Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Aug 1927, p. 4

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P*P*P« THE McHSNBT PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11,192t ; -' Jf-'" .. './- a - »«. ("*' ,.»aa^.. THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER cj Published very Thursday at McHenry, I1L, by Charles P. Benkh. Entered as second-class matter at the poetofflce at McHenry, DL. 4ier the act of May 8, 1879. . One Tear .... l^ix Months . SobecripUea Rates ,.-:t i A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager Risked Life Seeking ideas for Explosives When in 1864 Jinuuanuel Nobel, the Swedish Inventor, was experimenting ^witli explosives and his building blew up, killing, one of his sons and several .other persons, the government forbade him to continue such dangerous wotk. / However, he bought a scow and anchored it in Lake Malar, and there he and his son, Alfred, best known today for the Nobel prizes, continued their experiments that were to revolutionize the explosive industry and 'prepare the way for -modern high ex- : plosives. "_ . ; • .* It was on this old b^at that Alfred niade the discovery that his liquid esplosive, iiUi;o gtyferin, cquld be mixed - with an inert porous substance- stfchas tlay ofr chalk, thus making ah explosive tliat was much more powei'fui and much,more.. saftl-y,.4iyndled, 'TfFHS 'iu-'SOt ixl *1C1*iYu ":Tf ~\va~s * n ot til I 1876 that this explosive, to wli'udi' lie gav6 the name of '"dynamite," • was ,perfected, lSefore long there^, were factories In all leading countries'making it. •^ - lie also' brougfit""out other forms of explosives, including the tirit smokeless powder. Nobel believed in iniidness and peace uml regretted that his, invi ntionsjwere put into use by anarchies and bllrens who employed them for eyil purposes, " lie also regretted that tlu-y would ho called into service to mafie war more destructive and terrible.--Kansas City Star. Dominaisd Aihens by Virtue of Her Intellect The pulcitriuide of Aspasia is a mat ter of dispute anions historians, but those who claim ll^it she was a ravishing beauty, and those v.ho set forth the opposite--that she was a "severely plain woman--agree that she was the voice back of the silver tongue~of - I'erides and the fountain of much"of the wisdom of'Socrates. •" According. to l'lutarcli she was a splendid conversa t ionalist, and by her intellect she virtually ruled the ni< n of 'Athens.- Aspersions of the bitterest degree were thrown upon her character by some poets of her time, especially those envious ones who desired "to injure Pericles, but most Athenians Relieved in her purity ami certainly in her wNdnm regardless of her actions. HtHmnds ...and their wives came to her for: cootisel and she, sitting as a court of justice., smoothed oat the rough place? for them. Her decrees were accepted without question, even though slie, instead of encouraging a separation, counseled them to maVe the most of a bad bargain and do the bo<t they could. P.ecause of this attitude it would be one of the most interesting revelations history could make if it told how she reconciled Pericles to divorcing bis wile to become her own mate.--Exchange. YOU NEVER FIND-- A chorus girl who ov.ns an alarm dock. A doorman who everwatches the show. ' A comedian that looks happy In the winga. ; - A deaf actorwho eettfdn^hiGar applause. ; y;.. . An actor *tvd iffeels ihat anyone could play- his part. ' *.; *' A woman patron >itM wraj* who arrives In time, , .* • : A. dressing maid who doesn't think her -mistress Is crazy. A . box officft man who neyer forgets to charge war. tax. . ' . ; A patron who ever laughs or applauds from a post seat. , » A woman star who wouldn't rather be one of the chorus girls. A wardrobe mist ress wti^ says she wasn't "a beauty ip her day. An actor - whose lumbago ever .stopped him from taking bows. A girl-usher who doesn't think the chorus is getting away with murder. A star; who hasn't been signed up for. five years--via the press-agent A dramatic critic who ever forgot himself and . cried "Speech l"-*--Detroit News." • Classified Column FOR BALI > . GOOD USED CARS AT BARGAIN PRICES Late 1926 Ford sedan, like new. Price $395. 1924 Dodge %-ton truck with stake body. Good bay. 1926 Dodge Deluxe sedan; paint fa new; good tires; wonderful buy. 1923 Dodge A sedan; excellent condition. FOR SALE--House and lot, known as the Mrs. Katarina Wegener place. Inquire of George J. Wegener. Phone 615-J-2. 