Tw»^ l} m^"-w I HE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER .; • ^ *•>";* , * Tj ••V'.KK.-.: . ••• •. v& ' • : - "T-* v ' V VOLUME 53 McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1927 No. UE M'HENRY Ifl HAVE NEW RESIORIUM PART OF HANLY ESTATE IS PURCHASED I^QNDREDS WELCOMED ON OPENING DAY l ire Green Street Merchants Show New Rooms To Visitors Saturday August 20 Saturday, August 20, proved to, be a history maker in the annals of McHenry as it marked the opening of five of Green street's business houses in new buildings and new show rooms. "the number of visitors registered during the day and evening was most satisfactory to the proprietors of the several concerns who greeter their guests and showed their new rooms and equipment. Everything wa£ in gala attite for the day, the beautiful new show windows were decorated most attractively and large baskets of flowers presented by friends added to the appearance of the stores. Favors were ^iven out to ladies and gentlemen and even the kiddies were remembered and flowers and balloons were the order of the day. The first room at the north of the new Carey building is occupied by Smith Brothers, who carry a full line of dry goods and groceries." They report about BOO visitors during the, day who were presented with flowers or cigars/ r- ; -- Next door to the south is located the men's store of Rav McGee with BOY SCOUTS RETURN FROM WISCONSIN CAMP Idek Conceived By M. H. Detrick-- Will Accommodate 200 Patients . At One Time Fifty acres of the old Hanly estate, at the edge of the city of McHenry and within the corporation limits, owned by M. H. Detrick, has been purchased as the site for the McHenry Restorium, which will be one of the most modern and largest of its kind in existence. - ) Mr. Detrick at several times having been a patient in institutions of this kind in various parts of the country, conceived the idea that McHenry was an ideal place for an institution of this kind. Upon his return to McHenry he had mud taken from a part of the land now-owned by the Restorium, analyzed and the report returned was that the mud was as good as any and superior to the product used In most sanitariums. » Mr. Detrick at once surrounded himself with business and professional men and thus the nucleus of the present corporation was formed. The new and modern fixtures throughout Restorium is particularly adapted for'and attractive show windows displaythe care of patients who do not get ing all the late models^ Mr- ^fcGee | Fourteen McHenrv Bovs End Enjoy - the utmost results from general entertained about 500 visitors during r able Week at Plra&nt Lake - hospital care--conditions such a? the day who were presented with, Sundav rheumatism in its various forms, high flowers while the men were especially; * blood pressure, Brights disease, dia-(favored with cigars and-leather key Fourteen Boy Scouts of this city betes, obesity, auto-intoxication, heart holders. - j returned to their homes last Sunday, diseases, etc. One more door to the south, in theater spending a most enjoyable week Most Modern Equipment same new building, is located the' camping at the McHenry County Boy The equipment of the new Reetorium j Carey Electric Shop, carrying a full; Scout camp at Pleasant Lake, Wis. is to be the most modern. Nothing: lint? of electrical appliances. Souvenirs; The week was a busy one for the boys will be overlooked or omitted in thel-were presented to about 400 visitors J wj,0 at this time became initiated into purchase of apparatus to aid in [ during the opening day. j the mysteries of camp life. diagnosis and treatment. The X-ray I Across the street from this building, From 6:30 in the morning until 9:30 rooms will be equipped with the most j is situated the Nobby Style Shop in]3t night everyone is kept busy. Start- ' modern as well as powerful X-ray in i the new Walsh building, which is a jng with the morning dip and continu- - America,'opei-ating three high-power- for women ami children. The until taps Everyone had an oped tubes at one time. • (owners. Mesdames Bar-bian and Freund poVtunity to study scout craft, play To this department also t>elbng3 the (received about 350 visitors, who were some and work a little. diathermy, electric cabinets, electric' gi '-eh flowers and souvenirs. Water activities, supervised by an tubs, ultra violet ray (both water and | Up m the corner