Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jul 1927, p. 5

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ism i"#lj McHENBY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, JULY 21,1927 TREASURE ISLAND WIDE AWAKE 20TH CENTURY EQUIPPED IN MCHENRY AND VICINITY Introducing to you the Live, Progressive Firms and People Who Make Up the Business Interests of McHenry and Surrounding Territory , WHO'S WHO WINNERS First Prise--Ida L. Reynolds ^Second Prize--(tie) Leone Givens and William Martin LAST WEEK'S CORRECT ANSWERS 1. The slogan of the Fox River Valley State Bank is "The Bank That Helps You To Get Ahead." 2. The first Frett store was established in MicHenry forty-five years 3. Thos. P. Bolger served 426 of • > Uhe famous chocolate sodas at his fountain last week. 4. Erickson's department store . Occupies 3520 square feet of floor / •pace, making it the "biggest" store MicHenry. " . 1 v 5. A. E. Nye's highest priced radio ,v/.'is $1,000. He sells "Community" and "Rogers" brand silverware. 6. Kent & Co., have 2700 pieces of property on their list for sale, between their offices at MicHenry, Genoa, Crystal Lake and Chicago. 7. William Althoff has followed tke merchandise business thirty-one pears. He began work in his father's •tore when a boy and continued there tihtil he started a business of his own. 8. The brand of ice cream manufactured by Charles Unti of the McHenry Ice Cream Co., is known as "McHenry Ice Cream." 9- Wy. P. Woodburn has been con- , •ected with the butcher business for ' • thirty-five years. * 10. Mr. Ferwerda, proprietor of the Briverside Dairy, hag been connected With the milk industry for twentyfive and one-half years. 11. The E. E. Taylor company's brand of shoes at- the "Consumer's Economy Shoe Store," is that store's best sellers. 12. Robert Duda hag worked with a needle and thread for thirty-nine years. A' CLEAN CUT CHAP We were wondering last week "where judges of good bakery products meet." Today our worry is over for it's Marshall's Bakery. Here we found persons who appreciate high class, home made, appetizing, nourishing bakery goods, attractively made. And such a variety no matter how fastidious your taste may be you will find here exactly what you wish. Everything is tasty, just like you get at home. It is one of the best places in McHenry where you can buy bread, cake, pastry, rolls,, etc., with regularity. The p6licy of this bakery is not "how much will we make?" but "how well can we please?" By this time next week you also can say as much about this place as we have, if you will merely step in and make one purchase. Mr. James J. Marshall's customers are among the very elite. This section and "Jim" is a credit to the bakery profession. Men of his type are the real trailblazers. He has only been here since the seventh of May, and he's not only stepping up the ladder in reputation in his lin®. but it seems to us he's running up the ladder. M!ay he continue until his heart is filled with gratitude for he is a very worthy fellow. How many years hag he been a baker? He enjoys hunting and fishing. Jim was born in Jasper county, and has since a child played in the flour barrell. What charming, practical and inexpensive things these are for yourself or the home--or gifts--at The Agatha Art Shop. Pratcically everything that lends itself to needlework may be found there, and all kinds of novelties and objects of art. Lovers of all things beautiful meet at The Agatha, for this is a place where you not only are enabled to "pick up" real little treasures--but the prices are so reasonable that you feej like one of the merry pirates of old, roving around on his "Treasure Island." If the writer were "ad lib" as they say Giving the "great and near great" today another introduction is Mr. J. C. Thies. Merchants you depehd upon local people for your business and he depends upon home merchants for some of his so the editor of "W|ho's Who" wants you at no time to forget this. With a firm like this in your midst saving you time, giving you quality, personal co-operation and a Hie Jacob Justen A Sons Furniture Store can furnish everything for the household except the girl and most men prefer to do that themselves. If you have any doubt about the ability of this McHenry store to furnish your house from -cellar to attic, go down and see the display. You will find a most complete assortment of bed- A hundred and one other reasons "no roon? sets' dinin" ro°m suites, parlor merchant should fail to spend e'verv I furniture,_ 