Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Apr 1927, p. 7

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~ Yv. w ' - 't*«/".-5'--,^-7':;;^ • ^ "' ••ii-;^.;.r .••••• - • .'ffXX!? *Vr^5a. ' THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER, THTJItSDA*, APRIL 21,1927 W'^PFiPl^^W v; ^-"; rf Rag Cleaning .. OMENTAL AND DOMESTIC . 9x12 Domestic--$3.50 Called for and Delivered. Crystal Lake Tailors r y \ Lodtz & Lodtz Phone Crystal Lake 127-J and Reverse Charges i Two 14-inch Self Draining Tubs FREE April 16th to 30th TlotO'Plane Your Clothes! The Voss Flo to- Piano Agitator is «n mil-metal, non-rutting, floating agitator--an exclusive Voat feature marking a new era in home laundering tati* fact ion Floto-Plane Ap Save $35 to $85 on this Faster, Easier Washer! THE simple truth about this Washer is that it is worth a great deal more than it cost. Completely Vo6S-buQt, by the oldest washer manufacturers, in one of the largest, most modern washer f a c t o r i e s in the w o r l d , the p r i n f t i low -- very low. t Voss Washefs are handed down from generation to generation--valued bequests, because of their sturdy construction, and beautiful design and finish. You'd pay $1S to $85 more for a Voss if someone else made it Modal K-15 RUciris -- compactly Tk» noto-Plans Agistor Mkm Mh, with mackanlMi sacMasd. Heavy ' vanta** of lha wn<tency vi «toth«a » Mtf-draininf copper tot -- W pliri * flat cla** to the auvfaee tfc* wut, At aMt**tumlnum tUL this point to function®--where t»4t • Four-position -IModdn, w ring* * ,7 •4A U-lnch cushion ^ E-ily 1r^TeZe, oc £££ a glpacUl motor--almyU 8at»#h_*riy > muaoiM(l>/ f ICiMtaiAllM «4h \PW«acfcMd^ . *• *"*'• $10down$2.50week,y Copper Tub Model E*25, $99 > Wm H. Althoff Hardware William M. Carroll, Splidtor. State of Illinois t ( McHenry County SS. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, May Term, A. D. 1927. / John Newhall, Complainant. VS. ^ the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Henry Miller, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of John S. Dole, deceased, the unknowti heirs or unknown devisees of B. S. Morris, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of John G. Roth, deceased, Clark . Gale, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Lysander B. Baldwin alias L. B. Baldwin, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Frances B. Baldwin alias F. B. Baldwin, deceased, Clara B. Owen, Raymond H. Owen, Mary Waite, Belle Hoy, Clarence R. Brown, Paul D. Brown, Ben Smith, Leonard Smith, Simon Smith. Mary Coleman, Peter Smith, Lizzie Smith and John Smith, and the unknown owner Or owners of and the unknown heirs oV unknown devisees of any deceased person who may have been interested in or to the following described premises, to-wit: The South half (%) of the East half (H) of lot numebr two (2) of the North East quarter (%) of Section number six (6); the South half (%) of the West half (%) of lot number two (2) of the North West quarter (%) of Section number five (5) in Township number forty-four (44) North, of Range number nine. (9) East of the Third Principal Meridian, otherwise described as the South half (%) of the North West quarter (M) of the North West quarter (*4) of Section five (5) and the South half (Vi) of the North East quarter < ^ > of the North East quarter (%) of Section Number six (6) Township and Range as -aforesaid and containing in all forty (40) acres of land, more or less, situate lying and being in the County of McHenry in the State 6t Illinois, Defendants. In Chancery--Bill to Quiet Title. Notice is hereby given that the above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock. County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Mondav, the 23rd day of May, A. D. 1927. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock this' 19th day of April A. D. 1927. 46-4 ( Circuit Court Seal) CHAS. F. HAYES, Clerk visees of any deceased person who may have been interested in and to the following described premises, to-wit: Lot number forty-three (43) according to the Assessor's Plat of Johnsburg, as recorded in the Recorder's office of McHenry County Illinois, in book 43 of Deeds, on page 300, said Lot being located in and being a part of the North West quarter (%) of the South West quarter (%) of Section number Thirteen (13), in Township number forty-five (45) North, of Range number eight (8), East of the Third Principal Meridian, and situate lying and being in the County of McHenry in the State of Illinois, Defendants. In Chancery--Bill to Quiet Title. Notice is hereby given that the above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued tjp the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 23rd day of May. A. D. 1927. , In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock this 19th day of April A. D. 1927, 46-4 (Circuit Court Seal) , ; CHAS. F. HATES. Clerk NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT ; ;v Public notice is hereby given that at a" meeting of the Board of Local Improvements of the city of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, held on the 11th day of April A. D. 1927, at two o'colck P. M., a contract was awarded for the construction of Special Assessment No. 20, County Court of McHenry County Docket Number 3002, for the construction of a connected system of sewers for sanitary purposes, provided with all necessary manholes, house junction branches and vitrified stoppers, all connected and completely installed in place, includ ing excavation and,backfilling. In and along a portion of Crystal Lake Road, Mill street. Grove street and