Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 May 1927, p. 3

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THE McHENRY PLAHTOE ALER, THURSDAY, 18,1927 Wflltan M. Carroll, Aalidfc*. State of Illinois McHenry Cotmty ss. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, May Term, A. D. 1927. -John Newhall, Complainant. TB. the unknown heirs or unknown • devisees of Henry Miller, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown de- ,'visees of John S. Dole, deceased, " the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of B. S. Morris, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees - of John Q. Roth, deceased, Clark Gale, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Xiysander B. Baldwin alias X. -B. Baldwin, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Frances B. Baldwin alias F. B. Baldwin, deceased, Clara B. Owen, Raymond H. Owen, Mary Waite, -Belle Hoy, Clarence R. Brown, Paul D. Brown, Ben Smith, Leonard Smith, Simon Smith, Mary Coleman, Peter Smith, Lizzie Smith and John Smith, and the unknown owner or owners of and the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of any deceased person who may have been interested in or to the following described premises, to-wit: The South half (%) of the East half (%) of lot numebr two (2) of the North East quarter (*4) of Section num- Rag Cleaning ORIENTAL AND DOMESTIC 9x12 Domestic--$3.50 Called for and Delivered. Crystal Lake Tailor® Lodtz & Lodts Phone Crystal Lake 127-J and Reverse Charges / A WIDE- CHOICESelling as many -new Dodge Brothers Cars as we do, it is only natural that we should be offered a wide selection of used cars in trade. We take the best of these--and put "them in such good condition that th§y cannot help-hut reflect ^fiwoiably -pp yppo latuM^' JAMES MORROW & SON • Waukegan and West McHenry A useo CAR |£ ONLY AS XJE-PE-NDABLG AS TH£ OErAUeR WHO 5&LLS IT ber six (6); the South half (%) of the West half (%) of lot number two (2) of the North West quarter (Vk) of Section number five (5) in Township number forty-four (44) North, of Range number nine (9) East of the Third Principal Meridian, otherwise described as the South half (%) of the North West quarter (*4) of the North West quarter (%) of Section five (5) and the South half (%) of the North East quarter (%) of the North East quarter (%) of Section Number six (6) Township and Range as aforesaid and containing in all forty (40) acres of land, more or less, situate lying and being in the County of McHenry in the State of Illinois, Defendants. In Chancery--Bill to Quiet Title. Notice is thereby given that the above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that. ter( were Wednesday evening callers process for said defendants has been,Rinirwood issued to the Sheriff of said County re- Don't Forget to "Call Up" ^RESENT**# A levels are much higher than those of ten years ago, so that each additional telephone installed now increases the average investment per tele-" phone. To maintain the service the company 's revenues must_ keep pace with this, condition. <§> It business takes you out of town, even for a short trip, (Jo not let the day pass without calling your home by. long distance telephone. To hear your voice will bring joy and happiness to those you love and your own pleasure in hearing the voice from home will many times offset the small cost of the call. Rates for station-to-station long distance calls made after 7 p. m. are about 25 per cent lower than the day station-to-station rates, and from8:30p. m. to4:30a.m. the cost is approximately 50 per cent of the day rates. Minimum reduced rate is 35 cents. Charges on station-to-station calls may be reversed the same as on peraon-to-person calls. End the day right with a chat jvrith the home folks. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Policy • One System . Universal Service UHGWOOD Miss Frances Helm* and. Mrs. H. E. Kelley and daughter, Bettie Lou, spent Tuesday afternoon at McHenry. Mfcs. William Justen and sister spent Wednesday in Chicago. Little Mary Jenks, who has been visiting her grandparents, has returned to Libertyville. Mrs. S. W\ iJBrown was a Wednesday afternoon caller in McHenry. Mrs. James Conway spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Thomas Doherty and Mrs. George Adams. Little Warren Jones of McHenry spent Tuesday with his grandmother, Mrs. Rillah Foss. Mrs. Steve Engels and daughter, Viola, were Ringwood callers on Wednesday. Mrs. Robprt Antcliff of Genoa City spent Tuesday in Ringwodd. Rev. Paul Weber, wife and daughdaughter, Jessie, spent Saturday evening in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepherd attended the funeral of their aunt in MicHenry on Thursday. * Miss Laura Harrison of Evans ton spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison. C. H. Stephensen who underwent very serious operation at the Woodstock hospital on Sunday, is improving. Matt Welter and daughter, Frances, and son, Roy, spent Sunday afternoon at Pistakee Bay. May party and dance gtven by the Royal Neighbors at Stoffel's hall this Saturday night. May 14. Come. 49 Every housewife likes something new in her home when she housecleans. Our store has bargains in every department. Erickson' Dept. Store. turnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State, of Illinois, on Monday, the 23rd day of May, A. D. 1927. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affiled the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock this 19th. diy of April A. D. 1927. ? 46-4 (Circuit Court Seal) •*. - CHAS. F. HAYES, Clerk Wttltem M. Carroll, Solicitor. State of Illinois McHenry County ss.$ In the Circuit Court of McHenry bounty, State of Illinois, May Term, A. D. 1927. Katharina Schneider, Complainant. vs. the unknown 'heirs or unknown devisees of Samuel S. Greenleaf alias Sam'l S. Greenleaf, deceased, i the unknown heirs or unknown tlevisees of Alonzo F. Chamberlain, deceased, the unknown heirs or un- ~ known devisees of Malinda Chamberlain, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Alexander H. Nixon, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Fannie A. Nixon, deceased, the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Archolaus Sias, Jr., deceased, and the unknown heirs or«unknown devisees of Martha J. Sias, deceased, and the unknown owner or unknown owners of and the unknown heirs Viola Rager is numbered among the sick this week and not able to attend school. Mrs. Frank Hitchens is spending d few days with her sisterv Mrs. Herbert Farnum at Canon Rock. Mrs. Ray Peters is visiting relatives in and around. Belvidere for a few days. •„ • Mrs. Katie Welter spent Thursday at Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Ge*6rge Bacon of Antioch spent Thursday evening \frith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon. Mrs. Fannie Carr cf Spring Grove is visiting her niece, Mrs. C. H Stephenson for a few days. Mrs. Jack McLaughlin and daugh ter, Julia, Misses Cora Beth and Nelli.e McDonald spent Friday Afternoon at McHenry. Julian Butler of Chicago spent Friday in Ringwood. Mrs. Floyd Howe went to Chicago '.n Thursday Mr. and Mrs. James La.ld and Mfe-s Agnes Bigeljw, spent Thursday with relatives at Williams Bay. Ser\ices at the NM. E. chuirh will be held each Sunday morning begin nin<? May 1, throughout tiie summer 9:30 a. i. Mrs. Chaur.cey Jepson, visited fr,im Friday until Sunday wit'i her parents ir. Klgin, Mr. Huson acompanied hor home and h visiting *ieve for a few t^ays. "\ M«\ and Mrs. Leonard Franzqn and . , family of Rinrrwood spent Sunday with or unknown devisees of any de-; Mn. ByrQn 0rvis In the afternoon ceased person who may have been j the Franzcr. family and Mrs. Oivu ,0'^Hogging the Picture* Fmu'li lawyers hnist not pose wtth criminals, hereafter, for pictures. Did their clients Complain that the lawyers were taking more than their share? Going to be marriedt about printing invitations or nouncements. ^The Plaindealer. Try a Classified Ad for Qaick Results DRUCE & SHELDON Phone 100 Grayslake, I1L HART-PARR TRACTORS, E-B and JOHN DEERE PLOWS and DISCS, WOOD BROS, and J. I. CASE THRESHERS, U. S. HUSKERS, GRAIN ELEVATORS AND DRIVE BELTS Hudson and Essex Cars '71 •n Interested in and to the following described premises, to-wit: Lots •Number one (1) and Number Four (4) in block number Nineteen (19) Of the Original Plat of the Town (now city) of McHenry on the West tide of Fox River, according to the Plat thereof