THE McHENRY PLAINDE ALER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11,1927 «£• -. •-*^1 • •:-mm f0^0mg fe ^ ' . . jf MCHENRY'S HOME OF AMUSENBIfT "WE CANT PLAY THEM ALL SO WE PlAY THE BEST" SHOWS 7*0-9:00 1 THURSDAY - FRIDAY Augustll-12 ;:ypFo* Sppettal Entitled <g, . * with •':-yv.V; :rr • Madge Bellamy.-^ ' And an. *11 Star Caat »--• SATURDAY . August 13 ^ fom Mix in "THE CIRCUS ACE" . . Cj with BIG TIME VAUDEVILLE And the Comedy "KID GEORGE" SUNDAY August 14 'Matinee 2:30 Prices 10-25 Anna Q. Nilsson 9 in "THE MASKED WOMAN" And the Comedy "BUSTER DON'T FORGET". TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY August 16-17 MICHAEL STR060FP The Big Picture of the Year 6000 in the Cast--Headed by Ivan Moskin Europe's Screen Idol TUESDAY SILK PILLOW NIGHT A Great Show and Real Prizes for the Lucky Ones THURSDAY - FRIDAY August 18-19 'DOWN THE STRETCH' with Marian Nixon WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY As Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In By Our Friends , Edwin M. Boyle spent Thursday at Janes ville. Mat Thelen of Elgin visi&d relatives here Sunday. Lewis Bell of Ringwood visited with friends here last week. Mfrs. Ed Young is spending the week at Milwaukee, Wis. O. G. Treadway of Chicago visited friends here one day last week. Mrs. Mary Meyer of Kenosha, Wis., visited in the Simon Stoffel home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger left Sunday for a motor trip through Minnesota. , • Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Jones of Chi Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monear visited relatives at Solon Mills, Sunday. Mrs. Lizzie Western of Dundee is the guest of M)rs. J. F. Clarton this week. Mayor and Mrs. Peter W, Frett vistied at Fox Lake and WauEegan Sunday. Mrs. George Charmley spent a few days this week at Hebron, where she visited friends. Miss Jean Nellis and mother of 6hi~ cago were Sunday callers in the T. MlcLaughlin home. Mrs. Martha Simmons of Elgin was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Purvey, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Nye and children of Fostoria, Ohio, vistied rela- M. A. Conway was a Chicago visitor Monday. Miss Eleanor Kinsala was a Chicago visitor Monday. Mayor Peter W. Frett was an Elgin visitor Tuesday. Mirs. Laura Kent visited friends in Chicago, Saturday. M. J. Kent was a business visitor at Woodstock Monday. LeRoy Conway and sister, Irene, were callers at Cary, Sunday. ' P. H. Conway spent several days last week visiting at Elgin. Miss Pauline Krueger of Elgin spent the week-end with relatives here. I Mirs. Williams of Chicago is the guest of Mrs. Stephen Hehner this week. Charles Peterson and August Guhr of Chicago spent Sunday with their families at MjcCollum's Lake. Mi-, and Mrs. Walter Gielow and baby daughter, John Gielow and sons, Edwin and Ralph, of Chicago spent Sunday at the Peterson cottage, on McCollum's Lake. Mr. adn Mrs. Richard B. Walsh and little son of Evanston spent several days this week in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh, where Mr. Walsh fs recuperating Robert Taylor is spending the week from an operation for the removal of at Clinton, Iowa, where he is visiting ! his tonsils. relatives. tives here last week. Norbert Lofy of Detroit, vistied in i and family visited at Kenosha, Wis., the home of Mr. and Mors. George Sunday. Wirfs, last Thursday. $ j Miss Celia O'Donne'l of Elgin was a Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wrede of Chi-*' guest in the M. A. Conway home on cago spent the week-end at the home j Saturday. of their parents here. Miss Emma Thelen of Chicago spent Miss Margaret Meyer of Kenosha. I Sunday at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs Wis., spent several days last week in;.Charles Pich. ; the Simon Stoffel home. •- '• j Miss Hilda Weber of Evanston is Mr. and Mrs. John Sauers and sons! spending her two weeks' vacation with cago visited relatives here one day j of Chicago were guests of Mrs. Agnes' relatives here. recently. " v \^ntworth Sunday. * j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pich and fam- Miss Florence Carey spent several Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Murray of Gc ily of Chicago spent the week-end at days