Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 May 1927, p. 4

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i; r»vv' . ] '•**'*< U ? ' ;"v <t'" - » 4 ' *\- "*v>V 'hit, ' - m*+*m-m TBS^cBXHltTftJUSfeKALtH, tfttTMDAY,tUTl9, 1997 1 HE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles P. Renich. Entered as ictund-class matter at the postofflcfi at McHeniyyDl<j 4vt the act of May 6, 1879. r v " w- One Year .. Hi Month* . Sobecriptis* Batt* : • » • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • at« $1«00 A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager £ Fatdnatimg Accredited RAPK> Kbkltww Over Radio Statfaa VKH TUES., WED. FRL jpoxr j brradio. Lean: •boot the "Book of Boefcs** tlria i1nwUn.e«g»»y. Aartttote Had credit for every conrr Tiwilny*) a*.wfc Bct w. t. Jewec'e miiiaWi ioiai "Bw tsWtaMa to Chriat.** RASRSSW "TW BMjr Spirit."' Wfcll, MB> «• 1. McCard'a interesting lathe Pentateuch." Bored now.tanfiaf iaU tea course, nd pt willino of t4MC Md ceitilauftt an coatpietiea. 3,000 ARE SLAIN IN CHINESE MASSACRE Bandits Destroy .'$SZd Barn Women and Children Victims. ... Shanghai.--Reports reaching here Indicate that almost the entire 8,000 population of Henshan, Shantung province, have been massacred by bandits, who spared neither women or children. After five days of siege the bandits refused the plea of the head of the village to permit access to a water supply and to spare the women and children, broke down the defense and bepan to burn, pillage and kill. Not more than thirty inhabitants escaped, it is reported. Scenes of Indescribable horror accompanied the massacre, It Is said. I inihs of victims were hacked off with swords and the bodies thrown into Classified Column • tit ttf"f 11f tttt T I T t tttttttf ttttttf FOR SALS FOR SALE--Firewood, $1.00 per load. Hunter Boat Co, Phone 7. 45-tf FOR SALE:--One black mare, 8 years old, wt. 1400; also a number of used farm machines. A P. Freund, U of riyer McHenry. Phone 654-M-2. 50-3 FOR SALE--3-room Bectional cottage Can be seen at Pouliot's Boat Works, See P. W Jrett, West McHenry. 44-tf. GOOD USED CAR BU1$ 1926 Chandler Coupe. 1923 Buick 5-pass. Sedan. 1924 Buick 4-pass. Coupe. 1926 Buick Standard Si*. - OVERTON & COTtfEN Phone 6 West McHenry COOPER'S SAPONIFIED CRESOL-- For disinfecting barns after TB testing. Sold by Dr. J. E, Wheeler, West McHenry. 88-tf Window envelopes and Statements save a great deal of labor and mistakes. Ask about them at the FOR SALE--Stale bread for ^chicken Plaindealer office. or hog feed. An opportunity to get Of;!/.£' i . . feed once or twice a Week. Marshall's - , FOR RENT Bakery, McHenry. 50 "•ft? FOR RENT--Pasture for tested FOR SALE--Three-piece parlorsuite, cattle. Phone 630-R-l. Walter J. velour with cane; 9x12. Wiltd65h*ug; Walsh. 50-tf. 8x10 rug. Call 38. 50-tf. . ----- -- FOR RENT--Thirty acres of plow land adjoining McHenry. Inquire of Ben Stilling & Son. 48-tf FOR SALE--Small Shetland pony; almost new saddle and bridle; Phone 644-W-2. , 50 FOR RENT--5-room furnished house with gas and electric lights. Inquire of Mirs. Jack Nicholls on River Road. 47-4 DEPENDABLE USED CARS 1925 Ford coupe; balloon tires; nearly new; excellent buy, $200. 1922 Studebaker touring; California top; excellent tires; price $250. 1926 Dodge Business sedan; good paint job; five good tires; wtjnderful buy. Price $695. FOR RENT--Two furnished rooms; 1923 Dodge screen trtfck; tires light housekeeping. Phone 143-M. nearly new; motor in A-l condition; 47 FOR RENT---Four-room flat on Green street, Centerville. Inquire of W. M. Hteimer. Phone 90-W. 47-tf FLAT FOR RENT--Inquire Popp, West McHenry. burning buildings. Others were a bargain. Price $275. handed to trees and submitted to tor- | 1924 Dodge Business sedan; five tares. Scarcely a building in the vll- | good tires. This is in excellent conlust escaped reduction to ashes. • dition. Price $450. Troops were despatched to Hen- j 1927 Pontiac Laudau; only a few shan from Tsinanfau, the capital of j months old car. Can be bought at a WANTED--Girl Shantung province, and the bandits 1 reasonable price of B. 37-tf WANTED wert reported to be dispensing toward the mountains. Consuls succeeded In getting all foreigners ou. of the village before the bandits seired it. It to said. Union City, $. J.