pp^pwpf^pp THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1927 THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. Entered as second-class matter at the poetoSee at McHenry, HL, «»- in the act of May 8, 1879. Subecriptlen Batee • One Year •...$2.00 Biz Month* ........... .4 » » . » • • * «"• i . • • . • * . f »V» • $1.00 f : . : &•,' A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager OSTENJ) C. E. Jecks' Silo is being filled. The coito is late but will make good silag%» l£r. Jecks was injured June 18. His work has had to be done by hired help, which, of course, goes slower. R. H. Richardson and wife of Ridgefield and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Harrison from the state of Washington were calling on old friends here last week| Little Marcella Freund, daughter of Mir. and Mrs. P. W. Freund, has been quite ill with rheumatism and unable to attend school for several' days. Their family physician informs them the little miss will have to have her tonsils removed before •be will be free from rheumatic pains. Tramps are a rarity in this section feat Monday evening a man past middle age- called at farm houses and asked to be taken in for the night. Said he could work, take care of sick people, pay a little and do many other tasks. Most farmers do not care to keep strangers over night. Don't forget our gigantic sale starts next Saturday morning and will continue one week. Sfwkson Dept. Store. . . CHARLES THEODORE OLSON Charles Theodore Olsen was born near Copenhagen, Denmark, on May 24, 1873 and passed away, October 15, 1927 at his home near Ringwood at the age of fifty-four years. When only eight years of age he came to this country with his parents making their home at Chicago and later moving to Queen Anne prairie where he grew to manhood. In 1898 he was united in marriage to Lizzie B. Wiedrich who preceded him in death, passing away September 25, 1925. To this union four children were born: Leslie Charles of West McHenry, Edwin Franklin, Harry Edwin and Florence Amanda who reside at home. Besides ,the children one Bister, Mrs. Mary Kagel, and one brother, William C. Olsen, both of Chicago are left to mourn his loss. The deceased was an active member of the Modern Woodmen of America and belonged to Camp No. 597 and was well known and respected by neighbors and friends. Funeral services were held at the homie on Monday, Oct. 17, with burial at the Ringwood cemetery. Classified rSE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOE QUICK RESULTS FOR SALE CABBAGE FOR SALE--Peter May, one quarter mile south of Solon Mills. 20-3 FOR SALE--10 Fine Holstein Heifers ready to calve; 8 Holstein Milch Cows. Just retested, at my farm on Fox River, West River Road, south of McHenry. Clay Bairri, 19-2 FOR SALE--82 pigs, feeders,, weighing 70 to 90 pounds; 9 sows with 38 fall pigs. Also one yearling boar and one February boar. Will Buchert, McHenry, Phone 613-R-2. FOR RENT; FOR SALE--Stove in good condition, uses either hard or soft coal. Inquire at the Plaindealer office. 20-C FOR RENT--Five-room house on North Park Ave., furnished or unfur- 20-2 nished; stove heat; reasonable rent. Write or call Mrs. Josephine Heimer, Phone 149-J, McHenry. 18-tf Hmtd W hi* kef 4 Sacred It the beard has any standing fei the world today, It Is undoubtedly hecause of the Jews, who held their whiskers to be sacred, and swore by them. Later, the Turks did the same. The sultan's followers used to comb their whiskers after prayers, catch the hairs that came out, break them In two and bury them, on the theory that in some mysterious way the hairs helped to make soft walking to the gates of paradise. This the Turks firmly 'believed "v\:' ^ '* Wanted a Demonsfraftain Louise had a habit of running to her •other for a hug and a kiss at frequent intervals during the day. One day she stood before her mother, who was busy knitting for some momenta, without getting any attention. Finally Louise said: "Do you love me, mamma?' "Tea, dear," frorti mother. Louise waited a moment longer without receiving the accustomed caress, then burst out with, "Well, why don't fo* tove me by hand?" Amfttr Beads Long Popular The superstition which clings to the meaning of beads is of ancient origin. The custom of wearing an amber necklace was immensely common, and Is not yet extinct among old women In England. The amber, when heated, Bends forth an agreeable perfume. In olden times it was the present made by a mother to her daughter on her wedding eve. O TIRE SALE Saturday Only, Oct. 22 Compare These Tire Prices with your 5^ Mail Order Catalog . and remember these axe standard makes 30x3% Cords . 