Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Apr 1927, p. 5

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THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, APRIL 14,1927 - *' ANNOUNCEMENT t ^lesire to announce that I will be a candidate for the office of City treasurer, subject to the will of the voters at the coming city election, Tuesday, April 19, 1927. Your support is respectfully solicited. GERALD J. CAREY. Plaindealers at Bolg#* FOR MAYOR I desire to announce that I wfll be a candidate for the office of mayor of the City of McHenry at the coming city election, to, be held Tuesday, April 19, 1927. Your support at the polls on that day will be greatly appreciated; 43-8 PETER W. FRETT •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••MM East Side Garage §| GAS and OIL ; . ACCESSORIES Also Moving and Long Distance Hauling HERMAN SCHAEFER Phone 49 N. H. PETESCH SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY N. H. Petesch was taken by surprise on Monday when several of his friends arrived at his home to spend the evening, the event being to celebrate his birthday anniversary. The genial host quickly recovered from his surprise, however, and welcomed the guests, who spent a pleasant evening at cards, after which refreshments were served. Prizes for high score (were won by Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Petesch; prizes for second high were won by Mrs. E. E. Bassett and Henry Stephenson, and consolations were carried away by Mrs. F. E. Cobb and Dr. R. G. Chamberlin. Mr. Petesch was presented with an appropriate gift. Those present to enjoy the evening were: Messrs. and Mesdames R. G. Chamberlin, C. W. Goodell, E. E. I went into Amos Podnose's last night to set with him a spell an' there torere his little grandson with his jfcheer drawed up to the table a-getting his home work. So I says to, "Do you study grammer an' •rithmetic?" says I. "No sir," says j ®1assett, H. C. Hughes, Henry Steph- Chicago Fruit Market SAT IT WITH PRICES Easter SATURDAY, APRIL 16TH FREE FREE FREE 2 lbs. of Sugar Given with each $1.50 purchase of ( Fruit and Vegetables * FRESH STRAWBERRIES he, "I think them things is kond of old-fashioned," shays he, "an' they don't study them no more," he says. "Oh," says I' "an' what lessons are , you a-getting now?" I says. "Why," | says he, "I'm a-getting my langwidge X an' my numbers," he says. Henry Ford says work should not be measured by the motions it makes, but by what it gets done. Still, the flivver makes a lot of surplus motions but just look what it has done for Henry. The enson, James Sayler, F. E. Cobb, A. J. Schneider, L. A. Eriekson, N. H. Petesch and Mrs Minnie Millet. Shower for Miss King Miss Mildred Welch entertaiend a party of friends at her home last Thursday evening at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Kathrine King, who is soon to become a bride. A social evening was spent at games and music, after which delicious refreshments were served. The decorations, which were in keeping with the _____ | occasion, were carried out in spring . . . , . ; f l o w e r s . T h o s e p r e s e n t w e r e : M r s . merchant always names his j Ruby Nichollson and Mrs. A. Gausstore and takes pride in the name;j den Gf Chicago, Mrs. Walter Peterson, that name, repeated o'er and o'er^adds i Miss Vera B Mrs E j Buss Migg niVkcri/VA hie (*ovma Thnnn'o . -- .... Mr. and Mrs. Milo Loomis of Niles, Mich., spent several days last week in the h6me of the former's sister, Mrs. James Perkins. Messrs. W. H. Vastine and J. Von Gelder of Rogers Park spent the week-end at the Vastine cottage at McCollum's Lake. James Perkins, local telephone manager has been assisting in the work at Harvard for the past week. A great deal of trouble was caused in that vicinity during the recent sleet storm. Leslie Barnes, Clement* Leonard and Roman Hohn, Laurney Perrin, Veronica, Anthony and Karl Frett of Wheaton and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stucker and sons of Chicago spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Frett and family. , The many McHenry friends of Mrs. Joseph Hoffman of Chicago will be