ippB*«pp£?p . •; t;• i- ;.*, ;- :#-*• ^ $rsz*i£t ; urtvli'^.IijIV.' * ^! |.. *c >-- .*.**»» •" '• «'.«W.-», ••» » JP» * "- "• < 1" -5 4" ^ \**ir>*/ti »«»%»•* '•• • 1 WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS WEEK IN OUR |U Seen By Plain dealer Reporters and Handed In By Our Friends Mrs. S. W Brown of Ringwood Visited relatives here last Wednesday. Mrs. Paul Meyers visited Mrs. Ed fiompson at Ringwood the first of st week. MVs. Karl -Bradley and children of Ringwood spent a day recently in the fienry Heimer home. - Mrs. E. J. Brefeld and daughter, Kathrine of Chicago are spending two .Weeks with relatives here. V Mr. and Mrs. Mat Karls of Chicago were guests in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mlrs. Fred Karls, Sun- " Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand J. Frett of 'Chicago were guests in the home of Mir. and Mrs. Joseph J. Frett, Sun- ; day- Mr. and Mrs. William H. Aithoff and family visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tonyon at Pistakee Bay, Sunday. Mrs. Mat Brandt and Miss Anna Waldron of St. Louis, Mo., spent a few days last week as guests in the Itome of Mrs. Mary Kelley. Mir. and Mrs. Randolph Colwel and Children of Elmhurst were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Herzog, at their home on Fox River. Mrs. Gilbert Sommers of Sioux Falls, S. D., was called home Saturday because of the serious illness of her father, Edward Sutton, who is a former resident of this vicinity. .'- v ' - 4 ' Mrs. Miollie Givens and family visited relatives at Fox Lake, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sattem of Woodstock visited relatives in this vicinity Sunday. Walter Fay of Elgin visited in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fay, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey are spending their vacation enjoying a trip through Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maynard and family of Racine, Wis., visited in the Frank Ensign home, Sunday. Mrs. Helen McAuliffe of Chicago is spending the week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walter Brooks. MV. and Mrs. Ira Marshall of Chicago were guests in the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich, Saturday. Mir. and Mrs. Alfred Richardson of Spring Grove spent Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cooley. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McNicholls and daughter, Majorie, and Dunlap Mc- Devitt of Chicago visited friends here over the week-end. Mr. and MVs. Carl Larson and daughter, Josephine, of Palatine visited in the home of Mir. and Mrs, Charles Ensign, Sunday. Mir. and Mrs. Stedry and daughters, Evelyn and Georgians, of Chicago were week-end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Williams and little daughter of Athens, Ohio, are visiting in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cooley. Mjr. and Mrs.Ray Conway and daughter, Betty, M. A. Conway, Fr. Conway and Miss Alice Knox spent Thursday evening in the Walsh home near Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Loben hoefer and daughter, Eunice, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lobenhoefer of Chi cago visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Martin, Sunday. , " fl -V'" „ , - _ . _ t ji. , THURSDAY, JULY 14,1927 To CHICAGO From McHenry-- Grays Lake Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago--the "Loop" READ DOWN Csntral Standard Turn Lv. McHenry 9:49 am 1:34 •:49 pm Lv. Grays Lake 10:23 sm 2:08 7:23 pm Arr.Waukegan (M mm 10:52 am 2:37 pm 7:52 pm Arr.Chicago 12:02pm 4:05 pm 9:05 pm Arr. Milwaukee 12:07 pm 4:09 P" 9:09 pm Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R.R.CO. WEBER & SGHIESSLE Local Agents West McHenry Ed Kelter is spending tike week in Chicago. Miss Genevieve Knox spent Friday and Saturday at DeKalb. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Aithoff were Chicago visitors, Thursday. Carl Spaunko of Chicago spent Sunday in the Fred Karls home. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Herzog were visitors at Milwaukee, Monday. Mrs. Dave Johnson spent Sunday with her husband at Ridgefield. Mr. and Mrs. George Lindsay visited relatives at Richmond, Sunday., Mr. and MVs. Earl Monear were guests of relatives at Solon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Colman of Chicago visited in the Fred Karls, home Sunday. Mr. and Mlrs. Fred Wynkoop of Woodstock called on friends here on Sunday. V Paul and Mary Brefeld and Cecelia Thennes spent Thursday evening at Waukegan. Mrs. Jos J. Frett spent a few days the first of the, week with Natives in Chicago. , Mr. and Mrs. Perl of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Herzog. E. J. Brefeld and Peter Steffens of Chicago spent Sunday in the home Of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Niesen and children of Chicago were Sunday guests of Mrs. Mary Kelley. Miss Theresa Karls of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls. Misses Anita and Maxine Bacon spent a few days the first of the week visiting relatives at Elgin. William Bickler, who has been at the Woodstock hospital for several days, returned to his home here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bowers and baby of Wjaukegan spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hiller. