Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1927, p. 4

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wu-f. • ATH* McHENKT PLAIKDXALEK, THUMDAY, AtTOtTST 39.1987 THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles F. Benich. Entered as MeoDd-claM matter at the poatoOce at McHenry, Dl., nn- Sn the act of If ay 8, 1878. -^Z'^ *; - - Classified Column $ I 'J' " ' r- "1:: Subscription Bates „4 One Year $2.00 &ix Months . • *»' ... • *y>' • • >$1.00 'A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager OSTEUD Threshing well under way, grain not extra, oats vary in field. One ^jrrman claimed 70 bushels per acre, .an- • Either 50 and another 80. Wheat not A very good yield and quality rather poor, much of it seems shrunken. Mrs. Joe Paull and little daughter, Mary, and Mrs. Oscar Anderson, left Saturday by auto for southern Wisconsin to visit MVs. Paull's patents. Another bit of news concerning ' ; tome old neiphbors., Mr. and MTS. . fames Carnwell have quit farming ,,j»nd bought them a home in Platville. en '? Wis., their three daughters all married : and gone from home. • /"TV When the writer was in Woodstock ; - last Saturday evening, she had the pleasure of meeting a one time neigh. *oor, Jennie Carnwell Somers. Many ^.Hill remember that her parents, Mr. :-?.f';.'%nd Mrs. James Carnwell lived several • years on the T. A. Abbott farm, and ' ; Jennie was married when they lived .. there to Paul Somers, but we had ;Bever learned of her sister Mabel's j marriage, she was also in town with tier husband, Oscar Somers, and three little girls. The latter lives west of Greenwood on a farm, Jennie lives in southern Wisconsin on a farm and is dairying, having forty cows. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Somers have three ' " children, two boys and one girl. They buried a two-year-old boy last March. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harrer are entertaining friends from Chicago the past several days. Helen Harrer has ieen having serious trouble with one Of her ears. A doctor from Harvard : has been treating it, he also removed : lter tonsils. , Clara Kaiser was at Woodstock for several days last week helping get their house in town ready for a new *•» renter. Harry Silliman will occupy * it the first of next month. Mrs. Kaiser and children, Frank apd Anna, motored to Crystal Lake on Sunday afternoon and called on Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Prohl, who at one time lived on the Kaiser farm. They are not farming now, Mr. Prohl works at carpenter work. Arthur Hoppe is getting along very nicely, his broken limb is doing fine. He is able to ride out and drive his own car. The Ostend threshing company are nearly through, they commence at one end one year and the next year the other. This year commenced at last end with C. E. Sherman, if ready. The machine is at Hoppe's, moved tf. there late Monday afternoon and threshed sjx loads. This is the last of company work but they always thresh for Joe Greener on the T. A. Abbott farm. Last week they threshed 6,500 bushels of grain. Three threshing machines nearly through, the Bullvalley company threshed at Earl Sherman's Monday, only one more job of company's. Draper and Buchert are threshing in their sections, Monday at Joseph Harrer's. Two more jobs on their list one for Mr. Dailziel and Frank Kaiser's is the end of their route. We are well supplied with all your needs for canning. Just give us a ring and we will deliver your order promptly. Erickson Dept. Store. Attend the anniversary sale at N. J. Justen & Son's store, West McHenry, Friday and Saturday of this week. Bargains in furniture. USiS THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOE QUICK RESULTS A * 'V"" • FOE SALS -\ GOOD --; USED CARS AT BARGAIN PRICES 1927 Dodge Special Business, deaoa* strator. 1926 Dodge Deluxe sedan. -V 1926 Dodge Coupe. " 1924 Dodge \-ton Stake TVwjft. 1923 Ford Fordor Sedan. Price $100. 