Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Apr 1927, p. 4

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THIS McHXNBT PLAINDKALE&, THUK8DAT, APRIL 28,1W7 ' , -v' v.;;' m*- mr- 1 HE M'HENRY PLAIN DEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. Entered at second-class natter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. Sobeoiptiea Rates One Year • •f Bus Months . k .« .. * «• •* ^...•• crt.«•»«< • t a t t •• • . $ 2 . 0 0 > • • • .H.00 »»«| » »»»»»»•»»»»»•»•»••»••»»•»••»•»»»••»»•»•»•••»»»»•»» Classified Column •»»<><n»»<<>>»••»•»••»»»»»••»»»»•<•••»<»»»»»»»»»»^*» FOR 8ALB A. B. KOSHER, "Editor and Manager mininiinni ILLINOIS State News FINANCIAL CZAR IS NAMED FOR MEXICO New Official Will Have Power on Budget; May Sell All Catholic Churches* dikfe i i i i m i i n i t i i i t H i i i i i i * Cainliritl^e will not have Sunday movies. The city voted against them, 291 to 200. Counting the votes after one of the closest races' In Its history, Wheaton found that It had re-elected Mayor N. J. Plttsford to a second tcrni. Pittsford received a majority of only 14 votes Out of more than 2,000 cast to defeat Attorney Samuel J. Howe. Roseoe Sears, whose trial for driving while intoxicated was to come up in a St, Louis court, was shot and billed In Vandalia by police officers as he tried to escape while being taken to the county jail after a hearing on charges of driving an automobile tyhlle drunk. Harry Hoxey, president of the Hoxlde Cancer Institute at Taylorville, was Indicted by the grand jury of Montgomery county at Hillsboro on a charge of unlawfully treating human ailments. The charges grew out of the death of a Litchfield man. Ferris E. Gaines, receiver for tbe defunct State Bank of Crete, distributed $lf>2.969 among depositors, a dividend of 30 cents on the dollar. Efforts are being made to realize upon the assets rematning, and a similar payment will likely be made during the coming summer. John R. Marshall, pioneer Chicago printer and for many years publisher of the Yorkville Record, died at his home at Yorkville. Mr. Marshall was eighty-seven years old, and a number of years a^o relinquished the active management of his newspaper to his son, H. R. Marshall. Joe Saltis. Chicago's leading bootlegger- gangster, lost his Illinois Supreme court appeal to beat a gun-tot- Ing sentence. The Supreme court upheld a sentence of 60 days In the house, of correction Imposed upon Saltis last December by Municipal Judge George A. Curran of Chicago. With the arrest of John H. Mayes, thirty-five years old, one of the most skilled counterfeiters in federal secret service records, secret service agents declared they had solved the puzzle of approximately $800,000 worth of bogus money distributed by a gigantic ring which included four notorious gangs. Mayes whs arrested In a small house in Murphysboro, where he had been living with his wife and three children and turning out thousands of dollars of countermoney. Trustees of the University of Illinois at a meeting in "Chicago "voted to mgjee the lew course at the university a three-year Instead of a {ouryear course. Merlj J. Trees, president of the boarj announced that the work hitherto done in the first year of the law rourse would be Incorporated in the undergraduate course. The board voted to accept the resignation of A. B. Coble, professor of mathematics. P. Harold Naegele of the class of 1925 was awarded the Plym fellowship in architecture for a year abroad. A grade Holstein cow in the herd of William F. Sipp. Peoria, that gave almost a ton and a half of milk and slightly more than 157 pounds of butterfat, headed Illinois' March honor list . of cows announced by C. S. Rhode, dairy extension "specialist of the University of Illinois college of agriculture. The highest producing herd on the list for the month is owned by W. T. Rawleigh. Freeport, and Is composed of twenty-two purebred Holsteins that gave an average of 1,518 pounds of milk and a shade more than 49 pounds of butterfat each. City elections In a number of Illinois municipalities resulted as follows: Belvidere--Harry M. Perkins, mayor. Benton--J. Smith Moore, mayor. Cairo--August Bode, mayor. Carbondale--Charles Easterly, mayor. Champaign--George B. Franklin defeated George Babb, Incumbent, for ma^or. Boxing, Wrestling and bond proposals carried. Dixon--Earle D. Palmer re-elected mayor. Elgin-- Earle