Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Dec 1927, p. 10

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Tint WAUCONDA r I fe" Mnaitd Mrs. Henry Kruger sad eons spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Waltftn and son at Volo. Miss Belle Tagjrert, Miss Margaret Duers and Mrs. James Gossell were ' Waukejran shoppers Wednesday. L. Lewis of Waukegan called on Mr. and Mrs. George Dandelein Wednesday. Mrs. John Murphy and children spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. C. L. . Pratt and son. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Paddock were dinner guests at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Leslie Turnbull. Mrs. P. E. Broncheon and son, Irwin, spent Thanksgiving with the former's parents in Indiana. Mrs. John Murphy and children of Chicago spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. C. L. Pratt and son. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bristol and family of Waukegan spent Thursday here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case and fami ily of Roseville enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. Mid Mfrs. George Case and family. Mrs. Alineda Granthaffi and son, Walter, of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Grantham. Sr.. had Thanksgiving dinner and supper with Mr. and " MTS. Gib Burnett at Slocum's Lake. John Meyer of Barrington is spending a few days with relatives v here. * - Mr. Basse of McHenry was a recent caller in town. Mrs. H. L. Grantham, Sr., attended Ladies' Aid Tuesday at the home of ' Mrs. Lucy Clough. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Basley and family are spending their Thanksgiving vacation in White Lake, Wis. Mrs. Leslie Turnbull, Mrs. Fred Thomas and son, Mrs. Frank Green and Mrs. Harry Grantham, Jr., spent Wednesday morning in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham, Jr., and family spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. George Ladd and family at Arlington Heights. Mrs. Henry Schaeffer and son, of McHenry spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mainman. Dr. and M!rs. J. A., Roas ate Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sorenaoa. Mrs. Leslie Turnbull and children called on Mr. and MVs. Albert -Paddock at Round Lake. H. L. Grantham and Harry Grantham, Jr., and children were McHenry callers Saturday. Ronald Geary of Gilmer called on relatives here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Cook were in Grayslake Monday evening. * Several people from here attended a birthday party Saturday evening for Mrs. Asa Crabtree at Cary. Cards were played with Mrs. Ollie Grantham and Harry Grantham, Jr., making high score and Mrs. Emejrson Cook and Mr. Weaver of Cary low score. George Blackburn and Herman Mainman were Waukegan business callers Saturday. sLoomrs lau 7-V i) Ray Dowell was a business called at Grayslake last Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith were at Waukegan last Friday. Harry Matthews was a business caller at Grayslake last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son and Henry Geary were callers at McHenry last Friday. Mrs. Harry Matthews fend son, Mrs. Willard Darrell and Mrs. F. B. Carr were callers at Crystal Lake Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell were business callers at Libertyville last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Underwood and son of Mundelein spent Sunday, at the W. E. Brooks home. ° Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pfannenstill and daughter, Helen, of Grayslake and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ohrwall and daughter of Crystal Lake w«re Sunday Ilers Iguests at the J. W. Pfannenstill home. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene and children Mr and Mrg G j Burnett spent Our Second A H •iS#'"-"':~ • - < • . 'v.. mrnmrs? spent Saturday in McHenry Miss Dorothy Peck of Chicago is spending the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Edith Peck. Mrs. Dean Kirk and daughter, Geraldine, Raymond Daley, Vic Carr and Earl Broughton were Waukegan shoppers Monday. H. L. Grantham, Sr., is having a new furnace installed in his home. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Prior have been entertaining the latter's mother and sister of Milwaukee for a few days. Mrs. Almeda Grantham and son, Walter, of Chicago, Mrs. Mort Ritt and daughter, LaVera, called at the Grantham home Sunday evening. Farmer (proudly showing off his pigs): "This little pig's name is Ink." Visitor: "How's that?" Farmer: "Because he's always running out of the pea."--Progressive Grocer. "We have a girl who is so poor in mathematics she can't even add salt to potatoes."--American Lumberman. Frett Bros. & Fre MASON CONTRACTORS and CINCREfE BUILDING UNITS Telephone McHenry 600 M-l or 86-R fLV. Ir - Don't Neglect Your Eyes Only a complete examination with the latest scientific instruments will reveal your eyt trouble. The public is invited to visit my newly equipped optical office located above the M. Schwabe Jewelry Store. 217 Benton St j Open Days and Evenings pt. Paul A. Schwabe OPTOMETRIST Phone 674 for appointments. Woodstock, HI. %• m i k \ . . I * f , / 7 kmws • / ' about, the Superior Smoothnest ofaSixWtheFinerQuality of a Fisher^Body ^ That's why &/#:'priceof "("V-»745 makes die 'Pontine Six such an unusuaTBuy" The widespread appeal of die Pondac Six Is based on its extra smoothness, extra snap and the longer life it provide*. The world-wide reputation of Fisher bodies is based on known superiorities of Fisher design in styling, comfort and passenger protection .. . And because the Pontiac Six is the lowest priced six with Body by Fisher, It* success has become the talk of the automotive world ... Do you actually know what luxuries you can enjoy in today's Pontiac Six? Have you experienced the *U5e7ior Perf°rrnalnce> the added comfort, the extra satisfaction assured by the ownership of this great General Motors product? . . . Why not come in for a demonstration today? Why not learn as so many thousands have--that a Fisher body is finer--a Pontiac ,s smoother--and a price of $745 makes it a truly unusual "buy." f,n !?' bodytyp** (EtHctiv* July l&th, lt2T)t ,7/5' Coupe, S74S; Sport RoaJifer. S74S; Sport ISi/'rfc ' L Sedan- iH4i; *>eLuxe Landau Sedan. t t 0<,*'Q,nrf All-American Six, $I04S to $1265. All fT a* factory. Del,vered price, include minimum handling ' "V to pay on th« Central Motor* Tim« Pfp"^rnrf tlm%m McHENRY AUTO SALES McHenry, p. m?s- SIX Saturday evening at the Henry Geary home. Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews and Miss Myrtle Darrel of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with home folks at Oak Glen farm. Mrs. Eatingrer and son, George, and rihother, Mrs. Mary Dowel,1 spent last Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Leon Smith of Elgin spent last Tuesday evening «t the home of his parents here. Mrs. McCabe and son, Edwin, and daughter, Mary, of Norwood Park were Monday afternoon guests at th® Henry Geary home. Mrs. Clara Smith visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Joseph Haas at Wauconda last Friday. Chesney Brooks attended the travel exposition at the Sherman hotel in Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, Mrs. F. B. Carr and Mrs. Willard Darrell spent last Friday afternoon at Waukegan. Claire Smith spent the week-end at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Shaffer and son of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Geary and son of Wauconda were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary. Mrs. Maude North and daughter, Estella of Chicago tod Mrs. Will Basely of Woodstock called on Mrs. Joe Dowell last Friday. Robert Farron and Ralph Austin of Elgin spent Sunday at the Page Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. J* D- Williams and son of Crystal Lake enjoyed Sunday with Mrs. Clara Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, enjoyed Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Mc- Gill at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ohrwall and daughter of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Anna Bloomfield and daughter, Marjorie, and Mr. Kay of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pfannenstill of Ivanhoe were guests at the home of J. W. Pfannenstill Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Baseley and son and daughter of Grayslake and Mr. and Mrs. Lou Cypher and son of Wauconda were guests at the Joe Dowell home Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and daughter, Frances, enjoyed Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon. Clara Smith spent last Wednesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams at Crystal Lake. On Thursday morning she accompanied them to Edison Park where they were Thanksgiving day guests of relatives. Mrs. Louis Rohman of Chicago spent Thanksgiving at the H. L. Brooks home. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Dowell and daughter, Myrtle, and son, William, Mildred Hoffman, Mrs. F. B. Carr and George Harner ate Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake joined them and enjoyed supper with Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks left last Saturday for San Benito, Texas, where they will spend the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and family of Griswold Lake spent last Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maiman of Wauconda were Thanksgiving day guests at the Henry Geary home. Claire Smith and mother, Mrs. Page Smith spent Wednesday at Elgin. The latter remained with his father until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Davis and daughter, Frances, are making their home with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse until their new home near Wauconda is completed. Willard Darrell attended a" meeting of the Life and Casualty Co., hi Chicago last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dowell and family and Arthur Wackerow were among the guests entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dowell at McHenry at a birthday party Sunday in honor of the latter. MV. and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer and Children spent Sunday evening at the ilomgren home. Mildred Hoffman accompanied by Miss Mryle Darrell of Crystal Lake were business callers at Elgin Monday •vening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winkler of Barrington were Sunday supper and evening guests at the home of the former's parents at Ardelow farm. Mrs. Raymond Lusk of Wauconda spent Monday at the Blomgren home. George Roesslein of the Flats spent flonday evening at the Harry Matthews home. George Harner and Arthur Wack- |row attended the Miller theatre at Woodstock last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. £). Binks and Children and Mr. Mink's mother and lather of Oak Park enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner at ^rdelow farm. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews attended the Euchre club party entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Grantham and Mrs. A1 Wilson at Wauconda," Ifradaar evening. :, i'iw :?l- ..v ftp**" • \\ 1 :.. r * i Market Basket of Groceries $i.~ $1.00 Including 1 peck Potatoes, 1 package Macaroni and Spaghetti, I large bottle Katsup, 1 package Salt, Toothpicks, 1 can Armour's Pork and Beans and 1 can Pumpkin. Do not fail to order your Bargain Basket--all useful items for-- FLOUR %VA lb. sack, McHenry Early Riser, PANCAKE FLOUR--Regular 15c value Each . m RICE--Fancy Blue Rose Anniversary sale price 4 lbs. for 25^ COFFEE Regular 38c value 3 lbs. for $1.00 GREEN TEA--Excellent Quality Price this sale 2 I'm. for $1.00 COCOA--1 lb. pkg. Anniversarv sale 15* LARD Kerber's Blend per lb. 16c SODA CRACKERS--2-lb. box Each -29^ MACARONI OR SPAGHETTI--8-os. package .At this sale 4 for 25^ CANNED GOODS 0ORN OR PEAS--The very best grade Anniversary sale price _6 c&n* for $1.00 PINEAPPLE OR PEACHJB^--large sue can - This sale .2 for 45^ OORN--Standard grade Per can J --10^ HEINZ BEANS and SPAGHETTI--Medium siie Anniversary sale for 25^ CANDY Cocoanut Candies, regular 30c value per lb. BATES--Dromedary or Bagdad Per package RAISINS--Seeded or Seedless . Per package :15<* 12^ % MEAT SPECIALS PICNIC OR CALLA HAMS Per lb p: PORK BUTTS or SHOULDERS Per lb. ROASTING, CHICKS# Per lb. , r 1•-- 29^ TOILET PAPER Japanese Tissue 4 rolls for SUNBRITE CLEANSER Per can Ctrrrtt in During Anniversary Week and Qet Your Christmas Souvenir ** Riverside Grocery & Market Phone ISO Albert Barbian, Proprietor » • o a

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