»M$2$I ; '/ <&&••• ". ^ ^ ^ «,fc f *^f?* *• -- /** 1 THS McHEHRT PLAZHDXALXR, THURSDAY, HAY 0, 192t ' f^rv " THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER ,r. •$"•, Published mqr Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich, ;"• . Entered as second-class matter at th« postoffice at McHenry, 111., oner the act af May 8, 1879. '"':,r;• V One Year .. •fx Months • A', i' an:. i Subscription Rates i e •/* « «*.••«••«»» • .$2.00 • .$1.00 JL H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager tr- """'"------ Rouse Party at Brooks Home Sj; I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brooks entertained several relatives and friends at * house party over the week-end at their home on Whukegan street. The )\ (nests arrived on Saturday and completely surprised the genial dSuple. , They soon recovered from their surprise, however, and made the guests v feel very welcome. A social evening Wal spept in conversation, music and ^fencing and delicious refreshments ' Were served at a late hour. Those |»*esent were: Mrs. Helen McAuliffe, Mrs. Grace Devine, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pidgeon and daughter, Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rowland. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rogers and daughter, -Evelyn, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Seskin ; ' «• and daughters, Helen and Janet. George McAuliffe, Gerald Daley, Mrs. * Boyle, Ellen Sweeney, Eva Koll, John Sweeney, Nick Becker, John Becker, Reginald Crumb and Mr. and Mrs. <^_JBoward Bremen, all of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. E. F .Kelter, M!rs. Nellie Bacon, Mrs. Anna Barron and Miss Anna Frisby of this city. Army Examinations A special examination will be held at the Post office building, Rockford, Illinois, for the purpose of examining applicants for the U. S. army to serve in the Philippines and Hawaiian Islands, between May 1 and 15. For services in the States examinations any time. Men accepting foreign services must be at the examination room at the above address ready to go in order to catch the boat at San Francisco, Calif.. June 10, Transportation will be furnished. Men required to serve two years in foreign services. Men will also be accepted for* aviation and other technical branches of the services. For further information call or write, The U. S. Army Recruiting Officer at the Post Office Bldg., Rockford. 111. »»»»»»»•••»•»»»•»•»»•r'» »»»•»•>•» •»»•••»»»»»»»»»»»»» eet »•»•»»»•»»»»»•»»»»•»• »»»e»ee»M|Hn »•»»•»»»»»•»•••»•• Classified Column FOR SALS GOOD CAR BARGAINS FOR SALE---Strawberry plants, asparagus roots, current bushes, evergreens, grape vines, and plum trees. ,ft0r w;i, Tr • IX Frank Westerman, Phone 232-R, ly '^rM; haT b«ll«J tirrP™; Woodstock, 111., Rt. 2. • 43-3' car shows practically no wear and is F0R SALE--Firewood, $1.00 per load. a real bargain. Hunter Boat Co. Phone 7. 45-tf Dodge % Screen Truck; new tires; the original finish looks excellent. FOR RENT--Modern 4-room flat, on Don't wait, as we have had many Riverside Drive. Jos. J. Miller. 45-tf calls for trucks of this type. Would - -- - make excellent milk truck. Price is FOR SALE--3-room sectional cottage $300. Can be seen at Pouliots Boat Works, 1923 Ford Coupe; new tires; just east of river. See P. W .Frett, West overhauled; excellent bargain; lot of McHenry. 44-tf. se7™~ £°r .s.malJ inrStin«no FOR SALE--Guaranteed new Kohler 1927 Pontiac Landeau Sedan; com- Power and Lifting Plant. This plant pletely equipped and can be bought m ^ care of all lighting and very cheap, Late model Balloon tire Ford Coupe; nearly new tires; looks good and is good mechanically and very reasonably priced. power for any farm. Regular price $600; will sell for $400. W. L. Howell & Co., McHenry. 38-tf COOPER'S SAPONIFIED CRESOL-- 1924 Ford Roadster; slip-on body; For disinfecting barns after TB testreal good tires and an excellent buy at $115. Studebaker, 1922, Special Six Touring, with California top; looks good and runs better. JAMES MORROW & SON, Phone 186 ing, Sold by Dr. J. B. Wheeler, West McHenry. 38-tf FOR RENT BUILD WITH GOOD USED CAR BUYS 1924 Buick, 4-pass. Coupe, $700. 1923 Buick, 5-pass. Sedan, $600. 1921 Buick, 4-pass. Coupe, $800. 1923 4-cyl. Buick Touring, $100. FOR RENT--Thirty acres of ° plow West McHenry, HI. jan(j adjoining McHenry. .Inquire of Ben Stilling & Son. 48-tf AND SAVE MONEY Manufactured t>y Frett Bros. & Freund MASON CONTRACTORS West McHenry, I1L Telephone 600-M-l or 86-R FOR RENT--Six-room flat, with basement garage below, storage for 12 cars and place for running garage and ™ , doing repair work; centrally located. 1926 Chandler, 2-pass. Coupe, $55« falter Watts, Solon Mills, 111. 48-2 1926 Oakland Sedan, $750. Ford Touring, $50. 