mm •PPPSPPPf .~X », • ,?<f*.~vpys <->- I *£ TWO - "i i i mil*. ii immhi unti' % i/Jlf>"iiiWjl&i fiV'iIi 'irW ?< ^u'. '* V^'rftA ' 1 .,y^»:V*;-* v ;,-'.j, *V-*, • , ^ C * • r - ^ „ . ; . •- : « « , / - 1 < v , r . . « "• • , .-Ks^f/v* «*$. « > ; • ? " • • - VOLUME 53 McHENBY, HtLINOIS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1927 1 ASSESSMENT LISI t IflTS AND BLOCKS INSTATE OP ILLINOIS, McHenry County. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the following is a full and complete list of the Assessment of Lots and Blocks in the city of McHenry, County, of McHenry, State of Illinois, for toe year A. D. 1927, as appears from the Assessment Books Of 8&i&, Year. * f F. J. HENDRICKS, •% Supervisor of Assessments. West Side Fax River John R Knox, lot 1 2 blk 1, •„ 1200 Mrs, Kent, lot 3 blk 1, ....... Mathias J Schaefer t lot 4 b\k 1,.. Ambrose Schaefer, lot 5 blk 1,.. Edw' B Crook, lot 6 blk 1, Raymond and Catherine Conway, lot 1 blk 2, Helen C Kelley, lot 2 blk 2, Ray F Conway, lots 3 4 blk 2^- Geo E Phalen, lot 5 blk 2 1075 Catherine Schneider, lots 6 7 8 blk 2, 1025 Jchn B Wirtz. lots 9 10 blk 8, .... 625 Ray McGee lots 11 12 13 Wk 2, 1200 Eliy Smith,'lot 14 blk 2, 430 Katie Smith, lots 15 16 blk 2, .... 100 Geo Meyers, lot 1 blk 3, 675 C H Fegers, lot 2 blk 3, ---- 25 St. Patrick's Catholic Society, lot 3 blk 3. 1200 Katie Smith, lots 1 2 blk 4, Miary Murphy, lots 3 6 blk 4....... Gertrude and Kate Weber and Emma Miller, lots 4 5 8 9 blk 4 Henry M Schaefer, lots 7 10 blk 4, E F Kelter, lot 1, blk 5. ___ Jos Rotherinel, lot 5 blk 5, 1100 1250 850 50 150 R90 Ellen Engehurst, lot 4 blk 5, Peter Thelan, lots 6 7 10, blk 5, >i 5 blk 17 1160 Jacob C Bickler, si lft and nl9ft lots 5 6 blk 17, 50 John R Knox, sl4ft lot 6 blk 17, 1650 John J Buch, lot 1 blk 18 1275 John Karls, sub lot 1 lot 2 blk 18 600 Mathias Enreiii, sub lot 1 2 ioto 2 3 blk 18 650 Barbara and Jos Engeln, sub lot 2 lot 3 blk 18, 1160 Fred Justen, sub lot 1 lot 5 blk 18. 250 PIM Justen and sob lot 2 lota 4 5 6 blk 18 3400 Catherine Schneider; and sub lot 1 lot 1 blk 19 1350, Mathias Freund, lot 2 blk 19, .... 1200 Peter and Katie Heimer, sub lot 2 lot 5 blk 19 136 Peter and Katie Heimer, sub lot 2 lot 4 and sub lot 1 lot 5 blk 19 ......... 1200 Jos J Diedrick, (ex n63ft) lots 6 6 7 blk 19, ... Peter M Freund, s6ft and n63ft lots 3 6 blk 19 Mathias Freund, (ex s6ft) lot 3 Kit 19, 415! Kent & Co.. lot 8 blk 19, 490 Geo Stilling, lot 9 blk 19, Adam Gritzmacher, eVi lots 10 11 blk 19 : 675 M W Merriman est., w% lota 10 11, blk 19 : 1225 Adam Gritzmacher, sub lot 1 lot 12 blk 19, 1250 Geo A Stilling, (ex e60ft) sub lot 2 lot ir blk 19, 950 8 H FMnind, sub lot 1 lot 1 blk 20, 1650 Theo Bichler, sub lot i lot 1 200 blk 20 200 400 | Katherina A Freund, sub lot 1 | lot 2 sub lot 1 lot 8 sub lot 1 650 lot 6 blk 20 650 800 ] Anna B Brooks, sub lot 2 lot 2 8501 sub lot 2 lot 3 sub lot 3 lot 6 blk 20, 925 860 235 150 150 1150 675 1175 40 Helena Freund, lot 8 blk 20, .... 900 40 B J Adams, lots 9 12 blk 20 1300 40 40 40 E Buch, pt sub lot 1 lot 4,.... 150 850 s H Freund lot 4 and sub lot 1 . 500 ; lot 5 blk 20 Mathias Niessen. lot 8 blk & .... 625! H E Buch, sub lot 2 lot 5 and sub Joe Schuenamann, lot 9 blk 650' lot 2 lot 6 blk 20 E F Kelter. lot 1 blk 6 , . - Ellen Engehardt? lot 2 blk 6, .... Joe Rothermel. lot 3 blk 6 Mathias Niessen, lot 4 blk 6. Tohn Schuenamann, lot 5 blk 6, Richard B Walsh, lots 1 2 3 blk 7 Peter B Rothermel, lot 4 blkT,.. N E Barbian, lot 5 blk 7, ....... Mrs. J C Bickler. lot 6 blk 7# Fre d W Hiuemann, lot 1 blk 8, .. Jkandard Oil Co. e60ft sub lot 2 lot 12 blk 19, I Carl J Freund, lot 7 blk 20, 140 : John J and Margaret McCarthy, 50 ! eM« lots 10 11 blk 20, ......... 