Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Nov 1927, p. 6

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k1 V " *'» »*\ 4, " , - ^ . % "• ^ " - , y ^ * THE McHENRY PLAIKMALER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3,1927 ^nivfp""piiip| ste>; I ,»»»»»»•»••»»••»•»•»•»•»»•••»»•»»»»»••»»»»•»•»»•»»•>»j ^|||j|n|^ (]|_(J[J DANCE OF WEEK This will be something different--a Robbers' Danes. Come and join in the fun. StoffeVs Ballroom West McHenry, Illinois (Continued froni front page) Next Saturday Night November 5th A Hallowe'en party, in which all- of the stunts of the season so dear to the hearts of the boys and girls were presented in a jolly way, was given by Miss Gladys Warrington at her home on Monday evening of this week. The home was attractively decorated in keeping with the season and jack o' lanterns, witches and black cats were seen around the rooms. The guests who came after school, were masked and dressed in every kind of Halolwe'en costume imaginable which | ®3 could '"'*V ^ ± GENTS $1.00 Music By FfcANK CANS' 8-PIECE ORCHESTRA c LADIES AUCTION George Vogel, Auctioneer Having decided to quit ""farming, I will sell at public auction on the old Bauer farm, located on .the McHenry-Volo road, Route 20, 4 miles of McHenry and one mile west of Volo, on THURSDAY, NOV 10 Vv" '*•: beginning at 12:30 o'clock, sharp, ~ "'the, -following described property, to-wit: afforded much merriment. Supper was served at 5 o'clock with table decorations and favors being carried out in the season's colors, after which games wire played with several of the girls winning prizes. Music and dancing were also enjoyed and a ghost appeared which made the evening complete. The evening was brought to a close by the girls who went out Hallowe'ening about town. The girls who enjoyed the merry evening so full of unusual events were: Ernestine Freund, Virginia Engeln, Marguerite Johnson, Harriet Boger, Anita Bacon, Ethel Granger, Evelyn Smith, Rita Martin, Marie Freund, Bern ice Unti, Evelyn Karls and Gladys Warrington. exactly with the Hallowe'en party given by Mrs. George Lindsay at her home last Thursday afternoon. Vivid autumn foliage and the decorations for Hallowe'en made the home most attractive as well as appropirate to the season. Bridge was played during the afternoon lor which partners were found tJy matching Hallowe'en favors which were drawn by the blindfolded guests. Prizes at bridge were won by Mrs. A. J. Schneider, Mrs. R. A. Thompson and Mrs. J. E. Wheeler and delicious, refreshments were served being carried out in the colors and decorations appropriate to the season as the other features of the enjoyable afternoon. AVratcive favors contained clever stunts whi^h each guest was supposed to carry $ut Guests wljio enjoyed the afternoon were: Mesdames A. J. Schneider, R. A. Thompson, J. E. Wheeler, George H. Johnson, J. N. Sayler, J. Cox, Minnie Miller, N. H. Petesch, J. R. Smith, H. C. Hughes, H. M. Stephenson, A. Eddy. 6 HEAD OF HORSES -- -Consisting of: - . Team Black Geldings, about 4 yrs. old, wt about. 1,200 lbs. each. Team Gray Geldings, about 12 yrs. old, wt. about l^QiOL lt».eaclu . One Black Gelding, 9 yrs. old, wt. 1.300 lbs. One Roan Gelding, 12 yrs. old, wt. about 1,500 lbs. 26 HEAD OF CATTLE Consisting of: 21 Milch Cows, Holsteins and Guernseys, some fresh and some close springers, all tested, and guaranteed under a 60-day retest. One Holstein Bull. 2 yrs. old. 24 HOGS 20 Shoals and 4 Old Sows. "BO" CHICKENS HAY, GRAIN AND MACHINERY 15 tons alfalfa hay;',400 bu. barley; 300 or more bu. oats; McCormick corn binder, Johnspn corn binder, McCormick grain binder, 4-row Appleton corn shredder, Champion mower, 2-section drag, corn planter, 16-di«c pulverizer, broadcast seeder, cultivator, hayrake, hayrack, pair wagon springs, bob sleigh, sulky plow, gang plow, walking plow, truck wagon, manure wagon. Ford truck, double harness, Stewart horse