Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jul 1927, p. 4

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%HE McHENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, JULY 21,1927 -- *v ^ ••• - ** \.. •! THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER ^Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. Entered u second-class Dtttor it the postoffice tt McHenry, Hit o®~ (hf the act of May 8, 1879. __ v Subscription Ratee . . . . . . . $ 2 .00 .......$1.00 One Year ...; Six Months .. .......»•.»• #....«•• • • •••>»» ................. * • A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY jy Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In By Our Friends Miss Elizabeth Miller was a Chicago visitor Monday. -7 -- ' Mrs. E. Cropley of Solon was a KIcHenry caller, Tuesday. ,• "Dave Johnson of Ridgefield spent fhttiday with hig wife here>^ Paul Doherty and Robert Knox 'r'imre Elgin visitors, Sunday. V Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin of Round tike visited friends here Tuesday. MJr. and Mrs. Phil Meyers visited lfelatives at Forest Park, Sunday. Mi-, and Mrs. P. H. Moulton of Elmhurst visited relatives here Sund$ y. "Mrs. George Kuhn spent' a few Ays last week with relatives in Chi- Oago. Annabel Meyers of Johnsburg is pending the week in the John King . home. Miss Clara Schiessle and Mrs. Emma Freund visited at Milwaukee, fftiursday. • Mr. and Mrs. J. Peterson of Chicago were Sunday guests in the Bieo Winkle home. _\_Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Richtrdson of Spring Grove spent Sunday at the F. A. Cooley home. Mirs. C. B. Webster of Chicago was I guest in the home of MY. and Mrs. T. W. Winkle, Sunday. Mrs. Mjargaret Gillis ^ of Woodstock Stent Sunday in the home of Mr. and rs. Peter Doherty. Stanley Young of Ringwood spent v flunday with his grandparents, Mr. iiid Mrs. John R. Smith. George Meyers and Mrs. William Marshall and family visited relatives Miss Lillian Buss visited at Aurora Sunday. Dana McKnight spent Sunday at Aurora. Will Green and Frank Page visited at Chicago, Sunday. Mrs. Will Brown of Ringwood was a Saturday visitor here. Miss Rosalind Nye visited relatives at Milwaukee, last week. MJss Garnet Gooley visited in the F. A. Cooley home last week. Miss Vena Foulds spent a few days last week with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schaefer visited at Arlington Heights Tuesday. Mrs. Roy Hankermeyer and son, Mlarshall, visited friends here Monday. Miss Edna Geist of Urbana, Ind. visited friends here a "few days last week. Dwight Rosencrans and friend of Chicago spent Sunday with Hiomas Kane. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Althoff and family visited at Waterford, Wis., Sunday. Welter and Herbert Fenske spent the week-end at their summer home at Rosedale. C. A. Dalstrom of Chicago spent the week-end with his family at Mc- Collum's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown of Orlean, N. Y„ are visiting relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Westfall of Chicago visited in the home of Simon Stoffel, Monday. Miss Nora Prientz of Chicago spent the week-end as a guest of Miss Pamela Rietsel. [ Miss Ulsa Nye of Milwaukee, Wis., | spent several days this week in the A. E. Nye home. George Charmley went to Rhinelander, Wis., last week, where he! has accepted a position. Mi-, and Mrs. R. V. Scott of Elgin called at the home of P. J. Cleary Sunday afternoon. Charles Peterson and August Guhr of Chicago spent the week-end with Classified Column I I t t t t t t t t t * f t * t* * * * * * * * * ' « * I« I FOR 8ALB GOOD USED CARS AT BARGAIN PRICES 1924 34-ton Dodge Express truck, just overhauled and newly painted. Reasonably priced. 1926 Dodge DeLuxe sedan, newly painted, tires almost, new and in good condition, mechanically. 1923 Dodge A sedan; tires are new; has new Duco paint job. Price only $285. 1923 Dodge coupe; new paint job. Priced for quick turnover at $236 FOR SALE CHEAP--If taken at once, twelve steel cots and mattresses. Never have been used. Mrs. N. E. Taylor, R-3, McHenry. Tel. 624-J-2. 7-tf FOR SALE--Several bargains in three-dial radios--Freshman, Kennedy and Stewart-Warner. Nye Radio Shop, West McHenry. 6-3 FOR SALE -- Barn and woodshed, good for kindling. Purchaser to dismantle same. Mrs. Elizabeth Buss. West 1 McHenry. 