Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 May 1927, p. 6

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- I June 1st to July 10th «i Quality Matings Pure Bred Chix. 100% alive delivery. 100 200 C. Wlilte Leghorns....! 8.00 $15.50 C. Brown Lefhorns.... 8.00 15.50 Rocks 9.00 17.50 & C. Reds 9.00 17.50 AMcomas 9;00 17.50 Wkite Rocks 10.00 19.50 Rose Comb Beds 10.00 19.50 Buff Orpingtons 11.00 21.50 White Wyandottes 11.00 21.50 Heavy Assorted 7.50 14.50 Light Assorted 6.50 12.50 Special Matin** 2c a chick higher than Quality Matings. Farrow Chix We have often wondered why some children are sent forth into the world handicapped in life by an outlandish _ ,, name. The following story from for May 15 to 31 delivery l/2c a chick! Judge may help to explainjiow sqsne higher than above prices. All flocks J of these names "happened": American Cert-O-Culd. Order today, at these prices. D. T FARROW CHICKERIES, Dept. 50# . : ~ Peoria, III. ACHE GABY CHICKS ACME CHICKS are produced from INSPECTED AMERICAN CERT-OCULD flocks. Every chick a purebred i ^rived The happy parents of a new baby took their infant to church to be baptized. The baby was being raised by "hand." and where it went its bottle went also. After the arrival of the christening party at church an accident happened. The nozzle of the milk bottle came off and the baby's nice new dress was soaked all down its long front. This annoyed the parents, but nothing could be done, the time for the ceremony had in» Prices--June 1st to July 10th. Quality Mating-- 100 200 g. C. White Leghorns....! 8.00 $15.50 S. C. Brown Leghorns.... 8.00 15.50 Barred Rocks 9.00 17.50 & C. Reds .. 9.00 17.50 White Rocks - 10-00 19.50 R. C. Reds l«-00 19.50 Buff Orpington* 11.00 21.50 White Wyandottes 11.00 21.50 light Assorted W0 12.75 Heavy Assorted 7.50 14.75 Special MatingB GOLD MEDAL CHICKS 2c each higher Order direct from this ad and save time. May prices--%c per chick higher than above prices. Reference: Merchants and Illinois Natl. Bank, Peoria, 111., and the Editor of this paper. ACME BABY CHICK HATCHERY A. Hirsh, Manager 79# Broadway, Peoria, I1L Farm Loans «%, 5% Jo or 51/2%, depending on value of land per acre Prompt Service * SAVINGS BANK OF KEWANEE JLewanee, Illinois When the parents stood before the clergyman, the baby in its mother's arm, he looked at the damp dress with a good deal of apprehension, and to satisfy his curioisty the mother whispered: "Nozzle came off The minister did not understand, and turned inquiringly to the father, who said a little more loudly: "Nozzle came off." The good man understood this time, or at least he thought he did. He took the baby in his arms, sprinkled my, but it's a beaut. Kinda short, and tight, but, shoot, even so it looks real cute. Father saw it. Calmly smiled. Feelin' proud 'cause she's his child: She goes swimming, thusly styled. That's what makes the wild waves wild. • 'Nother sweetie, lookin' grand, rather loaf upon the sand. Doesn't bathe, but understand, she prefers to get real tanned. Nothin' else she'd rather do. Sits and suns an hour or two. Goes away when she is through and that's what makes the ocean blue. Still another little pip, goes upon a fishing trip, with her dad who likes his sip. Kind, you know, that's on the hip. Four miles out so he should fret. Drops it in, so cold 'twill get. Hasn't spilled a drop as yet. That's what makes the sea upset. We would like to venture the guess that with the possible exception of you and me, all like to see their names in the newspapers. Some folks delight in getting sore, as I have often said before; we run across them here and there, upon the streets, and everywhere. Though it is fortunately true, they seem to be comparatively few, we find them now and then about, engaged in bawling someone out. "I've got it in for you says Swett, "confound you I will get you yet." "You'll hear from me again," yells Spite, "111 knock you higher than a kite." It's hard to figure out the gain to be derived from such a strain, or what advantage can be had, from always getting sore and mad. When someone pulls a dirty trick and gets my goat and makes me sick, it