to the north the ^ expert, and athletics, consisting of sAt cooled), as well as other forms cflold established firm of Jacob Justen: baseball, volley ball and other games radiant light and heat. The modern j & Sons received their share of visitors.! made up the recreation periods, hydro-therapeutic department will, The large building has been complete- M -Jl Jit in "i,i 'm, Oib*o>fer)pg AMERICAN LEGION fIRE FUND DRIVE Another Fund Started By Harvard'! Contribution For Injured Firemen Response during the past week lulled considerably in spite of the fact .that this fund lacks $2,000 of accomplishing its purpose. The McHenry Fire Department is making plans and arrangements to stage a carnival in the city park ove* Labor Day. The receipts of this affair are to be used to swell the fire fund. It is hoped that money derived from this source and additional contributions will complete the objective of the fire fund and make it possible to purchase, the truck and equipment REPAIR CONTRACT LET FOR OLD DAM MATTHEWS TONYAN CO. GETS JOB STATE'S ATTORNEY ASKS CONTINUANCE OF LIQUOR AND SLOT MACHINE CASES Defendants Will Appear For Sentence On Wednesday Morning. August SI With a eoint rtW>m crowded ^with WORK PROGRESSING ON CEMENT ROADS Cement Pouring Starts on Last Gap in Route 20. East of Fox River Bridge Two of the popular routes leading from McHenrv are now closed with detour signs directing traffic to other -roads. One of these routes is the road j- Jto,; Ringwood past the cemeteries.! which is closed btvause work has al-1 ready commenced on the road north of • town to be known as Route 61. Also , Mayors of Cities In Fox River Valley To Meet In McHenry . Sunday A meeting of the Fox Rirer Community Protective association was. held in,the city hall on Sundpy, Aug. 21, at 10 o'clock at which time all - who were interested in the Fox River dam location were urged to be present. 1 ...... , The proposition of entertaining (he that our community is sadly in need ^ mayors and civic organizations of °'\ „ , • ' the towns along the river on Sunday, A letter from the fire department August 28. was arranged for and of the city of Harvard, was received; petitions were signed in readiness to last week, in which a check for twenty ; send to the proper federal departdollars was enclosed and specifying; ments protesting against the locat&n that this money be used for the benefit; Qf the new proposed dam * of the injured firemen. This money, Everything possible i, being done to is deposited in a separate fund that: win the support of our political is being called the American Legion j leaders in our behalf and letters have Injured Firemen Fund. Contributions ; been printed by the association for may be made and directed by the con- the com'enience of its members who tiibutor to be deposited into this fund desire to send them personally to which will ,be used only for...the bene.;of ^ politicians of this locality, fit of the injured firemen. . j These letters have been addressed to Past contributions made to the fire influential men. representatives and fund were more or less an expression senators including. Reed. Deneen, of self preservation and protection for Madden. -Rathhone and manv others [ one's property, whereas contributions who can this caupe W(? bot that will be made into the new In- i eniist {hoir support. As the federal jured Firemen s Fund will be an ex- appi-oval is necessary before a new pression of gratitude and appreciation dam mav be placed /n the Fox Rive" for the services and sincere efforts of at Nippersink. these appeals will be the individual members of the• volun-: sent out to the federal representatives teer fire department. . from the Chicago district requesting Contributions to botn funds may ; ^at the representatives oppose Will Repair Old Dam when he asked for a continuance invthe various liquor and slot machines violation cases set for hearing that day before Judge Charles Allen. State's Attorney Pouse stated his reason to the court and the cases were continued until August 31. Special investigators from the McWeeney _ On Thursday a Scout Field Day and j Investigating Agencies employed by have elaborate equipment for giving | ly remodeled presenting a most at- ^ater carnival was held at which time j the state's attorney were unable to mud baths, hot baths, sulphur baths,: tractite appearance and giving ample many Qf the