Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Apr 1927, p. 3

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.-VCy- THE HcBENBT PLAlllDEALEK, THURSDAY, APRIL 14,192! 1 •i ,r - For Sale Fox River Chicks 25,000 Chicks on Sale Every Week at opr Sates Boom, 83 Grove Are. White Leghorn* $13.00 Mottled Anconas .$13.00 Brown Leghorns $13.00 White Wyandotts $16.00 Reds. -- White Rocks...MMWMM.. Barred Rocks Buff .$15.00 ..$15.00 Orpingtons .|16J8§ - Special Prices When Called For FOX RIVER HATCHERY Telephone 1537 63 Grove Ave., Elgin, SB. WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS 07 A WEEK IN QUE CITY As Seen By Plaindealer . Reporters and Handed Ih^' - By Our Friends Miss O'Dwywr spent Saturday in Chicago. > Mrs. Alma Thomas called in the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Bainey, at Ringwood Sunday. SPECIMEN BALLOT v FIRST WARD City of McHenry, in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, . Election, Tuesday, April 19,1927. ,s R. F. Conway, City Clerfe <vm .nijiiji irriv^i';jilftil'i»..;)^,>iu"jLr'. I)"'1 CITIZENS : (By Petition) r tOR MAYOR I~1 PETER WM. RETT FOB CITY CLERK -vi> •• T** tdr,• -- "'ffr'"' ;<1n1 11 FDR ALDERMAN TAXPAYERS INDEPENDENT FOR TREASURE] q D d j|By Petition) FOR MAYOR JOHN R. KNOX #OR CITY CLERK |OR ALDERMAN PETER J. DOHERT# Jf'OR TREASURER JACK W. WORTH (By Petition) fOR MAYOS irk rfV • d o FOR "GIT Y CLERK RAY F. CONWAY FOR AliDERMAN • • FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE n n ' n JOHM MCEVO* FOR TREASURER GERALD J. CARET n n n n n n n n n n n n n n m--i -- SPECIMEN BALLOT .. i - r^ECOND WARD City bounty of McHenry and State «f Sttnois, Election, Tuesday, April 19,1927. -V R. F. Con#ay, City i f " -*• CITIZENS (By Petition) FOR MAYOR j I""! PETER WM. FR1TT FOR CinT CLERlE • a • q ,r*y<i Wtamifflk. FOR ALDERMA|| FOR TREA^URJ|t (By Petition^.. FbR^MAYOBli JOHN R. KNOX FOR CITY CLERK •' ' tffy -• ' : FOR ALDERMAN INDEPENDENT |By Petition) FOR MAYOR • O r o FOR TREASURER FOR CITY CLERK RAY F. CONWAY FOR ALDERMAN RMAN J. KREUTZER FOR TREASURER JACK W. WORTH Q GERALD J. CAREY FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE FOR POLICE MAGISTRAL • Q # n JOHN McEVOY u u u a r u u i n r » o » u o » r » r ^ f V T r y w ^ r ^ o r v v - ^ r ¥ ' '-- --• --- 1 ^ ^ IBIayipi^i' ^ i" <<* SPECIMEN BALLOT THIRD WARD City of McHenry, in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, Election. Tuesday, April 19, 1927. ft. F. Conway, City Clerk illftfli mi'»»; ii CITIZENS (By Petition) FOR MAYOR PETER WM. FRETT FOR CITY CLERK TAXPAYERS (By Petition) ^ FOR MAYOB " INDEPENDENT (By Petition) <'1 • • • JOHN R. KNOX FOR CITY CLERK r" r • FOR ALDERMAH FOR ALDERMAN Si- F1 ROBERT J. FKISBT • • FOR &TY CLERK RAY F. CONWAY FOR ALDERMAJ^ FOR TREASURER • . .. FOR TBEASUBES* n OKRALD J. OARKT FOB TREASURER ' 5 . • ' * ' * Q JACK W. WORTH FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE FOR POLICE MAGISTRATE n - • JOHKMcEVOT ; Ed. Conway spent Sunday at Dixon. John Engeln spent Tuesday in Chicago. ' .. Romo Bobb spent Monday at Lake Geneva. Leo Conway visited at Waukegan Saturday. Earl Gorman was a Chicago visitor on Tuesday. Miss Hilda May was a Chicago visitor Saturday. v Mlrs. Fred Nickels was * Chicago visitor Monday. Mrs. C. W. Goodell was a Chicago visitor Monday., Miss Harriet Bobb spent Monday I at Pistaqua Heights. I Mrs. Peter A. Freund visited at Woodstock Tuesday. Mrs. William Spencer was a Chicago visitor Monday. Mrs. Henry Kennebeck was a Woodstock visitor Tuesday. Henry J. Miller was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. v .. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schneider were Elgin visitors Saturday.' Mr. and Mrs. Lee Woodward were Chicago visitors Monday. Roy Kent was a business visitor at Kilbourne, Wis., Tuesday. Mrs. George Stevens of Ringwood was in McHenry Monday. - Miss Ethel Jones was a business visitor in Chicago Thursday. Mrs. Dent of Chicago was a Sunday guest in the J. J. Frett home. Miss Laura Karls of Chicago spent Sunday with home folks here. Miss Mabelle Wheeler of Chicago spent Sunday at her hpme here. Bert Germer of Chicago visited in the N. H. Petesch home Tuesday. Warren Holly of Chicago called on friends here one day last week. Mrs. Wolf of Chicago spent last Thursday in the M. J. Freund home. Mrs. Peter A. Freund visited Mrs. Ben Kennebeck at Waukegan Sunday. ML A. Conway and Will Quinn visited Father Hackett at Dixon Sunday. Mrs. Charles Frett and children of Aurora visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Frank Hughes and daughter, Frances, visited at Libertyville Saturday. Mrs. F. W. Sayler and daughters of Woodstock called on friends here Saturday. Miss Clara Barbian is spending a few weeks with relatives at Des- Plaines. Mrs. N. E. Barbian spent one day last week with her daughter at Des- Plaines. . Mrs. E. Steinback of Kenosha attended the funeral of M. J. Freund Thursday. Mrs. Jack Walsh returned home Tuesday, after spending several days in Chicago. Ben H. Kennebeck and Miss Marcella Kennebeck were Waukegan visitors Sunday. Mrs. Hoyt Morris spent several days the first of the week with friends rat Chicaeo. Miss Martha Althoff of Kenosha, Wis., attended the M. J. Freund funeral Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Borland of Chicago are now living in McHenry for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund of Spring Grove attended the M. J. Freunji funeral Thursday. Mrs. L. J. Althoff of Kenosha attended the funeral of M. J. Freund here last Thursday. Miss Theresa Karls of Chicago spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Frisby of Chicago spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. John Frtsby. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Colman of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls. Miss Frances May of Woodstock spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin May. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Karls and son, Bobby, of Chicago spent Sunday in the Fred Karls home. Mrs. B. J. Brefeld and daughters, spent Friday afternoon with Miss MSary Brefeld at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. R. Baer and children of Chicago attended the funeral of M. J. Freund Thursday. ' v Mrs. Richard Kronin of Chicago spent Wednesday as the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Engeln. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy and daughter of Volo visited in the Andrew Eddy home Saturday. Albert Urban of Waukesha, Wis., was a Sunday guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes. Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron spent Sunday in the home of her sister, Mrs. Robert Thompson. Clarron Eddy, who has been attending business .college at Elgin, will be at home for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. William Karls and children of Chicago were Sunday guests in the Fred Karls home. Mr. and Mrs. George Hutson and daughter, Vera, of Woodstock were callers here Saturday afternoon. yiss Cornelia Freund of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of her parents, Mr. and J. W. Freund. Mrs. Ada Smith and sons, George and Granger, of Elgin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson. Mrs. Ada Bobb returned home Saturday, after spending the week with relatives at Orangeville and Monroe, Wis. Little Miss Mary Jane Laures spent several days last week in the home of Mr. ahd Mrs. Landgren at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Ray Wienke of Chicago spent Sunday with Mrs. Ben Kemri&eck at the Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. John Brefeld and daughter, Norma/ot Waukegan spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dieter and daughter of Brookfield were weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Dietz. Mjr. and Mrs. Ernest Ritta and family of Mundelein spent the weekend in the home of Mrs. Ritta's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Thorsell. Miss Lenore Freund, who is teaching at Libertyville, is enjoying a week's vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Freund, here. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Molidor of Volo spent Thursday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosing, in honor «f the tatter's birthday anniversary. Miss Mary Kinney waa a Chicago visitor Saturday. Miss Ruth Kent spent Wednesday evening at Woodstock. Phil Dieter of Chicago was a weekend guest in the Ben Diets home. * Mrs. F. Ferwerda and daughter, Berpice, were Chicago visitors, Saturday. Robert Nulands of Ridgefield called at the A. Purvey home on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Laura Kent and Mrs. Henry Degen were Woodstock callers one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Freund of Solon attended the M. J. Freund funeral Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Rodeneyer of Chicago spent the week-end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dietz. Alfred Debrecht of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff. Miss Varina Jusen of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen. Mrs. N. Bohr visited in the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Sengstock, at DesPlaines a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Welch and daughter, Helen, spent Sunday in the home of their daughter at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. William Vandenboom and Mrs. Henry Kinsala visited with relatives at Burlington, Wis., Sunday. Mrs. Grant of Waukegan spent Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Thorsell. Mrs. J. Sloan has returned to her home here, after spending the winter months in Florida and the sunny south. Mrs. George Wagner and Mrs. Stanley Caldwell of Waukegan visited in the Frank Rosing home one day last week. Mrs. Ada Benson of Woodstock is spending the week with Mrs. Anna Howard, where she is assisting Mrs. Howard in her new work. Ifou Can Be in Two Places! Chicken Feed We make our own POULTRY SCRATCH AND MASH Both excellent feeds and prices moderate. Try a Sack Today Mctleor) flour Mills W«p' McHtary. IT is often said that a person cannot be in two places at the same time. literally, this is true. To all purposes, however, business men, confronted with the necessity of being in two or Several places at the same time, will find the long distance telephone a good proxy. If you cannot go in person, the next best thing is to go by telephone. Often jt is just as satisfactori* • -' Bell long distancelines reach everywhere. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM OnePtoUcy • Oncffjil-- • Unfamol S«n*| 1^[EW equipment 1 V now being added to our plant costs much more than equipment installed a few years ago. This adds greatly to theax> erage cost cf our entire plant and makes the average invest' ment Per telephone much greater. Revenues derived from the business must keep pace with this condition or the company cannot meet the demand for expansion and maintain the Quality of service. •••# J 4 - ] r-m KmF To CHICAGO From McHenry--'Grays Lake Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches cbnnect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains Ming you to the heart of Chicago--the "Loop" Lv. McHenry 7:30 am Lv. Grays Lake 8:10 am Arr.W aukegan e#h» ot. 8:52 am Arr. Chicago 10:05 am Arr. Milwaukee 10:35 am 10:30 am 11:10 am 11:52 am 1:05 pm 1:10 pm 5:10 pm 8:50 pm IB] 22 pro 8:05 pm T J 35 pm Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R.R.GO. WEBER & SCHIESSLE Local Agent* West McHenry - $ ) fi „' iZii ^M •M Qu jut Beautiful Chevrolot SO Qfc louring 525 '525 &a....'595 £*..-.'625 fci*-'695 &SC'715 Bu. '745 lIonw a pdrdtciatiao nC kt«on tjhlr«tM*i Smooth Powerful Beautiful Never before has any automobile provided* at < •o low a price* to many qualities of cosdy«ar performance and so many ehmenlj ol caMa> car beauty! . . . i n c r e d i b l e s m o o t h n e s s at e v e r y speed .«« power in abundant measure ... and beauty 80 marvelous that it has electrified America! Modern to the minute in design, built thrao^ out of the finest materials, and offered at """• log low prices--the Moat Beautiful Chevrolet tt the outstanding motor car value of all Hw>f, Come to our salesroom and see the car ***** it breaking all records for popularity. Oneglanco . at the beautiful new Fisher bodies, one ride in your favorite model--and you will agree die enthusiasm for Chevrolet Is based on ths greatest value achievement in the history of the indurttt! m •/!' Hettermann Motor[Sales Phone 191 W^>t •

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