wmm. • • • '•': "" ' . , ' i f ' - ' * w ' ' • v.:-; •"•" » : 1 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, APRIL 14,1927 m :• ": <: Rug Cleaning, RXENTAL AND DOMESTlfc 9x12 Domestic--$3.50 Galled for and Delivered. * - J Crystal Lake Tailors Lodtz & Lodtz Phone Crystal Lake 127-J and Reverse Charges Special Factory Sale Two 14-inch Self Draining , Tubs FREE Beginning Saturday, April 16 Closing Saturday, April 30 4i&I \ Floto Aglta Tlo t o - P l a n e Your Clothes' h SPRING GROVE On Thursday evening between five imd six o'clock the large barn and silo on the Browdley farm was destroyed by fire, as no one has been living on the place for the past three months, It still remains a mystery as to how it started. Mrs. Mike Rauen entertained the Cuchre Club Thursday at her home. Verna Zornstorff with her uncle Frank Mecklinburg motored to McHenry Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Nebgen and three children of Chicago motored here on .Monday and spent the day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nimsgrem. Mrs. C. Parfrey and Mrs. Alice Wagner motored to McHenry Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCafferty motored to5 Madison, Thursday to spend the day with relatives. W. N. Weber was a Chicago passenger Wednesday. : Mr. and Mrs. Louis Keisling and two sons who spent a few days here with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Oxtoby left Thursday on the noon train for their home in Hope, N. D. Mliss Annie Young motored to McHenry Thursday and spent the weekend with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund, N. N. Meber, and Math Lay attended the funeral of the former's brother," M. J. Freund at McHenry. Miss Agnes Weber and Miss Nora Bretz were Chicago passengers Friday. Mrs. Ina Gracey and children. John and Ruth of Honey Creek, and Mrs.; Miss June St. Hilaire of Chicago was a recent visitor at the home of E. Hundt Raymond J. Riley visited relatives in Chicago Sunday. At the annual school election held here Saturday evening, Mrs. Ray McMillan was elected to succeed J. H. Gracy, whose term expired. Many from this vicinity attended the musical comedy, "Miss Cherryblossom," at the Community high school at Crystal Lake Friday evening, Vera McMillan and Mabel Knox of this place being members of the chorus. Eugene Leisner of Chicago spent Sunday with his sister here. r* v?r,>;• :?• .jp. Elma Sherman who was operated on for appendicitis, April 4 is still in the hospital but doing fine. She feels very sorry to loose school as two weeks or more count very much*on examination. She is ft. second year high school pupil. All the newest shades in silks and printed materials for the summer frocks. Erickson Dept. Store. Start those baby chicks right with Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter. For sale at the McHenry Co. Farmers Co-op Assn Phone 29. Tha Vom Fk>to*Plan* Agitator ia an ail-metal, non-rutting, floating agitator--an exclusive Voh featura marking a new arm in homa Jaiifdting '»<•>.on TERRACOTTA . *nd Mrs. H .P. Johnsoft and family and John Castle of Evanstoil spent Saturday and Sunday in John* son's cottage. Mx. and Mrs. William Hoeft of Chicago spent Sunday in their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carlson, Mir. and Mrs. Fred Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Foresman, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew j Erickson and families of Melrose Park' spent the week-end in Carlson's cot* tage. Mr. and MIrs. C. M. Friesneckef and family spent the, week-end in their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. William Lester oif Elgin soent Sunday afternoon in the* home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. George Fraser and family of Kenilworth spent Sunday in th| r cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt of Mel- Thomas Church of" Terra Cotta were rose Park 8P«nt Sunday in their cot- Sunday evening callers at R. D. Carrs, i tage. Clinton Sanders of Hebron was also aj ^r- an<^ Mrsj, Peter Bellan of Chicaller Sunday evening. | ca8r° sP*nt Sunday in Hoeft's cottage. Mrs. Math Lay transacter business j ^r- an(^ Mrs. Hugh Kirk and family in the city Thursday. of Chicago spent Sunday in the Hax- Louis Hoff who holds a position in j *on cottage. the citv spent Friday with his parents. Miss Anna Malefyt and nephews, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Oxtobv, Tedd: Edward and Adrain Armitt, of Chi- Oxtoby of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs.1 ca*° sPent the 'week-end in Miss Save $35 to $85 on this Faster, Easier Washer! THE simple truth about this Washer is that it is worth a great deal more than it cost. Completely Voss-built, by the oldest washer manufacturers, in one of the largest, most modern washer factories in the world, the price is low -- very low. Voss Washers are handed down from generation to generation--valued bequests, because of their sturdy construction, and beautiful design and finish. You'd pay $35 to $85 more for a Voss if someone else made it Louis Kersting and two sons of Hope, S. D. motored to Wilniot Wednesday and spent the afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. William Volbradet. Miss Julia Hoff spent Friday with her sister, Mrs. Mike Freund. A little son came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. Lopeman on Thursday. Both mother and son are doing well. Mrs. Alfred Richardson motored to McHenry Saturday, her mother Mrs. Cooley returned with her. Math Lay, and Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgrem attended the funeral of John Jung of Johnsburg Saturday. Mr. K. Lopeman spent the weekend in Elgin with his wife and infant son. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner Malefyt's cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fleck of Chicago spent Sunday in their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. George Blum and family of Chicago spent Sunday in their cottage. Dr. and Mfcs. Theodore Johnson of Chicago spent Sunday here. "Start those babv chicks right witli Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter. For sale at the McHenry Co. Farmers Co-op Assn Phone 29. Have you seen our new line of oxfords and pumps f A full line to choose from. Erickson Dept. Store. OSTEND W)arren Francisco was at Woodstock Monday getting out sale notices. He motored to Woodstock Wednesday and will sejj all farm machinery, hay. spent the evening with their daughter prajn, cows, horses, chickens and all Modal E-23 Elaciric -- compactly kollt, with machanitm ancloaad. Haavy aalf-draining coppar tab -- oaa-piaca aaat-alaminum lid. > Pour-position aalf-lockiiif wrinfar irlth 12-inch coaUon rolla. Badly oootrollatl. ^ Spacial motor--limpla (MM Mft ~-cat-(*ar tranaaMaa^- \FMdiiil banck. Tba Ploto-Plana Agitator takaa a4» tramaga of tha tandancy of clothaa a riaacloaatothaaurfacaof tha watar. At this point it functions--whtra luds ara thickest -- with no roughing of cloth**. it is thia watar-lcval agitata* that makaa washing aastar on clotha^ gats thatn daanar, in laaa tiM Qtcna in and tat pa dNUSMHM.Sk MMksing washer to ye* and family. Matrin May of Watertown, Wis., motored here Sunday and spent the day with his parents. Have you seen our new line of oxfords and pumps* A full line to choose from. Erickson Dept. Store, j Start those baby chicks right with Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter. For sale at ' he McHenry Co. Farmers Co-op Assn fhone 29. PBIOE $100.00 $5.00 down, $3.00 per week brings thia Washer into your home. Wm H. Althoff Hardware JOHNSBUIta Phone 65-J West McHenry ASf-U J How far will your car go before the miles begin to tell? If you buy a new car every 10,000 mflji or so, almost any car will give yoasatisfactory results. But if you want the tame fine service a* through the second, third and *hi» many following tens of thousands of miles, buy aBuick! Accurate tests at thegreat Proving Ground of General Motors, where all cars ace Come and see one of the popular plays, "Poor Father" given by the Home Talent Players, Easter Sunday April 17. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Freund and family and Mr. and Mrs. John P. Freund visited with Mr. and Mrs. Math Freund Sunday afternoon. Mildred Schaefer visited with Miss JEate Frett Saturday afternoon. '"""'Mir. and Mrjr. George Miller visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schaefer one day last week. Misses Helen and Anna Schaefer were McHenry callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wagner and •family of Volo visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff. Misses Catherine and Mamie Althoff of Elgin visited with their parents Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe King and family visited with Mr. and Mrs .Steve King Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Miller and family motored to Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller of> Volo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schaefer one day last week. Joe Hettermann ands son Edwin Hiotoi'ed to Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kenneljeck and family visited with Mr. And Mrs. Jacob Schumaker Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Tennes and family of Volo visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Freund Sunday afternon. Mr. and Mrs. John Shcmitt visited with Mrs. Mary Schmitt Saturday. M5r. and Mrs. John Thelen visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thelen on Sunday. The Johnsburg Community club ^11 have their monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, April 19th. Everybody is welcome. The Lady Foresters of Johnsburg will give a dance Tuesday evening. April 26. at the Parish Hall. Music Wy the Fox River Skylarks. Everybody invited. 45-2 Our large assortment of silk hose makes it possible for you to match any of your summer gowns. Eric';- »n Dept. Store. St«rt those baby chicks right with F*>i-0-Pep Chick Starter. For sale at th<* McHenry Co. Farmers Co-op Assn Fhone 29. household goods. The sale is Friday. Edd Pierce, wife and lady friend and eldest son, Eddie, were Sunday afternoon callers on the Hobart and Francisco families. Myron Francisco of Wauconda came up Tuesday morning to help his brother Warren get things ready for the sale. Farmers are very busy on the land, some have some grain in, others sajf the ground is too wet. Three pupils of our school will ge to Woodstock Thursday to take tha eighth grade examination. They are, Anna Kaiser, Glen Eppel and Gordon' driven and examined, show Buick's sturdy structure and powerful Valve-in-Heagl Engine still gaining in efficiency at dbifc point in miles where other tinctly on the down grade. o' Overton & Cowen Baick Dealers West McHenry Late to bed and early to rise, keep* the dark circles under your Our Navy. :r: LAWN S E E D Are you going to build a new lawn this spring. Perhaps you will re-seed the old one. We wlil prepare you a ture of White Clover, Red Top and Blue Grass that |» sure to give you the desired results. * * . - -v " ' V McHenry County Farmers Co-op. Association Phone 29 T NASH Ltads the World in Motor Car Value Special Six Special Sedan $1485 f. O. b. factor# A More Distinctive Style in Motor Cars--Achieved For those who hope to find their cars at the very peak of style and luxury, Nash has created this charming Sptecial Sedan on the Special Six Chassis. Its graceful profile suggests the cus> tom-car design of Parisian boulevards* Here is the low-swung French-profile effect so desirable today. Every interior detail is luxurious. The upholstery is tailored in exquisite Mohair Velvet. Window mouldings* door panels and instrument board are in walnut finish. And there is a walnut steering wheel. And the way this car performs is every bit as enjoyable as its sparkling style. It has the Nash 7-bearing motor4---as do all Nash models--for superlative smoothness at every speed. It has the Nash tubular-trussed frame* for extra strength and steadiness, to guard the body from destructive strains. And it has power! Nash models, all of them, have extra power for exhilarating acceleration, on the hills* and in the traffic. Compare this car to others sold at the same price--$1485 f. o. b. factory-- and you cannot fail to decide you would rather have the Nash. Phone is A. Stilling Garagf HcHeary, Illinois APRIL 15th Our Annual of Roper and Elgin Ranges Opens TERRA COTTA Mr. and Mrs. George Dunkley and s«n. Billy, of Elsrin called at the home of Henry McMillan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burke of McHenry called at the home of M. Knox Sunday. " Mrs. B. J. Shine visited relatives in C&icago the first of the week. --Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sund and dku^hter, n»r}ene, of Carpentersville spent Sunday at the home of Henry McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. ML Knox and daughters visited relatives in Elgin Sunda'-. --Mrs. ^w-v McMillan was an Elgin visitor Tuesday. •' Allowance for Your Small Down Payment Balance Monthly With Your Gas h^titce Your Order Western United Gas and Electric Com|»aiii$r . Gas Headquarters • ' - > . K. r- . ^ . :• .... * •*.. •ma:* imLksJi