Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Mar 1927, p. 10

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.'Marengo-- ' Pllridc Bros., Emil Steinke specifically those hefelnfcfter r^ferrM td^td brtakenby "ayes" and "rtbs," and all of wMchr -•• intcnaent or Highways for verification, are directed to compel compliance with entered upon the record at til*'Board. rft length bv ] k ,i'S» vto.. ^5 L > r copy of ,h<* report wi fk • 3V _ u Z *V 14) \ \ V 7^(1 of the such laws of the State of Illinois. | 10. In all cases Where &pptlCatlotr for ITpon motla k 1 11 T* \* U7 A O v\ i* • k S . 1 ^ A A A Y A I-- >1 l I A -- £? to. 1 A JM § 4 . M B. A At ^ . . . . I* « « * ^ Bros., pauper to Rockford __ t, gtteraon, coal Emil Steinke 19.S2 May Grand Jury was presented and read Grocery, mdse. Kmil •• 8teinke _ vOthUll Grocery, mime. Emil \ ^MMMn W. 8. Eshbaugh, rent Mrs. Moore ShurttefT Co., coal Mrs. Moore .... Htrrnfo Cash Market, meal Emil Steinke 2. In the filing of plats of subdlvl «nd on motion placed on file. slons there shall be first submitted to f lie ..plane, or. part t 17.16 The western 1'nited Gas and Electric the County Superintendent of Highways said-Board such appl .... i company presented a petition asking appointed by the Board of Supervisors f erred to the County Superintendent jj'jt th<" .r'Kht. to construct Gas mains and of MeHenry County a tentative plat in Highways who is heretty authorised i ?'?*• ser)!< ,oe pipes along the highway known duplicate blue prints, which tentative dirpfctf" 4.03 as County Road H. beginning at the city plat shall be in accordance with the fol- 1'mits the City of MeHenry and run- lowing requirements. • ?•»§ n I n g Southeasterly and Southerly (a)--Each tentative plat shall be tJJfouSl1 Section 36 of MeHenry Town- drawn to a scale of 100 feet to 1 inch. 18.0® snip. . , (jj) Ajj caption nnes. School District I bupr. Frstrad introduced the f6llowing l tries, existing- property lines, bulldin: 'rest>lution iM moved its adoption, to- water courses and other existing "fl wit:" . 1 tures pertinent to proper subdivision !; S; I ii'itTn^r.. „ **so!ntlon shall be shown. „ • -- - 'J-®7 I the W estern United GsS (e) Widths of existing; roads, streets. All of which is respectfully submitted, aand Electric Company has petitioned with their names, alleys, lots, building &-V,, 11- E WHIPPLE, this Board for right and authority to lines on the property proposed to be ' ft H. PREtTNI). construct, lay maintain and operate gas subdivided, and full width of streets , F.^ » ' iff1?..* _an_ P',Pes *or trans- bounding subdivision, and width of inmotlih of?" 8 seconded and' carried «Ij. Miller, coal Emil Steinke . H. Hager, rent Emil Steinke ... :Bichrmmd~ JR, B. MeConneli, burial Chas. ;..v" Baseojne - W. L. Speaker, mdse. Kongg fam. 4teo. Osborn. mdse Rongg family ngft^.make tax search to determine Wttsther I The Special Committae heretofore »p- 2Sthday< oTJ •ret-1 taxes thereon have Man paid to Akth,! pointed to rep*%««nt lfttt«firv Obtttliy r(revived and shall determine wKatwr sfifCh pYe- In the building of Culverts on the CoWi- " posed vacation conforHMr to the master ty Line between' the Counties of Sooner i, .• •j- FRANK B. McCjf)NNESUU, • ^mission and distribution of inflammable tersecting streets in property immedi- 4 J. E. HARRISON. for fuel, lighting and such other ately adjacent, with tb^lr - mums, shall The Committee on Roads and Bridges purposes as gas may be used for along be included. Wade the following report which was the highway hereinafter designated and (d) Names of proposed subdivision, «n roll call unanimously adopted, to- to do all necessary excavation work for and name of owner or trustee aa owner' git:- (the placing of same and making repair* are to be shown. r Chairman and Gentlemen of th« ther^o and ( (e) Names of all adjoining subdivi- >ard of Supervisors, MeHenry County. « HLRKAS it appears to this Board sions shall be included, and If not sub- Ulinots: that said petition shoifld be 'granted: divided it shall be marked "Not Sul/- Th? undersigned members of the Road | NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE- divided." «nd Bridge Committee, would beg leavfc SOLVED that full right, power and 3. The procedure theieafter aftall be 1q submit the following report ota the authority are hereby given and granted as follows: taaUerr. oefore them: j t o rhe said Westein United Gas and, (a) Such tentative plat shall be ex- That they met on the 6th day of Ma*-, Klectrlc Company to construct, lay, amtned by said Superintendent of High- A. D. 1»26 at Woodstock, Illinois, and maintain and operate gas mains and ways and if the s&me shall be approved audited and paid bills of a General na- service pipes for the transmission and bv him he shall stamo such ulat tare, chargeable to the MeHenry County distribution of inflammable gas tor fuel. ••Approved ' „ Ptitrol System of Roads as a whole in- lighting and such other purposes as gas (b) After such approval there" shall eluding cost of 1 1-2 yard gravel box may be used for and to do all necessary be submitetd to the aforesaid Superln- »or motor grader $160.00, repairs and excavation work for the placing of same tendent of Highways a final map which Supplies for County machinery and sal- and making repairs thereto for the per- shall be the original plat and made in acfcries for operators for heavy grading iod of twenty (20) years and no longer, cordance with the tentative nlat so rd- •tatfit while doing outside work for along the following described highway, proved. Siich final map shalf be stam£- *®wnshipa .....M41.41 to"Wit. ed "Final Map for Record, approved by Bills chargeable to the various sec- The highway known as County Road suDerintendent of HiehwnW which itons of the Patrol System of Roads, "H" beginning therein at th« city lim- final map shall be in accordance with were audited aBd paid as follows: its of the City oT McHenry» running the following reouirements' Section 1 $72.81 Southeasterly and Southerly in said <1) All maps for record shall bi ®*c£'on ® - - ico'Sn '|ir'!k^o MeHenry drawn to" a scale of 100 feet to 1 inch. 8ection S - J59.30 Township to the South line of said sec-J (2) Each map shall show the date of Section • .....