Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jun 1927, p. 4

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-y *- > >f , thttmday, nnrs so, im PLAINDEAtER •-•/j jv. s-l> $*• &*' 1 V ' S: ? *V: . . 58©' ™:>r I: *; (i ,[1 | >i- •j V Jl ^sf" •*«fV 7 t-' , f'•* . •• : y i%", , •&' ; -^V : ^2f. Published every Thit'Xil at McHenry; DL, hy Charles P. Renich. Bntered as second-class matter at da fistei aa at McHeary* IIL, asthe act of May 8. 1879. MsalpttH Rates v ' * Oae Year lAba Months ' ^' »•••••••* tteep *.• e.e a e •••••••••aoaa^aooeo.$1-00 A. M06UBK, WHw and Manager t»t>IIMU»<iM<illllMH»»»«l»l»»<lllllll'HMII*MI Think irf the fatalities there would fee tf facepo#det exploded! . Hi the old a man dldii't as£ how « party was last night ITbe ha<J there. .V '* '• The tabloid newspapers belle their name. They don't coifDne sensationalism to small taMets; . 'Tbe prlato of Wale* ItseSiris %>* IM|tM raclnt reports, has found £ that tail Step oaderrhl«. llany a' boy whose mother wSrted hiss not to get 'mud An his feet rio*f pays a barbet- tb |*ut ft fib his face. i-- . 0*e of the greatest' needs of radio la f NctiriBi Mt that Witt wort Bctartiy whea company COOtl Vegetable coloring Ic Mt h» so iMd If ware Included to make mil* would vegetable* a good SOUP Career: So thejRtlahoy wtaeused to write those things on fences grew ip and smarted a tabloid newspaper. i Two Ooast-to-Ooast hikers wore held ap • couple ol hours recently When the kindly driver stopped to Pftci a tabe. . , , . That crossing from Africa to Brasll toy an Italian aviator will continue to be ah astnus^ln* feat mtU *rU$* an'swims'it It would seen only reawnnakle for aattons to agree that there shall he mt •'neit war" ontll tbe last war has paid tor. i OommaBder Byrft *haoUn6iia^fe|kt "he will try next to By over tka Sooth pole. If there's afcytfilbg to k hsine be will get thefe ' f : flow and theft youttto* in on a raflo im Bouncer #fioee prendridstlba Mggests that he la reading from a cartoonist's spelling. " Centuries ago people thought the world was perfectly flat like the Jokes written to order for a special of a comic weekly. The British Columbia woman who Is the mother of twenty-three children may begin calling them by number Instead of name. There Is probably no tact for any story of a Scotchman at a political meeting who suggested two for his candidate. ILLINOIS New* .After living for over two yoara with a'brofesn tfcck, Brae* Mammon, twenty, died st Tandalla. Be was Injured !• an automobile wreck. : Secretary of Btate Locls I* JBanasrkb will be a candidate for governor In tbe Republican primaries asset year, ha told Crlenda tot Dlxott. Barman tleftneit insmhf irf the feock Island police d*pe**aat fW » psars, was retto retf» as *M«f In a •hiwM ssastoa oI the. flee-' m>4 t pottcs hoard. S J. Bennett, detective nwnt strange thing for a while will be If see so many derby hats at large With no cornets blowing into them. great tinger-prlnt expert Is the Of seven who can say from an inatlon of tbe marmalade an the whether It was Willie or Junior. Tbe big economic argument for planting yams and peanuts with eel ton In the Sooth Is that when cotton •sssoot of ftyl*£ l*«^ll The changes proposed by the Bng- IM bishops In the marriage ceremony say & another evidence of the inflosace <% tbe truth-io-adverdslBf move- --ll _____ army ration will be raised July t from 86 to 60 cents, s <&fference of li cents which, by a coincidence, is about the wholesale rate oa a tall can ^0 salmon. VBrltista collector b getting tocsther lis worlds wofst 50 books and we are Isat In admiration of tbe coarape of Whoever it going to have the Job of S» to mutum P*ineetea aag tMsi «• (jbDftw « i» teh theai apart .*ap We observe by (be pti&rn that chli haven't changed jrr^atly In tbe M*t twenty-five or forty years. They am atlM varying a tiresome 0at with tarka aad tsarMea. Ike chUdMa who live in Uanfalrp WHlgyngylgogery chwy rDdroowell a ndy dtaogoflofneh, Wales nrely do not Skire than two or throe wordr s spelling l< '" The nttxmr powiihM.niew having been ^hiMMted, an aiiwteqr «T the am Is ' yfr** Shout Writtng a mynteey sm^ #*ea la which the murderer tvraa otn IS be the boqae electrician. 