m , . - ' ? ^ ? ,VV PLAINDMALEE, THURSDAY, JULY 14,1937 ••;^vr :••• - "' -:- ' . . . - * " ' , ' ' ~ \ " " \ Buy It In McHenry : cz,**. VULCANIZES -• ,-?•• • • • • ' • .• . -• . . - Y«rrt»fep: If you had that cut vulcanized never have been bothered with a blowout. Vulcanizing will save you the cost of a new tube or casing. Quality Tires, Tubes and Batteries--Battery Charging and Repairing. ^ Specials for Saturday, Sunday and Monday 30x3 Vt Oversize Cord . . • --$8.75 WALTER J. FREUND West WcHenry, Illinois RINOWOOD "Therefore when We Build, Let Us Think that We Build Forever" -3IOHN RUSKIN WHEN Alexander Graham Bell spofce the first intelligible sentence over the telephone fifty-one years ago he laid the foundation of a monument that will stand fore ver. Since then countless improve* ments have been made in the original instrument and Bell engineers and scientists are still engaged in studying, improving, and extending the range of communication, anticipating future demands --rounding out and perfecting the structure of a great public service. IULINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Policy • One System • Universal Service JfVER Y telephone added -C to this system during the past ten years has required an average investment higher than fur those installed ten years ago. This cmdition will apply to each telephone added for many years, if present price levels hold. The company is powerless to control dm advances. Miss Jessie Schroder is visiting her aunt at Solon. Mbt Welter and Frances Helms, and Virginia and Roy left for Michigan early Sunday morning. On Wjednesday afternoon a shower was held at the home of Miss Lorena Jepson for Miss Laura Welter. Miss Ruth Whiting of Chicago is visiting Mrs. Lewis Schroeder over the we^k-end. Mr. and Mrs. Olney Moe and daugh. ter, Mary Ellen, of Chicago and Mrs. Ray Barthoff of Richmond were Ringwood callers on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Bacon of N. Crystal Lak^ were Sunday callers in Ringwoodr Miss Wynne Kelley has been spend ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Balbe at Williams Bay. Matt Welter and three children are spending Hi few days with Michigan relatives. John Kattner of Spring Grove spent Monday afternoon here. Rev. and Mrs. Paul Weber and family were Ringwood callers late Sunday evening. M*. and Mrs. Max Beth and son, who have spent"ten weeks in Ringwood, returned home Saturday to Chicago. MV. and Mrs. Floyd Merchant of Woodstock called in Ringwood on Sunday afternoon. Raymond Hall is slowly improving at this writing. William Giddings spent the weekend with Hebron relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Stephensen were recent visitors with their aunt, Mrs. Frankie Stephensen. Mrs. Clay Rager and daughter, have returned bMK froas a visit at RedfWld, S. D. Mrs. L. J. McQoarrr and baby are visiting Mrs. Frank Hitchens. Mrs. Frank Fay was a Chkagv caller one day thl? week. Jessie Allen of Richmond called on Ringwood frieods Tuesday. Mrs. E. C. Hawley is visiting relatives and friends in Indiana for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Franxen and family were Sunday callers on Spring Grove friends. Harvey Hamilton was a week-end guest of Richmond relatives. The members of the Jolly Sixteen Bunco club and a few neighbors and friends surprised Mi's. Nick Young on Wednesday afternoon, the event being in honor of her birthday, Mrs. Engels presented her with a beautiful birthday cake, and the club with a card table. First prize was won by Mrs. William McCannon, second by Mrs. Ed Thompson, third by Mrs. C. Larson, and consolation by Mrs. Steve Engels. Refreshments were served and the guests departed, wishing Mrs. Young many more happy birthdays. Viola Engels spent Wednesday with Frances Young. Ben Stevens spent Thursday in Richmond with James Bell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hawley and daughters visited Mr. and Mrs. Wheeling of McHenry on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Levin and son, Henry, of Chicago called in the Lewis Hawley home, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. McQuarry and son, Winfield, spent Sunday in the Frank Hitchens home. Miss Eleanor Karls is visiting her aunt, M^s. Kate Welter. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown and Mr. Lewis Hawley spent Monday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepherd and children, Gladys and Howard, spent Sunday at McHjenry. Mrs. Emma Merchant and Mrs. Hannah Walker and son, Fred, spent Sunday at Durand. The Home Bureau held its annual picnic at Woodstock on Friday, Miss Cora Beth and Mrs. Max Beth, Mrs. Frank Hitchens, Mrs. Jepson, Mrs. Rainy and Mrs. Harrison were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Nimsgrem of Spring Grove and Joe and Paul Pitzen of Chicago spent Sunday in the Nick and Joe Young home. Mr. and Mrs. William Shotleff and son of Spring Grove spent Sunday with Nick Young and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kist and Mrs. Hartley of Chicago spent Sunday with their sister, M)rn. Ed Thompson and family. Miss Gladys and Sylvia Larsen of Woodstock spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mirs. ClauB Larsen. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and daughter, Adele, and Mrs. Karl Bradley and daughters spent Friday evening at Lake Katherine visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and son, Stanley, spent Thursday evening in McHenry. Misses Frances Young and Viola Ingalls spent Saturday evening with M iss Hannah Glossen. Miss Hannah Walker and son, Fred, spent Tuesday in Greenwood. Mrs. Lizzie Mansfield of Woodstock spent Wednesday with Mrs. Hannah Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson spent Sunday afternoon at Woodstock. Mrs. Emma Walker spent Thursday afternoon at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Lawrence spent Sunday at Fox Lake with relatives. Rev. Boswell, head minister of the Wheaton college, will hold a meeting at the Gospel church of Genoa City, on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr were recent callers at the county-seat. Ruth Nye of West McHenry is the guest of Miss Elaine Bradley this week. Mrs. Robert Antcliff of Hebron spent Tuesday in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Schroeder spent Sunday at Lily Lake. Nick Freund, of McHepry, was a Ringwood caller on Tuesday. Mrs. Anna Tonyon of Fox Lake is visiting her sister, Mrs. Abe Lawrence. v Mr. and Mrs. Stringer of McHenry called in Ringwood; Tuesday. Miss Wynne Kelly spent Sunday evening at Genoa City, with friends. Mrs. David Hodges and Adrian Thomas are enjoying a vacation in Pennsylvania. Why worry about cooking when we have a full line of canned and fresh fruits and vegetables. Our grocery Dept. Store. RESUME BARBERRY K" CAMPAIGN SURVEY I. L. ttrakensiek, J. L. Ham, and C. E. Adams, representatives of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, arrived in McHenry a few days ago and resumed the barberry eradication activities which were suspended last fall before the survey of McHenry county was completed. The common barberry is being eradicated because it spreads the harmful black stem rust to wheat, oats, barley and rye. Stem rust causes an annual loss of about $50,- 000 to grain growers in Illinois. In order to reduce this enormous loss in Illinois and twelve neighboring states the Federal Government, cooperating with the State Department of Agriculture and other agricultural agencies, is striving to find and destroy every common barberry bush now in existence. Last summer the federal inspectors found hundreds of the harmful barberry bushes growing in the parts of McHenry county covered in a survey. Bad weather early in the fall caused the survey to be suspended until this summer. It is hoped that the remaining portion of the county v/ill be completely surveyed within the next few weeks and every barberry bush eradicated. Mr. Brakensiek and Mr. Ham were here last summer and are acquainted with conditions in this county. Mr. Brakensiek states that during the short time they have been here several barberries have been found. Three hushes were found growing on the grounds of the State Fish Hatehery, The manager was very anxious to have these bushes removed as soon as he was informed that they were barberry bushes. ^ Anyone knowing of bushes which they think might be common barberry are urged to report them to the Federal Agents, Box 276, McHenry, 111. Try a Classified Ad for Qnick Results East Side Garage OAS and OIL ^ ACCESSORIES Also Moving and Lon£ Distance Hauling \ HERMAN SCHAEFEE Phone 49 DRUCE & SHELDON Phone 10Q Grayslake, Hi HART PARE TRACTORS, E B and JOHN DEERE PLOWS and DISCS, WOOD BROS, and J. I. CASE THRESHERS, U. S. HUSKERS, GRAIN ELEVATORS AND DRIVE BELT8 Hudson and Essex Cars KITCHEN CONVENIENCE for Everybody. Everywhere The Couch Widely popu of It. lone appearance, comfortable iMtinc • rraogcmeot eaa lew price. •595 Fitatui*. The Sedati A bee utiful efidoeetJ car, ncKable for Its marked distinction in line, color and ap. poinfmenti. Accoav fbodate* five in comfort. '695 The Touri«| Car A car of •nmial •HIIt* iftd ecooooBf b*ciu« of iu low liwl tnd oil coo- Hatriion, and its ability to <rithxaa4 kwlMgk PUnt. Mich. AMONG the eight beautiful xVChevrolet passenger car models there is one particularly suited for every driving prefer* ence--a Chevrolet for every body, everywhere. The family seeking an all* purpose automobile--those women and men who require personal cars of unquestioned smartness--the business man who demands combined economy, utility and fine appearance-- owners of high-priced automobiles who wish to enjoy the advantages of additional transportation without sacrifice of quality or prestige-- --*11 find in Chevrolet exactly t|&e car that meets their needs* at a price whose lowness reflects the economies of gig»"?