Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Aug 1927, p. 6

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•prerrrrr^Tr ';:i 5 - '/ 'r >•> r W-i - "^v J'j.t-. II'." ^ *> ' 'i'5 >"i: ^ '. * r\ • N x" u[. ~.*' THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4> 1927 m w > - tv * •<?" V vi^ -« : " /. « v ;• ^ ••• .x'; £ »mv;; (Continued from page thr«i| • r? Edw J Mischke & Arthur A Gun» K- "' zenhauRer, ex 4rds lot 17, .35* sto 70 Pffe r tMiver N Owen, w4rds lot 17, .87a JT Heimer, (ex of w%) lot ; • 18, .51a i r.~ 776 :» Itichard Thompson, s\4' of wVi Ar lot 18, .24a 795 •Augrust Feltz lot 19, .40a 415 fYed W. Voeltz, lot 20, .40a. 575 Fred Feltz, lot 21, .40a 580 fl'm Feltz, w% lot 22, .40a 675 •'•Harvey Baron, e^i lot 22. .40a.... 6S5 Margaret Bonslett, lot 23, .30a 1135 • J^eter .1 Schoewer, lot 26, .50a.. 775 Meine & Weinschenker, pt lot 27 .20a 900 ... .gfjck N Freund, pt lot 27, .20a.. 990 Fredrick Beller, lot 28, 6.82a .... 270 £iacob Bonslett, lot 29 4.72a 810 J W & Mattie Smith, lot 30, .30a 1395 Everett Hunter Jr., lot 31, .15a 1225 Section 27, Town 45, Range 8 G W Colbv, e of RR n% neVi, 21.20a 205 Ernest P Rich, w of RR n%-ne%, 58.80a i... 1235 Jacob Freund, (ex RR) se*4 ne% " 40a ......... 685 vjlyron H Detrick, sVi sw%, 80a 1110 County Clerk's Plat - Adolph Ibseh, as per DR 152 P • 216 pt lot 14 and Hanly's out lots 1 and 16, 5.87a. .....1180 c Louis Althoff, Hanly's out lots I and 16, 1.10a . 560 Leah & A M Brown, Hanly's out V; lots 2 and 15, 7a ...» »35 :» V"- lii yron H Detrick. Hanly's out lots 3 and 4, 3.07a 290 ' McHenry Lumber Co., Hanly's 5 out lots, 5, .25a 10 .'Joseph May, Hanly's out lots 6 10 13, 10.43a 820 Frank SteindoerfeT, Hanly's out lots 7 8 9, la 680 John Malsch, Hanly's out lots II 12 19. .96a 250 Joseph May, (ex as per DR 152 P 216) lot 14, 16.77a 425 A S Parks, as per DR 120 P 374 pt lot 17, .50a 450 Myron H Detrick, (ex as per DR 120 P 374) pt lot 17, 23.69a 1100 J Scott Matthews, pt lot 18, la.. 3585 Floyd E Covalt, lot 18. .48a 140 McHenry Lumber Co., pc n of Main st, and e of Crystal Lake rd n of lot 18, .75a 810 James Scott Matthews, s of Main . st. and e of Crystal Lake rd pt lot 18, 2.02a 250 James Scott Matthews, Doc No. 7432 pt eM of sec 27, .75a 60 Wm. Franke, lot 20. 4.32a 320 Albert Lollinger, as per DR 135 P 535 lots 21 and 22, 2.55a. 860 Martin S Freund, (ex as per DR < 135 P 535) lots 21 and 22, .50a 25 Martin S Freund, lot 23, 3.90a .. 730 Newell F Colby, (ex elOa) lot 24, 14.13a 455 R W Wright. elOa lot 24, 10a 360 M F Colby, (ex as per DR 182 P 340) and (ex as per DR 141 P 379) pt lot 25 27. 107.93a.... 3360 Ernest P Rich, as per DR 141 P 379 pt lot 27, 5.94a .. 