1924 Ford Coupe $225. OVERTON & COWEN Plfone 6. West McHenry FOR RENT--5-room furnished house With gas and electric lights. Inquire of Mrs. Jack Nicholls on River Road. 47-4 FOR RENT--Four-room flat on Green street, Centerville. Inquire of W. Ml Hteimer. Phone 90-W. 47-tf BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE Cost $3,000 four months ago. Will take $550 for £11 or will separate. Beautiful furniture of 4-room apart- FOR RENT--Two furnished rooms, ment. 3 pc. silk mohair parlor suite, light housekeeping. Phone 143-M. hand carved frame; 8 pc. walnut din- 47 ing room set; 2 9x12 Wilton rugs; 4 pc. walnut bedroom set, complete FOR RENT--Store location in Centerwith spring and matress; library ville business district. Electric light, table; 5 pc. breakfast set; floor gas, water, etc. Inquire of Roy Kent, lamps; chest_Qf silverware. Must be 38-tf i seen to be appreciated. Will arrange Ifor delivery. 832 Leland Ave., near I Sheridan Rd., Chicago, HI., phone Sunnyside 6190. 45-6* McHenry. Phone 8. FLAT FOR RENT--Inquire Popp, West McHenry. of B. 37-tf POTATOES FOR SALE--Peter May. one-quarter mile south of Solon Mills) 111. 47-3* WANTED FOR SALE--Wax flowers of all kinds. Special for Mothers* Day Plants and cut flowers in pots or boxes. Will take orders. Mrs. Wm. Gieser. Solon Mills, 111. 47-2 FOR SALE--A new Whippet coach. Price very reasonable. Mrs. Martin Young. McHenry, 111., Route 3. 48-2* WANTED--Farmers 25 to 40; married; references required; opportunity to learn business; $100 to start. Write giving experience to Mr. Shepheard, 223 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 47-2 WANTED--Farms of all sizes and descriptions for cash or exchange for income property. We specialize in quick deals. Kent & Company, McHenry. 38-tf POTATOES FOR SALE--Both early and late varieties. Tony J. Miller, McHenry. 48-tf MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--Quantity of Murdock Seed Corn. Joe Blake, Route 3, McHenry. Phone 636-M-l. 48-3 RESULTS! Kent & Company Can sell that house! Can rent that flat! Can find a buyer for that land! 18-tf Standardization in Service THE manufacturing of equipment for the Bell System was one of the earliestf^and is now among the outstanding examples of the standardization and quantity production which are distinctive characteristics of American industry. Quantity production for the nation-wide Bell System makes it possible to put into every item of telephone equipment better material and better workmanship, at a lower cost to the telephone user, than could otherwise be done. But the dominant advantage of uniform manufacturing, under standard specifications, lies in the improvement of the service. Every transmitter in the System is designed to Work in harmony with every receiver all over the land and to co-ordinate with all the complicated 3uipment and lines behind. All can function at full iciency for they are designed and manufactured fc* ~ that purpose. Standardization,not only of equipment but of operating methods, is the only basis upon which it would be possible adequately to meet America's need of a nation-wide, universal telephone service. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY •ELL SYSTEM OrtC Policy « One SyMtm . Untoenal Service Phone 161 •j>fl 'tfj •I'.n'i 1r1'.-. >i GEE a class by itself the pigment test tells you the house paint to use .. SEEING i» believing! We were undecided ounclvei about what *"«^r good ,, paint until we saw the pigment test. Look at the black panel below! Note that of the six pigments used in house paint only white lead and white zinc--the pigments used in Devot Lead and Zinc Paint--form opaque white filw that completely cover and hide die surface* The others a& form translucent That's why Devoe coven better* 1--Ht ^ gives greater protection. AWNING FOR SALE -- Size » ft. 6 in. by 10 ft. 2 in.; good condition. W. F. Vogt West MicHenry, Tel. 37. 48-tf Window envelopes and Statements save a great deal of labor and mistakes. Ask about them at the Plaindealer office. WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY As Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In By Our Friends JOHN F. BRDA McHenry, d tyacticalTe&_ cProve Devoe Quality 2 orvoi. ' \N I) / 'V f'AIN 1 Mrs. F. E. Cobb was a Waukegan visitor Monday. Mrs. Frank Schreiner was an Elgin visitor Saturday. Mrs. Henry Foss was a Chicago visitor Saturday. Mir. and Mrs. Walter Walsh visited at Genoa on Friday. E. L. Martin of Woodstock was a MicHenry caller Tuesdiy. John Rakow visited home folks at Dundee Saturday evening^ Mir. and/ Mrs. Jack Worth were Waukegan visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Kilday were Waukegan visitors Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wflsh visited relatives at Crystal Lake Sunday. Mf| and Mrs. Charles Frett, Jr., of Aurora visited relatives here Sunday. Kenneth Howe of Fort Sheridan visited his mother, Mrs. Hattie Howe, Sunday. Mrs. Mary Carey of Elgin spent several days this week with her sister Mrs. P. J.'Cleary. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Knox and little daughter of Sycamore visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Compton of Woodstock were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Purvey. Mirs. P. J. Schaefer and daughter* Evelyn, spent a few days the first of the week with friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Granger of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage at Hickory Grange on Fox River. Mr. and Mrs. Louis AJthoff and family visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Battern at Woodstock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roebrt Sutton and children of Chicago spent Sunday in the, home of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frett and daughter, Margaret and son, Frances of Aurora vistied relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander are visiting in the home of Mrs. Martha Page and will make this city their home for the Bummer. Mr. and Mrs. John Reihansperger of West Chicago spent Tuesday in the home of their son, Charles Reihansperger and family. , Glen Robertson, a graduate of the University of Oregon, where he has finished a course in landscape gardening and tree surgery, is making this city this headquarters while at work at the Henry Saal home at Pisatkee Bpqr. .. • •. Mrs. Mary Simon visited at Woodstock Sunday. Miss Pearl Claxton was a Chicago visitor Saturday. Mrs. Jacob F. Justen was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Miss Ethel Jones was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Miss Genevieve Knox spent Sunday and Monday at W)aukegan. Miss Clara Schiessle was a Chicago visitor one day last week. M!r. and Mrs. L. F. Newman were Woodstock visitors Sunday. John Sutton of Chicago visited relatives and friends here Sunday. Mir. and Mrs. Ray Conway were Waukegan visitors Saturday. Miss Evelyn Smith spent the weekend with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund spent Saturday evening at WJaukegan. Richard B. Walsh of Chicago was the guest of his parents Saturday. Mrs. Mayme Harrison and daugh ter, Arleen, visited at Elgin Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rothermel visited at Waukegan Saturday eventing. Mrs. Ben Brown of DesPlaines was a guest in the A. L. Purvey home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Plum of Chicago were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Purvey. John Keg visited his wife at the Victory Memorial hosiptal at Waukegan Mionday. Mk*s. E. J. Mansfield of Woodstock was a guest(^6f\her sister, Mrs. E. E. Bassett, Monday. Mr. and\ Mlrt. P. J. Schaefer and daughter, Evelyn, visited at Chicago Thursday evening. Mrs. Roy iSmjth entertained her sisters from Chicago on Thursday and Friday of last week.1 Arthur Peterson of Round Lake visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eddy. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hallowell and children of Chicago were Sunday visitors at Hickory Grange. Mrs. Webster of Chicago spent the last of the week in the home of her brother, Theodore Winkle. Mrs. William Marshall and Mrs. Roy Smith visited Mrs. John Keg at the hospital at Waukegan Monday. John Schreiner and Miss Edith Williams of Elgin visietd in the home of Mir. and Mrs. A. Krause Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kelleher and daughter of Elmhurst visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bother mel Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Muckler of Elmhurst were Sunday guests in the guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Bonslett. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh were en-. tertained in ikm> hotin of their sen, Richard B. Walsh, and family atl Evanaton over the week-end. Ifr. and Mrs. Frank Weingsurt, Mr. and Mrs. John box, Mr. and Mrs. Mat Laures and Mr. and Mrs P. J Schaefer visited Mr. and Mrs. Edgar at Crystal Lake Snaday. t Mrs. Anna Barron spent Saturday at Elgin. Ray Page waa * Woo&atock caller Saturday. Mrs. Henry Foss was an Elgin vsitor Friday. C. N. Owen of Chicago spent Sonday in McHenry. Philip Welch of Chicago visited friends here Sunday. Mrs. Clarence Martin visited at Woodstock, Saturday. Charles Carlson of Chicago was a McHenry visitor Sunday. Mrs. Fred Kamholz and family visited in Elgin Saturday. Mrs. J. E. Freund was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. Lillian Cox spent a few days the first of the week in Chicago. Misses Pauline and Adele Pufahl were Chicago visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Michels were. Waukegan vistors Saturday evening. Mlrs. William Bacon and daugher Hazel, were Elgin visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey of Ringwood called on relatives here Saturday.'