does no good to store up spite and try and pick a fight. There's nothing won and nothing gained from being always cranky grained; it's best, when all is said and done, to show no grouch to anyone. And so this life, I'm here Twice Told Tales Interesting Bita of News Takes From the Columns of the Plaindealer Fifty and Twenty-Are Yean Ago May, 1877 The McHenry market quotes the following prices; butter, 16 cents; cheese, 14 cents; eggs, 9 cents; lard 13 cents; potatoes, $1.00 per bushel; corn, $12.00 to $14.00 per ton and flour, $9.00 per barrel. Jos. Wiedemann, is one of the greatest men on improvement We ever knew. He is continually improving in and around his buildings, and that to in the most tasty and substantial manner. He has been remodeling the interior of his restaurant and has now one of the handsomest rooms to be found in the county. McHenry through her efficient street commissioner, Isaac Wentworth is "mending her way" in a substantial manner. Walks are being rebuilt and repaired, streets graded, culverts put in a safe condition and other much needed work being done. his forehead with baptismal water! to bet, holds little joy for Mr. Swett, and solemnly said, before anybody could correct him. "Nozzlecameoff Snyder, I now baptize thee," etc. Nearly every town man dreams of having a little place out in the country, to which he can some day retire. When the farmer retires, he mores to town. Sister has ® bathing suit. My, oh • i;yW' *0. W. KLONTZ, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Hflm treating all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and doing Refraction) Honrs--8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment . Office at Residence, Waukegan Road. #honel81 McHenry, DL WM. M. CARROLL Lawyer Ofiee with Kent Company Every Wednesday Phone 8 McHenry, DL telephone No. 108-R. Stof fel & Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS J. W. WORTH PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Audits Systems Income and Inheritance Tax Matters Memiber of Public Accountants. Association of Illinois Phone 206-J McHenry, I1L Phone 126-W. A. II. Reasonable Rates SCHAEFER Draying McHENRY, ILLINOIS <wt,iiuiwwa and nothing ever seems quite right to such a guy as Mr. Spite. • They had been married just long enough for the novelty to have worn off, and the girl was beginning to find her feet, as her mother would undoubtedly have put it. "Before we were married, George, you always took a taxi from the theatre, but now the bus seems good enough. In fact anything is good enough for me." she complained. Her husband frowned, for he was in rather a difficult fix. But he was not long in finding a way out. "No, darling," he murmered, "don't think that. You see, I'm so proud of you, and if I took you in a cab there would be nobody to see you, whereas I can show you off to dozens in the bus." Insure-In Snre -Insnrance WITH Wm. G. Schreiner Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Phone 93-R McHENRY. ILL cBefore you buya,. eledric refrigerator by allmeans see the UNIVERSAL COOLER CEE Universal Cooler and *^you will recognize that It is only simple truth when WO , say "Universal Cooler is an Outstanding contribution itt the field of electrical refrig» •ration." Into it have gone die best engineering talents this country affords--the finest materials and crafts* manship available. It is un» . qualifiedly guaranteed. Ia •very detail, Universal Cooler is a quality product and yet is SO moderate in price as to cause (expressions of genuina Surprise. fet is quiet in action--*o simple that there is practically nodk> log to get out of order-- positive and automatic la action. Whether you want S fine self-contained electrical Refrigerator or want the refrig* Crating units installed in your •resent ice box. Universal Cooler will meet your need lolly, satisfactorily and eco* fromically. See Universal Cooler today. A little fellow of six years of age heard his father and mother talking about the circus, and during their talk they dwelt at length upoif1 one they had particularly enjoyed, a number of years before. "Why wasn't I there, Mama?" the little