Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Mar 1927, p. 6

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Pff msmam. • •* '^--if'Tn .* 'T ::7*w?-Cr]'r ^/•T7C:!^'-:^>T^WT4\. " 1 ' • ' --• *" »*• squ^onoiuuJ^iK!;itocfe si itit %' REPOR# Ifr THE TOWNSHIP TREASURER ; ; STEPHEN H. FREUND State of Illinois,) Town of Xounty of McHenry,)ss McHenry The following is a statement^ by Stephen H. Freund, of the Town of McHenry in the County and State aforesaid, of the amount of public funds received and expended by him daring the fiscal year just closed, " ending on the 29th day of March 1927, /Rowing the amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of said fiscal year, the amount of public funds received and-from*)what sources received, the amount of public funds expended and for what purpose expended, during: said fiscal year, ending: as aforesaid. The said Stephen H.. Freund, bein? duly sworn, doth depose and say, thatthe following: statement by him sul>- Bcribed is a correct statement of th& amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year above stated, the amount of public. funds received and the sources from which received, and amount expended, and purchases for which expended, as set forth in said statement. Stephen H. Freund Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 29th day of March, 1927. Wm. J. Welch. Justice of the Peace. Funds Received and From Whit Sources Received. Amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year commencing the 30th day of March 1926 ^ $ 1,724.83 Received from County Collector, May 26 . ... 35214.14 Received from County Collector, Sept. 7 .... 4,000.00 Received1 from County .Collector, Oct. 13 <••••• 5,294.06 11 Thi* coupon and 25c entitle the undertigned to one 35r can of Acme Quality Enamcl Kote. any polar. and aapccial 20c Paint Bniih. Name.. ^ ***•»" i j -quaint you with Acme tv, we are making a spe- SPECIAL OFFER M§ A "brand new" for only a few cents ! Bring down the old gateleg table from the attic--refinish it--and add another charming piece of very popular furniture to your living room. For just a few cents you can get a can of Acme Quality Varno-Lac and in a few moments of spare time make any piece of furniture look like new. ACME QUALITY Vamo-Lac . Acme Quality Varno-Lac for refinishing furniture and floors and, interior woodwork where a beautiful, lasting hardwood finish is wanted. An outstanding member of the celebrated family of ACME QUALITY Paint^Varnish *our C JImL|w„„i, Color E Choice of All the Popular i. Each Gives a Beautiful Effect. Come in and Tdk Paint With Us. WM. H. ALTHOFF HARDWARE West McHenry, 111. ? Total $14,233.03 Funds Expended and For What Purpose Expended , April 14 ; Louis* Sdiroeder, grading..;.«.$161,.00 B. N. :Sthith, grading..........*.... 74.00 John Smith, rpad work. . 49.00 Peter Freund, Jr., grading--'--' 60.00 Peter Weber, grading..... -- 72.00 John M. Schmitt, grading:....... 46.00 John Schmitt. grading 64.00 V ' April 28 MatKGlc&sen, hauling gravel^ - 4.00 C. '&M.'W^ Ry. freight.. ,..:;., , 6.04 Alexander Lbr. Co. culverts.-- 13.60 John Regner, graveling.. 87.50 Mat Glossen, graveling 25.00 Austin-Western Road Machinery Co. tools....; 209.31 J. M. Diedrich, grading..... 149.50 Lewis Schroeder, grading. 120.00 May 12 Lou Althoff, smithing 3.00 Lewis Schroeder, graveling 82.25 H. G. Greeley, 319^ yds. of gravel @ 25c 79.88 Henry Tonyon, graveling.-.--. 20.00 Peter Freund, Jr., grading..!..... 36.00 Henry Sompel, grading.............. 28.00 May 26 Alexander Lbr. Co. culverts...... 43.75 Lewis Schroeder, grading 90.00 Walter Wright, road work 4.00 Chas. Ensign, tiling ;..... 24.00 John Smith, grading................ 67.50 B. N. Smith, grading.....7..-- 61.75 Good Roads Mfg. Co. repairs.... 18.15 June 9 J. M. Diedrich, grading. 104.50 John Regner, graveling.., 82.55 Lewis Schroeder, "c graveling.. 200.00 June 23 Lewis Schroeder, grading 136.00 Peter Freund, Jr. grading........ 