R. Kelley, mayor. Harrlsburg-- W. T. Hawkins, mayor. Jacksonville --John J. Reeve (Rep.), mayor. Johnson City--John H. Kemper (labor), elected mayor In record vote; labor candidates won city clerk and treasurer, two aldermen; Citizens candidates, three aldermen. Kankakee-- L. E. Beckman, mayor; Harry Thompson, rlty clerk; George Coach, treasurer. Kewanee--.Tames H. Andrews, mayor. Mendota--John H. Rudishauser, mayor. Moline--C. W. Sandstrom, mayor; Anna W. Anderson, clerk; all Republican aldermen. Mt. Vernon--Dr. H. M. Swift, mayor. Oregon--H. T>ee Allen, mayor; Sun day movies carried. Rorhelle--W. B. McHenry, mayor. Sterling -- Ram Myers, mayor. Frbana--Arthur W Bwjtft. mayor; houge rule^jj^|eated. • jJo blue I Tor the little city of Toulon. Aftsr-a bitter fight the vdterfc tlfere favaredpSunday movies, base ball and othefc, amusements by a vote jjrf 877 to |40. j. Judge Thomas S. Liggett, who per formed more than 5,000 wedding cerettonles during his 40 years as city magistrate of Metropolis, died there at the age of eighty-four. He was known as the oldest marrying 'squire of southern Illinois. He was a mem fcer or Tom Smith G. A. R. post an ; ^Methodist church worker for more - '"Wi half ^century. u ' Mexico City.--To avert a threatened treasury deficit, President Calles has issued a decree conferring on Montes de Oca, secretary of the treasury, the powers of financial dictator. The President orders a reduction of at least 50,000.000 pesos in this year's government budget, the utmost possible economy In all government expenditures and the sharpest vigilance in collecting revenues due the government In order to raise revenues the decree authorizes Senor De Oca to sell or mortgage such government property or real estate as he deems necessary. This may involve the sale of Catholic church property. Eight Mexican archbishops and bishops already have been deported and one Cathodlc priest was executed in the government's latest campaign against Catholic organizations and individuals on the charge that they are Implicated In the revolutionary movement. The latest deportees are Archbishop Pedro Vera Zurla of Pueblo, and Bishop Jose Manrique Zarate of Huejutla, who were placed aboard a train bound for Laredo. GOOD USED CAR BUYS) 1924 Buick, 4-pass. Coupe, . 1928 Buick, 5-pass. Sedan, $60ft» 1921 Buick, 4-pass. Coupe, $300. 1923 4-cyl. Buick Touring, $100. 1926 Chandler, 2-pass. Coupe, f550. 1926 Oakland Sedan, Ford Touring, $50. . % 1924 Ford Coupe $225. OVERTON & COWEN Phone 6. West McHenry FOR SALE--Strawberry plants, asparagus roots, current bushes, evergreens, grape vines, and plum trees. Frank Westerman, Phone 232-R, Woodstock, ill., Rt. 2. 43-8* FQK SALE--We have a limited amount of Golden Glo# and Wisconsin No. 7 Seed Corn, germinating 95%, that we are offering for sale at $6.00 per bu. Phone your order. McHenry Co. Co-op. Ass'n. Phone 29. 47 GOOD GAR BARGAINS FOR SALE--Firewood, $1.00 per load. Hunter Boat Co. Phone 7. 45-tf 1925 Willys-Knight Sedan, complete- FOR RENT--Modern 4-room flat, on Riverside Drive. Jos. J. Miller. 45-tf FOR SALE--3-room sectional cottage Can be seen at Pouliot's Boat Works, east of river. See P. W .Frett, West McHenry. 44-tf ly equipped; has balloon tires. This car shows practically no wear and,, is a; real bargain. Dodge Screen Truck; new tires; the original finish looks excellent. Don't wait, as we have had many calls for trucks of this type. Would make excellent milk truck.. Price is $300. Dodge % Panel Truck; newly painted; good tires and a good running truck. Would make an excellent FOR SALE--Guaranteed new Kohler grocery truck. Price $300. A splendid Power and Lighting Plant. This plant truck for summer delivery work. will take care of all lighting and 1927 Studebaker-6 Sedan; only run power for any farm. Regular price 3,000 miles; completely equipped; $600; will sell for $400. W. L. Howell only $995. Sells new for about $1575. & Co., McHenry. 38-tf 1924 Ford Roadster; slip-on body; "How come you got all dat soot on yo' collar black boy?" "Oat ain't soot, niggah; dat's dandruff.-- Liginvston's Hello. Wlaiter: Hi Colored Chef: Whaffo me Athens? Waiter: Aren't you situated right in the middle of Greeces J' --Our Navy. "Why can't you read that part of your notes? You ought to read your own shorthand." i /'Don't you remember, that's when ybu tickled me." ment. 