recorded in the Re- • corder's office of McHenry County, Illinois, in book B of deeds on page - 160. (excepting and reserving therefrom the Southwesterly forty (40) feet of said lot number four (4) as 1 conveyed by Alonzo F. Chamberlain motored t> Antioch Mr. and Mrs. Reed Carr and Mrs. Fanrie Carr were recent callers in the C. H. Car r home. Wayne F:ss of Greenwood way a Vreek-end guest of his mother, Mrs, RillnV Foss. Mr. and Mrs. James Conway, who have been visiting in Ringwood have returned to their home in Libertyville Miss Laura Welter spent the weekend with her parents at Hebron. See us Advanced Six Sedan $1425 Lead* the World in Motor Car Value tab. factory Tominen 1 yW IS trade in your car dMoatnfi is the rime to trade m Bnirk. Talk to your Bukk dealer. Let him adviK jam lKOTto^a£ur prkxcfoackiy fioryourcv lhe time to hm the plam o£ < beautiful new Baidc. Bukdt's Fkher Bodiw, i Duoo, and the «f dw frmooi VahM fibuuixmku beyomdbeBef. Way a \ Overton & Cowen Buick Dealers _ , . , JfFse Allen of Richmord „. and wife to Spencer Baker, by | Ringwood caller on Saturday morn- Warranty Deed dated tfpril 23rd, | ing Mito Nellie McDonald, who has been spending a few aays in Rinewood has resumed to her homa in Keystone. Mr and Mrs. Jack McLaughlin and ri.-Uitrhter, Julia, an-J William Beth and d.^df hter, Cora, spjnt the week-end with Mr. and 'Vfr !. Max Hell and family of Chicago. C. H. StepKeisoV is quite sick at tl.ic writing. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of t'h'cago spent the week-end in the E 0. Hawley home. Robert Thompson of Chicago spent the week-end with his children at the home of Ellen Hall Harry Hamilton spent Sunday afternoon with his parents at Richmond. William GiddingB spent the weekend with Hebron relatives, The members of the Jolly Sixteen Bunco club were entertained in the home of Mrs. Edgar Thomas. After several games bunco were played it was found that the first prize was won by Miss Adele Young, second by Mrs. William McCannon and the consolation went to Mrs. Ed Peet. Refreshments were served. The next meeting will be at the home of Miss Ag- es Thompson. Mr and Mrs. Leonard Carslon spent Wednesday in Greenwood. Mrs. Paul Meyers of McHenry srent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Ed Thompson. Mrs. Maude Deffebauplj and lady friends of Chicago spent Sunday evening with her sister, Mrs. Lewis Hawley Mr. and: .Mrs. Leroy Neal entertained Chicago relatives on Sunday. H. M. Stephensen was a caller at A. D. 1847. and recorded in said Recorder's office in book 1 of Deeds on page 228). Said above described premises being located in and being a part of the South East quarter (H) of Section number Twenty-si* (26) in Township Number forty-five (45) North of Range number eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, and situate, lying and be- >jng in the City of McHenry in,the County of McHenry, in the State of Illinois, Defendants. In Chancery--Bill to Quiet Title. Notice is hereby given that the above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in s&id Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 23rd day of May, A. D. 1927. / In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand arid affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock this 19th day of April A. D. 1927. 46-4 (Circuit Court Seal) .. CHAS. F. HAYES, Clerk William M. Carroll, Solicitor. State of Illinois McHenry County ss. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, May Term, A. D. 1927. Mary F. Schmitt, Complainant, vs. / the unknown heirs or unknown devisees of Mathew Geerhart, de-1 Ceased, Lanvbert S.