Wauke gan Road, and in and upon and through certain pieces of private nronerty within the city of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, to E. M. Scheflow. Contractor at his bid price of Eight thousand three hundred pitrhtv-two and 76-100 Dollars ($8382.76). Dated at McHenry, Illinois, this 15th day of April A. D. 1927. RICHARD I. OVERTON, _ Secretary of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois* Instinct in Birds There seems to be no doqbt that birds possess a sense of which we know nothing. They perform feats that would be Impossible to human beings. They are able tS find their way enormous distances across seas and continents with no compass to guide them. The swallows will fly south for six thousand miles and return the "same distance the following spring. What is more wonderful, they will go direct to the farmstead or barn that they used for nesting In the previous year. We might think they .have wonderful memories, but memory cannot enter Into it whea we find that the younf of many of our summer visitors leave before their parents, yet fiy direct to the distant countries to which the older birds will go later on.--London Tit-Bits. Crow Doesn't Need Gixxard The biological survey says that agizzard is the name given to the hank ened stomach of giillina<'eous hirds. X crow, strictly speaking, does not have a gizzard, as this bird doe* not eat such hard food, as* do gallinaceous birds. s The World We Know No man's world is any bigger than the man himself. That which his eye can see, his ear can hear, his heart can feel, make up for him the universe. For no man has anything he can't use. What good is money to a Hottentot, or a magnificent picture to an idiot? The whole world for you lies under your own hat, and It is Just as large and Just as varied^as your own mind will let It become.-- Author Unknown. Famous Minor Poet One of the best-known short poems In the English language is "Did Arm* chair," written by Eliza Cook, who Ul called the poet of domestic affections. She was born In Soathwark, London,' England, in 1818. Slip early achieved success In the comparatively humble literary path she laid down for herself, and her articles and poems maintained her In comfort. -She died la 1889. L A W N SEED Are you going' to build a new lawn this spring. Perhaps you will re-seed the old one. We wlil prepare you a mixture of White Clover, Red Top and Blue Grass that is sure to give you the desired results. McHenry County Farmers Co-op. Association ' Phone 29 NASH Leads the World in Motor Car Value Phone 65-J West McHenry AMS Buick is in a Value Class Bmot's position of leadership is founded on value. Its constant aim is to build each Buick better than the last. ,. And today, despite that leadership well won and firmly held, Buick is constantly seeking to improve its design--constantly searching for the new and better thing-- constandy striving still further to increase the value on which Buiqk's leadership is based. Overton & Cowen Buick Dealers JPkone 6 West McHenry Willtam M. Carroll, Solicitor. State of Illinois McHenry County SB. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, May Term, V. D. 1927. Katharina Schneider, Complainant. vs. the unknown heirs er unknown devisees of Samuel S. Greenleaf alias Saml S. Greenleaf, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Alonzo F. Chamberlain, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Malinda Chamberlain, deceased, the unknown ^ heirs or unknown devisees of Alexander H. Nixon, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Fannie A., Nixon, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Archolaus Sias. Jr., deceased, and the unknown heirs or unknown de- \ visees of Martha J. Sias, deceased,! and the unknown owner or unknown owners of and the unknown heirs I or unknown devisees of any de- j ceased person who may have been j interested in and to the following described premises, to-wit: Lots Number one (1> and Number Foirr (4) in block number Nineteen (19) of the Original Plat of the Town (now citv) of McHenry on the .West side of Fox River, according to the Plat thereof recorded in the Recorder's office of McHenry County. Illinois, in book B of deeds on page f 160. (excepting and reserving there-' from the Southwesterly forty (40) ! feet of said lot number four (4) a* [ conveyed by Alonzo F. Chamberlain j and wife to Spencer Baker, by I • Warranty Deed dated April .23rd, A. D. 1847. and recorded in said Re-j corner's office in bonk 1 of>Deed' on paee 228V. Snid above described 1 premises beintr located in and beintr * a part of the South East quarter (VJ> of Section number Twenty-six (26V in Townshin Number forty-five (45) North of Ranee number eight i (8) East of the Third Priicinal j Meridian, and situate, lving and be- j ing in the Citv of McHenry in the County of McHenry. in the State -of • Illinois, Defendants. _ In Chancerv--Bill to Quiet Title., Notice is hereby given that the j above Is the title of the Court and the names of the narties to a suit which is flow pending in said Court and that; Urocess for said defendants has been ! Issued to the Sheriff of said Countv returnable to the =aid Court at its Court lloom in the City of Woodstock. | County of McHenry and State of; Illinois, on Monday, the 23rd dav. of May. A- D. 1927. In testimony whereof I have here.- unto s«»t my haftd and affixed the sen1 of said Court, at my 6ffice in W^d*tock this 19th day of Anril A D. 1927. 