•• si •- ' ' .**»* *'> W ' ' \ ;'v V'^, t;' r , ?^> "?F ^ iy - • .',f«'ii<ie»,|"-v» ^•-•.-7\Z^*?W:" , _> •' .-•' ....«•'*•»* pr •<'v;---v; •' •••• . •; j , | .%; " . * • . _ ' • • - . - ' ' £ „ • . ? . . . > - , ' "'VT ~ ' iV; | *t •'«£ : •. •'• ' V".•T'&j. ;A ?»,"• iv-VOLUME 53 COMMIITEE TO VISIT i' WILL ASK FOR REPAIRS - FOR OLD DAM Fox River Community Protective Association Held Meeting, - ^ ' . . Sunday . ..... r"T^^'controversy over the proposed ' »'. Bgw dam for which $175,000 was appropriated for its construction somewhere near the point where the Fox ..-." (String of ten lakes empties into the river and several miles north of Mc- . i&nry, is increasing in publicity and • the interest taken in the question to - rsach an extent that a committee from the Fox River region intend to go tc Springfield as soon . as Governor t Small returns to his office to protest 4f> the chief executive. - ' ' ' . At the start of the trouble over the location of the dam the Fox River Protective association was organized by residents of McHenry and of the --JFox River valley for trie purpose of protecting the river and the interests of the inhabitants of its region. This association held a meeting at the city hall on Sunday afternoon at which the * officers and a representative from each subdivision along the river were present. At this time the problems relating to the very vital subject were •discussed and it was decided to send a delegation to confer with the governor at Springfield at the first feasible opportunity. It was also thought advisable to call a meeting" of the mayors t of the cities along the river in the near future for the purpose of ascertaining just where the people in each ' locality stand on the subject. Seek Secretary Davis' Aid A letter was also authorized to be written to Secretary of Labor Davis, - who is interested in the welfare of Mooseheart, to solictt his aid and engage his interest in our behalf. One of the important facts brought out was the necessity of obtaining more f members for the association as it will probably be to this body that the opposition and the State will look when calculating the forcer for and against the proposed dam. It should be of vital interest to every citizen of Mc- .Henry to make this organization a success as it is only by this means of preventing the building of the new dam that the prosperity of our city - • secured. - Blank applications were given out to the representatives of each subdivision and anyone wishing to join may do so by notifying the representative of their district. Applications are also to be had at the office of Ben Stilling on Riverside Drive and at the store of A. E. Nye on Main street, where anyone who desires to help this cause for the safety of McHenry is ^ invited to come and enroll in the organization. The present membership is comparatively small when taking into con- « sideration the large territory affected McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1927 FORMES McHENRY GIRL MARRIES Miss Margaret Long Bride of Mr. "Leo Dwyer of Huntley-- Ceremony Tuesday On Tuesday morning at 7:30 o'clock lit St. Mary's church at Huntley, occurred the marriage of Miss Margaret Lone: of Elgin and Mr. Leo Dwyer of Huntley. The nuptial low mass was. read by Father Raymond Ho rner, pastor of the church, and the couple was attended by Miss Isabelle Kelsoft of Madison, Wis., and Walter Farley of Huntley. The bridal party nitered the church to the strain-; of the bridal march from Lohengrin, played by Mrs. Theobold M, Ron&n of Elgin, a cousin of the groom. During the service Mrs. Ronan sang Rosewig's "Ave Maria" and other songs appropriate to the nupital mass. / The bride was lovely in a simple dress of delphinium blue and carried a shower bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. Miss Nelson wore a dress of tan crepe and carried pfnk butterfly roses. % Mrs. Dwyer is the daiighterofthe late Mr. and Mrs. Edward Long of Woodstock and McHenry, and is a FEDERAL AGENTS VISIT MHENRY STAGE RAIDS SATURDAY AFTERNOON stat^a Attorney Pouse Files Fiftjr- . two Informations Monday in County Court Led by Alexander Jamie, assistant admfnstrator of the Chicago district, thirty-five federal prohibition agents swept into McHenry county Saturday afternoon and raided