--^-- tl°'1- . 1 preparation of map, and the north sign. Sect on .T -- ^ wiSa'd gas mains and service pipes shall! <&) Each map shall Include a cor- 9»ction I -- *-- ,,1 ,f V said highway in conformity reet survey of property proposed to be d ci!on X * A--- """150 5V , ' ®' t/|e ^tate of Illinois subdivided, including a legal description Section T a r .w1 , j _on atl? supervision section, township *nd range, location and 8ertion t v Ill.70 of the properly designated officers of widths of all roads, streets, alleys and vacation of airy street, or allay or pub lie itteee. or. part Is* »lde t< IteatNHI shailbe re< v'rrte of thantar-exfon^ii tti to that the r<"e&rd»'of this of re<*tor of the Depsrti were- HartiMiB, dttQT it was WtttTM between1 the tJ&SSSS, ^ I A<?•„.%. kV" I and the and that the pfke NORTH FORK of 'kighways for MeHenry, County, II- i. ,lf# ^ ' i SOUTH FORK llnols, hereby approve the above report-t-'.- ^ VT.'- . _ ---- *l«e south of the And amounts due for labor and materials. ^ \ X','-V rk BfMte be raised by a gravel C. L. TRTON, County' Superintendent d l s t a n e e o f 6 2 » « M t I n l e n g t h ; o f H i g h w a y s f o r M e H e n r y C o u n t y , I U i - J * Pooled lui^^er failing be nois. ^ ^ 'M ^ - . 4 » * . . .-'h fuvn vvuui,y ou|n*i imvQtmii. ui i i infifuiHMi uri iiicHivn oiifir. vrrigni tO1 |>ia,fMI Mi# Highways shall niak» search to deter- duly seconded and carried the Board to advertise foir Mds mine whether title is in apfrlfcaiits as adjourned to one o'cioelf P. M; t Tdit> CXttnoiittee amis t«T«t at the set forth in such application, and shall I 1 ofclMfft. *. site >of sij^-SrorkJo * -- ^ - ^premises ^escri^d inV|?tS^pl3 ^"bri^^^^^ue^" aglhfst^h^ Coimt?""*WBtlpn^the^ rton Such^County ^ SuperjfflB&t ^ of i j Therettpon on motion_of ^Supr^ fright to. prapan plaw . .^acattlSi^nd mlTtee^fSr1" re^n Ina^hFlSoSii*^- Journed to 1:30 j. m. for committee work,^^ Board met ptrrtS»ht*o adjoUrtmMUit. %• **, ' *f| ^ t, * 1926. t of I highway plan when adopted by this , ^ County and any other governmental other land& to be dedicated to public ^--:--; jurisdiction in the prfem- use; lines and dimensions of all adjoin- •---- --;*'•*? . . ... . ing properties and of adjoining or abut- * -- } 8 m , * ° e uP° n the express ting roads, streets and alleys with their -- .-- *5j'rft grantee Shall pay names. All streets in the proposed sub- -- -- 1, [ T > f ' g e 8 t o t h e o w n e r s o f p i r o p e r t y d i v i s i o n s h a l l b e n a m e d a n d i n c a s e o f ............ -- J'7 »5 abutting on said highway which they branching streets the line of departure ---- 146.55 ma> mistaip by reason of the placing of from one street to another shall be -- -- J36 67 said mains and service pipes, said dam- shown .160.76 ages to be ascertained and ptfld in the j (4) All lot lines shall be shown and .169.62 jnanner pr»>\ ided^by law for the exercise lots and blocks properly numbered or «• «bi c« ^ {^ Eniinent Domain. ! lettered. Building lines and easements .$3,991.59 This prant is also made upon the ex- where shown shall be determined by 8ectlon 19 Section 11 .-- Section II: Section It' ...... .Section 14' 8ection 15 Section 1« Section 17 Section IS' Section 19 Section M Total : , It was decided to hire Wm. Bailer of press comdltIon that said Company shall measurements. Woodstock. Illinois, as driver for Mc- Pay a«> costs for changes in line of mov- (g) jvll ncccssary dimensions, linear Henry County's 3 ton truck at 50c per ,n? necessary by improvement of and angular shall be shown, linear dihour and an allowance of 5c per mile nighway or by changes in align- mensions in feet and decimals of a foot, toward coet of transportation on his .?a,d.highway. | (g) The description and location of automobile to and from work. ^ aid motion to adopt was dtily seconded all survey monuments placed in the It was agreed to employ Karl Krens an , sa'(i resolutioni unanimously adopted, subdivision shal be shown upon all maps to take the place of Marshall Lowe, who ., A- ,, ' fuse. States Attorney, made for record. Permanent monuments had resigned, for Patrol Section 1$. ^ following report of hi* expenditures erected In such subdivisions of iron pipe Jt was decided to hire John Wagner former appropriations of this shall be not less than one half Inch in of Woodstock, Illinois as foreman of the oa™ "or expenses of his office, wWch diameter and twenty-four (24) inches crusher gang at 60c per hour and that r^JK'r.t .wa!< °?J unanimotjsiy in length; and If stone or concrete shall he be allowed f ' o (S> men at 50c per ™ _ (be not less than four (4) inches in dihour to run tht plant. I r» « , V, „ Supervisors of _ the ameter and twenty-four (24) inches in Tour Committee again met on the 19th! ,,ou?7' MeHenry, and State of II-. length }>ermanent monuments shall be day of May A. D. 1926 and made !#• UD . . .„ I erected at all street corners and at spection trip in the south and west por- _ r"? undersigned Alford H. Pouse, all pointft where street lines intersect tl«is of the county, and also inspected ' s Attorney of MeHenry County In the exterior linss of the proposed subthe County Heavy Grader and Crushing th« sta*« aforesaid, respectfully pre- division. plant. 8e"t8 J t5e». fo2low'i,? report of moneys (7> All proper certificates, seal and It was decided that a new gasoline expended by him from the fund allowed signatures as required by law shadl be engine of about 10-20 H. P. was needed h>rofor la* enforcement work, (shown. ' for the crushing plant and it was de- „ 19-6--• _ - I (8) Provision shall be made for diclded to so recommend to the County 15a'a nee on nana as pier report of rect connections with the principal ex- Board at its next meeting. In the mean- arc5 *"1, 1926 .....f S4*Ss isting streets and aijoinlng subdivisions While to take bids on same, subject to ap- I Allowea' bar Board at meeting of Where feasable. prowl of County Board. The old engine I March 9th, 192** -- «•»«,---- 760.00 ( (9) Section line roads and streets and to be traded in toward cost of new en- I . ----' ' all state Bond, County and State Aid gtee. I Total j $774.86 Roads shall be not less than 100 feet It was found that the heavy grader , ^M*rch-- _ _ ______ _ : wide (10) Half section line roadfa and streets shall be not less than >9 feet wide. (11) Secondary ond residential streets shall be not less than 60 feet wide. (12) Where alleys are provided they badly sprung and worn ana a front 10--Check to Lucy Renich, P. M. .f- Wheel had collapsed. It was decided that 10--Check to L. J. Wilmot, tran- % new heavy grader was necessary at, script of People vs. McGee from oaee and- that an emergency existed. Lak0 County Upon imrtry* it was found thrft an 15--Check to cash for investigator Adam's scarifier grader, which had had expense 20.00 ^ vjry little nse, was on sale* at Hamp- \*--Ca«h to investigator 100.00 .shall be not less than 20 feet wide •hire, 111 tool*, bj- the McCall Constrtlc- 20--Check to cash for Investigator (IS) Where alleys are not profrided. tion Co., of Chicago, who had discon- »_exP£n*® S0<90 easements of not less than 10 feet in tinued road contract work. It was de- z»--Lheck to cash for Investigator width shall be provided on each side Cided to Investigate the same. The ^expense ... ... 100.00 of all rear lot lines Where needed for grader was viewed and the price quoted 31--vheek to cash for investigator ' poles, wires, conduits, stcrf-m and santwas $710.00 for the grader delivered in- ; e.x'^?w 10.T>0 tary sewers, gas, water and heat mains. to MeHenry County at Marengo, Till-1 •Wp . ~ ^ | (14-) In general no block shall be •ois. It was fbund that a new machine 10--Check to cash for investigator I longer than 800 feet. would coat $1,700.00. In view of the ,-eX£tn*^ * 40.00, (16) The subdivlder shall provide acfact that said machine might be sold tit IB--Check to A. H. Pouse. special lcess to all proposed streets across any any time, it was decided to purchase to replace moneys used from : ditches. --~ said grader for MeHenry County, de^ I Fines and Fees'-account previ- J Siots and Lot Linss livery to be made at once. I ously 200.00] (16) Whenever 1% IS" possible thfc side Your Committee again met on the 4th 17--Check to cash'for Investigator llines of lots shall be at right angles to day of June A. D. 1926. and audited and expense 100.00 the street. paid bills of a General nature, charge- 19.--Check to cash'for investigator I (17) Said County Superintendent of able to the MeHenry County Patrol Sys- expense 10.00'Highways shall have power to grant aptom of KomS as a whole, including May-- ' ^ 1 proval of plats or parts of plats of subwader ait J710.00, Insurance on County Check to cash for telephone calls,* divisions which do not strictly• conform Boad Employes of $457.41. Rental of etc .. 76.00 .to the above rules when the nature of county truck $100.00, repairs and sup- 5--Check to cash for investigator | the terrain or the existence of a lake piles for county machinery, salaries to expense 10.00 or river or a steep hill or embankment heavy grader operators while doing out- 6--Check to Lucy Renich, P. M. * or railroad makes same impractical in side work for townships for « totkl for stamps - J.00 the opinion of the Committee or the *®» *1,721.57 6--Check to Cash' for investigator 'person duly authorized by them. ^ Bills chargeable to the various sec- expenS* 40.00 (18) The Cotinty Superintendent of tions of the Patrol system of Roads, 11--Check to cakh for investigatdf (Highways shall have• power to require Were audited and paid as follows j expense - - - Section 1 Section I Section I Section 4 Section | Section 8ection Section Section Bectlon 10 Section 11 Section 12 Section IS Section 1* Section IS Section 10 Section 17 Section It Section 10 Section 10 6.00 8^t back lines whore He shall deem it 1 necessary. j (19) Said County Superintendent of .76 Highways shall have power to grant approval of plats of subdivisions which $46.24 1 June-- ._222.6S 4--Check to Elmer Francisco for .160.00 taxi „82H .72 _ ..217 41 I Total ... $774.76 do not conform to the above rules that -170.93 •• • were laid out and lots sold™uiuler con- -176.10 Balance on hand $000.10 tract beforte the original passage 0/ this Jk 60.00 ALFORl) H. POUSlES, State's Attorney. Resolution and said plats have not been -- 160.00 I hereby certify that the above and recorded, upon submission to the said .....161.65 foregoing statement of moneys allow- Committee of bona Ada proof thereof. ..-4120.64 ed me is true to the best of my lnforma- { Psss 173.00 tlon. , ALFORD H. POUSE, (*0) Upon the filing of the plat With I--815.12 State's Attorney, MeHenry County, 111. J the County Clerk a fee of five cents (5c) --187.68 Fines and Foes collected from Novem- for each lot, sub-lot, or tract of land --..160.00 her 21, 1925 to June 14th, 1926. | shown upon such final map, shall be paid _n5ft.4<i Total Fees $ 207.60 to the County Clerk of MeHenry Coun- *.183.24 Total Fines 2,487.66 ty, provided, however, that in no case .,145.75! • ' shall the minimum fee so paid to the -fcl 57.50 I Total of Fines and Fees $2,695.25 County Clerk be less than Two Dollars ...3176.26 I am herewith submitting to you, ($2.00) per map. --|i statement of fines, and fees collected by | All adjustments relative to any and $5,496.94 me since November 21, 1825. ' all taxes shall be made before final ap- " "'FOJRJ0 H. POUSE, State's Attorney provaf by the Cpnimittee. <Coi{nt» Illinois. ' , . ! A} the i*e*9t tis» of Bb»4 Total ... Bids Were opened for; iq-20 'H. P. tltCt Sigine for crusiiing Pl^nii /JThe bKUoC eo. Hauschildt, Marerfgo)-"'#lllsol®,T?l*f:» __ hew 10-20 H. P. International Tractor ltr tnat S'ff*®Mlttonal aptlfopfftr the sum of $700.00 taking the old 10-20 Hale and seconded by Supr. Ackman Supervisors. If plat Is not approved, Titan Tractor in trade, was the lowest that there be appropriated and paid to the reasons therefor shall be made in bid received. Tt was decided to award" for his use. It was moved by Supr. fritlng. the contract to above named party. Bub- said State's Attornev the sum of Five I 6- Upon the submission of said final J»ct to approval of the Board of Super- Hundred Dollar®. ($500.00) under the map or plat to the Hoard of Supervisors Visors at the June meeting befbre de- same condition^ ras former appropria- with the communications of the County livery was made. tions made to the State s Attorney for Superintendent of Highways, if any the The financial status of the MeHenry his use In the administraiton of the du- Board shall proceed to take action there- County Road Fund is as follows: I ties of his office. Upon roll call said OB- In case the Board disapproves such Balance on hand April 26th. motion was unanimously adopted. map or plat, it shall be returned by the " 1986, regular fund , $1,721,66 E. H. Cook, Coroner of McHenrv Coun- 1 County Clerk to the owner with the fee Amount appropriated April ^ ty presented a communication from Dr. charged and giving reasons therefor In 26th, 1946 -.