parents from McHenry hot packs, exercise as well as massage I room for the large line of furniture i y^ted the boys. Swimming contests, (Swedish, etc.). These will be given | which this firm carries. About 400 pOje and canoe fights, fancy diving, people State's Attorney A. H. Pouse! Route 20- oast ?f this city,'is.closed to .exploded a l>omb Monday morning' traffic w"bile cement is laid on the by trained attendants as prescribed by the medical staff. On the upper floor will be located visitors were accommodated here and presented with useful souvenirs. In the evening a Vital vacuum cleaner two modern operating rooms, one for | was given away to M. J. Petrie and Uajor surgery, the other forc throat smoking stands were also given to surgery and dental surgery. The sur-> John M. Phalin, Martin Weber, ^ea" geons operating in these rooms will: nor Conway, Mrs. Silas Swales, Mrs. be men of ability, many having nation-j Frank Schriener, and Mrs. Marie al reputations as specialists in certain kinds of surgery done by them. Dr. Froehlfch Medical Director The medical staff, while a long way from completion, will consist of men Thurnes. races, contests, and Scout-craft tests made up the program of the day. The enrollment for the week was made up from McHenry, Harvard, Woodstock and Crystal Lake and was the final week of the camp for this season. testify and for that reason the cases wer# continued. At the first hearing of the cases short stretch of road Which has bothered motorists for several years. The E. H. Merrick company started to pour cement on this stretch this week and if the work progresses at all favorably it will only be- a short time before Route 20 is completed. The fill at the east end of the Fox- River bridge is completed and will be required to settle for some time1 before the concrete can be poured. The retaining walls at the west end of the bridge are completed and as soon as made by check to J. W\ W orth. chair- approval. man, to the West McHenry State Bank, or the Fox River Valley State,, ^ - Bank. Publication of donors to either . The -Mfltthews-Tgnjan c< mpany has fund will continue as in the past. \***n granted the contract for tte ro- Last week's contributions: Fire FunJ^ Charles Pich Ed Moleman Edw Trostrud John E. Sloan ... Mrs. Elizabeth Kennebeck Walter J. French Previous pair wo>k oil the old da:;; which is ! situated about th ee miles south of , | 5 00 McHenry, for whkh $ 10.000 ha - • g.OO appropriated by the state. New gates "10 (50 ^ will be-placed-on the locks at r icher 10.00 • tlu" 'lani a:Kl b°lP5= >n the niaih S.00 structure will be temporarily repaired; Mayors To Meet Here Sunday - ' j Opposition to the proposed iron- $ 40.00 i ftructi-on of another dam across Fcx 2.550.50 ~*-iver will probabjy reach, its climax' . at the me< "ng of the Fox Valley heard before Judge Allen two weeks , lJie-v bave se, tied properly the fill at. SHA-LI-MAR LOTS ARE MEETING WITH QUICK SALE MYSTIC WORKERS GIVE ! Kent & Company announce that PREFECT FAREW ELL PART (thirty-four lots have been sold in -- - The members of the Mystic Workers, gha-li-Mar, the subdivision beautifuIT national and international reputa- j were entertained at the home of Mrs. j to 10 0.cl0ck Wednesday forenoon, tion. Dr. A. I. Froehlich of McHenry Agnes Wentworth on Thursday ®ven": and fifteen others have placed deposits has taken considerable interest and ing of last week, the event being i submitted references has been very helpful in the preliminary work prior to the erection of this institution. He will be active as medical director when the Restorium opens to the public. Work on the institution will start immediately. The cost of the building which is 220x100 feet, including equipment, landscaping, etc., will probably run close to half a million dollars. t Other institutions visited, which i Eleanor Kinsala. planned as a farewell party for the j beautiful subdivision is highly Prefect of the society, Mrs. Ada cobb.; pg^^t^ and wjH be limited to people The party also proved to be a complete surprise to the guest of honor, who was presented with a gift from the members of the society. Cards and bunco were played during the evening with first prize at cards going to P. ago the majority of the violators1 pleaded guilty and it was announced at that time that thv sentence would be passed August 22. However, Judge Allen stated that although a number of pleas of guilty were entered on the books the court would sooner have evidence presented in each case, before sentence was passed. Court Makes Statement "If evidence is presented it will give the court a better, idea of what punishment to deal out," said the court. "As it stands now the cases the west end will be commenced. ANNIVERSARY SALE AT WEST McHENRY STORES *Fotal • $2,590.50 mayors m ne t Sun iay. Inju^'iFWirtenV, Fluid . Mpetir? at ^e Hunter pier at Fo* Citv of Harvard. 