THE PIJUHBSAIitt, TEjmm A U<HTCT 4, 1827 00MXE8 AND GOERS OF A WEEK IK OUR CITY Aa 8*en By Plaindealer Re- ^reporters and Handed In ^ By Our Friends Miss Mildred Welch «M a Chicago visitor Monday. Frank Doherty was a Chicago visitor, Monday. G. J. Reihansperger was a Chicago visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Mir. and Mrs. Thomas McCabe spent the week-end at Waukegan. Miss Kathleen Powers of DeKalb spent the week at McHenry. George Hermansen of Chicago spent Sunday with his wife here. Mr. and M!rs. L. A. Erickson and family were Dixon visitors, Sunday. Richard Stenger of Waukegan visitad friends here over the week-end. Mfcs. Joe Wegener and daughter, Marion were Elgin visitors, Saturday. Miss Mabel Gorman is spending the week-end visiting friends in Michigan. 1ft:. and Mrs. George Johnson and family were Rockford visitors Sun day. Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Proehlieh and daughter Adele were Chicago visitors MJonday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rietesel and family were Lake Geneva visitors on Sunday. Miss Margaret Stenger of Waukegan spent several days last week with friends here. Miss Laura Karls of Chicago is spending her two week's vacation at her home here. Mr. and Mirs. Fred Erickson of Genoa City visited in the L. A. Erickson home Sunday. < Mjr. and Mrs. Joe Wagener and daughter, Marion were Sunday visitors j at Lake Geneva, Wis. Miss Grace Kirwin of Volo was a McHenry visitor one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blackmere of Chicago were McHenry visitors, Sunday. Mr. and Mirs. Richard Fleming visited ^relatives at Algonquin Sun- \ _ Ed Portman of Chicago visited in the Herman Schaefer home over the Week-end. Miss Ida Reynolds is a new employee seen at the National the first of the week. Mrs. Mort Ritt of Crystal Lake was a caller at the home of Mrs. Mary Green Saturday. Miss Ann Baur of Chicago was a Sunday guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Math Baur. Mrs. Joe Justen visited Miss Marcella Kennebeck at the Waukegan hospital, Sunday. Mrs. F. 0. Gans and daughter, Mildred and son, Frank were recent visitors in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Worts spent Sunday at Chicago where they attended a ball game. Mr- and Mrs. Peter Weingart and children spent Saturday evening at the Frank Rosing home. Mrs. A. Krause spent a few^days last week in Chicago where she visited relatives and friends. Eunice Marshall and Joyce Chestnut visited relatives in Chicago and Forest Park last week. Mrs. Margaret Gillis of Woodstock visited in the home of her sister, Mrs. Peter Doherty, Sunday. Mrs. C. W. Klontz and children returned home Saturday after spending several days in Chicago. Miss Mildred Gans returned home Saturday after spending several, days with relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Harry Passfield spent Monday at St. Anthony's hospital where she went for examination. Mr. and Mrs. Bowman of Kenosha were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. MSller. Mrs. Albert Vales spent a few days last week at Brookfield, where she visited relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Cameron8 Harry Lawrence and Edward of O'Callahan of Chicago visited friends! ^^^iPe^/trfra /^ys^'ast w*ek here Saturday evening. M!r. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz and family visited relatives near Woodstock Thursday evening. Mrs. Mary Powers and daughter, Jean, are spending several weeks with relatives at Long Lake. Mr. and Mrs! M. J. Lonergan of Chicago visited ' \ the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. abb Sunday. Mr. and MTS. Peter Penkava and in the home of Mrs. Ada Bobb Miss Evelyn Smith returned home the last of the week after spending three weeks visiting in Chicago. Miss Marion Krause returned home the last of the week after spending several days visiting in Chicago. Miss Emily Marsoun of Chicago was a guest of Miss Lillian Scheid at her home south of town, Sunday. Mirs. Frank Rosing and children aons of Chicago spent Sunday in th- I spent several days last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Vales. ! ho™e of Mrs. S. Caldwell at Wauke- Ifrs. Simon Stoffel and daughter, P3"- Clara, and Mrs. Gerald Carey and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Long of baby visited at Kenosha, Sunday. ! Crystal Lake were Sunday guests in Mr. and Mrs. Henry Block who! the, home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter have occupied the Albert Vales house j Doberty. on Elm street have moved to Volo. Mr. and Mrs* Math Baur and fam- M5ss Elizabeth Miller is spending | "y visited in the home of Mrs. Herthe week visiting at the Dells and;man Salaman at Woodstock Sunday other points of interest in Wisconsin. af^rn0?B- _ , * - t t . Dr D G Wfclls and son, Glen, of Mrs- Mary Hoffman of Crystal Lake £os Angeles, Cal., are visiting the a?4 n,ec« °£.W;a^es^a' Wis ' were former's mother at Montreal, Canada, visitors at Mass Charlotte Madden's Peter Steffens and John Erfchan bome Saturday J. W. Smith' spent Monday in Chi cago. Mrs. Dave Johnson spent 8unday at Ridgefield. Arthur Bumgard of Hebron is spending a week at MlcHenry. Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Wheeler vfeited at DeKalb, Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith called on friends at Solon Mills, on Thursday. Miss Eunice Marshall is spending a few days with her aunt in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jolly of Crystal Lake visited relatives here on Saturday. Miss Mary Frisby of Elgin spent Sunday with her parents, south of McHenry. Mr. and Mfa. Fred French of Woodstock spent Sunday afternoon at L. Newpian's. Carl Frett of Wheaton is spending his vacation with Ralph Justen near Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Howard and children were visitors at Lake Geneva, Wis., Friday. The Boy Scouts held their regular meeting the the high school gym on Monday evening. Miss Mollie McCarty of Chicago spent last Saturday at the George B. Frisby home. Mr. and Mirs. George Kunspman of Batavia, visited relatives here over the week-end. Mrs. John Vales of Fox River Grove was a guest in the home of Albert Vales, Sunday. Mrs. Grada Alms of Solon Mills called on Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Ellen Ensign spent Sunday at Barrington where she visited in the home of her sister. Raymond Newman of Chicago spent last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Newman. Mr. and Mrs. V. Nash and three children of Chicago spent Saturday with Mrs. G. B. Frisby. M)rs. E. J. Buss and daughter, Betty, spent the past week with Chicago and Oak Park friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Newman spent Saturday evening and Sunday at L. F. Newman's. Mrs. Newman returned with them for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and children of Crystal Lake visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz on Main street, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gumpfrish of Crystal Lake were guests in the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Fred Kamholz, and family Sunday evening. John Hitzel, who has been spending the summer at his cottage, "Why Worry," on the river, has been suddenly called back to ^business in Chicago. Mrs. B. J. Brefeld and daughters were Waukegan visitors, Thursday. Miss Harriet Bobb of Chicago spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Ada Bobb. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rltter and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ritter and son of Chicago and Ira Dowell spent the weekend at the Wisconsin Dells, reporting a wonderful trip. of Chicago were Sunday guests in the bome of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Mr. and Mrs. C. Carney and children of Ehnhurst were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cobb. Glen Wells of California spent seydays last week and the first of this week with his father, Dr. D. G. Wells. Mk\ and Mrs. Jesse Dobbins of Adrian, Mich., were Sunday guests in the home nt Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cobb. Mr. and Mb*. Paul Steinbach of Kenosha spent a few days last week as guests in the home of Mir. and Mrs. J. H. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schunemann were wek-end guests in the home of their, parents Mr. and Mrs. John Schunemann. Mrs. Rohr and children of Elgin were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rossman A few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Hunt of Chicago spent several days as guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler at their home on Waukegan street. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brefeld and daughter, Katherine, of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Besely and son Walter, of Woodstock were callers at the home of Mir. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Holle of Chicago were wf--V-end guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway. Mass Marion McOmber of Chicago is spending ication with her parents, li^r. j ± .*s. Joe McOmber, at their cottage cu Fox river. Miss Emma Fay* and her nephews, James and John fay, motored to Champaign last Wednesday where - they visited the University of Illinois. Mr. and MTS. Fred Sattem and children of Omaha, Neb., are spending their vacation at the A. C. Granger cottage at Hickory Grange. Mrs. J. E. Wheeler attended the official visit of the Worthy Grand Matron of the 0. E. S. at Nunda chapter, Crystal Lake, Monday evening. Mrs. Charles Rossman and friend, Mirs. Rohr and two children of Elgin, visited in the home of the former's cousin, Mrs, Harry Ober, at Richmond one day last week. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin and family including Mk\ and Mrs. Thos MicCabe left Monday for a motor trip to Globes, Mich., where they will spend tairo weeks visiting relatives. Ajigela Steilen, daughter of Mr.! Mrs. N. J. Steilen, was taken to the Victory Miemorial hospital at , Waukegan, where she was operated OH Sunday morning for mastoid. Me8dames J. R. Smith, N. H. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rothermel and family and Mr. and Mrs. A. Krause visited relatives at Elmhurst one evening recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Bussley of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rothermel on Riverside Drive, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Wrightson and children of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Klontz. Morticians of McHenry county and wives enjoyed a day's outing Wednesday of last week at Milwaukee. Mrs. F. E. Cobb went to Chicago Monday where she will spend the week visiting relatives and friends. The Melody Masters were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Justen last Thursday evening. Mrs. E. E. Cropiey from Solon Mills was a Wednesday afternoon caller at the Frank Weingart home. Miss Evelyn Smith, who has been visiting in Chicago for three weeks has returned to her home in McHenry. Mir. and Mrs. Corly and Miss Helen Fox of Rockford visited in the home of Father O'Rourke a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Karls and son, Junior, of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of and Mrs. Fred Karls. Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus Meyers and daughter, Marcella, of Chicago visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Meyers, Sunday. 5fr. and Mrs. Lee Woodard of Racine are visiting in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Vycital this week. Mrs. Kennebeck and sons, John and Ben, visited Miss Marcella Kennebeck at the Victory Memorial hospital at Waukegan, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nye and Miss Reginsr Blake and friend of Elgin were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blake, Sunday. Mrs. John Goggin and her brothers, John and Martin Murray, of Chicago, were guests in the Marshall Walsh home on Main street, Sunday. Arthur Boger and Miss Jeannette Morean of Oak Park spent the weekend in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Boger. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler with their guests, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Hunt, of Oak Park spent last Thursday with Dr. and Mrs. G. V. Besely at Freeport. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sehaefer and children of Chicago visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Jv Schaefer, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Peterson and' sons, Bob and Earl, motored to Farmington, Mich., Saturday where they attended a family reunion over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strain of Rirfu mond visited in the home of their Alvan Rothermel, labor at stret , marking 20.06 Vogt's Drug Store, supplies for fumigating 4.90 MjcHenry Plaindealer, printing 82.25 Thos. P. Bolger, applies .«* ; .56 Jos. J. Mjiller, twine, etc. >*'.82 Wm. H. Althoff, 1 sash brush* .20 Mrs. Georgiana Ward, sidewalk 12.17 Hollister Motor Sales .express.. 1.25 American Well Works, city pump 1825.0© Peter Frett, 14 gal., gas for trip to Kenosha 2.24 H. R. Luebbe, labor 375.00 B. J. Brefeld, sidewalk 16.40 Illinois Bell Telephone Co., calls and monthly service 15.86 Motion by Doherty, seconded by Frisby that the city of MfcHenry ieaup an anticipation warrant to the amount of $1800.00 for the payment of the new city pump. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Overton, that the treasurer'# report for July be accepted. Motion carried. Motion by Frisby, seconded by Overton, that the reports of the collector and clerk be accepted. Motion carried. Motion by Frisby, seconded by Thennes, that the city attorney be instructed to draw up an ordinance changing the water rates. Motion carried. The council decided that the fire truck bids be held over. Motion by Overton, seconded by Frisby, that the "annual appropriation ordinance" be passed as read. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Overton, that the "Tax Levy Ordinance" be passed as read. Motion carried. Motion by Frisby, seconded by Kreutzer to adjourn until Tuesday evening, August 2, 7:80 p. m. Motion carried. PETER Wm. FRETT, Mayor. R. F. CONWAY, Clerk. 8L00UM'8 LAKl Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Russell and family of Volo, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Larrabee of Kenosha, Miss Lillian Tidmarsh of Wauconda and Mrs. Ed Underwood and son, Edwin, of Mundelein were callers at the home of Mr. and Mts. William Brooks last Sunday. Mr. McGill and son, Farrell, were business callers at Racine, Wis., last Tuesday. Mirs. Sigrid Blomgren, Mjr. John Blomgren and Mrs. E. Anderson spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Anderson at Algonquin. Mrs. Darwin Granger and daughters of MlcHenry were Wednesday callers at the home of Mrs. William Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winkler of Barrington spent Sunday at the home of the former's parents on the Ardelow farm. Mrs. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ohrwall of Crystal Lake spent Friday evening at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pfannenstill. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, and MSss Myrtle Darrell visited their sister, Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews, at Crystal Lake last Tuesday evening. Mrs. McGill was a business caller at McHenry last Friday. • Harry and Melvin Bink won first place in two motor boat races held at Long Lal:e last Sunday. William Brooks was a business caller at Libertyville last Monday. Mrs. Harry Matthews was a business caller at McHenry last Thursday afternoon. K|r. and Mrs. Strom from Mankato, Minn., spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren. Harry Bink returned home last Sunday after a two months visit at the Ardelow farm. George H. Harner was in Chicago last Sunday and attended the Clark county picnic hfeld at Jackson park. Mrs. Clara Smith accompanied Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams to Palatine where they attended the funeral of Wl |C. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. E. Geary and Mrs. J. A. Knox and Mrs. J. N. Zimmer from McHenry were Sunday afternoon callers at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Geary. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, spent Sunday with the former's parents at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son, James Howard, of Crystal Lake were callers at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith last Tuesday and Wednesday. Mlarvin Wells, Jr., of DesPlaines spent Monday and Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mat- $>ews. -V Mr. and Mrs. J. Geary spent last Saturday evening at Crystal Lake., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gilkerson and two children of Libertyville visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell, Monday evening. Mrs. Schaeffer and son, Stanley, of McHenry and friend Harris Frey from Elgin spent last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews attended the official visit of the Worthy Grand Matron of the O. E. S. at Nunda Chapter, Crystal Lake, Moilday evening. ' Mrs. Mildred Hoffman and Miss Mrytle Darrell sprat Saturday in Chicago, attending the theatre in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks were business callers in McHenry one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl .Matthews and two children of Crystal Lake spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. H. L Brooks were business callers in Waukegan last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell visited at the home of their daughter, Mrs. LaDoyt Mlatthewti at Crystal Lake last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bolt, Mr. and Mrs. Iver Byer and children of Chicago and