1923 Ford 1-ton Express Truck. Easy Payment Plan We have a complete line of trucks in Vt ton and IVz ton in closed or open body types. JAMES MORROW & SON, Phone 186 West McHenry* TYPEWRITERS Sales and Service. \ ^ Repaired and Rentals. • . Irompt attention to phone calls. Phone 649. L. KILTZ, Woodstock * 49-tf FOR SALE---Oil stoves, one three and .ene four burner, nearly new. F. A. Reeves. River Terrace, McHenry. 10-8» Loose leaf work is a specialty of thd Plaindealer job department. LOST Ladies* Aid Thursday ' The Methodist Ladies' Aid society will meet at the Reynolds home on Main street, Thursday, September 1, at 2:30 p. m. Reports of the year's work will be heard and officers will be elected for the coming year. Instead of the usual refreshments, the ladies will adjourn to the church and a pot-luck supper will be served at 6 p. m. under the direction of a special committee. After the supper the quarterly conference will convene under the presidency of the district superintendent, the Rev. J. Hastie Odgers of Chicago. It is planned to make this a general public meeting to which everyone {interested In-the church is "invited. Two Jews were shipwrecked and after drifting in a small boat several days they saw a boat. Goldberg: "Look! Look! A Mil. I see a sale." Lewis: "Vat's the use? We have no samples."--Implement & Hardware Trade Journal. If he were really clever, he would wear a muffler so they couldn't hear him eat his soup.--Exchange ' "Isn't it queer to what extremes women will go to get rid of Iheir husbands?" "Killing, isn't it?"--Film Fun. You can. cut people by ignoring them, but lawn grass. refuses to respond to the same treatment--Good Hardware. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE-- Known as the Kathrina Wegener place. Inquire of George J. Wegener. Phone 615-J-2. 12* LOST--Wrist watch and band in -yellow gold. Waltham make. On or near Riverside Drive. Phone 616-R-2 M!rs. Herman Stopple. 12* WANTED FOR SALE--New portable house, 12x20; bargain if taken at once. See F. J. Bienapfl at new Fox River bridge. 12* WANTED--Girl for general house work. Prefer one who can go home nights. Apply tp Mrs. Wm, J. Small Pistakee Bay. Phone 609-J-l. 12 FOR SALE--Camp buildings^ Inquire at bridge. Widell Company. 12-tf FOE RENT FOR SA LE--Second-hand lumber. Inquire of John P. Weber, McHenry. Phone 101-J. 12-2 FOR RENT--Modern house on Main street, garage, furnace, bathi E. E. Bassett. 12-tf FOR SALE--China closet, dining table, rocker, morris chair, buffet, library table, stands, commode, dresser, beds, victrola, 2 9x12 rugs, breakfast set, floor lamp, dishes, etc. Tel. 51-R. Mrs. Geo. Lindsay. 12-3* ROOMS FOR RENT--Call McHenry, 218-J 12 FARM FOR RENT--173 acres. Mrs. Jos H. Justen, R-3, McHenry. 9-tf TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE--Used machines of all makes, fully guaranteed from $22 up. Rentals $2 per month. L. M. Hamer, Woodstock. Phone 112-J. 12-6 WANTED--Farms of all sizes and descriptions for cash or exchange for income property. We specialize in quick deals. Kent & Company, McHenry. 38-tf MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--A Papec silo filler, size' 16; good as new. Inquire Joseph Stilling, McHenry. Phone 656-Ws-2. 11-2* FOR SALE -- Registered Holstein bulls, from high producing dams. C. Wi Gibbs, West MlcHenry. Phone 620-W-2. H-2 MUSIC STUDIO Teaching piano and voice. Class opeAs September 1. Enrollment now. Kathryne Deihl, 216 Jefferson St. Phone 274-J, Woodstock, 111. 10-4 FOR SALE--International threshing machine, 22-in.; Harris visible typewriter; dining room table. All about as good as new. Mrs. Jos. H. Justen, R-3, McHenry. 11-tf RESULTS! Kent & Company Can sell that house! Can rent that flat! Can find a buyer for that land! 18-tf FOR SALE--Large size row boat. Riverside Drive, north city limits. Trostrud. 11-3* WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWpELRY REPAIRING-- Located at "Tempus Fugit" on Elm St., McHenry. Mort Ritt. 50-tf FOR SALE--4% acres of land on Waukegan road. Phone 136-R. 11-3* FOR ALL Sewing Machine and Victrola troubles, call 162. B. Popp, West McHenry. 