4 The photf, ml aa "TJada To*'* ^abln" troupe la a current theatrical weekly shows they bare ant rhaaptr •neb over the years. Tbe bleed hound hasn't had bis face lifted. Qroaie polls, served as a lng treat at the SprtngfluMi Redemption home, are believed to harve boon rsapsasildo for the death s* three children and the asHouo lUaass o( eleven others. Mward B. MUler, real satata dealer at Bast «t Loots, who was stafe* traaonrar (rem I8d0 to lttt, announoetf he would ha a candidate fog< tbe Iwobiican pooalnStlea hr tra>snss> la the pHmary next April, v , Mia> Oraee MoWayne, sam»U ssysn years oM. s teacher th the saats i»ublle school at Beta vie «or W pSara, handed ta her r**l«aatlofe Bbs ls believed to ho£S t retesrfl fst contiap^as service and has nlaiisr Whipped a popll. . . . , Various phases of. Are twerentlon and control were dlssosasd i&d Hem oastrated at the third aantlil jfl^ort course tor firemen *i the university Of Illinois. Approximately 800 firemen from all parts of the atato attended. Mrs. Luda Ayera, ninety-four years old, one of the early settlers In Lake county, died at her home in Llbertyvllle after a long Illness, She was born In Oanada and In the early '40s settled with her parents oa a farm near Llbertyvllle. Mrs. Henry Rath bone, wife of the Illinois congressman at largo, has resigned aa vice president of the Illinois chapter of the American League of Pen Women. She took the action, she said, aa a protest against the election of Mrs. Rockefeller McOormlck as honorary president of the Ghlcago chapter of the organisation. A plan for religious education In Rock Island schools was adopted at a meeting of the city council of religions education. The plan was submitted by a committee of the commission on week-day religious education and provides for a period of religion* instruction each wash for fourth, fifth and sixth-grade pupils. Approximately three million dollars will be spent by Peoria In construction of sewage disposal plants. In completing the program for a sanitary district, recently approved by voters Territory to be Included la the Peoria sanitary district Is condoned of Averyvllle, Prospect Heighta, 4*eorla township, Bartonvflle and the ioty of Peoria. ' The comer stone of Brlntsa Memorial Masonic t1* was laid In Dlzoc with Mleevs of the grand lodge j of Masons in charge of the cere Monies OoS rrank O. Lowdea spoke. It* temple, to cost aboat fMftifldO. will be erected on a beantitnl ait* 6o hated by Ool WUllaai B. Briaton of Plana, prominent for Buy years la the Maoonlc fraternity. ObtoH Judge 6hartes H. Miller at sat July 0 aa the tentative which Ohartte Blrper, noleader ; bis lieutenant, Art Kew»aa» and Bpy Hylaad, alias Taey the Jew." will fu. on trial In eoncectleu with th*«pattfar wf Mayor Joe Adams of West <Xty~ AdasiS was *«t a death st ths Aw of HBr hame aa the aftornooe of D^IJsinber 12. Aa IndlctaMcit for ntsrder t>oaulrlag only thrso Haas So sSsta the fharps, was fled by Mate's Attorney R. C Rice In Oalasbarp, holding Roy MUbr for the aalii of Orvllle WUaoa. Ike IntflctaMat Is believed to be the hrst of lta hind ever filed In 111*- asAa, abandoning the aoual lengthy eootalned to ssoet Indict It was aphetd by the circuit Jadpe, who ovemfled the defease notton to «uasb the lndictmot oa grounds it was not properly worded. Prof. Lorado Taft of Ohlcago, chalrssan of the art attsasloo committee, will direct the annual art extension committee of Illinois tour which will 3WI £Sl11 •S? >°fl,oo Jaly 13, acw& aifo 6t7% i fR^odymua, com saunity |t tbe Unlversit? of BUaols. The tow wffl stan lrca Ottawa and Starved Rock and Include visits to the Swaney Consolidated s sheet, Hopkins Township high school, PrlacetoQ, Dixon, Orepon, Byron, RsAfeid, Oalena, Apple River q*n yoa, Vreeport, Lake Qsaova, Blgln, Oott Chartea. ClassiHed Column *AV 1AT.1 FOB 8ALB--About ten acres of hay land. Alfalfa and timothy, mixed. FOR SALB--Always a few «ows, Peter Diedrich- Pohne 666-R-2. 