Mrs. Louis Rohman of Chicago enjoyed a picnic dinner ,at Slocum Lake with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks, Sunday. Mrs. F. Woodmancy of Maywood and Elmer Tidmarsh of Albany, N. Y., were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell last Wednesday. Because of the high standard of merchandise we carry, we hold our old customers and keep adding n$^y ones to our list.. Erickson Dept. St«tC fOHNSBURG The lady Foresters, Court No. 777, enjoyed their annual picnic at Miller's grove Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mitchel enjoyed the ball game at Lily Lake, Sunday. Henry Althoff of Elgin visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Math Freund, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Math Schmitt and family visited with Mrs. Mary Schmitt Sunday. ~ Martha Hetfermann was a McHenry caller, Tuesday. Misses Rosemary and Alveria Hettermann are enjoying a vacation with Miss Pepping. Mjr. and Mrs. Louis Adams and children, Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen and Louis Pitzen motored to Holy Hill, Wis., where they spent, a few days. Mrs. Roy Newell of Chciago and Mrs. Peter Wleingart and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Pitzen Sunday. Frank Kempfer, Mrs. Joe Freund and Mrs. John iPtezn motored to Chicago, Monday. Mrs. Henry Hetteimann and daughters, Agnes and Martha, Mrs. Joe Kettermann and daughter, Oliva, motored to Spring Grove, Thursday. Miss Florence Freund visited with Miss Agnes Hettermann, Sunday. My. and Mrs. Ben Schaefer and family are enjoying this week in the Oeffling cottage near Nippersink creek. Mrs. Catherine Tonyan visited with Mr. and Mrs. Beri Tonyan Sunday. M"r. and Mrs. H. W. Hettermann m.otored to Wheatland, Wis., Tuesday, where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Pteter Epping. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schroeder and children of Chicago visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schaefer, Sunday. Marie Kempfer was a McHenry caller Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lauritz and children of Chicago visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer, Sunday. Elizabeth Kempfer visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer a few days recently. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen, Mr. imd Mrs. Peter Oeffling and Mr. and Mrs. William Smith visited with Mr.' and Mrs. Joe Michels, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. lFred Freund and children and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Justen and sons vistied with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling, Sunday. Miss Martha Hettermann vistied with Helen Schaefer, Tuesday. Now is the time to start getting the kiddies ready for school. We are sure to have just what you want. Erickson Dept. Store. - V- A TERRA OOTTA Mrs. B. J. Shine is spending several days in the homes of Chicago relatives. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and daughters spent Sunday evening in Woodstock. Frank Spraud of Chicago visited at the home of Frank McMillan Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bertram of Crystal Lake called on Henry McMillan Sunday. * Wallace Preston visfteaat the home of M. Knox Sunday. Ed Riley of Barrington called at the home of B. J. Shine Sunday. Miss Evelyn Bohl of Crystal Lake1 was a recent caller in this vicinity. Harold, Robert and Vernon Knox and Wallace Preston were visitors at Lake Geneva, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan were „ recent visitors in Elgin. Harry Brantingham of Chicago' spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. George Frisby ent^> tained relatives, Sunday. Mrs. M. Knox visited relatives and friends in McHenry, Thursday afternoon. A store for the entire family. Bargains in every department. Erickson Dept. Store. That wonderful new grandstand at the Illinois State Fair grounds, at Springfield, will accommodate a tremendous crowd during the week from August 20 to .27. Auto racing on the 20th and 27th (Saturdays): horse racing, running and harness every day, Monday to Friday: whippet (dog) racing Monday to Friday with the free attractions in front of the grandstand, both afternoon and evening. A. Petesch, J. E. Wheeler and Miss Ar- daughter, Mrs. C. W. Klontz and famleen Harrison attended the official j ily. Sunday. visit of the Worthy Grand Matron of tike O. E. S. at DeKalb, Tuesday evenigf, Mrs. TP1*""' Portman