--11,000.00 C. W. Goddard ajid N. L. Seelye asking c*»e such final map or plat shall be ap- -- -- -- t h a t t h e y b e a l l o w e d t h e s u m o f F i f t y P r o v e d t h e s a m e s h a l l b e s t a m p e d b y Total ,fl8,731.86, Dollars for the holding of autopsy in the Chairman of the Board of Super- \ L«ss expenditures Ifgy 0th, the case of Victoria Odermann who died visors "Approved by the Board of So- . 1926 2,475.79 at Harvard on May 0. 19*6. Upon mo-1 pervisors of MeHenry County of ths Less expenditures June 4th, tion said communication was referred ^ d*y of 1926 . .. - - Board, and if such application is recom mended by said County Superintendent of Highways, he shall pr«paM pl6.t», showing part or parts to bo yafeated which shal 1 be colored In red. Ull Contain the words "hereby vacatad" andr if a rww street, or alley, 01 public place is dedicated in (he same suliidmSiOn' in connection with the application f6r vacation. the same shall be colorid la yallow with the Words "to be dedi&ftodi" The County Superintendent of HijKhW'a^* shall thereupon make report thsrOOf tb the Board, together with thsi* app<*0vfil or disapproval thereof, setting forth his reasons therefor. 11. When said report of said County Superintendent of Highways is mads'to this Board, and said County Superintendent of Highways approves said application, the same shall be refbr*6dback to the County Superintendent of Highways, who is authorised- and directed to make an Investigation thsr4»Of, and to recommend to the Boa*d the amount of compensation to bo paid f&t such vacation, or the amount of damages, if any, which amount of compensation shall be equal to the bMIMitS which will accrue to thtf owner or ©Wffcera of the abutting property by reason of such vacation. 12. After said County Superintendent of Highways shall have determined the amount of Compensation or damages, if any, to be paid he shall submit to said' Board a resolution therefor with th* plat attached. If the Board of Supervisors shall approve and pass said resolution, by an affirmative vote oC at least two thirds of the members of the Board, the President of the Board of Supervisors shall stamp upon said resolution "Approved and passed by the Board of Supervisors of MeHenry County, on the day of Chairman^" and thereafter the procedure shall he the same as is made and provided for in cases of the filing of plats for subdivision. 13. Compensation for any vacation so fixed by the Board of Supervisors shall be paid to the Treasurer of MeHenry County, and such vacation shall not be effective or Int-foroe until and unless such compensation Is so paid to said County Treasurer. 14. No resolution or ordinance vacating any street, or alley, or pnMlc place, or part thereof, shall be effective unless public interests will be subserved by such vacation, and such order or resolution shall recite that the Board of Supervisors of the County has determined that public Interests will be subserved by such vacation. Such resolution or order shall further contain a specific, description of the street or alley; public place, or part thereof, vacated, together with plats attached showing the part vacated colored red. Said resolution shall recite that ths passage thereof is subject to the payment of the compensation fixed therein, and the filing of a certified copy of sueh resolution or order with the RecoMWr of MeHenry County, and'the payiheht of compensation and filing of same for record shall be within sixty (60) days from the date of the passage of said resolution or order.^ 16. Attached to such resolution or order, when the same is presented for filing for record in the Recorder's office of MeHenry, County shall be the receipt of the Treasurer of MeHenry County showing payment of the compensation, fixed therein, and such receipts shall likewise' be filed for record. 16. No street, alleys, easement, right of way, or other part of any plat subntltted to said County Sui*erliMendent' of Highways shall be cohsld«r«d as being dedicated to any municipal body tin* this County except with the approval to b* so stamped on said final plat of said' subdivision there iB also marked or written above the signature of- said County Superintendent of Highways a description of any particular street, road, allev, easement or part which said municipality accepts as a dedication. If there is nothing in said approval which mentions any dedication to any mnHifclpality in this County then it shall bs understood that every part and poMiOH of such" plat so approved shall be considered private and not public pi/bperty and all such streets, alleys, and other portions of said plat shall be marked "Private" on the plat. 17. BtJ IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of these rules and procedurei be printed and the County Clerk Is hereby authorized and directed to have same printed and MeHenry made the following: import flmjp-( ^btd»-oh; the whs the iSllfng slid gtttvsl Four Huadt^d Fifty DoHar» (f4fc«) for wlxich was oh roll eali unnntinottSty adopted, to-wit:- _ To the Board of Supervisors of' the the rtijMifetr and Forty DoilariTT$4».0«) County of MeHenry, State'of Illinois, f&r. 1»" foot extension of 1ST inch metal Gentlemen: -- " " Thfe undersigned member* ofthe clal committee to wtrom was rOfii kWt> matter of biftldlttgr tWo new i by 4 foot concrete ciHveftfl on tin between Boone and McHwrry dfldilt along th? West llhe of. tfcte Tbwn Of ham. beg leave to subtttlt the fftita report on the matters before thstfe.' That follows: To Frei"Hanoe for labor and f6od $97.60 To Skelley Stfeel Irbn WK* I tnlrttt . to reject all_J>14* and tgjfrfo* work By day labor; l& Hlgt^ gowwniaslqhfrr of the Town-of Settee# afbriNmid to act e» overtMer> Ssid, the " "to „be don«>- under< th#- for reinforcing bars' .... To W. H. Ward & son for cash ad* siwcWcatlons' oa- wMeh- bids wer* t<mrnt£ s*cept that tttr vautiitts he iict Ol(t vfrom said speclftcatlons, and 'ttffr Highway Cofflmtlsmftoer tb gtiatai^- that the totHl cast IncltldRIg his ft a# over seer on the work' bo* less --,J the amount of the lowest'hid fb» .... 