Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Mar 1927, p. 11

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mi~ v,^. ^ v&* '/'^: . . > . * - ? - * * . v ; - ; v v i > - * r * ; v v^**'"*'»-'«** 5>r«**- ^^^7- .;# • * * r * > $:%l***** f &s " j * » :&: u < * ^ ^ y1 ^rr^ v*?** '4 v^/^V'*, vVi. 1? i^t^-ii i f,4 ,v',r"f -, '•|#«f>1 ,„k v, „ __, ~~*^ • s *\». -, -< - * -%*? \t :»ivV^c , * *- 4£ 4 ^ iv*.,r.v^.v A ,•,'*; ^ ,*^ <. ,x» -«> ** ' J\ - ?«:>" -•• - v->•» '--. «W< . > ,*« *. ^ !m'i#' I lfriidrf' 1 i'i foii'i^W ii*uk. -'• ••" ^t.' -* »£•*• :_ .3.';, K. .• -ji- , -,^_' Ji..^.,. 1 ySL * •. i.';--!>".;» .V < -' - '.*• . . . „.± s _ • • /•• •£ -•£». 1 . \<j t. -••? • l-*.: :... - \-.. * >.*b_v . . . .1. »^-.. -5k ~ --'i -vIj -. •* ,k - _>* t ••; .•*,-.•_- ^ a • „. ; -1,-.. - , • *' &<. • - •-• • .1 »-•; *^'-* . - .!;• -.• •., #* ,- z,-.- „• ,y.' ."-^ - -ibv--. - ". , :^-k -, ••; c . si- >-v- *--wis «••. -ji£i£ - ii» iL^#. • ' "" * ' ' P ' •IP*P5fr^^p rui a M7<U Jane iV-- « fleet* and toll 14t-R Check to cash-- , C«llaM(aA A Co., lirt*.' hottks lSrh--for phone and inrMttRttW Tl.W Dorothy Dosmona. salary Asst. 17th--for Investigator ....^..» - 1M.W' Df. Draper 24th--for Investigator 1W.W C. L. Tryon, Supt. Hys., salary 2*th--for invcstiflttoe fr.00 and expfnsea Mth--for lrevestigla.tof' M.W) Capfon Lumb»r Ct>., repWra Herrtiansnn bridge .........^. ...'«« Treas. Uobne Co., r«pafrs Her* *.00 manson bridge ' 1 Treas. of Illinois, itHUntenanc* • '" Sec. G. May A (Mt Trtas. of Illinois, maintenance -. Sec. G. June _• JSiank Company for legal (opM*. S1.0S Bodenohatz & Rahs, mdfte. shf. Vheck to cash-- '* A. D. OsV.-orn Hrd. Co., mds*. shf. SOth--for investigator ';.- 20.00 Wilcox & Kohlentz, mdse. shf. .... MAt--for Investigator -- 16.00 Martin Jensen, repairs jail August-- '» J. T. Holeomb Mfg. Co., mdse. shf. _ Woodstock Tent & Awning Co., 30.09 repairs awning Hillyard Chemical Co., mdse. Bhf. 84.76 9.80 Morris Disinfect. Co., mdse. shf. 11.SO I Lester Kdtngrer, expenses 171.08 'Lester Kdinfier, handcuffs, etc 12.U0 50.00 Lester KdiuRor, expense of car .... 207.22 lMh--Check to J. J. McCaulay ' for Investigator in rer OerhltMt Cordon-fines and fees acc't 8tS---Check to Frederick P«aroa ^.for Investigator .'. -- ttH--Check to Perfection Legal Check ti> cash-- Srd--for investigator #»---Check to T. J. Bthakel Taxi M.J1 Section 16 162.IS was awarded to one .RietseU That It be- adojfced, to-wit: | Anthony 10.00 Spot ion 17 165. W cstne r.^fessary for the citizens of M <•- Mr. C'halrinan and Gentlemen of the Dr. J. O, Maxon, services Geo. ISectJon 18 ---- 185.81 Henry to deposit satd amount with th» : Board of Supervisors: I Beldlng 195\00 Section »9 - -..™i 210.29 County Treasurer to procure the right Your Committee on Labor, f*ees ail Dunham-- Section TO 199.85 of way required by the State; That in Supplies Claims would beg leave to re- H. R. Whipple, coal, Mrs. Wtttti S*c ?• V, •..* vts•-f as wiuotf as the r6ad Was' now being port that they have examined all claims Mrs. Watte, pension MtS;' TOTAL -- ......$5,*03.80 bvilt and the right of way described in presented to them, and recommend the* Hochrach 35.54 chargeable fb tka ^ ^ Patrol 8yst«fr or IHMda l , tiJt eluding coat of repairs and tapjjWg -- --county machinery and etc., for tBt WW . of - - -- Bills chargeabla-^0 varioaa Sao* 1J4.M Hons of the Co«ntr P«roI SystMB «T The itniiartal &tat«s of Che McHenry the petition /W condemnation is now payment'of «.«• . the following_, and that t.h e Dr. .J.. G. MntoS, ClawteMilltaer. • Roads, ware aU nited and paid as fa* .County VC»ad Ftrnd'te as follows: being,used by the State, he believes the Clerk be directed to Issue orders on the] Louise Hochfatlt ..'.it 1.46.30 lows: l.lln, ISSd. 1-epnlar fund' $3,243.32 said amount should now be returned to County Treasurer to the Claimants for' Algonquin-- Section 1 1 Balance 'on hand June 14th, (the citizens by whom it has been ad- the several amounts allowed; as follows, Meier Bros., mdse. Mrs. A. Stmonn_ 30.00 Section 2 •.SO'Amonnt appropriated June . Ivanced. It was thereupon moved by to-wit: ,R. K. Haeger, pension Mrs. Nulm,i Section S i 14th, 1926 j „__18,000.0# Sttpr. Wright and seconded by Supr. P. F. Pettibone A Co., Supplies | rent Mrs. Goles 171.00 Section 4 10.X7' •.'.•» Turner thaX an order be drawn upon the Co. Off. 8(04.20 Duenslng Bros., mdse. Mrs. Gep- Section 5 86-55 TotM 121,343.32 treasurer payable to Supr. Freund In ZIon Inst. & Ind., supplies Co. Off. 47.80' pert u- W.OO Section 0 8.56 .Less expenditures July '7th, said sum of Sixteen Hundred and Fifty Lawyers Co. Op. Pub. Co., Law jH. M. Rosenthal, coal and wood Section 7 89.63) 8,016.3 7 Dollars. Said motion was duly seconded Books T.M j Mrs. G61e ,• r. ,... -T fiTS Section 8 Less expendiCtiros August 10th, and on roll call was unanimously car- j Woodstock Sentinel. Prtg., 'Co. | Chemung-- Section 9 . 1928 1. j.---- ~r--6,093.7» rled. _ | Co. CMBCers and Ballots 1,214.49 G. W. HSuder, hospital expense Section 10 21.50 6.34 8.00 lftti--Check to Frederick I'earCO 3fbr investigator service from 'JTinea and Fees account JUg--Check to K. J. Thomas tag Less expenditure SopteBthW I Bupr. Freund presented a resolution [McHenry Plaindealer, Prtg. 1 s. | Dn services, traveling expense • Section 11 8th, 1926s - ^.5,803.80 with reference to Route No. 176 State! ballots : 401.86 j and care of an unknown man ._'MM Section 12 Total Bond Issue which was*read by the Clerk Harvard Herald Co.. Prtg. Spec. McHenry-- Balance on hand, regular fund September 8th, 1SW 83,629.36 Lester Kdinger. expenses of raid 3^2.Oo Balance on hand Snow Fund Section 13 --_..