'amps, linoleum, in fact dollar possible in buying their candies ' everything which has ever been made fountain supplies, etc., from him. ' f°r the house- There Is no more of That and no other reason makes cities. ' ?n GXCUS® for you going to Chicago 'L^L - 1. LL_ ? _ K T A1* VALLI* ALT O •> _ I ^ _ j. j i. i u r i-* j i is tvpical of the snirit nf TW/» sP°°i of thread. This store has al .i Think this over good and hard T r ,^or y°ur in the show business, we would gO|-phies • • • - *_"uana nara. j. c.; furniture than going for a A, j ® . --* --J promote real old-fashioned' sewing circles, and let Miss Ethel Jones supply the embroidery needs. And we would keep the circles busy, for is there a thing more pleasing to see than a group of pretty girls embroidering f "Hie owner of The Agatha Art Shop is one of the most pleasing persons in the city whose happy disposition and little acts of friendliness help toward making the sunshine brighter for all of us. It is really unnecessary to boost this establishment as the service and the excellent goods dispensed here speaks for itself. The writer also noticed in reviewing the store that here was carried McHenry'g largest stock of "greeting cardg." When vu this Art Shop first established T and there may be more than two Questions asked in some paragraph. The person sending in most correct and neatest answers to the questions will be given prizes weekly. In case of ties a duplicate award will be given each trying contestant. The judges decision will be final. Everyone has an equal opportunity to win. Anyone can answer weekly or as many times as desired. To the person sending in the most answers during the contest will be given a $25.00 grand prifce. Call in person or on the phone to get answers. Any of the parties written up must answer any question. Answers may be sent by mail or brought to this office within four days after publication. Winners and answers industry. He is endowed with un- ^ selling only high-grade j will be published each week. This mistakable talents and fortified with 5*ura®'® merhcandise. If you want to j knowledge competition is open to all the faculty of succeeding in every T!rV wide-awake, out of the J except employes of this paper and pursuit enlisted in his energies that "T"y Persons wbo know the busi-1 their families." Address: "Who's Who" is not eclipsed by another in the past' ?€SSu t0T?' leanm to know, Contest Editor, care McHenry Plainfew years. He is well-known and i ?eor.?e R"' and A1^rt Justen dealer. always been found to be an ardent1 # •/ furn\ture house, which has fine. (Reproduction in any way forbidden, and enthusiastic worker for the good ' T® ^ f?ne Raiment. Their Copyrighted 1927, by C. S. Moas) of the moving spirit, with the best! Tu ^ J1 v een buiIt on buy»ng interests of this district ever at heart, i • • ?erchan.dlse witl> careful He is a member of (he Kiwanis club P"cein f? and f*actL2* inspection of and as live as you make them. What: flL®! ™ey have main" is the name of those famous chocolates I - - • fa,thfully those standards Linger Longer Bunco Club Mrs. Ray Howard, Mrs. Ted Schiessle and M!rs. Lester Page wen hostesses to the members of the Linger Longer Bunco club on Tuesday of last week at a picnic given at Mc- Collum's Lake. Swimming and games with a weenie roast and delicious luncheon, was much enjoyed. Those who attended were Mrs. Earl Mc- Andrews and children, Mrs. Ed Buss and daughter. Mrs. Frank Meyer, Mrs. Frank Schreiner, Mrs. Ray Howard and daughter, Mrs. Ted Schiessle, Mrs. Lester Page, Mrs. George Charmley and Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer. -- - -- - A BRILLIANT SUCCESS There's no doubt that most every P«rson in McHenry will be interested •In this feature as they will want to know who is in the "Who's Who" crowd in McHenry. What bank in McHenry appreciates your checking and saving account business f Quite naturally, you have already said the West McHenry State Bank. Well, your are right. Just as every merchant is eager for as large a volume of 'trade as his establishment can handle, so is the West McHenry State Bank eager for the business of individuals, merchants and manufacturers, to the limit of their ability to care for it--and they invite it. For many years they have endeavored to reflect a cordial spirit in every relationship. This desire has dominated the thought of each individual in every department in the bank. Willing, generous service, cheerful in spirit, helpful by strength and conservative to maintain