160 Robert Wright, lot 26, 28.50a.... 785 Martin S FYeund, lots 28 & 31 43.50a 625 Augrust M Schiller, lot 29, 28a.... 2185 3Sr ; Chas A Dalstrom. as per DR 151 P 493 pt lot 30, 4.13a $40 Martin Boyle est., (ex as per DR 151 P 493) pt lot 30, 47.87*.. 645 Myron H Detrick, lot 32, 39a 1035 Ernest P Rich, as per DR 182 P 340 pt lot 27, 17.34a 450 Chas W Gibbs. wlOa of nS2a se%, 10a 195 Homer E Clemens, 14a next e of wlOa of n32a se%, 14a 255 John E McBroom, e8a of n32a se%, 8a 135 Section 32, Town 45, Range 8 Martin Boyle, lot 1, 59.73a 1240; Frank Grasser, nlOOa nto, 100a 2160 Clifford E Sherman, lot 2, 54.80a 1625 j Wm Saylor. 100a next s of n 160 1185 1825 280 92J 585 645 665 435 1010 1745 1050 1510 Frank H. Watties, sw cor lot 3 7.30a C E Sherman, (ex sw cor) lot 3, 59.95a C E Sherman, lot 4, 40a Martin S Freund, lot 5, 14.83a.... Frank H Wattles, lot 6, 5.43a .... Clifford E Sherman, lot 7, 27.50a Martin S Freund. ne of hy lots 8 and 9, 34.58a 1620 Frank H Wattles, dw of hy lots 8 and 9, 17.22a 360 Frank H Wattles, sH sw*4, 80a 2950 Frank H Wattles, n% swtt, 80a 1600 Frank H Wattles, (ex sw*4) se J4. 120a 2430 Frank It Wattles. swU se V*, 40a 855 Section 29. Town 45, Range 8 Clifford E Sherman, co. clerk's plat lot 1 neVi, 25.63a Clifford E Sherman, co. clerk's plat lot 2 ne\4, 28.75a F H Wattles, co. clerk's plat lot 3 ne%. 25.62a Gertrude L Miiller, n40a of'w70a ne ^4, 40a ?. Fred R Eppel, w50a nw>4, 50a.. 1440 Stanley Sowa, w507a of n45.07a of wVfc ne^4 and n34.03a of e60a nwVt s25.07a of e60a nw^ and s35.03.a, 40a C E Jecks, w% ne V4, 60a C E Jecks,,e50a of jwlOOa nw% 50a •: ... Elvira Hutson, nVi s%, 160a.... 3915 Henry & Helena Degen, s% sH, 160a 3755 Section 30, Town 45, Range 8 Fred R Eppel, e% e% neVi, 40a 750 Robt H Richardson, w% e% ne%, 40a 750 Peter W FreuncJ. wV4 ne%, 80a 2610 C E Jecks, n% nw%, 79a 1555 Fred R Eppel, S% nw>4, 80a .. 2395 Henry Hobart, e% sw!4, 80a .... 2230 Henry Hobart, sw% sw>4, 40a .. 615 Fred R Eppel, nw!4 sw%. 40a .. 620 Warren Francisco, wVi se^4 se^4, 20a 295 Fred R Eppel, wH ne% seVi, 20a Peter W Freund, (ex s20a) w% se%4 60a Laura L Thompson, s% sw*4 se%, 20a Fred R Eppel. e% e% se%, 40a.. Section 31, Town 45, Range Warren Francisco, n% ne%, 80a Robert B Dolziel, s% ne%, 80a 2310 Frank Kaiser, lot 1 and n% lot2 nw^4, 119.42a 2700 Farmer's Stock Feeding Co., s% lot 2 nw^4. 38.29a 645 Farrtaer's Stock Feeding Co., nJ>4 lot 2 sw^4 , 38.55a 665 C B Durkee, s% lots 1 and 2 sw%, 7943a 1195 Frank Kaiser, nV4 lots 1 and 2 swVi, 40a - 695 Ida R Townsend, (ex slOa) s 128a se%, 118a 2565 Chas R Page et al, slOa se*/4 10a i 195 295 900 430 500 8 2050 Grand Annual Elk's Picnic Waukegan Lodge No. 702 B. P. 0. X. Wednesday, August 17th AT FOX LAKE ILLINOIS Mineola Hotel and Grounds Races. Field Events, Golf Contest, Trap Shooting, Motor Boat Racing, Dancing, Band Concerts, Grand Barbecue, and What Not. The Public and All Elks everywhere are welcome. Bring the Ladies and Kiddies. Tickets One Dollar from any Elk. Establish aSummer Home on eautiful Lake Elizabeth i (One of the Twin Lakes) Drive Up Sunday Or any other day. After viewing ' Haegele's Hickory Point Subdivision -You will look no further.