50.00 Peter Weber, grading 8.00 H. V. Sompel, grading......,......V 46.00 B. N. Smith? grading 66.00 John Smith, grading 66*50 July 14 C. & N. W. Ry. Co. freight - and express 2.61 Lewis Schroeder, • graveling. $225.00, grading $48.50 273.50 Good Roads Machinery Co. repairs for crusher 91.54 Lou Althoff, smithing 6.00 Math Glossen, graveling 48.10 Alexander Lbr. Co. culverts 96.50 W. Wright, cutting brush 2.00 P. C. Peterson, cutting brush.... 10.00 John H. Freund, tiling 15.00 B. N. Smith, grading.^THr^.... S5.00 John Smith, grading ^ 55.00 Peter Diedrich, road work.......... 2.00 July 28 Mrs. Lynn Hall, gravel 106.20 Austen-Western Road Machinery Co. grader blade 6.00 Lewis Schroeder, grading $17.50 graveling $84.50 102.00 August 11 Math Glossen, 52 loads gravel @ $1.60 83.20 14.40 6.00 72.00 60.00 71.00 Will Ahrens, 9 loads gravel @ $1.60 Wm. Waite, road work..... B. N. Smith, grading . Lewis Schroeder, graveling $28.00, grading $32.00... . John Smith, grading......... August 26 Lewis Schroeder, grading $73.50, graveling $76.50. 150.00 J. L. Schorr, highway ass'n. duee „ 5.00 September 7 Math Glossen, 120 loads of gravel @ $1.60 ....192.00 George Glossen, % graveling.. 100.00 Joslyn & Joslyn, service rend.... 75.00 Caroline Schiessle, office rent.. 50.00 Alexander Lbr. Co. Ringwood labor 88 Will Ahrens, 68 loads gravel @ $1.60 108.80 September 8 Roy Hobart, dragging and grading •*.« 32.00 John Smith, grading............... 123.00 B. N. Smith, grading 76.50 J. M. Diedrich, grading...*..... 203.00 •John N. Freund, grading and graveling 84.50 N. F. Freurid, 67 rods gravel @ 25c ............. ........ 16.75 Lewis Schroeder, grading $68 gravel for Jno. Freund $2.40.. 70.40 Frank Stock, road work......... H^nry V. Sompel, graveling... Peter Freund, Jr. grading.. Peter Weber, grading .1 September 22 Lewis Schroeder, grading....-- John Smith, grading & graveling 100.00 Alexander Lbr. Co. culverts... 50.&8 Jacob Freund, r/c graveling.--., 250.00 October 13 Ben Kennebeck, c/o graveling.... 100.00. Legal Advisers Publ. Co. record book 10.44 Lou Althoff, smithing 3.60 Math Glossen, 173 loads gravel @ $1.60 276.80 W. H. Kelley, bridge work 15.00 5.00 38.40 40.00 40.00 72.00 34.00 20.00 8.00 3.75 28.00 68.00 John Smith, grading » 67.00 Peter Freund, Jr. grading. 49.50 Lou L. Smith, grading Peter Weber, grading... Mlarch 9 * Roy Hobart, dragging....,.., H. G. Westphal, easment in road 75.00 G. S. Sayer, est. grader..., 40.00 McHenry Plaindealer, 500 envelopes .... Peter M. Schaefer, graveling... B. N. Smith, grading George B. Tonyan, graveling 162 rods @ $1.70 275.40 John P. .Freund, grading 5.00 Henry Sompel, % graveling.... 100.00 Lewis Schroeder, grading........ 32.00 March 23 John Schmitt, grading .....rf. Ben Kennebeck, graveling'and gravel C. F. Bergquist, surveying Russel Grader Mfg. Co. road drag Ben Bauer, graveling, and gravel ................ Jdhn Smith, grading .....i...... B. N. Smith, grading............... J. M. Diedrich, grading i.„. 111.00 Jos. J. Freund, graveling..,....,.. 20.00 Jno. M. Schmitt, graveling $28 grading $61.00 Alfred Oeffling, graveling... Peter Oeffling, graveling.......... Will Oeffling, gravel, 66 loads; @ 20c Peter Freund, Jr. grading........ Ben H. Stilling, graveling........ Peter Smith, 110 loads gravel @ 25c 27.50 John R. Schmitt, graveling 8.00 Henry Sompel, graveling.......... 8.00 John Jung, labor....r. 10.00 Chas. Olson, graveling 37.00 Lewis Schroeder, grading 40.00 Peter Niesen, 21 loads gravel«. @ 20c --... 