, and Advanced Six, and 4 wheelbase lengths, for the Advanced Six. Series includes models of extra long wheelbase. • t " And of particular interest is the sensational new Nash body design as exemplified by the new Cavalier model and the new Special Sedan on the Special Six chassis, and the npw Ambassador and the new Special Sedan on the ' Advanced Six chassis, together with the superb new Light Six De Luxe Sedan--the style car of the $1000 field. Each model of the 23 possesses the superlative perform* ance ability of the great Nash 7-bearing motor--the world's smoothest type* And each model offers as standard equipment, at io extra cost, 4-wheel brakes of special Nash design, and 5 disc wheels. George A. Stilling Garage Phone 28 McHenry, Illinois (MS) (2 Now Complete line of high grade Cabinets; single and double oven Gas Ranges, hotel and restaurant Ranges, Soldering Furnaces and high efficiency, gas fired Warm Air Furnaces. Easy Terms -- -- . . -- -- • Is your gas stove working properly? If not, call us; we'll be glad to adjust it for you. Invest your savings in Western United preferred stock Western United Gas & Electric Company R. F. CONWAY, Local Manager •M V . * v. OP&ONE 167 . " • : : T: " ' • • • • ' f *••»»•»«.«««»» mm i • i n i<»»h»«»«»««»»««.»»»i»h>»»iii III! \ -A Z \ „ -v.ii <uiukei*.

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