46_4 (Circuit Court Seal) CHAS. F. HAYES, Clerk NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT Public notice is hereby given thai at a meeting of the Board of Local Improvements of the citv of McHenry, McHenry County. Illinois, held on the 11th day of April A. D. 1927, at two o'colck P. M., a contract was awarded for the construction of Special Assessment No. 21. Countv Court of MicHenry, County Docket Number 7003. for the construction of a connected system of cast iron main water supply pipe connected with the main water supply system, together with all necessary valves, valve boxes, fire hydrants, connections and fittings all connected and completely installed in nlace in and along a nortion of Wau keean Road, Crystal Lake Road. Mill Street. Grove Street and Main Street, in the City of McHenry. McHenry County, Illinois, to E. M. Scheflow, Contractor at his bid price of Eight thousand two hundred fortv-five and 80-100 Dollars ($8,245,801.' RICHARD I. OVERTON. Secretary of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, extrahom on the NASH motor to be certain it is right "My hair is full of electricity," 'Well, it's connected to a dry cell, isn't it *"--Boys Life. William M. Carroll, Solicitor. State of Illinois McHenry County ss. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County. State of IHinois* Mav Term, A. D. 1927. Mary F. Schmitt, Complainant, vs. • the unknown heirs or unknowp devisees of Mathew Geerhart, deceased, Lambert S. Reynolds. Edward D. Reynolds, Augustus R. Gray, Dewitt Clinton Gray. Alice Gray, Charlotte Condit, Wallace v Condit. Henrv Condit. Ella Hoes ?"d Edf-r»rd Foes, and the unknown c'vner or unknown o"jier<v of and th^ unknown heir* or nnknx>wn de^- Auction GUS VOGEL. CHAS. LEONARD FRANK MILLER AUCTIONEERS Being unable to get help I am forced to quit dairying and sell my Li\^ Stock' at Public Auction on the old homestead 6 miles northeast of Marengo, 6 miles west of Woodsotck,v 6 miles northwest' of Union, 10 miles southeast of Harvard, 2 miles south of Route 19, 3 miles east of Route 23 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27 Beginning at 12 o'clock sharp, the following described property, tcr- 105 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of 52 COWS GRADE AND PURE BRED --21 Heifers from 6 to 18 months, 10 pure bred Bulls, ® fit for service; 3 Grade Heifers. Practically all these cows were raised on my farm. Thfi^e cows run large in size, all young, a number of 3 and 4 year old heifers. This is an exceptionally good dairy of cows. Anyone looking for cows will make no mistake by attending this sale. 32 cow's last season gave 20 cans of milk per day with an average test of 3.7 at the factory. Every cow will be sold as represented or 'money refunded. This dqiry of cows are T. B. tested and ^' ill be sold on a 60 day retest. Prospective' cows can be looked over on my farm before date of sale. • 19 Sows ready to farrow, wt. 350 lbs. each. 500 bu. Barley. Anyone wishing to buy absolutely clean seed can do aft. before day of sale. 400 bu. Potatoes. Seed and eating. DeLaval Milking Machine. Bought new last summer. . . 20 New Milk Cans. 20 Tons of Hay, part baled and part loose. # • Plenty to Eat and Drink TERMS:--Six months' time, seven per cent interest. WM. E. SULLIVAN •'"liff: rl •» 4 Walter Con«ay. ' • W The illustration shows two Nash Advanced Six engines hooked together In the great Nash testing room. One of these motors is driving the other, to limber it up. After a few hours of this, the motor now being driven will Umber up another. Then, after 8 to 10 hours on Its own power, it will be taken apart. Bearings, connect' ing rods and pistons carefully inspected. Valves ground and reseated. Next, the trained ear of an engine trope rt will listen to the operation of this motor. When he is sure it is absolutely right, it will be mounted on its chassis. Then another rigid examination, in the car, out on the road. 15 extra hours in all are consumed before the motors shown above are ready for their owners. How easily Nash could save this time and expense. You would never be able to see the difference. But every Nash owner lemma there is m difference! There are extra hours of extra care in every Nash, to lift it above the level of the aver* age car--to be certain Nash performance leads the worldl [ 26 Different Nash Models at from $865 to $2090 f. o. b. factory J George A. Stilling Garage Phone SS McHenry, Illinois E X T R A H O U R S OF E X T R A C A R E I N (•ace E V E R Y N A S H m "not only all the advantages of rigidly controlled quality --but also the freshness of New Colors in DUCQ" •g The creation of an entirely new series of color combinations for the Greater Oakland Si* I* a typical instance of Oakland progressiveness . . . Mechanically, the Greater Oakland Six represents the supreme achievement in the Oakland pricefield. It provideselementsofstamina and endurance seemingly beyond belief El demonstrated by the brilliant manner In which it completed the 100,000 mile treadmill test that prcceued th* transcontinental run it is now In the course of completing . . . Yet today the Greater Oakland Six embodies not only . all the advantages of rigidly controlled quality, but also the freshness of new colors in Duco... Come in! See how these new colors in Duco now add an extra measure of value to th« Greater Oakland Six. Oakland Six, $1025 to $1295. The NW and Finer Pontine Six-- at New Low Price*--$775 to $975. Bodies by Fisher. All prices at factory. Easy to pay on the General Motors Time Payment PtaM» CONWAY MOTOR SALE# McHenry, Illinois •1095 SEDAN OAKI PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTOftS W1NNINQ AND HOLDING GOOD WILL B SIX .rfVfclWr?. tifcifgi • Ji idl

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