30x3 Vz Tubes _______ 30x3 Vi Oversize Tabes 29x4.40 Balloons ' 29x4.40 Tubes $5.95 $1.50 $1.75 $7.90 $1.80 WALTER J. FREUND Tire and Tube Repairing, Vulcanizing, Battery Charging and Repairing \ West McHenry, Illinois FOR SALE--Small soft coal heater in good condition. $5.00. Inquire at Plaindealer office. tf FARM FOR RENT--173 acres. Jos H. Jus ten R-8, McHenry. Mrs. 9-tf LOST FOR SALE--Soft coal heater. Reasonable price for quick sale Plaindealer. LOST--Large amethyst pin set with Inquire "of ^rqaisette, Reward. Phone 102-J 17-tf McHenry. 18-tf WANTED FOR SALE -- Seven-room modern , house with back lot, located on Green WANTED--Young man who is a high St, one-half block from St. Patrick's school graduate and desires to learn church, to close estate. Cajil MicHenry telephone repair work. Apply to Mr. 607-W-l. Math M. Blake, fixecutor. Perkins at the local telephone of- 20* fice. 20* , BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE WANTED--Load of cordwood. 2 ft Cost $3,000 four months ago. Will length; Inquire at Plaindealer office. take $550 for all or will separate. 19 Beautiful furniture of 4-room apart- ... ~~~~~ ment. 8 pc. silk mohair parlor suite, tW^ANTED--To buy ola\rags hand carved frame; 8pc. walnut dining pound. t$ust be clea: an Xst Brilliant New Line of Cats America discovered the value of this brilliant new car with a swiftness only rivaled by the car itsel£ * Everything about it appeals to the mood of the hour. Its amazing pick-up--from 0 to 25 miles thru gears in less than 7 seconds! Its effortless mastery of distance at a mile a minute! Its trim, streamline beauty --finished in the smartest colors. The way it grips the road at sharp turns--cushions passengers over rough roads--travels in "high" up -- steep grades! " Its economy at die curb--17% feet of parking space suffice! Its economy on the road--2 5 miles per gal- Ion at 25 miles per hour! Neverhave Dodge Brothers sold a sedan so low in price --so high in value--so thoroughly in tune with the taste and spirit of the F.o. b. Detroit ' Eqalpnot And our purchase plan trill interest you as much as the car itstlfi , JAMES MORROW & SON Waukegan and West McHenry ^ DOXJBE- feRDTH&RS MOTOR CARS ^ room set; 2 9x12 Wilton rugs; 4 pc. walnut bedroom set, complete with spring and mattress; labrary table; 5 pc. breakfast set; lamps; polychrome mirror; chest of silverware. Must be seen to be appreciated. Will arrange for delivery. 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Rd., Chicago, 111. Phone Sunnyside 6190. 18-6 FOR SALE--Base-burner, in good condition. Price $10.00. Phone 99-M. Mrs. John Miller. 18-tf from lint. Plaindealer office. at 5c 1 free tf WANTED--Farms of all sizes and descriptions for cash or exchange for income property. We specialize in quick deals. Rent ft Company, McHenry. " 88-tf MISCELLANEOUS DEPENDABLE USED CARS ON HAND 1927 Dodge Special Sedan, Demonstrator. 1926 Dodge Deluxe Sedan. 1921 Buick Touring, winter enclosure. 1924 Dodge Touring. 1922 Dodge %-ton Express Truck. Easy Payment Plan NOTICE--This is to notify the public that from this, date I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself. Dated Oct. 20, 1927. Donald K. Nixon. 20 RESULTS! Kent & Company Can sell that house! Can rent that flat! Can find a buyer for that land! 18-tf , WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY We have a complete line of trucks REPAIRING--Located at "Tempus Fugit" on Elm St., McHenry. Ritt. Mort 50-tf in ton and 1% ton in closed or open body types. JAMES MORROW & SON, Phone 186 West McHenry* 111. COOPER'S SAPONIFIED CRESOL-- For disinfecting barns after TB testing. Sold by Dr. J. E. Wheeler, West McHenry. 88-tf TYPEWRITERS Sales and Service. Repaired and Rentals. Prompt attention to phone calls. ' " ~ Phone 549. L. KILTZ, Woodstock TAKE YOUR Sewing Machine trouble 49-tf to B. Popp. West McHenry. Repair- • i i ' > . • ing done on all brakes. Also fluff and Plaindealers at Bolgers rag rug weaving. Phone 162. 13-tf WEEKLY PERSONALS OOMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY As Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In By Our Friends F. L. Bonslett of Chicago visited here Tuesday. Henry Foss is employed at the Rosedale greenhouses. ' w Leslie Bungard spent the week-end at Elkhart, Ind. John Larsen was visiting old time friends here Tuesday. Mrs. Walter Walsh visited friends in Crystal Lake Friday. Mrs. Henry Dowe spent last week with Chicago relatives. W. A. Sayler was |i business caller-in Woodstock Friday. Miss Elizabeth Miller spent a few days last week in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs-; Gordon Stringer were visitors at Woodstock, Saturday. Mrs. Henry Stephenson of Ringwood was a visitor here Tuesday. Mrs. Harry Morris of Chicago spent the week-end with her husband here Henry Dowe and son, Charles, and James Powers spent Sunday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes of Ringwood spent Tuesday evening in McHenry. • Mrs. Carl Schmitt and brother, Paul Kamholz, were Elgin visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Koerner were guests of Rev. and MVs. Lutz at Elgin Sunday. B. J. Frisby of Chicago spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. B. Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whiting of Lake Geneva visited relatives here on Wednesday. Newton Ryan of Elgin was a Sunday guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stringer. . Richard B. Walsh of Chicago spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh. Mrs. Nick P. Justen and Miss Frances Steinsdoerfer. were Elgin visitors Friday. Mrs. Mollie Givens, daughter, Leone, and son, Donald, were Elgin visitors Sunday. „ Mrs. Nellie Bacon and daughters, Anita and Maxine, were Chicago visitors Saturday. Mrs. Stella Tonas and daughter visited in the home of Mrs. C. S. Howard Monday afternoon. .Mrs. Chomer and daughter, Mary, of, Chicago are making their home with Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cobb. Mr. and Mrs. ^'Raymond Walsh and children and Mrs. John Walsh of Fox Lake visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Walsh and family in Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Justen and Mrs. D. A. Whiting motored to Minnesota last week, where they visited relatives. Miss Fern Bacon left last week for Waukegan where she entered the hospital and will take up nurse's training. Mrs. J. E. Wheeler returned the last of the week from Chicago, where she attended the grand chapter session of the Eastern Star. Mrs. C. Breyer, Mrs. J. Morofski and Mrs. B. Guarari of Chicago spent several days last week in the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Buss. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schenider and Mrs. E. C. Schneider of Grayslake were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo Winkle. Mrs. Frank Meyer and daughter of West Brookland spent several days the first of the week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer, Mrs. Ed Young and daughter, Mrs. P. J. Schoewer and Mrs. F. Wein- Bchenker spent fllonday in Elgin. Mrs. Lottie feeskin and daughters. Helen Marilyn and Jeanette, and Mrs. Helen McAuliffe, of Chicago were end guests of, Mr. apd Mrs. Walter Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McOmber and daughter, of Siuox Falls, S. D." are visiting this week in the home of her mother, Mrs. Attiia Frisby, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Marckhoff and daughters, Alberta and Carlte, of Batavia were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs.' lElmer Koerner o the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Chapman of Woodstock and Mrs. E. Peterson of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and MIrs. T. J. Walsh Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Herrold have moved from Elkhart, Ind., to the B Popp flat* over on Main street. Mr. Herrold is employed at the William Althoff hardware store. Mr. and Mrs. W'. C. Thiers, Mrs. Robert Djjggan and Mrs. Orrel Bounds of Elgin and Raphael Thiers of San Francisco, Cal., Were callers at the James Frisby hpme Friday afternoon. Out-of-town guests who attended the wedding of Miss Eleanor Conway and Mr. George Miller on Wednesday were: Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward, Miss Minnie Conway, Irene Conway, Jean Conway And Rev. H. E. Quimet of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz and Mrs. John Brown of Waukegan. Dr. Emily Rorer spent the week-end with her grandmother, Mrs. Samantha Button. Dr. Rorer has just recently returned from abroad where she spent several months in study and visiting in France, England, Switzerland and other countries. She left the first of the week for I>iladelphia where she will be on the staff of one of the hospitals in that city* McHENRY L0818 TWO r; ^ TO CRYSTAL LAKE Local Team Leads at End of First Half 2 to 0, But Final Score Is 20 to 2 The Other Way The two football teams of the Mc- Herny Community high school traveled to Crystal Lake Saturday where they met defeat at the hands of the husky Crystal Lake high school players. The hopes of the McHenry fans rose high during the first half of the game with the heavyweights and at the close of the first half of the game the score stood 2 to 0 in favor of McHenry. The McHenry boys played a wonderful game of football, especially in the early part of the game, but were unable to chalk up any more points in their favor while Crystal Lake gained many more points with the final score resulting in a 20 to 2 in favor of Crystal Lake. The second team members, also, who were badly outweighed and outclassed were badly defeated by the Crystal Lakers but put up a good fight 'and were game to the very last. This was the first county game of the season for Crystal Lake, although they had played two previous games, winning from Gurnee and playing a scoreless tie with Barrington. Miller, who played on the McHenry heavyweight team was* the hero of the line and played real football while Thurwell and Frisby were right there on the