-.$17>613.96vand on motion of Supr. Hale duly sec-j ballots 7. .T.........104.50 S. H. Freund, rent for Beckwlth .... SfjOO Section 14 onded was law on the table for further.T. J. ShaclseU. del. ballots, car 15.00 Jos. J. Miller, mdse. to Beekwith 4T.79 Section 15 consideration. E. L, Francisco, del. ballots, car .... 15.80 Cleveland Lumber Co., coal and Section 16 ... It was moved by Supr. Wright that John Buehler, Canv. ballots ........... 5.00' wood« to Be.-kwith 16.28 Section 17 6.00 Gus Vogel, bailiff Cir. Court Fred Elchlor, serv. deputy shf. .... /-- Total --....^4666.58 C. C. Miner, serv. deputy shf. Brought' forward as p«f • IVestie Muldoon, serv. deputy shf. report of June 14th, 1966 f .10 I>aul Smith, serv. deputy shf Allowed by Board at meeting of Gilbert Howard, serv. deputy shf. June 14th. 1926 (66.06 J Gus Vogel, serv. deputy shf |»ney used from Fines and ftees 't)r. Glenn Wright, inquest Walter Account' ...,. ...w.... v*5.00 j Cooney / * Overdrafts at State Bank of * Dr. H. W. Sand4n, inquest Woodstock ^,... --._ 1.481 Walter Cooney Dr. N. L. Seelye, autopsy, Vic- Total 8566.58 toria Odermann 35.00 j September 8th, 1926 this meeting adjourn subject to the call J. T. Kitchen, Canv. ballots ...;. 8.00 N. J. Justen & Son, burial of Mrs. Section 18 $446.92 of the Chairman. Said motion was duly ftugene DIetren Co.. mdse, Cir. Clk. 3.06 1 Mary A- Smith 59.00 Section 19 4.00 Your Committee estimates that there seconded by Supr. Harrison and unan- J American Coal & Sup. Co., mdse. M. L. Wetter, mdse. and rent Mary Section 26 4.00 will be necessary for the care of the imously carried. Thereupon the Board Cir. Clk. 4.00 County Patrol* System of Roads until adjourned. 4.00 the December meeting of this Board a 4.00 28.00 S.6* S.6* 25.00 fur'her siun of money in the amount Q. E. STILL, Clerk, of $13,000. J 1^Ail^?#Wch Is respectfully H. F. DURKEE. Ctaklrtnan. 'tALFORD H. POUSE, State's Attorney Dr. C. W. Goddard, autopsy, Vld- I hereby certify that the foregoing toria Odermann ........ faport is true to the best of my knowl- Woodstock Sentinel, printing Co. cage, information and belief. I Officers iALFORD H! POUSE, State's Attorney Harvard Herald, prtg. Sup. Sch> The said Assistant State's Attorney Bd. Rev. Co. Clk. yr.. outlined the work contemplated by the Harvard Herald, prtg. Sup. Kys. State's Attorney's Office before the Sep- and Co. Treas tamber Grand Jury of the Circuit Court McHenry Plaindealer, prtg. Treas. fr4.06|for their care, of this Obunty and asked that there be McHenry Plaindealer, prtg. Supt. aapropri&ted and paid to the State's At- sehs torn ey for his use in the payment of the Richmond Gazette, prtg. Treas expenses of his office the sum of one Richmond Gazette, prtg. Sup. thousand dollars. It was moved by Sehs. and Cir. Clk. Supr Turner and seconded by Supr. Hebron Tribune, prtg. Treas. Ward that said reports be approved and Hebron Tribune, prtg. Supt. Sehs. that an additional appropriation of one Woodstock American, letter thousand dollars under the same terms heads, Treas as former appropriations to said office Herald Pubg. Co., prtg. Su[t Sch. for his use in payment of expenses of and Bd. Review A. H. HALM, VUT-WT ,/• 51 ( JOHN* CON LEY, v';' w. h. ward, ^ S. H. FREUND, D. M. WRIGHT. Charles B. Wittcmore of Marengo, apf Proceedings of Special ^December Meeting, 1926 119.38 Q. E. Still, Co. Clk., fees People's cast 120.00 $178.7* , .164J0* .187 M 160.40 iio.« 178JC .139.9# ...1MM' ...iw3» SO#** 226JM 341,M- 198.» J1II4 ...369M . 16«.#». l«l.f« .166 jM ...190Jf .1993* , -ki .It V .. P. f. Ub> •: • j-4:iC!C. ;lfei Clias. F. Hayes. Cir, Clk., dedica- 18 Pub. Assess- 163.05 Jt,8tU8 A. Smith :.. 67.38 Aik oi ^Uch is respectfully submitted, , Total / H. E. WHIPPLE, ' The matter of the extremely w»* -••v - *, < ° J- K- HARRISON, I weather of the past season was di*- H. FRRUND, cussed in its relation to the road •FRANK R McCONNHLL. Much extra grading had been The Committee on Alms House and and that the gravel hauling «a>'< tlonl Herald Pnbg. ment lists „.._...112.95 Republican-News Co., Pub. Assess- . Farm made the following report which erably behind that cf former years, ment lists 62.35 was on roll call unanimously adopted, that the roads were going into ttta Wta* Woodstock American, prtg. Cir. ;to-wit:- ter with many bad spots that need Clk 24.00' Your Committee on Alms House and gravel. On motion of Supervisor Coala#< Lester Edinger, fees of office 1391.50 Farm would beg leave to submit the fol- it was decided to recommend to the 25.06 Speared before the Hoard and advised' The Honorable Board of Supervisors Lester Edinger. exi»ense of car 170.S9 lowing reiwrt on the matters and things County Board of Supervisors an approfthem of the financial condition of the °." McHenry County met in special se»-! Lester Kdinger, raid# 22.50 before them. priatlon of $4,000 out of money levMd 870.801 Widow and chiraren of Charles Van Et- pursuant^ t«<^a call signetl by more Lester Edlnger, expense paid bY I Your Committee met at the Alms for next year to carry on gravel ha«|* 230.06 House and Farm on Friday, the 3rd day ing during the winter. Said hauling'to 16.06 of December, A. D. 1926, for the pur- be paid for by the cubic yard in place. 