---- AH large high lots--1500 andiif. f 1® from McHenry, between Genoa City and ! Twin Lakes, Wis. Terms to Suit Xroy ^ has privilege of a beautiful bathing beach and ^. boat landing. All Improvements In BATHING--BOATING--FISHING Be Sure to look at Hickory Point First 1^1 information on the ground or wrtj^ tp *0 ^ HAEGELE ICE 00. 'iZtitei Chicago i;-:; 100a n%, 100a 2430 - Edw J Baker, sl20a n%, 120a.. 3690 | Edw J Baker, e20a of n32a j swVi, 20a 245 I John E McBroom, wl2a of n32a I sw^4, 12a 255 Ida K Townsend, sl28a sw%, ! 128a 2985 Edw J Baker. se%, 80a £015 Edw J Baker, ne\4 ae%, 40a 900 John Grasser, se% se^4, 40a.... 1010 Section 33, Town 45, Range 8 Geo H Hanly, as per DR 153 P 79 e% e%, 40a 1790 Geo H Harily, (ex as per DR 153 P 79) e% ne%, 40a 755 Geo H Hanly, sw% ne%, 40a .... 900 F tt Wattles, nw% ne^4, 40a ...... 900 E Whiting, co. clerk's plat lot 1 nwVi, 30.13a 645 Elvira Hutson, co. clerk's plat lot 2 nw!4, 60.22a 1295 W E Whiting, co. clerk's plat lot 3 nw^4, 30.12a 605 W E Whiting, co. clerk's plat lot 4 nw%, 40a 905 A W Whiting, e% sw%, 80a .... 2090 W E Whiting, w% sw%, 80a.... 2160 Chas. P Page et al, e% se% 80a -.1995 A W Whiting. w% se%, 80a.... 1995 Jas Scott Matthews, c co. clerk's plat Doc 75427 lot 1 and pt 4 ne*4 ne%, 2a 100 Section, 34, Town 45, Range 8 Myron H Detrick, co. clerk's plat lot 3 and pt 4 ne% ne^4, 28.42a 950 Geo A Hanly. (ex wl57.62ft) co. clerk's plat lot 2 neM nett, 76a !. 680 Geo A Hanly, as per DR 98 P 524 pt ne%, 20a 45 Myron H Detrick, se% ne% and wVfe ne^4, 115.50a 4410 Myron H Detrick, nw^4 and nVi sw%, 240a 7775 Chas R Page et al, w of rd sw!4 sw^4, 24a 835 Martha Page, e of rd sw% sw%, 16a 1740 Martha Page, se% sw%, 40a .... 1080 Martha Page, sw% seVi, 40a 900 Myron H. Detrick, (ex RR) nH seVi, 76a 1330 Edmond Knox, se% se%, 40a .. 600 Myron H Detrick, wl57.62ft co. clerk's plat lot 2 ne% ne^. .75a ...560 Section 35, Town 45, Range 8 Grace E Brainard, nw75ft of se200ft Sunnyside lot 1, .18a 115 Grace E Brainard, (ex se200ft) lot 1, .30a 350 John J Motzer, as per DR 151 P 462 pt of s pt lot 1, .20a.... 360 John J Motzer, as per DR 162 P 503 pt of s pt lot 1. .20a. 360 John T Johanson, lot 2, .26a ...... 