that strength. It is their purpose to render a service that will demonstrate their personal interest in the financial welfare of their customers and friends. The establishment of an account with them is not an experiment, because t^v^yW start.' you are assured of a complete service. Every year, every month, every, week the West MicHenry 'State Bank is gaining new friends and the writer finds it's mostly on account of their officers and directors. What is the amount of resources of this bank and who are its officers? BEAUTY SPECIALISTS "Fair tresses man's imperial race ensnare, and beauty draws us with but a single hair," says Pope. Throughout the ages, smart women have insured their beauty in one way or another. Since history began, mankind has realized that beautiful hair makes a woman beautiful and that she cannot be beautiful without it. It is the first thing which snares a man's fancy. If her hair is beautiful, his hands yearn to touch it The caress upon the head is far older than the caress upon the hand, or even upon the lipg. There is real magic in the hair. Its silken strands trap hearts. Every woman is an enhantress, and he receives fresh each week for his ?5^ich have won for Jacob Justen & wholesale trade? ^ ™ iSon$ a reputation for reliability and ALWAYS WITH A SMILE It would not be good for us to go to press with this issue, without saying something about Joseph W. Rothermel, who has a reputation for building Spanish type homes. There may be some things he can learn about building, but if so, they're not to be found in this section of this I value, which are the ideals of this firm. Each member of Jacob Justen & Sons are embalmers and undertakers and are 20th century equipped. How many years have they, been building up this reputation? DEPENDABLE BUILDER Stephen H. Freund is the contractor whom everyone in this section recom- Party at R. E. Knox Hom Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Knox entertained several friends at their home south of town on last Sunday evening. Cards furnished the entertainment for the evening with first prize for the ladies going to Mrs. Gausden and second prize to Mrs. B. F. Martin. The first prize for the men was won by George Kuhn and second prize b&John Phalin. Delicious refreshments were served at the close of a pleasant evening. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Thies and daughter, Mrs. Gaudsen, Mr. and Mrs. George Kuhn, Mr. and Mrs. Wilcountry. When a modern home a 1 !"e"d8 as one o{ the highest type of Nam Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. high class bank or a business btock | bu.s,ness and well deserves are being considered, his bid is one 1 "Jwould you of the first to receive consideration, j * yOU k Wer« and it is amazing how many times it ™ . from wh?m ;<> iv.i , .. mates to have a modern h BOUQUET GLADLY GIVEN 8*y that the members of the Mettenry Artificial Stone Co., are well-known "ornamental" and artificial gtone work people would be stating the truth, for their reputation extends far beyond the limits of their own community. Ag citizens of McHenry, no less than as business men George Wirfs, Mlathew Steffes, Jacob Steffes, WVn. Meyers, George Bohr and Frank Thurlwell are highly valued taking interest in all that makes for progress and improvement of conditions. They have the distinction of having the only ornamental works in this city. Mathew Steffes is president • . .... ~ and George Wirfs is secretary and irresistlble pleasant personality and their cheery smiles. What branch of beauty work are they specially interested in? the one that gets the "job. Mr! I maies ™ have a modern home or busi- Rothermel is an accommodating per- p e ,' 18 » 100 to 1 shot son, .nd genuinely interested in X' "'T ^°nd, future of McHenry. You will find 5® as ^en serv,n* ^ him a very pleasant man, always with todT/ 7 years; and a smile to brighten the world, and he 4 monuments of is active in all efforts for the better-1 ^rchltect*""e be found her hair is the first and most potent i m*nt of McHenry. When you want l °Ver Clty- . H.e has of her charms. At the Claire Beauty I something built, and built right he's i tf • community all of his life. Parlor, you will learn many a secret Ithe Person who can do it. He' is a . iVCry ,!nP0,'tant matter in such regarding your hair and how to care I mJRhty busy person, but never too j growing locality to know a for it. Clara Noonan and Lillian I busV Rive the closest attention to • 1^° F ca? de- Freund are beauty specialists