Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 May 1927, p. 2

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fflpsp THE McHHWV PLAHIDIALKE, TBmtBDAY, MAT 5, 1927 r*;v;. ,|,t MWWOO»<. r* ™p7T1^>ers °* the A. H. BifyR) |"* ' 4llub Rave a party at the Woodman ' Sail Monday evening, April 25. Those in attendance ver®: Misses Cora f. "Jteth, Nellie McDonald, Lillian and Bernice Smith, Julia McLaughlin, Jtforma and MSajorie Whiting, Frances Woung, Bertha Justen, Jessie Rchroe- <Ber, Mesdames Alva McLaughlin, * Jessie Smith and William Schroeder; ~ [essers Dave Hodge, Lyle and Floyd [opper, Kirk Schroeder, Adrian ..lompson, Byron Hitchens, Herbert Fepson, Harry Hamilton, John Smith, Dlyde, Elm#r and Lester Carr, John _tnd Roland McDonald, Earl Hendrick fcon of Richmond; Davis Walkington |£nd Mr. Wilson of Libertyville. The Evening was spent playing games and "'^dancing. A cafeteria luncheon was ^erved, consisting of salad, pickles, Sandwiches, cake and coffee. Mr. and Mrs. S. Ww Brown spent ^Wednesday at Janesville. ; Little Mary Jenks of Libertyville ' .ps visiting her grandparents, Mr. and '« Mrs. G. A. Stevens. ; ^ Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith and Mr. '" land Mrs. Lewis Schroeder and daughter, Jessie, spent Wednesday evening ;iu Elgin Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hawley and two children spent Wednesday afternoon in McHenry. Miss Frances Helm and Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Kelley and daughter Betty Lou, spent Wednesday morning at Spring Grove. The dinner that was held in the M. Wj. A. hall on Wednesday was quite well attended. A number of Ringwood men attended the Mason's meeting in Chicago on Tuesday night. Mrs. Lewis Schroeder and Mrs. Amos Smith and Mrs. Emma Brown spent Tuesday at Hebron. Mrs. Jennie Cushman is entertaining her sister for a few days. Joseph Miller of Fox Lake is visiting his sister, Mrs. Abe Lawrence, for a few days. . Mirs. Mary Hodge who has been spending: the winter m Minnesota has ^returned home. -- Oliver Lawrence spent Jnntsday evening at McHenry. William Beth and daughter, Cora, spent Thursday evening in the Jack McLaughlin home. Miss Laura Welter spent the weekend with Hebron relatives. About $34 was cleared at the dinner in the Woodman nail Wednesday afternoon., f Rosebud Beauty Shoppe Elm, near Green Street EUGENE PERMANENT WAVE $10.00 Facial Message Phone for Appointment 104-J MILLER'S STORE GENERAL MERCHANDISE "A Good Place to Trade in All Kinds of Weather" Jos. J. Miller, Prop. Phone 114-R McHenry, III ?»•»»•*•» • »»»•!• * 'I' 't •> •{• » * »*» »^ 4"t"» 'I1 'I1 '* 'I' •!' 'I1 'I' •• East Side Garage GAS and OIL ACCESSORIES Also Moving and Long Distance Hauling HERMAN SCHAEFER Phone 49 Tires and Tubes Let me supply your needs with Mohawks or Goodyfears. Balloons and high pressure, ail sizes. Lowest prices in history. My prices can't be beat anywhere. Prees gladly quoted on request. TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZING--BATTERY CHARGING AND REPAIRING • Globe and Willard Car Batteries "A" and "B" Radio Batteries Everything Guaranteed Walter J. Freund Phone 120-R West McHenry Mrs. Mary Hodge spent Thursday evening in the John Buckland home. Mrs. H. C. Hughes entertained her Bridge club from McHenry on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Ladd, John Buckland, Miss Flora Taylor and Agnes Bigelow were -at Lauderdale Lake last Sunday. Mrs. Eld Thompson spent last Wednesday visiting in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison entertained the latter's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Anna Guth of Chicago last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hitchens visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Butler of Elgin. Mrs. Cora Flanders attended the funeral of her sister's husband at Crystal Lake last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peet and family of Greenwood visited last Sunday in the Charles Peet home. Clark Hanson of JClgin was the guest of his daughter the first of the week. The many friends of Mrs. Agnes Jencks of Libertyville will be glad to hear of her gain from an operation in a Chicago hospital. Mrs. Frances Hall was pleasantly surprised last Wednesday when two of her daughters and a grandson from Manitowoc, Wis., walked in on her. They came with the truck to Ringwood to help Lewis Hall move his furniture to Manitowoc. Robert Thompson celebrated his eighth birthday on Wednesday by in viting every one of his little school mates to a chocolate dip, which the little folks enjoyed very much. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephensen spent Saturday afternoon at Wood* sotck. Bert McCannon of Woodstock spent Saturday morning in the home of Mrs. Emma Merchant. M!rs. Lewis Schroeder and Mrs. William Brown spent Saturday afternoon at McHenry. Misses Julia McLaughlin and Cora Beth spent Saturday afternoon at Woodstock. .James Thompson who has been spending the winter months with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bacon has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Welter and family spent Sunday morning • at McHenry. Fred Schano. and daughter, Mrs. Lena Carlson, and son, Fred, of Chicago spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Lewis Hawley. Mr. and' Mrs. Nick Young and daughter, Adele, spent Sunday morning at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wegener and daughter, Marian, of McHenry spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Lawrence. Mr. ^and Mrs. Roebrt McLean of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephensen. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and family spent Sunday in the C. W. Harrison home. Mr. and M!rs. Clarence Ritter and two children of Deerfield spent Sunday in Ringwod. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Allen of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hitchens. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Fay of Kenosha spent Sunday evening with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Fay, Mrs. Anna Tonyon and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tonyon and children of Fox Lake spent Sijnday evening in the Abe Lawrence home. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Welter and family and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Kelley and daughter, Betty Lou, spent Sunday at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Sanborn of Spring Grove were Sunday callers in Ringwood. Mirs. James Conway of Libertyville is spending a few days in Ringwood. M!r. and Mrs. Delbert Bacon of Crystal Lake were calling on relatives in Ringwod, Sunday. Harold Stevens of Elgin and Chas. Stevens of Kenosha spent Sunday with their father, G. A. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLaughlin and daughter, Julia, spent Sunday evening out-of-town relatives. * " Mr. and Mrs. Harold Betzer of Libertyville were Sunday afternoon callers in Ringwood. Arthur Oxtoby of Spring Grove and Roy Welter of this village spent Monday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson spent Wednesday in McHenry. Mrs. Christenia Young spent FridSjp with Miss Frances Young. • J. F. McLaughlin and W. J. Beth were Saturday evening callers in Woodstock. Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and daughter, Julia, and Cora Beth were Saturday afternoon callers in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Monday in McHenry. N Mrs. Henry Heimer of McHenry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Bradley and family. M|rs. Karl Bradley and daughter, Alice, spent a few days in McHenry with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer. Miss Frances Young and sisters spent Sunday with Viola Engells of Spring Grove. Mrs. Lewis Schroeder and daughter, Jessie, are spending a few days in Chicago. Mr. and Bfrs. Paul Webster and family of Greenwood spent Sunday afternoon in Ringwood. Mr. and Mirs. Boyd of Hinsdale are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bacon. Little Shirley Hawley is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Delbert Bacon, of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephensen spent Monday afternoon at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson of Richmond were recent callers with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bacon. Mrs. James Conway, Mrs. William Kelley and Miss Cora Beth spent Tuesday at Lake Geneva. Mrs. Thomas Hodge and daughter, Mrs. Reed, and Mrs. Leonard of Lake Geneva were Tuesday morning callers with Mrs. Mary Hodge. Merry-Go-Round prints in assorted patterns. Erickson Dept. Store. SPRING GROVE N. N. Weber and Mrs. Byron Orvis motored to Waukegan on business on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Pierce and daughter, Irene, spent Friday at Fox Lake. . Word was received here Sunday evening of the death of Mark Hoffman at Bassett Station, Wis. Futferal was held Tuesday at 10 o'clock. M!r. Hoffman was 89 years old and was the last one of the family to go. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders and family of Hebron were Sunday afternoon callers at Reed Carr's. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Franks and Miss Verna Zomstorff motored to North Brook Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. John Cosmin. Mrs. William Bretz and N. N. Weber were Chicago passengers Wednesday. John Weber returned Thursday with a carload of milch cattle from Red Wing, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Math Lay and Miss Agnes Schmitt of Johnsburg were passengers to the city Tuesday. Mrs. Lay remained for treatment at the Rogers Park hospital. Mrs. Walter Gabe and son, Mrs. Anderson, and daughter, Mrs. Thayer and son, and Mrs. Erickson all of Woodstock were Thursday afternoon callers on the former's mother, Mrs. Frank Wagner. M!rs. Frank Zormstorff and daughter, Verna, and Mrs. Herman Franks motored to McHenry, Thursday afternoon. The Lotus Woman's club held a public card party Wednesday. Six tables of "500" and bunco were played and after the games a delicious lunch was served by the committee. Glen Esh of Watertown was a Sunday caller with Mrs. Bertha Esh and family. Mrs. Frank May and Mrs. Fred Meyers were passengers for Chicago Friday. The McMellen Brothers of Terra Cotta transacted business here on their farm the first of the week. Mrs. Mary Stilling of Chicago spent a couple of days the past week in the home of her sister, Mrs. S. Hoff. Mrv and Mrs. Herman Franks and Miss Verna Zomstroff motored to Woodstock Mbnday. Mr. and Mrs. Cooley and son of McHenry spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgreu and family motored to Waukegan Sunday and spent the day with Robert Nimsgrem and family. Mrs. Eton, who has been spending the past year with her daughter, Mrs. John Kattner, left Monday to make her home with Mrs. Stephen Engles. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Franzen and family of Ringwood spent Sunday with Mrs. Byron Orvis. In the afternoon the Franzen family and Mxs. Orvis motored to Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. Leon VanEaveory entertained guests from the city over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Carr and Mr3. Fanny Carr called on Mr. and Mirs. Charles Carr Sunday evening, the latter remaining for a week's visit. Mrs. Behrnes /and Miss Dorothy Behrnes were Whlworth visitors Saturday. Mrs. Math Lay and Mrs. Emma Lay motored to the city Saturday. Mrs. Math Lay and son, Leo, returned with them. 4 A large crowd attended the dance at Solon Mills on Saturday evening given by the young ladies' society. The Rayon bedspread was awarded to Vincent Feltes. Miss Stella Jung of Ringwood was a Saturday evening guest of Miss Julia Hoff. Miss Bertha Roepke spent the week end with her father, Gust Roepke Sr. Pete Weber had the misfortune to step on a nail Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Stafel, Nick Wagner and John Wagner of Chicago motored here to spend over Sunday with their parents. Just received a new shipment of all silk figured crepes. Erickson Dept. Store. / son, Lester, and friends of Melrose Park spent Sunday in the Barnes cottage. Mr. and Mrs. G. Blum and family of Chicago spent Sunday in Emerald Park. Dr. and Mrs. L. Johnson and son, Jack, of Chicago were here for over Sunday. Mr. and Mirs. L. Kartheiser and family of Chicago occupied their cottage Sunday. w Mien's shirts with attached collars. Wide range in sizes and patterns for $1.00. Erickson Dept. Store. "Cant understand how. you lost your case.a Hope you kept nothihg back from'your lawyer." "No, only the small change,"-- Punch. • Bored Boarder: Look here, Boost, we've all heard you say what yon can do; suppose you tell us for a change something you can't do and I'll undertake to do it myself. ^ Boost: Well, you're a real sport: can't pay my board bill here and Accept your offer.