78.60 oMyied and that' said Town of Seneca S - r, • <#,4 JPresewt same merttberfi. _7he C o m m i t t e e OK Relief of Blinfi Pflp.the following report Which was on ttMnimoosly adopted, to-wit Mrv Oiaririttsn and GeHtlsmtn of the obl Relief of Blind ^5 K to suMntt'the fUlcSsiltg •' -<T '...-.i ^ " sxlcauot WMhM • («*•.«»' paysSe- i couMttenetng July 1st, A. a, m^aMU ' * ** - umblswOMbMBr 1st. A. D. i»2S, jSI; : '• '< • •' fiR A. D. 1M7, April 1st., a, dH5»'«• top duly 1st. A. D. 1987. be appropriated * >- 1. fl» ths following persons, under the»,- •i stattat*. to-wit;- -oirtm naattoM'<u»ft»o rm !»» pay all costs over and above orte vanced for freight on bars ...„-- 4f7l? ttklf erf saitf IvHreitt bid. The Oeubty to Town of Dunham, for hauling and _ ; JpKiyithe other half of cost'incltiding one ftirnishing gravel ' ...... 69(00 5S at y*^ Commissioner's wags for his We therefore recommend tltat . t" County Clerk draw an order in ffcvpT Fred HanCe bf Marengo, IllinWs'ffcf t' „ TffsftSpon f^aid" CO^anittee adjourned stftrttart to th^ call of-tlfe Chairman. All of which is rtMSCtiPully submitted. D. M: WRIGHT, CHA8. «F ACRMAN. sum of $87.60 and one in favor Skelley Steel & Iron Works; of? Illinois, for the sum of $TI.'i in favor of W. H. Ward df:fi vard, Illinois, for the surtf itt?t4 <me in favor of the 1*r®asufer of ths Un* »« as overseer at the rate heretoftrVtpfiSd as hlS'ffegujMr wage by the "Town BMtrd of tin Twwn of Seneca. town of Dimhatn for the sum of $B6.00 n«Tihue« S pKec»iapl tC o<m„ mniit,te«eh .on Marshall- m „ All of which is respectfully snbmit- M^ng ^n whifh w« oiT^ll call ted, . H. E. WHIPJ'L.te. j W. H. WARD,' --v . ; P- M. WRIGHT. - stoy AVldfrfcWS, HighWay COnrmHWlMier , y4i», to Mnm of the Town of Seneca, fllod a ptlttnon rl>* T. ^ r hhftiMihf' to tfffkfnfth' PAfMitl TfP IS? J!??*?*. W CWlftWIttlOII Oi uMaMmously adoptei to-wit:- To the, Board of> Supervisors of Mcnw^ rrCounty, state of iiiffitds: woultt OK th« mattora befbre them. consisting of SKtpi'R. L. A. StoSSSS; S. met at the mtm of said M Wright afffr'Glms. H: Adcnom- w«r» appointed to;r»pti»»«m tKB comity wit* reference to said Improvements! tils lTtK- dtar- of* June, 10t% 7th<t'ane^r6rld«6-%as nec^ «.pr. Haeger olifet^ tNe fbliowltrg nTundteV ^l^^vS to^SE^XT; resolution and moved its adoption, to- BE IT BESOLVRn. That the Board Iff ^Lfoot roadWay. and of Superyisbr» of MeHenry Cotmty, 11-, ift m<,t at Wrifw, linois. do hereby authorije and direct 8to«* linn^ mT thl lfifch dav a2I the payment orf a bounty! oh •ittorieSlve hogs, crows* heads, and crow Sgflg' fbr tt -- - - St tS? A>| the year ending July 1st; l*2t, iff. tUs- gtattrvn rnl same amounts, manner and f<*Aft iS pM^ ^ ^um ^S«t^ Ht^rld Ft^ vidfed in the Acts of the General ASSfem- eight Dollars md Sfctv^tsf 11 68^60 V bly of the year mT.' for the payment fOT ths brid«r« mmwifcte (U.688 60) of such bounties. ! Said -resolution being necessary to comply with amendments to said Act* - - - «»the Chairman, made by the General AssemMy of tHh" year 1909 Said motion to adopt said resolution waiPduiy Seconded and on rOJl c«l jkhid k-eMution # ilnanitno usl y adbptlwlT^ Ali of^irhi^ snblmtted WM*M. l^flTE, W H. WARD. • Roy J. Stewart, County Collector call- Upon reoneyt Of Draner. yi». ed the attention of the- Boawl to the erinarian, InT the employ of^mi Ginfn- P*'0on«i Property Tax or the following ty made a report of hi* from persoiw foi- the year 19**. Stated Sept. 1. 1926 to June 1, t6* that Said-tag-was due and unpaid and port was on motion referrSd to tVt Com1 had reHM^' from this* m it tee on eradication of TiilfeWftlSilS' leaving no property wittrin the in cattle for fs|»tt. Said' ConrMUtde ^j??*/ ^Ic.h H,?1d ta* made an oral iwrt recomhteBQIIfg the collected. Krank L. Hume, $91.SI and approval of sgld report, Whoratibn on f ?n^.a5ArtrSS.«i45 8°t b"t,h resid" motion said repost was WtflDVii) in Co6k County, it was thereupon It was therettptin movedTFsupr. HAle *** tHe Board that the County that th.-re he ajmrhUrlatld b^ tblS Bdafd warrants to the Sheriff of and paid .to thfli CommlttSe oK et^dltja- f0r the colleotion of said tion of Tubet«ai6«to' In cattte as a« •®«>'-dance with the Statute in emergency appropriation the na of " niad# *tld [tfOVldWl; $6000.oor to be usfe<S' only as nstinssarv ^ CTirh- presented the certificates of and under the direction-of said oOMMttt- !!*.e Highway CemtnissionsrS or tee to hasten the work of Initial'tfcttlisg the Coanty> of ths amonnta necessary to and in the paymewt of assifcthrttt to Or. Draper m his work. Said- motion duly Supr. Wftjrd a«d tlrt!^ kS roll being calMd all Suprs present voted II,W«tw» that Tsrs^zsssr ,w^•0, ** Tt was tKsWhpon moved by Supr.'S f i H P d a > ' ? ; t N « ^ 8 - n o n f - Haeger that tUS BOard adjourn'atrtflfit f!?4 L*T?W were d»cl*r«d unanlmowrty to the call orths Chairman. Said' iho- , , ,, ... . _, tion was seconded by Supr. Kuecker and TrP Committee on Cunty Line Unanimously carried. Thereupon the ^w'verts between Boone and MeHenry Board adjourned - County made the folowing report, which H G DtlRKEE. was on roll call unanimously adopted, Attfest: G. R STILL, Clerk: * • • ^ ' To- the Board of Supervlsom of the Proceedings of Regular September Meeting, 1926 County dt'McHsnry, 8tata of Illinois: Gentlemen: Tt>« undersigned ^members of the special committee to whom was referred j th*' matter of building two new 4' x 4* 'concrete culverts known as the Stlne The .Honorable Board of Supervisors, Culvert and the Tanner culvert on the MeHenry County, Illinois met in annual County line betweeif MeHenry and Boone session in the Court House in tfcfe City Counties along, the west line of Dunr, f Woodstock, on Tuesday, the 14th of ham Township beg Ifehve to submit the Sept, A, I>. 