^ Mrs. W. J. Wlelch and daughter, Helen, were Woodstock visitors Saturday. Miss Dorothy Pee£ 61 Ringwood was a week-end guest of Miss Laura Michels. Mrs. Christina Going is spending the week with her daughter in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander of Chicago were Sunday guests of McHenry friends. Miss Ethel Jones spent a few days last week in the home of her brother, Vaughn Jones, at Chicago. Mrs. Ray Brown and son, Wayne, of DesPlaines wete entertained in the A. Purvey home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Drawheim and family of Chicago spent the week-end at their cottage on Fox River. Miss Maud Granger of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of her sister, Mrs. Robert Thompson. Mr. and lvfrs. George Jones of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Purvey. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robinson of Woodstock visited in the William J. Welch home one evening recently. Harry Morris of Chicago commenced his duties at the McHenry Country club on Sunday, May 1. C. W. Goodell visited hig wife, who is a patient at the' John B. Murphy hospital, in Chicago, the first of the week. Mrs. E. W. Mills of Carpentersville and her daughter, Mrs. Myron Fisher, of Chicago visited relatives here on Sunday. Mrs. E. F. Kelter has returned home from Wauconda, where she has spent the past few weeks in the Vincent Martin home. Mrs. C. L. Newman and children of Chicago spent several days last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman. Mrs. Philip Peterson and daughters, Ruby and Martha, of Marengo were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Eddy. Mr. and Mrs. William Conley of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Barbain. Mrs. Charles Lamphere and daughter, Amy, and son, Donald, of Elgin motored to McHenry, Sunday where they visited relatives. Henry Heimef attended a dinner at the Nelson Hotel, Rockford, last Sunday, at which time employees of the Atlantic & Pacific Tea Stores in two districts were present. Among those who attended the funeral services for A. S. Parks on Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stevens of Kenosha, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Hal Stevens of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce of Woodstock. Crimson Hwt ™ *** OUter* mar (Wa tobtti a* NMitati tout tkM is CRIMSON HEAT A llnbfofMM, A1I111 aw#e»rewn Tha Hilt AM For •Ms Is Cfcsf , MitWs, Feet. mm*--1, impnra wld necwrity--keep t upon |«tna( the r. Lode for trade- Use It whereTerpafai. Inflammation, cygaattoo or itching azista. A houeehold i " It on hand always. Insist i genuine CRIMSON HEAT. mark on package. In handy tubea, 60c V<mr druggist will get it for you. Or if you prefer we will Mod it poatpaid upon receipt of price. THE AUPEN CO.. 1127 Pine St.. St. Louis, Me THOMAS P. BOLGER "The McHenry Druggist" Miss Clara Barbian is spending the week in the home of her sister, Mrs. Glen Shales, at DesPlaines. Miss Lucy Riemann of Milwaukee spent Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Henry Degen. Sam Hirsehman was a Chicago vist- v a toriSunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Kneny of Kenn* sha spent Sunday at the home of th# t latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hemjr, . Degen. A, Depend on Us for GOOD GROCERIES We deal with reliable houses only and every can of Corn, Peas, Tomatoes, Fruit, Soup, in fact anything we sell must be worth the mon«y or we pay you back. Phone 179 McHenry, 111. Brides Are Always Happiest when they purchase their furniture of Leath's. It's nch good looking fumltorti, no well made,--prices are lower and thea toe, Leath's terms are always favorable their home outfits. A LKATH STORE IS NKAI TOU ELGIN 70 Grove At* ROCKFORD SOt W. Statfe AURORA.... <1 Island Av£ DUBUQUE «7« BUto S& FREEPORT i W. Mali WATERLOO >00 Lafayette BELOIT, 4*5 E. Gran* •IOLIET. 215 Jeffersoe JANKSVILLJt 202 Mihrank. EAU CLiAIRI. Meat iraw eoaplee eome km for OSHKOSH. "EORIA . . DECATUR VIADISON 1REEN BAT... .4M S. Barrto#- ...11 Mahi S%, .825 S. Adamf ,.4SZ N. Watef., .117 Stat* Si 4OS W. Wain FOND DU LAC..50-62 N. Main SC MORRIS. .. 112 W. Washington St. HOOPESTON.. . 219 E Main St APPLETON .. 1M-IDS College Ave. A. LEATH & COMPANY Eat and Drink Here you can get a tasty lunch or a refreshing drink from our fountain. If anyone asks you, where \o go just say. KARLS & Mother's Sunday, May 8 Mother will be looking for a remembrance from her children on Mothers' Bay. * What could be sweeter than a nice box of candy? We have them for your i^pectio^We also have Mothers' day postcard*^ . .VTEN DOLLARS For Tour Old S AN0» Any Style or Make This offer good for only a few days more dm&|§joiir ANNUAL SPRING SALE oi ROPER AND ELGIN RANGES SPECIAL PRICKS . SPECIAL ffiSMS •SBWestern United Gas and Electric Co. JUL, ' ' ^ ^ A-:!::.