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rosing and daughter, of South Chicago, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hiller. Miss Lillian Vales and Miss Dorothy Urba of Chicago spent a few days last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Vales. Mr. and Mrs. John Brefeld and daughter, Norma, of Waukegan spent a few days last week in the B. J. Brefeld home. Mrs. Carl Williams and two children and Miss Bernice Christensen of Genoa City visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hergoz last Thursday. Mrs. Mikulas of Brookfield is spending a few weeks as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs . Albert Vales. Mr. Mikulas spent Sunday with his wife here. Those from McHenry and vicinity who attended the funeral of Arthur Hannifin in Chicago, Friday were: Jos. J. Frett, I. Cope, Mrs. Ben Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. George Kramer and Mir. and Mrs. W. F. Vogt. Among those from McHenry who attended the formal opening of the .Colemar Country club near Spring Grove, Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nye. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Covalt, and daughter, Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Vogt and daughter, Elizabeth, Mrs. Harry Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoeft, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bassett. Mr. and Mlrs. James Sayler and children and Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and family. Mrs. Edward Sutton and Mrs. Gilbert Sommers were Elgin visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson family visited in the Peterson home at Glen ElljTh, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Bishop and Children spent Sunday at Ridgefield as guests of Dave Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bauer and children of Chicago were Sunday guests of Mrs. Mary Kelley. Misses Lucille Kerpec and Pauline Kennebeck of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kennebeck. Mrs. E. L. Behlke, Mr. and Mrs. William O. Behlke, Mrs. J. E. Behlke and daughter, Jane, and Helen Buch visited in the home of John Buch on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. R. Arvedson and son, George Raymond, Jr., and daughter, Louise, of Hammond, Ind., called on friends here Monday. Mrs. Arvedson, who was formerly Miss Mayme Granger, will be remembered by taany friends here. * • - "• Mrs, Edward Holle of Chicago spent several days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Conway. Mrs. C. W. Stenger and children and Miss Martha Anderson of Waukegan were McHenry visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Kamholz and little son of Chicago visited in the Fred Kamholz home the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Dreymiller and Mr. and Mrs. J. F# Claxton and son, William, were gueets of friends at Antioch one day last week. Miss Ruth Ryan of Evanston called on McHenry friends one day recently. Miss Anita Bacon is spending several days as the guest of Elgin relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Muckler of Elmhurst, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bonslett and son, of Crystal Lake and Francis Bonslett of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bonslett. It was the birthday anniversary of Mr. Bonslett. Lyle Bassett visited at DesPlaines Saturday night. Lewis Haw ley of Ringwood spent Friday afternoon in this city. M iss Floribel Bassett visited friends at DesPlaines over the week-end Miss Pauline Pufahl of DeKalb spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. Jack Nicholls( spent a day recently with Mrs. George Young at Ringwood. ^ Mr and Mlrs. Ray Thomas and family of Chicago visited relatives here lastt week. Mrs. Daniel Gilfoy and son, Joseph, of Chicago were recent visitors in the home of Mrs. Mollie Givens. Ed L. Hayes returned to his home at Minneapolis, Minn., Saturday, after visiting his wife and children in the home of Mrs. D. A. Whiting. Mrs. Gilbert Sommers of Sioux Falls, S. D., spent last week as the guest of relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. John Dreymiller and Mrs. J. F. Claxton visited in the Geo. Shephard home at Ringwood last week. ' Mr. and Mlrs. J. C. Jolly of Crystal Lake spent a day recently with relatives here. John Erickson and Mrs. Ritter of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of his brother, L. A. Erickson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morris, Mr. and Mrs. N. H Petesch and daughter, Angela, Mrs. Martha Page, J. N. Sayler and E. E. Bassett played golf at the Hillmore Country club at Lake Geneva, Thursday. William H. Biehl, John Broderick, Jr., Ray Broderick and Joseph Bach of Chicago visited in the home «§ J. J. Buch, Saturday and Sunday. 3 ; Savings deposits made on or before Friday, July 15th will draw interest from July 1st. West McHenry State Bank. Resources over $800,000. 6-2 Why worry about cooking when we have a full line of canned and fresh fruits and vegetables. Our grocery department is at its best. "" "" Dept. Store. I A A A A A A A A A A A A •4 • •• ' 'a >• ftO.O. DETROIT Zif (NOTACCfcCH) The lowest price at which a sedan was EVER sold by Dodge Brothers « • * • ASTONISHING ECONOMY 25 miles per gallon * * * At 25 miles per hour » • ADofthn Dodge wualitt and iJui QtH Dependabiutt JAMES MORROW & SON Waukegan and West McHenry BROTHERS Attracting Attention! . > •> 1 When you use pictures in >ur advertising you are just making certain that the eye of your potential customer will be attracted to your message. lAnd the effectiveness with which that message gets across depends largely on the manner in which your copy is written and how well the ad is displayed. < > < • < • < • <• < •" <•, < • pictures copy--and our ad compositors are waiting to part in business. up your Thousands of Plaindealer readers are waiting to read your message each week Phone' 170 and we'll show you