a number of resorts. roadhouses, soft drink parlors and filling stations dispensing liquor as well as gasoline. " * It was the first visit of the federal "sponge squad' in McHenry county ahd considerable beer as well as liquor was confiscated in the raid. Louis Cernocky's $10,000 ball room and road house was visited on the way out from Chicago and it yielded a generous assortment of "wet goods." Bubbling Qver. located otr Route 19 between Woodstock and Harvard, was found living up to its naime. niece of Mrs. Peter Doherty of this The ,R ichmond .. Inn, a .,p r.e tent„io us city. She has ,h el, d, t..h e posi.t..i on of, .roa..d house r. ecentlv opened by Cor- oll * * V\ long distance supervisor at the Illinois Bell Telephone company in Elgin for the past two years. Mt. Dwyer is the son of Mrs. Edward Dwyer of Huntley, where he holds a responsible position with the Walter L. Farley store. He is a member of Elgin council, Knights of Columbus. After a wedding breakfast for the bridal party served at the home of Mrs. Edward Dwyer, the bride and groom left for a trip through Michigan and Can&dian points of interest. Upon their return they will be at home to their friends at Huntley. , LOTUS FLOWERS ARE RETURNING Twelve Beautiful Blossoms Were Picked in Grass Lake Tuesday of This Week The Everett Hunter Boat Co. informs the Plaindealer that they have twelve beautiful lotus flowers which were picked in Grass Lake on Aug. 9. The beds are coming back again in good shape. This will be good news to thousands of peojrle who have made yearly visits to this wonderful bed. Three years ago during the high waters in the spring these plants were partially drowned out and for a long time it was questionable whether they would ever bloom again. The next year there were no blossoms nelius (Con) Shea, a former president of the Chicago Janitors' Union, had the distinction of receiving the federal squad. Sam Salverson's dance hall and roadhouse near Burton's Bridge was also caught in the path of the raiding Squad. The bar in the Oak Park Hotel on Pistaka Bay, operated by Billy Mertes, was visited by the prohibition boys. The Riverside Park house near Crystal Lake closed shop for the day when the dry agents took away the owner. At McHenry the squad visited the Brewery Station, operated by Mike Worts, the West Side filling station operated by Gilles and McKune and a parlor near the Northwestern depot operated by Theodore Schiessle. Beer Dumped in Sewers Samples of beer were taken in most all of the places and what beer was found on hand was dumped in the sewers. In the places where whiskey was found the owners were taken to Chicago prohibition headquarters while the others were forced to give bond to appear in Chicago today. The thirty-five agents were divided into squads of five each and made their attack in a battle front formation. The raids were made about 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon and caused considerable excitement and comment over the week-end . ' Owners, managers, helpers and others connected with places raided GIVES LEGION OLD FIRE TRUCK Will Be Used as a Trade in on New Truck To Be Purchased By Committee The following notice was received by J. W. Worth, chairman of the American Legion Fire Fund Drive: •A.merfaan Legion Post, McHenry, Illinois. At the meeting of the city council Tuesday evening the following motion was passed: Motion.by Howard, seconded by Thennes, that the city turn over the old fire truck to the American Legiori to use as they see lit iti trading as part payment of a new fire truck for the city of McHenry. Motion carried; Signed, R. F.* Conway. Clerk," - This spirit of co-operation on the part of the 'city's officials is/highly commendable and 'most assuredly signifies the appreciative attitude on TWO CHANGES HFACULIY LOCAL SCHOOLS READY TO RESUME MAYOR FRETT DENIES TRIBUNE INTERVIEW i Dam Publicity In Chicago Newapapar Quotes McHenry Mayor Incorrectly Chicago newspapers are giving the proposed dam in Fox river plenty of publicity lately. The Chicago Tribune in its issue of Monday morning of STARTS ON ROUTE 60 AND 61 GRADER HEADQUARTERS AT RINGWOOD Expect To Get Six or Seven Mitaff? Cement Laid Before Snow Flies . * - Road activities on Route 60 and 61 have started in earnest, the road grading