clipper, double unit Pine Tree milking machine, 14 milk cans, pails and strainer, forks arid shovels. TERMS---$10 and under, gash; on all sums over that amount a credit of one year*will be given on good bankable notes, bearing l'/c interest from date. No property to be removed until settled for with the clerk. . JOE E. FREUND N. H. Petesch,,Clerk. * All of the popular games and stunts of the season were played at the Hallowe'en party given by Miss Shirley Covalt at her home last Saturday evening. The fourteen girls all came dressed in costumes appropriate for the occasion and afforded much amusement with their costumes of every description. The home was prettily decorated in the Hallowe'en colors with witches, jack-o-lanterns and blafck cats perched about the room in the most unexpected places. Hallowe'en games were played with several of the guests winning prizes in the games as well as for costumes, after which refreshments were served 'with the table decorated with Hallowe'en favors. The guests were: Arlette Newman, Ruth Nye, Ruth Ladies' Aid To Hold Bazaar Th^ members of the Ladies' Aid society held the first meeting of the new year at the home of Mrs. James Perkins on Thursday afternoon of last week. The afternoon passed very pleasantly, after which refreshments were served. Plans were made for a chicken dinner and bazaar to be held December 10. The ladies plan to make this a big day and are making big preparations for the event. Fancy work, aprons and comforters will be on Sale as well as a wide variety of dressed dolls. Every member of the society will bt? asked to dress a doll for this occasion and there will be no better opportunity to .buy Christmas dolls and gifts than at this bazaar on Dec. 10. The next meeting of the society will be at the home of Mrs. Harvey Baron on next. Thursday afternoon. a a ciub The girls of the B. B. club met at the home of Marguerite Johnson on Friday afternoon of last week. The time passed quickly at Hallowe'en games and bunco, after which lunch was served. At bunco the prize was won by Marie Freund, while at the other games the prizes were won by Florence Trent and Rita Bacon. Those present were: Virginia Engeln, Gladys Warrington, Anita Bacon, Evelyn Karls, Marie Freund, Rita Martin, Harriet Boger, Ernestine Freund, Evelyn Smith, Florence Trent and Hazel Howard. Puiblic Card Party ' The members of Riverview Camp, R. N. A. held a public card party at their hall on last Friday afternoon. A good crowd was in attendance and bridge, five hundred and bunco were played, after which lunch was served. In five hundred the first prize was won by Mrs. George Miller, second by Mrs. J. D. Beatty. In bridge the first prize was won by Mrs, Harvey Nye, second by Mrs. E. Sutton. In bunco the first prize went to Milly Joos, second to Miss Nicholls. V. .> Miss Pufahl Entertains MSss Pauline Pufahl, teacher of the third grade at the McHenry Public school, delightfully entertained the little girls of her grade at a Hallowe'en party at her home on Main street from three until five o'clock Saturdav afternoon. The home was Reihar.sperger, Clara Thorsell, Betty j prettily decorated in keeping with the Nielsen, Katherine Donavin, Evelyn j Hallowe'en season and the afternoon Karls, Angela^ Steilen, Beatrice Web-|was spent in playing games and in* er, Mary Lr andJ-eil , Bernice TUTn"t1i' , JTe an music. At five o'clock the guests sat ette Lindsay and Helen Vandenboom. down to a delicious lunch, the table Party at Thies Home - " Mrs. Jacob Thies was hostess to a party of friends at her new home on Center street last Saturday evening. The home was prettily decorated for the occasion in keeping with the season and cards and bunco furnished the entertainment for the guests. At cards the prizes were won by Mr. and Mirs. William Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin and at bunco, Mrs. B. Relihan won the prize. Jolly Sixteen The members of the