5.00 pose of making an inventory of the Her- It was also decided to recommend 55.00 sonal property on and about the said appropriation of the $750 left in tlta 5.00 house and farm and for the transaction snow levy and a further sura of. $2.156 12.00 of such other business as should proper- out of money levied at the Septewlwr " committee. meeting of the County Board o('8kytD> as follows, to-wit:- visors last passed for snow removal. Wi 'ten lately deceased and formerly a resl- than one-third of its members at the | Sheriff 76.4# dent of the Township of Marengo, and oodstock cjus Vogel, deputy shft .. I asked that investigation be made to de- , ^ day of December, A. qus Vogel. bailiff 93.651 termine the best methods to be used P- 'J^6, at ten o clock A. M. The meet- Ous Vogel. bailiff . v„.c. l?ar was called to order by the Chairman Clyde C. Miner, bailiff Supr. Ward introduced the following ^ Clyde^O. Miner, dep^ Shf. ... .90 resolution and moved " " """ " 30.36, wit :- BMolntioi^ ita adoption, to- the flowing members responded to Paul Smith, dep. shf 4.00 ly come bef. re said .their names, to-wit:- L. A. Stockwell., pre(1 Dean, dep. shf 4.00 i The inventory is BU 'H. M Wright. H. E. Whipple \\. H. John Giles. Halliff 5.00 Jfrn . t _ _ . _ _ W m »«/4 UT llti el?AA tViM \l W i to 1? %-» « « _ a it .-» i. > _4tS^ ea A A I injuries throuRh li.oo malicious act of strewing tacks' In, the "• "• ' (highways, occasioning great loss to the <rhV rewrds of^' May, S. H. Freund and A. H. lfale con-|A, s. Wright." mdse shf.. Co. Clk; " - - i and Sup. Scha. ...» UoC ... ^ 16.70 IxlTiiens" of The Countv." " " T'?f recor<,K of. Iast"PreceBing Huntington Laboratories, rtdse. his office and that an order be drawn Herald Pubg. Co., prtg. Co. Treas. 127.60 r BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that meetlng were read and on motion ap- , s^f 20 35 therefor. And the roll being called said H. G. Durkee, Serv " ~" -- 1 • - - - - - »rftv'"1 Th" 9fmi-annl,nl r'nnrt9 nf ,helu"'-" The financial status of the McHOt/nf Horses-- County Road Fund is as follows: '.'3 grey mare 8 yrs. old $110.00 Balance on hand September 8th _;i. grey gelding, 8 yrs. old 120.00 19S6. regular fund $3,629&S. grey gelding (old) 26.00 Amount appropriated September 1 sorrel gelding. 13 yrs. old 76.00 _ 14th. 1926 13^ 37.55 1 bay gelding. 17 yrs. old Total Cattl« 35.00 Rental from Town of Marengo for grading outfit .$875.00 Rental of truck fforn Boon* erv. &iard of Re-' there be and' there is hereby annroDrl^ proved The semi-annual reports of the nillyard Chera. Co., mdse ahf. ...172.50 County reports were approved and appropriation, view 69 days 483.00-ated and offered as a reward for the in- ^OMnt>' Clerk, circuit Clerk and Sheriff Thorne & Son, mdse. shf. 10.20 1 pure bred Durham bttll ..h'wtf..>t..-.$12S.OO Rental from Village of Unloa made in accordance with said moti'o n. W"m . G~ ruenwald1., serv. B<|. Rev. formation leading to the arrest and ^™.PreB*nt.^ Fi,co? * ^If"^ mdse. shf 47.0# 7 ' ' * " The Committee on Claims County Poor | 69 days and auto 2 1-2 days .... 603.00 iQade the following report which was on • John H. Higglns, serv. Bd. Rev. all call Unanimously adopted, to-wit:- 69 days and auto 2 days 499.00 r. Chairman and Gentlemen, of th®{Wm. Desmond, clerk Bd. Rtev. Board of Supervisors: I 70 days Tour Committee on County Poor Bayrd Still, clerk Bd. Rev. 4t Claims would beg leave to report th£t days they have examined all claims presented City of Woodstock, light and tp them, and recommended the payment water of the following, and that the Clerk'be Don. F. Hlbbard, sal. dep. shf; directed to issue orders on the County June, July, Aug 875.00'Supr. Turner and upon roll call the resoipeasurer to the Claimants, for the aev-, Vestle Muldoon, sal. janltor,.June llution was unanimouslv adopted. ll amount# allowed, as follows, t*- July August -- 360.00 Supr. Wright stated \hat at the time p^seTted'and'Vead T aisy v. Moore, sal. asst. 8up. fof the completion of the Cleary Bridge, unnrnv^ i' - Sehs. June, July. Aug ^ 3M.00.the painting and oovorin* of the floor of OTThe%necVal Con mftttl on Marshall Lau ret Book < o mase. ****** JTAtetttvyM. JJCuunnee,U lJeiuulyl^, , AAuug:. 't.8.t.B - ,3,SfOt. O0O0 ',wheea ther due 7to" t„he lateness of the sea- Backus'bridge •n '?™e T^.'.of.'n.S nhim otn. C°" PrtS- ®UP' Wjlt: Nunda-- Ckas. Johnson, Bd. Mrs. Go el-' Strom $ 69.67 F, w. Kruger, mdse. Bert May- 'Bard 75.18 'Chas. H. Ackman, spl. com. wis. IjL C. Meier, mdse. Mrs. Hetn* - Z6-11 F. A. Walters, apl. com wk. IS D. Hull, M. D. estate, serv. Do. W. H. Ward, spl. com. wk. ft Chas. Smiley 16.80 Wm. H. White, srI. com. wk i Of. W. H. _Rupert, serv. Mrs.. Dr. H. W. Sandeen, serv. prls.. 29.15 Frank J. Kaiser, serv. to Dr. conviction oT't'h/ nersori"or "oersons^so referred to the committee on fees and Joseph J. Horick, rep. shf."".'..".^. stealing" hkkena ind ^caUe^r tacks ^Tu^trTrea^er" and cTnt'y ^^9 C^'»- as aforesaid, the sum of One Hundred S(ioerindent oY^chiSu were ore-. Ro ii c'"'st*r Co.. mdse. ... 490.66 co0rdance with anTunde? the dfr^tiVof a_n_l!..rtad I ^ F.'Baikh^"" wirt^C"i£; ... 192.00 ... tM-Mjahan^final. ^ ^ by read and on motion brdered placed .°n, Dajijr" vrMoo^^-ASt:"!^ _ The Official bond of Frank J. Hon- £>on° rt'lbbard. "sal.°dept.'"shif.'" drlcks as Treasurer and Guy E. Still as opn> r>et Vov R. Rickert, mdse. Sup. Sch Sffcf# til' 8KTK 1»M9 17.0# 7 pure bred Durham eoWs 875.0® for grading outfit- -- 7.28 11 grade Durham cows 1,100.06 Rental from Town of Suva 84.75 3 pure bred Durham yearling for grading outfit 1 heifers v 300.00 --1 1 •" 25.00 2 grade Durham yearling heifers 100.00 Total $17,17<w|Sk 1.83 1 pure bred Durham bull calf 50.00 Less expenditures October 6 pure bred Durham heifer calves 2^0.00 5th. 1986 _...fl,7W.0f*: 2 grade Durham heifer calves ... 