111. ....$20.00 River at 10 oclock bunu.iy mining • - _ the mayors and city officials will FORMER HIGH SCHOOL i make a tour of insertion in the lako STUDENT M ARRlF.r : i'«.-?ion to se urt- f:.-3t.-hand inferma- • -.Howard Vernon Smith, son of Mr. • tion concerning the water levels, and Mrs. J. D. Smith, of Urbana. 111... riaurea.will b<? presented to show tnat H. Weber, while the second prize was won bv Mrs. Henry Kinsala and the all appear alike and the punishment would have to be the same," he con- issue of The Plaindealer. tinued. "Some of the violators might j A year ago Messrs. Justen and Alin comfortable circumstances and high have been selling whiskey, moonshine j thoff opened their preseijt places of, class character and its list of owners will read like the social register. Sha-li-Mar was purchased last week by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sterling from the Streuh estate and is a show place Special sales in two of West Mi- j #nd Miss Marf?aret Louise Cammack-the present dam. if lepaired, k -uf Henry's business houses are schedule.!; ^ Tuscon Arizona were married at. ficient for the control of water levels for Friday and Saturday of this weekly homo of the bride's parents at St.; throughout the lake and rivor rtghn, to celebrate the first anniversary of pauj jnjnn _ Qn August 16, 1927. Mr.! both above and below the dam. The the opening of these new business grijth has many relatives and friends figures will be submitted by various in this vicinity, having been bom and 1 cities affected b> the propose*! new raised at Smiths Corners near Ring] dam and vill show that construction wood He attended the McHenrv high ! of an additional dam is both unnecesmg the reader a list oft the bargains! schoo, and wag a ?raduate of the Uni- .wry and a needles expenditure <*f to be found in these stores on the two j ve .stiv of Illinois. Mr. Smith and hi?! P"blic money. days appear m another part of this bride *are both teaohers in the University of Arizona at Tuscon. houses, being those of N. J. Justen & So:i furniture dealers and the William H. Althoff hardware. Large ads, giv- Plarrs wiil be submitted for rebuild* ing the present dam so that ft may control the waters to an addit; .nal eight inches and afford better **• -trol will be more fair with the people whom informations have been filed of this vicinity. Lots were placed on' against. sale Friday evening of last week and consolation was carried away by Miss, the demand has been far greater than ir;n«oia At'bunco the firsti t.h e subdividers ever ant*i•c i?p. ated. were not nearly so favorably ocated, prize was won by Miss Betty ll&hn, { Ev ne who visits t|iis tract falls were in nearly all cases filled to j second by James Marshall and the i Jn love with ^ Thoge who have not capacity and in some cases it was lm- consolation was won by Mrs. Joseph | uken & waJk under itg beautiful trees May. . - possible to enter for treatment. Accommodates 200 Patients The McHenry Restorium will Ofr» commodate 200 patients at one time, and should be filled the year around. and along its wonderful shore have missed seeing where one of the para-1 August 31. The court also stated that he didn't want the matter to be dragging along as the whole county is worked up and interested over the matter. State's Attorney Pouse assured the court that he would have the investigators present on the morning of FATHER OF MRS. VOCt DIES IN INDIANA Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vogt and fam- . The location, together with the most j j]y attended the funeral of Mrs. Vogt's modern equipment available, which, father at Milwaukee, Wis., on Mon-. - - rk„r-i„v^«™o ilL , rT . « . will be installed, should give the pa-jday August 22. The deceased, Georgei surprised John Brown of Oaklahom_ ( the pre?s from Harvard. Crystal Lake tlents unusually good results. I Groom, died suddenly at his home at] at their