--Superiors of the Passionist order at St Michael's monastery verified reports from China that nineteen missionaries pf that order, including sixteen priests oJ the lpcal JAMES MORROW & SON, Phone 186 West McHeHry, 111. work Bay. for general housein private family at Pistakee Phone 635-R-2. 50-tf. TYPEWRITERS Stales and Service. Repaired and Rentals. Prompt attention to phone calls. Phone 549. L. KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf WANTED--Housework by lady with five-year-old boy. Either in country or in city. Mrs. Eva Mack. 50* WANTlJb--First class cook for Sundays only. Call 657-W-2. Ask for Mrs. Peterson. 49-tf. USED MACHINERY FOB SALE S£der mi &re| $f i26_46 Case Thresher, the ord<fr o? St. Joseph. Pittsburgh, Like Magic-* the modern electric refrigerator keeps foodstuffs fresh and sweet with "automatic cold" --it also freezes ice cubes and dainty desserts -- convenient, clean, dependable! •Any of the attractive v piectric refrigeratora On display in our store way be purchased the masy "Little by Litiie' Way. Call to wee them. * PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS j. A. Schabeck, Dist. Mgr. Telephone 280 tl# Wlltoma St. Crystal Laiut have not been heard from In a month. They were last in Hunan province. Shanghai. -- AcUPS under instructions of Chalng Kajl Shek^ the mill- In ry h££$ oj. ttje ffankfng government, i\ 0. Wtl, the foreign minister, issued fit banking a proclamation which obviously is Intended to regain for Cantones § more favorable consideratTSfi by the powers. Foreign diplomats, although skeptical about Chinese promises, nevertheless hope that the Cantonese leaders are paving the way for a settlement of Chinese problems without further violence. Mr. Wu in the proclamrtlon promises that the Nanking government . hereafter will adopt a more friendly attitude toward foreigners, will expel Commnnlsts, including Michael Borodin and olher soviet Russian advisers, from Its ranks and will endeaver to abolish the Hankow government, by force If necessary, to elimlna e Eugene Chen, who was foreign minister of the Canton government before It split Into the Nanking and Hankow factions. )n the other hand, Mr. Wu nsks the powers to open up negotiations for the abolition of the unequal treaties, which he says retard China's aspirations. 28-44 Rumley Thresher. - • 24^^Minneapolis Thresher. :'(>-^^^fcla' os T^res^er" 21-36 "Wotm^Bros. Thresher. 22-36 Case Thresher Six-roll McCormick Husker. Six-roll U. S. Husker. John Deere Fordson Plow. Factory rebuilt Oliver 3-bbttom How DRUCE & SHELDON Phone 100 Grayslake, 111. 49-2 WANTED--Farms t)f all sizes and descriptions for cash or exchange for income property. We specialize in quick deals. Kent & Company, McHenry. J. 38-tf LOST LOST--Fox Terrier, male, answers to name of Buster. Phone 657-M-l. 50 LOST--Brown horse, medium sized. Write Fox Lake Riding Academy, or phone 181W. 50* IliimipcBnd 25c entitle the under- Bgped to one 35c cnn of Afi QaaHty Boamel-Kote. any oolor, til • (pedal 20c Paint Brush. Name- BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE Cost $3,000 four months ago. Will take $550 for all or will separate. Beautiful furniture of 4-room apartment. 3 pc. silk mohair parlor suite, hand carved frame; 8 pc. walnut diniing room set; 2 9x12 Wilton rugs; 4 pc. walnut bedroom set, complete with spring and matress; library table; 5 pc. breakfast set; floor lamps; chest of silverware. Must be seen to be appreciated. Will arrange for delivery. 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Rd., Chicago, 111., phone Sunnyside 6190. 45-6* LOST--Platinum pin set with three diamonds, somewhere on the streets of McHenry, Monday. Reward for return to M!r«. Philip Mieyer, 2078 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Tel. Humbolt 3139. 50* 'f^ews Nuggets From Illinois MISCELLANEOUS RESULTS! Kent & Company Can sell that house! Can rent that flat! Can find a buyer for that land! 18-tf To acquaint you with Acm* Quality, we are making a special for • SPECIAL abort time huh. OFFER Two things to watch when ordering - your house paint Make sure, for one thing, how long it will stay on--for another, how pleasingit will look. Experience with all makes and qualities of paints qualifies us to be of real assistance. We'll • see to it that you get paint that wiil last. We'll help you in deciding on a pleasing color effect. And because we want you to be thoroughly satisfied, we will recommend that you . make your choice from our complete line Of ACME QUALITY Paint ^Varnish Big Irish Fund Goat Back to Subscribers jphone 48- New fork.