<r production! . [mber Landau ThlinaobUeMm^b •I Mvlc car-deslgniag afford* true c«Mt< |»«»<l« « NIOTT « 80 Fu^Ulafa. Tha Sport f; Cabriolet * Tb« noN diMincrtwa two-four piiscngtf Ctr ever offered la the low-priced ficM. Spedou* rumble Mab •715!" " The Landau | Pine appearance eaa» •battled by beta* ptttwu Duco fiallL Mack leather rea* •tiled belg i Due* ( mtrnrtm •mi. *745 FU^iilefc. The Roadster str&ssri --wical operation a*d marnrt appearance la a twe-paa.eeB.» The Coupe CoeililiMg aaaert in* pearanoe, and ell. around amity with low •525 JC •625 to Hettermann Motor Sales Phone 191, West McHenry, Illinois L I T Y A T I 6 W C O * • T CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Council Room, June 27, 1927. The city council, with Mayor Frett presiding,- met in special meeting on Monday evening to take up matters regarding repairing sewer system and city well. Aldermen present: Doherty, Frisby, Howard, Kreutzer, Overton and Thennes. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Frisby that Mayor Frett be given the power to employ a competent engineer to take charge of repairing the sewer across Boone creek. Motion carried. Motion by Frisby, seconded by Overton, that the city council wait for the decision of Mr. McLean, of the American Wells Works of Aurora to make a pumping test before doing anything with the city wells. Motion carried. The clerk was instructed to put notice in the city paper, the McHenry Plaindealer, in regard to keeping away from the reservoir at the city hall. Motion by Frisby, seconded by Kreutzer to adjourn. Motion carried. PETER W. FRETT, Mayor S. F. CONWAY, Clerk. Council Room, July 5, 1927. The city aldermen met in regular session Monday evening, with Mayor Frett presiding. Aldermen present: Doherty, Frisby, Howard, Kreutzer, Overton and Thennes. The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and approved. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Overton, that the following be paid. Motion carried. Nick Rickett, labor on streets..$ 7.50 Marriott & Miles, printing... 52.50 John Malsh, labor on sidewalks and sewer 19.88 American LaFranc Fire Engine Co., supplies 84.71 W. L. Howell & Co., battery service 37.75 Weil McLain Co., sewer boxes....40.32 Public Service Co., mdse 1.00 Public Service Co., traffic lights.. 7.50 Public Service Co., power for electric pump 44,40 Public Service Co., May traffic lights 7.50 D. I. Granger, special police 10.00 Wm. Ahrens, labor on streets....42.00 Louis Althoff, street brush LOO Crane Co., hydrant and valves....97.77 Wm. H. Althoff, lanterns and battery 4.45 E. H. Merrick, labor on streets.. 112.5Q H» F. Lindsay, labor on W.W 15.00 G. P. Freund, oil V; 6.00 McHenry Plaindealer, printing....12.70 Phit Guinto, police services 100.00 John F. Brda, supplies 10.25 R. F. Conway, phone calls, postage and envelopes, etc 2.80 Walter J. Donavin, labor as city plumber 352.70 Horder Stationery Stores, sup 80 Mlotion by Doherty, seconded by Kreutzer, that the collector's and Clerk's reports to be accepted and that the treasurer's report for the month Of June, 1927, be accepted. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by 9 Thenn«B, to adjourn until 7 p. m. Wednesday, July ISth. Motion carried. t»ETER W. FRETT, Miayor R. F. CONWAY, Clerk. f T T T t t T f T t T Making your kitchen an easy place in which to work is not a costly % process if you use the foresight to come here and make your selections. c^> JACOB JUSTEN & SONS (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the Condition of Located at West McHenry, State of Illinois, at the close of business 09 the 30th day of June, 1927, as made to the Auditor of Public -Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. <0 "V RESOURCES Loans on Real Estate Loans on Collateral Security..... Other Loans • ^ Overdrafts Other Bonds and Securities Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures. .... $108,775.00 51,697.96 454,636.25 942.54 46,168.17 27,107.50 Due from Banks, Cash and Other Ca^-Besourees....™...™ 133,885.43 Total Resources ;.... $823,212.85 OiKer tlmWiN v ' W*mj matter on the fringes Of known universe indicate that tber* are other universes than the one to which oar Mrib^aad the sun belong. LIABILITIES Capital Stock Surplus Undivided Profits (Net) Time Deposits Demand Deposits • r.r'^ Dividends Unpaid Reserve Account Total labilities .......... .$ 50,000.00 _ 40,000.00 .• 12,658.87 I 383,969.33 .a833,074.65 2,5iaoo 1,000.00 .$823,212.85 I, Verona J. Niesen, Cashier of the West McHenry State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. VERONA J. NIESEN, Cashier. STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF M 'HENRY, sa. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of July, 1927. (SEAL) * ROBERT L. WEBER, Notary Public.