summer home at Schaefer s i and Richmond were present Editor Besides bringing into this section on West Bend. Ind., last Friday morning.i Grove on Fox River, Monda> e en g, M. F. Walsh of the Harvard Herald, big scale, one of the most desirable He was about seventy years old and! the event being in-honor of his birth-I whose articles and editorials on law diaes of this section exists. i Much Interest That the matter is creating interest Birthday Anniversary throughout the county was evident A company of relatives and friends Monday morning when members of Harrison Family Reunion A gathering of about fifty relative®fpf w«ter levels during the dty p*rio«h Make Fox River Clean A stream, free of stench, beautiful and alcohol while others might have I business in the new Justen building. just been selling beer, therefore, if J following the disastrous fire which j m*j ^t thV hTme" of Mr. and'Mrs. Roy evidence is presented in each case it they experienced a few months pre- j Harrison at Barnard's Mills, Sunday I vious. Hundreds of visitors were1 -n h0n0r 0f gd Harrison and Herbert: in sight, with game fi^h in abundance welcomed on the opening day and these narrjson of St. John, Kansas. At! and with plenty of clean water at all places have been enjoying a very |thig famjly reunion the'seven brothers j seasons!' liberal patronage ever since. It is | were together for the first time in! This was the dream, visuahs ? j by now their desire to show their ap- seventeen years and that day vas'W. H. Blencoe. chairman of the Fox preciation by offering some special | thoroughly enjoyed by all present i.«: Rivor Valley Conservancy district in bargains to be secured Friday pnd I neejjess t0 say. The'seven brother: i an instructive address :o mem o's of Saturday. v \ with their families who were present | the Rotary Club of Elgin and their. Look over the items listed in the Ed Harrison, and Herbert HAr- j guests. The speaker, former mayor ads, pick out the ones you need and rjSQtli 0f gt. John, Kan.; Ora Harrison of Geneva, stressed the importance of save money by purchasing during the Woodstock; John ' Harrison, o*",; freeing the river from any and all sale. Auditor*' Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Board of Auditors of the Town of McHenry, County of McHenry, Illinois, will meet at the Town Clerk's office in W^t McHenry, 111., on Tuesday, and substantial of all business enter-! leaVes a wife, two sons and two daugh-i day anniversary. Although the_ sur- , enforcement^ in his recent issues of ; the 6th day of Sepetmber 1927 at , with games and reminscences prises, the writer believes that within iters to mourn his a comparatively short period, McHenry will be nationally »known as a .health resort. The Restorium building will consist gf^a large, well-ventilated basement, where the baths, etc.,.will be given; a main floor devoted to offices, kitchdeath. Private i prise was a most complete one it did his paper have caused considerable funeral services were held at the | not take the genial host long to re- Chapel at Forest Home cemetefy at | cover from the shock and soon every- Milwaukee on Monday. * one was busy at cards^ j cards were won by Mr. and Mrs. NICK Will Close McHenry Store j Freund, while the consolations were T. G Rhodes. Jr., who has operated I won by Joseph W. Freund and Mrs. the Consumers' Economy Shoe Store j T. Kalin. The friends presented Mr. ens, dining room, lounging room andjon Green street for gevcral months, j Brown with a gi as a * large magnificent ballroom, which makes the announcement this week | of the happy occasion. p will be open to the public for socia"l that he will close the McHeijry store were: Mr and Mrs Simon Michel., gatherings. Two upper floors will be devoted to sleeping rooms exclusively apd on the roof will be located a large Solaribm or sun bath. The building is designed so that additions can be added without sacrificing the architectural beauty of the institution. The building was designed season this year, by I. L. Hicks and will b« erected Wider his personal supervision. the last of August and devote his en tire time to his store in Antioch. He is putting on a special sale ir shoes which will be carried on the balance of the month. Mr. Rhodes also operates a boat building business at Antioch, having had a very successful BIG FIRE CARNIVAL Saturday, Sunday and Labor Day, 8ept. 3, 