--In a 25-page decision, which reviewed the history of Ireland te 1800, Supreme Court Justice Pedenied the Irish Free State claim to $2,500,00d raised in the United States by the Irish republic. The justice also ruled out the Claim of Eamon de Valera, former president of the republic and trustee for the .bondholders who subscribed the funds. JPnder the decision, the $2,500,000 is tat be returned to the subscribers. First, however, the expenses of counsel in the long legal battle are to be deducted. These expenses are heavy. The immediate return to the subscribers will be made still smaller by another factor^ The republic campaigners raised $6,000,000 In the United States. Of this all but the $2,500,000 a fleeted by the recent decision was seut to Ireland during the struggle to establish in the island a sovereign and single nation. The $2,500,000, therefore, must_ be xpread over a wide held b> pro Fata distribution... The outstanding detail of the decision is that Justice Peters finds the Irish republic never existed. He holds the republican movement never got heyond the revolt stage. FOR SALE--Quantity of Murdock Seed Corn. Joe Blake, Route 3, McHenry. Phone 636-M-l. 48-3 FOR SALE--Used Frigidaire refrigerator; good condition; extra large size box. Can be seen at Mr. Le- Moon's, Pistakee Bay. Bargain at $250, installed. H. E. Buch & Co. EUGENE PERMANENT WAVE $10 --Phone for appointment, 104-J, Rosebud Beauty Shoppe, Elm, near Green St., McHenry. 49-2 WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING-- Located at "Tempus Fugit" on Elm St., McHenry. Mort Ritt. 50-tf FOR SALE--Three-horse Wagner electric motor, A-C current, 110 or 220 volts. Price $75. W. L. Howell & Co., McHenry. - 49-2 FOR ALL Sewing Machine and Victrola troubles, call 162. B. Popp, 49-tf West McHenry^ 50-tf Window envelopes and Statements save a great deal of labor and mistakes. Ask about them at the Plaindealer office. Dr. J. V. Brokaw, for three years j city superintendent of health of j Springfield, has announced his reslf- j nation. Ml88 Dorothy Smith, Chicago, has been elected president of the Y. W. G. A. of the University of Illinois campus. rfcSspondency over in health led Vernon L. Wolf, farmer, to kill himself with a pistol at his home, near Geneseo. The Rutland State bank has been closed by order of the state banking department. Frozen assets are believed to have caused the action. Roller skating upon sidewalks or street pavements of Peoria has been banned by Chief of Police William Kunst. Numerous accidents to skaters and pedestrians caused the order. Rats in Pekln will have "rough gotag" for a time. Oliver Bohel. a professional "Pied Piper," has been engaged to exterminate the rodents. The rats have Caused tremendous damage of late. Mrs. Ada Bennett, thirty-five, was istmck by lightning and killed while standing in the yard at her home near Logan. Her husband, Joe Bennett, and a fifteen-year-old son saw her killed. Abner Cooper, seventy-seven, plo* neer resident of Homer, prominent IB the Masonic fraternity and proprietor of the Campbell house at Homer fot many years, died at his home follow-? tag a sudden attack of heart trouble, Joseph R. Smith, seventy-four years old, president of the Glen Ellyn State bank, pioneer resident of the suburb west of Chicago, died suddenly at the home of his nephew, L. J. Hiatt. Mr. Smith formerly was president of the village of Glen Ellyn. Cyrus H. Drury, promoter of several enterprises in a number of cities, was found guilty In Villa Grove of conspiracy to defraud the Hlndsboro" State bank. His punishment was fixed at three years in state prison and he also was fined $2,400. Knot college, Galesburg, receives the $100,000 estate of W. H. Browning by terms of his will following the death of hifc widow recently. Brown- Ipg, pioneer merchant, died twent; years a^°> leaving the estate In trui the receiving the income until fjer death. ^ ~ The peer future will see Inauguration of drilling for oil In various townships in Addms county. Leasing for 20,000 acres has been completed and work is expected to start on June "L Promoters have been encouraged by a recent report of the Illinois geological survey Indicating that oil deposits exist ta this portion of the state. Mrs. Mary E. Currey, seventy-four years old, wife of J. Seymour Currey, secretary of the Evanston Historical society, was suffocated by smoke when