50-tf FOR SALE--Will have two good pool tables about Sept. 15. William Schaefer. Phone 96-R 11-3 COOPER'S SAPONIFIED CRESOL-- For disinfecting barns after TB testing. Sold by Dr. J, E. Wheeler, West McHenry. 38-tf PERSONALS Miss Beulah Larkin of Elgin called on friends here Sunday. v Ernest Kamholz of Chicago visited his parents here Friday. Miss Marjory Phalin of Chicago spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox and Mr. and Mrs. John Phalin were Woodstock visitors Sunday evening. Miss Alvina May of Austin, Minn., spent a few days last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe May. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Portman and daughter, Bernice, and son, Billy, of New York were guests in the George B. Frisby home last week. • Mr. and Mrs. William J. Welch are spending a few days this week in Chicago. Miss Alice Ricker of Washington, D. C., is a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Vycital. Miss Marian Larkin of Elgin was a week-end ^guest of Mi?s Marjory Phalin. Misses Julia and Evelyii May and guest, Miss Alvina May, spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Chicago. Mrs. George Phalin and little daughter, Mary Therese, returned to their home here this week. George Reynolds is enjoying a week's vacation from his duties at the Progress Market. Mrs. Fred Kamholz and family and son, Ernest Kamholz, were Belvidere visitors Friday. Mrs. Glen Robinson of Woodstock spent a few days this week in the home of her parents, lUr. and Mrs. W. J. Welch. •>rv ^ v# It was indeed a pleasure to see so many in our store last Saturday. We thank all for coining and for the good wishes of so many.. We will try to warrant a contitaan& of your goodwill by good service and merchandise, Smith Bros. Phone 179 McHenry, ift: ••• •••<%» ••• ••• <$» X 1 Your Choice of f T T ? T T T ? ft T T T 7 7 7 7 7 t 7 7 tX Living Room Furniture When you come here to choose your living room furniture, you may choose from the choicest. Good workmanship, superior quality upholstery and very attractive designs. JACOB JUSTEN & SONS; FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING Anniversary Sale Friday and Saturday, August 26 and 27 . To celebrate our first year in our new building, we ,wish to share our pleasure with you and show you our appreciation of your patronage throughout the past year by offering you special prices on the following articles: 35.00 16.50 Regular Three-piece Fibre Set, Tapestry Covering $50.00 Three-piece Reed Set, Cretonne Covering Breakfast Sets, Gray Lacquer, Table and Four Chairs , ; Breakfast Sets, Cafe Lacquer, Table and Four Chairs Lawn Swings, four-passenger Couch Hammocks Couch Hammocks Couch Hammocks 23.00 . 9.50 21.50 18.00 16.00 Special $42.50 30.00 12.50 19.00 8.00 18.00 14.50- 13.00 Many other articles will be especially priced for these two days & One 9x12 L ^UAUiuii one Felt Base Rug, 27x54 • • - / • ' . ' , . One 9x12 Felt Base Rug and one Felt Base Rugr, 27x54 8 $11.00 9.00 Golden Oak Diners Leather Seat While they last Set of 6 $18 See the New ^LASKAtffr refrTcerator With the Cork-Wall Window This fine refrigerator offers two big features (1) Ice Economy--due to fine workmanship •nd INNER WALLS of PEBBLED CORK. The only refrigerator with the CORK-WALL WINDOW. Through the lens you SEE THE CORK THAT SAVES THE ICE. (2) Food Protection due to patented FULL - ICE - SWxfiEP, DRY AIR CIRCULATION. Many features. Prices and sixes to suit every t. Get one now. Be ready for hot weather. S A V E I C E ., ' Regular Special Alaska Cork-lined Refrigerators, 7o lbs, 3-door $35.00 $30.00 Alaska. Cork-lined Refrigerators, 2-door 30.00 25.00 A • i > •* Ferneries Wrought Iron Ferneries ' "x" Wrought Iron Ferneries Wrought Iron Ferneries 5.00 4.50 4.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 See Our Line of Living and Dining Room Suites and Rugs % Tel. McHenry 63-W Furniture and Undertaking West McHenry N. J. Justen & Son

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