last week as the guest of Elgin neva, 111., were Sunday" guests in the their cottage here. . relatives. < McLaughlin home last week. I Mir. and Mrs. Vorhees. of Beloit, Mr. find Mrs. JohnMcMann and sog, Mrs.. Linus Newman spent several Wis., are •visiting" their "cousin, Mrs. of Chicago spent the week-end with days last week in Chicago ^here she^Culver, this week. -- , relatives here;'" > 'relatives and friends. i Mrs. S. C> Harper of Ghicago is! "omens clubs of Chicago. Mr. and Mirs. George H. Johnson' i ENJOYABLE EVENING AT PISTAKEE YACHT CLUB Mrs. Harry Hoff turned time back in its flight and made us children again just for Saturday night. The Pistakee Yacht club is indebted to her for an Unique and delightful entertainment given under her able direction by the third generation of summer residents. The little ones surprised even those closest to them with their ability as entertainers. Everyone Who Hs associated with Mrs. Hoff knows htiw tireless are the efforts she puts into her undertakings, which is perhaps the reason for her being the popular president elected to succeed herself .--of- <©ne of the, largest Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Greunfeld of She is Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kaufman of Rock-' spending a few weeks in the cottage | probably as good a vote prettei- as hoi ! v- • _ _ «. •* ' father^ .w..hLo-rs ej' politicali a_ b1 i• 1li • tA.y she th as apparently inherited and as" good a promoter as her husband, who is fortunate in having her, help. Anyone who has ever attempted staging an Chicago spent the week-end with rel- ford were Sunday guests in the home' of, >irs. Mary Kelley. 4 atives here. ' of Mr. and Mrs.* N. E., Barbian. ! Mrs. Kate Townserid of Wisconsin Mr. and Mrs. George Young and Mrs^ Stanley and daughter', Yvohne, Rapids was a guest in the Albert family of RingWood were recent. of 'Chicago were week-end guests in Purvey home Tuesday. callers here. ' the home of Ms\ and "Mrs. J. Perkins.! Mi s. Hannaman of Beloit, Wis., was Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward of WillGarlow and Ed Kiiehl of Gen- a guest in the home of Mrs. Culver | entertainment in the summer, know? Elgin visited in the home of M. A. esee Depot, Wis., were-Sunday guests the first of the week. j the difficulty in holding interest suf- Conway Saturday. - in the , home of Mr. and Mi«s. - P. W. r Mrs. Ellen Ensign Is spending the j ficiontly to bring any such effort to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thelen artd Frett. • • ;. week • visiting relatives'and friends'at * successful conclusion. That this was children of Chicago spent the week- Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler attended Woodstock and Greenwood. • appreciated was proven by the volley end at McHenry. a picnic at the cottage of Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. Judas Butzon and sons'!'0* »PPl»use' for Mirs. Hoff and the Mass ^Jelle and Avis Carey of Elgin Mrs. W. C. Besley at Lake Geneva on of Chicago'.were Suhday guests -of!, unstintod praise of the audience at the are spending several days here as the Sunday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Charles "Pich. J conclusion of the program. ^ guests of relative's. . " Miss) Jennie Hamfnerstrom of"Oak' Miss Lois Baumcrarten of Naperville; _ was a black and white night. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walsh and Park spent several days this week £s is spending several days this week as '• Stage costumes and audience, all conchildren of Long Lake, vistied rela- a guest in the home of Miss Ruth the guest of Miss Adeline Perkins. formed to the color scheme. The open - tives here Wednesday. Kent. I Mrs. George Wagner of Waukegan J ,n£ ehorus consisted of Betty Wilcox. John Reihansperger of West Chica- Mr. and Mrs. Julius Keg returned is spending the week in the home-of iJane Erickson. Joan Smith. Margaret go. vistied in> the home of his son. home the first of the week from a her daughter, Mrs. Frank Rosing. . ' ! Oshorg. Vrrglnia Torcum, Jane Lun- Charles and family, Tuesday. V two weeks" moto_r trip through Wis- j' Sirs. Helen '•McAUli.ffe of Chicago' 'J^h'. Babette SchiHo and Catherine „ Mr. and JArs. George Hoelscher and co'nsirt. was a Sunday guest iif the home ofdeox who sang popular songs, and son. Robert, of Wheaton spent Sun-. Mr. and Mrs? Walter Fay and th^ her daughter. Mrs. Walter Brooks. !were dressed as sailors. Then fd-> day in the M. A. Sutton home. 7 latter's . mother, Mrs. Anna Coxr--ef Fr:'„ George Holdrith and Fr. Jtfhn •'owo<* the little tot^ in rn extremely Mrs. Margaret Gill is of Woodstock Elgin visited in the John Fay honfe on Margraf of Notre Dame \were guests.' amusing number of 'Me. Too. The.