595 Mathias & Mary Tinnes, lot 3, .25a 810 Miathias E Tinnes et al, lot 4, .25a 90 Ethel L Hersog, lot 5, .25a 495 Edwin Geir, lot 6. .25a 390 Sections 35 and 3t Frank Schramm, lot 7, .25a 360 Henry W Cuhn, lot 8, .25a 360 Section 35, Town 45, Range 8 Michael L Sloey, lots 40 and 41, .65a 975 County Clerk'8 Plat NE'/i Chester Goodman, c lot 2, 5.45a 1250 McHenry Country Club, pt lot 3-4 and 10, 60.60a 1265 Frederick Beller, c pt lot 3 13a 435 Jos H Boss, c as per DR 156 P 361 pt lot 3, 3.19a 655 Emma A King, c as per DR 125 P 84 pt lot 3, 3.19a 630 Chas T Allen, c lot 6 and pt lots 4 and 10, 30.95a 2925 Frank E Cobb, c pt 4, .15a 375 John Carey, c lot 5, 5a 595 Edmond Knox, c lot 7, 1.37a ....1050 Chester Howard, c lot 8, .56a .... 405 Mary K Schaefer, c lot 9 .54a .... 405 Johii B Jung, c e% sw%, 80a .... 2790 John B Jung, nw% sw>4, 40a .... 600 Edw V Knox, sw1^ swx,4, 40a.... 770 Jacob F Justen, n% se^4, 80a.... 2950 Peter M Freund, s% se^4. 80a.. 2950 Section 36, Town 45, Range 8 H Kennebeck, pt neVi nw*4 and pt nw% ne1^, 5.20a 120 John S Freurn^ e of rd e pt ne% 14.31a 1215 H Kennebeck, A i of rd ne%, 144.49a 4345 Chas T Allen, (ex plat) pt co. clerk's plat lot 1 nwVi. 13.34a 950 H Kennebeck, pt e fr nw%, 50.89a 1020 Wells & Barbian,(ex as per DR 143 P 503) ne fr swtt, 2.63a 255 John A Carver, as per DR 143 P 503 ne fr sw^, 11.37a 975 Jacob F Justen, wMs nw% swK, 20a 490 Ella M Wheeler, (ex plat) w of river s% sw^4 . 34.83a 865 Edw R Sutton, (ex plat) e of river s% sw%, 9.50a 210 ET T Carlson, pt e of river s% sw%, la 600 Oscar E Carlson, pt e of river s% sw}4', la 495 Elizabeth Smith, e% se^4 se% / and ne% se»4 , 59.97a 1620 Edw R Sutton, w% se^4 se% ' ...and sw% se^i. 59.96a 2260 H Kennebeck, nw% se%, 40a.... 900 Section 5, Town 45, Range 9 Mhrtin H Freund, ex nl65ft of s545ft of el98ft of sw% ne% w% ne1/* and (ex RR) tie% ne»4, 108.81a 1440 Nellie L Johnson, as per DR 167 P 196 pt ne% neVi, la 170 "Peter C Johnson, fes per Doc No. 63818. la ! 325 Henry Frenzel, as per Doc No. 64780, .40a 40 Grace C Franklin, nl65ft of s545ft of el98ft ne>4, ^ .75a 260 Miath J Miller, nVi seVL ne^4, 19.78a HSenry J Klaperiek, s% seVi ne%, 19.78a 800 Nick F Freund, ne% nwtt. 89a.. 750 Kfeth J Smith, teU nw^4, 40a.. 770 Wick F Freund, nl9a nw% 19a 400 Mathias J Miller, s20.16a nw% nw14, 20.16a . 480 Miathias J Miller, sw% nw^4, 40a 860 County Clerk's Plat S'/j Jacob H Adams, lots 1-13, 16.40a 860 Mathias B Adams, lots 2 A 3, 12.89a 860 Matt N Freund, lots 4 A 6 and T sub lot 1 of lot 8, 12.50a 240 Jacob H Atfiams, lots 6-7 A 10, 15.20a 846 Matthias N Freund, lots 9 and • sub lot 2 lot 8. 7.82a 166 Matthias N Freund, lots 11 and 12, 24.16a - 1305 Matthias N Freund, lot 14, 51.49a 990 Joseph M Schaefer, lot 15, 20a 360 Matthias N Freund. lot 16, 9.68a 100 Henry Thelan Sr., (ex as per DR 103 P 45) lot 17. 