firm of the Belmat Construction Grade School To Open On Labor Day- this week' carriep quite.a lengthy news High School Starts Work ' story on its front paw, which Mayor Day Following ; P. W. Frett of McHenry is quoted to • | cfuite an extent. When the mayor was As the hours of daylight diminish j asked about it, he stated: and a chill creeps into the air we j "I was not interviewed by any rerealize that the August days are fast j porter or representative of the Trib- 114 jiihi iiic wllllJtlr slipping awav, ushering in the advent'irne and I was greatly surprised when J £**', oTciea/'lik^T^aTTow^Eine of fall and our thoughts turn mvolun- the article was called to my attention, j camped about a mile sotith of Ringtalily to the .rapid approach of the, In my opinion the substance of the • wood and has beefen rrwiW nrttfrf-* school year. Only a few short weeks! article was taken from last week's ^ns. ^ opera, and vacations will come to ai\ end! issue of the Harvard Herald, which: n ' and parents and students alike -will > carried a similar storv. My reason for ; 1 Gr»d»V- work has Started about „ settle down to the routine of another ] this belief is due to the fact that the ™,les s.0,£h«aat of '<>» their part towards the contributors of *<*ool year. That the date of this i editor of the Herald had both of my ' y od-Mc?Ienry road, work to this fund. important event has been kept in mind! iintials wrong, «R. LJ instead of 'P. J? ca™ed on. 'n a, northeasterly direcby several interested persons is evi- and the Tribune made the sarrte tl0,n t0 « P°"«t about a quarter of a dent in the fact that the school build- identical mistake. Just who ig re.; mile ,south of Rmjfwood, then through It is acts of this type, in addition to the generous and cheerful attitude on the part of our community^ in general that will make this drive the success that it finally will be. The city's contribution in the form of the old fire truck makes it comparatively easy for the purchasing committee of ten men duly appointed to act in the capacity required of them. This committee will be responsible for the proper disbursement of the contributed fund to the best possible advantage in the procurement of the most efficient and adequate fire truck for our community. It has been rumored that the fire department of MicHenry will organize and stage a carnival on Labor Day tb assist in the completion of this drive for funds. Contributor reported in at this date are: Dr. H. F. Cannon $10.00 ings are in readiness for their occupancy'the school piipillsi The janitors of the Community high school building^ as well as of the grade schooP building, have been busy all summer cleaning, repairing and putting the sponsible for this Chicago publicity I do not know." a relocation across the old Chase (Tabor) farm on through Ringwood to the Osborn tourist camp and through Richmond to the Wisconsin state line. A portion of the road Equipment of RESIDENCE CHANGES Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crees of Elk- ^ i hart, Ind., are now occupying ^the! e Belmat company consists of a rooms into shape to meet the needs of1 cottage at the Rosedale Greenhouses.; high powered tractor and ele- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson, who|vatin« grader and another tractor formerly occupied this cottage, have ^rader sh°Y.?l b® on the job returned to Woodstock, although Mr. within a few days. About eighteen Anderson is still employed at the 1 mei^ are., with the outfit and when the greenhouse. ! additional equipment arrives about Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Edinger of j ^ty men will be employed on grad- Woodstoek are moving into the C. W..in* operations. Two civil engineers Stenger home on Main street this j are a^3° here on the job for the com* week. | pany. :--: -- Mr. Dusenberg is the foreman in MILDRED AHRENS IS I charge and states that the Belmat the scholars for the coming year. Improvements Made New floors have been laid in the lower hall in the grade school building on Wnukegan street and also in one of the lower rooms, and several hundred dollars have been spent for .dditional playground equipment which will gladden the hearts of the kiddies at the grade school. About $200 worth of furniture has also been purchased for