Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Aug 1927, p. 10

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THURSDAY, AUGUST 11,1927 t,vm.s. M^m*i^.vjmii"I-*"*•!« «Vw« m* *?*»?•»» wm? <-m V, dl.C ERICKSON D >• ,' ' x t;,3.xJtJWX;/ v.: ' 'WEST ARTMENT STORE HENRY, ILLINOIS /• * \.i „ ' ,'<«* 2 fSiids Tuesday, Aug. 21 •"Our Special" HIGH GRADE SANTOS BLEND M mild coffee that runs uniform every day--you'll KVf it if you try 4 Barvest Sale Special price-- ^ pounds |f$c Here are the Greatest Values in Years--Make Plans to Tal A HEAT. OPPORTUNITY TO BUY MEN'S SHOES AND OXFORDS AT A BIG SAVING Tltie^ " values, every pair is first class and up to the quality and style for which this store is noted. Genuine Goodyear welt shoes and oxfords in black or brown, finest soft kid and calfskins, values to $6,501 Harvest sale price, per pair LADIES' SHOES WILL DEEPLY IMPRESS VALUE SEEKERf , You will find these straps, pumps and oxfords the most remarkable values of the entire sale. Selections from the best manufacturers in the country. Ladies' kid oxfords, kid and patent leather straps and pumps, values to $6.00. Price for this Harvest sale at per pair-- THINK OF FINDING BOYS' SHOES AT SUCH LOW PRICES Ybu will find this offering conforming to our policy--the utmost for the money in style, quality and value. These shoes are constructed to give the greatest possible wear. The uppers are made of calfskin and the Paracord soles are the longest wearing soles known. Sizes 10 to 13V& per pair-- ^ MEN'S DEPENDABLE WORK SHOES GIVEN AMAZING REDUCTIONS Here are values that will hang up a new record for value giving. Fresh stocks right out of the packing boxes. Some of these shoes are made with the best oak tanned leather soles and some with composition soles, famous for their wearing quality. These are indeed, real harvest sale bargains, per pair-- • , * lJj| Galore Over the Entire Store SILK STOCKINGS THAT SELL RAPIDLY AT MUCH HIGHER ;; PRICE* : Ladies' pure thread silk and rayon hosiery, fine knit with high spliced heel and toe, sizes from 8V2 to IOV2, all popular shades. This offering is bound to cause a great flurry of interest for never before has the public been able to purchase goods of this calibre at this price. Buy several pairs at=; PURE THREAD SILK HOSE WILL GO QUICKLY AT THIS SACRIFICE PRICE The famous "Bobolink" hosiery and other popular brands will be featured at this price, all popular colors and a full range of sizes. The quality and style is perfect. This offers the maximum of value giving at the unusually attrtrctive prioe of per pair-- CHILDREN'S % LENGTH SOCKS AT QUICK ACTION PRICES You who know the exceptionaTquaiity of our high grade merchandise will appreciate this exceptional opportunity for real saving in graying several pair of these school socks at per pair-- 39C 79C 19C TRIUMPHANTLY WE ANNOUNCE CHILDREN^ SCHOOL STOCKINGS AT 17c Far-sighted people of this community will cash in oil J this opportunity to buy high grade cotton school hosiery in the wanted colors, black, white and brown at extremely low prioes. We suggest early shopping for hosiery. 17c •?/& $1.00 DRESS SUITINGS, HARVEST SALE 39< $3.60 BOYS' OXFORDS, NOW ONLY $2.85 39c Tm Save 61* A varied lot of cotton plaids, ratines and part wool dress goods. Some pieces in this lot have been carried over from last year but thrifty folks will appreciate this opportunity to be pleasingly dressed at a low cost. 45c LINGERIE VOILES, NOW ONLY 334 Delicate shades of pink, yellow, orchid, peach and blue. This value is only an indication of the saving you can expect on other lingerie and underwear material. Many Other Values at This Sale 33c You Save • : 124 50c SILK STRIPE MADRAS SHIRTING, 39< The silk stripes and colors are woven right into the cloth, making a stylish and durable material especially suited for men's fine shirts and boys' blouses. "You Save 114 Other Harvest Sale Bargains 25c DRESS GINGHAMS, NOW ONLY lg. 18c Kalburnie dress ginghams in plain colors, checks and plaids. Here is value that will triple your expectation and which won't last long. Save at the Harvest Safe 40c ENGLISH PRINTS, HARVEST SALE 284 This is a beautiful cotton dress fabric in a wide range of delightful patterns and the soft finish rivals the choicest silk prints. The low price quoted may impress you that there is some mistake in print, but this is only one of many outstanding values . 