Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 May 1927, p. 7

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/ C-iH" THZ HsBDOtT PLAIXDBAXJSK, THURSDAY, HAT 5, 192? WmtoB M. CamU. MUk^T . 8t*te of Illinois * - McHenry County as. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, May Term, A. D. 1927. John Newhall, Complainant. *m TB. the unknown heirs or nkaowb devisees of Henry Miller, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of John S. Dole, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of B. S. Morris, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of John G. Roth, deceased, Clark Gale, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Lysander B. Baldwin alias L. B. Baldwin, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisee^ of Frances B. Baldwin alias F. B. Baldwin, deceased, Clara B. Owen, Rug Cleaning ORIENTAL AND DOMESTIC 9x12 Domestic--$3.50 •> * " fesj -v J 1 *; • Called for and Delivered ' Crystal Lake Tailors J}- " Lodts & Lodts Phone Crystal Lake 127-J and Reverse Chaises REASON 6NOUBH - • : When we ae!l a man a uaed car we are naturally hoping that some day he will come back and buy a new car. Henesty aairfr, that alone seems reason enough for selling him a GOOD Used dtff . a fair price. V. ' JAMES MORROW & SON ' * . „ ? Waukegan and West McHenry V A USeD CAR IS ONty AS OePeNDABlA AS THE* D&AteR WHO SErLLS IT better chicks Give your baby chicks a chance to grow Into the finest early market birds, or egg producers, you] have ever had. Feed them a scientific ration^ ffUL-A-PED _ • A chick vsmriER m This Is the famous feed that contains Cod Liver] Oil and Cod Liver Meal added to a wonderful group of ingredients, including pure oatmealj This feed helps prevent chick ailments and disease and gives the tiny birds a real start. Made by The Qyake&Oftte Grnpany s s CHICAGO, U.S»A. ' • Sold by McHENRY COUNTY fARMERS' CO-OP. A88N. BUY QUAKER FEEDS Raymond H. Owen, Mary Waite, Belle Hoy, Clarence R. Brown, Paul D. Brown, Ben Smith, Leonard 8lnith, Simon Smith, Mary Coleman, Peter Smith, Lizzie Smith and John Smith, and the unknown owner or owners of and the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of any deceased person who may have been interested in or to the following described premises, to-wit: The South half (Vfe) of the East half (Ms) of lot numebr two (2) of the North Bast quarter (%) of Section num- J ber six (6); the South half (%) of the West half (%) of lot number two (2) of the North West quarter (%) of Section number five (5) in Township number forty-four (44) North, of Range number nine (9) East of the Third Principal Meridian, otherwise described as the 8outh half (%) of the North West quarter (^4) of the North West quarter (%) of Section five (5) and the South half (%) of the North East quarter (%) of the North East quarter (14) of Section Number six (6) Township and Range as aforesaid and containing in all forty (40) acres of land, more or less, situate lying and being in the County of McHenry in the State of Illinois, Defendants. In Chancery--Bill to Quiet Title. Notice "is hereby given that the above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 23rd day of May, A. D. 1927. In testimony whereof I have here unto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock this 19th 4ajr of April A. D. 1927. 46-4 (Circuit Court Seal) CHAS. F. HAYES, Clerk names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said County retumable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 23rd day of May, A. D. 1927. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock this 19th day 't&'" April A. D. 1927. 46-4 (Circuit Court Seal) • *; CHAS. P. HAYES, Clerk VOLO ^iscalling- •uyaBuickwoa; Glorious spring days, marvelous spring nights, are calling you. Make them yield die greatest measure of enjoyment-~~drrve a Buick. Soar over die crest of a hill, flash tlwW. das countryside, Buck's Six-Cylinder, Valve-«i- Head engine delivers a smooth, even flow of power--rtbratkmleu beyomd beOef m mj point on the speedometer. Boy a Buick, for style and comfort, for finer jMtformance, for sterling and Overton & Cowen Buick Dealers William M. Carroll, Solicitor. State of Illinois McHenry County $s. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, May Term, A. D. 1927. Katharina Schneider, Complainant, vs. the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Samuel S. Greenleaf alias Sam'l S. Greenleaf, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Alonzo F. Chamberlain, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Malinda Chamberlain, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Alexander H. Nixon, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Fannie A. Nixon, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Archolaus Sias, Jr., deceased, and the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Martha J. Sias, deceased, and the unknown owner or unknown owners of and the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of any deceased person who may have been interested in and to the following described premises, to-wit: Lots Number one (1) and Number Four (4) in block number Nineteen (19) of the Original Plat of the Town (now city) of McHenry on the West ride of Fox River, according to the Plat thereof recorded in the Recorder's office of McHenry County, Illinois, in book B of deeds on page 160, (excepting and reserving therefrom the Southwesterly forty (40) feet of said lot number four (4) as conveyed by Alonzo F. Chamberlain and wife to Spencer Baker, by Warranty Deed dated April 23rd, A. D. 1847, and recorded in said Recorder's office in book 1 of Deeds on page 228). Said above described premises being located in and being s part of the South East quarter (%) of Section number Twenty-six (26) in Township Number forty-five (45) North of Range number eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, and situate, lying and being in the City of McHenry in the County of McHenry, in the State of Illinois, Defendants. In Chancery--Bill to Quiet Title. Notice is hereby given that the above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that pi*>cess for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock. County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 23rd day of May, A. D. 1927. In testimony whereof I have 'hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal ®f said Court, at my office in Woodstock this 19th day of April A. D. 1927. 