Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Apr 1927, p. 2

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mmm W PLAtMBlAiitE, THURSDAY, APRIL 28,1927 ... ,Vf?f ?»?PP8 Canned Sesames A company In India proposes tc ctB the oriental bean sesame, and put it •a Mle In western markets. It ia assumed that when one cries, "Open ••same!" the top will spring magical- 3^ Haute lrlb. Classified ads are winners #FARtr,«iX Quick Service and Peoria is only a 9«r hoars from jrov by fast mail. JWNE PRICES, FOR DELIVERY MAY 8th to June 14th. QUALITY Matings FARROW CHIX 100 200 & C. White Leghorns $ 9.50 $18.50 8. C. Brown Leghorns 9.50 18.50 Barred Rocks .... ...... 10.50 20.50 S. C. Reds 10.50 20.50 Anconas 10.50 20.50 White Rocks ... 11.50 22.50 .Rose Comb Reds 11.50 22.50 Buff Orpingtons 12.50 24.50 White Wyandottes 12.50 24.50 Assrtd., Heavy Breeds.... 7.50 14.50 Assrtd., Light Breeds 6.50 12.50 Special Matings--Pure Bred Farrow i Chix 3 cents a chick higher. From I INSPECTED AMERICAN CERT-GOULD flocks. None better. 100% aBve delivery. Brooders at factory cost with Farrow Chix. Catalog free. D. T FARROW CHICKER1ES, Dept. 500 Peoria, III. X Another thing. Now that the women have usurped the barber shops the barber does the listening A local fountain hound says he can locate his flapper in the darkest movie house. "She's the loudest gum. chewer on Ae townsite," he says. Someone, we didn't stop to learn, but someone has broken down and confessed that writing novels is a task. This is an age when all that one needs is an attentive ear. ACME BABY CHICKS ACME CHICKS are produced from INSPECTED AMERICAN CERT-OCULD flocks. Every chick a purebred REDUCED PRICES May 8th to June 14th Quality Matings--100 200 S. C. White Leghorns $ 9.50 $18.50 S. C. Brown Leghorns 9.50 18.50 Barred Rocks 10.50 S. C. Reds - 10.50 White Rocks -- 11.50 Rose Comb Reds 11.50 Buff Orpingtons 12.50 White Wyandottes 12.50 Heavy Assorted 7.50 Light Assorted 6.50 Special Matings Gold Medal Chicks 3c each higher. Order direct from this ad and save time. Send for free illustrated catalog- Reference1: Merchants and Illinois Natl. Bank, Peoria, 111., and the Editor of this paper. ACME BABY CHICK HATCHERY A. Hirsh, Manager - 790 Broadway, Peoria, 111. My neighbor says to me, says he, "You ain't got much to do ,by gee, I you loaf around day after day and don't do nothing for your pay. You'll be astonished, I expect, but we've decided well elect you to be justice of the peace; this chicken stealing's got to cease and we all flgger you're the man who'll soak 'em plenty if you can. I tell 'em that you'll never fail to put a chicken thief in jail, you'll never stop for the expense nor for a lack of evidence." \ I told him that it would play hob with my rest if I had a job, but all 1 said was no avail, they voted for me without fail. They counted up the votes and found the other feller was aground. I beat that feller three to one and so my days of rest are done. From this day on I'll $pend my time a-sitting in the haunts of crime, I'll listen to the tales of woe and lawyers pleading to and fro. No matter what the circumstance, whenever I may git a chance 111 sentence them to go to jail, their pleas for mercy won't be of avail, my court will be a place that they'll hate, 111 be a hardboiled magistrate! Duck Crossing's barber has tried six different times to tell < that new story he heard in the city but he never gets it more *han half told till some woman comes into the shop. Whenever there is work to be done, there are always a dozen people ready to stand abound and tell how it ought to be done, to every one willing to roll up his sleeves and pitch in and help do it. That's one reason why advice is so cheap. It is also the reason why the fellow who does take hold and trie& to do something, always forge# to the front. Success comes only to those willing to try. Mistakes may be made, but the one who makes no mistakes seldom makes anything else worth while. It is the "go-getter" that eventually brings home the bacon. The world lifts its hat to the person with the courage to do things. It eventualy lifts its foot to the others. A negro mammy has a family of well-behaved boys. One day her mistress asked: 'tSally, how do you raise your boys so wellf" "Ah raise dem with a barrel strive and <^h raises 'em frequently.' T Farm Loans 5%, 5M% or 5Va%, depending on value of land per* acre Prompt Service SAVINGS BANK OF KEWANEE Xewanee, Illinois C. W. KLONTZ, M. D. Physician and Surgeon {Also treating all diseases of the Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat and doing Refraction) Oflee Hours--8 to 9 a. m.. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence, Waukegan Road. Phone 181 McHenry, III WM.M. CARROLL Lawyer Office with Kent & Company - Every Wednesday Phone 34 McHenry, IU. felephone No.' 108-R. Stof fel & Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes qf property in the best companies/ WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS "One day," says the 6H 'ttomftryman from the hills, who was on trial for murder, "when my rheumatism was pestering me, and my daughter had just eloped with a good-for-nothing scallawag, and my barn had just burned down and I lost both my mules, and my best old sow got the cholera and died, and I just heard they had foreclosed the mortgage and the sheriff was looking for me, I told my troubles to one of these here optimists and he said: 'Cheer up, old top, the worst is yet to come! So I shot him." "Strange," mused the first tramp, "how few of our youthful dreams come true." Oh, I don't know," said the second tramp, "I remember how I used to dream about wearin' long pants, and now I guess I wear 'em longer than anyone else in the country." We know a fellow who told his girl that she was so pretty that St. Peter could use her picture in doing publicity work for the angels. ~ ww Told "'Tales Interesting Bits of N^ira Taken From the Columns of the Plaindealer Fifty and • Twenty-fir* Years' A|t * Mir. Hiram Jones had just returned from a personally conducted tour of Europe. u "I suppose," commented a friend, "that when you were in England you did as the English do and dropped your H's?" V "No," moodily responded the returned traveler, "I didn't. I did as the Americans do. I dropped my V's and X's." ^ Then he slowly meandered down to the bank to see if he couldn't get the mortgage extended. r* • v J.W.WORTH PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Audits Systems Income and Inheritance Tax Matters Member of Public Accountants Association of Illinois Phone 206-J McHenry, DL Phone 126-W. Reasonable Fft*> A. H. SCftAEFER Draying McHENRY, ILLINOIS Insure--In Sore-Insurance „ WITH Wm. G. Schreiner Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE. ..JHfcme 93-R McHENRY, ILL DENTISTS DRS. McCHESNEY & BROWN (Incorporated) Dr. L W. Brawn • p Dr. R. M. Walker Established over 50 years and still doing business at the old stand fkmeers in First Class Dentistry at Moderate Prices ;-- Ask your neighbors and Friends about us. & E. Cor. Clark and Randolph St. ; 149 N. Clark St., Chicago Daily 8 to 5, Sundays 9 to 11- Phone Central 2047 iwwersalzppeal ifthe UNIVHtSAL COOLER-is due Io its Supreme Quality/uMtlow cost THERE is no longer any need for you to deny yourself the priee- | leas advantages of electrical refrigeration. The Universal Cooler, a quality product in design and construction. offers you modern, cleanly, trouble-free refrigeration at an exceptionally low cost. Universal Cooler is positive and automatic in action, quiet in operation and so simple there is practically nothing to get out of order. 45,000 BELLS IN U. S. TINGLING EACH MINUTE The number of telephone conversations varies considerably from hour to hour throughout the day The greatest number occur in the 'mornings and afternoons, and they fall away to almost nothing during the email hours of the early morning. Yet if all the calls in the United States during 1926 had been evenly distributed throughout the day and night, there would have been more than 45,000 telephone conversations begun every sixty seconds. On the same basis an average of every minute for the operating expenses involved in caring for the 45,000 telephone calls, and of the above amount the telephone industry} would have been busy paying $150 a minute into the public treasury in the form of taxes. Unfortunately the business world does not carry on,, smoothly and evenly, all day and night. The telephone industry must maintain a huge •ystem to care fo^ the peak loads that come around ten in the nlorning and three in' the afternoon, and also maintain this huge plant ready for ; instant service all through the night when it is little used. May, 1887 The grain market was very much excited during list week. On Wednesday therf was a very large attendance at the Chamber of Commerce in