10* r\ FOR SALE--Two gas engines, "Fairbanks- Morse, 1% and 2 % -hp.; both in pood running order; also double wash, tub. Peter Miller, Ringwood, 111. Tel. Richmond 942. 9*2* Mrs. Maria C. Wilson WANTE0 Mrs. Maria C. Wilson passed away at the Eastern Star Home at Rockford, on Saturday, August 6, 1927, at the age of seventy-five years and five months. Maria C. Sherburne was born at Concord, New Hampshire, on March 20, 1852, but the greater part of her girlhood was spent at McHenry, where her parents moved from the East, and here she lived until her marriage. Her life wag rich and full of varied experiences, having been lived from the West, where she saw herds of buffalo stampede past her cottage, to the city of Chicago, where her active and useful life is evident from the number of socities of which she was She was a member of 100 AUTOMOBILES WANTED 1927 Dodge business sedan; dem- Towing, Roadsters, Sedans, Coupes. onstrator, less than two months old; All makes. For export. Buyers wait-! a member. new car guarantee. Price $875. "ing. Highest prices paid. Bring car. j Columbia chapter, No. 210, Order of Easy Payment Plan G«t our offer before selling. Open the Eastern Star at Chicago, and of We have a complete line of trucks evenings and Sundays. the Rockford White Shrine. She was in. % ton and 1% ton in closed or AMERICAN MOTOR SALES CO. j also a member of the Maccabees and open body types. 1633 Roosevelt Rd., Chicago... Phone JAMES MORROW & SON. , Canal 7274. t®* Phone 186 West McHenry, III. FOR RENT FOR SALE--Apex vacuum • cleaner lvip p_x__ and attachments for 32-volt or Delco * RENT House on Elm St., near system. Phone 175. Dr. Freund. Green st- Modern improvements. 10-2* Albert Vales. Phone 634-R-2. 10 FOR SALE PLAYER PIANO---Bar- RENT--A, five-room bungalow, gain to party completing $10.00 large sun parlor. fumished or unfur- ! monthly payments on balance of ™shed on east side of river. , Phone ; $288.63 due on D. Miles player piano.. -- -----.... | This is a chance of a lifetime. Ad- FARM FOR RENT--173 acres. Mrs dress your reply to A. J. Gosswiller, Jos H Justen R_3 McHenry. 9-tf ,230 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. 7-3 ' * rnu saiu r»» r> > WANTEP--Farms of all sizes and FOR SALE OR RENT McGee s descriptions for cash or exchange for store, also 4-room flat in Centerville W. M. Heimer, phone 90-W. 6-tf COOPER'S SAPONIFIED CRESOL-- For disinfecting barns after TB testing. Sold by Dr. J.-E. Wheeler, West McHenry. 38-tf income property. We specialize in quick deals. Kent & Company, McHenry. 38-tf LOST LOST--Rabbit Beagle hound, brown FOR SALE--Lockwood-Ash outboard and w^iite with long ears, with collar motor. Write to John R. Armstrong. J R-2 MHctnry. ' 9-2* i~ USED CARS FOR SALE I £.ate model Essex six coach. 11922 Dodge sedan. 11923 Haynes coach. i Ca'dillac sedan. Hupmobile touring. / Late model Winton sedan. , j Highest offer takes any of these ! cars. ~--.-->•"• • -, . % - All makes on and name of owner, M. L. Worts. Reward for return. 10* LOST--An English Beagle pup, Tuesday afternoon. Liberal reward offered. Call at McHenry House. 10 MISCELLANEOUS BRIEFS FROM BILLVILLE l and tires for all makes'for sale cheap. I S. HIRSCHMAN CO NOTICE--No hunting or trespassing, on the M. H, Dctrick farm, known as the Hanly farm. Violators will be F , . ' - prosecuted. according to law. M; II. of cars and also parts Detrick. • 10* Used the New Name Tea rs ago a young London dramatic crltie blessed with the line old name of Moses, got the idea that he would make neater strides In his profession, were lie to change his name. And so he did, blossoming forth as--Monton. Israel Zangwill,1 a brilliant wit, although fond of Morton, never quite forgave him the change of name, and on one occasion when the critic WHS the guest of honor at a dinner, over which Zangwill presided, the latter "stopped the show" for several minutes when he began his remarks with: "And the Lord spake unto Morton, saying--".