4.20 John P. Freund, graveling John A. Miller, gravel March 29 Caroline Schiessle, office rent. Let Plant« Breath* Plants breathe through their leaves. They can not breathe if the pores are clogged with dust. Outside, the rains keep them clean. Indoors, they mast be given a bath, once a week at least, with tepid water through a fine, gentle spray. Try this and see how your plants thrive. Eminent Domain Eminent domain is (the right of a government to take private property for public uses provided just compensation is given to the owner. The government sometimes confers the right of eminent domain upon private companies engaged in callings essential to the public welfare. Fortunate Invention Since there are In our world ||M manj? delicate and divine sentiment* hovering about, so many rich bloe» soma unfolding and bearing no seed* It is fortunate that poesy was invented to preserve all these inborn spiritsand the fragrance of 4°wei>8 in halo.--Jean Paul Rlchtar. 48.04 41.71 7.50 22.10 95.40 59.00 28.00 89.00 32.00 32.00 11.20 36.00 24.00 .. .. If TWO NEWBQDY TYPES » never before such style and smartness v in a low-priced six im'TOnum"7 26.00 11.00 50.00 George Glossen, % graveling.... 200.00 Alexander Lbr. Co. lumber....... 8.17 SEED CORN We have 60 Ira. of Golden Glow Seed Corn grown in Winnebago county, near Rockford, 111., germinating 95 'r that we are offering for sale at $6.00 per bu. We will give you two weeks to test this corn and if yon find it not as represented return it and your purchase price will be refunded. - Place Your Order Now McHenry Co. Farmers Go-op. AIM. Cleaning and Dyeing Phone Crystal Lake 127 J and Reverse Charges We will eall for your work and deliver it in a dustproof bag on hangers. Crystal Lake Tailors Lodtz & Lodtz Electrical Wiring and Repair Work We are prepared to do all kinds of electrical house wiring or make any changes in your, present equipment. Experienced workmen, are employed to give prompt service and high class work. When in need of anything; in the electrical line, call on us. We also do plumbing and heatr ing. H. E. BUCH & CO. BattcfC^ Tubes and Radio Accesories Phone 4ft Green StrMt •/ B. N. Smith, grading 79.00 Lewis Schroeder, graveling $164.50, grading $116.00. 280.50 October 27 Jacob Freund, 340 rods graveling @ $1.80, $612.00 less $250.00 362.00 Math Glossen, balance on graveling 49.60 N. M. Schaefer, 376 rods gravel @ 20c............ 75.20 George Glossen, 300 rods graveling @ $1.80 less $300.. 240.00 Jacob P. Miller, grading 28.00 Peter Weber, grading 16.00 B. N. Smith, grading.........,.....' 95.00 John Smith, grading. ..7.7.r 164.25 Karl Karls, road work 16.00 Floyd Howe, 346 rods gravel @ 25c 86.50 Peter Niesen, 190 rods gravely / @ 25c £7150 Ben Kennebeck, 194 rods gravel @ $1.25, $242.50, less $100... 142.50 Henry Sompel, graveling 65.60 Lewis Schroeder, graveling $222.50, grading $66.00 288.50 November 10 Henry Tonyon Est. 6 loads gravel -- \7.50 Lewis Schroeder, grading $108 graveling $46.00 154.00 Wm. Coates, 32 rods gravel @ 25c : 8.00 Ed Thompson, cutting weeds. 12.00 B. N. Smith, graveling 75.00 John Smith, grading 123.00 J. M. Diedrich, graveling 124 rods @ $1.80 grading $105... 328-20 November 24 C. F. Bergquist, surveying.;^- 23-00 John Schmitt, grading 68.00 Ed Boyle, road work f....... 16.00 Earl Boyle, putting in culverts. 16.00 John Regner, 150 roads gravel @ 30c 45.00 Will Stilling, 150 rods gravel ing @ $1.50 225.00 Lou Althoff, smithing 7.25 Peter Freund, Jr. grading 22.00 B. N. Smith, grading $50.00 graveling $160.00 i 210.00 John Smith, grading $84.00 graveling $254.40 338.40 Lewis Schroeder, grading $46 --c;f graveling $110.00 ......~156.00 Peter Oeffling, grading 20.00 J. M. Schmitt, graveling........ 139.00 Jos. A. Schaefer, cutting weeds 4.00 H.. C. Kamholz, hardware........ 1.3S December 8 George Meyers, road work.... 48.00 Frank Grasser, graveling 78 rods @ $1.25.. 90.00 Frank Wattles, 72 rods gravel @ 20c 14.40 Lewis Schroeder, graveling 141.00 December 22 Jos. H. Hueman, smithing and repairs 108.98 G. L. Tyron, surveying 35.00 Lewis Schroeder, graveling 292 rods @ $1.50 less $251.00 grading $54.00 241.00 John Smith, graveling and -- grading 177.50 B. N. Smith, graveling 42.50 Frank H. Wattles, 292 rod> gravel @ 20c 58.40 January 12, 1927 ^ Alexander Lbr. Co. Ringwood lumber 1.00 Ben Kennebeck,,50 rods gravel ing @ $1.55 77.50 M. Diedrich, grading $34.00 graveling $206.00 240.00 Lewis Schroeder, graveling^.. 