50 j Mary Givens, lots 10»11 Wk 50 j 20 775' Gottlieb Boley, lots 1 4 blk 21, blk 27 , 960 Geo F Kramer, sub lot 2 lot 1 Wk 27, 900 Nizza D Hally, sub lot 3 lot 1 sub lot 2 lot 2 blk 27, 600 Louise Warede, out lot 1 and sob lot 1 lots 2 3 4 blk 27 600 Owner's Out Lots (Inside Corp,) Catholic Bishop of Rockford, s% lot 1, 1170 Catholic Bishop of Rockford, left 2 150 Julia Kent, all ex 5.7ft of lot S 150 John M Phalin, s7ft of lot 3, lot 4 1175 Henry H and Elsie M Fay, lot 5 625 Jacob Brefeld. lot 6, 615 Robt H Sherburne, lot 7, ;. 615 N II Peteseh, lot 8 975 Jas B Perry, lot 9, --. 976 Lakeview (Inside Corp.) ffm Bonslett, incl 1 to lot 11 blk 1, . . 885 Wm Bonslett. lots 1 2 blk 2 ...... 70 Steve Trinker, lot 1 blk 3, 100 Wm Bonslett, lots 2 3 4 5 7 8 blk 3 180 John J Motzer, lot 6 blk 3, 40 Catholic Bishop of Rockford, lot 9 blk 3, 40 Wm Bonslett, lots 1 2 3 4 blk 4, 120 Wm Bonslett, lots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 blk 5 860 Hjenry Kennebeck, lot 11 blk 5, - 40 Roy Kent, lots 12 3 blk 6, 240 Wm Bonslett, lots 4 7 8 blk 6, 240 Edward W Gavin, lot 5 6 blk 6, 760 George A^irfs, lots 9 10 blk 6, 1060 East Side Fox River (Outside Corp.) Everett Hunter, blk 1 2 and nU blk 3 1780 Thos McLaughlin, lots 7 8 9 10 blk 3 200 Everett Hunter, blk 4. 3250 Everett Hunter, n% st s of and adj lot 4 and 1 2 3 4 blk 5 300 Frank Hujrhes, (ex 7) incl 1 to 12 blk 6 1550 Herman Schaefer, lot 7 blk 6,.... 825 Robert J Frisby, lpts 1 2 blk .7, 880 Hubert Weber, lots 3 4 blk 7JL..- 610 Jane Peterson, lots 5 6 blk 7,...#;. 495 Mrs. Mary Pouliot, lots 7 8 9 t0~ 11 12 blk 7 .v.... $130 John W Sfnith and Mattin, s%*Y st n of and adj lot 1 blk £. .... 625 J N McOmber, lot 2 blk 8, 425 John Homer, lot 3 blk 8, 590 Chas Rietesel, lot 4 blk 8, 1075 Nick Bohr, lots 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 blk 1 250 J H Kennebeck, lot 7 blk 1, ™ 50 Inside Corporation West McHenry PatTc J Cleary, sub lot 1 lot 2 blk 1 ; 1300 Pat'k J Cleary, sub lot 2 lot 2 blk 1. 2300 Henrv J Schaefer, sub lot 3 lot 2 blk 1, 1800 Katherine Boger, sab lot 4 lot 2 blk 1 750 Martha Page, nH sub lot 5 lot 2 blk 1 1200 Ella Welch, sVi lot 3 blk 1, 1426 Ella Welch and Julia Phalin, n% lot 3 blk 1 1025 Will J Welch. e50ft ntt lot 4 blk W D Wentworth, (ex e50ft) n Vii lot 4 blk 1 J Walsh, stt lot 4 blk 1 John Stoffel, lot 1 blk 2, .......... Eliza Parker, lot 2 blk 2. John Carey, lot 3 blk 2, . John Miller, lot 4 blk 2 Walter F Vogt, (e* e* t>f ntt) lot 5 blk 2, 1050 Oscar and Eliz Bopp Van Oberstadt, lot 6 blk 2, 2100 Alfred H Pouse (ex e8V4ft) n% lot 7 blk 2, 200 John E Pufahl, e8% ft of nV4 and s*fc lot 7 blk 2 1000 Louis A Erickson, ne^4 lot 8. blk 2 1350 Gertrude M Thelan, nwK lot 8 blk 2 150 Eber E Bassett, sett and swtt lot 8 blk 2, 1050 Christina B Dowe. n% lot 9 blk 600 225 690 ...... 910 720 ...... 500 ...... 1225 625 Simon Stoffel, s66ft sub lot 1 lot 1 blk 12 J Z Webster, w66ft of nl32ft sub lot 1 lot 1 blk 12. Mrs James MIcDonald sub lot 2 lot 1 blk 12 John Brintz, lot 2 and sub lot 1 lot 3 blk 12 560 Chas Hall, sub lot 2 lot 3 blk 12, 530 Peter J Schoewer, lots 4 5 blk 12 <E H Wattles, lots 6 7 blk 12 Henry J Buchert, lot 1 sub lot 1 lot, 2 sub lot 1 lot 3 blk 13,.... Chas B Rstrmsen, sub lot 2 3 lot 2 sub lots 1 2 3 lot 3 blk 13, Stenger, Weber and Covalt, w pt lots 1 2 blk 14, 125 Kent Add'n to West McHenry Clayton Klontz, lot 1. 1325 Laui*a Kent, lot 2, ....................... 350 Gertrude Niesen, lot 8, ................ 925 Laura Kent, lot 4, 225 N J Nye, lot 5, 1150 Mrs. Wm Sayler. lots 12 blk 11, 150 Hanly's First Add'n M L Worts, lots 1 1H, 250 John G Distler. lot 2, .......i 375 Adam Ibsch, lot 3 650 180 580 550 450 200 250 450 750 John F and Julia McLaughlin, lot 35 Chas Stephenson, sub lot 1 lot 36, .... 