3* right spripgers at right prices. Phone/ 14-J-l, Round Lake. Frank Ehredt,' 4* TYPEWRITERS .Sales and Service. Repaired and Rentals. Prompt attention to phone calls. L. KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf FOR SALE--Two ponies, one bay, _ one black spotted. Single and double rn0Be 043 harness, cart and buggy, also saddle. Safe and gentle, any child can drive. COOPER'S SAPONIFIED CRESOL-- Henry J. Stilling, R. 3, Phone 636-R-l por disinfecting barns after TB teat- <* \ ing. Sold by Dr. J. E. Wheeler, West FOR SALE--4-burner "Reliable" gas McHenry. stove with oven. In good working order. Tel. 60--It |(T8> JO© RSmith. 4-tf. WANTED--About 100 hens of Leg WANTED FOR SALE--Registeredj tHtolwste i-n 1bu. Hll h o r n v a r i e t y , o n e o r t w o y e a r s o l d . ph<me 14J.1( Lake 4* a--ndJ heifer calves Two miles north * of Volo. Henry Wegener, Ingleside, WANTED 111. TO BUY--Small dairy 4-2* farm, with or without stock, for cash. „ , _ „ _ „ , . About forty or fifty acres. Location FOR SALE--^Safl boat in good con- no^ important but price must be low. dition. Has been in the Pistakee Bay Deggj-i^ fully, state price. B. A Yatch club races. |50. Call 624-R-2, McArthm. 4007 North Tripp Ave.", McHenry. B. Olsen, Riverdale. Chicago. LOTS FOR SALE--on Bald Knob. WANTED--Salesman to solicit dry Inquire of Mrs. S. J. Mellin at cottage cleaning in rural district. Must on Bald Knob. 4 TOme well recommended and furnish names of three last places employed. Good commission. Prefer someone residing in McHenry. Apply in person or by letter. Ermine Cleaners, High wood. 111. 4 •a GOOD USED CARS ; AT BARGAIN PRICES 1926 Dodge Business Coupe. . 1926 Dodge Special Business Sedan 1924 Dodge Business Sedan. ' 1923 Dodge Deluxe Sedan. 1923 Dodge Business Coupe. 1925 Willys Knight S^daq. 1925 Ford Coupe. . _ 1925 Chevrolet RoadstST, 1925 Chevrolet Touring. 1925 Oldsmobile Coach.. And many more to choose froat. Easy Payment Plan We have a complete line of trucks in tt ton and 1^4 ton in closed or open body types. JAMES MORROW & SON, Phone 186 WANTED--First class cook for Sundays only. Call 65£-W-2. Ask for Mirs. Peterson. " 49-tf. WANTED--Farms of all sizes and descriptions for cash or exchange for income property. We specialize in quick deals. Kent * Company, McHenry. 38-tf LOST MISSING--Since Sunday, June 6, a white pig. Finder, please notify West McHeni7, IB. J®Mph A. Schaefer, McHenry. Telephone, Richmond, 935. 2-2 GOOD USED CAR BUYS LOST--Black suitcase, lost between 1927 6-cylinder Standard Six Buick Hickory Garage and concrete road, Tuesday night, reward. Notify Mrs. 4* Demonstrator. 1924 6-cylinder 4«-pass. Buick Coupe. Gpo'rge Johnson. Tel 7G-J. 1922 6-cylinder 4-pass. Buick Coupe, . r --y 1926 Tudor Ford; new tires and XOUJNU paint. ' . ----7- . OVERTON Jk OOTfEN FOUND--Suitcase, on river road, fHHrcrc % West McHenry about two miles south of McHenry. Owner can have same by paying for FOR SALE--1926 Tudor Ford; good this ad. and proving property. Ben condition; reasonable. Inquire at J. Dietz. 4 West McHenry State Bank. 51-tf MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--Modern home. 8 large ---- rooms with sun parlor; extra lavatory, PIANO TUNING--regulating and laundry, hardwood trim throughout; repairing. Chas, Diehl, Woodstock, garage; lots 98x132, with all kinds HI, of fruit, vegetable garden. Priced to ~~" sell. Terms. Phil Sheridan, 4122 Clarendon avenue, Phone 274-J. 1-4* RESULTS! ™™ / Kent & Company T . Ph,0" 0«n sell that house! Lake View -1689 .or J. W. Bonslett, Can rent that flat, McHenry, 87-R, Saturday or Sunday, c,,, find a buyer for thllt land! ^ u*a - : WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY FOR SALE--Barley, ground or rolled. REPAIRING-- Located at "Tempus (40 per ton. Wm. Juste^, Ringwood, Fugit" on Elm St., McHenry. Mort 111. 3-3 Ritt. 50-1^ FOR SALE CHEAP--A large reliable gas stove. Mrs. Nellie Bacon, MicHenry. Phone 96-J. 3 FOR SALE--Household furniture. Arthur A. Friestedt, east side Pistakee Bay. FOR ALL Sewing Machine and Victrola troubles, call 162. B. Popp, West McHenry. 