99.50 January 26 Henry Sompel, grading..;.... 26.00 Lewis Schroeder, scraping snow 104.00 Frank Grasser, scraping snow. 4.00 Thos. Gharrity, scraping snow. 8.00 P. Freund, scraping snow.... 8.00 Earl Jioyle, shoveling snow 2.00 Oliver Lawrence, shoveling snow 4.00 Ed Hiagen, shoveling snow. 4.00 Frank Fay, shoveling snow 6.00 Joe Lawrence, shoveling snow. 6.00 Harold Bell, shoveling snow.... 8.00 Math Glossen, cutting brush.... 10.80 Alexander Lbr. Co. culverts & post 24.08 February 9 j Lou Althoff. smithing 18.7(1 Earl Boyle, cutting brush 8.00 Mrs. D. A. Whiting, gravel 8.00 B. N. Smith, scraping snow 81.5# F. H. Wattles, 54 rods gravel <g> 20c 10.80 Thos Gharrity, road work. 2.00 February 28 John P. Freund, dragging...... 19.00 Lewis Schroeder, grading. 78.71 John Schmitt, grading. 82.00 John M. Schmitt, graveling... 14.00 Stephen H. Freund, commission on money..... 155.78 lit Sport Roadster £775 Dmih ,rakishness and sheer value in a four-paa*. wiger open car have never been so supremely combined as in the new Pontiac Six Roadster at $775. Lucerne Blue Duco, striped in Faerie Red. Long, low, graceful lines. Gray shark {grain leather upholstery. A swanky rear deck wi th a spacious rumble seat, a removable top of •mart gray material--and, of course, all the power, speed and stamina of the famous Pontiac Six motor! With its body designed and bull t by F iahcr, the Sjport Cabriolet is the lowest priced six-cylinder The Sport CabrioUt $833 carofita (type on the market. It ia finished in an unusually attractive combination of Duco colors--Brevoort Green on the sweeping crown fenders and upper structure, Cherokee Gray on the body proper. It is upholstered in green leather and handsomely appointed. The'rumble seat accomodates two extra passengers. And yet the price is only $835! If you want Pontiac Six value--and prefer a youthful type of bodycome in and see the new Roadster and Sport Cabriolet today! Total .....$13,733,711 Recapitulation Amount on hand at beginning of fiscal year, $ 1,724.81 Amount of funds received during fiscal year 12,508.26; Total Amount, 14,233.08 Amount expended during fiscal jrear, 13,733.78 AT NEW LOW PRICES Sedan $775 Sport Roadster $775 Sport Cabriolet (4-psm.) $835 Coupe 775 Landau Sedan 895 De Luxe Landau Sedan 9?$' Oakland Six, $1025 to $1295. All prices at factory. Easy to pay on the General Motors Time Payment Plan. CONWAY MOTOR SALES, ftfcHenry, Illinois Balance on hand......... 499.30 And Friends Through Life "" Bonks nre a fruide in youth, and al enteri:'!""!"?^ f ••• i" '"tiler. SIX Come In and See the New STEEL CABINET Electric Frigid a ire Model M>5*2 $250, installed Today electric refrigeration has become an accepted convenience in modern homes the country over. Frigidaire Model $295,i Food is kept fresh and clean; ice cubes provided automatically; luscious salads and desserts are molded or frozen when wanted. There is no worry or bother --electricity does all the work--silently and efficiently. Be sure to call in and see the new steel-cabinet electric refrigerators. They set new standards for beauty of design and strength of build; provide up-todate cooling service moderate copt Descriptions of Models Illustrated : At$250 At$293 At*395 Thte compact nfrigeraior hae an attractive etael «- tutor with Dvco finlgfc IhkH 4a ice cabee. __ A handaom* new nfH|Wator with ona-piace potcelain- enameled steal Makaa 42 cabee. A nfrignator for the family of madiam aiaa. Make* 94 cube* at teat Frigidafo $395, daire Model M»7 installed Any model may be purchased the by Little" Wai» PuBLfc SERVICE COMPANY OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS 101 Williams St., Crystal Lake ^ # Telephone 280 Schabccfc, Diatrict Manager *

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