use* at the Community high school, and the appearance of this building has been greatly improved by the work which Otto FySohm 10.00 j has *!een accomplished on the sur- McHenry Branch, American Red I rou"ding grounds. Although the Cross 100.00 wor,{ °* leveling and seeding this Fox River VaUey'j^t^i^r^ | lar*e ,awn has an enormous Association 50.00 Itask yet 5t is Just about completed. AN AUGUST BRIDE comPany ha? ^en e^sred foJ I grading work from MfcHenry to the Married at Geneva, 111., Monday to I W'sconsin state line by the S. &. H. Mr. Russell Stickels of I Construction company, Milwaukee Grayslake' *! ',rm' w"° have the cement road con- The wedding of Miss Mildred, tr"£ f<Lr ,this stretch of Pavement. Ahrens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.! Th® Belmat company is camped Henrv Ahrens of this city, and Rus- i ^e L Chas® farm' now 0*™^ *>y sel Stickels of Grayslake, took place j M- Tabor about a quarter of a mile A. & P. Tea Co.','"!!I!I!1.7.!l...lI 25^00! with the exception of the placing of | at Geneva/111., on Monday. August 7.1 ?outh of Ringwood and will have cook- Mrs. J. W. Smith 25.00 I the shrubbery, and it adds greatly to'i The ceremony was read by Rev. i sleeping accommodation# Mrs. Caroline Schiessle 5.00 ^ beautiful appearance of the build- j x^omas Reans, pastor of the Metho-j re e men* ^ mg, making it one of which we may j church, and attendants were Miss ! Engineer* Oil Job be justly proud. _ ! Rose Ahrens and Byron Caldwell. The! State engineers are on the job The opening day for the high school 1 bride has been employed in the jewel ^ar the point where grading opera- Miorrow & Son W. A. Frett A. M. Frett J. P. Freund ................... Math Bauer J. F. Knox Chas. A. Dalstrom ........... Jos Justen John E. Justen . 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 I ^in be t^e day after Labor^ Day^the [ room 0f the watch fkctory at Elgin, tions will commence, making final m ^ ^ Stickels will be at! surveys and setting stakes with the home in Grayslake after a two weeks expectation of getting lines set so motor trip through the north. that grading work may start immediately. Engineer C. Wahls of the date of which is Tuesday, September 6. There will be two dates previous to this, however, for high school enrollment. On. August 31 and September 1, Supt. C. H. Duker will be at 1 his office at the high school build- 274 00 where students may register for Previous .....$24J09.50 j the scbocl term ! Grade School Opens Labor Day " The 5.00 5.00 10.00 1 2.00 2.00 NEW MANAGER AT THE ROSEDALE GREENHOUSE State Highway Department, of the Flgin office is chief of the party and Total at all and last year but very few, but, it is now believed that in another sea- i appeared in federal court in Chicago son these flowers will be plentiful. Monday, but the hearings were postponed. Pouse Files Informations Following on the heels of the big. federal raid in McHenry county last THRILL IN WINNING "WHO'S WHO" PRIZES The "Who's Whc ' editor will nov: 1 $2 483 50! 1 ,,c °Pen'nK date for the grade f.al1 °" Da>V Strand it is urged that further contrib- j 5' at wfi,ch fe,. / P/H \ ^ tions be made direct to J. W. Worth, ' and ™e,ve the list of books required chairman, or to the Fox River Valley, foL.the,r for the vear- . State Bank • I here has been some discussion There is no question but thai the! Upo" the Plaus,bl,,t.v of ;se^"nn,[ | greenhouses and he has already com- The Rosedale Greenhouses, situated will be the resident engineer, during On the east side of Fox River which; the progress of grading and cement are owned by Mrs. Minnie Miller have! work. v been * leased by George Mioncur of' According to information* Woodstock and are now junder new j from engineers and grade 1 * management. ! pouring will follow the Frank Crees of Elkhard, Ind., has about three weeks, the S. ^ H. T m been engaged by Mr. Moncur as the' pany expecting to start cementing oy manager and superintendent of the the first of September. required $5,000 will eventually be services of a nurse , for both schools; nienced on the~work ~of cleaning up Grading work on the stretch is exraised but the fact must be considered 1 but nothing ^ddeeffiinniittee hhaass bbeeeenn ddeecciiddeedd cl£an,ngr "P pected to be entirely completed this antl r(1pairing. tfce houses. introduc^M^s' Mabel \\^eeler^and tell ^atur(!ay afternoon. State's Attorney! that delay in making can be put in before »n(i tVh e t;h ousands nf "ntn*n nlc whn j *t1h e .w orl,d j hl\e._r ,laoosft wWOeAei-k>s- a,.nsis,w#re4risA:. . H. Pouse filed fifty• -two informations I will necessarily a,,l so .d ela,y -' action in ! • , ,*i 'In e of n'°rk, comes here from Elk- Pnow fijt."8. Advice from state engiiv- VT mains unchanged-with the exception ,vi,01.