Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Apr 1927, p. 3

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, r.?V >, PmUFIF wiyti " P» " * u • « - « i j - ^ i m . TBS McHBKBY ?LAIND*ALSR; THURSDAY, APRIL 2& 198# : r«p!*' '«V* < t • ¥ " «*>" " +#*rp^ -j** pt ORIENTAL AffD MSI »xii Called for and Delive ? •' i$ Crystal Lake Tailors Lodtz & Lodtx Phone Crystal Lake 127-J and Revene Charges - Special Factory Sale Two 14-lnchf Self Draining Tubs FREE x » April 16th to 30th Floto Clothes! I iw J iuiu*nsnv Agitator is an mil-metal, non-rutting, floating agitator-- an exclusive Vom feature marking m new era in hom• laundering sati*faction Save $35 to $85 on this Faster, Easier Washer! THE simple truth about this Washer is that it is worth a great deal more than it cost. Completely Vo6S-built, by the oldest washer manufacturers, in one of the largest, most modern washer factories in the world, the price is low -- very low. Voss Washers are handed down from generation to generation--valued bequests, because of their sturdy con- , struction, and beautiful design and finish. You'd pay $35 to $85 more for a Voss if someone else made it. « -• ~ * - < Modal E-25 Electric -- compact}? Tha Floto-Plana AfitMar takaa •*- built, with mKhtniia anckod. Haavy I nnuji ct Ik* undtnej at dathM to •alf-d raining coppar tab -- ooa-piaca J riaa cloaa to tha aurfaca of tha watat. At Mat-aluminum lid. this point It functions--whera sads '> Foor-position aaK-locUnff wrtagar * *r* ,h,ck**t w',h BO ^-cut-*aa* maMMii%' 0 Km la 4hd tot M ImiMIHHjWs. \PD«M fmf $IOd#w"$2.50weeMr Copper Tub Model E-Sf, $94 Wm H. Althoff Hardware Phone 65-J West McHenry j>rw*jwwwvv'M'*~*"wvvvvvvv'vv'vvv*>r%riir"»' ii-rn<*»~ii,"ii~~ Buick Power is proved on the 24-Hour Hill Buick knows that the famous Buick Valve-in-Head Engine produces more power for its size than any other automobile engine on earth. , 4 * Buick has proved this fact decisively at the great Proving Ground of General Motors, on the ^^Hour Hill"--a mechanical device whicl* faithfully duplicates the pull of any hill for any number of miles* . f Test, not guess, is the basts tor Buick design. Buick success is founded on this constant search for the new and better thing--on this accurate, beforehand William M. Carroll, Solicitor: State of Illinois McHenry County as. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, May Tera, A. D. :&27. John Newhall, Complainant. vs. the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Henry Miller, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of John S. Dole, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of B. S. Morris, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of John G. Roth, deceased, Clark Gale, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Lysander B. Baldwin alias L. B. Baldwin, deceased, the unltfiown "heirs or unknown devisees of Frances B. Baldwin alias F. B. Baldwin, deceased, Clara B. Owen, Raymond H. Owen, Mary Waite, Belle Hoy, Clarence R. Brown, Paul D. Brown, Ben Smith, Leonard Smith, Simon Smith. Mary Coleman, Peter Smith, Lizzie Smith and John Smith, and the unknown owner or owners of and the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of any deceased person who may have" been interested in or to the following described premises, to-wit: The South half (Vi) of the East half (^) of lot numebr two (2) of the North East quarter (*4) of Section number six (6); the South half (%) of the West half (J4) of lot number two (2) of the North West quarter (*4) of Section number five (5) in Township number forty-four (44) North, of Range number nine (9) East of the Third Principal Meridian, otherwise described as the South half (Vi) of the North West quarter (Vi) of the North West quarter (*4) of Section five (5) and the South half (%) of the North East quarter (%) of the North East quarter of Section Number six (6) Township and Range as aforesaid and containing in all forty (40) acres of land, more or less, situate lying and being in the County of McHenry in the State of Illinois, Defendants. In Chancery--Bill to Quiet Title. Notice is hereby given that the above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock. County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 23rd day of May, A. D. 1927. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock this 19th day of April A. D. 1927. 46-4 (Circuit Court Seal) CHAS. F. HAYES, Clerk William M.. Carroll, Solicitor. State of Illinois McHenry County ss. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, May Term, A. D. 1927. \ Katharina Schneider, Complainant, vs. the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Samuel 8. Greenleaf alias Sam'l S. Greenleaf, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Alonzo F. Chamberlain, deceased, the unknown heirs or un known devisees of Malinda Chamberlain, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Alexander H. Nixon, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Fannie A. Nixon, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Archolaus Sias, Jr., deceased, and the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Martha J. Sias, deceased, ^ and the unknown owner or unknown owners of and the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of any deceased person who may have been interested in and