of the | anyone who wants to talk over a 1 *• ^ y°u reliable inhighest class, skilled and competent buildinsr nronosition whotho. i• i. . °™atlon. as to what, where in all branches of beauty culture. A great many charming McHenry ladies come to them for help and advice, thus insuring their looks--and improving them. They like to patronize I this county f the Claire Beauty Parlor, not only Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin, Mr. and Mrs. John Phalin. Entertain Richmond dub Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Klontz entertained the Evening Married club of Richmond at their home last Thursday evening. At 8 o'clock they partook of a splendid chicken dinner at Heimer'g retaurant, after which they repaired to the Dr. Klontz home, where five hundred was enjoyed during the evening. First prizes were awarded to Mrs. C. W. Klontz and F. J. Marzahl and consolations went to Mrs. F. J. Marzahl and B. T. Winn. Hare You Signed Petition? Petitions are being signed ter' the McHenry dam repaired or rebuilt. Have you signed ? If not, do so today. They can be found in Taeveral McHenry business houses. Card of Thank* We wish to thank the friends and relatives, also the Catholic Order of Foresters and Knights of Columbus for their floral offerings and kind assistance in our late sorrow. Mrs. Ellen Bolger and family. because these beauty specialists have GOOD NATURED DEALER don won their admiration through their' treasurer and manager. By industry and strict attention to their field of labor, they have built up a remarkably successful business. The members are not those kind of people who seek parallels and precedents to rely on. They go to the root of originality grasp its inviting principles driving them home with skill and determination. "Hiey are a class of their own, men with solid confidence and unstirable faith. Not only have they succeeded in their line of business but they possess excellent human nature being high minded and liberal, keenly alive to all the requirements of a modern business men. Many years ago "Mat" Steffes and George Wirfs started making blocks in Johnsburg which was the beginning of this firm. They are also dealers in cement, lime, brick and mason building materials. Their garden furniture is exquisite. Phone the McHenry Artificial Stone company and learn from them how many years they have devoted to this kind of work during their lives from building proposition, whether it is in wh^ tn ktm p ^ . where and the five hundred or five hundred uil? Every citizen should thousand class, and as a result stands JouM nZ ™ ^ F b°°ks- We among McHenry'g leading contractors.!^ huil£T ® m°r6 depend' How manyy houses hnaass "J«iooee " obuuiiiltt iinn ! gentlembuaniI dteor ' deal wai th, thanc otuhret eoonues | we have just mentioned. When you choose a man to build a home for you I don't gamble--play a safe bet! Just! Mr. John The-nes is a man who is 1 ^ *£* ™any wh? selected eternal'.v doing s omething more than ^u^" Whe" ,they mere talking. He is attending to the I w/Ln H - i you^ know Valvoline Gas and Oil business 365 ' nn He ,s always busy ">d 1 days of the yea* Mr. Thennes started Tv5 I he been RADIATES GOOD CHEER 8(1,1 th«s* products here in Mc-:of dVcHcnrvaS fbSder* Pr0prWS! Who's the watchmaker in McHenry I T ^ .V ^ I ! who can make your watch behave as I to \J ° ™ NICE ENOUGH FOR lCTNftC it should? Why, Mr Mort Ritt of \ ranked among McHenry's | I,r,uu^ KINGS, course. Mr. Ritt has been established | IrateroL tit' a"d g8S I Fit for the table of a king are the done i h^e wem him friend m "Set" * W ce if you place in "Who's » h» i "?dinK there, on account of the SHOES! - SHOES! BOT THEM IN IfcHENBY at th« / Consumers' Economy Shoe Store Berner Bldg. Green St repairing for thirty-four years, and i u-. j ^ -- - during the time he has been in Mc-! ^ V patronage. Every ! difference if vou cook will know the have not already Henry he has won for himself a j tr*din* there- »^«uni oi r,ne wonderful name and splendid reputa- j i ed$re groceries and insnectpil tion. You folks of McHenry should j gtowal of lar^irift^1 K1° meats. A vast assortment of dependbe mighty proud to know that he!