28c Yon Save 124 30c "SUNSET" DRESS PRINTS, ONLY 184 18c Yon Save 124~™ A splendid tub fast-cloth, suitable for school and house dresses. Values like these make a buying feast for those who desire quality at prices much lower than usual. Many Other Values at This Sale 90c RAYON DRESS MATERIAL, NOW AT 69l 69c Yon Save 214 Extra fine quality tub rayon fabrics, guaranteed fast color. A pleasing cloth for summer dresses. This assortment includes the well known "Pebblesheen" and oth&r similar fabrics. 30c KRINKLE COTTON CREPE, NOW AT 224. 22c Washanready Krinkle Cotton Crepe, a very popular material for kimonas and night gowns. Comes in plain colors and figured patterns. Full 30 inches wide. Yon 8avs [ Spend Your Harvest Dollar Here 84 BONA FIDE CONCESSIONS IN PRICE WITHOUT IN ANY CASE, SACRIFICE IN QUALITY Work Shirt* We are going to consume more wrapping paper in the next few days than we hay§ used in the past ten weeks. Thousand* of bundles representing bargains like this will be delivered by conscientious clerks to people for many miles around. You surely will want a number of thfese fine chambray and cheviot work shirts. Our regular $1.00 value-- 79c Overalls The famous 4'Union Overalls," full roomy sizes, made of the finest 220 weight eastern white back blue denim. There is a vast difference in the quality of this material and the cheaper and less durable southern denim. Buy these overalls at Harvest sale prices, per pair $1.19 EXTRA SPECIAL MEN'S ATHLETIC UNION SUITS Ait especially fine quality of checked nainsook --elastic band across the back with special reinforcements in the center, sizes 34 to 46 69c SUCH MAGNETIC VALUES AS THIS SHOULD DRAW PEOPLE FOR ONE HUNDRED MILES AROUND Men'* Cotton Work Gloves Full, roomy, comfortable work gloves of material heavy enough to give extremely satisfactory wear in the harvest field; Our regular 20c grade now two pair for-- „ Boys9 Blouses These "Little Colonel" blouses are stylishly and durably made of fine Count shirting percale--attractive patterns, sizes 6 to 12. Our Harvest Sale price, each-- ' $2-85 You 5»ve 65* All we ask is that you get yonr eyes on these values--we know you will want them. Boys' Goodyear welt oxfords in black or tan calfskin, sizes up to 2. This is an attractive bargain. H.00 OXFORDS, HARVEST SALE PRIOE $3.35 $3.35 Ton jfiiv® 65* C^me in and look these over. We are certain you will like these values. Boys' calfskin Goodyear welt oxfords, sizes 2V& to 6. You will not have an opportunity like this often--buy now. $1.75 SHOES, 95c You Save 804 HARVEST SALE PRICE 95<£ Infants first step, soft kid shoes, sizes 2lA to 5. Here is a real opportunity for saving on high grade shoes for little folks. A bargain that has seldom been equalled.. HMO STRAPS AND OXFORDS, ONLY $1.95 Jl-95 Yon Save 554 saving opporshould draw A genuine money tunity like this crowds like a magnet. These are choicest children's straps and oxfords in black patent leather and some colored vici-kid, sizes 5Vi to 8. $4.50 GIRLS' STRAPS AND OXFORDS $2.85 $2.85 Yon Save $1.65 We have always given our customers a little more than they anticipated-- that will be the practice during this sale. We know yon will be pleased with this offering of popular black patent leather straps and the new blonde shades in slippers and oxfords. $1.00 BED ROOM SLIPPERS, NOW ONLY 594 59c JTou Save 414 