--Kansas City Star. It's all right to run for office--If, you get tired in" time to quit before you have to. a ; - ' . • ' . . ' •' - : It isn't exactly a devil of a world j,ust because some folks say they have a h--1 of a time in. it Man'has succeeded in conquering the cold air. but lie's still as helpless as ever against the hot. We try to never quarrel with Trouble, but whistle on the way like we -don't know he was around. The man with the rabbit foot in his pocket but nothing in his head, never gets anywhere but away back. The man who never fails to bring rain when he prays for it has already booked six summer engagements. It's, well we are not short on fuel, because the defeated office seekers are burning the woods to Nowhere. Another literary barbecue is scheduled for .Saturday next. Literature in our town, is a mouth-filling proposition. • It's dig and delve for money, If yon melt, or if you freeze, the bees make the honey and man robs the bees^- Atlanta Constitution. For Mn. Johonott Mlrs. H. M. Stephenson was hostess to a party of friends at her home at Ringwood on Monday afternoon. The event was in honor of an old friend and schoolmates, Mrs. Mabel Johonott, of Terra Haute, Ind., who is visiting her mother, Mrs. Adelbert Abbott. The aftenioon passed pleasantly in Conversation and remniscences, after whicfli delicious refreshments were served. Guests present were: Mrs. Mabel Johonott, Mrs. Adelbert Abbott, Mrs. Grace M)cCannon, Mrs. Ben Johonott of Chicago, Mrs. Sarah Johonott of Richmond, Mrs. Florence Smith, Mrs. Flora Harrison, Mrs. Rilla Foss, Mrs. Lillian Stevens, Mrs. Callie Rainey, Mrs. Alice Hayford of Crystal Lake, Mrs. A. Anderson,, and Mrs. Myrtle Sanborn of Spring Grove aruLJfe. Charles Carr. past president of Lincoln corps of the Woman's Relief Corps, and a member of the Eastern Star and Masonic Home of Rockford, The deceased was the widow of the late William Wilson and the mother of Charles Gale of Fort Wayne, Ind., Burton Gale of Mi|imi, Fla., William R. Wilson of Norwood Park, Chicago, Mrs. Nina King of Columbus, Ohio, and Nellie Wilson and Edith Field deceased. J3he also leaves -an aged mother, Mrs. Sarah Sherburne of'McHenry and several brothers and sisters. Funeral services were held at Rockford on Monday, August 8, 1927, with burial in the family lot at Woodland cemetery, McHenry. The impressive services of the Eastern Star were beautifully given at the grave by members of Rockford chapter, No. 53. Her death leaves a vacancy in th§ Congenial homec ircle but, ' "How sweet and comforthing- the thought That Death begins new life Where the best of Earth grows bright, er And ends all pain and strife. Where the Master stands* with tender hand Bidding us ever to come, Where our loved ones wait with v.elcome warm In our beautiful heavenly home." Representatives from the Eastern Star, the White Shrine, Woman's Relief Corps, the Eastern Star Home and , LoOmis Family Reunion 5tr. "and Mrs. James Perkins and family spent Sunday in the home of Merrill Foss at Woodstock, where they attended a reunion of the A. D. Loomis family. The event was in honor of the seventy-second birthday anniversary of Mr. Loomis, who received the v congratulations of friends through?- .% out the day. Little Miss Dariene Lockwood of this city also celebrated ^ her tenth birthday on the same day as that of her grandfather. BROTHER OF McHENRY MAN DIES AT OTTAWA, ILLINOIS Peter Winkle, brother of Theodore ^ Winkle of this city, died at his home at Ottawa, 111., on Monday morning,. August 8. He leaves to mourn him, three children, his wife having preceded him in death. Mr .and Mrs. Theo. Winkle and son, Leo, Mr. and Mrs, Jesse Wormley and daughter, * Dorothy, and M. N. Winkle left Wednesday morning to attend the funeral. Economic Crime " A low-brow says the greatest economic waste is to kill a perfectly goo£ sheep to make a college diploma.-*' Portsmouth Dally Times. iff MUSIC STUDIO South of McHenry Flour. Mills . Teaching piano and voice. Class opens '< - West McHenry, 111 10 September 1. Enrollment now jthe church accompanied the body of F n R S U F n-- ? Kathryne Deihl, 216 Jefferson IgtJ their friend and comrade to its ftnal j r UK hALb--Oil stoves, one three and Phone 274-J, Woodstock. Ill l0-4 i restin£ P^ce. Six of the ladies from r ' "" " " * -- ! 1__L___L ithe Eastern Star Home were present: RESULTS! ! Mrs. Mary F.. McCabe, Mrs. Nellie k Kent & Company Light, Mrs. Martha Hoberg, Mrs. Hat- Can sell that house! tie E. Kitch, Mrs. Myra L. Gray and Can rent that flat! ° I Mrs. Catherine Allen. Mrs. Gertrude We're Located in Out New Store FOR GOOD EGGS GOOD COFFEE GOOD BUTTER , In fact good things of hundred® of articles. Gome to us. Smith Bros. Phone 17$ McHenry,m one four burner, nearly new.. F.