^ delicatessens can be found here. established his business in this «ty j se™ice> <*. by she*r fo^ and price and ,it ho " L Vuy!and inspiration of his character and hand. Seeinepersonality. Mr. Thennes wholesales ( desjre a feast "for HONORED FIRM When you want to build a new home or other buildings, you look for some source of reliable general information --some organization which can help you plan your job. You will find just this sort of service in the offices of the Alexander Lumber Co. This firm hag several large attractive plan books, showing buildings of every description. Mr. George H. Johnson, the manager, has an intimate knowledge of the building done in this district for years, and will give you the benefit of his many years of experience. He will advise you as to the comparative costs of different materials and give you preliminary estimates, then when you start operations he can deliver on his own trucks every item used in your construction. Mir. Johnson, being a progressive business person, /feeceasanly. is interested in the future of this city and is always willing to give assistance toward that end. Mr. Johnson for years has been admired in his life s work and an honored figure m the lumber yard world and is always a gallant and courteous gentleman. Men with guch fine qualities are an ornament and a benefit in any business. In every section of this county Mir. Johnson has friends and admirers who regard him as a distinct lumberman. What ig the name of the shingles they sell that is used on the modern homes of today? OUR HONEST DECISION You could look all over McHenry but you could never find a cleaner that knocks the spots as this one-does. TTiis cleaner over Bolger's Drug store is an expert when it comes to turning out high class ladies' and gentlemen's garments, bring them to this particular establishment. We doubt if altering clothes is done better by anyone else than the owner of this establishment in McHenry, as from a small school girl she began basting. The owner, Anna Howard, has been very successful in her career and is one of the city's enterprising persons. She has only operated this establishment three months, but is doing business ag if she had been established three years. What wag the exact date that she started into business in McHenry f MOVING ONWARD because he found it to be one of the best little cities in the state of Illinois. The secret code to his success is: "As ye sow, so shall ye reap," for through his dependable work he has won scores of friends and has a steadfast circle of customers who stick to him. They know that Mr. Ritt is a first-class jeweler and watchmaker, does watch, clock and jewelry repairing and all kinds of engraving. He is a man found here. nnrf v J O " .** go hand in "and. Seeing is believing, so, if you to the local stations. His company | mak^viS?"to M '"d"?y' was the first one to have every made j Schaefpr tho S Ce». F • steam cylinder oil and is still making perfon who w^jT^ fT' the it and Valvoline lubricating oil which J "pepermint." Why? Because Pete today has an enormous sale every-1 has" a "hnhhv f«V'V reui where. Suppose you surprise "your' clpan nnW or keeping his store friend Thennes" and hav? these ste'l S" fre"h SfV" CUSt°merS tions fill your car from now on with ; with a conscience nnH* ** p®rson v.ivniu. j nn i J™11" a conscience and aims to lease the hard-to-suit. In fact you can radiates good cheer,--who says good ~ , . . . t h i n g s a b o u t h i s f e l l o w m e n , a n d a s SSOnM • W0»f J*8 teu^ht us a result is counted amongst the best w to Keep Moving and now we are j liked people in McHenry. It certainly going to tell you about a firm who, is gratifying to say a few words became successful just becuase they "kept moving," and they are still at It. The A. H. Schaefer company Certainly can be counted among the "moving spirits" of this community.il92£L? Mr. Schaefer's motto has been "Service with Courtesy," and this, combined with competent men, and promptness and reasonable charges, has brought him and his company to the front. The firm is one of the busiest of its kind in this section and more prompt service will be found most accommodating at all times. Anything you want hauled, they'll haul 't--anywhere in and around McHenry. They have built their business on the principle of service first, service last and service at all times. The proprietor, A. H. Schaefer, is one of the kind of men we like to write about; a man alive to the times and who is always found with a good word for : 11. His public spiritedness and willingness to do all in his power to help further civic improvements and community welfare have placed him among this vicinity's most highly recognized citizens. Phone and learn how many years he's been connected in moving? about a man who thinks more of giving good service than stretching out his hand for money. Can you tell us how many watches. he repaired in Valvoline Gasoline and Oil. =i s iis:erLT/nd b? *?