„ k„ Tnanno-i... nf tho . should be interested and it is hoped w'ns the citation along with $3.00 as!In tbe ^oun ^ co"' J -l°nday. The j e 1 rc a>e o le iu( *• °. ,^n" of one instructor in each building. i g <?as<aman Greenhouses for several' T1"* 18 to t'}0' that, portio of that eve^ resident vdll come^ tl first prize money. Get yourself'aomeiicomplaints charged the operation of chase will be made by the committee At the hi h school the vacincv,L;! T undnSS all nha^e S th.f, route whet-e. work is p.rogj:-sing support of hfs organizatioT thing nice, Miss Mabel. You're wel- « ot machines and violation of the pro- unt.l sufficient funds are available to'^ caused by the resignation of Mr. Wolf^J^'^ork indudTng the desfgS of ^ trafflc ln » ^ojrt suppoit 01 tnis organization. * hibition law, > warrant complete purchase and enable , . • f... . . w-,,; ^ ^°i k. inchiding the dts gnmg or time and the engineers, are now work- And will Betty Hahn come forward.!_. The following _informafionfi_ were j fire truck iidc'scESf a m«t fall and it is believ-L-d that six or ?even State Engineers Make Survey State engineers are finishing sur- WviforThe location of'new dam please accept our congratulations and",^ »lot machines: . Mike-Worts, ! that will be unencumbered by any ; cide(, ,OS8 m v felt jn. th? aWnf ^ ve\s ior ine location 01 tne new oam j » „ , ..... for McHenry; Henry Nell. Johnsburg j further liability. This is the program , ,,. , taken-out floral pieces, which he will do. here, j ing out a system flf detours. The soil m all of thf beds is being: an 1 renlaced with new fer culvert workers has arand boring has been made near River-: our perfectly g<«d two oolhrs 1'or |^enry; "en^ I orpuihri" ouVlVnod by" the" com" ' now Mrs. John ! tiie^ ca^th, which will produce l'arge"| ri^d and are.camped near the poig second prize. The "Who s Who"peorge Cezar. Johnsburgh. Frank ( 01 purcnase a. ouninto Dy ine com . plfyni,||cr Mi,, Clnxton has been sf,.0r,o- lo«<«oms and chrvsanthemums where grading operations are to start wishes he could reach out and-! Knenf*r. Johnsburc: William Mertes, mittee and most assuredly is the plan f her !- ~ - 1 1 swori^ lossoms. and cniysantnemums, ^ y .u > f 'dale, at the Johnsburg bridge and 2,000 feet south of the bridge. Surveys man the solu- i Pistakee Bay: Rudolph Johnson, Bald j that should be followed. in the first ,Trade of thenations, sweet peas, snapdragons. and will put in a 'arg» culvert near have been made to"set'tonoiranhicai shake hands with you for the solu-1 nstakee Bay: Kudolph Johnson. baldj»«ai snou.a oe lonowia. • , p^LI-ie schoc' for manv years ard^• eaWrlaH etc will be ula. t >d that lo alien. " data of the ttr'L fromX dam , ««»••«* in. Try .g.in Betty, we're Knob: Peter Jo!,„So„. Mt m UJ,, f A • <-f «b~ endeared herself «, hunted, of with; Ri^vood wiM be the base n. road south of McITenry to Riverdale and ^ you. ' ' ^ * Sf 1 , Zr i our or Dertv'l7er. ' ,,0,rinn"r* " ho " iM ! the. retail a, well as" the tvhelesale i activities for s»mo .tao. the from all indications preparations are.1 Draw up five chairs for Leone Giv-|bpring (.rove; Elmer Anderson, Mr-, u.r p ^. n .. .4 as they .lourffev Upward-on their path- (.n(I(lf the vxrk. intends to do de- "P'»n '4 tho ceaien^ contractor?, when heing made to carry out the plans for ens, Ida Reynoldk Grace Martin. W ill; tons Bnege; Gi-lies and MoKune,, -t .ta ®n ? 0 ,t w towird'. ^is )va>' to. knowledge. The vacancy left *Hvering and will endeavor to give the they arrive, to mak- camp at o near AthHe! new ."d«a*m«»» . which will bw.ee a trfii Mart--in and Gladys Riet*-*ef. \. h^ today ;T^hoo.. Selhiessje Fred Justen. Ste\6 , . "e> in'end 9 , . ' y • ,b^:hcr decision^io ..instrjuj.tmonJir„ K,u' T„T^„rr,™v---. r.....wnrfhv c: luv.: Additionwl t rnTFiDu- -i • v P1 „ •Pn,'l|v se^ite. lu t .try " -. , , * j ! ? fnioo by .auas .EJ-anov • He "invites the public to visit the "he gra>:ars. cement, and oihwr road of this city. . greenhouses and desires to ser\'e i,n mateiial supplies to be kept in ciosa Persor.ncl of Faculty : .overv way pc»s"sible the needs c-f the nroximity,to that location. The high school teachers are **'>rr. c'owmuiiilv in bis line ol! \\6i !