46-4 (Circuit Court Seal) CHAS. F. HAYES, Clerk HONOR ROLL FOR APRIL Grade 1--Ruth Bouril, Mary Lenore Kent, Louise Stilling, Ardelle Voeltx, Adalia Wosnuk, Frank Johnson, David Kamholz, Arlyn Truner. Grade 2--Evora Carlson, Lawrence Huck, William Kinsala, Janice Klontz, James McAndrews, Curtis Newman, Rosa Popp, Miriam Sayler. Grade 3--Kathryn Donavin, Adele Froehlich, Ruth Reihansperger, Virginia Wosnuk. Grade 4--Evelyn Karls, Richard Vyeital, Robert Vogt. Grade 5--Guy Duker, Hazel Howard, Beatrice Weber. Grade 6--Virginia Englen, Ernestine Freund, Marguerite Johnson, Gladys Wjarrington. Grade 7--Arleen Bacon, Mirian Kinsala, Jaunita Keg, Robert Peterson, Jack Purvey, Ruth Phalin, Eugene Sayler, Stanley Schaeffer, Dorothy Wormley. Grade 8--Elvera Antholz, Dorothy Fisher, Lowell Nye, Agnes McCabe. JOHNSBUR® I®", and Mrs. William Pros! and family spent Sunday here. There was a large attendance at the funeral-of Jacob and Theo Worts here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ha in and Ruth and Mr. and Mrs. Forest of Chicago spent Saturday evening at the Joseph Lenzen home. John Wagner, Sr., drove Mr. and Mrs. Casler to McHenry Monday. William Hanson returned to Chicago after spending a week with his sistier, Mrs. Peter Stadtfield, here. Capt. William Rossdeutscher returned to his duties at Joliet, after a three weeks' visit with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Rossdeutscher. Mr. and MTS. Peter Stadtfield attended a bankers' banquet at Antioch at the Palace Wednesday night. Joseph Lenzen and John Wagner attended a banquet at the Palmer House, Chicago, and were among the honor guests. Joe Wegener of DesPlaines is home at his mother's. John Lenzen is up and around after being sick for two we^ks. Men's shirts with attached collars. Wide range in sizes and patterns for $1.00. Erickson Dept. Store. - William M. Carroll, Solicit*. State of Illinois McHenry County ss. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, May Term, A. D. 1927. Mary F. Schmitt, Complainant, vs. tfce unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Mathew Geerhart, deceased, Lambert S. Reynolds, Edw* rd D. Reynolds, Augustus R. Gray, Dewitt Clinton Gray, Alice Gray, Charlotte Condit, Wallace Condit, Henry Condit, Ella Hoes and Edward Hoes, and the unknown owner or unknown owners of and the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of any deceased person who may have been interested in and to the following described premises, to-wit: Lot number forty-three (43) according to the Assessor's Plat of Johnsburg, as recorded in the Recorder's office of McHenry County Illinois, in book 43 of Deeds, on page 300, said Lot being located in and being a part of the North West quarter (%) of the South West quarter (^4) of Section number Thirteen (13), in Township number forty-five (46) North, of Range number eight (8), East of the Third Principal Meridian, and situate lying and being in the County of McHenry in the State of Illinois, Dcfcudiuit& In Chancery--Bill to Quiet Title. Notice is hereby given that the above Is tb»4ft3e of the Court and the Mrs. S. H. Smith visited with Mrs. Frank Kempfer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Oeffling visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Oeffling one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oeffling and son, Loyde, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Michels, Jr., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Michels Sunday. Miss Mary Schmitt of Aurora was visiting with her parents, Mr. and M!rs. Steven Schmitt, last week. M)sr. Elmerl Schroe<ter, • daughter, Bernice, and son. Walter, Miss Frances Pitzen and Joe Pitzen of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schaefer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoffel, Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and family of Volo, Mrs. Elmer Schroeder and children of Chicago and Mrs. Ben Schaefer visited with Mjr. and Mrs. John Pitzen Sunday evening. Misses Kate and Frances Pitzen, Elmer Schroeder and sons, Edwin and Ralph, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schaefer Tuesday afternoon. George Obenauf and Rose Pitzen of Libertyville were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schaefer, Helen and Anna were McHenry Arilers on Tuesday. The wedded couple, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pitzen, were congratulated by many of their relatives and friends Wednesday and about three hundred people attended the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hetterjnann, Henry Hettermann, Misses Martha Miller, Dorothy Baur and Agnes Hettermann motored to Janesville, Wis., .Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe King and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Steve King on Sunday. The Johnsburg Dramatic club will sponsor a play, "Poor Father," Friday evening, May 6 in Richmond. Misses Marie Miller and Martha Hettermann were guests in the home of Miss Helen Schaefer Tuesday evening. Mrs. Henry Nell visited with Mrs. Joe Schaefer Monday afternoon. Mrs. Scharlon and daughter, Florence of Chicago visited in their summer home a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Thelen visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thelen on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitt and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmitt visited with Mrs. Mary Schmitt Sunday. Frank Kempfer visited with his parents, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Adams and children were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Nick Pitzen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Freund and family and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hettermann and family, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. Freund Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary Sunday at which all their children and grandchildren were present. Elizabeth Kempfer was a McHenry caller Tuesday. May party and dance at Stofel's hall, Saturday evening, May 14, given by the Royal Neighbors. Come. TERRA OOTTA Miss Jennie Hogan of Elgin spent Sunday with Mrs. B. J. Shine. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Wheaton. Mr. and Mrs. Knox called on relatives in Woodstock Thursday. Vernon J. Knox was the guest of Neil Doherty in Chicago from Friday until Sunday. Thomas Bernston of Elgin visited at the home of B. J. Shine, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan and daughter Eleanor and Miss Marion Shales attended the funeral of Mark Hoffman at Bassetts, Wis., Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burke of McHenry visited at the home of M. Knox Sunday. Henry Shales of Crystal Lake visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Esther Wagner of Crystal Lake spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Vera McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Knox and daughter of Sycamore called on relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hawley of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. J. $hfne. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carey of McHenry were callers in this vicinity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan and family attended a funeral of a relative in Bassetts, Wis., Tuesday. Just received a new shipment of all silk figured crepes, Erickson Dept. :m-£% Try a Classified Ai for Qmck Resalt* DRUCE & SHELDON Phone 100 Grayslake, HL HART-PARR TRACTORS, E-B PLOWS and DISCS, WOOD BROS. THRESHERS, U. S. HUSKERS GRAIN ELEVATORS AND DRIVE BELTS •m n x Cars Leads the World in Motor Car Vahtt There hi DIRECTftnt» feed oil line to each all of the 7 Hearings and to tfce cylinder walla to guar* aiktee positive lubrication. tit crankshaft takes longer to build--costs more It takes longer to build a 7-bearing motor than it does to build one with only 3 or 4 main bearings. There are at least 3 more bearings to heme and polish. (Nash has considerably more bearing surface than other six«cylinder motors in the Nash price field with ^-bearing crankshafts.) There are at least 3 more bearings to align. And there are at least 3 more bearings to check for proper clearances. But the Nash 7-bearing crankshaft eliminates the "whip" which loosens bearings and piles up expensive shopwork on motors with fewer crankshaft bearings. Obviously, it costs more in time and money to build the Nash 7'bearing crankshaflL Why then does Nash build it, when otho8> manufacturers still use engines with fewdr bearings? * The answer is that Nash owners ha»» come to expect Nash to be definitely bettor than any other car they could buy at ths * Nash price. And 7 bearings alone produce snperlxin power-smoothness and power-tfuietness. Before you select your new motor caijr drive a Nash and see how smooth it is at high speeds, how powerful and effortless its pick-up at every speed. 5 j £ The Noah Price Range on 26 Different Models Extends from $865to$2090/. J George A/Stilling Garage V§T -v.* Phone 2$ tXYftX H0VRS OF E McHenrj^ lUlooii A C A R E EVERY NASH* i"? f. 4*- *||. " 1 aT' "until another car of Oakland's price has all these features, Oakland value is supreme'9 Fisher Body with One-piece W Windshield New Colors in Enduring Duco Advanced 6<cylinder L-Head Engine Harmonic Balancer 4-Wheel Brakes Rubber-Silenced Chassis Air-Cleaner Full Pressure Oiling " ' Oil Filter Interchangeable Bronse* backed Bearings Honed Cylinders Diamond-bored Piston Pin Bushings Automatic Spark Control Unit Instrument Panel Tilting-beam Headlights with Foot Control Large Balloon Tires . Balanced rotating paftsfruui crankshaft to rear axle You may have sensed that the Greater Oakland Six offers certain things not found in other cars. The briefest study of the cars in Oakland's field reveals that "until another car of Oakland's price has all these features, Oakland value is supreme." ... Yet Oakland value is based not merely on these features--but on these features, f>lus super-precision in construction, which makes the Greater Oakland Six the best-built car of its price in the world* S E D A N A ' i %i 1095 Oakland Six, $1025 ro $ 1295. The Nets aw . Pnntiae Six, $775 to $975. A11 prices at factor<k Delivered prices include minimum handUnmcharwa, Eaey to pay on the liberal General Motors Ttan« Payment Plan. CONWAY MOTOR SALES McHenry, Illinois %e Greater OAKLAND SIX nooucr ofaSraBUL uovom * « winning and holding good wol ^ . $' il ^ & SiSs

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