Jolly Sixteen Card club were pleasantly entertained at the home of Miss Gertie Weber on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Five hundred was played and the,first prize was won by Mrs. Will Bishop, second by Mrs. Josephine Heimer, and third by Mrs. A. Krause, while the consolation went to Mrs. George Bbhr. Miss Katie Weber will be hostess to the next meeting of the club. USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULT! -£v! W: McHenry- Cartage Service Company "> ' ' ( We specialise in hauling rubbish, ashes, cans, ete. We will ihake weekly calls. We will also do expressing of all kinds at reasonable rales FOR QUICK SERVICE CALL McHENRY 38 . .-1 . / Five Hundred Party Mrs. Josephine Heimer entertafoed a few friends at her home on Friday evening of last week. Five hundred was played during the evening ,and the first prize was won by Miss Gertie Weber while the consolation went to The annual Hallowe'en party and carnival was held at Pistaqua Heights j tractive" centerpiece, after which the on Saturday and Sunday. The weath- I little guests departed, having spent a er was delightful and the country | delightful afternoon. The girls presbeautiful and many of the club mem-; ent were; Evora Carlson, Bernice bers took advantage of this and at- peterson> Miriam Saylfr, Janice tended in large numbers. The beau-' tiful clubhouse appeared even more beautiful in its gala attire for the mask ball Saturday evening, and the mingling of bright costumes of every description was a pleasing sight. A being decorated with black cats and a | Mrg Henry Schuenarnann. Those yellow jack-o-lantern frommg an at- present were: Mr„. simon Stoffel, Miss Clara Stoffel, Mrs. N. J. Justen, Mrs. , _ 7 • ' i Klontz,. Rosa Popp and Monica Beller. Dinner-Bridge Party P. H. Weber, Miss Clara Schiessle, Miss Katie YVeber, Miss Gertie Weber and Mrs. Schuenarnann. Christian ^Mothers Give Catty to a Mir. Smith Chicago. The merry-making continued on Sunday with over 150 guests being served at dinner. £> The Christian Mothers gave a card party at St; Mary's church hall on Thursday evening of last week, Oct. 27. A good crowd was in attendance and spent a pleasant evening at cards and bunco. In five hundred the first prize was won by Mrs. Josephine Heimer, second by Mrs. A. Krause, third by Mrs. George Weber. In bunco One of the first of the social functions of the Hallowe'en season in the busy week that has filled many en- Hallowe'en lunch, including cider and j gagement calendars with notes of doughnuts, was served. Many valu-1 pleasant events, was a delightful dinable articles went to as many lucky j ner-bridge party given by Mr. and persons, the most valuable one and i Mrs. Gordon Stringer at their home the one which attracted the most at-1 on Wednesday evenme of last week, j "prize^ was won bV MTS.~ Geo tention being a speed boat which went j at which time the* entertained the Bohr seccnd l)y Theresa Brefeld and members of their card club. Hal- ' lowe'en decorations were the attractive and effective appointments for luncheon tables, the vivid colors being carried out in every detail, while Children Enjoy Hallowe'en black cats and witches decorated the "Our Bridge" Club Mrs. Earl McAndrews was hostess to the members of "Our Bridge" club ,, . o-,, T,. , . . • , . , at her home on Monday evening. Master Billy Kinsala entertained rooms. Following the, luncheon three | After the usual number of third bjr .Cecelia Thennes. games several of his friends and schoolmates, tbles of bridge were in play with the had been piaye<j it was found that BT O tT oil mira ayi nn %»^tr Win ma a ! If \T TT •» EAST SIDE GARAGE GAS AND OIL ACCESSORIES Wednesdays l Qt. Mobiloil with every 5 Cat. Gas All work guaranteed and prices right Wilkinson & Meier " i 9 11 l"I I ! <•< at a Hallowe'en party at his home ( favors going to Mrs. N. H. Petesch from 4 until 6 o'clock Monday even- J and A. J. Schneider. ing. The