her clothing caught fire in her home in Evanston. The Curreys were preparing to move to' another home and were burning papers in a living room grate when the fatal accident occurred. Five Illinolsans are Included In a Hst of 102 enlisted men of the navy and marine corps who have successfully passed mental examinations for admission to the United States Naval academy. It was announced by the Navy department The five are W. H. Adams. Danville; I. Fawcett, Marlon; HL EL FerrtH, Cartxmdale; R. G. Llndle, Marion, and R. W. Mackert, Penty ist, Every Woman Wants HOSIERY-- -That is Styliih % V ! /-^Colorful --Neat-Fitting .. ; v- --4tomfortaMiL . ,'T -rLoag Wearing : "/ --and Economical I t m a y : . s i i i $ r i s 6 , t h a t a l l t h i s c a n b e found in one kind of hosiery. But it is 'in Rollin'g Hosiery* built to "Miles of Wear in Every Pair.!' J** Sold by- Phone 179 - f'..' VcEenry; HI, DRAWING PAPER AT THE PLAINDEALER Sheets 24x36 inches. - , » PERMANENT WAVING done by EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ONLY at Claire BeautySShoppe Main Street One Block West of Community High School ALL BEAUTY WORK DONE v - For Appointments Call 208-R FREE DEMONSTRATION r • (.Friday, May 27t!T THOMAS P. BOLGER, McHenry A factory representative will demonstrate the remarkable qualities and many uses for this wonderful new finish, adapted for brash application in a variety of popular colors and stains. Come in and aee how easy it is to apply--hqpw quickly it dries. Bring in a small Article and have it finished free of charge. JTHE UNKS REFEREE; t t {Interpretations of the Rules \ 0 of Golf 1 By INN1S BROWN 0 0 (Managing Editor, The * Golfer) , What is the penalty for playing a ball that belongs to someone else, say for instance where the bait is driven into the rough and the player through mistake plays a wrong ballf I 4 0 Amerioan 0 0 N. U. Students Ask 16 .'of Faculty Be Ousted Chicago.--In an amazing series ol criticisms of the workings of the college of liberal arts at Northwestern university, a committee of eight ranking students submitted a repon recommending tiiat sixteen members ol the faculty be relieved of their posts Successful class work is hindered according t<> (lie report, by the "Jeal ousy that exists among the members." faculty 1 Before you buy any paint, come in and see us. We are here to serve you« Irish University Honors Ford Dublin.--An honorary degree in the National University of Ireland will be conferred on Henry Ford in July* It Is announced here. v.. & WM. H. ALTHOTT HARDWARE West McHenry, Argentina Bars U. S. Corn ^Buenos Aires, Argentina.--The minlstry of agriculture Issued a decree prohibiting Importation into the country of any variety of com. This step was taken because of the prevalence of the pest known as the corn borer In •ome sections of the United states. Playing the wrong ball may Involve a player's playing the ball of his opponent or of his partner in a four-ball match, or again it may have to do with playing a ball outside the match altogether, such, for instance, as a ball that had been previously lost by some one else. If a player plays his opponent's ball he loses the hole, unless the mistake was due to misinformation given by the opponent or his caddie. or unless the opponent then play the player's ball. In which case the penalty is nullified and the hole Is played out with the balls thus exchanged. -If a player plays a stroke with a ball outside the match, he loses the hole unless he discovers the mistake and notifies his opponent before the latter plays a stroke. In medal play, there is no penalty for playing a single stroke with a wrong ball, but If the player plays two strokes with It he disqualifies himself, unless the play takes place in a hazard. There is no penalty for playing the wrong ball In a hazard, but the player Is disqualified If he plays a stroke after recovering from the hazard. In a four-ball match. If a player plays his partner's ball, and the milstake Is discovered before either opponent has played, the player Is disqualified on that hole, but his partner can I drop a ball and continue to play. If the mistake Is not discovered until after an opponent has played* Um player's side iosets the hole. ' (6 by tb« Boll BynAtcat*. !