• Thennes, wholesale station. | ion from him. Mr^h^efer'b^ing^o EVERYONE LIKES HER IW£? An amateur finishing place that c,oluinns._ When a baby wearing FOLKS TO KNOW INDEED, WELL LIKED Did you know that in McHenry 71 per cent of the people who die, die penniless or nearly so ? Most of these people at sometime were large earners for many years. Many were men receiving larsre salaries. Insurance is a subject for immediate discussion-- not to 'Talk about some other time," ib1\n^ "Later" may mean-too •ate. The average human life of McHenry ig forty-two years, but no one can number the years of their own life. If any of the writer's readers are elwnble for life insurance E yoVv,k » over with Mr. William G. Schreiner, who ig in the Life Insurance business and representg the National Life Ingurance Co. of Deg Moines, Iowa. It would be' hard, indeed, to find a man more succssfully enterprising, who knows life insurance better than Mr. Schreiner. He is well liked and hag a wide circle of friends and acquaintances and his general popularity has gained him many policies. "Tippy" as he is also known, fa still doing business on the very same street he was born. He is selling fire auto and entry other lrf»m ^ insurance. If you must knock, buy a hammer from the hardware of John Vycital. There are many places in McHenry to buy hardware but this one is a little above the average when you consider how uncommonly particular Mr. Vycital is about the kind of merchandise he sells. He tries to have the best of everything for the man behind the hoe as well as the man behind the hammer, and for the homes--house furnishings, kitchen ware, glass, paint, etc., Oh, yes and the Excelsior Furances. He is one of the successful business men of the day in McHenry and is making his way clear to the front ranks in the mercantile and industrial activities of the community. His nature is jolly and also his affable manners have made him popular and well liked. And when we consider how his success is steadily growing, during his twenty-two years here, it's easy to understand why he is always BO glad and cheerful. This Store has been established how many years? HAKES PATRONS HAPPY Flowers of eloquence will not convince "like one taste of a meal at this strictly modern and up-to-date hotel, which is known as the House of Service. "The McHenry House" is widely known throughout this section for the wonderful dinners they serve. Their dining room is open to the public, and it is not necessary to be a guest in order to enjoy their homecooked Ineals. This establishment is conducted by M]r. Jacob Bickler, who is a pioneer in the business and service to him means giving all he can for the comfort and convenience of the patrons. He has spent most of his life in this business, and j knows more about gerving the public than mogt people have forgotten. He is in a position in a social way to take care of the patrons and see that they are made happy and satisfied. MicHenry welcomed him with open arms when he took over the management, and the folks in this community openly wish they had one thousand more like him. Mr. Bickler has operated a hotel how many years? CHOICE ^ Y* LAKE FRONT LOTS ^ V "The Paradise of Lake Genera" CEDAR POINT PARK at Williams Bay, Wise. The ideal spot for a summer home is at Cedar Point Park on Lake Geneva. Then amid the stately trees and beautifully landscaped parks, a few choice l»W front lots with full riparian rights are yet available -- at surprisingly low prices. A perfect beach edges this high, dry, wooded land where worthwhile folk havo built a delightful community of substantial summer homes. Abundant fresh air, sunshine and restful quiet are enjoyed there as well as filing, bathing, golf, tennis, riding and other summer sports. Hard surfaced roads run all the way from Chicago to Cedar Point Park which is but a two-hour ride froir the "loop" on the C. & N. R.R. All lots are fully law proved. Electric light, telephone, lake and spring water are in and paid for. Come out next Sunday. Bring your fmmUy mni *n}oy m dmy of hemlth *nd happiness in the world's most beautiful subdivision. Cedar Point Park Subdivision ALWAYS A TEAR AHEAD , W * -- - % " V»I I||^ gives you just what you want is the dresses, he arrived in MicHenry. He one that should get your trade, isn't ™as conducted his present store for it? The writer of this little article Pa»t three