19i$ at ten o'clock A. M. fallowing report on the' maters befbre The printed copies thereof I The meeting was called to order by the them. shall be distributed to the public generally without cost. The folowing named persons were selected to serve as Grand Jurors at the September Term of the Circuit Court and on motion the list was approved and ordered certified to the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Riley--Grant Anthony. Marengo--LeRoy Ackman and Harley Shearer. • • Dunham--Robert Schutt Chemung--George Vfcrrallya atld August BreltenfeMIt • Aldeu--Fred S. Smith. : \ Hartland--Dan H. DebtnoHflL '• Seneca--Chas. Carlson. w V . Coral--George Mallette. ] Grafton--John Hawlcy. C. Dorr--Harry Petelt and gfc 0 Chairman, H. G. Durkee and the roll That they met with a ooramittee repbelng called the following members re- resenting Bohne County at the sit# of sponded to their names, to-wit:- B. M. said culverts on ths l«h day of August Wright. H. E. Whipple, W. H. Ward, »nd decided to accept-said culverts, and' Wm, M. White, H. G. Dnrlceb, E. P. to dlvlMr the cost thereof asr provided Kuecker, Chas. H. Ackman. John Con- by law in proportiba to the assessed ley, P. A. Walters, J, B. Harrison, H. valuation of said Counties. That the bills M. Turner, F. B. McConnell, Pnttk Incurred for said culverts are as follows: 9, H. Freund and A. H. Hale; coMtlfltt- To Fred ffance, contractor, for ing a quorum. The record* of th»^tesa(t- 1 labor $362.00 ing of June 14th. sad the adjourned .£-> cost of lumbar resold . meeting of June 25th, were read and oa to Fred Hanos• u. 18.IS inoti or* approved. I * •--• _ The Special Committee on Rights of IS44.67 [Way made the following reports which Less valve of extra steel resold jwere on roll call unanimously adopted, i to Frwd Hanoe 5.00 to-wit:- 1 MeHenry, 111., July 24, 1026* cost' of labor of building. In conformity with the Moliit|o» at ^ «Wy«rta ftS9.67 the County Board of McHnrv Conaty, iTo X IK Patterson Co., Lumber Illinois, adopted at a special'April ritwvt- nails- a«M cement ^...$142-86 s.t>e ad.. . -- t~- , *i oim- Greenwood--Wm. Lewis. Hebron--Frank McConnell: Richmond--R. C. Burton. Burton---Jm.orjjj. H ®ayier an^ Stephen Nunda---B. W. Colby and Mlchael ^'her with the smount of'd Coughlin. N (proved by ~ Aigonqwto--Ifi Abbott^ and Herman '°f July A _ | names of. the grantee** tb whblK th« _ It was thereupon moved by Supr. Mc- damages are awarded and for which To jxm«r DaVldson, of lan- ^mnell and seconded by Supr. Ward ^'rants are to ba^Hgued by the Coun-!^ terns^an^minr_api*oaches. ..» Ing held on April 24; 1922, the under- To McHsnry County Highway Wgned special Committee orf ssliT TIiIm il Dsat. Hauling reinforcing bars appointed for that purpose hetvby^ l>lo«d sr'gravel t! *y that the 19 fr coniMelift Ta. Skelley Steel and: Itrm Wnrfc^ of the deeds of dedioatldn f&f light' of' --- way for State Bond Issue Rom; th- To W. H. Ward & Son, Cash ad- "" amount' of daMMMs ap- i vittcgd_for freight on reinfoMk committee thlk ffth dS&^ »««!E,w>as D. 1926; together with the, To WlIJ I)armin, care of lantfetm k« tfi «nkm tiuiJ and filling, apvoatobos • - o'Sms Davidson, care 7.60 72.60 4.7 J 17.00 that this Board adjourn to June 26th ty Clerk In uccori With said reso- 6,496.94 to the Committee on Claims, Labor Fees Chairman." --<-- and Supplies. I 7. If such final map or plat shall be Total Expenditures $9,488.61 The applications of Otto C. Brocker approved by the Board of Supervisors --^ -- and H. & Florence Billiter for dance hall It Shall be returned to the County Clerk balance on hand Regular Fund were presented by the Clerk and on mo- who shall immediately thereupon re- June 14th, 1926 2,242.32 tion referred to the Committee on Dance 1n,re a deposit to be made to a sum Balance on hand April 2<th, Halls . I equal to the fees for recording such 1926. snow fund 962.72 _ The Committee on Dance Halls by Its «nal map or plat, and when such denext. Motion carried. Thereupon hi tion Board adjourned: . Name Description Amount of Damages H. G. DURKEE. Chairman.' E. Sherman, sec. 14, R. 20 $ 1.00 „ c. E Sherman, 8*e. 14. R. M ... 2,f00.W Hewell F. Colby, sec. 14, R 20 3 pieces $,00 W. Franks, sec. 14, Reute 20 lh.00 Martin S. Freund see. J4» R SO 2 pieces 10.00 Wm, Cassman, sec. 14, Rj 20 100.00 R« W. Wrtght w»c. 14j R. 20 1.00 trwinlif n. FREUND. F. Jt. WALTORS "** B" M^ONNETLL, Attest: G. E. STILL -- Clerk. Proceedings of Adjourned June Meeting, *1926 19.00 To H. c; Jbn«^ Of lanterns ....12.60 To Town of Dunham, feauiing and furnishing 3: cu. yda. oomsnt $60.00 Fillltfr aixproachea 1 rran and 00 6.40 Wiling1 aipii^M^^l^nw'i"! ~2?1 "Potal -- 02.40 To Samjaeine, fbr 4*0 ft oT 1-* l^ch steel ban- ..j^. 8.00 Total coat M18.19 McHanrg County liable for 66.96 g* «wt Of total eosr~ $492. so Ths Honorably Board of Supervisors", met pursuant to adjournment at the' Court House in the City of Woodstock p* , , .. .. ----. tt--. -- - - - - " -- --" ™*^ae County liable for 21.4b >t M».K _. pWd'ji a^ aiiwW April meet. lo«««w Bills for Ita'abare>^f, cost the ing called the following members re- ln* held anVAprQ f««T 19f|> the tmMr check oat oorrectly. ---J J - • s s p e c i m c o m m i t t e e s a i d Bterd H"k>B m».67 ed for that purpose herOby <*r- ?te»l * Iron < T3.58 _ -- - -- -- v,. »»i.» vYnuf that the fallowing Ik a' oOtaplete W H. Ward and Ron 4,72 Your Committee estimates that there mended the rejection of the application *ees to the Recorder of MeHenry Coun- E. F. Kuecker, Chas H Ackman John ,,st of the deeds of dfedflcatlon for right i Town of DuahanS ill j«ie of Otto C. Brocker on the ground that ty for record, provided however, tl*at if'Conley. F. A. Walters J." E. Harrison H °' w<*> for state bond Issue mads to-! ounty applicant had recently plead guilty to such deposit for recording fees shall iM. Turner, F. B. MeConneli; Frank May get her with the amount Of danttkSVS ap- $402.201 Moneys expended from Fund altlie September meeting of this Board, a violating the Prohibition Act, in the no I t. ,^e made wilh the County Clerk'8. H. Freund, A. H. Hale and R^E proved by said committee tMS Fth day' Th* following bills wonld bo loft to lowed by Board of Superfurther sum of