•:. " T're road c--utt'icto.Ps . expect to tringer, teacher of language- | , . eh of athletic*; Elmer Konrn?'\ ... >oat.- on the i* ox river trachfi- rf mr.thpmatiCs ^nd d:i'cr.t.-:. will be asked to make'^....protest-over Few minutes of your time may be; Lake; Christ .Noraerer. < 'rchanl Beach :' ^, u, r^1 W'-di.n .Jay u^,ut, notm^l.^-w of band. Mj0s. Esther Keller, .teach- Do not abandon hope, Geoge- Kataska. Fox River drove; j -e® motoi boat of Math .J. bc imidt a - er (1f rjompstif* science and director of eventually. As;Ben Watts, near Fox Lake-:. Thomas i ! Mentally ramov^into-a ro« K'at jtrirl--* athletics: Miss Dorothy MJsn •nersof again join the Inner circle of 'mo'^ftoinier; Mar"®iil^ ; ?vorW; cmi^ i < nfi^ibu- - pupjJ vvj, ' river. ! -Who" pals as' prize winners who each .Otto Broecker. Lily Lake; Sam Sal- j tjons will be published m•. the next pha,in # l visited receive $1.00. They are all .clever,. verson. Burton's Bridge; Louis Cerr ]'-s^e of the riain..ealer. 1 v 'nock, Fox River Gfove: Oscar Bren- ! ~ I The hiL jnan% Crystal Lake^ John Krull. Fo*-j W)A.r§ COI I.!I)E ON _ don Strir - River Grove: Jack -Hauck. Fox River j ONE KAVEFi) FRO^l DUOW^NING at)rj mendous injustice to the ow hundreds of homes along the The city of Flgin has been in the interest of the fight against the. »r<? they not? Say yes, so every .nock, Fox River Gfove: Oscar Brenconstruction of the new dam ana Plaindealer reader can hear you. •Mayor Earle R. Kelley has been con- "Who's Who" liberality still con ---- _... I a n- inn -fOTrod with. The Elgin city council tinues. S'JOO not gone yet. Imagine!',Grove; Edward Froeliek. near Fox , a collision Organisation the "Who's Who" j Pinto. Burton's Bridge; William Com-'i cyP,ed by some Chicago people wlio .• teaoher <>f English and director of the I, has its hop's hoo!" | t oviek. Burton's BridgA: Joe P-immin-1 )*?re v,w^,",r ^he RiCfts co tage. p-irls* glee club; Miss^Lucile O'Dwyer ;t." See page five. jr.i. Algonquin; Con Sh^k Richmond. I motor, boat was not traveling, at teacher of the commercial course, ant'. AylWard. Route if9, between ' an^' ^reat speed but the impact waa jihra!y custodian; Miss Edna Getst,' ness Men's a.-vocation gathered around . An. ordiwin< tock and Harvard. j enough to tnrow one ^ the, Jacies, teaohpr ^0f. historv and play directof; i the banquet table..at Nieren's Cafe', ^-ay through t •mation filed for .violation of the ^rs* ^'rsa- the water. anj Edmund Willis, teacher of science Tuesday evening <f Urn week to join, .^ent to the c John j Woodstock i Information [the erection of the dam and the Elgin worth dollars Committee of twenty-five headed by you're silre to win .C. E. Mote, recently agreed at the in- the owl said to vestigation of C. S. Buel, to ask the . editor: "Every owl council to lend its moral support, You may be next. against the dam proposition. , Start today. ;-t:' The citizens of McHenry and r.esi'-J --'--7- dents along the Fox valley are "hot! JEnjoys Trip To Portland in favor of the construction of the N.- C. Klein, grand knight of the [prohibition law were'recorded as folda'm. for the reason that it would local K." of C. council, who wasm at-i lows: lower the water levels below the dam tendance at . the convention at Port ' Joe Brown. John. Rose, Henry Nell, and reduce the rippling stream, of land. Ore"., infoims Th'c Plaindealer, Edward Froeliek, Pete Johnson, "Ruwhich we are so proud, to a mere on a post card as follows: -"Enjoying|dolph Johnson. George Cezar. Frank •rivulet. It is prefeired, rather that t^e trip'to. the mountains immensely.- jjnepfer, Christ Norager. M. B. Laures the $10,000 appropriated for the re- The ride through Canada pair of the present dam be expended i veiy interesting." ing, Elmer Anderson. Otto Broecker, for the purpose for which it was ap-! 