4, and 5, at the City Park, McHenry, for the benefit of the McHenry Fire Department. The entire receipts of this carnival will be used in the replacement of the city fire truck which was badly wrecked and three firemen injured when answering a fire call on Wednesday. July 6, 1927. Join the Fire Boys in a good 11*2 Heavy Increase in Deposits Total resources of the West McHenry State bank are ripw the largest in its history, amounting tp7 approximately $900,000. The deposits have increased $100,000 for the year ending Aug. 1, 1927. This financial institution ranks among the first in McHenry county. Attention Foresters St. John's Court, No. 95 C. O. F., will hold its annual election of officers Thursday evning, Sept. 1. All members are urged to be present. Lunch r will be served. ;' e D. A. Card Party ' \ One %f the seafcn's big events will1 -- fee the public card party to be given' Stop, look and examine the hope the Catholic Daughters of America | chest at Jacob Justen & Sons' store, at St. Patrick's hall. Tuesday evening, j It will be given away at the C. D. of Aug. 30. At this party a hope chest j A. card party Tuesday evening, Aug is to be given away to the lucky one. | 30. TOis ^hope chest will be on display for two week* at Jacob Justen & Sons' store. The inspection of the public is invited And remember the date of ffee party. Tuesday, Aug. SO. 'Where do the modern/you i?" / -oung people get all their steam "Don't, kpow, unless it's because ther're always in hot water. ™*--^Sscch.. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Freund, Mr and Mrs. John Jereck, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kalin, Mk\ and Mrs. M. J. Kent, Mr. and Mrs. Nick N. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. John. Brown. AMONG THE SICK Mrs. Gus Sattem went to the Victory Memorial hospital at Waukegan last Thursday, where an operation was performed upon her eye. She returned home the next day and is recovering nicely. Miss Berteel Spencer, who underwent an operation at St. Anthony's hospital for appendicitis last week, is recovering nicely. Stop, look and examine the hope chest which is to be given away Tuesday evening Aug. 30, at the C. D. of A. card party, St. Patrick's hall. It is on display for two weeks at Jacob Justen A Sons' store. comment in these parts, was present taking down notes of the short session. Editor L. W. Cobb of the Crystal Lake Herald and Editor A. L. Johnson of the Richmond Gaxette were also numbered among those present at the session. Attorney V, S. Lumley appeared for the following and asked that their pleas of guilty to violation of the prohibition law entered a week ago be changed to pleas of not guilty: John Pinto, Joe Siminini, Peter Johnson, Frank Knepfer and John Aylward. The court stated that the same bonds put up in the first hearing for -the appearance of the various persons in court Monday would hold good until August 31. On the above date those who entered pleas of not guilty will have their cases set for trial. The county court promises to be a busy place during the next few weeks. ' Greenwood, and Clayton Harrison, C. j pollution. W. Harrison, and Roy Harrison, of; In his address Mr. Blencoe cited th«t Ringwood. Other guests from a dis- gradual efforts beinc made individualtance were: Mr. and Mrs. John Col-, ly throughout the Fox valley in -am* lison and daughter of Richmond and: serving the river. Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds of Mound I Years back, according to Mr. Bten- Prairie. A picnic dinner was enjoyed coe, eforts were started t Ci;ans& at noon and the dav passed pleasantly! Fox river, out of which emerg-d the Fox Valley Federation, which started .. three years ago. Then car:>: ;he con- - '• Eastern Star j-jBiH'ancy district, to which fifty clubs MeHenry chapter. O. E. S. hali its I and organizations are now affiliated.