1060 Chas Stephenson, sub lot 2 lot 36 and as per DR 124 P 294 nw cor sub lot 1 lot 37 lot 71, 750 James and Callie Rainey. el48ch sub lot 3 lot 37 and (ex nw cor as per DR 124 P 294) lot 71, 1200 Geo H Harrison, w95.82ft of e 193.5ft sub lot 3 lot 37 1060 Luella A Stephenson, sub lot 2 lot 37 1000 Warren M Foss, w 120ft sub lot ^ 3 lot 37, i000 Oscar A Tabor, sub lot 2 lot 44, 1000 J C Ladd lot 46 1050 Chas Edw Bell, lot 47, 675 Horace Dwelley est., lot 48, 700 Clark G Huson, lot 49, Clara Beth, lot 50, ... ........... Minnie Coates, sub lot 2 lot 53, Ellen E Hall, lot 54 Simmon's Add'n Ben Brefeld, lot 1, Wm Hepburn, lot 2, Wm A Hepburn Jr e23ft lot S (ft ex e8Wt) lot 4, Deidrich J M Deidrich Joseph J " Deidrich Fred ... Deidrich Peter Delziel R D }60 Doherty Thos R ..... """ $io Doherty Peter J Doherty Mary G Donavin W J ....*., Dodge Leon E , Dodge W A Dodge W A . Wm Herbes, lot 4, 600 i J S Brown, (ex e23ft) lot 3, .. Theo G Stock, lot 5, 500 Hanly's Second Add'n Geo A Hanly. lots 1 2 blk 1, ...... Chas W Goodsell et al, lots 3 4 blk 1, Geo A Hanly, lot 5 blk 1, .......... Geo A Hianly, lots 6 7 8, ....°. Myron H Detrick, lots 9 10 11 blk 1 110 Myron H Detrick lots 12 13 14 blk 2, 110 Geo A Hanly, lots 15 16 blk 2; 75 150 550 25 110 Drymiller John .., Duda Robert Duker C H Dowe Christina Doerfler J W. ........ Dettmer Wm Duringer Dr Dippe Aug and Wm . Ehrens Henry ................. Engel Barbria 250! Enj?el John A ...... 3501 Erickson Louis F ! Ericssire Henry .. 4501 Eppel Fred R ... ... 250 Elliott Fred C Fay F W -- 950; Fay F E i 800 i Falcon Outing Club i Feltz W 660 500 Sadie G Hepburn, lot 5 and ft lot 4 550 j Feltz E F w...^ Edgar C Hawley, lot 6, 530) Feltz Fred C Bowman Dairy Co., lots 7 8 9 Ferwerda Fred ...'. 10 11 12 13, 6750 Fisher W O Mkry E Hodge, lots 14 15, .......... 700 j Flanders E P John V Buckland, incl lots 17 to 28 405 4601 650; ^ ® klk 8 1600 Worts and Boley. nw52ft lots 2 Wm Bishop, lot 4 blk 8, W A & Susan Bishop, lot 5 blk 8, Lewis C Bishop, lot 6 blk 8, ...... Albert Krause. lot 7 blk 8, .;.... Peter B Rothermel, lot 8 blk 8,.... N E Barbian, lots 9 12 blk 8, .... Elizabeth Gruenfeld, lot 10 Wk Elizabeth Milier, lot 11 blk 8, .... Jos Rothermel, lots 2 3 5 blk 5, 745 3 hlk 21, 765 670 Wm B Klein, se80ft lots 2 3 blk 500, 21, 1375 100 J H Miller, lots 6 7 blk 21, ...... 1125 775 j Raymond B PWtrs, lot 8 blk 21j 750 750 rjj H Huemann est, sub lot 1 lot 9 sub lot 1 lot 12, blk 21. ...... 1500 100 | Wm M Heimer, w50ft of sub lot 425 ; i i0t io sub lot 1 lot 11 sub lot . 450 | • 2.lot 9 sub Jlot 2 lot 12 blk 21, l450 Loretta Ouinn, lots 7 8 blk 10, Thos F MicCarthy, lots 9 10 bljc Simon Quinn. lots 11 12 biii 10, Thos McLaughlin, lot 11 blk 5, Thos McLaughlin, lot 12 blk 3.... 700 ' 50 1 50 '475 475 C,J Madden, lots 1 4 5 8 blk 9, 1000 i John Heimer, (ex w50ft) of sub Peter A Neiaft, e% lots 2 3 blk 9, Mathias Schaefer, w% lots 2 3 blk 9 Mary G Green, lots 6 7 blk 9, .... Eliz Gruenfeld e44ft and w44ft lots 9 12 10 11 blk 9 J J Barbian, w44ft and e44ft lots 9 12 10 11 blk 9, Theo W Winkles, w88ft lots 10 lot 1 lot 10 sub lot 1 lot 11 sub lot 2 lot 9 sub lot 2 lot 12, blk 21, 1250 J H Miller, sub lot 2 lot 10 sub lot 2 lot 11 blk 21, - i Barbian Bros., sub lot 3 lot 10 565] sub lot 3 lot 11 blk 21 1200 Christ Blake, n62Vfeft of e92ft sub lot 1 blk 22, Adolph Ibsh, (ex w8ft of nlOft) s60ft of nl23.1ft of^elOOft lot 1 4 blk 22, 400! I 50 900 10151 350 800 11 blk 9 1015 Jacob Schaefer, lot 1 blk 10, .... 1150 Margaret Brefeld, lot 2 blk 10jW700 ! Will Smith, (ex e8ft of s49.5ft) Margaret Brefeld. lot 3 blk 10,.. 100 | n122ft of w40ft lots 1 4 blk 22 Jos Schneider est., lot 4 blk 10, .. 550 | ^la M Wheeler, n56ft lot 5 and John A Thennes, lot 5 blk 10 900. s10ft lot 4 blk 22, Jos Justen, lot 6 blk 10 1200 jos n M^ier w53ft'lots 2 3 6 7 Jos M Blake, lots 7 8 blk 10, .... 7501 blk 22 1000 Geo J Schreiner, lot 9 blk 10. 900 Mathias J Freund,"(e'xw53ft)lots Ella Doherty, lot 12 blk 10, ...... 