7 FOR SALE--5-room bungalow With 1926 Dodge Special coupe. Be sure, aiid look at this car before buying. 1925 Ford 1-ton truck. This truck has a good closed cab; new tires and is in exceptionally good condition. Exceptional milk or farm truck. Easy Payment Han lences. 7-3* TYPEWRITERS v f Sales and Service. V ; ' Repaired and Rentals. ... Prompt attention to phone calls. We have a complete line of truck! 549. L. KILTZ, Woodstock in % ton and 1V& ton in closed or „ ,, 49-tf open body types. iVJAMES MORROW & SON, FOR EEHT ^ Phone 186 West McHenry, lit: 1. WANTED--Farms of all sizes and FOR SALE--McHenry Country Club <jeBCriptions for cash or exchange for membership. E". M. Geier 7-tf. FOR SALE--House tent, in good condition. Call at Nobby Style Shop or phone 60-R. 7-tf income property. We specialize in quick deals. Kent A Company, McHenry. 38-tf FOR SALE PLAYER PIANO--Bargain to party completing $10.00 monthly payments on balance of $288.63 due on D. Miles player piano. This is a chance of a lifetime. Address your reply to A. J. Gosswiller, 230 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. 7-3 LOST STRAYED--One weight over '400 Detrick, 613-W1*!. big lbs. white sow, Tel. M. H. 7 FOR SALE--Boat and twin motor. Priced for quick sale. Phone 66-M 7-tf. LOST -- Canvas trunk, containing men's clothing, between Chicago and Powers Lake, Sunday, July 17. Reward. Notify Peters. Phone, MJansfield. 7379, Chicago. 7* FOR SALE--Solid dark oak bookcase. Can also be used for china cabinet. Inquire Plaindealer. 6tf MISCELLANEOUS LOT FOR SALE--66x132 ft. located on John street. West McHenry. Price $600. Martin E. Conway. Phone 130-M. 7* PIANO TUNING,--Regulating and repairing of pianos and player-pianos Write, or phone C. J. H. Diehl, Woodstock, 111., phone 274-J, or leave orders at Nye's Music Store, West McHenry. 61? FOR SALE OR RENT--McGee's store, also 4-room flat in Centerville. W. M. Heimer, phone 90-W. 6-tf E. M. Aylward family. Miss Estelle Whitteman of Rogers j Park spent Sunday as the guest of Mk\ and Mrs. W. H. Vastine. Misses Pauline and Adele Pufahl and Florence Rothermel are enjoying at Forest Park, Sunday. Miss Ella Ibsch of Chicago spent I their families here. the week-end in the home of Mr. I J. H. Miller and son, Henry, drove and Mrs. Henry J. Miller. to Montello, Wis., where they are Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thurwell and son, spending the week. of Rockford were Sunday visitors in | Miss Ruth Whiting of Chicago the Frank Thurwell home. j spent the week-end with relatives and Mr. and Mrs. A .J. Schneider visited j friends in McHenry. in the William McCannon home at 1 p. J. Cleary motored to Hebron, Ringwood Sunday evening. Monday afternoon and called 6n the MVs. A. Krause and daughter, Marion, spent several days this week visiting relatives in Chicago. Frances Engeln of Woodstock is spending the week in the home of her aunt, Mrs. Mary Beatvy. Mrs. Mary Sable of Freemont • the week camping at Lake Marie, spent last week in the home of her! Mrs. Carl Patzke and children of daughter, Mrs. Theo. Winkle. 1 Chicago are visiting in the home of Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer returned J Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patzke this home the last of the week, after I week. spending a few days in Chicago. j Mrs. Magnuson, son,""Harold, and MJrs. Eugene Zoia of Woodstock daughter, Virginia, of Chicago spent spent Tuesday as a guest in the j Sunday with relatives at McCollum's home of Mi-, and Mrs. Peter Doherty., Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Houlihan of Park; Mf-s. A. J. Butler of Chicago is Ridge were Sunday visitors in the; spending the week as the guest of home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conway, j her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Alex Richmond and j Heimer. Mr. and Mrs. Danner of Elgin were I Ben Kirkman and sons of New Sunday guests in the J. H. Miller! Munster, Wis., visited in the home of home. j Mi*, and Mrs. Louis Althoff one day Mr. and Mjrs. Hugh White returned j recently. last week to their home at Detroit,! Mr. and Mfcs. C. J. Bender, Mr. and FOR SALE--4-burner "Reliable" gas stove with oven. In good working order. Tel. 59--M. Mrs. Joe R. Smith. 