-*' was a Sunday guest in the home of Sunday. in the "M. A. Conway home Sunday.», were \ irginm Erickson. • Caroline Nelher sister. Mrs. Peter DohertV. • Mrs. Charles- Loom is aifU Franklin Misses Gert ie and Katie Weber • S0!V ^^O'lji^Pnissittg,. Dorothy. Pru«- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buss and daughter Lacey of Chicago spent the week-end vistied in the home of Mr. and Mrs. s'»g, Jean Marie Ericsson, Bet*.v Jane - pent one evening last waelcut the in the home of Mr. and Mr?. James 5ake Mijler at Z<>n(la, Wris., Tuesday..Lonune . Qibnex, Betty. George Young home at Ringwood. . Perkins. ^ . V f r Mr*. John S. Freund and daughter,'! Solamon, -Karhara Buehler, \ irgima Miss Elizabeth Miller returned home Mr. and M!rs;. L. B- Comp'ton .of " of Woodstock vi'cre Sunday' guests inj Prather .and, Violet Tine. the first of the week from an enjoy- W oodstock were guests in the home • the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. _*ricK-'. There were specialty songs and able motor trip through Wisconsin. of their daughter, Mrs-Albert Purvey, els. * j dances by Karlin« W i!r*ox and \ irgima Mr. and Mrs. J. Chester Vastine Tuesday. were over Sunday guests at the John Fay, Jr., feceived *vord last-Crystal- 'Lake were. jjkmday^Uesta in vV ' " '.Jfiv .«Ai|:'.MiW'^£e^u^-i--Loi% -^fl-Xorcum, a child of whom much may Vastine cottage at McCollum's Lake. ] week' that he had successfully passed the holhe «f Mrv^nd-Mrs. Peter Doh Prccoc'ous mus'ca^ attainments. service examination FARMERS ASK BOARD FOR REDUCTION IN VALUATIONS The McHenry County Board of Review will hold a hearing at the court house in Woodstock at 8 o'clock Friday evening to consider the matter of thd changes in the revaluation of farm lands in MJcHenry county. The meeting is called at the request of a delegation of farmers who called on the Board of Review Monday, asking for a reduction in the valuation of farm lands. The delegatiort represented eleven of the seventeen townships in the county.' J. C. Watson, an authority on tax matters of the Illinois Agricultural association, will present the claims of the farmers Fridays evening. All taxpayers, particularly those until Saturday night of this week. Prices of shoes during this sale hsn been below wholesale prices. Tate advantage of this opportunity to boy shoes between now and Saturday n i g h t . : . . . . n cwiuiuvi or The death rate in the United Htats# from tuberculosis has fallen from to 90 per 100,000 during tbe past twenty years, which eaused a great savins nf valuable lives and suffering IXJ'IAi Jupt - Bald Knob Hotet> and Summer Resort < interested in farm lands, are invited^ t*A7 . _ to attend this meeting. iNfltUrC S P(lYCldis£f9 Economy Shoe Sale T. G. Rhodes, Jr., reports that the August shoe sale which, started last Saturday in his Consumers Economy Store on Green street has proven a. large success. The sale will continue R. E. Johnson, Prop. Pistakee Lake PC 0- McHenry' IB. (Copyrlgtit 192? by R. E. Johnson.) EDM INS BACK We figure this way: The man v . who gets a better Used Car than he believed it possible to get, is coming back some day for a new Dodge Brothers Car. JAMES MORROW & SOH Waukegan and West McHenry ~ . A U5E-D CAR IS ONLY AS DE-PE-NOABLCr AS THE- D&ALE-R WHO 5E-LL5 IT be exacted in the future for her One Mr. and Mrs. "fcvslcy Guffey of j his civil service examination for erty: ^ ; of the mo<t commendable numbers was Western Springs visited in the home typist. , Misse - .Winifred"- Tetlow and Avis ®lven •'>* Babette Schulo. who sang of Mr. and Mrs. Martin N. May S.un- Mrs. Vaneimeran of South Mil- Carey of' Elgin are guests in the,ant^ danced the 'Black Bottom to day. " waukee spent Thursday as a guest in home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L Overton orchestra