fellow put in. "You weren't born then, dear,** replied his mother. "Where was If" "Oh, you were in heaven with the angels." "Gee, mother," exclaimed the indignant youngster, "do you mean to tell me you left me in Jjeaven all day with the angels while you and the rest of the family went to the circus?" May, 1902 J. D. Lodtz has adorned his shop with a neat new sign and awning. Dick Walsh took part in a cornet trio at the recital given at the Chicago Conservatory of Music last Saturday. The result was another feather in Dick's cap, for it is stated that his playing wa* faultless. N. H. Petesch advertises ice cream made of pure cream for $1.50 per gallon, delivered. Nearly all the dairymen have turned their cattle into the excellent pastures and as a result the milk supply has greatly increased. The price of butter is to go up 4 cents a pound on the date when the new oleo law goes into effect. While Alderman Chappel was untying his horse yesterday, the animal became frightened at an umbrella and ran away. The horse and wagon were not damaged, but Mr. Chapell was somewhat bruised and now walks with a slight hitch in his gait. James B. Perry has received his commission as postmaster of McHenry, and will as soon as room can be arranged remove it to the Brick store, opposite the mill, formerly occupied by P. Blake as a Boot and Shoe store. We also understand that John M. McOmber is to be the Deputy. guests, Mr. and MrS. Raymond Lusk of Wauconda visited Sunday at the home of Mir. and Mrs. P. Anderson in Algonquin. Sunday callers to visit Mr. Dowell who is ill on Elmwood farm were: Mr. and Mrs. Ora Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Green of Aurora. Mrs. Jack Geary and son, Eugene, returned home Wednesday after spending the past week in Chicago visiting and shopping with her sister, Miss Helen Bemier. Mr. and Mrs. James Miller of Chicago spent Thursday evening visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geary and sons Normand and Adelbert and James Flood of Grayslake, were Sunday evening visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mir. and Mrs. Henry Geary. Mrs. G. Burnett spent from Sunday until Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. Almeda Grantham who is ill at her home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mildred D. Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. E. Hi Dahrens of Wauconda attended "Friend's night," of the Antioch Chapter, O. E. S. at Antioch Monday evening. Mildred D. Hoffman filled the station of Associate Conductress for the evening. Mrs. E. Anderson returned Thursday to her home at the Blomgren residence after spending a week visit-* ing relatives in Chicago. • Mrs. J. Pfannenstill and son, Will, enjoyed dinner Sunday at the home of Frank Anderson in Crystal Lake and spent the evening at the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. Carl Ohrwall. You would be surprised to find the large amount of useful articles ws have on our 10 cent counter. Erickson Dept. Store.. ' . w Ray Dowell transacted business in McHenry on Wednesday. SLOOTJM'S LAKE Mr. Coolidge in his failure to reply to th« New York editors' question as to whether he wants a third term or not shows how man can keep his mouth shut and say yes.--Southern Lumberman. Temperance Worker: "My good man, what makes your nose so red?" Hobo: "Why, madam; it's blushing with pride because it knows how to mind its own business.--Air Station News. Dealer: "S6mebody stole three sets of harness out of my store." Policeman: "Did the thief leave any traces?" Dealer: "No, he took the traces, too."