« A. Reeves. River Terrace, McHenry. 10-3* FOR SA^E--Breakfast set, nearly new. Reasonable. Phone 170 or 80-W'. Mrs. A. H. Mosher. 10-tf. Can find a buyer for that land! 18-tf | H. Schreiber, the superintendent of the feastern Star Home, was present nia- Coombs West McHenry State Bank. 51-tf TYPEWRITERS Sales and Servian Repaired and Rentals. Prompt attention to phone calls. Phone 549. L. KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf FOR ALL Sewing Machine and Victrola troubles, call 162. B. Popp, West McHenry. Loose leaf work is a specialty of the Plnindenler job department. BROTHER WILLIAMS It wouldn't take much ter make IFOR SALE--192G Tudor Ford: good AN? JE^LRY; and also two past worthy grand ni ! condition; reasonable. Inquire at ^ <Te™Pus j trons of the order, Mrs. Effie Coom _ _ Fugit on Elm St., McHenry. Mort' "Wat-kins and Mrs. Lottie J. Wiley. The 50-tf i members of the Eastern Star who conducted the ceremony at the cemetery were: Mrs. Alta M. Scheed, worthy matron; Mrs. Elizabeth Hendrickson, 60-tf associate matron; Mrs. Elizabeth M. Davey, conductress; Mjrs. Mary S. Bunde. associate conductress; Mrs. L. E.; S'nimmin, secretary; Mrs. Grace answer that riddle, please do so in! Snow, Electa; Mrs. Effie C. Watkins, next week's paper. jAda; Mrs. Lottie J. Wiley, chaplain. Selling the bonds will not reduce j Others present were: Mrs. Anna Wall the debt one penny but the mOTney re-1 Johnson, president of the Woman's ceived might be spent as foolishly as I Relief Corps, Rockford; Mrs. Mary M. the rest was spent. j Brick, past matron of Rockford chap- The mayor went before the Board • ter and Mrs. Bessie A. Dunning, of Review last week and asked for I Relatives who attended the funeral an increase in property valuation in! were: Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson and order to raise more money to' be spent.' sons of Norwood Park; Mr. and Mrs. How ? | Robert Sherburne and daughter, of I know I will be critcized severely; Albion, Neb.; Attorney and MrS. R. as I was for publishing the other!w- Churchill and daughters of GTaysarticle, but I only ask that the criti-!lake5 Dr, and Mrs. A. H. Churchill, of cisms be signed and published. Oswego, 111.; Mrs. McCuaig and son of The parties that criticized nle most I Chicago; Miss "Edith Field, Mrs. Merfor the other article seemed to be iril1 and Mrs. Miller of Chicago and more interested in what my motives i ^ an^ Mrs- E- J- Mansfield and might be in putting the facts before Flora BeckinP of Woodstock, the taxpayers than they were in get- THE PUBLIC PULSE (All communications for this department must be signed by the writer, otherwise they will not be published. The Plaindealer invites its readers to express their opinions in these columns.) Too Many Butt* in Joke When Peter Campbell of Klaine, Australia, entered bis bachelor quarters he was knocked flat on the floor. Regaining his feet he was knocked down again. Crawling out of the way of danger, he struck a match, andfound facing him .» large ram with a district-wide reputation for butting. Campbell sustained severe bruises and lots of shocks. His door 'was locked when lie'left'home, and the police are looking for the practical joker who opened it to pass in the butter that caused Campbell nearly to pass out. Knew the Othera "You are a traveler; sir/4 said a passenger in a local tra4n, "and perhaps you are familiar with Mudwich?" **Yes," replied the other passenger, "I call there on every trip." "Glad to hear it. I've never been there. Which hotel would you advise ipe to stop at " "The Majestic." '"Do you always go/there?" "No, I've never stopped there, but I re been to all the others."--Los Angeles Times. folks happyefdey wu* mo' reasonable,^,^^ <nd x wil, have lent to than what dey is. _ 'say about the pump deal later, but I McHenry, 111., Aug. 10, 1927. Under the date of July 21, I published a ^letter asking the mayor to answer a few questions regarding the purchase of the pump and also asking him to publish a letter concerning the city finances, and although two issues of the Plaindealer have been put out, as yet no answer has been published. The taxpayers can draw their own Old Trouble don't have a chance when Joy is the bandmaster and strikes up a lively tune. Dar's plenty of Jonahs In de worP today, but they is too much fer de