Chicago, including a large number of ladies who eagerly watched the rise and fall and intently noted the fluctuations. On that day the advance on wheat was at one time 13% cents; corn closed at an advance of 5%; oats were 3 cents better; rye 5 and 6 cents, and barley 5 and 7 cents higher, and pork, lard hogs and cattle showed a marked advance. Thursday last was a gala dsty among our german friends, the occasion being the marriage of Henry Stilling and Miss Kennebeck. The ceremony took place at the church in Johnsburg in the forenoon and in the afternoon, friends to the number of 150 assembled at the residence of Mr. Stilling to congratulate the happy couple. Quite a number ofv our citizens are planting shade trees in front of their lots and residences this spring. Among these we have noticed F. A. Hibard, Dr. O.; J. poward, Fred is being taken' outMTM HTMHTTHT A. C. Smith, A. C. McEvoy and others. This is an improvement that every citizen should make, as it not only improves their own premise* bat the town as well. e'"' May, 1902 V Butter dropped from 27 cents to 22 cents Monday on the board of trade. The offerings were 1,440 lbs. from the factory' Offered by H. H. Hopkins, A new floor has been laid in the depot. Thus we see our new depot go glimmering for some time at least. M!att Weber has severed connections with the firm of Weber Bros., and the firm name will hereafter be Weber & Co., Matt has not yet decided what he will take up. Gilbert Bros., expect to soon boast of the finest exclusive grocery store in this part of the country. The large room inHheir building on Green St., is being repaired. The plaster ceiling has been taken out and will be replaced with Georgia pine. A new plate glass front will be put in which will make a vast difference in the appearance of the place. The boys also intend to put in the finest stock of goods possible. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling of Johnsburg celebrated their silver wedding. Sunday, April 27, a host of friends being present to assist in making the event one to be remembered. Many beautiful and costly presents were left by the guests as tokens of esteem and friendship. STATE WARNS AGAINST FRAUDULENT SOLICITORS The following letter has been received from the Department of Public Wbrkf and Buildings of Illinois: •, "Editor, Plaindeid^ft**^^ "McHenry, 111. ,j» "Gentlemen: 'SbA*. M "It has com? to our attention that certain parties are soliciting advertising in various localities in Illinois for various periodicals, and the latest is for a so-called State police maga zine. "We are informed that "the solicitors claim it is necqisary for the State Motorcycle Police .to resort to this method for securing funds to pay benefits to their members Btating^ £hat on account of their hazardoua occupations they are unable to get insurance except at a very high rate. "We will appreciate it if you will advise through your paper that such solicitation is made without the approval of the Department of Public Works and Buildings, and that such solicitors are, in our judgment, using these methods of obtaining funds for their own use, as the officials of this Department have never sanctioned or approved of any official or employee of the Department soliciting or obtaining funds by such means. "W'e will appreciate it if all advertisers and business and professional men who are likely to be approached by such solicitors could be advised through your paper fully on tfris point so they may know that all money collected is entirely for the benefit andgain of the solicitors, and perhaps the magazine they represent, and that the officials of this Department disapprove of such mothods of obtaining money from the advertising public. "Yours very truly, C. R. MILLER, Director. FRANK T .SHEETS. Chief Highway Engineer. Early Use of Spoon* Ordinary spoons were known to tha Egyptians, who made tl,em of wood, stone, Ivory and bronze, and in Biblical times we* may read that Moses made golden spoons for the tabernacle. Silver spoons have been found in the burled cities of Pompeii and Hercaianeum. for Enjoyment 9my t© for, today wd trust that 4 <*-Earnings of tomorrow will take care of thf ^future. - But the only safe way is to avoid pay-. 1 ing too much for present enjoyment.t;%lnargfci ; \ . *f safetv is essential. ' 1 ' ] i n c o m e j p o w c a n p r o v i d e f o r n e e d s " opportunities to come--if you'll take even ^ $ small part of it and set it aside regularly % ^%a.