1 .Tolin Kroll, Jack Hauck. George -propnated. This will raise the water I New Bank Director iKataska, Joe Simminni. Theo. Binto, in the entire lake region to the full Ross J. Ellsworth, vice-president of;Ben Watts and John Aylward. extent needed and will' accommodate the Holmes Disappearing Bed company"; Most all of the prohibition violathe majority of the people, while the has been elected to th£LJ>iiar2._jaf! tons are also listed under the slot new dam is intended merely for the Directors of the American National machine complaints. State's Attoraatisfaction.- -of a few promoters to Bank, Woodstock, 111. I ney A: H. Pouse stated Monday the n^rth. t • 1 'that the informations were filed on Elgin Opposed To New pam •. j as WfJjj as'others from the various complaints and evidence secured Through the courtesy^ of Mayoj:jclubs and organi2ations that"* weie against the above- places. Kelley of the city o Mayor present, was planned. All of those] The filing of the informations caused Frett attended the ^ ssocia e ham- pr0pent, about 200 in number, accent- con-'derable commotion and exciteuCr 1 irf0mmT1Ce^ vlntno- ^ft^r ed ,Mayor Frett's invitation to meet | ment around the court house Monho^ el, Elgin, Tuesday evening. A ter vi-lth Us some Sunday in the near'dav where it means plenty of listening m on the various problems future. 4woVjt for the county clerk and sherthat Elgin has to wonyNabout, the. This committee is coming tip "to 'set, yi chairman, Mr. Buell. whom) we know I after a trip of inspection, wliat they j - r-- as one of our booster summer resit, can do »to help us in and along the lino i dents, called on Mayor Frett to say of asking the governor to repair the something about McHenry. Naturally; old dam and at the same time protest the subject "of the dam was brought against the building of any oth^r •jnake Richmond a base for operations FAREWELL DINNER when v > rk on the more northern poif*' --TOR WILLIAM PRIES! .tioi',.-, of tho route conniK'niy-. > ' ; Condemnation p.'ine.' s in the Greely nr. II. F. Cannon Chr.'.cn'io Sac«e^d ' ^Hter'f and OIp.Johns on property pro- Mr. Pries as Ileail of ; V'^flings hav> been J-ec.eivpd froro the stat? and have been filed in the Me* • Members of the Green Street Busi'- Henry comity eourr. dKiance concerning rights-of' the village of Richmond _ ^ ^ council from the state Mr. Schmidt, who was about twenty a„d aj,si«tant athletic coach^ -| in a fn'vewell dinner for their presi- highway department wa?" nas-^d at feet away, leaped from his boat and / The teachcrs of the public sch#'! dent, Wjlliam Pries, who has left Me- the regular meeting of that body last rescued the lady from drowning., as or(jPr 0f their*grades is as follows*: Henry . to take up his business and. week. she was unable to swim. The water Wiss Eleanor Phalm. MisS 'Pauline: residence at Waukegan. - '.V'lvt' s at this point was not very deep, but Puf^i, Miss Nellie Doherty. Miss Mh\ Pries was presented with a! F.LKS Ttt PTCNu' AT there is. nO doubt if it had not been Mildred W !leh, Mrs. Anna Barron,' fountain pen as a ®reriiembiance from FOX LAKE? 44(" also gtpv'e Heimer, Fred Justen, John Still- | the q^k action of the boatman ^ Alice Knox and Miss Mary Kin-' his former fellow business men. He.' Preparations for the Elki' picni^i 'here would have been a casualty, ney . _ • ! expressed his appreciation in. a few' at Fox Lake; Wednesday, August- -I7." Mrs. Jjrsa was taken care of by^ a . --__ ' well chosen words and also his regret are rounding into form -ranhilv. - Th»; local physician, who found minor in. ^rorjj«g dmmDionship Rodeo Contest nt leaving McHenry, where he had promises to be the lar 'ost and best juries. However, tl.e patient is rest- , • • been a resident for s B. N. A. Picnic. Riverview Camp* R. N. A. will hold its annual pienic at Vales' Woods on nunp ibw> o«•u«r. mayor andj the tEt.l, gi- n Aa s- dams at.