60,00 Less expenditures November 9th, 1926 i. ,A, H. Hale, spl. cim. w'k. -- 69.90 JS .S "that the^sum of one hundred ^r;a\rfl fd^t,e",,nt,<o-, wTt ,;:t Whi°h W ^ 4l 2° ,7^. Total -L„ Hogs-- 300.00 2 Duroc red trood sows 18 spring shoates 375.00 1 fat hog 1.18 , 46.18 Total • Chickens-- 1.20 400 Chickens @ $1.26 2,>810.06 Total $100.06 .......360.00 Balance on 'Wwtd,- reffular fmrf' 25.00 December 6th, 1926 4,813.2» .$*.64XS» -sW-- 46 00 ^ dol,ars. wa t^, Wita" rk f To'Vhe^oani^f^SuV^rvisors of'McHenry N^str,)m & Co • rod8#" 8Up 67.65 ToleTrLTlZ% c5S GfS'n:State °f Rlci^nond Gaaette; ^^ ^upl *6 06 .widow' of'the' deeded dC^ntrJc'toJ had J0,«r Commit tee to whom was refer- .American"^ Multlgrfcph "Sales'CoT' | _______ ?, v_. .„ red the matter of constructing a new mdse. sup. sch. 2o tons Timothy hay .26.00 45 tons Alfalfa har 115 tons silage ,70 *60 bu. oats 0 46c 300 bu. barley <g) 06c $485.00 .$500.01 Balance on tand Snow fund December 6rh, 1926 7.630.61 AU of Khfch Is repsectfdlly " ~ A. H HALE. JOHN CONLEY. ' D. M WRIGHT. S. H. FREUND, W. H. WARD. The Committee on Fees and SalarlMh Arvard Esbjorn 29.15 Frank J. Kaiser, serv. to Dr. | now arranged to have the work com- {^Tdtre'^at'The^slte* known aVThe "jlAR*- 8cn -• f JD*. W. H Rupert, serv. Mrs,f V J Draper In T. B.-*est 286.001 pleted by Wayne Bennett of Marengo. ^Yl^BACKITS Br"?iT"e l^tween ^ec- SuppIy md"^ ,, M { ^Louise Johnson ,y«..^\19.20 John Conley, spl. com. wk ^I-90 He therefore moves that upon the pres- ti n g nd ^ _ th public Hiah- , -Algronauln-- I? H Fr«„nd spl com. wit 69.80 entatlon of the bill for the completion ,n fh- Town of lJunhair inaiid M°"vfnnr Ilalndealer- 8UP 1 E, lliJeger, pension. Myrtle- ' 'H M. Turner spl com. wk. • 13.00 of this work O K'd by the County Su- county, lould ^eg leave to submit the city o 8 acres corn In field ... Nuhn 100.00 J. E. Harrison, spl. com. wk. .... Meier Bros., mdse. Mrs. A. Simons 10.00 The Park Store, mase. Mrs. A. -- 22.00 14.00 Simons Neis Nelson, rent--Mrs. Gole Daenslng Bros., mdfie. Mrs. Gepjjert Kdwin w. Peters, burial--Louise •Converse Dr. F. J. Theobald, serv. Louise Converse -- I>orr-- Bbdenschats ft Sahs, mdse Christoferson Woodstock Hosp Schiller Dr. C. F. Baccui Schiller - 80.00 Tro.oo Total City of Woodstock, light & water ..196.22 Farm Implements soft coal -»t wood hard coal gasoline . ... , takin.-g- ca.t.t.l e „ ir,iA Dx.a"n ce Halls. . A'Vr 'nyestlgation the fornjS. The contractor was present and The"Hov"phnrn!acv radse Co^^^ Off 1201 I*AA V; ^ h.te, tak. cattle census Chairman of the ( ommittee on Dance stated that he wouid remove the forms *i y Hock t>rt* s'hf treas. 568 00 12-66 E. F. Kuecker, tak. cattle census 15.00 Halls reported favorably, on'said appll- within a few davs It was thereeuon oJi vllstwii »? in I Chas. H. Ackman. tak. cattle cen. 15.00 cation aV.d reeommrnded the Issuing of decided to accept «ld brTdge --all?C Mc-Con-w11- SP>- <*»«• Wk 27.30 » 'John Conley, taking cattle census 15.00 sai,i license. Thereupon it was ordered ' $200.qg: ...» 675.# 460.00 180.00 . - -- 195.00 made the following report which W**"ifc. 2.86 Straw and shavings 90.00 roll call unanimously adopted, to-wltt: tons old corn OJIS6. 100.00 state of Illinois, County of McHenry. as. 80.00 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of tin -r Board of Supervisors: , _...~.$1.980.00 Your Committee on Fees and Salvia*" ---J2,272.25 would beg leave to submit thS-ftil6*H6; report on the matters before then. $120.00 We would recommend that UiUt, b* .100.00 paid to the Sheriff as salary the sntn ..266.00 nf one Thousand Seven" Hundred Dol- 7.35 larM. ($1,700.00) i>er year, it b«lB( UaUrstood that said compensation shall' hi -- --$488.38 paid out of and shall, tn no iBttttaca i, provisions ana Vegeta- ceed the fees actually collected as tSU bles $1,225.00 vided in the Constitution. treas. 568.00 <0 bu. potatoes Woodstock News. prtg. Treas. 28.00 Total that the A D osbom Hdw. Co.. mdse. shf. 15.14 Furniture and fixtures 101.05 65.95 Horses 30.00 'luaaur 70.00 We would further recommend that', a ' competent, able-bodied man shottld tB --*1,295.00 employed by the committee Jpk Mhllo .J$2,430.00 buildings as janitor of the coart nause and jail, said person to devote his entire Florence Sheehe Coral-- L, . Chas. H. Ackman, pension. Elate Winkelman ---- Clias. H. Ackman, rent Mrs. Tornow ---- Wt.O , HG.. SMcihllueert,t em, irlke nRt oRtoht h.. W. C. Nulle, mdse. Roth , F. Koch, mdse. Tornow ertz & Shaw, coal Tornow <w- J. Miller, mdse. Tornow >o. Schroeder, mdse. Torno# » ^,Alden-- Baldock & Stroede, mdse. G^Jfc iAnthony ^Jilarengo-- MOore & Krans, mdee. Emll dSteinke All of which is respect fully submitted, I). M. WRIGHT. CHAS. H. ACKMAN, 76.00 A. H. HALE. ThaiCommtttee on Roads and Bridges '6.06 mad# the following: report which' Was on 1,0,1 cal1 unanimously adopted, to-wlt: *•60 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the 21"52 Board of Supervisors, McHenry Coun- 52'oi ( ty, Illinois: 2.92 The undersigned members of the Road Si and Bridge Committee, would beg leave 81.33 to submit the-following report on the [matters before1 them: • That they met on the 7th day of July •6.541 a. d. 1926, at \V\>odstock, Illinois, and of office com. wk. ....... com. wk. tion referred to the puft-haslng com-, H;" M. TU H NIC Ft, """ IL.' r'stoclf^'il.Tpl/^. wk. mittee. J \N M. M, \\ lilTlv,, | u ix Freund bdI com wlk It was moved by Supr McConnell that w. II. WAKI>. |h e' Whlupl'e siil. com. wk one thousand dollars of the emergency x, C. L. Tryon, County Superintendent ij Ward sol com wk. appropriation heretofore made for the cf Highways for McHenry County. 