129.12 2280 "fi fiathias N Freund, as per DR 103 P 45 It 17, 1.20a 80 Henry J Thelan, pt lot 18, 20a.... 800 Section 6, Town 45, Range I l^ick F Freund, n74.40a neU, 74.40a 2280 Mathias J Miller, s84a neVL, 84a 2560 v/^iJohn A Jung, neK nwVi 38.15a 930 Jacob H Adams, co. clerk's plat lot 1 sett, 40a «... 1020 1685 705 235 230 Jacob H Adams, lot t se^4, 50.50a - Math $ Smith, lot 3 sett 69.50a 2015 N F Freund, lot 4 sw^4, 28.94a .705 John F Freund, lot 5 nwU, 28.82a Emma Freund, lot 6 nwtt, 9.16a Rose Schumacher, lot 7 nwtt, 8.79a S F Schmidt, se^4 nw%, 38.15a 1020 S F Schmidt, e% sw%, 80a 2595 Math N Schmidt. w% sw%, 7345a 2505 County Clerk's Plat Section 7, Town 45, Range 9 Miathias Nett, lot 1, 15.06a 325 Wm Oeffling, lot 2, 59.15a 2050 Peter F Freund, lots 3-4 and 19, 99.36a : 3240 Henry J Klapperick, lots 5 and 6. 25.25a 740 Henry J Klapperick. lot 7, 65.60a 1960 Martin May est., lot 8, 72.17a .. 2345 Joseph M Schaefer, lot 9, 25.46a 770 Jacob and Rose Schumacher, lot 10, 10a 270 Mathias Nett, lot 11. 46.73a .... 1455 Mjary Schaefer, lot 12, 5a 240 Math N SchmStt, lot 13, 29a .... 690 Math N Schnritt, lot 14, 40.52a.... 770 Martin F Schmidt, lot 15, .75a.... 25 Stephen Miay. lot 16, .44a 16 John P Schaefer, lot 17, .32a 10 Wm Oeffling1, lot 18, .50a 20 Martin May est., lot 20, 46a .... 975 S F Smith, nw%, 80a 1796 Section 8, Town 45, Range 9 Henry J Thelan, ne% ne^4. 40a 90 Joseph M Schaefer, sett nwtt ' nws,i and Pt nett nwtt, 45a 480 Mathias N Freund, ntt nwtt, nwtt. 19.45* 426 Wm Oeffling, co. clerk's plat lot 3, 24.87a 616 Wm Oeffling. co. clerk's plat lot 4, 16a 886 W)m Oeffling, co. clerk's plat pt lot 5, 15a 406 V C Wolverton, co. clerk's plat pt lot 5, .91a 405 C J Ward, co. clerk's plat pt lot 5, .46a 406 Jos F Johnson, co. clerk's plat pt lot 5. .50a 380 Ekl Loose, co. clerk's plat pt lot 5, .25a 226 Wm J Moldenhauer, co. clerk's plat pt lot 5, .25a 226 H J Hughes, Sr., co. clerk's plat plat 5, 1.14a 185 John G Beutler, co. clerk's plat pt lot 5, 1.41a - 100 Alfred Cousemeau. co. clerk's plat pt lot 5, .22a 240 Wm Potter, co. clerk's plat pt lot 5, .20a 90 John G Butler, as per DR 116 P 284 and Dit 160 P 504, j .97a 1 90 John G Butler, co clerk's plat pt lot 5, 2.50a 630 Chas H Stephens, Duck Island s%, .50a 366 Elizabeth Finkle. co clerk's plat pt lot 7, la 1586 Chas E Reed, co. clerk's plat pt lot 8, .50a 1080 H J Klapperick, ex as per DR 135 P 445 DR 162 P 404 and DR 150 P 501, 20.74a 460 Chas F Elliot, as per DR 136 P 445, co. clerk's plat, pt lot 9, la - 1095 Mathias Pitzen. co; clerk's plat pt lot 10, 26a V...... 475 Jonn Paulus, St?) 66fWwide n .• and adj lot 10 Crystal Glenn, .18a 720 Wallace Berger & John Wipnail. Stp 66ft wide adj lot 1 Crystal Glen, 48a » 160 County Clerk's Plat Section 17, Town 45, Range 9 John Nowicki, Beau Cliff, 2a .... 1880 A H Mellin, (ex as per Doc No. 6342) lot 1, .50a - 45 Rudolph Johnson, as per Boc No. 63425 lot 1, 3.40a :. 