Attractive felt bed room slippers for women and children in rose, lavender, blue and red. Soft leather soles. We want every bargain hunter for miles to oome and see this offering. $ft.50 VALUE BOYS' SWEATER COATS $3.5< $350 Yon Save $2.00 An exceptionally fine all wool sweater, coat style, full run of sizes, attractive styles and colors. We know there are throngs of money saving people who will take advantage of this great bargain. $1.00 BATHING SHOES, NOW ONLY 294 29c Yon Save - 71# A varied lot of ladies' and men's cloth bathing shoes and slippers. This is a close out price and at which we expect to sell every pair in our stook. Come in and get a pair. Reductionipiat are Welcome to a l|l£uig Budget If ever the people of this community were offer* every nook and corner of our store and broughl this season and now these must be cleaned up « our policy not to carry goods over from one seas' goods--cleaning the deck to make room for oui Thousands of people will make this store theii' left undone to make every crtour happy and Prices That for 4 We azo putting low prioes on the very goods that ments here--in fact you will find prices reducec store is not going to follow any old time meth< for our customers. Every clerk in our store as advantage of trading here, and the under-pricet] oan expect TURKISH TOWELS AT WA8H CLOTH PRIOES Such magnetic values astheee should draw for many%iles around. This is an unusually heavy tnrkish towel of a most generous size, 20x40-in. A limited quantity at each Bat THIS SAVING WILL MAKE r The most critical shopper will be elated in choosing their selection from thii group of ladies' and men's pure virgin worsted wool bathing suits. $6.00 Value-- S4.SO sts it is now, during thti Mil!. We have dug Into' [very piece of merchandise that has accumulated during |gether with all new merchandise just purchased as it is Itber. .Pride is no object to us now--it is selling the Iffo of merchandise tl^ wUl bevh^e within a few weeks. I? headquarters the next few days and nothing will be ly satisfied. , ••«*»>» vyy--- • ave No Room ItSdsm it at this time of the year. There will be no disappointer than yon ever thought they would be reduced. This selling campaign will be a new idea in money saving rselves, is fully determined to demonstrate to you the ivertised on this page illustrate the kind of savings you necessity at price. Oride and saucers, te German si-porcelain, ur wants-- ncer for-- BATHING AMD DIVV WO CAPS - A large and varied assortment to pick from. Snug fitting aviator model with adjustable chin strap and regular divers in assorted colors with snappy trim. 75c values-- Suits PEOPLE ENTHUSIASTIC BUYERS 30c DRESS GINGHAMS, HARVEST SALE 224 22c Yon Save 8* At this price we are featuring "Toile Du Nord" brand; what we believe to be the best grade of this kind made in America. This assortment consists of plaids and checks and plain ginghams. 25e PERCALES, HARVEST SALE PRIOE 17£ 17c "Seaside" and "Ideal" percales, light or dark patterns. This price is truly unusual and we have an exceptional assortment at this price. Many Other Values at This Sale 45c SAXON UNBLEACHED SHEETING 334 YoU will find conservative people from all over this county buying this Saxon brand unbleached sheeting. It is an extra good W * H <luality» 2% yards wide. A YOB Save H anyone can appreciate. 124 75c MERCERIZED TABLE DAMASK, NOW 59^ If ever you have had the opportunity to buy high grade mercerized cotton table damask at a wonderful price it is now. This cloth is two yards wide and comes Sare in very attractive patterns. 16* 95c ORGANDIE, HARVEST SALE PRICE 59^ 59c Yon Save 364 Permanent organdie, a very popular cloth this year. Comes in orchid, peach, white, blue and light green. This is just merely a sample of the extra ordinary price reductions offered on many items during this sale. 80c AS&ANT1C, 3-lb COTTON BATTS £94 This is a large batt, 72x90 inches. We urge your early shopping for this item, as delay will mean certain disappointments because With offerings like this the crowd v o Jk will be tremehdpus. Come early You Save #or choice. 