1050 | 2 3 6 7 blk 22 ...L 1000 Edgewater Sub. Div. (Outside Corp.) John Engeln, lot 1 blk 1, John Engeln, lot 2 blk 1, Fox River Valley State Bank, lots 3 5 blk 1, John R Smith, lot 4 blk 1, Leo J Smith, lot 1 blk 2, Olive E Motzer, lot 2 blk 2, J J Motzer, lot 3 blk 2 A Newberg, lot 4 blk 2, Fox River Valley State Bank, lot lots 3 5 blk 1 Terey Dowling, lots 6 7 blk 2, ... Wm Capouch, lot 8 blk 2, Eliz M Miller, lot 9 blk 2 G P Chittenden, lot 10 blk 2, .... Rose Mueller, lots 1 2 blk 3 Earl E Monear lots 3 4 blk 8, wu; John R Smith, lots 5 6 blk 3,w ___! Dan A Murry, lot 7 blk 3, ...w 2751 Chas A Ensign, lot 8 blk 3, i Wm Wollpert, lot 9 blk 3 7501 whv and Martin Wollpert, lot 10 blk 3. 50 500 T75 50 750 825 1125 900 850 250 | 700 | 500 500 975 Henry J Schaefer, n50ft lot 10 blk 10 Jos Dittrich, si Oft and all lots 10 11 blk 10, Peter Dougherty, lot 1 blk 11, .. Anton Blake, lot 4 blk 11, Math Blake, lots 5 6 blk 11, Gertrude H Ritter, e% lots 9 10 and w^2 lot 9 and lots 11 12 blk 11 Ellen Bolger, e2rd of back st adj and w & lots 7 10 11 blk 12, ... Mary and Bridget Doherty, and ntt ell«ft lots 8 9 12 blk 11, Mary and John Carey, s% ell6ft lots 9 12 blk 11, Peter Dougherty, lots 2 3 blk 11, Martin Stoffel, e74ft lot 2 blk 12, Chas S Nix, (ex e74ft) lot 2 blk 12, Bridget Relihan. s50ft of nl86ft lot 3 blk 12, -r.... John Pint, n86ft of nl36ft lot 3 blk 12 1000 John F Freund and sl4ft lots 3 4 Wk 12, 1170 Nick P Justen, lot 5 blk 12 125 Geo Meyers, ,30a blk 12 25 Florence Hjowe Wray, (ex s9ft) lot 1 blk 13. ,,... 1 Maude B Curr, s9ft and lots 1 4 blk 13 John Carey, e% lots 2 3 blk 18, John Carey, e% back st adj on w and wii lots 2 3 6 blk 13,. John Scheid, and e% lots 5 6 blk 13 Henry G Wegener, eH lot 7 w% lots 9 12 and el6ft lots 10 11 blk 18. i James and Anna Frisby^ e# lots 9 12 blk 13, 1025 Mary Knox, lot 8 blk 13 900 John W Schaefer, wH lots 7 10 . and lot 11 blk 13, 1600 Jacob Stock, (ex el6ft) e\4 lot 10 lot 11 blk 13 1050 Geo Bohr, lot 1 blk 14. 950 John Unti, lot 2 blk 1^ ... M Wortz, and slOft lots 8 5 blk 22 : 1000 Fred Justen, lots 10 11 blk 22 1770 Chas Unti, se% lots 9 12 blk 22, 1650 Samantha Button, nw% lots 9- 12 blk 22 720 1090 jacob Justen sub lot 1 lot 2 I blk 23 1550 Mary Justen, sub lot 2 lot 2 sub lot 2 lot 3 blk 23 1700 Fox River Valley State Bank, (ex s30it) sub lot 1 lot 3 blk ' 23 1800 Frank A Schumacher, s30ft sub « lot 1 lot 3 blk 23, 1200 Jacob Justen, (ex el55ft) lot 1020 4 blk 23 100 Walter E Carey el55ft lot 4 blk 23 425 . Wm Pries, sub lot 1 Jot 5 blk 23, 1400 i Borden Farm Products Co., (ex n60ft el32ft) und sub lot 2 lot 5 6 blk 23 150 Cherubino Unti, n60ft of el32ft lot 6 blk 23, 940 Eleanor Nye, e35ft lots 1 4 blk 24. 1150 N J Nye, lots 5 8 9 and (ex e35ft) lots 1 4 blk 24 2000 Thos J Walsh, (ex w50ft) and. (ex nl4ft of w50ft) sub lot 1 lot 6 lot 2 3 blk 24 2400 Wm Pries, w50ft and nl4ft of w50ft lots 2 3 blk 24 2400 John Heimer, sub lot 2 lot 6 blk * 24, 1500 John Hiehner, sub lot 1 lot 7 blk 24 1350 E M Owen est., sub lot 3 of lot 6 and sub lot 2 lot 7 and (ex s37ft) sub lot 2 lot 10 blk 24... 1050 C G Berner, n33ft of s37ft sub 50 850 755 800 50 40 40 80 750 100 30 ,40 80 265 50 50 40 . 50 ;UK) •40 50 40 40 600 60 Peter Engeln. lot 3 blk 5, ' 60 J V Buckland, lot 4 blk 5,>*0 Wm J Welch, (Trustee) lot 5 blk 5. 65 John Bapp, lot 6 blk 5, to D G Wells, incl 2 to lot 12 Wk 6, 250 John Nilles, lot 1 blk 7, .' 40 Wm J Welch, (Trustee) lot 2 blk 7, Eliz and Miary Umbrecht, lot.8 blk 7. Emil Umbrecht, lot 4 5 blk 7, .... Fox River Vallev State Bank, c lots 6 7 8 9 10 blk 7, August Kuntz, lots 11 12 13 blk T, Wm J Welch (Trustee), lots 14 15 16 blk 7, Win J Welch (Trustee), lot 17 blk "7 2 Simon ^"Sto#ei,"'lot 10Tlk2275 I Mts Alma Thomas, lots 17 18 Mrs Jennie Gorman, n^4 lot 11 I ^ blk 2 blk 2 1250 i Gottfried Sattern, lots 19 20 Simon Stoffel, se* lot 11 blk 2, 2000 blk 2 C J Reihatasperger, e% of nH I Clara M Starritt, lots 21 22 23 lot 5 blk 2, 1350 „ blk 2, E E Bassett. swVi lot 8 blk 2, .... 