biggest of de Shales ter swaller. Ef you knows whar de next meal is comin' frum, an' you's got a place ter sleep tonight, get in de thankful line. • It don't do some folks any harm to think dey owns de earth.' fer de worl' don't turn roun' ter dispute de question wld 'em. When Joy comes ter see yon, you better be at home, an' don't try ter climb up de chimbly, thin kin' he's a bill collector. "• When you,got Trouble In yo' power' dat's'de time ter finish him, an' not turn him loose, so's yootl have ter hunt him again. : ~ De man wld de bank account don't sleep easier than de po' man. wid jiothin'. Ten ter one, de hank man Is 'fraid his wife will git ter It'fast. --Atlanta Constitution. Ford Size Tires BIG REDUCTION We are overstocked on tires at present and will make a radical reduction, Read this: 29x4.40 Balloons $7 50 30x3% Cords $7.00 30x3 «/2 Red Tube v- •• • $1.50 30x3 Vi Red Oversize Tube.;... $1.75 29x4.40 Tube $1.75 ting the truth. (Signed) JOHN R. KNOX. will pass it up for the time being by asking the members of the City Council and. the mayor to tell all they know about the deal and if they are willing to do that there will be enough said. I am going to publish figures show, -ing the indebtedness. The figures are taken from the auditor's report as of May 1,» 1927,* and carried down to date as near as possible from the information available. Total public benefits, special > assessments against public - property .$39,562.09 Right-of-way bonds Owing on wrecked fire truck Anticipation warrapts to date - Amount due special assessment funds on account of " money being used for other purposes (estimated)... ...;. -6,500.00 Interest due on public b<irifcfits, special assessment, - - bonds, fire truck, antici- ® pation warrants, etc. (e#» timated) 1,500.00 Outstanding bill#' not' paid 4,600.00 7.CCO.SO 2,666.66 15,500.00 Family Reunion --§-; K Str. and Mrs. Gus Satem entertained their children and their families at a reunion at their home on Mill street last Sunday. A chicken dinner was served at noon and the day passed pleasantly for the members of th^ family who were present. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Satem and children, Grant, Dewart and Florence, of Omaha, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. Will Satem and children, Lorraine and Delores, of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Colby and iOdren, Walter, Esther, Chester, Shirley, and Byerl; and Mjss Gertrude Satem, who is in the employ of the State department at Springfield. A son, Walter, of Philadelphia, Pa., was unable to be present at the gathering and Mas. Otis Satem and children of Chicago were also unable to participate in the enjoyable event. - BIRTHS Mr. and Mjrs. George Phalin are the proud parents of a baby girl, born at the Woodstock hospital on Friday, August 5. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Whiting are the happy parents of a baby son, born "Wednesday morning, ^August 10. , Delegate To Convention At a recent meeting of the James B. Perry Fortress of the Daughters of the G. A. R. Mrs. Hattie Howe was appointed as a delegate to the national convention of the #. A. R. at Grand Rapids, Mich., to be held September 12. Bargains in all sizes, both high pressure and balloons. Compare these prices with the mail order hofoe? Note the prices and remember that these are standa^ makes. Buy at home at a LESS Price FORD BATTERIES Guaranteed? Yes! ' $9.00 WALTER J. FREUND West WcHenry, Illinois BARBS 0 Historic Quai D'Orsay Quai DOrsay is tlie <juny or wharf on the south bank'of the River Seine In Par*. Here is situated the buildings of the corps legislate and in particular the - ofliee of the ministry o? foreign affairs. I.fence yie name, Qua! jyOrsay, is jriyen^ to the government ot France, ju<t as the liritish government was once frequently referred to as the government of St. James. Mystery Surrounds Homef Nothing definite is known coneern- /ng Homer, the great epic poet or ancient Greece. He was probably born .near .Smyrna in Asia Minor, but the j, dftte of liis birth, as giveir tjy various ~ «Uthori ties, varies from 11U0 ]B. U. to- TOO R. C. He was probably a wanderag minstrel, and his gre^t works #re he "Iliad" and the "Odyssey." £ :->di .'. Total direct indebtedness, $77,328.76 Amount of debts city can legally contract, not more • than . 