1111- I jn'hn Conlev' sol' com' wk use of the committee on Tuberculosis no|8> hereby approve the above report1 v.onie>. spi. torn. Eradication In Cattle be paid to said and amount due the contractor. committee so that the assistants to Dr. o. L. TRYON, County Superln- Draper may be paid for their services tendent of Highways. monthly by said committee. Said motion The Special Committee oh embank $376.00 time to the performance of the> 2,810.00 said position; that it shall be 48S.00 of the person so emoloyafi to ' 500.00 care for the fires in jail and oonrt l .....1,980.00 and see that the offices^ oosrf" --. 2,272.25 rooms in said buildings 4r%' 482.35 swept, cleaned and repaired: .1,295.00 the grounds, walks and other: 21.60 Furniture and Fixtures 2,430.00 about said buildings are proper!, 38.40 for and that the sheriff shall h*^ • 18.00 Total ..$12,629.60 under the direction of the conmlttM 52.70 Your committee would further report public buildings with the dutjr Of ln» ... «« Cattle *23.90 Hogs -- ' Chickens - 61.01 Farm- Feeds Sl'J? Farm Implements 22.10 Fuel T. - 5^-?? Provisions ------ 11-80 and recommend that the countv employ structing said janitor in the dtschnae of ^M*.#C'wW«h is respectfully stibtqlllM, Dr. H. W. Sandeen as County Physician his duties, and wo wouid recommend * p. M. WRIGHT # to the first dav of March. A. D. 1927, to that there be allowed the aald Janlto* Tt attend the patients at the alms house at the sum of $120.00 per month payable CHAS. H. ACKMAN. four dollars and fifty cents per visit, monthly. > The' Committee on Claims. County he to furnish his own medicines, and to We would recommend that the J£har|ff 2.90 patrol System of Roads as a whole, in- Committee on F<ees and Salaries, ooff 'tthhee'C Coouunntytj" OOffff 1ic ccerrs^ 'ffoorr" tthhee ".ttwwoo ^yreeaarr T ccoirunnntt>v.^ SStmatlee foffT IllVlinnooiiss." °' MoHenry MBofrd,t^n^^up2?viso™rtlemen °f is"ivun-Hn.end'n^ofPsaidS AlmsP?Iou^ there be allowed the Sheriff the Sum..*T your on - county Poor and that his salary be fixed at the sum Fifteen Hundred Dollars for the paT- ,f (Claims would beg leave to report that of Fifteen Hundred dollars per annum, ment of a deputy sheriff. Konul they have examined all claims presented and that his wife be employed at the We would further recommend tliat {audited and paid bills of a General na- j term ending December 1st. 1926, and on Gentlemen: ture, chargeable to the McHenry County motion the same was referred to the Your Committee to whom Blj. A. and A. Algulre, serv. eluding cost of a new 10-20 Internatlon-1 The following Resolution was read ment at the _ Chas. Van Etten --. 40.60 ai Tractor $710.00, printing $14.50, Pilot I and on roll call Onarttmously adopted. Bridges on the Patrick Bros. mdse. Emll Stlenko 18.82 signs $?5.oo, repairs and supplies for .to-wit:- V tlon 29, Town Brians Grocery, mdse Emll ^ '^ andsalariesfor oper- ! ^o^tlon of County Board for ths subm.tthe following report oR the mat-™-'^^^^^ ^low^."^ daV'of'^March, A. D^ I'^Tor'may sum^Vw^Fi™ Hukdr^ ' M4'SXSg outside w^r^fOT ^° ^ ^ the site of sahl^orkUt' " " " ' be.admitted during the said yea, Dollars ($2,500.00) per annum, and that the 3rd day of December. 1926. and ,Chi0.aK0 Industrial Home. Care a « Mwara Franks, Chicago Industrial Home ••XX -j v. < »««*.->> • - ;ff* »-if ^94:- " at ' t-r'-tuar i --Vi \at* v- eno. • :J«»•• o *c. Ja»I ! ««W 11 < to ?atgm 13 t lot >J bebto •. biaoH • slid* / > !avon<i it'mi ot jMtfa it tie :•? ,ri<S ft \r twri* mi * . -i aaa^- v § aoqli j 'naftA 4 .1 tw# C •> uou ':i ' ••• :-i • . ? iM «u *loa MUOW r.i iiirt .-til *na l>iaa » - • ?«Bnr ' * *>*• .. *'.i-*Wn 80 88.76 Section 9 Stienke Central Grocer/, mdse. Emil "Btienke W. S. Eshbaugh-M. D., serv. Chas. _,Van Etten --- Highland Hospital, serv. Chas. . .Van Ktten -------- Jj W. ITsborne & Son, serv. Chas. it Van Etten --- 4HH s. Swonger, burial Edward ; McHenry-- •, H. Freund, rent, Geo. Beckwlth J. Miller, mdse. ; Chemung-- m H. Ward, pension Bartels, rent JR. Keeler, rent, etc., Wickerts 165.08 .section 1* A L. Putnam, burial Mrs. Vic- I Section 13 'Witorla Oderman /. 60.00 Section 14 31J. Shields, mdse. Ike Wickerts 60.11 section 15 lish Vermilva St Co., mdse. Mm, W. W. Wise •Wfco. I. Walker, mdse. Frank j. Holister -- ||pge & Bauder, mdse. Gladys Vtesch -- J^cob Raeder, mdse Myra Bar- <fraln8 BrM^ mdse. Margaret -.^ilunham-- , lAsh Vermllya ft Co., mdse. MM. Geo. King H. E. Whipple, mdse. Mrs. Watt* Pension Mrs. Hochrath W. W. Barlow, coal Geo. Kln» ,• and Mrs. Wiss - 8.88 •• Richmond-- . _ W. L. Speaker, mdse. Alvah Rugg 34.88 | -#»n. A Osmond, mdse. Alvah Greenwood--. Jb E. Harrison, pension, Maria jS: Nichols ; JS Grafton-- »hn Conley, pension, Mrs. Coon ?AI1 which is respectfully submitted, Section 6 - H. E. WHTPPLB. i Section 7 K, J. E. HARRISON, bisection • \ fit H. FREUND, ,• rfSection 9 M; 9. A. WALTERS, f Section 10 *»#> FRANK li. MCOONNHIA, •« Section 11 The Committee on Claims Labor Fees ®ec'jon If djfcd Supplies made the following report ^ecJ!on J? ytilch was on roll call unanimously £ .!°n !! Adopted, to-wit:- Section 16 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the ^ectlon IS the Board of Supervisors: Section 17 lacadam Roads , when a gravel or macadam road Is con- iy.a"uriA'irM HqH ii»n"nrirnriifv mm. industrial Home, oare . .