• any otlier svit e vin F""o••x• -V" 1 Tuesday, August 16. The mothers River.! and " sociated Chamber of Commerce went i Could McHenry boast of such a on record as favoring the repairing of united effort as Elgin certainly, we, the old dam south of McHenry and too, could accomplish great things! opposing the building of a dam in the, When are we going to start this upper part of the river or lakes. j movement and get together and show- Many officers from the various' the co-operation that Elgin does? clubs and organizations of Elgin and How many of our merchants and our from cities below Elgin as far south i citizens are there that have joined j •a Aurora were preseat and an outing! the Fox Rive# Community Protective ©s the mayors of ctities on the south association ? the camp are invitied and requested to meet at the McHenry park at lfr o'clock. Tuesday morn-i ing. There will be ail kinds of games for young and old and a jolly time is assured. Each one is to bring their own lunch, including weenies for their own family for the weenie roast Those who plan to attend please notify Mrs. H. L. Ritter or^frt. A1 Krause. »ng ccmfortably morning. this (Thursday), several years. His picnie ever Jield by the Elk^ 3 _:J 4. t • • . nirtniM tV»ie LKemettH Very low fares t^ Chicago ^h»^h^ _ -Resignation as president • of the as- bering ifoi mer picnics, this is sayra^ cago & North Western on sale August 20. 21. 22, 1 sociation was. accepted ajQd_as_hU -a-great deal. - Dr. H. F. Cannon wa- -chosen. The entertainment and sport* com* Outing and Picnic and 28 at late of fare and one-ha.f ( At ^he suggestion of the iSew- presi-' mittee hivt.-extended themselves to. . Aji outing picnic for the mettiieri {<)r rouI~".tr|P; return limit Aug.; ^ont- it de.tided to hold regular.4he~lia«t in providing activities to en-: •. of St. Clara's Court, Women's Cath- f1' 19-"* Thls 18 one of - the inost| beginnu. j -r"s. tertain all Elks, "their wives, families, J ic Older of Foresters," of St. Mary's interesting events of the year, j fa|]_ . . ^ , and , sweethea; t-: E*i-e«iai efforts _----r have been made to tntertain the ladies < I BATHING BEAl'TY CONTEST , and kiddies. f ' ! TO BE STAGED AT AN'TlOpf There will be a big parade through olic lunch baskets. And ifwant a information seat reserved call Phone 78-J or ®g®nts Chicago 106-W. Bus leaves West McHenry, 1431 hvay- ^ Centerville-and the bridge. Order nT> later than Wedensday, Aug 17. and tickets , y ' Keen interest is developing in the'the toWn of Fox Lake, at 11 o'dorfti • North -Western; bathing beauty contest which is to* be-^e morning vf the picn:?. The giend big feature at the three-night sum-, barbecue will be one of the main I mer- festival given by Antioch P<J^t features and will -enhid many of tfsi Picnic at Griswold s Lake j 0f American Legion at the Antioch recent nati hvaI reunion r.t Cincinnati. 10-2, Members of Fox River Valley Campi Palace on Friday, Saturday and Sun-'The trap shooting will also rank Willi Outdoor Public Card Party R. N. A. and their families enjoyed J day. , August li*. 20, 21. Girls -.from, "national, as many of th1? A public card party will be given a picnic at Griswold'* Lake on Thurs- ' Antioch and the Lakes region will marksmen m the country reskie ia ~ *' " " J" ' •" * *-"L " T* :J""« •' on+er this contest for which $500 in j this vicinity, and will taks part in? prizes are being offered to the win- the shoot on Elks' day. ners. Amusements each sight will be, There will be* sufficient transport** another feature. | tion to care for all who wish to main the trip. Tickets are now in the hand* by the Christian Mothers, Monday.! day of last week. It was ideal pichi Aug. 15, in the city park, for tho ; weather and a large crowd was pres benefit of St. Mary's church, begin- ent to enjoy the day. Swimming ning at 2 o'clock p. m. In case of: games and contests furnished amtise rain it will be held in the basement' mant for those present. ^ if the church. 10-fp Boat Excursions a. m. and 1:30 p. m. Regular fare. Finishes Sidewalk Contract Henry W. Ahrens has just com- boats at any hour. pleted the laying of 3,200 feet of $1.00 for adults. 50 cents for children., ter, cement sidewalk in the Wattles sub- Hunter Boat Line. Td. McHenry 7 spent the week-end in the of j Misses Clara and Ethel Freund and1 of all Elks from whom the public at : Isabel Blake spent last week in the \ large may procure them. Special home of Mrs. C. Brefeld of Chicago.) In addition to the activities, men- Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Dietz and daugh- tioned above, there will be motor boat Kathryn and Mrs. C. Brefeld racing, field and track eevnts. iMuxi division. or 77J 6-fp-tf concerts, and what not, winding qp; Jacob Freund and family. in the evening with dancing.