114 tve We "taw* atteeh«fl a price rolhegelill wool, one-piece bathing suits that you and evejy economical person in this community will cheerfully and willingly pay. $4.00 VaWes-j;.^ w^.- »La0 UMBRKI.T.AS, HARVEST SALE, $1.1$ $1.19 S2.50 You Save • 314 American taffeta cover, comes in a variety of cctJors with handles to match. An excellent sun shade and sheds water perfectly. Very durable aad of exoeUent material Lv A. ElfCKSQN 03! t B • Hoe OfiXSS CAPS, for Hen ud Boy», $1.39 The very latest styles in dress caps; adjustable sizes, they are bound to fit. Selling at this price will be somewhat of a loss to us but we are disregarding the ifwi Save I | sale. 614 DEMONSTRATING UNMISTAKABLY THE ENORMOUS ADVANTAGE OF BUYING HERE Corn The best people usually know good values, that is the reason they enjoy prosperity and we can assure you that this lot of canned goods will not last long. The canned corn offered is unusually tender and sweet, worthy of a much higher prioe at per can-- IOC Peas Delicious sifted peas, grown and packed in Northern Wisconsin, the heart of the pea canning district. We know you will be more than pleased with quality and the price is only per can-- 104 EXTRA SPECIAL ' --POTATOES-- Ia keeping with our standard of quality, we buy only the best grade the Market offers. For the Har* vast Sale, per pack i 39c Qnaatity Lhaftfi THIS PRICE WELL CAUSE PEOPLE TO BECOME EXCITED OVER THI8 BIG ANNUAL EVENT Pork and Beans ; Armour's Veribest Pork and Beans Many experts claim that this -brand is the finest flavored pork and beans on the market today. A fortunhte purchase enables us to offer them at per ckn-- Kellogg's Corn Flakes The most popular of all cereal breakfast foods, buy now, 2 for-- - «5« 15c BULK COCOA, HARVEST SALE AT This high grade cocoa equals the quality of many high priced package cocoas. Yonr welfare is more dependent upon your ability to save than your ability to earn. Buy now. $120 "HOF8TRA" INSECT POWDER, AT 89< 8k Yon Save 314 Use "Hofstra" to rid yonr home of flies, mosquitoes and other insect pests. It is non poisonous, but exceedingly effective and convenient to have around 'the house. 10c TOILET SOAP, HARVEST SALE PRICE 7^ 7c Yon Save 34 We are offering a large assortment of the most popular brands of toilet soap, such as "Palm Olive," "Jaflp Rose," 44 Life Buoy," "Hardwater Castile," and Kirk's Oatmeal, Witchhazel, Peroxide and Colonial Bath. 35c CALUMET BAKING POWDER, NOW 2Si 28c You Save 7* One pound cans of Calumet Baking Powder--staple as sugar and always sold at a close price. It is a value that will tempt the appetite of any dollar in existence. -49c CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP, NOW 84 8c Yon Save 44 The superior flavor and quality are the priceless ingredients in Campbell's Tomato Soup that have given it a nation-wide reputation and leadership. You cannot afford to miss this bargain. 50c GREY ENAMEL DISH PAN, ONLY 39^ 39c You Save li* Your dollar will do the biggest day'8 work it has ever done by purchasing one of these first quality 17-qt. grey enameled dish pans. We hope you will take advantage of this sale. 0L0T8ES LINE, HARVEST SALE 394 39c Yon Save 114 Keystone Hemp clothes lines are without a doubt the best on the oiarket today for 50c. Just another opportunity for you to make two of your dollars do the work of throfc" 25c AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP FLAKES 174 17c You Save 8* This >a a modern form of soap as easy on the hands as on the clothes. Launders perfectly silks, chiffons, woolen blankets, wool knit goods, equally as well as 'iTTT -"7V-3

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