'Do you make any reduction clergymen?" "Yes, are you a clergyman's wife?" "No." "Are you a clergyman's daughter?" *No." (blushing) "But if nothing happens, I'll soon be engaged to a theological student."--Tit Bits. Built to Fit Business FOR SALE--Early Northern Grown seed corn, $5.50 per bushel. A. J, Smith, Round Lake, 111. Phone 45-R. 42-6 real good tires and an excellent buy COOPER'S SAPONIFIED CRESOL For disinfecting barns after TB testing. Sold by Dr. J. E. Wheeler, West McHenry. 88-tf - Mexico City.--The ministry of interior advised the Western Union Cable company of a government censorship, effective immediately, on all but governmental and. diplomatic message*. at $115. Studebaker, 1922, Special Six Touring, with California top; looks gopd and runs better. JAMES MORROW & SON, , Phone 186 West McHenry, 111. pqR RENT--5-room furnished house FOR SALE--One sow with litter of with gas and electric lights. Inquire FOR RENT eight pigs. J-l. P. J. Brown. Phone 614- 46-2* of Mr8. Jack Nicholls on River Road. 47-4 FOR SALE--Assorted colored dahlias at Vycital's, Green St., McHenry. 45-3 BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE Cost $3,000 four months ago. Will take $550 for all or will separate. Beautiful furniture of 4-room apartment. 3 pc. silk mohair parlor suite, hand carved frame; 8 pc. walnut dining room set; 2 9x12 Wilton rugs; FOR RENT--Four-room flat on Green street, Centerville. Inquire of W. M. Hleimer. Phone 90-W. 47^tf FOR RENT--Two furnished rooms, light housekeeping. Phone 143-M. 47 FOR RENT--Store location in Centerville business district. Electric light, . , . , , . , , gas, water, etc. Inquire of Roy Kent, 4 pc. walnut bedroom set, complete McHenry. Phone 8. 38-tf with spring and mairess; library table; 5 pc. breakfast set; floor FLAT FOR RENT--Inquire of F. lamps; chest of silverware. Must be Popp, West McHenry. 37-tf seen to be appreciated. Will arrange for delivery. 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Rd., Chicago, 111., phone Sunnyside 6190. " 45-6* Mexico City.--Aroused by the recent slaughter of 100 passengers on the Guadalajara-Mexico City train. President Calles gave peremptory orders for the pursuit and extermination j POTATOES FOR SALE--Peter May of the rebel bands that have been in- one-quarter mile south of Solon Mills, festing the central states. Hereafter j 47-3* the president personally will direct the j , policy aiming at the suppression of the i FOR SALE--Two commodes, two revolutionary elements. A ban was {rockers, one office chair and one bed. placed on the Mexico City newspapers j Mrs. Robert Thompson, West McHenwhlch reported their activities. , ry. Phone 70-R. A message from La Barca, Jalisco. scene of the attack on the Guadalajara- Mexico train a few days ago, said that Gen. Joaquin Armo, war minister. FOR SALE--Wax flowers of all was In the field in command of the i kinds. Special for Mothers' Day WANTED WANTED--Farmers 25 to 40; married; references required; opportunity to learn business; $100 to start. Write giving experience to Mr. Shepheard, 223 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 47-2 FOR SALE--Washing machine, tub | and wringer. Phone 113-J. 47. WANTED--Farms of all sizes and descriptions for cash or exchange for income property. We specialize in quick deals. Kent A Company, McHenry. 38-tf MISCELLANEOUS pursuers of the rebel band which at- i Plants tacked the train. If General Armo finds them, he will give no quarter. The notorious bandit known as "Catorce" (Fourteen), according to boxes. Gieser and cut flowers Will take orders. Solon Mills, 111. m pots or Mrs. Wm. 47-2 RESULTS 1 Kent & Compaay Can sell that house! Can rent that flat! -- Can find a buyer for that land! 18-tf SEED CORN FOR SALE--95 per Wedding invitations and announcesurvivor, of the massacre who arrived "nt R"2 Mf: beautifully and correctly printhere, commanded tbe rebels. Catorce Henry- Phone M4-W-2. 