>&) E. H. Waite, Attorney ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Catherine Frisby, Deceased The undersigned, having been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Catherine Frisby, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the July Term, on the first Monday in July next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate- are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make imediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 5th day of May, A. D. 1927. 49-3 GERALD J. CAREY, Administrator Ex-Officio. Nonstop San Diego-St. LOOMS St Louis.--In a nonstop flight from £an Diego, Calif., the former airmail Hot, Charles A. Lindbergh, reached •• Loi% witftjo I* bow-% 6 abates s.ifo /jib/... . Highest Navigable take The highest body of water that is navigable is Lake Titicaca in South America.--Liberty. „ »»•»»»•»»»»••»••>»••»•»»»• Bargain Nash Advanced Six Sedan demonstrator. .. Low mileage and in excellent condition. / ^. New car guarantee^ It wifi pay yon to investigato. GL A. Stilling Archery Is the latest addition to Peoria pastimes, and a new club has been crganlied, to be known as the Klofcapoo Arcjiers. J. E. McMeen was chosen president, F. E. Brown vice president and Harold PI owe secretary- treasurer. Targets will be set tip la Gten Oak park and 011 Bradley university campus. A series of competitions has been arranged, and challenges sent to similar clubs In other cities. C. w. Seldel, superintendent of motive power at the Chicago ft Alton Kbope is Bloom in rIoti, posted notices axuxnuMdng that the entire plant, with exception of the coach and paint departjjm*nts, would be closed for a period of thirty days. Depression of busineas rssulting from the bituminous gf-rTk* and floods are given as the causes of the suspension of wort About U00 men are temporarily out of employment. Theodore Gerald Soares, Ph. professor of religious education and head of the department of practical theology at the University of CSiloajro. will 4«Urer the baccalaureate address at rtif University of Illinois on As has been the custom for years. President David Klnley will deliver the commencement address on Wednesday morning, June 15. Approximately 1*300 students are expected to receive degrees this year in the university's fifty-sixth graduating class. Donald G. Beat of Qulncy, past commander of the Illinois department of ttka Ameridan Legion, was fatally shot in a hotel room hi St. Louis when a revolver fell from the holster of Depoty Sheriff Cunane of Qulncy. Best 41«d an hour later In a hospital. The Daniel J. McAvoy brewery at Chicago Heights was ordered closed for ooe year when a permanent Infraction was issued against the place, valtied at (350,000, by Federal Judge lames H. Wilkerson. Destruction of 1400 barrels of beer on the premises The Young Peoples' Store • Most® young couples come to Leath's for their home outfits- Leath'a have such good looking furniture.--prices 'are always little lower,--and heath's ter,ri* are always favorable. A LEATH STORE 18 NEAR YOU ELGIN.. ROCKFORD.... AURORA DUBUQUE FREEPORT.... WATERLOO... beloit JOLIET. ..70 Grove Av«. 602 ...81 Island ...678 5 ...(00 IjfavotiS*! ....425 E. Gran*. .215 Jeffersaa W State stand Avi Main Sk V W. Mail -- JANESVILLE 202 Milwaukt# EAU CLAIRE 4OS S. Barsto* OSHROSH 11 Main Sfc. PEORIA S2& S. AdanS DECATUR 4 St N Wat# MADISON 117 State St (1REEN BAY 403 W Walnot f 'OND I)U LAC. .50-.r>2 N. Main St. dORRlS ..112 W. Washington St. HOOPESTON 219 E Main St APT'T.ETON 108-10K Collw' Av» A. LEATH *'COM?ANY I June 12. r seWral The Summer Season Will O]XI* V>n DELETION Da.). WE will be ready .to serve the warm weather visitors with lunches and refreshing "drinks. We are ready to serve local people NOW, . KARLS Wilting to Listeat SSssey talks, and (post of ps we were ia a position to be tost by |L- boston Transcript. Sponge Has Many Livee ^pongee may be cot up snd rscut up and bedded out like potatoes. Indeed. sponge farmers do exactly this. A piece of sponge may be minced, and the ml need sponge forced through a e strainer, but given appropriate Bdittons and this sponge mush will gather itself together and develop Into a small npoage. The spongs Is an animal, and It looks ss If it mast do same thlsJdag.--Ohls Cigars Cigarettes •j an d* We carry a full line of all the leading brands and they are always fresh, producing a delightful smoke. Men, when yon are htingry for a real smoke come to us. ^lao p. complete line of Candies and Fruit McHenry Ioe Cream in Brisk or Bulk UNTI BROS. Jfci..;

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