job and stopped the Lakers' end runs. In the first quarter Crystal Lake received the kickoff when as usual Barbian was on hand to receive the ball and, Oh, boy! did he make away with it to the 55-yard line? Here some fast work was put over and a pass was completed from Schraeder to Frett for a 30-yard gain. This was followed by a 15-yard end run by Barbian with a pass over the goal line and it was Crystal Lake's ball on their own 20-yard line. Crystal Lake then tried to punt a bad pass from the center, but it went over their rtieads, resulting in the touchback by Frisby, which cheered the boys of the Orange and Black with a score of 2 to 0 in their favor. Crystal Lake kicks off in the second quarter and MicHenry punted and the quarter passed without much excitement, proving to be a punting duel, most of the quarter and resulted in no advance in score for either side. In the third quarter Crystal Lake kicked off and on the third down McHenry punted and Crystal Lake was penalized 15 yards. They then came back with a 40-yard end run, made two more good plays and gained their first touchdown, making the score 6 to 2 in favor of the Lakers. The place kick was missed. Crystal Lake kicked off and Frett received the ball, McHenry fumbled and Crystal Lake started a triumphal march down the field and their second touchdown was made, bringing the score up to 12 to 2. One more point was made on placement with Crystal Lake once more getting the kickoff. In the fourth quarter McHenry punted but Crystal Lake took the ball on the 45-yard line. A pass was com. pleted and with the line drives the third touchdown for Crystal Lake was scored, bringing the figures up to 19 to 2 for Crystal Lake. A pass was completed for the one additional point and the score was evened up by Crystal Lake to read 20 to 2. Crystal Lake had the final kick off and on the first play a p/ss from Schraeder to Thurwell netted the McHenry boy# 30 yards as the game ended. Well, it's a great life if you don't weaken and the local boys are just as full of pep, determination and fight as ever and are putting in a busy week with Coach Stringer on the practice field. They are doing their best to overcome the jinx which has followed them and some of these days there is going to be a different story to tell. McHenry will meet plenty of competition this Saturday when the two teams from Belvidere will come ta McHenry to meet the local heavies and lights on their own ground. Turn out to the game and show the boys by your presence that you're with them. They're great boys and you're proud of them. , Feels Like Velvet , WHEN YOU PUT IT OH Especially our 80 per cent wool-Stephenson Suit for Men Nearly all. our customers make two suits do them two season*. M 1^. . That is not so much for good underwear, is it T We allow you 50c on any men's Stephenson suit if BRING THIS AD * Smith Bros. Phone 179 Gre#St. ' it: DRAWING PAPER--24x36 IN. AT THE PLAINDEALER Sheets 24x36 inches. ' DANCE AND DINE AT THE. ' • ftAN-DEE * ': Music Every Saturday Nighi V® V • Rand and Dundee Roads 4^hone Palatine 11-R-l Don't Neglect Your Eyes Only a complete examination with the latest scientific instruments will reveal your eye trouble. tFhe public is invited to visit my newly equipped optical office lpcated above the M. Schwabe Jewelry Store. - 217 Benton St. Open Days and Evenings Dr. Paul A. Schwabe OPTOMETRIST Phone 674 for appointments Woodstock, 111. EVEN RICE HURT GIRL'S STOMACH "I had indigestion so bad I was afraid to ent even rice. Adlerika l^as done me so much good that now T eat anything."--Ardenia Howard. Adlerika relieves stomach gas and sourness in TEN minutes. Acting on BOTH upper and lower bowel, it removes old waste matter you never thought was in your system. Let Adlerika give your stomach and bowels a REAL cleansing and see how much better you will feel. It will surprise you! Thomas P. Bolger, Druggist. To CHICAGO From McHenry-- Grays Lake Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago or Milwaukee. READ DOWN Genirol Standard Tim* Lv. McHenry - 9:49 am 1:34 pm Lv. Grays Lake 10:23 am- 2:08 pm Arr.Waukegan (EOMttr 10:52 am 2:37 pm Arr.Chicago 12:02pm - 4:05 pm Arr. Milwaukee 12:07 pm 4:09 pm 7:49 pm 8:23 pm 8:52 pm 10:05 pm 10:09 am Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R. R. C«. Wejger & Schiessle, Local Agent* West McHenry Births Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosing, Tuesday, Oct 18, a 9-pound son. Now is the time to think about getting those new blankets. We have a large assortment to choose from. Erickson Dept. Store. Deeo Seated Luxurious Chairs Cushions oil several models are springy filled, and removable. A wonderfully good value at the price we have them marked.. • The Richness of the Upholstery Woilc Will Appeal to You JACOB JUSTEN & SONS FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING J**. Loose leaf work is specialty of .^..1