pleased to know that she was able to return to her home Sunday, after a very successful operation at the Jackson Park hospital, where she has been a patient for the last two weeks. Mrs. Hoffman was formerly Miss Lillian Heimer of this place. Medicated nest eggs will hot control the lice on chickens, says the United States Department of Agriculture. Futhermore, if hens stay on these eggs very long they are likely to be poisoned. A good way to rid fowls of lice is to rub a few small pinches of sodium fluoride in the feathers over different parta of the body. * CALIFORNIA GRAPES GRAPE FRUIT, 15c S1Z8 ••• GRAPE FRUIT, 10c size f FLORIDA ORANGES X TANGERINES •f TANGERINES, small V NORTHERN SPY APPLES v -- T T for 29<* •> for 25* f z 2 dot. 791X 2 dot 59c • T 1 doz. 25<4«*> JONATHAN EATING APPLES 3 lbs. 24d*t* 3 lbs. 27dX 2 lbs. 29* o m JL PARSNIPS X FRESH CABBAGE,N T t per lb. «f* -------- 2 lbs. ASPARAGUS NEW FLORIDA POTATOES GREEN ONIONS SPANISH ONIONS RADISHES lM% -- T __ 3 bunches for 1Q^ % perlb. 12c^»t» * -- : • Send a basket of Frait this Easter. There is nothing •+• that will give greater happiness than one of our beautiful baskets of fruit. Can't you imagine how delighted the recipients will be when they receive one of our baskets of Delicious Fruit. LEAVE YOUR ORDER EARLY CHICAGO FRUIT MARKET 1 Next door to Consumer's Economy Shoe Store Berner Bldg. Green prestige to his game. There's "Miackelroy's Carnation Booth"; that name means coin to him, while "Jimmie's Cornor" must, forsooth, mean everything to Jim. "The Boston Store, spells choisest goods, goods for the finest trade, the place to go for special hoods ajid silk of rarest shades! "Frank's Friendly Shop," by all that's right there's magic in the sound, so trade is coming day and night with leap, and hop and bound! Well, since a name adds class and poise to booth, and shop, and store; Bince all progressive business boys tack name-plates on the door; why shouldn't I surname my farm and put it on the map, select a title full of charm, a handle full of snap? Why shouldn't I have letter-heads, all printed crisp and nice, all tinted out in grays and red, alive with pep and spice ? The deed is done ,the - farm is named, 'tis "Simon's Sunnyside." Lillian Stilling. Miss Eleanor Phalin, Miss Clara Miller, Mrs. John Knox, Mrs. Alfred Richardson, Mrs. Jacob Steffes, Mrs. John King and Mrs. J. J. Rothermel. B. B. Banco Clnb Miss Gladys Warrington entertained the members of the B. B. Bunco club at her home last Friday evening. First prize was won by Harriet Boger. second by Anita Bacon and consolation went to Evelyn Smith. Lunch was served, Easter decorations being carried out, also in the prizes. Dancing and games finished up a delightful evening. The next meeting will be with Bernice Unti. 'St Clara Court Installation Installation of officers of St. Clam Court, No. 669, will be held at St. Mary's hall, Wednesday, April 20, at 4 o'clock, p. m. sharp. The high of- That title soon will be proclaimed both! ficers of Chicago will install the new far, and near, ana wide! My letterhead is here in proof; the proof appeals to me! I'll have two thousand done, forsooth,--or shall I make it three ? It shows a picture of my barn in tints of red and gray; that picture tells a winning yarn in its own little way! Henceforth my sheep are "Sunnysides," my spuds and corn the same, and all my porkers, drat their hides, will share that pretty name! officers. After the meeting all mem bers will go to the Justen Hotel for the banquet. All members must reserve their places not later than Monday morning. Call 91-W, 50-W, or the secretary, 106-W. y t Entertain Bridge Club Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson delightfully entertained the members of the Evening Bridge club at their 'Twill mean a heap in years to Come, j home at Ringwood on Saturday eventhat name will pay its way; 'twill be ling. A chop puey dinner was served at considered as a plum, I know it will, 6:30, after which several games of some day. 'Twill have a value told | bridge were played. Prizes for high in cash, spelled out in dollar bills, • honors were won by Mrs. Robert Slim: When do you do your hardest work ? Fat: Before breakfast always. Slim What do you do? Fat: Try to get out of bed.