accompaniment, and who dis James J. Boyle of Rogers Park the home of Mr. and Mrs. George this week. .. played more than ordinary self-po» spent Sunday with his wife and Wirfs. Mr and Mrs. C. J. Agnew and chil- scss,°" rhythm of movement, dren, who are spending several weeks Miss Adeline Perkins .returned home dren of Mattoon are spending several! Jackie Hanng, the only boy on the here. ' the last of the week, after spending • weeks in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J ! sanK Marie, I Love Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wrede of" three weeks visiting friends in Chi- J.Marshall. You ' in a good voice and original de- Austin spent the week-end at the eago. '! Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Fisher andj'iv®yy* . . . foi-mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin en- daughter, Mrs. A1 Giese, of Elgin! The^ orchestra as late in arriving, Wrede. joyed a motor trip to Madison and spent Sunday as guests at the Charles i "lan^s 0 the assi» ance of that Mr. and Mrs, Joe Wegener and her ; other points of interest in Wisconsin Pich cottage. | clever young mation, Mrs. A. D. daughter left this week for a trip to iast week. j Mrs. Spencer Ward of Hogans- J'lamondon, and the popular FHumphrey, Neb., where they will visit Gf Chicago spent the week-end in the {burg, N, Y., is spending two weeks as Laokowski, as well as little Betty relatives. home of their mother, Mrs. Agnes i a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs.;^'1^ ** accompanists, the program Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pich and Wentworth. " I J. D. Beatty. j was given as smoothlj- as one would daughters; Anna and Marie, of Chi- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Duke; and fam- Miss Anna Stock, Miss Eleanor j exPect under Mrs Hoff s leadership, cago spent the week-end at their cot- iiv, with their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Phalin, Mrs. Walter Walsh and Mrs. Dancmfir 'oHo^ed, where girls asked tage here. j W. I. Duker of Goshen, Ind., were in ^Albert Purvey were Crystal Lake ..mfn v.t?^,ance. since it was Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ko8lm,an and ; Chicago ,Tuesday. ; : visitors Saturday. ^ , Udies Nighty Jhere was also family of Racine, Wis., were Sunday Mrs.. Stanley Warrington, daugh- Mrs. Peter J. Freund of Woodstock m,, . putting m, according to the quests in the hoifie of Mr. and Mrs. ter, Gladys, went to Chicago Wednes-! and niece and nephew of Racine, Wis., j10 cus ojn- e may Simon Stoffel. , % day where they spent a few days visited the former's mother, Mrs.'^ iff™ m T P Oswald Koll and daughter. Eva. and visiting friends • Bonslett Tuesday. ^ "oar ^tu,f fro™,th'8 John Sweeney of Chicago visited in Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin of Mrs. George Kuhn went to Chicago ",n^ th.ey show(>d the Walter Brooks home on Waukegan Ringwood spent Sunday in the home Wednesday, where she will spend beautv ^ ever^on* ls a street Sunday. of their sister and brother,^Thomas J remainder of the week visiting rela- - William Vastine,, Jr., and Miss und Kate McLaughlin. 'tives and friends. Estelle WTitteman of Chicago were Gordon Fryer visited at the J. FJ ' The Misses Katherine and Margaret Sunday guests at the ^Vastine cottage Claxton home last week eirroute on a Beatty of New York are spending at McCollum's Lake. motor trip from his home in Ohio to; two weeks in the home of Mr and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Marshall .and Doland, South Dakota. ! Mrs. J. D. Beatty. * Bend Tribune daughter, Marilyn, of Chicago were j Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newmari spent! Mr. and Mrs. Gene Zoia and Missj callers in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Fiiday and Saturday at St. Charles, j Mary Zoia of Woodstock spent Sun- A. I. Froehlich Wednesday. where they visited in the home of Mr. | day in the home of Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McPherson and Mrs. J. L. Engstrom. Peter Doherty. of Rogers Park have returned U) their Mr. and Mr,s. Gerald Newman .en- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmidt and summer home at McCollum's Lake, joyed a motor trip to Madison and ] Albert, Jr., and Mrs. Vollbrecht of after several weeks' absence. j through the southern part of Wiscon-I Chicago spent Saturday in the Schies- Mrs. John Claxton and daughters,1 sin the last part of the week. I sle and Weber home Bring ThemHere Films Developed and Printed 24'Hour Service ^ Poor Ritk About the worst Insurance risk of ; all is the Innocent Wfttander.