900 Harry W Horn, as per DR 153 P 159 lot 2, .11a 410 Christfcfe Wagner, (ex Beau Cliff and DR 154 P 199) and (ex as per DR 153 P 159) lot 2, .10a M J Pitzen, as per co. clerk's plat pt lot 2, 47.95a Wallace Berger, as per 'DR 167 P 396 pt lot 2. .25a 215 j Fred A Reeves, as per DR 154 'P 199 pt lot 2 505 A H Mellin, as per DR 108 P 450 pt lot 3, 2.55a 115 E E and Ida Leonard, as pfer DR I 143 P 431 pt lot 3, 1.05a 1170 Chas. Osberg, as per DR 176 P , 16 pt lot 3, .34a 450 Chas Linquist, (ex, as per DR 154 P 339) as per DR 148 P 294 pt lot 3, 1.41a 900 Chas Linquist, as per DIJ 154 ; Gladys Lockhart, as per DR 167 P 491 lot 13. .50a E W Van Dusen & Danl D Dorsey, as per DR 140 P 647 lot 13, .25a Julius C Berndt, stt as per DR 142 P 489 lot 13, .25a MJartha Krueger, as per DR 130 P 215 lot 13, .50a John P Koltenx, as per DR 128 P 100 lot 13, .26a John A Miller, (ex plat) lot 14. 40.37a John Straub, pt lot 14, .13a < Chas Nevaril, pt lot 14, ,25a....„ Henry Nell, pt lot 14, .05a .,*««. Paul Kromroy, pt lot 14, .08a.... Jacob Kraai, pt lot 14. .12a John A Miller, lot 16-17 and d3, 85.50a 2250 John M Peterson, e205ft lot 18, 150 Geo J Sayer, (ex e205ft) lot 18,« 16.86a : 410 Geo J Sayer pt lot 19, 43a 1845 Caroline Miller, Rocky Beach ett lot 5 and pt lot 19, .44a Fred L Wilk, Rocky Beach ett lot 7 and pt lot 19 Rocky Beach (ex e49%ft) lot 6 and pt lot 19 in^rear, .80a Fned Miller. Beach 4 and e49%ft lot oJsnd Rocky Beach w% lot 5 Rocky Beach lot 23 and pt lot 19 in rear, 1.13&.... 4390 Geo J Sayer, Rocky Beach wtt lot 8, .22a Fred L Wilk. Rocky Beach ett lot 8, .22a Geo J Slayer, Rocky Beach lot 9, .43a Geo J Sayer, Rocky Beach lot 10 and 11, .86a Anna Henning, ett Rocky Beach lot 1 and 20, .14a Wm H & Elmer A Young mid tt Rocky Beach lot 1 and 20, .14a Harry S Towne. wtt Rocky Beach lot 1 and 20, .14a Ale* N Todd, e% Rocky Beach lots 2 and 21, .25a .. Aignes L Galpin, wtt Rocky Beach lots 2 and 21, ,25a Frank P Young, Rocky Beach lots 3 and 22, .50a Emma E Peters, lot 24, 1.60a.... Emma E Peters, lots 25 and 26, 1.73a Geo J Sayer, lot 27, .26a Peter Niessen, pt lot 28, 23.88a 1400 (Continued on page seven) •••••+»»»» | »»•>• 4..M.•»••»»»»»•»»»<• j East Side Garage GAS and OIL ACCESSORIES 405 1530 1055 135 225 ........ 405 495 585 ... 1S30 630 870 1055 1870 135 Also Moving and Long Distance Hauling ~ / HERMAN SCHAEFEl 1 - Phone 49 BUY IT IN McriENRY i-: The finest materials handled with thoroughness and delicacy. A shop of careful service where experience and courtesy helps to you well pleased. -MB. BEFORE AND AFTER Mrs. Anna Howard CLEANING, PRESSING and REPAIRING PHONE 143 W Located over Bolger's Drug Stem <%»<%»<%><%»•$>«%>«$>«$»<$><%»<$»«$><$>«$>«$><$><$>•$><$>«%»<$< >$» i fr «|< ^ ^ A Set Worth