-^-Canadian Msfli • V •ft." 'Surely, Miranda, you're not going to marry again when the Lord just took Smith?" "Yes, I shuah am. As long as the Lawd takes 'em, so will ger. ' - ' Who was the father «f the Black Prince? #-Y~- Bright Lad: Old King Cole/**» Canadian. EMERALD PARK Mr. and Mrs. Fred SebmMt and friends of Melrose Park spent Sunday in their cottages. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sutton and family of Chicago spent Sunday at Emerald Park. ( ,.2 M|r. and Mrs. H. P. Johnson of Evanston spent Sunday in their cottage here. M!r. and Mrs. Ed Carlson and family and some friends of Melrose Park spent Sunday in the Carlson cottage. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Hoeft, P. Bel- Ian and A. Hoeft and William Amann of Chicago passed Sunday in the Hoeft cottage. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Blum and family of Chicago were visitors here on Sunday. Hugh Kirk and family and James Haxton of Chicago spent last week in the Haxton cottage. Mr. and Mtrs. C. Cohan and family of Oak Park were here Sunday. Miss A. Malefyt and nephew, Adrian and nieces, Helen and Dorothy Armit, of Chicago spent last week in their cottage. Ed Armit of Chicago spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. K. Burns and son, Bobby, and friends of Oak Park spent Sunday in the Bruns cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barnes and family and Mr. and Mrs. G. Foresmen and 1 • ^ This coupon and 25c entitle the undersigned to one 35c can of Acme Quality Enamel-Kote, any color, and a apedal « ?aint Brush. j . ' I I To acquaint you with Acme Quality, we are making a ipe- --» , - _ _ cial offer for a SPECIAL *ONTIME Charming Bedroom Furniture Bftefe one of the several groups of Bedroom Furniture shown here has something about it that calls for more than a passing glance. Those who know furniture values will,agrse with w whftn t.hfty inapw>t, ftaak. group. -- ' ' : ; . " . •; Before yon buy, yon should see theft Jacob Justen ......: • - - - V" Make your home inviting •-.with COLOR/ Surely there are pieces of furniture in your home that ... need the brightening touch of the paint brush. Why not get some Acme Quality Enamel-Kote and do the job up right--right now? You can get any color you want. And how easy it is to use Acme Enamel-Kotet Just a few strokes of the brush arid there you have a brand new chair! Give your home a personal inspection and note the possibilities for beautifying by the simple means of paint. You've a surprise in store? ACME QUALITY Paint ^Varnish s economical to use Acme Qualify Enamel-Kote. the beautiful,en- I 'uring finish. For interior woodwork of every kind. See coupon. River Chix , Sftooo to 30,000 per week CASH AND CARRY PRICES FOR MAY Barfed Rocks, White Rocks, Buff Orpingtons,'V ' . White Wyandottes, Rhode Island Reds, per hundred .... ._$12.00 White Leghorns, Brown Leghorns, Anconas, per hundred • f 11.00 Salesroom open Tuesday and Friday nights during Hay FOX RIVER HATCHERY Telephone 1537 63 Grove Aye., Elgin, 111. J I F F Y ForYotHCALLOUS JIFFY Callous Plaster is made to fit your callous. Put it on that painful spot--within a week you will peel the entire callous clean off the foot. Also Jiffy for Corns and Bunions. Each 25c. ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED . • golger •v.. • i ectric ^urns on the coldwithout attention! Come in today and let us show you the superior convenience of electric refrigerators-- how they insure the constant, dry cold that keeps food fresh and wholesome, help you make tempting frozen desserts, and provide plenty of ^ ice cubfes for table use ... They may be attached to any light socket, and electricity "turns on the cold" exactly Any of omr attractive electric refrigerators may be purchased • ike easy "Utile by Little,p Way, Frigidaire $250 Installed WM. H. ALTHOFF HARDWARE West McHenry, IB. Frigidaire , with MamtlcM Iwrcelofa*' IMMU lining . $295 Installed Frigidaire $395 Installed III PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS , 101 Williams St.; Cryrtal Weir . Telephone 280 J. A. Schabect, District Manager •te-.

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