money in the amount of Circuit Court of this County. Thereupon w>th'n thirty days from the approval of! Haeger constituting a full Board. ' of August A. D. lOSt," together With tit be1 paid by Boone County. I visors $4,fS0,00 Bighteen Thousand ($18,000) Dollars. on motion duly seconded and carried sa'd Kinal Map or plat by the Board of' The Chairman stated that the June names of the grantfees to *h/Bl ths „ 5" Patterson Co. $142.86 Due and Owing to Fines Account 66.00 . . . . a w a r d * d a n d f t » r w h i c h " " ~ they recommended the granting <* a li- ^ler,k- It shall be the duty of the County , sponded to their names to-wlt'- L A »i*ned 1 on hand Snow Fund cense to operate dance halls to H. and Clerk to at once forward such final map Stockwell, D. M. Wrlsht' H F whinni.' appoint* 14th, 1926 $446.92 Florence Billiter and that they recom- °r Plat, together with such recording W. H. Ward, H. G. Durkee Wm White' tlfy th« COITintlttC® ^9tlm&t68 t)l&t there tn^nil^d thp ra i f»r»t i f»n Af tho gnnllpotlnn 1668 to thp ?? e\t . IT V IT ii*/,!*/.. w . . . ' llc»o /># * Will be necessary for the care of the County Patrol System of Roads until Joanna Rltt. Ellen Boyle, Walter J. FHmnd, Lynn-H. Fillmore, Mary PMckel, ? Behry Burger, Alvah J. Rugg, Wl!tr«4- tertno Schmdti Thomas Newton, and ^ Bmeline Hollknd. It'having1 b£*n represented to the Com- ; mittee that Frank W. Miller hwatoftofe^ allowed Mind' relief has now property '• from whlfeh tho lhcottih 10 mar*' than , Two Hvmdhedi Fifty Dollars per yoar^: •„ It is recenim^nded that allowance to him be discontinued. ' Said committee'having considered the' applications of John C. smith and Julia - Palm, and it appearing tha*' th*f have not yet been examined by a l>ttyM<4ak, although heretofore referred' to> the- Doctor for the examination! action ont said applications is hereby recommendedto be deferred until the next meeting of the Board. , • They would therefore recommend ' that the tptal appropriation tb b» made;, « for the relief for blind sHonld be' $3,000.00. v , -WM!««£< wnich is respectfully submlttsd. A a F. KUBCKER, CHaiiMkfl. . >'v Hi M. TURNBR, k. » • WM MrWUlTE, v • * ' W. H. W.ffiP ( The Committee on Finanoo HUM' tho following report, to-wit Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of ths Board, of Su par visors: YoU Com mitts* to whom was referred ths matter of County Tax Levy fOr the" yoar A. D. 1926, would beg leave to submit the following report on ths matters ' beftrs them. That We have ascertained the several' ltMni of necessary expenditursa for the* C6tiflty purposes as nearly as possible, and recommend that the sum of* Ohs< Hundred Thirty Five Thousand Dollarsbe levied a»' County Tax oh all' * srty of s! for County i . <o' extend said amount on all thKaWe' pronsrty in the County, in accordance with ths report for the following pw-« pos4s, to-wlt:- Salary of County Judge $2,600.00' Coaaty services, County Clerk, Circuit Clerk, Sheriff and* Tnasurer Kf40.W Additional compensation and Office expenditures, Co. Sdpt. Of Schools 1,200.00' Supplies, stationary, postage, express Co. officers 1,600.00' property s&1«i>County and StatM said-the year Ar. D. lSltfj-aHd uuk] the Clkt Is hereby IssttUCtMi 2,000.00' 600.Q0' >,000.vb) 600.00 600.001 ... 600.00 900.00 Per' diem. Board of RerieW Clerk hire, witness fees. etc. Board of Review Mlleage and per diem, Jurors Coroner's and Coroner's Jufles fees at inquests ... Fees for birth and death repts. Salary Probation .Officer, Co. , Court Salary Probation Officer, CI**- cult Court •Bounties crows, ground hogs. ! etc. 1,600,00' Indigent poor at poor farm and asylums 6,OOO.Oo^»mm Suttott of county paupers 8,000.00 9«si. light, water, eta. Court House and Jail 1,660.001' Relief of Blind t.OOOvOO Repairs. Court House and JaU .... S,0*0.00 Repairs Poor Farm 4|M#J001 Janttor Service liiOOjtfOt Svpplie*. Court Houss and Jail 2,000.00 Dieting. Prisoners 2,000.00 Salary, Deputy Sheriff, Livery, for ShOrim etc l,iSO.OO . Court Reporters 1,000.00' Oounty Aid In bulldlngf brgs, M®0.00 Furniture Ct House and jfol 2,600.00 Contingent expenses, labor, law bfeoks, etc. Per <H#m mileage and special Committee work, member^ c^r Board of Supervisors County Highway Tax mainto* nance State and State Aid County" Highway Tax, removing' 2,000.00 6.660.OO f,600.00 wow 2,000.00' County's proportion for maintaining roads now built 1(000.00 Mother's Pension 6,000.00 > AH of which Is respectfully submitted. FRANK B. McCONNttLA* . Chairman. JOHN E. HARRiSOM^r W. H. WARD. " JOHN. CONLKT, -O. M. WRIGHT. „ ; i 11 was moved by Supr. McComeH and . seconded ta Supr. Tomer that sa3dv r<e^ port be approved. Th« toll Was flhllM > and Suprs. D. M. Wright, H. B. Whlp»M, W. H. Ward, Wm. M White, E. F. Kuecker. Ghss. H. Ackman, John Gonley, F. A. Walters, j. E. Harrison H. M. Turner, F. B< McCohnell, Frank May, S. H. Freund and A. H. Hale votbd ays. Nays, none. And the rOpOTt was declared unanimously adopted. J. J. MeCauIey, Assistant State's Attorney appeared before the Board and presented reports of A. H. Pouse, StatS'a of wttifh covered^ ths period since the last meeting of thl* Boart and the other being a complete Stht0» ment covering the time from tho beginning of his term of office to August 16, 1926. Said reports were as follbw*, to-wit:- Statfe of Illinois, MeHenry County, ss. September 14 th, »1926. The undersigned Alford H. Poase, State's Attorney of MeHenry County in the state aforesaid retrpectfully ptotfentk to the Board of Supervisor* of MoHenty; County. Illinois, the fbllowing report of !- moneys collected by him as Finos, and Fees, an of moneys expended by him in investigator wc^-k since December 1st, Total Foes $ 1,004.00 Total Fines 1*641.>6 Allowawess by Board Of Supervisors. 1024-- r _ Dee. 8th §600.00 10*5-- Mar. lOtil June 8*k Sept, »•¥... Dec. 14 th- 1926-- Mar. 9tj^ y •760.^ . 760.00 . 600.0® . 