The splendid quality of the mcd used in making any one of these pieces of furniture well worth make your selection now. , aifcd the woodi ial sets make them ling. Stop in and JACOB JUSTEN & SONS FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING 510 90 900 650 730 325 45 ias l/H 1M P339 pt lot 3, 1.91a Louis J Pitzen, as per DR/174 P 59 pt lot 3, .65a Edw Banks, pt lot 3, 75.42a Edw Banks, (ex as per DR 120 P446) lot 4, 16a 1060 John J Pitzen, pt nett nwtt. 3a Ektw Banks, as per DR 120 P 446 lot 4, 4a Edw Banks, pt lot 5, 21.03a Esther K Harrison, pt lot 5 .97a Mjekhior Schmeller, Coon Island n200ft lot 6, la 460 H McKay, Coon Island s200ft of n400ft lot 6. la Rebecca Neiwfeld, Coon Island (ex n400ft) lot 6, .80a Oscar C & Edw M Miller, Coon Island lot 7, 2.61a Louisa Herman, Coon Island pt lot 9, .80a C M Phister, Coon Island pt lot 9, .25a %v H Kraft, Coon Island 100x200ft pt lot 9. .75a Chas E Bock, Coon Island pt lot 10, la - Louisa Herman, pt lot 10, 8a .... Edw Banks, Coon Island pt lot 10, 3a 225 Edw S Davis, pc bet lot 1 of Roeling's sub & co. line pt lot 11, la - Clarence E Ericcson, sw of rd pt lot 1. .15a County Clerk's Plat Section 18, Town 45, Range 9 Pollman Herman, Schaefer's sob div 1 and lot 1, .44a Gertrude Masquelette, Schaefer's sub div 2 and lot 2, .50a Falcon Outing Club, Schaefer's sub div 3 and lot 3, .39a Arthur F and Dorothea Red wans, Schaefer's sub div 4 and lot 4. .41a ..... Mrs. Bertha Fretlfc, Schaefer's sub diiv 5 and lot 5, .43a Paul and Ida Thies, Schaefer's sub div 6 and lot 6, .22a ;. Marquette Gun Club, Schaefer's 550 905 ... 780 90 840 820 715 270 ... 285 420 405 450 675 405 295 860 rquette sim div 7 and lot 7, .46a 460 Albert T Weber, Schaefer's sub div 8 and lot 8, .46a 460 Geo Mioyen. Schaefer's sub div 9 and lot 9, .46a 495 Chas P Obanion, Schaefer's sub div 10 and lot 10, 49a ... 676 M A Rink, Schaefer's sub div lot 11, .25a ' 885 John G Heiderman, pc 4x10 rds adj lot 10 on ne, .25a 685 Geo Drawert, pc 4xl0rds Schaefer's sub div lot 17, -886 Harry W Horn as per DR 168 P150 pt lot 12, .17a 45 M Pitzen, (ex as per DR 166 P 159) and (ex as per DR 147 P 342) pt lot 12, 2.10a 96 Mlary Horn, as per DR 147 P I 342 pt lot 12, .30a -- 880 Jacob and Joseph Weingart, (ex plat) lot 18, 81a .............. 2276 FAIR AURORA, ILL. August 12 to 20, Inclusive We will have the following exhibits at the Oentral State Fair at Aurora ©n above dates. J HART PARR TRACTORS ; U. S. CORN BUSKERS WOOD BROS. THRESHERS NICHOLS-SHEPHERD THRESHERS Sunday, July 14th will be the banner (day for the farmers of this territory. Make it a* point to attend the Fair on these dates. Phone 100 SHELDON Grayslake, Illinois i ' i *«?i" ff lijft wViafc1- f

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