50-tf Loose leaf work ts a specialty of 8* the Plaindealer job department. WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS 07 A WEEK IN OUR CITY At Seen By Plaindealer Keand Handed to By Our Friends turned Sunday from a three-week's trip to Nebraska and the Black Hills. S. D. Mir. and Mrs. W. H. Vastine of Chicago are spending several weeks at their summer home at MlcCollum's Ufa Davidson ' of Chicago called on Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beatty the latter part of the week. Mir. and Mirs. Jerome Elliott and children of Austin ware Sunday guests in the home of Ifr. aad- Mrs. Frank Thurwell. Miss Katherine Kasch of Hillside returned to her home last week after spending a week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mat Steffes. Attorney and Mrs. Raymond M. Wienke and sons and Miss Pauline Kennebeck of Chicago visited home folks over the week-end. C. J. Bender and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burkholder and children of Chicago will spend the summer at their home in West McHenry. Mrs. Charles Peterson, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. A. E. Guhr and daughter, Dorothy, of Chicago are spending a couple of weeks at McCollum's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kelleher of Elmhurst visited relatives here over the week-end. Miss Katherine Rothermel returned homo with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. LaConde and son, Lloyd, of Jackson, Mich., spent Wednesday and Thursday of last week with Mj. and Mrs. Jacob Schaefer. ,» Miss Catherine Regener, who is a student nurse at the Grant hospital in Chicagfb, is spending her vacation at the home of her parents at Pistakee Bay. Friends of John Helns of Aurora will regret to hear that ha was quite seriously hurt in an automobile accident on the highway last Thursday evening. Mrs. John Bolger, Mrs. Thomas Ha?es, Mrs. Hjallissey and Helen Bolger of Woodstock were guests in the Ed Knox home on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Winkle, Mr. and Mrs. William Perkinson and Mrs. J. C. Peterson enjoyed a motor trip to Channel Lake and Antioch and .vicinity Sunday. Mrs. Jos. N. Miller and daughter, Caroline, returned home on Saturday after spending a few weeks with relatives at Almena, Wis. Miss Caroline Marie stayed for a longer visit. Mlrs. Pauilne Feibrantz and daughter, Mrs. Herman Schmidt and two little sons and Mrs. Albert Schwebke and two daughters, all of Belvidere, spent Teusday in the Fred Kamholz home Mesdames J. E. Wheeler, Minnie Miller, Mayme Harrison, J. R. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. A. Eddy and Mir. and Mrs. Thomas attended a meeting of Harvard chapter, O. E. S. at Harvard, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gielow and baby daughter, John Gielow and son, Edwin, (fend Mr. and Mrs. Auguet LOessing of Chicago spent Sunday as the guests of Bft*. and Mrs. Charles Peterson at their summer home here. M|r. and Mrs. Andrew Eddy and son, Clarron, and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Peterson of Marengo spent the weekend at the home coming of the Hackett family, parents of Mrs. Eddy and Mrs. Peterson, at Whitewater, Wis. This marks the 46th anniversary of the family since their arrival here from England in 1660. 'V.T, of Sauer Kraut Saner Kraut Juice is said toNbe very healthy and customers like the taste of it. ^ large can of a well advertised brand for 30^ BUY THAT BRADLEY BATHINO SUIT HERE--NOW We seem ^o get real summer weather at last. Phone 1W M Get Your Fireworks ipr the 4th skt t": fl-" KARLS' »»SMS»»»»»»»»»»»»•»»»•»»»»»»»»»»»»»»•»»»»•#It Sandng sWf IS OPEN ht and Each Sunday Until Labor Day BILL DONAHUE and the Greatest of Campus Orchestras will furnish the music for the entire season. This famous orchestra played at Deauville, France, all last summer and made a wonderful hit. We have spared no expense to make our pavilion the wonder of Northern Illinois, and challenge the world to beat our decorations. See them and be convinced. BIGGER THAN EVER aOA V V V V V %' V V V V V V V V V V V 'W&-~ if". An English writer Is coining to Asierlca to stay because she loves the fetus of Industry about her, which is s great piece of Information for som* •ne who Just got out of a dentist's •<T *!»