650 , Geo A Hanly. lots 24 25 26 F A Bohlander. s % sub lot 5 lot I blk 2, 2 blk 1 200 ; Myron H Detrick, 27 28 29 blk 2, H J Schaffer," all oif-svi ex wlOft i , Hanly's Third Add'n lot 9 blk-2 150, Geo H Hanly, incl lots 1 to 10 Richard Overton, lot 1 blk 3, !. 2150 blk 1, Richard Overton, lot 2 blk 3, ...... 150 Wm Spencer, lots 1 2 blk 2, .... Georgiana Ward, lot 3 blk 3. .... 600, Geo If Hanly, incl lots 3 to 10 Peter M Justen and Carrie E j blk 2, 700 Chas C O Malley. blk 3 Herbes Add'n. 600 Mamie Herbes. (ex eoOft) lot 1, ;J Scott Matthews, lot 2, ;. Jobe V Vasey, s66ft of wl32ft, lot 8 N E. M. Owen's Est. Add'n 525^ Delia Miitthews, lot 1 , Geo A Himler, pc 66ftxl32ft n i . , i w u I of adj and lot 4. 1100 £dams Jacob H 950 Floyd E and Cairie E Covalt, ' """ pc 66ftx 132ft n of adj and lot 5 1500 40 Margaret E Overton, lot 6, 900 i Richard Irving Overton, pc 66ft 780* xl32ft n of adj and lot 6, .... 1050 I Wm T Vandenboom, pc 66x132ft ASSESSMENT LIST PERSON! PROPERTY Flemming R M 500 j Foss M5rs Ritta ..... I Froehlich Dr A I j Frisby Robt J Frisby Jpmes and Anna I Franzen I^enard ~ ; Frett Albert * Frett Ferdinand J Frett Jos J Frett Bros & Freund Frett George Frett Joseph Jr Freund John Jr Justen, sub lot 1 lot 4 blk 3, X J Justeh, sub lot 2 lot 4 sub lot 1 lot 5 blk 3, orrow & Son, sub lot sub lot 1 lot 6 sub lot sub lot 2 lot 15 blk 3, 2325 Eliz Buss, sub lot 2 lot G sub Jot 1 lot 7 blk 3, ......... Margaret and B J Brefeld, sub lot 2 lot 14 sub lot 3 lot 6 sub lot 2 lot 7 lots 11 12 13 blk 3, Theo Schiessle. lots 8 10 blk 3, 290i) Frank E Granger, sub lot 1 lot 9 blk 3, ...... MJatthews-Tonyan Co., sub lots 2 3 lot 9 blk 3. ..... Peter M Justen, sub lot 1 lot 16 I blk 3 1350 N J Justen, sub lot 1 lot }5 sub lot 2 lot 16 blk 3 1400 West McHenry State Bank, s85ft w% lot 17 blk 3 3350 Emma K Freund, (ex s85ft) wH 1450 Hq ISTATK OF ILLINOIS, McHenry Freund Anton H :Z 110 PUBLIC ^NOTICE IS irEfiEBY {>e2 'Sath ' j GIVEN. That the following *T2 full Freimd JoTV'lIZ Mtft'l >nd complete List of the Assessed i w ESI Value .of Personal Property in the 'Freund J W J Town of McHenry, County "of Mr- Freund J W Henry, and State of Illinois^ .for the Freund J W year A. D. 1927 as taken from the Freund John P Assessment Books of saul year Freund John R..*r..h^..... Y6l - . Ft J. H^NDRiCKS, ^-Prifund Carl J ......... 1754 ,, , „ Supervisor of Assessments. Freund Stephen H ............ Abbott Z A .......8 55 FrouriTTxfo'hrir V ^-.4.^.,...-..^.. 300 600 72&i Adams C IT ^4%.',...;.,1850 Freund Jos L f Adams Peter, ..V. Adams Joseph H Adams Otto Adams Frank L Adams B J Archer F G Amsalsky H A .. Anderson Alex ; Anderson John ! Adams Geo E *9^ Frpund John H rzO Frey^id.>Nick F 100 Freund Geo P 150 873 2855 225 ............... 130 n of adj and lot 7 900!^,U:n H W -- Etta Powers, pc 66ftxl32ft n a (£ri »T of adj and lot 8 1000 j *"tholz Henry B Mary Powers, pc 66ftxl32ft n 1 A!( X1UKk'r Lumber Co 50" , Freund Mc N ?06 "tSo Freund John P --.'ZZZTl. 70 . 560 Freund Emma K ^7'^ Freund Anton P • 55 Freiind .Tohn E .......... cos Freund Wm W I Freund Jacob Freund John N Freund Fred P ........ Freund Mlartin H .. _'70 Freund John Freund Peter Jr of adj and lot 9, 100U j Alexander Lumber - Co ..,.....^.....10490 Freund Hubert ........... Earl O Wagner, lot 1 blk 4 Lawrence E and Emma A Doll, lot 2, blk 4, G P Chittenden, lot 3 blk 4, Agnes Wentworth, lot 4 blk 4; Ben J Adams, lots 5 6 blk 4, Aug Stovim, lot 7 blk 4, H C Roth, lot 8 blk 4, 1.. J V Buckland, lot 9 blk 4, J V Buckland, lot 10 blk 4, ...... Mrs W D Wentworth, lot 1 blk 5,- W D Wentworth. lot 2 blk 5, .... lot 17 blk 3, Michael J Walsh, e% lot 18 blk , /.r 3 1220 1 of n 462ft lot 1 .65a "Delia l^tttewsr 18 Henry Kamholz, s66ft of w 199ft blk 3 14201 of n528ft lot 1 .33a, Simon Stoffei* w40ft iot 19 blk 3, 525, H C Hughes, wl99ft of n748ft Martin B Schmitt, e26ft lot 19 f . lot 1 .35a, bik 3 1225 Anna Knox, lots 2 3 4 14 .5a, .... Henry Heimer, lot 1 blk 4." 