--Good Hardware; DENTISTS DRS. McCHKSN EY & BROWN (Incorporated) Dr. L W. Brown Dr. R. M. Walker Established over 50 years and still doing business at the old stand PioMcis in First Class Dentistry at Moderate Prices Ask your neighbors and Friends about us. S> R. Cot. Clark and Randolph fit, 145 N. Clark St., Chicago Daily 8 to 5, Sundays 9 to 11 Ebons Central 2047 x 666 .. - is a prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, DfBgn®, Bilious Fever and Malaria. it kills the fom See the Universal Cooler on Demonstration at our Store H. E. Buch &Go. Middle Age• Coinage Hark was the name of a coin pretty general throughout Europe during the Middle ages. The unit of the present coinage of Germany is called the mark. The old English mark was vorth 13s 4d, that is $3.25; but in the Middle ages the purchasing. power of money was fully three times that of today. ey J?' -X h< Willard Darrell was a business caller at Waukegan Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith and grandson, Leon George, were , in Grayslake Thursday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk of Aurora were callers Sunday at the home of Richard MoGill. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Wineke of Barrington were visitors Sunday in the home of Mir. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mrs. R. B. McGill and son, Farrell, were business caillers Tuesday in Chicago. Harry Bink, Jr., of Oak Park is spending a few weeks on Ardelow farm. Frank Mulholland, Mr. Bohmbeck and Mr. McKay of Chicago were supper guests at the R. B. McGill home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son, Eugene, spent Friday evening visiting at the G. Burnett home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, spent Friday night at the home of John Dowell, who is very ill at Elmwood farm. Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake were supper guests on Sunday with relatives on Oalf "Glen farm. Henry Winkler of Waukegan called Sunday at the home of his parents on Ardelow farm. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son, James, of Crystal Lake were dinner guests Sunday in the home of Mrs. William's mother, Mrs. Clara Smith on Orchard farm. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Burnett and uests, Dr. and Mrs. Brunswick of Tficago, were Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. Burnett's sister, Mrs. Mort Ritt in Crystal Lake. Dr. and Mrs. Brunswick of Chicago spent Tuesday evening at the Gilbert Burnett residence. John Blomgren, Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren and Mrs. E. Anderson, and CLEANING PRESSING and REPAIRING Both Men's and Women's Garments Located over Bolger's ©rug Store Prompt Service and Satis* factioif Guaranteed A trial order will convince anyone that the work done is of the highest class. Mrs. Anua Howard "As Ye Sow-So Shall Ye ^ We have all heard and believed thai/ famous doctrine of old. Yet how many men and women expect the world to take care of them when they refuse to put any human effort into building up a capital that will provide them with the comforts they know they will want after they have ceased to earn money! „ ^ '7" • "••• * ' . . . . * •' * * * Don't belong to this group. They're sore to be disappointed. Save regularly and deposit your iwfc ib# Fox Hiver Valley State Bank. Fox River Valley State Bank "The McHenry i Helps You To.GAhead" Illinois Buy ft In McHenry Going to Build? If you are N ring 640-J-l And let tis give you ah estimate Wm. Thiel •Wo Job Too Small--None Too Big to Receive Our Most Careful ponsideKition" "CALL ON BILL" "Handy Pantries of, the Middle West" NATIONAL TEA CO. QtyALITY GROCERS R»g'»«ter. S.p.t.QIR, "Save every day the National way" First Beast of Burden J*r6m all existing records the temperamental camel Is believed to be the first animal used by man as a beast of burden. Batteries, Tubes and "HUTT St by Untvernl Cooler Oa»P J McHenry Cartage Service Company We specialize in hauling rubbish, ashes, cans, etc. We will make * * weekly calls. We will also do expressing of all kinds at reasonable rates. Values for Friday and Saturday Syrup Karo Blue iy2 lb. 3 cans 25c S . <McHenry 38 Corn Flakes Kellog|s 2pkgs. 15c Milk Pet, Carnation, Bordens 3 cans 28c Chipso For washing dishes Large pkg, 19c Jam Crosby 2 lb jar Strawberry or Raspberry 37c Old Dutch Cleanser 2 cans 13c Campbell's Pork and Beans 3 cans 25c Coffee Special Blend 3 lb?. 85c PeanutJJutterK 16 os. 25c Macaroni' Small or - Large Elbo lb. 10c Olives Spanish , Green 16 oz: thrown 36c v Fresh Fruits and Vegetables National Tea Store and Elm Streets <rf •-•v- McHenry, JU. -M

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