--Boys Life. Contrary to popular belief, alfalfa dries out just as raipdly when the leaves are removed from the stems as when allowed to cure with the leaves on. This fact has been demonstrated by experiments carried on by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Because of the prevalence of this erroneous notion, curing in the winrow has been very commonly advocated in the past. It is recognized, however, that hay cured in this manner retains more of its leaves and therefore has a higher feeding value. A. considerable portion of the blueberry crop was * saved for the market last season by a process invented in the United States Department of Agriculture. The process, which may be used without payment of royalties to the inventors, effectively removes maggots, debris and unfit berries. The new method was used with great success by nearly a«U. the canners of the infested areas Hens will successfully brood 10 to 15 chicks early in the season, and 15 to 20 in warm weather, depending on the size of the hen. , u V ;;y White Star LAUNDRY Bundles can be left at the barber shop of MARTIN SMITH West McHenry These will be picked up Tuesday and deliveries made Friday afternoon of each week. Pro: Hell never make a golf pla Sandy: I'm not so sure. He's doing 51 well for a beginner. Pro: (after watching the new playb . er fan the air a few times): I tell ytt, hell never mak' a player. D'ye ke§ P what he says when he misses the ballt He just says 'Tut! Tut!' & Hardware Trade Journal. CLEANING PRESSING and REPAIRING Both Men's and Women's Garments Locajted Bolge^ Drug Store faction Guaranteed A trial order will convince anyone that the work done is of the highest class. Mrs. Amu Howard •r •. Easter Togs for Men / O ;Vv The hades new light in men's two trouser suits. 'twill help me purchase succotash and fill my money tills! ¥ St. j • Will Coolidge be a candidate for a third term? Well, nobody seems to know but the White House Spokesman, and'he won't tell. Better Traction The Goodyear Balloon Tire The tire with the famous, road gripping Goodyear All-Weather Tread scientifically designed "for Balloon Tire use. ^ --a tread now that assures long and even wear against th* "Gapping" and uneven wear so common to ordinary Balloons. --a tread that will give better traction undef all going, in addition^ to-far longer and moresatisfactory wear. Come in and see this tif& 29x4.40 $8.75 'y Walter Freund Auto and Radio batteries--Battery charging Phone 120-R EVERYTHING GUARANTEED Tom Denny an' Martha were asetting on the front porch last night an' Tom says, "Martha," says he "when's our golden wedding ? " he says. •'Why Tom Denny!" says she. "You must be crazy," she says. "We hain't been married but thirtyyear come September," says she. "Good gosh!" he says, "I can't believe it," says he. "It seems twict that long," he says. Thompson and A. J. Schneider. Pufclic Card Party The members of the Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A. will give a public card party at the Woodman hall on Tuesday evening, April 19. Five hundred and bunco'will be played and lunch will be served all for 35c. Suitable prizes will be given. Come and invite your friends. 45 Made up in the popular two and three button models. $3.0 $35 $40 s "I had my throat all tied up the other day and a smart young feller wanted to know what was the matter. I told him I had an attack of chicken roupe and he wanted to know if it was catching. I told him not to be alarmed--it wasn't anything like hog cholera." R. R. C. Club Miss Virginia Engeln entertained the members of the R. R. C. club at her home Thursday afternoon after school. Bunco was played with prizes being won by Virginia Engeln and Angela Steilen. Games were played and lunch served after a few hours of fun. 2 vh i--- -j-,-, - n riTTrvjn_ruxrtnrvxru^ij-iji-ju u'. FHILOSOPHEE--How the children do discipline their parents these days! A good orcehstra dosen't make poor cooking taste any better. Hold fast to your illusions--they'll keep you young and happy. Be patient--you probably