47 ed at the Hwndealer office. proclaimed himself in rebellion about g fortnight ago. He announced that be Had eipouse<f the church cause. He J] a former Villista and has a long ratf"/ yf ^spea^me Ifte motive for the attach on the tralfi "was app&rentl^ money. From the express car tLe rebels obtained government funds totaling 200,000 pesos (about $100,000), consigned to the banks of Mexico and Montreal. They obtained several thousand more dollars by robbing tbe passengers. They, took not only all th$ pnMummers' money and Jewelry, but ail their baggage- Bedraggled survivors of the holdup, who tottered off the relief train at Colonla station, confirmed the presidential announcement that the band of rebels Included three priests. A reporter from a Guadalajara newspaper, who was a passenger on the attacked train, saw the priests and recognised than as Fathers Vega, Gonzales, and Arturo. A soldier of the military escort on the train, who had been made a prisoner and who was taken to tbe camp of the rebels, also testified to the presence of a priest among them. There perished in the attack on the train 100 men, women and children. The slaughter of the children was appalling. Twenty fell, mangled by the dumdum bullets. Of one family of 14, the mother and 11 children were killed. Manuel Diaz of Mexico City was helped off the relief train at Oolonla station, laughing uproariously. He had gone insane. His wife, mother- in-law and five children had been killed. $lfiOOfiOO Clime for Ch Chicago.--A modern university d for children, similar to the famous ones of Vienna and Berlin, will be established at the University of Chicago, It was announced with the gift of $1,- 000,000 by Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts for the erection of a hospital In memory of their son, Bobs Robert, who died In 1817 at the age of five." SMILING AWAY THE FROWNS Wcefcfy Clippings From U10 Jokesters' Columns Artist: By the way, Cooper, I'm going to paint your cottage tomorrow. Cooper: Thank you kindly, sir. I'll bring you a step, ladder.--Good Hardware. Many motorists find that they are unable to get their pedestrian because of the pedestrian's superior pickup."--Edmonton Bulletin. "The restaurant around the corner, sir."--Nagels Lustige Welt. Small Brother: Ha! Ha! I saw you kiss Sis! Sutior (hurriedly): Er-ah here's a quarter. Small Brother: And here's ten cents change. One price to all, that's the way I do business.--Good Hardware. The honeymoon is over when fancy work no longer seems necessary on an apron--Vancouver Sun. "I saw my doctor the other about my loss of memory." / "What did he sayf" "He made me pay in athraBCe."- Oil Weekly. Mary had a little hen But she was very queer; She laid like fun when eggs were cheap but stopped when they were dear. --Tractor Farming. The man who gives in when he is wrong is wise but the man who gives in when he is right is married.-- Stratford Beacon-Hearald. Tobacco Abolisher: Smoking stunts the growth and pocketbook. If you hadn't smoked you might have owned that building across the way. Indulger: Who owns it? T~ Ab6lisher: I don't know, do you? Indulger: Yes, I own iU--Oral Hygiene. . ' Mother (unpacking son's grip and finding a pawn ticket tied to his coat): What is this tag on your coat? Arthur (just returned from college) Oh, that's a check, mother. I was at dance and checked my coat. Mother (finding another tag on his trousers): Arthur, my boy, just what kind of a dance was it?--The P A Crowd. If all of the autos,in Canada and the United States were placed end to end, it would be a Sunday afternoon.-- Toronto Telegram*: , Too much sleep is supposed to make some people irritable. Evidently a case of early to bed and surly to rise.--Ottawa Journal. Train Kills Girl, Fiance Milwaukee.--Olga Hagen, twentyseven years old, and her fiance, Nels Thielan, twenty-four, both of West Allis, a suburb, were killed when a Northwestern freight train struck their automobile at a crossing near On the other hand, why not photo- RTaph a successful hunter standing beride a parking space?--Sarnia Observer. Grandmother: I suppose you have to' stay up very late at college. Grandson: Yes, but really Grandma, it's worth it.--Oral Hygiene. Tourist: Bother! We've climed to the top of this mountain and we've forgotten the glasses. Guide: Never mind, there's nobody about. We can just drifik oot 'o the bottle. --Exchange. '* * * A scientist says that England is tilting over to the south. This is evidently due to the landing of the American tourists with their luggage at Southampton. -- Kingston Whigf S,*«T [Standard. Detroit, Mich.--Bankers of the state Bhoard°the PS Norr!!^1 5°nventlon Mirandy (to no account husband): itenkSJ ^ You'se been out o' work fo' fo' foteen Rastus: How eome? 'Cans# I'm a Rev. Dr. Parhhurt, 88, Wed* Los Angeles, Calit--t>r. C. H. Parkhurst, eighty-five, veteran reform lead er and vice crnsftder Mn nor Mar*, sixty-five, both o* New tttfc, tm warned ten. , high flier t Mirandy: No; 'cause yo' ain't no use on dis heah earth.