4-tf. RESULTS! Kent A Company Can sell that house! Can rent that fiat! Can find a buyer for that land! 18-tf FOR SALE--1926 Tudor Ford; good condition; reasonable. Inquire at West McHenry State Bank. 51-tf FOR WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING-- Located at "Tempus Fugit" on Elm St., McHenry. Mort Ritt. 50-tf COOPER'S SAPONIFIED CRESOL-- For disinfecting barns after TB testing. Sold by Dr. J. E. Wheeler, West McHenry. 38-tf ALL Sewing Machine and Victrola tronbles, call 162. B. Popp, West McHenry. 50-tf Loose leaf work is a specialty of the' Plaindealer job department. Small in this cause is solely for interest received by other defendant* In the suits. Surrounding the litigation is a line of intrigue unequalled in the history of the state. Political crucifixtion of the governor was the aim of both criminal and civil actions. The first was carried on amid unfriendly surroundings in Lake county, and under conditions especially pleasant to the political enemies of Governor Small. • In spite of efforts to bring conviction at any cost, victory rested with Governor Small. Not content with the court verdict civil action was filed in Sangamon county. This suit was carried to the state supreme court and an accounting in chancery was ordered. In this it was necessary to make an examination of books of several hundred banks scattered lover the state in which state funds were deposited. Claims of more than a millon dollars interest due were made. From time to time this sum was scaled down by those active in the prosecution of the suits. It became apparent to the voters of the state the action was persecution rather than prosecution. Despite of all of the animus possible in the heat of a political cam paign, the voters of the state were not deceived. They stood staunchly by Governor Small and gave him the largest majority ever given a candidate for governor in Illinois. For days lengenthning into weeks and weeks growing into months the "work of checking the books of banks scattered over the state went on. With each report came proof records of Governor Small while state treasurer checked to the last penny. Every subterfuge known was resorted to in an effort to cloud the issue. But in the finality a stipula tion was entered into absolving Governor Small from any personal indebtedness whatsoever, but he assumed responsibility for interest alleged as received by others with whom state funds were deposited. Payment of the $650,000 is in accordance with this stipulation. - Daughters of G. A. R. The members and several guests of the local Fortress of the Daughters of the G. A. R. enjoyed a social meeting at the pleasant home of Mrs. W. A. Sayler on Waukegan street on Tueday afternoon. The day was an Party at Kent Mirs. Laura Kent delightfully entertained several friends at her home on Rive*"side Drive last Thursday evening. Five hundred furnished entertainment for the guests with first prize being won by Mrs. R. M. Fleming and second prize to Mrs. John R. Knox. A delicious two-course, lunch2* eon was served at the close of the evening. Card of Thanks I desire to express my sincere thanks for the assistance and many kindnesses extended me at the time of the fire truck accident, which resulted in personal injury to myself and companions. LOUIS STOFFEL. GOVERNOR PAYS $650,000 TO THE PEOPLE OF ILLINOIS Interest Reeeived by Other* lade Possible hp Assistants of koyaf Friend# after a visit in the Richard Thompson home. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Duker and children returned home Friday, after .spending several weeks with relatives in Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. J. Richards of Chicago were wek-end guests bt the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Phalin on Riverside Drive. Ray Conway wag an Elgin visitor , Tuesday evening. He attended a safety meeting of the gas company, at which time the use of the prone method was explained. Miss Mary Frances Brandt returned to her home in Chicago after spending several weeks in the home of her aunt, Mrs. Ray Page. Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Fay andlbaby and Mis. Anna Cox of Elgin visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Fay ana family, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kist, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Moriarity and Dr. and Mrs. Harry Hartley were Sunday guests in the Paul Meyers home. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dodge of Ringwood called on friends here, Sunday, i Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Klontz were Richmond visitors, Tuesday. Mrs. F. O. Gang and daughter, Mildred, went to Chicago, Wednesday, where they will spend the remainder of the week with relatives. Mrs, L. H. Dibler and little Marilyn Dibler of Woodstock spent a few days in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edward Nickels, and family » H, Dodd and daughter, Helert Virginia, and Miss Agnes Moran of 1 at McCollum' fef~ I m |y y I- " * Waukegan visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miller, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Eaton, who recently returned from a trip through Europe and were guests in the Dr. Henry Freund home, are now conducting a grocery and market at Highland Park. Charles Jecks, who has been at the Woodstock hospital for several weeks, was able to return to his home west of town on Monday. He is improving nicely and his friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes of Ring Mrs. J. D. Beatty and Mr. and Mrs. B. Cowie were Crystal Lake visitors Monday. ___ Mr. and Mrs. James Boyle and tyo daughters of Rogers Park are spending the week at their cottage on Mic- Collum's Lake. Harry Lawrence has returned to his home in Chicago, after spending two weeks at the 'Tincup Boosters' Lodge1 on Fox River. G. A. Hanly and daughter, Grace, and Miss Lulu Colby of Elgin visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler, Wednesday. Hiss Caroline Diedling of the Ravenswood hospital staff is spending the week at McCollum's Lake as the guest of friends. Miss Amelia Regner of Chicago is spending her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Regner, at Pistakee Bay. MSr. and Mrs. Bernard Long of Crystal Lake and Mildred Callahan of Chicago were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doherty. Mr. and Mirs. A. J. McPherson, who are spending the summer at McCollum's Lake, were called home on Tuesday by the death of a relative. Theodore Miller is unable to be at his work this week, owing to an injury he received when a Wydeil truck ran over his foot, breaking one of the Small bones. Mrs. Frederick Massman, daughter, Mrs.. Paul Pope and son, Bobby, of Rogers Park spent Tuesday as the guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. H, Vasting Lake. ideal one and the meeting was heldifp out of doors with a weenie roast om the shore of a beautiful pond. A jolly!! afternoon was spent at games, contests and quoits, with prizes being* won by Mrs. Andrew Eddy, Mrs. Ray* Howard, MK Frank W. Sayler and! Mrs. William Bacon. Paeeliallt sf shock bringing total tamed aver to stats by Qovoraor Small to Sve par eeat aa for deposit during Ms term as state treasurer, three par sent In axeeee of rata usually resolved, •MSMnt than we* turned In by all stats treasurer* daring the preview ninety-nine year* sV statehood. <4Me originated Irt my ally liable ler profits made by banks, wffl not, because af It* manifest Injustice, ever be applied again."--•mall. Statement of Governor Small £0 TOT PBOPLK Or TH* STATS Of ILUNOI* _ I hare this day paid into th* state trsaaufj lb* nai of MtMt* !• iinrtMii vttl < j§» Circuit Court of Sangamoa Ooaaty. In th* word* of th* stipulation on which the decree la based, this money Is "solely ler Interest »fr delved by others" Inasmuch as "th* evidence talis to establish that the defendant, Leo Small, reoelrsi •fty sum or sums ot money whataoavar as Interest upon pabU* Cauda tor or durinc hla term ot ofltoa aa jtate treasurer, eaoept each Mas aa h* has already aoooantad Car and paid lata Ifc* slat* tmaay ~ this state." Heretofors. I have aooounted tor and paid Into the treasaiy the asm ot $460,000, that b*tn« the total an interact ever received by me from all banks la which state (ante wore deposited, and more Cfcaa the amoant aay other stats Trsasurcr had ever aoeoaifted tot. VIM total therefore, paid by ae Into the treasary k 9140MM. eent on all money available tor deposit dartag my term *C « rate usually teeetved oa pafetts ftpda. M Year Period I have ^aM lato flw Mrs. August Johnson, sons, Stewart and Roland, and the Misses Marian and Mrytle Dalstorm of Chicago are spending the week at the