--. „ -- . „ „ - - structed, the county shall pay one-half ^ had not been KravelTd I K'«le. Dellne. Oudarman ohll- Alms House and Farm, the hired help Assessments the sum oJ' Two Thoasaad .t. 4•• .a.n..dI plena, out same naa not Deen gra\eiea j .X69.41 to work at all times under the instruc- Five Hundred Dollars <12.500.00). , ... Ing *•« Townships $1,587.30 . Bills chargeable to the various Sections *•60 of the Patrol System of Roads, were 61.56 «"eHon 2nd Pald aS f0lloW8: 8252 40 !the cost of its maintenance. _ , *. ' Section t ". j WHEREAS, Tlie law ""south' Ir*hn_nn n<i «nd ear* Fred 50.06 Section 4 , . 164.10 i maintenance of all State aid roads IS fm|np Wj|j h», necessary. It was found I Fred Section I 245.76 ! jurisdiction of State Super- thgt thp cost of labor and material to .Goel^rom 60.00 . section 6 181.95 i ,C.n r?rr,!,-\ o ,^ Tn>8' an . •„ date was $<00 including the cost of $84 j ' burial Mrs. Albert Section 7 J .../ 160.00 • \V HF.IU'.AS, It is necessary to pay fOJ. overseeing said work by the High-' Balm .00 Section 6 " i na no promptly all maintenance Ml'- * ' - We further recommend that the there be paid the County TrMSOMT as WHEREAS, The law requires "That that""the""embankment"between' f">lward Franks. 813^.00 Board of Supervisors hire all necessary full compensation for his •erviOes as * ' " the bridges had b£n prSaUy 7oT Induatrlal Home. oar.. help required to properly run the said County Treasurer Mid. Juporrl-« pleted, but same had not been graveled j Kittle, Deline, Oudarmt n., i _ owing to there being water in the gravel' uren 180.25 | WIJLRKAb, ^The pits, south of the South bridge further I Section 10. - ' Section 11 - -- 1W,„, .. , • , "Us to se- ^omm&^r and it ap^ars'^ihat ^ CO,U a"d " i^he^rnrrbe't tha^oflli0' " ^ ! H. C M^er. mdse. Mrs. Heine : JIS sSI ""SOLVED, By the County Board of ^^^"'^...refore^Te^mmend that the^- ^ Burt Maj 166.38 ' McHenr\ Cotinty tha't there is hereb> County Clerk draw an order In favor of.^'--^' ' sor*. 390.62 . 193.43 . 200.67 . 173.10 . 170.30 . T64.75 . 168.62 181.40 ' Section 14 25.7£ Section, 17- i . Section 16 86.85 Section. M . Section SO 19.66, , | TOTAL --, ^6,016.37 86.001 Your Committee again met on Ihe 10th mm*m day of August A. D. 1926 ^nd audited and paid bills of a general nature, (chargeable to the McHenry County Patrol System of Roads, as a whole including cost of premium on Insurance to th^. amount of $326.40, repairs and supplies for County machinery and salaries for operators for- heavy grading outfit while doing outside work for Townshpis $1,191.14 Bills chargeable to the various Sec- _ I tions of the Patrol System of Roads, 63.74 Vere audited aod paid as follows: $ 83.50 168.60 215.33 167.95 804.08 195.50 166.40 176.55 166.00 319.25 292.29 604.13 Appropriated from funds In the hands of ^j,e Treasurer of the Town of Seneca I Charles Smiley -- th? County Trf&Rtir^r, th© sum of On© lVii* th** ftum of {39a n« ;» nflrtiftl os.v- I l^orr*-~ Hundred Seventy-five Dollars ($175.00), ment to re-imburse the said Town of|F- Walters, pension M(«.. or as much thereof as is necessary to Seneca for money paid out on said work ' y „^'„i vr^'„ defray the county's portion of the cost and in favor of Roy AndreWB for the '?ac> ""*•' of maintenance of State aid road knowrf su-,v, of $42.00 on account of overseeing .^,^1 as Section (e) G, for the period ending ^piV) ^0rjt to date Sahs Bros., mdse. Mrs. Olson December 31. 1927, and be It further RESOLVED. That the County Clerk Is hereby authorized to draw orders on the County Treasurer in the payment of ,thn tnainfenaree cost of said road upon lAeJM cf it<ir;t!ftd bills prop«(rty tlon and direction of the superintendent Said Committee would further raaept and his wife. that they had examined all applications 69.67 It is further recommended that the and proposals for the auditln® of the superintendent or some responsible em- books and accounts of the County Of- 50.06 ployee of his or of the County shall at ficlals for the two years ending Dec. 1, all times be in personal charge of the 1926 and. recommend ^that the Chalntnaa 88.79 Inmates. of this Committee be authorised to eatar - - 24.33 It is further recommended that the Into contract with the CouMv Audit ^ 'F. W. Kruger, mdse Burt Maynard 76.98 superintendent be employed for such Company in accordance with Xheir b*d recommend that the, , ,r , ; »• r* ••••'»# time as his services shall prove satis- of $775.00 for said work on ooaditlon 161.4# factory to the Board of Supervisors and that said Conroany make such dedtaSOtion Its poor farm committee, not longer from said bid as such Chairman may than the first day of March, A. D. 1928. consider proper for the reason that^ tho SO.00 It Is further understood and agreed books and accounts of the Circuit Clerk 19.97 that the entering upon the duties of have been by said Company audited fbr 9.50 superintendent of said Alms House and the first six months of said period. 12.89 Farm shall constitute an acceptance of It Is further recommended by the said. 6.90 all the foregoing provisions and be in Committee that the reports of th» Cwtfc na h* n «Ua i.iimahIm fvl A»ll> I 4 t I <1 AI>IT - ' • • tg> *• AlfW'whlch Is fespectfully submitted. L{ A. '•STOCKWKLL. CHAS. H. ACKMAN, D. M. WRIGHT. I. C. L. Tryon, County Superintendent 70.00 188.00' t Section 1 em mm Section t "•••• Section 8 __ Section'6 80.00 section .a pproved Jb.y.. tthke. S«t.attae Dniivuiisjinonn noff HHiigrhh-. of Highways for McHenry County, Illl no(fl m h0rt^y appPOve th^ ^ove report _ i v . a n d a m o u n t s d u e o n t h e c o s t s o f s a i d improvement. C. L. TliTON, County io*wI7^ adoption. 