--Great /* . . " Thomas P. Bolger The McHenry Druggist JNSV k:: erfma :i AMONG THE SICK Evelyn Smith, daughter of Mrs. Roy Smith, went to the Victorv Memorial hospital at Waukegan the last of the week where she underwent an operation for the removal of her •tonsils, Saturday. She is now at home and has recovered nicely" Arthur Hoppe, son of Mrs. He_, Hoppe, who resides on a farm west of town, suffered a badly broken leg on Thursday of last week. The yoiinj; man was riding his jjony after the cows when the horse slipped and fell catching his rider beneath him, resulting in the broken leg. Because it was so badly swollen it was impossible to put the leg at once into a cast and : the injured member has been causing the patient a "good deal of discomfort. Miss Marcella Kennebeck returned tOf her home last Friday from the Victory Memorial hospital at Waukegan, where she underwent an opt^ation some time ago. "Mrs. Peter Engeln is still at the West Side hospital Chicago, whiere she underwent an operation on "Tuesday of last week. She is recovering nicely. 4 William Casper is ill at the home of his sister, Mirs. R. L. Howard on Center street. . " Miss Genevieve Glosson has returned to her home from St Anthony's hospital in Chicago, where she was oeprated on a "few weeks ago, --- Mrs. Henry Foss and Mrs. John Dreymiller, called on Mrs. Lulu Hakes at Woodstock last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Margaret Hitchcox and daughters, Gladys and Bernice, of Rockford Mrs. Henry Kennebeck and son John 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kennebeck were and daughter, Mrs. Peter A. Freund, I Waukegan visitors last Wednesday. Miss Helen Weber visited friends in- Chicago last week. \ Mr. and Mrs. Phil Thomas are living at the Chamberlin home during their, ertyville visited in the home of M. A. Conway and family Saturday. Mrs. James Callahan and daugh-! ters Mildred and Kathleen and Mrvisted Miss Marcella Kennebeck at the Waukegan hospital last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Duker and famare spending the week in the home of; ily of Goshen, lnd., spent several days the former's sister, Mrs. Nellij Bacon.; this week in the home of the former's ^ absence. The Chamberlin family is Mr. and Mrs. Paul Esser and chil- brother, C. H. Duker, and family. | enjoying a vacation in Michigan. dren and Mrs. R. J. Dunne of Chicago! Mr. and Mrs. Sam Frazer and sons! *Mr. and Mrs. James Conway and are spending several weeks at the j Mrs. J. W. Rotherniel and children Dr. and Mrs. Harold Betzer of Lib- Charles Kling cottage at McCollum's j went to Chicago Wednesday, where Lake. - J they will spend the remainder of the John Bolger, who was a delegate toweek visiting relatives and friends. the national Knights of Columbus con- j Leonard Phillips of New York City, v*ntion-at Portland, Ore., returned1 who is a former resident of McHenry, and Mrs. Francis Callahan of Chicago Sunday evefting, after a very pleasant. called on friend^ here last week while were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.; trip. . i'on a motor trip to Yellowstone Park. Peter Doherty. „ Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward, Missj Robert Minton left the first of the! Mr. and Mrs. S. W- Ehlscheid and Minnie Conway, Jean Convav and i week for his home at Indianapolis^ af- j family, Mrs. Astieren and Mrs. Fred Miss Irene Conway of Elgin spent; ter spending two weeks in the home of | Gervens motored out from Chicago, Wednesday evening in the hotae of ' Mr. and Mrs. A." E. Nye and other | and spent Tuesday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Doherty. 'relatives here. I Mrs. Laura Kent. Mr. and Ma^s. R. M. Wienke and' George Meyers and Mrs. William! Mrs. Josephine Heimer, Mrs. John family from Chicago and Mrs. Art Marshall and family spent ^Sunday at | Schuenamann, Mrs. Harry <Durland Fowler and Miiss Pauline Kennebeck,: Forest Park, where they visited Mrs ! and Mrs. J. H. Miller motored to Park also of Chicago spent the week-end at1 John Montgomery; who is ill with j Ridge Wednesday, where they visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ken- ! blood poisoning. ' " j jn the John Busslee home. nebec-k. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Murray and] George Dibler, daughter, Marilyn Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sherburne and daughter, Cerquita, and MrsT^Marian ; Lillian, Mrs. Laura Kent and daughdaughter cf Albion, Neb.. Miss Lucy Wagner of Geneva, 111., were Sunday | ter, Ruth, and Miss Jennie Hammerstrom of Oak Park spent Thursday at Lake Geneva and Twin Lakes. Mrs. Minnie Hutson, who has re-; cently returned from Belleview,- Fla., j and her daughter, Mrs. Earl Smith, of j 3~ Ffve Hundred Party |£iss Clara -Schiessle and Mrs, P. ,2|» Weber entertained a few friends at their home on Main street on Tuesday evening of last week. Five hundred furnished the entertainment for the evening with the "first .prize being "won by„ Mrs. Josephine Heimer. second by Mrs. Emma Freund and the consolation by Mrs. Henry Kinsala. Those present were: Miss Katie and Gertie Weber. Mrs. Josephine Heimer, Mrs. N. J. Justen, Mrs. Henry Kinfiala. apd .Mra. Emma Freund. ,. . Hall and brother, Clark, cf Woodstock, guests in the home of Thomas and Mrs. Flora Colby of Portland, Ore., Kate McLaughlin. Mrs. Agnes Kerns and son. Ira, of Misses Clara Barbian, • Berteel Demin^.. "N. M., v ere 'rc-cent visitors Spencer, Katherine Walsh,, Pender in the Sherburne home in McHenry. Walsh and Mrs. George Hermansen Mr. and Mrs. Hart and children and; enjoyed a-motor trip and Outing to j Woodstock visited in the home of Mr. Mr. and MJrs. Ed McCormick and ; Powers Lake and Lake Geneva, Wis., I and Mrs. Wr. A. Sayler, Tuesday, children. Mrs. Gertrude Schaefer and Tuesday. , ' I Mrs. Mary Schumacher of Los son, Joe, of Chicago and Idyl Dell cot-1 Mr. and M!rs. Robert Sherburne and Angeles, Cal., who has been- visiting tage on Fox River, spent Tuesday at! daughter returned to their home at j relatives here for the past three $he home of Mr. and M"rs. J. Miller at Albion, Neb., Tuesday morning, after weeks, left last week for Kenosha, -Senda, Wis. speeding a few days visiting in the Wis., wheye she will visit relatives. "The Oaks," Charles A. Dalstrom's home of the former's mother,' Mrs. j Miss |*illian Freund is enjoying a summer home at McCollum's Lake was ' Sarah Sherburne. " [two weeks' vacation from her duties the scene of ajnerry gathering Sun-: Mr. and Mrs. George Wirfs and j at the Claire Beauty Shop. ~She is day, June 7, when the .Misses Myrtle daughter, Marguerite, and friend of visiting friends in Chicago and Michiand Marion Dalstrom were hostesses Grayslake in company with Mr. and j gan and is accompanied on, her trip to the following guests,: Mr. and Mrs. Mrs Lloyd Roderick of Woodstock f by her sister, Mrs. Newell of Chicago. Qlaf "-Olson, "who are summering at Antioch, Mr. and Mrs. F. U. Carlborg of Evanston, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. motored to Slinger, Wis.,, where they I Miv and Mrs. Frank Rosing and spent the week-end. ! fafnily spent Satuitiay and Sunday at: Wrilliam Martin is now traveling as: Chicago, where they visited in the Johnson, sons, Roland and Stuart, salesman for the Priscilla magazine, home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cronin. Oscar Peterson, Miss Margaret Peter-! Mr. and Mrs. John McHugh and They also visited Mrs. Peter W. son, Mrs. A. Nelson, Chester Nelson, j children of Cincinnati, Ohio, are visjt-1 Engeln at the West Side hospital, Alex Schott, Mr,, and Mrs. Harold; ing in the home of Mrs. McHugh's j where she Is recovering froni an op- .§chott„and son^{^.Cbica^^..^ w„ ^pareitfs, Mr.!, and Mrs. John McEvoy. [ eration. V COME TO THE ANTIOCH AMERICAN LEGION POST FIRST ANNUAL SUMMER F E S T I V A L 3 BIG NIGHTS FRIDAY--SATURDAY--SUNDAY August 19, 20, 21 ANTIOCH PALACE $500 in Prizes to be Awarded Girls from Antioch and the Lake Region will enter this contest with two objects in view, the $500 in prizes and the chance of entering the big contest in Waukegan. Who will be Miss Antioch? , "fHOCEEDS GO TO ANTIOCH POST BUILDING FUND AMUSEMENTS OF ALL KINDS AT THE PAVILION EACH NIGHT