to the following described premises, to-wit: Lots Number one (1) and Number Four (4) in block number Nineteen (19) of the Original Plat of the Town (now city) of McHenry on the West side of Fox River, according to the _ Plat thereof recorded in the Recorder's office of McHenry County, Illinois, in book B of deeds on page 160, (excepting and reserving therefrom the Southwesterly forty (40) feet of said lot number four (4) as conveyed by Alonzo F. Chamberlain and wife to Spencer Baker, by Warranty Deed dated April 23rd, A. D. 1847, and recorded in said Recorder's office in book 1 of Deeds (Mil page 228). Said above described premises being located in and being "a part of the South East quarter (^4) of Section number Twentv-six visees of any deceased person who may have been interested in and to the following described premises, to-wit: Lot number forty-three (43) according to the Assessor's Plat of Johnsburg,~as recorded in the Recorder's office of McHenry County Illinois, in book 43 of Deeds, on page 300, said Lot being located in and being a part of the North West quarter (%) of the South West quarter (%) of Section number Thirteen (13), in Township number forty-five (45) North, of Range number eight (8), East of the Third Principal Meridian, and situate lying and being in the County of McHenry in the State of Illinois, Defendants. In Chancery--Bill to Quiet Title. Notice is hereby given that the above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 23rd day of May, A. D. 1927. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock this 19th day of April A. D. 1927. 46-4 (Circuit Court Seal) . CHAS. F. HAYES, Clerk SPRING GROVE Mr. and Mrs.Matrin Gergin and Miss Edith Ellhert of Wilmot drove to Woodstock Thursday. Mrs. Frank Hatch and daughter, Laura, of Antioch transacted business here Thursday. Martin M?y had his tonsils removed Tuesday at McHenry. Anton May who is spending a few days at Watertown spent over Sunday at home. Martin returned with him Monday, taking up his duties again at the Willard Dairy plant at that place. Surveyors are aggrfn at work on Colemar. 7 * Mrs. Ida Cole of Elgin is spending a • few days with Mr. and Mrs. K. Lopeman and son, John. Mrs. C\ Behrnes was a Janesville passenger Wednesday and while there spent a few hours with Mrs. Mark Pierce who expects to be home next week. Mrs. Kate Orvis returned home on Friday evening after spending two weeks in the city with relatives and friends. Mrs. Maggie Feltes entertained the Euchre club at her home Thursday, Mrs. William Bretz won first, Mrs. P. F. Seigler second, Mrs. Tressie Clark third and Mrs. Mame Jackson won the consolation. At the close of the games the hostess served a delicious lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nimsgrem and family of Waukegai were Saturday afternoon guests at Math Nmisgrems' and family. Clair Furlong returned to the city after having a month rest from duty. Mrs. K. Lopeman and infant son, John, returned home after having spent the past month in Elgin. Miss Eva Weber was an over Sunday guest with her father N, Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Franzen and son, Rolland, of Fox Lake were callers here one day the past week. Little Darleen Hoff of Richmond is spending a few days with her aunt Mrs. Mike Freund. •Bern Bell was - numbered with the sick but is able to be around again and Lester Bell is caring for his farm at this writing. Alfred Richardson is able to be on duty at the bank after a few days absence due to illness. Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Wagner and son, Kenneth, and Mrs. Frank Wagner motored to Woodstock Friday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gabee Mrs. Joe Wagner and son remained until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Franzen and family of Ringwood called on relatives here Sunday and attended the movies. Clinton Sanders of Hebron and Mrs, E. Peacock were Sunday callers at R. D. Carrs. TERRA COTTA Eugene Leisner cif Chicago spent Sunday with his sister, Miss Alice Leisner. Mrs. J. J. Doherty and daughter visted relatives here Sunday afternoon. Miss Eva McMillan of Chicago was visiting relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Anderson' and daughter spent Friday in Chicago. Irving Lawrenz of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Henry McMillan. Miss Evelyn St. Hilarire of Chicago is visiting at the home of E. Hundt. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peck of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan Sunday. , Mrs. Alice Blish and family of Chicago are visiting at the homes of George Bay and Miss Alice Leisner this week. Bargains in every department of our store. C6me in and look them over. Erickson Dept. Store. ' ° . every departmentK&f mp find Innlf/fhan Bargains in our store. Come in and look7 then over. Erickson Dept. Store. kMERALD PARK Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt and Mr. and Mrs. Eddy of Melrose Park spent the week-end in the Schpidt cottage. - » Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carlson and family of Melrose Park s*pent the weekend in their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carlson and family of Melrose Park spent the week- (26) in Township Number forty-five i ln their cottage. James Haxton and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kirk passed the week-end in the Haxton cottage. Mrs. M. A. Sutton and Mrs. Ed (45) North of Range number eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, and situate, lying and being in th$ Citv of McHenry in the County of McHenry, in the State of • Sutton and sons were callers in Overton & Cowen Otaleri Illinois, Defendants In Chancery--Bill to Quiet Title. Notice is hereby given that the above is the title of the (Jourt and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending p said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock. County of McHenry .and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 23rd day of May, A. D. 1927. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock thif 19th day of April A. D. 1927. . 4g_4 (Circuit Court Seal) ' CHAS. F. HAYES, Clerk i -T - f m. State of Hlinois MjcHenry County ss. r In the Circuit Court of McHenry County. State of Illinois, May Term, A. D. 1927. Mary F. Schmitt, Complainant, vs. the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Mathew Geerhart, deceased, Lambert S. Reynolds, Edward D. - Reynolds, Augustus R. Gray, Dewitt Clinton Gray, Alice Gray, Charlotte Condit, Wallace Condit, Henry Condit, Ella Hoes and Edward Hoes, and the unknown, owner or unknown owners of and Round Lake Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George. Blum and family of Chicago spent Sunday in their cottage. A. Nelson and A. Carlson started to build their cottage Saturday. Thgy are from Melrose Park. Mr. and Mrs. William Lester of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. A.- Foster and son, Ned* of Chicago called Sunday on Mrs. M. A. Sutton Try some of our splendid brand of coffee, you'll like it. Erickson Dept. Stem. " Primitive Road ' A corduroy rond Is one constructed over bogs or swamps by laying loga Side by sld across the track. The road Is so-called from its similarity of construction fo the" texture of cordad cloth known as corduroy. x Mittto Adopted in 1864 The first United States coin to beat the motto "In God We Trust." was s bronze 2-cent piece, authorized by congress In 1864, according to an answered question is Liberty. rcr/fcr.* m To Clean Gilt f)Irty gilt should be rultbed with a duster. Blow the dust off with a bellows or vacuum cleaner and flick with a feather brush. Good gilt that has tarnished will be Improved If turpentine Ig annlled lightly with » annnaa Plaindealers Bolgers THE CIRCLE OF INDUSTRY' In its nW-' booklet, "Industries A Thrive--Where the Sum of All Costs is Lowest." the Public Seryice Co., of Northern Illinois has given emphasis to the ideal industrial qualifications of the territory north, south and west of Chicago. The book has been given a wide circulation through Chambers of Commerce in this and other see> tions. According 'to the Public Service Company's industrial department, a number of industrial inquiries have been received since the recent distribution of the booklet. tks World to Motor Car Vah$ ou can see why The extra power that makes Nash a more capable car to drive, particularly on the hills or in dense traffic, it dicactly. due to •xtra-efficient design. /" The Nash Straight line Drive, for instance* diagrammed above. Nash power flows directly from the engine CD the rear axle in a straight line. There are no angles along the route to waste •nergy, as there would be if the motor were mounted parallel to the frame, as the ordinary motor is. The Straight Line Drive accounts in part for Nash aggressiveness--for the powerful pick-up at low speeds (where you need It most). You will always notice it is the Nash that gets away soonest when th* traffic starts. The Straight Line Drive also avoids wear on the universal joints, and thereby pro* vents noise and looseness. Of course, it takes a little longer and eoilfe, more to build Nash this beHe^ way-- , ---But any Nash owner will tell you "§ make* a lot of difference in the results Ail gets. Drive a Nash, before you decide which «g|' to buy! M ^26 Different Nash Model* at from f865 to $2090 f. o, b. /scttryj George A* Stilling Garage - .BXTKA as HOURS O* EXTRA GARB IN EVERY y ri •<v V A ; r--,. N A 8 features that only Geneial Moto Could Provide at the Price ' -V The surpassing value of the New and Finer Pontiac Six il the direct result of those General Motors resources and abil ities available to Oakland. v That great General Motors " Institution, the Fisher Body " Corporation, created new and roomier bodies of surpassing beauty. The economies of General Motors" purchasing power made possible fional new features. . Only on the General Motors Proving Ground could such stamina, speed and comfort be developed in a six so fciirin price. 775 excep* Yet despite all these extraordinary examples of extra' ordinary quality in design and construction--the New and Finer Pontiac Six is offered at new low pricesi Come in! See and drive this history-making car--an achievement whose importance is only Surpassed by the never-to-be-forgotten introduction of the original Pontiac Six! N E W L O I ...•775 ...77% aa.) 77? •H Spart Roadata* (< Laadaa Sada* .. MUnuTSi*. *I025|te S129S. facaar*. Ewto^rMlitaGn CONWAY MOTOR SALES McHenry, Dlinois Ofce New and finer ' P R I C K S teaiEST"™ w - m in

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