8uperintend(,nt of Hlpltways. o-wji.- -- The Clerk presented lists of Claims • WMfRP4*! (k. riirht-of-wav has against the County which on motion! ^. k.. Tw^rtlr.^ of <?tate were referred to the proper committees 1 Highland ^<> 20^nnd 23 and for 'el*""1 and on motion duly seconded I sturges WHKRKA^ then1 has tmei?' placed "n *»* -jr^.^he Wsaid State Aid Roads, a durable, hard- 1-uu °uoc* J- M- ror commmee worn. surfaced navement, and I IsOO O'clock P. la. WHEREAS, there is available from The Board met pursuant to adjournrefunds now due and payable to the ment: Present same members. , Countv of McHenrv from the State of The Committee on Elections made the Illinois under the provisions of Section following report which was on roll Call 10 of the $«0.0nno00 bond issue act the unanimously adopted, to-wit:- sum of $10,161.59 which Is not in any Mr. Chalrmand and Gentlemen of the way encumbered. Board_of Supervisors: Gus. Vogel, hbard Mrs. Loaee ... Old Peonle's Rest Home, board John Miller and wife Hebron-- H. M. Turner, carfare and cash Myrtle Knight Clark Houvholder, mdse Myrtle Knight E. P. Schaefer ft Son, mdse. Myrtle Knight .... __ . Hebron Lbr. Co., coal Myrtl. I j Knight f J...™.. Marengo-- Hospital, care May Swonguer, burial Walter Cooney -- -- Greenwood--• John E. Harrison, pension Mrs. Nichols Marengo-- John J. Stafford & Son, burtal Christina Rockrow Coral THRBEFORE BE T RESOLVED, that _ Ytfur Commit rs oT Chas. H. Ackman, mdse. Rotl^ part a contract between the superln- ty Clerk. Circuit cierK. 'Treasurei*, m***- 90.90 tendent andtthe County Board of Super- iff. and County 8uperipdeadsat of visors. Schools for the term ending December Your Committer would further recom- 1st. 1926, heretofore referred tt> ssM 85.80 mend that this Committee, heretofore Committee await the report of the aaOt known as "Poor Farm Committee" shall of said accounts. 6.47 hereafter be designated as "County All of which is respectfully submitted. Home Committee." and that the plaoa - CHAS. H 6.00 heretofore designated and referred Co F. A. WAL.TBR8.r- V as "Alms House and Farm" and "Poer D. M. WRIGHT, - 1.86 Farm" shall hereafter be designated as S. H. FREUND. " enry. .County Home." t . L. A. STOCKWBBli' - 'Of Which is respectfullv submitted.; FRANK B. McCONNBLL. tl.00 F. A. WALTERS. 1 At the request of the Public Service ' FRANK B. McCONNELL, Company of Northern Illinois, the Cterk 60.40 CHAS. H. ACKMAN, " " , WM. M WHITE. 1 H.E.WHIPPLE. 84.00 The Committee on Roads and Bridges current along the highway North of the made the Allowing report which was on Village of Greenwood to the Eaafc and rollv call unanimously adopted, to-wlt:- West Road leading from Hebron to 66.06 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Richmond in sMd County. Upon u»UW Board of Supervisors, McHenrv COun- said resolution was laid over till presented a resolution authorialnir company to erect, operate and maintain nolo line for distribution of elertrtc ^ Your Committee on Labor, Fees aad- section 18 flupplles Claims would beg leave'to re- ge?iion 1? iJort that they have examined all claims Section 8v Bfesented to them, and recommend the _ ___ fcyment of the following, and that the TOTAIJ Berk be directed to issue orders on the Your CVimmMlW a|f«Wi met On the 8th County Treasurer to the Claimants nbr day of September A. D. 1926. and audited Hie several amounts allowed, aa follows, and paid bills of a general nature, to-wit: _ _ chargeable to the McHenry County Pa- * Cx-otAvn Af Pnad« a whole, inty. Illinois: meeting. ttee to whom was referred family 24.96 The undersigned members of the The application of Joseph Donahue to Election of November 2, Chas. h. Ackman, pension, Elsie Road and Bridge Committee would beg operate Dance Hall and Road House to Countv do here'bv^pproOTiate »id"sum 1926 would beg leave to submit the fol-1 Winkleman .. I 75.00 leave to submit the following report on be known as McHenry Clnh In t*» of ilii t«i M frnm K hinrt to relm- lowing Report on the matters before H. ,T. Miller, mdae. Tornow family 63.46 theamatters before them: Townshin of Algonquin at the IntMVee" burse s-xid Coumv f^ the monlv here- hem: mawera o xo , F s<.hroeder, mdse. Tornow That they met on the 5th day of tlon of the Algonquin and Car* Hlfchr> urse said county for the money nere li!.™.- .......$110.70' family >. 38.36 October A. D. 1926, at Woodstock. Illl- ways was presented and referred to tha 105 20 W. C Nulie, mdse. Roth family .... 92.82 noise and audited and paid bills of a Committee on Dance Halls. The aald lis 60 Wertis & Shaw. mdse. Roth family 11.15 general nature, chargeable to the Mc- Committee on Dance Halls reported tm- .... I25 20 Chas Schmidt, rent Mrs. Tornow 30.01T Henry County Patrol System of Roads vorably on aald application and on ino- *Z..~ 115.20 Wertz & Shaw, coal Mrs. Tornow ... 13.68 as a whole, including cost of repairs tlon it was ordered that a license y "l!0 20 W. F. "Koch. mdse. Mrs. Tornow.... 70.95 and supplies for county machinery and granted in accordance with said appn^ -- , -- r o r T f l . n T X 1 ( , i k i k j , i nemunjr. <ra iifi'fip W G. Miller, milk Roth 4.56 etc.. for the sum Of $412.06 c&tlon. 178.25 j^ th» Department o? Public Works *'lden ._..^..._._...J10.20 Chas. H Ackman; gas Roth Ml Bills chargeable to the various Sec- Communications from the Department ^.~™.---- 341.18 tnfor(i paid for securing rights of way, Riley * ® ' for said Stnte Aid Routes 19,(20 and 23, Marengo. 