1450 Louis Ljungljerg. lot 1 Wk 5 Hienry Brefeld. e% lot 2 blk 4, 1600; 6-55a, A E Nye. wft lot 2 blk 4, 1750 John R Freund. lot 2 DTk 5 .40a, J W Freund, sub lot 1 lot 8 Pet" and Julia M Wjrfs, lot 8 blk 4 , 1300 blk 5 .50a John Stoffei!"sub lot 2 lot 3 sub jF H Wattles, (ex e200ft) lot 6 lot 1 lot 4 sub lot 1 lot 9 blk ' 2^658, 4 .... 700 McHenry Lumber Co., lot 7 .99a, Henry C kamholz"! sub iot 1 lot 'McHenry Artificial Stone & 6 sub lot 2 lot 4 sub lot 2 lot 5 I Construction Co.. lot 8 28a,...., 1100 Geo A Hianly, ne pt lot 9, ! Valvoline Oil Co., se pt lot 9, .. 1050 McHenry Lumber Co., w pt lot Out Lots to West McHenry. NW U I Sec. 35 and SW'i Seel 36 ! Althoff Wm : R S Howard, sl32ft of w 199ft " " 660 A & P Store Arodo John .. Althoff Louis rv*:v Bauer Matthew J .T..*..'........., Back H H ; Bacon Vflm ..... 50 750 Barbian Albert sub lot 2 lot 6 blk 4, Nettie Weber and Clara K Schiessel sub lot 3 lot 6 blk 4, Alida M Mead, lot 7 blk 4, 1050 9. Anna Thurlwell, lots 8 9 blk 4, Peter J Freund, sub lot 8 lot 5 blk 4. Edw Knox, e^lft lot 1 Wk 6, .... Chas H Granger, 60ft next $ of w60ft lot 1 blk 5. Frank E Granger, lot 11 and w 550 Stenger, Wtbcr and Covalt, w | pt lot 10 2.09a, 200 Frank H Wattles, lot 11 10.50a, 900 R G Chamberlain, lot 12 3.02a, Frank H Wattles, (ex nw cor) 1400 lot 13 38.40a, B J Adams, nw cor lot 13 6a, ; Barbian N E ....... nr.n ' Barbian Gertrude a'™ Bacon C D r Bu^sett E E 325i Baion Harvey , Baker E J .1 oKn i Bauer Bernard 9Rn Bauer Michel > I Beth W J ,1...... oca ^ Bel lor Fred Beatty S H ......... qnft* Bemvell Lloyd C 3UU Bickler J C •Ri». Bishop Wm Biggers J B Bl<omgreen C A Blake Anton Blake John Blake Wm QRn Blake Joseph Blake Peter wu Blake Math M 200 800 510 iie Freund Peter A Freund Ben * •cn ! Freund Nick B ,50 Freund Jos J Freund Peter F Freund Peter W .................. ion Freund John S ....; eon' Freund Peter IVf 5»2 Freund Herbert |'^ Freund Peter M Slo Fuchs lllrich ................... Freund >fartin S Freund Stephen H J30 Fric«tedt A: A 5 Gorman Mrs Jennie .... ! Givens.. Mary Gritzmacher Adam J®, Glossin Math Goodell C W Ciooglinski Emma .., oln Grasser Frank on Gunderson Glenn A , Goodman C M ....i... JJ? Giddings W R ........... Jc- Greener Joe Giddings W R ."iE!*.":! 1004 ... 564 959 566 594 598 654 -590 450 50 130 30 76 225 75 Ii7?' 70 00 125 80 ItlO 50 83 05 80 609 Giddings W R Gla?ser Chas F and Miary Guinto Eva Harvah Wm "'j.' Harrison Alice 28 49S 175 170 BOO 60ft lot 1 blk 5, 4. 1350 Nicholas M Bowers lot 16 35.24a. 1090 70 Bja^ & Obon"^!:!:!^!!!!!!! 105 HarHson Geo'h" 4676 , 4 650 Wm Dettner, lot 16 5a. 300 Bjldngr Adam " , ' "arnson ueo M *" 620 | 620 900, 980 630 800 -40 . 40 430 125 75 120 Alice Harrison, lot 2 blk 5, ^ --- Math B Laures. lot 3 blk 5, U..... 850 M«Henry Lumber Co., lot 17 Frank H Wattles, lot 4 9 blk 5, 1350 2a, 105 Wm A ^Iahn, lot 18 blk 7, John K'iifcll, lot 19 blk 7 F A Hollv, incl lots 1 to 9 blk 8, F A Holly, lots 1 2 3 blk 9, John Stock, lot 1 blk 6, .40 :?®6 425 225 75 50 Feger's .Out Lots (Outside Corp) Agness Watt, lots 1 18 blk 1 .. Wm J Meyer, lots 2 3 16 17 blk 1, David and Emilie Johnson, lots 4 15 blk 1, T W Winkles, lots 5 14 blk 1 .... Mlath Steffes, incl lots 7 to 12 blk" 1, lot 2 lot 10 blk 24 ^ 1000 > EUz winkie, iots 6 i3 bik i! " ". E Hunter, s4ft sub lot 2 lot 10 blk 24 ; John J Vycital, sub lot 1 lot 10 blk 24 Frank J Freund, e90ft lot 1 and e90ft nl6ft lot 4 blk 25, lot 185 850 .. 760 425 ecA Benj J and Mae H Diet*, lot 2 £2; and n34ft lot 3 blk 25 1100 itc John W Bonslett, (ex n34ft) lot ^ i 3 and all lot 6 blk 25, H25 i Barbara Probst, s50ft of e90ft 6W , lot 4 blk 25, 100 •egLpeo P and Ida 8teilen, lots 5 8 blk 25, .... Cherubino'Untit lo."3*Hk"iT~ 14S0; J P. lot 1 «nd pt I G C and Katheryn M Steilen, ' - - lot 4 blk 14 John King, lot 5 blk 14, J W Schaefer. lot 6 blk 14, .