• oow isiiiiioc eC/Japen l« Scribed as a very alert and progressive pan, taking bis official duties with great seriousness. He may be a strong flafiueace !s Curbiug i.ii« irresponsible Jtagolssa which provides suggestion for jSII fclads of startling tfaeoriss aat only to hie owa land hat abroad Ch alias, Moooeheart and .m. «aHoss whsa the dty oeaacO voted for the exterftilnatlon of the 5* breeding places. Mayor ffl Wlastoc aAed the co-opera tk® of dtlssas Is tike campaign. A campaign tm IVCOO.OOO i«r A»- guataaa oolkg* aid theological oosilaary was authorised by the Lutheran Aogustsne synod, meeting in Rock IslaaS for its slzty-«lgbth annual ton vsotlci. OuMhlri wm bo raised durlas VBO&. The synod sihaswlsilgea the Woaaeii s Missionary eodety gift el JMS^OO for the womsa^i eonattssy. Sam Hirschman was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Mrs J. D. Beatty was a Chicago visitor last week. Miss Agnes Steffes is visiting relatives in Chicago this week. Mrs. James Kirwan of Volo called on Miss C. J. Madden Friday. Mrs. George Phalin spent Tuesday with her parents in Woodstock. Lenore Frisby is visiting at the home of her aunt at Lombard, 111. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kennebeck spent a few days last w^ek visiting in Chicago ~ v Mrs. E. Thomas and Mrs. B. Logenbach were Elgin vistiors one day last week. Miss Irene Conway of Elgin is enjoying her vacation this week at her home here. Mrs. J. D. Beatty called on her sister, Mirs. Ml D. Smstlley, of Woodstock, Monday. Mrs. Jacob Schaefer was a guest of relatives in Chicago Sunday and Mon day of this week. Miss Caroline MUler returned to Wilmette Sunday after enjoying a two week's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. William Perkinson of Chicago were Sunday guests in the Theodore Winkle home. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew MiePherson of Rogers Park are epending two weeks* at MeCollum's Lake. Mr and Mrs. R. M. Fleming entertained Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Larson of Chicago over the week-end. John Schreiner of Elgin spent Thursday and Friday in the home of her sister, Mrs A. Rrause . Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beatty, C. J. Bender and B. Cowie spent Wednes day at Lake Geneva, fishing. Mrs. Margaret Gill is of Woodstock is spending the week in the home* of her sister, Mrs. Peter Doherty. Misses Martha and Ruby Peterson of Marengo were guests in the home of Mr. and Mirs. A. Eddy Sunday. Mb*, and Mrs. J. L. Hovorka^ and family of Chicago were Sunday guests of Mr and Mra. Richard Fleming. Mr. and Mrs. J. Chester Vastine were week-end visitors at the Vastine cottage at MeCoTluna'a Lake. Miss Mary Fleming of Crystal Lake visited in the home of Mr. and Mra. Richard Fleming over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. A H. Mosher re- Mr. and Mr*. J. R. Graham and daughter, Mary, and Thomas Graham of Long Lake were MicHenry visitors Monday. t Margaret Long of Elgin and Leo Dwyer of Huntley visited in the home of' Mr. and MJrs. Peter Doherty, on Sunday. William Vastine, Jr., and Miss Estelle Whitteman of Chicago spent Saturday with Mr. and Mirs. W. H. Vastine. Mrs. J. C. Peterson of Chicago is spending the week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Winkel. Mr. and Mrs. Wl ML Diets and son, Earl, of Glen EUyn were Sunday gueets in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Diets. Mr. and Mrs. H. Vicborn and M'rs. J3TILL THE BIGGEST -xttasz Summer Bedroom isVsriJO'4 It will prove a real pleasure to outfit a bedroom in your home from the splendid showing of pieces to be found her^ Many items can be purchased at a price considerably lower than you would expect to pay for this class of furniture. JACOB JUSTBN €f SON I USED CARS' am n , Dodges Studebakers ' \h *t j v- • '•'Si Oldsmobiles ... .. • Pontiacs --; JAMES MORROW & SON DODGE BROTHERS DEALERS--McHENRY, ILLINOIS V*"""

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