1st -- J*®-®® in anticipation of placing thereon a dur- Marengo, 2nd "*™" able, hard-surfaeed pavement, and Dunham --' TT FirRTHETt RESOLVED, that Chemung, 1st •"" resolution constitutes a formal re--'Chemung, ( and ... J-*-;* ouest for the said sum of $10,161.59 Chemung, 3rd - 110.20 and. King 88.50 lows: „ 109-90 Geo. I. Walker, mdse, Frank Hoi- Section 1 - - - - • 86.05 Section 8 Mrs. Section 8 P. F. Pettibone A Co., sup. (Jo. ' trol System of Roads as whole. In Officers ;. r....$680.84 eluding repairs and supplies for Coun- . i ty machinery and labor and heavy erad- 47.94' ing outfit .$834.30 Bills chargeaJble to the various Sec- 17.80 tions of the. Patrol System of Roads, ^ KJ11Ul 9 iBon Inst. A Industries, sup. I Co. Officers ;J»«srfectlon Legal Blanks, blanks Sts. Atty «iver Type. Co., repairs, Cir. Clk. .wyers Co. Op. Piab. Co., la# t\?-books -- Illinois Prtg. Co., supplies Supt. Sehs s W ^fc>hn.son-Randolph Co., supptles Supt. Sohs --5-- J||ifety Envelope Co., supplies Supt. Sehs A- L. Kraemer Co., supplies Supt. » Sehs. .flf. M. Welch Mfg. Co., supplies Supt. Sehs American Multigraph Sales Co., _ Supplies Supt. SchB M. MM Tela. tM., aervtee oa Ot* . - , t - . ... " " '. , , 15.00 Section l .. Section 2- . Section" 8 . 81.86 Section < . Section 6 . 286.81 Section « . 16.91 Section r . Section 6 . Section 6 . 45.90 Section 10 186.00 Section 11 Section It " Section IT .. S.88 Section 14 .SecttoK kft and Buildings of the State of Hllnols, Hartland -- -- r ^he21Uup < _.l$6,093.79 an(j Seneca ' • - L . . .l. . >.109.80 Lake & Harris, coal Mrs. Peterson BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Coral a certified eor»y of this resolution be Grafton si . p"btritted to the Department of Public Dorr, 1st? .......------1~ J04.00, "ster Works and Buildings of the State of II- Dorr. 2n<l .Si nn ^ mdse ^ .. .. q .i(1»I . linol® for official aooroval Dorr, 3rd .104.00 Geo. King 8w.06 Section 4. Said motion to adopt was'seconded by Dorr. 4th L-.-l09.60 Hoge & Bauder. mdse. Gladys oH 1 Supr. Kuecker and upon roll call the Greenwood .' J 14.70 | . 'v w*"-""'7 resolution was unanimously adopted. Hebron -- - % i * mdse. Henry Lembky 5-®* ^ fl * A petition signed by upwards of Richmond -- * at n i nhn jqhlVmLir»Ik« Section 9 " fiftv residents of Hartland Town- Burton ? ShieJda, mdse. Mrs. Ike ve+iutn ifl a«kin*r that the Road from McHenry, 1st 105.20 Wickerts ... 4T.I4 Stafe Bond TMue Route 17 lead- McHenry. 2pd. .00 Lusi. Verm I ya * Co.. mdse. Mrs. ' ofotlon M ing the -oantv Parm tn HSrt- McHenrv, 3rd. -~-}J5.So | Walter ise ••--•• lR-00 X land Station and Easterly and Nocther- N unci a, 1st Section IS lr past the Hartland church and etm- NTuml«, 2nd. v .-^4^fm..lrB...,^_.:.T..4Jvl09.90 poctinE- with State Aid Route \o 1 near Nunda. 3rd 114 90 Vard.^ Pen.^B_artells, rent the center of Section 13 be added to the Aleonquln, let .. Patrol System of Roads was presented Algonquin. 2nd and read and on motion referred to the Algpnquin. 3rd . ..... Committee on Roads and Bridges. | All of which is res^ctftilUr submitted. <a WM. M. WHITER Chairman, tions of the County Patrol System of of Highways of St. Clair County and Roads, were audited' and paid as fol- from the department of Public Wirt* .1418.65 . 186.80 . 158.20 . 165.15 . 322 60 . 178 93 . 151.82 . 162.40 . 203.45 172.08 . 164.15 . 870.26 . 167.65 . 183.24 suit Sunr. Freund stated that in procur-j ing Right of way of Route '20, In Town | of McHeni^ it .became neceBsary to A. H. HAT,K FRANK MAT. 38.75 Section 11 Section 16 108.00 Keller, rent Wickerts 159.18 Section 16 "!""s/l04.90 W. D. Hall, coal to Oscar Culboon 8-£0 Section 17 105.50 i Grafton-- . ' Section 18 John Conley. mother's pension. Section 16 Mrs. Coon ..r. -- 86.06 Section 20 Richmond-- Geo. A. Osmond, mdse Alva Rngg_ 48.68 Total and Buildings of the State of Ilttnoia $160.00 with relation to gasoline tax were read 191.80 and on motion placed on (lie. .A. 204.53 Charles T. Allen, county judge. ...168.60 reared before the Board and stated tfeM ...230.22 it was his purpose to spend a greswsr ...177.35 portion of his tinie at Waodatock and ...200.8" that he desired to make his headquarters 168.50 in the room known as the Jmi gee* rOOBM ...176 75 that he might be able to render to the SA*...-.. 626-83 Countv the most efficient aervtoe »oa» .165.40 sible: That he was of the opinion that . 430.27 some minor imnrovemeata dbttld He .184.65 made in said office: That ha felt the .188.24 need cf a small table or desk (Or the ..136.45 stenographer, typewriter, telephone and . 204.32 a new lighting fl*ture; Thai the Ufcrary ...220.57 therein was in need of the IMS .1,62.35 notated Statute. Supr. ...160.68 th 't h» believed a compliance- Kril ...166.75 request of Jud^e Allen wvaM he interest of the County ..$4,720.07 the matter of the t-irt condemnatloh nroceedlnes a«» a re- The Committee on claims, labor, fees W. L Speaker, mdse. Alva Rugg ... 44.81 Tour Committee avaln met on the 9th equipment asked ft*Vbe» uuiltP ooif Twhnku hn daaammaaf^eMis tuo»^ itnh*e a»»m» ou«*n»t and .a uwpHes m^ ade the fio.l lowing report! Aldens-, „ odnaAy of NovheimUbae r A. Do. 1926 and anu.>dti. ted purchasing committee i VUty , unanimously .Baldock & Stroede, mdse. Geo. k - ; i and paid bills of a general nature, &cL Said m^ti) ' «M' • s tie <»n; • A .ki A >• • W 4ml" •Mt *d .(«1H • il U J •- ?ait» Kin*' a*tt •jw <t. >tom wt» Has *i*lh .'Ksea merit '..^1 ' ^ . *• r.i$ ."a-; ~-W< • » - Is, 4 • 2 1' lA.-sSd

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