and children, Billy an4 Bernice of New York and Mrs. Ett Portman and daughter, Mfery Jane, of Lombard spent several days last week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schaefer, and Mrs. C. B. Colby. " • •• ' *• . - •:s> ^ CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS City Council Room, Aug. 1, 1927. The city aldermen met in regular session Monday evening with Mayor Frett presiding. Aldermen present: Doherty, Frisby, Howard, Kreutzer, Overton and Thennes. The minutes of the three meetings held during the month of July were read and approved. Motion by Overton, seconded by Frisby that the following bills be paid. Motion carried. Jacob M. Diedrich, labor on streets, $ 28.00 Alex. Lumber Co., cuvlert, sewer. pipe 81.41, East Side Service Station, gas and oil 14.10 George Meyers, grading streets and hauling pump 12.00 N. J. Justen & Son, sidewalk.... 10.00 H. R. Luebbe, labor and materials 288.7(1 Mayme Buss, services as city collector 12.50 R. F. Conway, stationery, postage and phone calls 2.00 Herman Kreutzer, hauling shoe for well from Aurora 15.00 Walter J. Donavin, labor as city pluntf>er ~...129.88 Alvan Rothermel, street markin? 26.60 Alvan Rothermel, street marking 42.00 John Wklsh, services at sewer lift ..............T^r.^r..-^.-; • 15.00 John Walsh, services as city marshall 115.00 D. J. Granger, special police services 10.00 John Malch, services as street cleaner for six weeks 120.00 Phil Guinto, salary for special police services for 1 month.... 100.00 F. H. Wattles, grading and graveling Center street 14.001 John R. Freund, cutting weeds, < I etc 2.00 Mieyer & Wenthe, dog tags...... 4.88 Wm. Schaefer, gas .80 Fred A. Cooley, labor at pumping 196.20 Math Glossert, hauling pump .. 8.88 Carl Rothermel, marking streets 26.00 Meyer A Wenthe, "iNo Parking Signs," and stencils 92.85 McHenry Co-operative Ass'n, belting and lacing 6.11 Donald J. Hunter, labor on Center and John streets 102.00 Public Service Co., power for electric pump 66.60 Public Service Co., lights at city hall ". 10.08 Peter W. Frett, mayor services for three months, (present five meetings) 25.00 Peter ^ J. Dotherty, alderman serflces for three months.... 30.00 Robert Frisby, alderman services for three months 80.00 Ray Howard, alderman services for two months, (present four meetings) 20.00 Herman Kreutzer, alderman services for three months 80.00 R. I. Overton, alderman services j for three months, (present where thfcp were guests of Mrs. °Kla- John^'inwf6^11*'8^ j 26.00 bunda's nttther and t J t T T T J T J T t T Ford Owners t on Your Ford 4 During the ooming week, beginning next Monday, we will offer a ^ flpccial frpe inspection service to all Ford car and truck owners. We invite you to bring your car to our service department. It will be thoroughly inspected by Ford-trained mechanics. There will be no charge. • • « ---t This is being done that you, as a Ford owner, may derive the most . jfetisfactory use of your car or truck, as well as to acquaint you with our facilities for service &im} to ep&ble ymio meet o«rtoFganizatioa <^ Ford-trained service men. ' . : - If it is found that your Ford needs repairs or adjustments of any kind, we will submit a report to you with our recommendations and an ^estimate of the cost. If you care to have the work done, we shall be glad to do it, and can assure you of the highest quality of workmanship, performed in a shop equipped with modern and approved machinery. In some cases all that is necessary is a "tuning up" of the motor. We are making a special charge of only $1.00 for this work which incudes: Gleaning and adjusting spark plugs Cleaning and adjusting coil units Cleaning commutator case Testing battery and filling with Water Cleaning carburetor and sediment-bulb You may bring your car in at any time next week for the free inspection. It is important for you to take advantage of this offer, especially if you are planning a vacation trip or the extensive use of your car during the summer., 41 - ( Mr. and Mjrs. GUB Kalbunda of Richmond called on Mrs. Ellen Ensign Sunday and they drove to Barrington, f ,, ' --a oci tiv Glen Wells .ho i, .ttendin, d.nUl R. F a°-°" FREE OF CHARGE -J ' Knox Motor Sales % T school at the University of southern California at Los Angeles spent several days last week as the guest of his father, Dr. D. G. Wells here. three months 80.00 Yoeman Bros. Co., labor and w?*paJr8 .278.40 wm. Ahrens, hauling gravel*. 5, fhonM 30 and 31 McHenry, Illinois