31,000.00 No, the lay periodicals are not pool* try magazines. Newly married men are not the only ones who have to eat humble pie.. ^ - • Grow up dumb, young man! YOn may serve your country a a a -Juryman. i. -After a irifite hag done as he pleases, he isn't always pleased -with what lie has done. Vitamines postpone the limit Of man's matu^ito, says a dietitian. Tell your banker about them. Today's definition: Radio 'conmilfeslon-- a group of men who, transfer the growl from the air to the broad- "edsterB/ Amount Indebtedness over legal limit $46,328.7f> Amounts not estimated can be verified from public records. Amounts estimated are figured low and may run' more, {and certainly will not be much- less. , • I note that the City Council lias passed an Appropriation Ordinance, of $54,000 and a Tax Levy Ordinance of $86,000. Last year the legal tax levy was $9,533.05. It would be interesting to know where the difference is coming from. v The present administration has paid bills amounting to over $9,000 for the first three months and there were several thousand dollars worth presented that were not paid. If the city is in debt $77,328.15 and the income irf several thousand dollars Daughters of G. A. K. . The Daughters of the G. A. R. will hold a social meeting at the home of Mrs. L. A. Erickson "on Waukegan SU on Tuesday of "next week. The committee for this meeting will consist of Mrs. L. A. Erickson, Mrs. Mavme Harrison, Mrs. Hattie IIowe and Mrs. P. M. Justen. Members and friends are invited to attend this meeting. Three Years Old Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Marshall entertained at dinner Monday evening in! honor of the third birthday anniversary of their little daughter, Jane. The most attractive part of the table decorations was a beautiful birthday cake, prettily decorated and adorned with candles. Dinner guests were: Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Agnew and children of Mattoon, 111., Mrs. Agness Wentworth, Miss Betty Hahn and Jittle Buddy Halpin. I- ) Herculaneum Treasureg Hercujaueinu laay well l»e the greatest •"K-'id mine" thus far found beneath Italian soil. The objects of classical antiquity which are embedded in Italian soli liavv pannpd out thus lar to be better than any vein of one etver struck elsewhere, because" tliofee objects ol ancient art not only command fabulous " prices from museums or wealthy collectors, ' O. E. S. Invitations The members of McHenry chapter^ O. ftE. S., are invited to attend the official visit of the Worthy Grand Matron, Mrs. Ida M.^Stacy, at Elgin \ j)Ut ^ey are our artistic heritage from those bygone ijay vis; n for som.» centuries there soenis to lmve been in Greek and Hmnan possession a monopoly on the cr^jition af marvelous and beautiful works of glyptic and ceramic art, of architecture, painting and sculpture chapter, Elgin on Friday evening August 12, at ^7:30 o'clock. The members of McHenry chapter, O E. S. are also invited to attend a picnic given by the Masonic Lodge, No. 158, of McHenry at Barnard's JttUljB on Sunday, Aug. 14. lioat Racee Every Sunday The McHenry Boat club is the name of a new organization which will stajfe boat races every Sunday on the Fox River, between McHenry and Johnsburg bridges. These races will start at 2 p. m. standard time. L. Harmon less than the outgo eachJ year, how I of Chicago was the leader in the can the debt be paid off under the I movement for the organization-©#^ the present* management? If anyone can (new club. Reward of Virtmm Is there no reward? Do you seek : a reward greater than doing what Is Just and good? At Olympla you wish . for nothing more, but it seems to you ) enough to be crowned at the games , Does it then seem to you so small and worthless a thing 'to--be-good *ad happy ?--Eplctetus. ( t 7 7 T T T T T Y 7 7 7 7 T T T T T fT Tyt y t fTy T 7 7 7tt t i7 7 7t 7 7f A* Perfection- ... "" t' Laundry, work done by us approaches perfection as nearly ns laundry work can. At least we are satisfying, weekly, nranv of the most Whether you dosire wet wash, hydro (flat Work ironed and folded), ro«#h diy, family finished or service for the individual, 'we are readv to serve you., f T T TT' Ty Tf 7 T T fTt y 7 7 T T 7 7 After you've tired all oth A phone call to 217-J will sweet service"to vour door ,AU Olotbes Washed .4." telephone lis. i pin clean and Water --- Washinton & 0 McHenry

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