get on somebody's nerves yourself. Hard work is better tonic than yon can buy at a drug store. Every married man thinks he would be rich if he had remained single. It's more sensible to try to reduce costs than to wish for higher prices. It's seldom the bankers take over a business that dosen't need taking over. When you can't please everyone, try to please your own best self. Many women would rather manage a man than be the president of the United States. The man who will "get it out on time" is the man who will eventually run the boas a neck-and-neck race for his job. _ . Bridge Party! , M*. and Mrs. J, R. Smftft 'pleasantly entertained a few friends at their home Saturday evening. Bridge furnished entertainment for the evening and three tables were in play. Prizes for high score were won by Mrs. Albert Vales and Clarron Eddy and the consolation prizes went to Mr. and Mrs. Gteorge Kuhn. Delicious refreshments were served at the close of a social evening. Those present were Mr. and Mirs. Albert Vales, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eddy and son, Clarron, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George Kuhn and Mrs. Miller. Taxeet The county treasurer has authorized this bank to receive taxes. We will appreciate your paying them here. West McHenry State Bank. 40-tf All varieties of Easter plants, tulips, hyacinths, lilies, etc., ean be secured at the Rosedale Greenhouse, near McHenry. 45 -» Residence Change Dr. and Mrs. Henry Freund will move this week to the Frett house on Court street. The Carey bungalow, which they are vacating, will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Career. Melody Masters on Air Anthony Schneider's Melody Masters will again be on the air Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, over Station WHT. These young people promise a big surprise for all who tune in at that time. Rural Grade Examinations The rural grade examinations wfll be given on Thursday at the Community high school. ^rr ¥ **Mm *1 » A n Save your clothings upholstery and' woolens from moths. "Cenolin" will do it. Sold at Bolter's. 45-2 PERSONALS Edward J. Frett spent Saturday in Waukegan, Mir. and Mrs. J. J. Vasey spent Monday in Chicago Miss Dorothy Walsh was a Chicago visitor Saturday. ^ ; Miss Rose Worts • Chicago visitor Wednesday. • : Miss Katherine King was a Waukegan visitor Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Bonslett were Sunday visitors in Crystal Lake Mrs. P. W. Freund and children visted at Woodstock on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Martin spent Wednesday evening at Woodstock. Mir. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and daughter, Mary, spent Monday in Chicago. Mrs. A. Gausden of Chicago spent the last of the week in the J. C. Thies home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLaughlin of Ringwood were callers' in McHenry Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Steilen of Chicago were guests of relatives here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Overton and daughter, Gwendolyn, and Miss Lola Boyle were Crystal Lake visitors Suaday. - Mrs. John B. Dent and son, John, of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of her parents, Mir. and Mrs. Jos. I. Frett. Mrs. Alfred Richardson of Spring Grove visited in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cooley, on Thursday. Mrs. Frank Connolly of Chicago spent the latter part of the week the home of her parents, Mr. and Jos. J. Frett. NO SENSATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Yet the Ford Continues to be the Best Value to be Had A • * DID YOU EVER STOP TO FIGURE THE PRICE A FORD FORDOR SEDAN CAN BE BOUGHT FOE WITH TKE FOLLOWING '< i'f.-v'w-." Five wire Wheels Balloon Tires Bumpers, Front ana Rear Speedometer Dash Lamp Windshield Wiper Rear View Mirror Pyroxylin Finish Vaporizer Delivered in McHenry AND THAT THE NEAREST COMPETITOR S FOUfe DOOR WITH THE SAME EQUIPMENT « DELIVERS FOR OVEB $800.00 Ton Save Over $175.00 by Buying a Ford "Bap * Ford and Bank the Diff KNOX Authorised Ford Dealeti^ * Phones 30 and 31

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