Dalstrom cottage at McCollum's Lake. The following people were recently entertained at the C. A. Dalstrom cottage on McCollum's Lake: Borgs Johnson, Hultberg, and Mathson families of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Carlborg of Evanston and Arthur Hultberg of Waupon, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. John Kruse, Mr. and M^s. Art Kruse, Mr. and Mrs. George Dabbert and son, of Wets Chicago, wood were saying good-bye to their Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kruse of Aurora, friends here, Saturday previous to MSss Arline Gary of Wheaton, Mr. starting on a motor trip to Kentucky, where they will visit points of interest and spend some time with relatives. Misses Katherine Blake, Julia, Evelyn and Rose Feffer of this city and Miss Anna McArdel of Chicago left last Saturday for a motor trip to Yellowstone Park. They will make the trip by way of the ^southern route through Colorado. and Mrs. J. E. Jolly and Miss Louise Eherke of Crystal Lake were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Spurling, Sunday. Ms Is at the safes «f about tvs 1: or three per oaat Is srrosas af a atate la lttt to paid Vg mm, la swmpsrisoa tottshr amaHsr saaw paid lr cmly eaae to which Aa eoarts have h*ld the trsasarsr ystsnnaly m vfckfe money waa deposited. The ittle thas srlgtoatod la my Oft Ms msnlfeet tajuetlee, aver b back" into the state trsaaary, K KM _ .... Mata; none of It haa ever beoa issshs* If MM M Inta * this payment has fallen heavily on me. I realise It MM Ml K*e lor M* Nfal, consistent support given to m* by those who favored aa of ^ato affairs to the interest Of ana I wish also, at toll J 'n part la lightening Straw Hats for You will feel much cooler if you wear a ligfeti straw hat when out in the hot sun. { 'Those with the tassels are 50c each and look every bit of it. Others for boys, girls, ladies and men at 254 and 50^ eacV DID YOTJ SAY SA UER KfcAtXT JUlCfc? WE HAVE IT. Phone 17t McHenry, DL OVERTdN A CO WEN West McHenry, Illinois "What sort of a chap is Jack?** "Well, when we were together last night the lights went out and he spent the rest of the evening repairing the fuse.'"--Oil Weekly. STIPULATION "It is further stipulated and agreed between the patries that the evidence in this cause fails to establish the defendant, Len Small, received any sum or sums of money whatsoever as interest upon public funds for or during his term of office as state treasurer, except as such sums as he | has already accounted for. and paid into the state treasury of this state, and that the liability of said defendant, Len Small, in this cause is solely for interest received by the other defendants herein." Springfield, 111., July 18.--Governor Len small paid to the people of Illinois Friday $650,Q00 in settlement of the litigation instituted against him five years ago by former Attorney Edward Brundage. Payment by certified check was made under the stipulation entered into in the Sangamon cireiut court that the governor while acting as state treasurer did not receive any money whatsoever as interest, except suck. «un» as he had already account^ ed for, and that liability at Governor Fox Valley Laundry ALL CLOTHES WASHED IN SOFT WATER After you've tried all others--just telephone us Phone McHenry 217-J and 67-W •- Washington and Court Street* PRICE LIST • Service For Every Home WET WASH Everything* Returned Damp Monday and Tuesday, 25 lbs. $1.25 Over 25 lbe. 5c lb. Wed., Thurs., and Friday, 20 lbs. $1.00. Over 20 lbs. 5c lb. WET WASH DRIED Everything Fresh Air Dried 25 lbs. $1.75. Over 25 lbs. 7c lb, HYDRO' Flat Work Ironed and Neatly Folded Monday and Tuesday, 25 lbs. $1.95. Over 25 lbs. 8c lb. Wed., Thurs., and Fri. 20 lbs. $1.50. . Oiler 20 lbs. 8c lb. ROUGH DRY Washed Sweet and Clean Flat work ironed. Wearing apparel freah air dried. Knit underwear, bathtowels, woolens and stockings fluffed, read to wear. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 25 lb. $2.25 Thursday and Friday, 20 lb. $1.85 With Starch, lc per lb. Extra FAMILY FINISHED STARCHED 5 lbs. Wearing Apparel, 5 lb^Flat work $210 Washed Clean, Starched Where Required and Completely Finished Ready For Use 9ERVICE FOR THE INDIVIDUAL Shirts* Collars, etc., perfectly laundered! lit reasonable -- at

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