#avings- acoouot li^pfe . f "*• ^ %% Interest paid on Savings > " , ' ' ' ^ \ • - v 8 • ./» ... •' * •' ' J " "The BanfcYcm To Get Aiie«dM McHenry V ^ s Illinois ******" -- -- rr - - - 1- - - Buy It In McHenry You can have The Universal Cooler in a Ana self - contained ducofinished metal cabinet or you can have the electrical refrigerating units installed in your present ice box. In either case. Universal Cooler will meet your need fully, satisfactorily and economically. Universal Cooler is moderate in price, negligible in upkeep cost, purchasable on easy terms. Sec Universal Cooler today How They Take Him When a man Is beyond fifty he isn't »o sure that the girls of the period •re less circumspect than they were When he was twenty-five, but he does know that they look through him as if he were glass and as if they were thinking of something on a distant horizon.--Louisville Tlntes Hie Universal Cooler Fills a Universal Need. Bee the Universal Cooler on Demonstration at our Store H. E. Bitch & Co. Historic Occasion The first successful flight In which an airplane carried a man was made Deeembtr 17, 1003, by Wilbur Wright of Dayton, Ohio. The flight was made Kittyhawk, HERE IS CHANCE TO INCREASE VACATION Springfield, 111., April 27--Would you take a little chance to gain additional time for vacation thin summer? Her#s a suggestion. Ask the head of your department if he will allow you sufficient time from your regular duties to tour all of the hard roads of Illinois, driving at the uniform rtftfe of thirty-five miles an hour and eight hours a day. . Possibly on first thought kf. will agree to it. . " But If he is of a mathematical turn of mind, he will not accept your proposition. He may recall that there are 5,466.77 miles of eighteen feet concrete slab stretching across the state in all directions. A little use of his office pencil will show him that it would require 19 days, four hours and 10 minutes to cover all of the hard roads at the speed specified. Whether you win or not -it would be a delightful trip. at fi. C., near the sea, where he and his brother. Orvllle, had been experimenting. Largest pogs The bureau of animal industry says that the three largest breeds of dogs are St. Bernards, mastiffs and Irish wolfhounds. The largest dog of which it has record Is Bally Shanon, an Irish wolfhound, size 180 pounds, owned by Mrs. Olenn Stewart of Easton, Md Cartage Service Company We specialize in hauling rubbish, ashes^ capis, etc. e will jnake 1 weekly calls. ^ Batteries, Tubes and Radi* Pho---li; - - X Qtem V • ' * (CooyrtfiMd 1926 by Universal Cooler QvpJ T . ' We will also do expressing of all kinds at feasonable rates. *. For Quick Service Call ^McHenry 3#.^ French Penal Monde The Island where French life prisoners are sent is Devils island, off the coast of French Guiana, South America. Near Devils island are the two •mall French penal islands of Saint- Joseph and lie Royale, which were formerly known, with Devils Island, as "lies du Diable," but which later received the name "lles-du Salut." PLANT NOW Lawn Grass Seed, Bulbs, Garden and Flowefr Seeds, and for best results Plant LEONARD'S SEEDS Visit our newest store at Canal md- Monroe Sts. Other stores at 810 W. Randolph St. 4845 Milwaukee Ave. 10934 Michigan Ave. 33S-8&5 W. SSth St. Chicago. Present this ad at any of our stores for free packet at flower seed. Consumers' Economy Shoe Store SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Men's silk hose free with every pair men's oxiords sold Having had snch wonderful success with our Shoe Sale, we have decided to continne. We will offer big money saving bargains weekly. Our prices are below others, when quality,is considered and every pair is of a high grade.' Our motto is "High Quality and Low Price99 We have all aim Beys' Keds--sixes 11 to 6 Berner Bldg. ^ OreenSt. Adjoining Chicago Fiuit Market v "Handy Pantries of the Middle^ West" NATIONAL TEA CO. QUALITY GROCERS •very National Values (or Friday and V » Shredded Wheat 2 Pkgi- 19c Puffed Wheat All . Flavors 25c Prunes Fancy 40-50 Size Cherries Pitted Red 10 oi|, Crjp • " r . •• -- 2 cans 25c Palmolive Soap , B Bars Taffy Bars ££* ft. 15c Malt & Hops Set Peaches Bonny Lass Sliced 3 08118 10 oz. Can 56c 25c Florida Oranges 1 du. 35c t " if] _r National Tea Store tfreen and Street. IfcHeyy, UL V-.w/V : iM

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