--Areo Digest. "Waiter, 1 wish to dine very w*ll tonigfet. Whfct would ^fou suggest? The price-cutting merchant received this message froth his jobbing house: "Can't fill your order until you pay for the last." And this is what he said: "Cancel Order. Can't wait that long.1'"--Rotary Weekly. : Guide (showing party through ancient castle): And this is the moat. Would anyone like to ask any questions f Inquisitive American Tourist: Yes. How on earth could a chap get one of those in his eye ?--Canadian Magazine. In these days we are not as much concerned about loving our neighbors as in keeping up with them.--Montreal Star. "Is the world round?" "No, ma'am." "Is it flat?" "No, ma'am." "Well, if it isn't round or flat, what is it?" "Pop says it's crooked."--Soverign Visitor A scientist says a baby is worth $9,000 at birth but most of them depreciate as they grow older, especially the he's.--Kamsack Times. "So you've learned a new piece, dear." "No, Auntie, its the same piece but the piano has been tuned."The Sailor. It is a fact that singing is extremely beneficial in certain cases of deafness. And vice versa. -- Kitchener Record. Customer: I'd like very much to try on that kasha suit in the window. May I f . Saleswoman: (gravely): I'm afraid not, madam. Our customers always use the fitting room.--Canadian Magazine. Owner of shop: Now, boy, if a customer comes in while I am at lunch and wants to look at a piano, flute, banjo or mandoline, you would know what to show him? Boy: Yes, sir. Owner: And if he should want to see a lyre-- Boy (interrupting him): 111 send for you at once.--Keystone. Hubby: Sorry, honey, 111 be awfully busy at the office and can't be home until late. Wifey: Can I depend on that?-- Livingston's Hiello. Talk on Live S^k: As far as we can see, all calves are In excellent condition this season.--Our Navy. Crimson Heat Pmrtai, Pwwtnrtlas, $mIMB Othcra may claim to b« aa soad. bat than la m aabatituta far-- CRIMSON HEAT A Rub for Pains, Aelies and ••rswaaa Tha Vint Aid For OaMs is Clu st, Wwritts, Feet* Errant Husband: Ok, no, wife; I got in at one o'clock. Angry Wife: I ditsinctly heard 1$ strike five times. Angry Wife: I distinctly heard it too? S'funny thing, the clock struck one five times. Must get the blame thing fixed.--Hardware and Implement Journal. ' «• Try pulling, for a change, any darned old mule can kick.--S John Times-Star. At a book store: "Have you any fairy tales f" New Clerk: "Say, lady, you cant kid me, I guess I know fairies ain't got no tails.--Exchange. • i If ignorance was bliss, everybody would be happy.--Kingston Whig- Standard. "The car was brought to a tocal garage and was badly damaged."Item in a newspaper. Small Boy (looking a a new rural mail box): It must be the minister's, Another Little Lad: No, it cant be. Don't you see what it says on it? No collection on Sunday,'--MacLoan's Uaa it wbaravar pain. Inflammation, ooncaatkm or itching exiita. A houaatoM naoaaaity ha«p it on hand *lway*. Inaiat upon Um genuine CRIMSON HEAT. Look far trademark on package. In handy tubea. 60c. Your druggiat will gat It for you. Or if 70a prefer we will aend It poatpaid upon receipt of Pifea. THE AI.PF.N CO.. 1127 Pine St.. St. Loote. Ma THOMAS P. BOLGER "The McHenry Druggist" GrahAm BRon Trucks . ' ' " V » / .. •* w, .; . . James Morrow & Son • Waukegan and West McHenry Combined with real comfort in the new # MARTHA WASHINGTON FOOTWEAR Includes a brown 3-strap arch support Slipper, military heel at l._ ... $6.00 Same in patent leather^... $5.75 A medium heel tie, patent or colored leather for the growing miss._ $5.00 to $5.50 Bros. Phone 179 McHenry, HL Eat and Drink Here you can get a tasty lunch or a refreshing drink from our fountain. If anyone asks you where to go just say. , KARLS' Mother's Sunday, May 8 Mother will be looking for a remembrance from li$r children on Mothers' Day. What could be sweeter than a nice box of & candy f We have them for your inspection. We also have. Mothers' day postcards. Don't Wait- ' $10.00 ALLOWANCE SALE Freddie: I'm going to »t*al a Idas. Birdie: Let the crime we begin. -Implement Record. A makes ft -plemeat wrapped up in himself i&li package. --Im- The Most Modem In Kitchen Home Comfort special terms estern United Gas and Electric Go. (ipai Headquarter* SS2T ..•jrtfc *-% «Lf. / ™

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