600.00 760.00 600.00 ..ft,260.00 74.40 , Exgendgures la tAW BNFORCsMENT June H Total im mi wMch is resjiectfully submittsd, the application of H. and Florence Bllli- Supervisors of MeHenry County, such, meeting had been adjourned to the ures- . . A. H. HALE, , _ ter was granted and the application of, m*P or Plat shall have no validity. | ent date for the purpose of enabllne JOHN CONLET, i ^tto C. Brocker was rejected. • _<8) In all cases of dedications the! the committee on eradication of Bovine damages uro warrants are to-be issued i W H. WARD. | The Committee on Lands and Lots in- officers and employees'of MeHenry Coun- Tuberculosis to obtain further informa- S. H. FREUND, troduced a recommendation that the ty are directed to compel compliance tlon as to the advisability of additional D. M. WRIGHT. 'resolution adopted by this Board at Its with the Laws of the State of Illinois, 1 or emergency appropriation for the use Ths Clerk presented a telegram signed last meeting relative to the approval of an(' the requirements as set forth ini°f said committee in the Tuberculoma hy C. R. Miller and F. T. Sheets an- Plats be amended and changed to read this resolution, {eradication work nounclng that Chas. L. Tryon has been as follows, to-wit:- I 9. In cases where application Is made! Supr. MeConneli stated that said certified for appointment of County Su- Bofotations of 2Ke2Kenry County Board of to the Board of Supervisors of MeHenry committee had caused to be present at gerinteadent of Highways for MeHenry | Supervisors As Amended At .County to vacate any street or alley, or this meeting S. J. Stanard director Sf » Mr Clrt>k in accordance of s«i<r the County rOOolu tions: ad- County. it was thereupon movftd l»y Jans Meeting, 1930. Stephen H. Frewnd' for vaaeed to Otto F. Sshms, SO, McHfenry towttsKip .....$*600.0* CAS. H. ACKMAN. PRANK B. b? w. Jtxn. H. FR»um>; Ths Special Committee on Aymrnai KtMir Davie Highway Dop't. in -- . ldson Bt O. J« _ jVMM. Town of i)«»|ian-- Bam K9Mna 7.60 Overdrafts at State Bank of 17.00 Woodstock 1.46 19.00 -- 18.60 i TOTAL EXPENDED' ..„M,21«.4» BBOAjntttnbAVXOV ' Total Fines and Fees Reported Mt6.S< _ Reported to_ Circuit Court ....$4,64(.t$ tee on Fees ai HOW WHEREAS. MeHenry COunty Total expended in Law enforcodkl st its June 14th meeting of the Work f . _chSS ' County Board of Supervisors pay to _ DIFFERENCE 610,220.17 public place or part* thereof within"the the Department of Agriculture'together to forks' Bridges in the Town o^'8*nc<aa Hancw _.-- $8 C. H. Ackman, chairman of the Commit- BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of jurisdiction of said Board, the Hoard with the assistant director and others "»*<!« tbe following report Which WMTdn 1° jV Steel St Iron wks. and Salaries that C. L. Tryon Supervisors of MeHenry County, that ln such cases order the street, or of the staff interested In said work and ro1' ca*l tmanitnoiMdy adopted, \to-wit:- 2? Tf - -- Dunham 7 State of IlllnoiSi. MeHenry County, ss. ..73.60 September 14th, 1926 04.00 To the Board of Supervisor* of the Coun- .. -- 4.78 ty of MeHenry, State of Illinois. . .. - „» I uv County, stats of Illinois. i WjP t5«®*WW>BE recommend that The undersigned Alford If. Pouse, at the Bum of $2,500.00 j»er year and and vacations in MeHenry County, 1111- the owner or owners of property abut- advisable on said subject. Gentlemwn: the Ooanty Clent draw an order on the State's Attorney of MeHenry County In •y be allowed In addition thereto nols, be and the same are hereby adopt- ting on such street, or alley, or public Mr. Stanard stated thnt he would pre- Your Committee to whom was refOfTSd 225f*ty Treasurer In favor of Fred the state aforesaid, respectfully presents HOC) per mile for use of his ed, to become effective and ln force from Place, or part thereof, so vacated, com- fer the meeting to take the form of'the matter of blinding afi embanklnsMt or Mfen*U|o, Illinois for the sum the following report of moneys expend* dio. ST.i. business. Said and after the adoption of this Resolu- , Pensatlon ln an amount which, ln the questions and answers rather than that at the approaches of the PORKS* JHCfl><. J«t®i2.07. and o*s In favor of the Treas- ed by him from the fund satowod for itf. sppolnted as such suj»erintendent of the fallowing rules and' procedure gov- alley, or public place, or part thereof suggested "that they "b^"caTl'ed"upon*"© To the Board of Supervisors of McHsnry H. Ward- 4 Son lEtsnways ^ana^that^ht«^ ^alary be fixed erning plats, subdlviHionti, dedications vacated; contract for and receive from furnlfth such information as might be ~ motion waft duly seconded and on roll tion. caM unanimously carried. | Rules and Procedure Covering .Tbe Clerk presented statement of the! Plats. Dedications and Vacations a KRh,Wtt„^ J™. , ta^,MrHerrL fv0uni.y - inino,« fore ,woamyrr nawillt* tt*1926 l?w 7^. that Buch order of vacation methods employed by the State and That they met at the aite of said ^ culVM^a. May-- tTnrun r^tton of'Sutlr' KreunS 1 lf "5 be passed by the affirmative vote Government; The amounts at present work on the 26th day of June, 1926,' AU Wf ^rtlich U respectfully submitted, tlrd--Check to cash from Fines kJ^2..!3^ WrtSht Inli # Sf i?' ^ offlcers of at least two-thirds of the members available for use as indemnities for and decided that said Improvement wag ^ W. H. WARD. and Fees Account for InvestW hy Supr. Wright said statement^ were and employes of MeHenry County, and of the Board of Supervisors, such vote cattle which might react under the tost, necessary and that a pike 20 feet wtdo ~ " • - niuvuiiv w 'il Hlv * i aiiu aim wri n I alllVI 111B11 IIIBl' ** lMV "*ri" r v*««aw ^^J 114 1* *•4 • ^ *'* Judgment of such ('ounty Roarfl shall be of making an address to the Board on OES on the public highwhy' fh 9KMt!dn sjw of the Town of Dunham, Harvard, law enforcement work, alacs Juno 14th, equal to the benefits which will accrue 'he subject. Questions of Interest to Town of Seneca, tH^flsave to submit njjnols. for ths sum of ft.40, which 1926, the dirts of tbe IjMt ISpUSt' th.thO' , ., . to the owner or owners of such abutting the various members of the Board were the fallowing report on ths msttbrs b«> sign payments will dlseharge McHsnry Btiard of Supervisors. in MeHenry County, Illinois. 'property by reason of such vacation, thereupon asked having relaMon to the 'ore them. .WWMyfr HUfllity in t(*s matter of the D. M. WRIGHT. gator expenss | 10.00 A Jt-i' i'MLA -* l^r.. •U' W J . I i .fevkH. '-;

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