years. His hobby is has just found such a place. The "®bing and hunting. He believes in Bobb Studio does all kinds of finishing Siv'n£ delivery service and has two and enlarging, and they have the work trucks going like the fire department done at the promised time. Anything 80 as to please his customers. How can be had in photo finishing needs. m®ny years has he been connected and they guarantee to satisfy. They the selling of groceries and always try to do certain definite meats? things to please each patron, and give small or large jobs the same attention. Whatever amount of money , you want to spend, they give you full! "ere ^e introduce one of the leadvalue, complete satisfaction irv finish-! business establishments in Mcing work by the use of distill&l water j Henry. The Nobby Style Shop, which and chemicals analyzed in their own | carr'es as fine a line of Ladies' and work rooms, and assure clear pictures ! Children's Dresses and Millinery as and excellent workmanship. Mrs.1 can .be found under one roof in this Ada Bobb is a regular booster for, section. It is the store where the McHenry who believes in the growth n'cer Ifoods are found, andj where and development of the city She is there is a corps of good natured and an enterprising and public spirited! painstaking salespeople who are allady, the kind that are potent factors ! w®ys ready to wait on you with a in the development of any city. Every- j smile and a disposition to assist you one likes Mrs. Bobb and her work. A j 'n finding just what you want inlady of the old school in friendliness, "tead of trying to foist something on and when the Lord had made her, He} y°u that is unsuitable and that would chuckled and broke the mold. How! cause regret later on. A number of many pictures has Mrs. Bobb develop-1 the lines carried by this store are ed this year ? j exclusive makes, handled only by them in this Section and you will find YOU NEEDN'T BE A FISH To enjoy a swim in a bath tub that WV J. Donavin will install in your home. He is one plumber in McHenry who has several styles to the balance of the stock made up of those standard goods that are BO well known to you. "Better Goods for Less" is their slogan. The owners, Mesdames Barbian and Freund, have 1200 IN VALUABLE PRIZES choose from, with other plumbing to i distinction in this community of match, and he's one man-who knows jknowin^ fashions, owing to their "how" in installing, be it a bath tub, | many trips each week to the fashion hot water or hot vapor system, gas I center. When better things are fixtures, or whatever it may be in I ^own In McHenry, The Nobby Style his line. He also caters to all kinds Sh°P w,n ,sh?w the1)?- th,f of contracting jobs from furnishing store mos'tly Jknown Tor m McHenry. a row of apartment houses with Abou.t what da* they the,r plumbing and heating, to the smallest new n,e" piece of repair work. Mr. Donavin never does a "cheap job," but he will do the job cheap. Get the idea? His motto is: "Inferior plumbing is a liability, while skilled plumbing and A-l materials are decided assets." Upon these principles Mr. Donavin has built up an enviable business, reaching out in every direction to the town limits. Hard work is his hpbby, honesty and fairness his policy, and happiness and cheerfulness his nature. To make sure you come in contact with this good natured plumber we want you to find out his correct weight. What is the name of a nationally known gas range sold by Mr. Donavin ? Chicago Office 2865 North Clark Street Phone: Graceland 3110 CHICAGO on Beautiful Lake Elizabeth (One of the Twin Lakes) Drive Up Sunday Or any other day. After viewing Haegele's Hickory Point Subdivision * Ton will look no further. AH large high lots--$500 and np. - , 12 miles from McHenry, between Genoa Gity* Hid Twin Lakes, Wis. Grand Prize, $25.00 First Prize, Weekly, $3.00 Second Prise, Weekly, $2.00 Next Five Prises, Weekly, $1 RULES Weekly there will appear different brief paragraphs in this column bringing out distinctive features of McQenry's business institutions. There is a question in each article. Read every line of each story, for questions may be asked anywhere in the story Terms to Suit Every lot has privilege of a beautiful bathing beach and boat landing. A]1 Improvements $| • ' ' - • * ; • ' BATHING--BOATING--FISHING Be Sure to look at Hickory Point First - full information on the ground or write to .^7 HAEGELE ICE OO. 1801 Fleetwood Street Ohioaf . i - r

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