-- Louis Smith, lot 7 blk 14, .......... M»bel E Newman, lot 8 blk 14,.. Elizabeth Schneider, lot 9 blk Geo P Freund, (ex s6ft) lot 10 blk 14, --~. Wm and W^anda Pries, s6ft and all lot 11 Wk 14. Rose Huemann, lot 12 blk 14, ...... Mathias Weber, lot 1 blk 16, .... John E Sloan, lot 2 blk 16, ...... John E.jQ*an, lots 3 6 7 blk 16, Mathias Weber, lot 4 Wk 16, John P Weber, lots 5 8 blk 16, Jacob C Bickler, (ex sw58ft of nw2fift of e% lot 11) and e% lots 10 11 9 12 Wk 16 1860 John W Schaefer, w% lot 10 and Ufco \ bll air. John R Smith, lots 7 10 blk 25. . H E Wightman, lot 9 blk 26, „! toan I Louisa Lawless, sub lot 1 lot 1 ! sub ^ 1 ^ * blk 26, J22 Albert and Barbara F Krause, ; sub lot 2 lot 1 sub lot 3 lot 4 8 ' blk 26 ! Stephen H Freund, sub lot 1 lot 2 sub lot 1 lot 3 blk 26 John Heimer sub lot 2 lot 2 sub lot 2 lot 3 Wk 26, MKchael Freund, sub lot 8 lot 8 sub lot 1 2 lot 6 Wk H, 950 950 75 1800 700 625 i 850 lot 11 blk 16 1160 '••a™": 1 4 Stilling swMft of fWkyriot » bik^ of lot ll- Wk 16, W0 n Wiiii»r loU 8 9 Uk 2(* Mathias Weber, lots 1 2 blk 17, 400 ®en , 7 kiv John P Weber, Jot 3 Wk 17, 160, J«*°b Schneider, lots 7 10 blk J J Bock, lot 4 Wk 17 -- «S0! 26. Jfrs Qm*m h* jpi .1 ' 800 800 450 450 520 600 150 450 100 675 -- 76 N F Steilen, lots 1 2 84 15 16 17 18 blk 2 1200 Jennie Gordon, lots 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 blk 2 - Miary A Simons, lots 11 12 blk 2, Mary A Simons, lot 10 blk 2 Jennie Gordon, lots 1 2 3 4 blk 8, Jennie Gordon, lot 5 blk 3, -Tennie Gordon, lot 6 blk 3, Jennie Gordon, lots 7 8 blk 3, .... Jennie Gordon, lot 9 blk 3, Wm A Frett, lot 1 2 blk 4. Ferdinand Frett, lot 3 and s8ft lot 4 Wk 4, m.^ Mathias Steffes, (e* s8ft) lot 4 blk 4 s ; 50 Mathias Steffes, lot 6 blk 4, 600 Albert M Frett, lots 7 8 9 blk 4, 650 Albert M Frett. lots 10 11 blk 4, Jennie Gordon, lots 12 13 14 Wk Frank Wingart, lot 5 bik 4, .. 730 900 800 600, '«00 Leslie Olson, s of s66ft el99ft lot 1 .32a, 77Q Kent & Co.. s of lot 2 blk 5 40a, 700 Wattles' Add'n to West McHenry Pt Out Lot 1 John Careyy e46ft lot 5 blk fl,.... B Popp, w20ft lot 5 blk 5, Eliz Laures, lot 6 blk 5, Albert Wolf, lot 7 blk 5, | Rota-, Pacsky. e* iot ,Mk«,875 Fr*t JJgj-b j >»« *• ... Ed Michels, lot 4 128.18a, .... 750 Ed Meschske, lot 5, 650 3 C TTiies, lot 6, • Boley & Worts ........... 10U Bonslett Wm B 10?. Harrison C W Harrison C W & Son Boger Catherine Bobb Ada Bonslett J VV ..... Boley G C .. Harrison Raymond K. J Schnorr, w^ lot 1 blk 6; Methodist Church Society, lot Z blk 6, Fred J Nickels, lots 4 5 6 Wk 6, Boleer Ellen ( Bolder T P ... ! Boyle John ..... ,iBohr Geo ....... Brda John F Fred Kamholz.' w* lot 1 blk T>L r>50 Herman Kreutzer, lotj Jas Sayler, eH lot 1 Wk 7 .1160 700 250 60 30 150 -50 650 200 50 950 50 100 655 450 900 ... 550 950 676 700 850 850 130 M Kelter*s Add'n (AH in Corp. ) Geo Meyers, lots 1 2 -blk 1, 100 R J Sutton, lots 3 4 blk 1 100 Wm F and Ella Burke, lots 5 6 blk 1 -- gun Jacob Schneider, lots 1.2 8 4 blk 8, Jacob Schneider, lot % blk 2, .... J H Kennebeck, lot 6 blk 2, ...... Lawrence M Baler, (ex n60rt) lots 1 2 3 blk 8, 766 MSUie Brown, n50ft lots 12 8 blkS 5?® 750 800 60 1700 j&s o»yier, e7* wi * Zena M Bacon, lots 2 5 bTk 7, .... Joel E and Eleanor Wheeler, Jot 3 blk 7 Jacob Steffes, lot 4 blk 7, Emma F and John W Fay, w35ft lot 6 blk 7. Ellen A Ensign, e97ft lot 6 blk 7, Wm Tesch, e80ft sub lot 1 lot 1 blk 8 Wm G Schreiner Jr, 66ft e of w52ft sub lot 1 lot 1 blk 8, .... Henry Heimer, w52ft sub lot 1 lot 1 blk 8 ..... Henry Heimer, sub lot 2 lot 1 blk 8. A J Kamholz, lot 2 blk 8, Francis Clara Noonan, lot 8 blk John B Frisby, lot 5 bik & Carl W Stenger, s28ft lot 4 Wk 8 Carl W Stenger, (ex s28ft) lot 4 Wk 8. Henry Black, lots 6 7 blk 8, Arthur Smith, sw% eH lot 8 blk 8 Wm Simes, nw% e% lot 8 blk 8, Henry Degen, w% lot 8 blk 8, .... Mary K Adams, n% lot 1 blk 9, Chas R Page, s^4 lot 1 blk 9, Mary Justen and Magadelena Bohr, lots 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 blk 9 - Alex I Froehlick, lots 6 8 9 10 blk 9, i-: ;; • Frances Froehlich, lot; 7 blk 9, Joseph Buss, lots 1 2 blk 10, .... Fred C Feltx, (ex e66ft) lot 8 Fred C Feltz, "tot *4 blk 10. •••••• Fred C Feltz, lot 5 and e66ft lot 3 Wk 10 B J Adams lots 6 7 blk 10, ...... Frank H! Wattles, lots 3 4 5 6 blk 11 Albert S Parks, (ex w66ft) n 132ft sub lot 1 lot 1 Wk 12, .... C Hughs, n66ft of sl32ft sub lot Village of Ringwood' toradW and F*oss, lots 3^ 4, .... Louis Schrocder, lot 5, 700 A W Smith, as per DR 156 P- 557 n pt e pt lot 6, ..... The Ringwood State Bank, 27x44ft se cor lot 6, 650 Walter E Bradley, w pt lot 6, .. i E C Hawley, 23ft front and 20ft 650 | facing e pt lot 6, ....... Mathias L Welter/ (ex wl6ft) sub lot 1 lot 7, Geo H Harrison, sub lots 2 3 and wl6ft sub lot 1 lot 7, Geo Hohenstein, lots 8 0, The Alexander Lumber Go., ' t E J Hopper, lot 11, E P Flanders, lots 12 13, 650' Geo L Noble, lot 14, ... . Josephine Coates, lot 15, Geo E Shepard, lot 16, .-. ... ... Frank Fay, (ex as per DR 118 P 616) sub lot 1 lot 18, Bohn M K 100 70 70 70 70 70; Brefeld B J J Brown S W 1KKO' Brooks Walter P ona Bradley Carl Buehler Carl ...... AAA 1 Buck J J l Burke Wm F <. 1150. Buckland J V .. 701, j Buck H E Bush Mirs B Harrison Clayton C Harrison W B Hallstrom Carl J Haimson Chas H ..™ Harris Bros Hass Joe jP ............1..'... Hav Wm l°'J Hansel Theobald Hi Hawley E C Hawlev L E • -- 80 55 1375 110 .. p70 51J 855 1550 850 350 850 450 620 670 500 920 620 300 345 420 500 650 750 22o'B°wman Co ^ | Bos J oseph H iifut'Banks Edward I Blake Christ - j50|Borden8 Farm Products Co. , 370 Bronker H J j Carlson Leonard R 1250 Carson C E | * 410 i Carlson Clarence ccii Cavanaugh John F 4001 Carrens H W I oaa I Cannon H F qca I Carr C H -- I Chamberlin R G E®1J DR 142 570 Claxton J F - P341 sub lot 1 §00 C,eary P J - Mary G Green, sub lot 3 lot 18, Harry Fay, e60ft of si 18ft of w25ft sub lot 4 lot 18 Mary G Green, (ex e60ft of si 18 ft) w 125ft sub lot 4 lot 18, .. Chas W Harrison, ex wl25ft sub lot 4 lot 18 "•••••»•;• W E Walker, lot 27 and sub lot 1 lot 29, W\'"Z"Zk' W E Walker, sub lot 2 lot 29, .... W E Walker, sub lot 3 lot 29, .. Emma D Freunch. sub lot 3 lot 30 Abraham Lawrence, sub lot 4 lot 30, •; N D Stevens, (ex e84ft and wl80ft) sub lot 6 lot 30, E J Hopper, e84ft sub lot 6 lot 80 C D Hall, el20ft of wl80ft sub lot 6 lot 80. -- Karl Krohm, w60ft sub lot 6, lot 30 Julius Abbott, sub lot 7 lot .80, - , Clark Harry on Cooley Fred A Coats Wm C 32S|gSp?"/ a'Li: 1050 j Cox Albert J ... Cooper J C g001 Covalt Floyd E 40; Cossman Wm Colby Geo W Colby N F Christy J W -- Christy Kenneth Cooney H E -- Conway M A -- 118 Carey Gerald J 225 Carey Evelyn Carev Mrs ICsrf Churchill Chas F ..... nj Carey Electric Bbop Daniels Wm Qaimer Anna Dagan Henry h M n .....I ' 25 115 890 585 200 M84 , »n • * *> »v ,,".v u ,j 124 160 Hawlev E C A Son ...: 175 ;....... 1259 K/incock H S ^ |25 -- 22® Harrison C L ..... - 99 Hantzinger Stephan -- J187 ......... 230 Healy xhonja, ; *| 66 -- Heimer Henry 100 • ^ Heimer Math .105 ••••••• • 280;' Heimer Wm en1 Heimer Peter J ......... 60 Hershman S Hepburn Dr W -- f H e r d r i c k ' F r a n k Henrick C L .... ojoc i Hiller Ben ^ Hitching FA.: Heinz Stephan ' oto: Heimer Jonn .... Heimer Stephan Hiller Wm J ko Howard R S i. J™ Hoff Ralph D ........ .... Hoppe Valeska ....... : Hollenbach Chas ^ ino Hopper Elmer F J0J Hopper E J 6700 Hopper Milton E H.obart Henry C Howe Fred P .... Howe Floyd E .. Huemann Fred I Huemann Rosa Huemann Jos H Huemann Jacob Huff Walter Huff Albeit Huff John .. Huck John 1000 70 150 100 59 80 100 125 100 283 518 ffg, Hettermann J B .... r»l Hettermann Bro« . -7. j Hettermann Henry 24o Hunter Everett Sir Hunter Boat Co. Harrinsr Ida M Hoefer Wm 1024 Hollenbach Geo j Ibsh Adolph Immekus Anton 80 128 60 J^>»on C J .. Jacks C E Johnson Otto P . Continued on last «...i*..Wn,ui*. . .iimyij . 1 !W p^pp ...