- regular meeting Monday evening at j Elgin and its sanitary district was 7:30 p. m. to audit any and all bills against the Town. Bills may be left with the Supervisor or the undersigned. ~ t j i_ t Dated this 24th day of August, A.D. which time one member was initiated, highly complimented by the speaker, 1927 12-2 Refreshments were served at the,j who emphasized this improvement as CHAS. B. HARMSEN, Town Cl*k close of the meeting: Visitors pres-; an all-important aid in ultimately ent were: Mrs. Wielding of Humboldti making the Fox river a stream of A public card party will be given Park chapter and Mrs. Bunge of the beauty and cleanliness. -- ~ • • ~ " ' "" ' ' Tells of Dam Site The argument over the proposed construction of the $175,030 dam Ladies' Aid Society The Ladies' Aid society will meet at the home of Mi's. A. C. Reynolds on Main street, ntilEt Thursday afternoon, Sept. 1. v YouH miss something if you fail to join the. crowd going to the aurd party next Tuesday night at St. Patrick's hall. Hope chest given away. Boat Excursions f " m. and 1:30 m. Special boats at any hour. Regular fare. $1.00 for adults, 50 cents for children. Hunter Boat Line. Tel. McHenry 7 or 77-J. 6-fp-tt by the Christian Mothers next Thurs- Golden Rod chapter, Chicago, and Miss day afternoon, Sept. 1, at St. Mary's Alice Ricker of Cathedral chapter, No, parish hall. Cards and bunco will be 14 at Washington, D. C. Invitations played and a cordial welcome is ex- j were received for the official visit of | above McHenry was touched "pon by tended to all. fp 12 the Worthy Grand Matron, Mrs. Ida the speaker, who hinted that t're nev- ! ~ J M. Stacy, at Day Star chapter, Dun-jdam \va3 the thought of selasnly in- Birthday Surprise dee, on Saturday night, August 27. clined real setate pr«. mote,-. at^sirin$ to raise the water levels in tha laki region as a particular benefit to thfdf properties on the water front. The present d m. the speaker urtptd should be repaired and placed uni-?r the control of the Fox Valley Conservancy district so that the. Fox Valley may obtain sufficient -- times and seasons. Several friends delightfully «urpris- ; and at Harvard chapter, Monday night ed Mrs. Minnie Miller at her home at • August 29. Rosedale last Thursday afternoon, the --~--~ LL event being in honor of her birthday For Miss Harriet Boob anniversary. The afternoon was Miss Harriet Bobb was guest of spent at bridge, after which refresh- honor at a farewell party at the home: ments were served, the important! of the Misses Eleanor, Florence anc feature of which was an attractive Mildred Kinsala on Saturday evening, and delicious birthday cake. The MSss Bobb, who is now employed in hostess received congratulations and, Chicago, was presented with &n apgood wishes from the guests. propriate gift from ^hose present _ A * delightful evening was spent at bridge C. D. OF A. PUBLIC CARD PARTY TUESDAY The public enrd party given by th« Notice All those who are owing the undersigned on account are requested to leave checks or cash with Central Market or Fox River Valley State Bank. ™ WILLIAM PRIES. Don't neglect'to get your ticket for the hope chest given away next Tuesday night at St. Patrick's Hall, 12 T»..» Catholic Dauehters of America with first prize being won by Mrs arJsPorsoring the largest public card Ted Schiessle, while the consolation, Catholic Daughters of America next nartv of the season next • Tuesday was carried away by Arleen Harrison j Tuesday nithc wiil ;e well »orth %tnia- ht Prizes and refreshments. St. Miss Bertha Schiessle also received a tending, for the prizes *r? numerous K ~ 12 prize for the most clever auto- and at this time the hope chest w&l , biography. At the close of the bridge Royal Bunco Club j games a delicious luncheon was en- Patrick's hall. Mrs. N. J. Steilen was hostess to joyed at the Agness-Betty Eate Shop. the Royal Bunco club at her home t last Thursday evening. Three tables | Your attention is called to the dat.1 of bunco were in play with first prize I of the C. D. of A. card party at St, being won by Mrs. John Keg. second i Patrick's hall, Tuesday evening, Aug. by M!rs. Roy Smith and consolation by j 30. A hope chest is to be given away. Mrs. Miller: - See it at Jacob Jiiaten A Sons' store. be given away. Bridge, bunco ani 500 will be started promptly at 8 o'clock. Refreshments ^ill be served. Don't forget the time tand place, St. Patrick's hall at 8 o'clock. The public card party starts prompt. Bargains in hardware Friday and ly at 8 o'clock in, St. Patrick's hall: Saturday of this week. Anniversary next Tuesday nignt. Who gets the ' sale at the Wm. H. Althoff Hardware, hope chest? Come and find out. 12 West McHenry. Don't miss them. SPECIAL BOAT EXCUISION Next Sunday at 1:30 p. w. or th* Gladola, around Pistakee Bay and La v# Fare--Adults 50c. Child, er. --JSe HUNTER BOAT LINE Dock--East end of River Bridge , TcL 1 mA ?Z-J v,s mmm V. . ...