little folks had a merry j . time at games and Hallowe'en stunts: Dinner and Bazaar in which prizes were won by Evelyn' The chicken dinner and bazaar Schaefer, Helen Vandenboom and1 which was held at St. Patrick's Joseph McAndrews. The hours passed church hall on Sunday was a grand. ' all too quickly for the guests who1 success both socially and financially, j departed after lunch had been served. Over 500 people were served at the Those present were: Bernice ePterson,: dinner and to say that the ladies were James and Joseph McAndrews, Helen kept busy is putting it mildly. A and James Vandenboom, Evelyn social time was enjoyed by many durhigh honors were won by Miss Eleanor Kinsala, while Bertha Schiessle. carried j away the consolation. Offp LEADS THE WAY? v-Type Plant Approved by General Motors after 15 Years ^ Research and 7 Years.-«f V Field Tests vtlt ike tdrantag cf an automati Delco-Light cill the advant*gp$ storag battuy Profits Pay for It 9 Times Out of 10 DELCO-LIGHT haa always been regarded a real moneymaker on the farm. And now comes an entirely new type of plant that combines the best features of both tha Automatic and Battery Service Systems. Even engineers who are in daily contact with the newest trends of electrical science marvel at this achievement of Delco-Light and. General Motors. Science Marvels This new-type plant operates from the battery on small loads. Automatically switches to power for heavier service. Uses small battery--thus costs less. Requires less fuel. De.nands practically no attention. It is the result of fifteen years' research by Delco-Light engineers. Approved by General Motoci after seven years of grueling field testa. f ~ Other Models as Low as $225 ' See the new Delco-Light that is now being discussed so widely. Write, phone or call on me today and get the facts. And remember--if this new plant doesn't exactly fill your needs, there are many other models to choose from, priced as low as ^225. Don't wait. Now is the time to act. Do it today. ELMO McAULIFFE PhOM 16Z4-M-2. . Woodstock, 111, MADE AND GUARANTEED BY DELCO-LIGHT COMPANY, SUBSIDIARY OF GENERAL MOTORS, DAYTON, OHIO Schaefer, Rosa Fppp, Billy Clark and Eleanor Althoff. MILLER'S STORE ' Jos. J. Miller, Prop. GENERAL MERCHANDISE "A Good Place to Trade in All Kinds of Weather" Phoncllf-R ^ McHenry, HI. Walworth County Holstein Breeders' Ass'n Will Sell November 8th 40 New Milkers and Close-Up Springers * 10 bred two-year-olds and 5 yearlings, 16 bulls of serviceable age. Several of these cows, are ip cow testing • association work. One is a granddaughter of •ii vi a record of over 70 pounds of milk at first freshening. Send to the following for a catalogue: ing the afternoon and in the evening several tables • of cards were played. Prizes in bridge* were won by Mrs. Little Miss Evelyn Karls entertained j Albert Vales and Mrs. Charles Gibbs, twelve of her friends at a Hallowe'en; while in five hundred the prizes were party at her home on Thursday even- WOn by Mrs. Herman Schaefer and ing of last week. The evening was a, Mrs. May Powers. The hope chest very happy one for the girls who were j which contained so many desirablp taken for a ride to Woodstock where articles went to Mrs. Harry Kinney, they had supper at the Buckley Tea Visitors from Chicago, Elgin, Crystal room. The guests were: Virginia Lake and other neighboring cities Engeln, Gladys Warrington, Angela j were present during the day. Steilen, Ernestine Freund, Louise • Stilling, Dorothy Wormley, Beatrice! F. H. H. Clrfb Weber, Marie Freund, Shirley Covalt, The girls of the F. H. H. club Marguerite Johnson, Anita Bacon. ; were entertained by Miss Gladys Warrington at her home on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss enter- evening. The home was prettily dectained at a Hallowe'en party at their orated with the Hallowe'en colors and home on Monday evening, Oct. 31. j trimmings and the girls came masked Bunco was played with- Dr. Henry j and dressed in Hallowe'en costumes: Freund receiving high honors and ; Simper was served at 6:30 and the Henry Foss the low. Hallowe'en tables were prettily decorated with games were also enjoyed throughout j Hallowe'en colors and favors. The the evening. Those present were; rooms were then cleared for dancing Dr. and Mrs. Henry Freund, Dr. and i and games in which several prizes Mrs. F. H. Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. J. | were won by the guests. A happy HARRY ELLSWORTH, Secy. Elkhorn, Wis. J. Marshall, Mrs. Minnie Miller and son, Theodore, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss. Miss Mary Brefeld entertained several friends at a Hallowe'en party on Monday evening, Oct. 31. The home was prettily1 decorated in Hallowe'en colors and presented a most attractive appearance. Bunco and games were played,4ul"ing the evening with prizes going |(jr Helen and Veronica Freund. The guetets present were: Ida Reynolds Verji Jruss, Helen Freund, Charlotte FVfctt, Veronica Freund, Loretta gteffes, Florence Freund, Pauline ^Cennebeck, Hilda M!ay, Cecilia Thennes, Mrs. Edward Brefeld, Theresa and Mary Brefeld. evening was spent by the guests who were: Jaunita Keg, Frances Hughes, Dorothy Wormley, Mildred Gans, Marion Krause, Louise Kilday and Hazel Kramer. Miss Grace Marin entertained several friends at a Hallowe'en party at her home on Waukegan street last {-HttMaann. Saturday evening. The decorations carried out the idea of the season and Hallowe'en games were played during Afternoon Card Party Mrs. Peter A. Freund was hostess to a party of friends at her home on Thursday afternoon of last week. The entertainment fq,r the afternoon was furnished by cards and the prizes in five hundred were won as follows: First prize, M!rs. Nick Freund; second, Mrs. Harvey Nye, while the consolation went to Mrs. Peter Weingart.The guests who enjoyed the party were: Mesdames Ed Sutton, Nick Freund, J. W. Rothermel, Harvey Nye, Simon Michels, Louis Stoffel, Ben Justen, Jacob F. Justen, Peter Weingart, John Blake, William Freund and Miss Rose NASH NewPrice Special 4-door Sedaii 11335 Q. E. S. Sponsors Party The Hallowe'en party sponsored by the evening, after which refreshments \ MicHenry chapter of the Order of the were served. Then guests present j Eastern Star at their hall Saturday were: Adrian Armit, Hugh Kirk,' evening wa§> a success and was en- Bernard Freund, Larry Elfman, Paul; joyed by all' who attended. The hall Patzke, Rosalind Nye, Helen Wegener, j was appropriately decorated for tha Verona Amien and Ida Reynolds. The perfect weather of the last few days adds much to all social affairs, whether indoors or out, and fitted in occasion and Hallowe'en games and fortune telling furnished a great deal of ,un for the guests, after which the remainder of ttis in dancing. •wpNt was speat This Nash Special Six 4-Door Sedan has the FASTEST acceleration in Its price-field. When traffic starts, this big Nash 7-bearing motor puts you in the lead instantly. DRIVE this Sedan and test out its ^ great pickup--and its great SPEED and SMOOTHNESS, too. Along with its EXTRA power It ^ has the smoothest, quietest type of motor ever engineered. And in many other important ways this brilliantly exceptional car offers far more in both quality and value* The instrument board is a good ex* ample. Nash has finished it in walnut effect* And the door panel* ings and window moldings are similarly treated. Cushions are form-fitting to give you greater comfort. Upholstery if fine mohair, tufted beautifully* There's a vanity case and smoking set, leather mounted. Drive your car in when you come --we want to tell you about our special, LIBERAL terms on your Ncar for this week* World im Motor Omr Vkht* -<THB NSW NASH IS A GREAT AUTOMOBILE J>- ' George A. Stilling Garage nsasli tmnoH

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