&Reynolds, Ed- j the Woodstock hospital Tuesday af- .ward D. Reynolds, Augustus R.: ternoon Gray, Dewitt Clinton Gray. Alice M„ 's. W. Brr-wn spent Tuesday Gray, Charlotte Condit, Wallace 1 ^er mother. Mis. McDonald. Condit, Henry Condit, Ella Hoes Little Betty Lou Kelley who has •nd Edward Hoes, and the unknown | te(.n ,ick is imprcving. owner or unknown owners of and the unknown heirs or unknown de- - visees of any deceased person who may have been interested in and to the following described premises, to-wit: Lot number forty-three (43) according to the Assessor's Plat of Johnsburg, as recorded in the Recorder's office of McHenry County Illinois, in book 43 of Deeds, on page 800, said Lot being located in and being a part of the North West quarter (%) of the South West quarter (%) of Section number Thirteen (13), in Township number forty-five (46) North, of Range number eight (8), East of the Third Principal Meridian, and situate lying and being in the County of McHenry in the State of Illinois, Defendants. In Chancery--Bill to Quiet Title. Notice is hereby given that the above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock, County of MicHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 23rd day of May, A. D. 1927. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock this 19th dajr'of April A. D. 1927. *46-4 (Circuit Court Seal) C&AS. F. HAYES, Clci* Mr. and, Mrs. John Miller and family, and Mr. Joseph Young and family spent Sunday with friends in Hampshire. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bradley and daughter. Alyce, were Chicago shoppers on Wednesday. Leonard Carlson has been numbered among the sick for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Schroeder and daughter, Jessie, spent Sunday at Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Tonyan and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bacon spent Sunday afternoon at Woodstock. Miss Beulah Barthoff and Leu Karls spent Saturday evening in the Cha». Bacon home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buchert and daughter, Betty Jane, of Richmond snent Sunday evening In the C. D. Bacon home. Mr. and Mrs. Ab» Lawrence spent Sunday with Mr. ard Mrs. Frank Tonyan. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey, formerly of this village, but now of Deerfield, announce the arrival of a baby boy, born April 30. Mrs., Frey was formerly Miss Vera Beatty of Ringwood. MSrs. Karl Bradley and children epent Sunday in McHenry with her parents, Mir. and Mrs. Henry Heiner. Misses Laura and Mildred Jepson spjnt Saturday evening in WooJstock. Mr. and Kn. I«»i( Schroeder and r *1 C. W. NASH has never built a more popular model of Nash than this Advanced Six Sedan. You see it everywhere, and the reason is: it offers charming style, Nash performance --and luxurious comfort for five passengers . at a very moderate price. This Nash--every Nash--is in a value class all its own. The car is designed and" built with care high above the average, yet it is priced no higher than the average car. For exceptional power-smoothness and proper bearing support Nash hu 7 big bearings in the Nash six-cylinder'motor. j To provide extra chassis strength without excess weight, C. W. Nash tubular-trusses the frame. Nash tubular cross members actually furnish 5 times more resistance to road strain than plain cross members* Even the 4-wheel brakes in this popular Nash are of special Nash design--with Two-Way action for permanent, care-free efficiency* Come in and see this car. Let us show and explain to you its many other, equally important, features of extra value. £ 26 different Nash models priced from $865 to $2090 f.o.b. factory j| TaL28 GEORGE A. STILLING GARAGE McHenry mm scoring an Too know how all the resources of General Motors were ased to make the original Pontiac 8k the finest car ever introduced in u> the field of lowpriced sixes. You know tha wildfire success that resulted But do you know that the present day Pontiac--at its new low pricea, it a new and finer six-- an even greater car that is scoring an even greater succeasJ... It offers the added appeal of new Fisher bodies, important mechanical refinements, such as tilting-beam head* greater car greater success lights with loot control and those qualities of stamina,economy and long life that took all America by storm . . Small wonder that the tide of public preference is turning to the Pontiac Six--as never before to >&• other six in the low price fiddl N E W L O W P m i C B S M b * . . . . . S 7 7 9 D * L a > U a i H t * i w | H S Syrt >•••>) Tti DiUnhMlMlnrT 77© SswlCabrtelatt+vM) S»9 D»Im»SH-- Mhwi TSO !••<<• SvdM . . SM DWtrrrCV nil . M O^LmmJSU,$10ZSfttI»S.AMpric--mttmc--Ty* Dwltmmmd i CONWAY MOTOR SALES McHenry, Dlinoia Ofc* New and Finer PONTIAC SIX •MiyiiiiaHitfbaij

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