Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Dec 1927, p. 11

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TBS HcHINKY PLAINDKALKR, TBUS8DAT, DKO 1,1SST & • ' " ? • $ ' • J "' t"ie-y i(i& a"** -: t, Christina* terms RINGWOOD Itr, and Mrs. Alec Anderson and children, William Coates and Warren Jones of McHenry were Thanksgiving * *3 dinner guests of Mrs. Rilla Foss. t Harold and Lorena Jepson who are attending college at Mt. Morris this & year spent the Thanksgiving vacation with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clay of Rodsford spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet. { Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown and Leonard spent Thanksgiving in the " home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pratt at ' Greenwood. M!r. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes were An- >'ff: tioch callers Sunday. $ Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and daughter, Adele, spent Sunday in '•'i-R Crystal Lake. Mrs. Emma Merchant vtt • Greenwood visitor Thursday. "r 1 Mrs. Ed Thompson and daughters, Agnes and Betty visited in McHenry Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webster and - daughter, Leota, of Greenwood were Saturday callers here. Mr. and Mrs. James Conway of • Libertyville visited relatives here on Sunday. <» > Mr. and Mrs. Roth and two daughters of Rockford and Mr. and Mrs. McLean of Woodstock were Thanks- • giving day guests of Mfs. Frankie Stephenson. Several changes in residence are taking place at this time. Joe Young and family are moving to tie Ben Freund farm. Nic Young will move to the farm vacated by Joe Young. M!r. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson will _ move into the house vacated by Nic Young and Mr. and Mrs. Merwin and family will move here from Gnrnee and live in the house vacated by the Carlsons. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chicago spent Sunday in the E. C. Hawley home here. Mrs. Walter Harrison and her sister Miss Darby of Valpariso, Ind., spent Saturday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Williajn Harrison were Kenosha shoppers Tuesday. Mr. aijd Mrs. Milford Smith of Round Lake were Sunday guests in th$.C. C. Harrison home. Mrs. Melissa Gould and daughter, Jane, of Elgin spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Buchert and daughter, Betty, of Richmond were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon. Mrs. Butler of Bath, I11M is viaiting in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Hitchens. Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Allen of Chicago spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hitchens. Julian Butler and Miss Alta Stover of Maple Park cq}led at the home of Frank Hitchens Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey of McHenry were Tuesday callers here. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and children spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss in McHenry. A number of the members of the Pentecost church attended the 19th spiritual birthday of Mir. C. J. Balfe at Williams Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Cristy entertained a large company of relatives Thanksgiving day and the occasion was a very pleasant reunion for the families. . Those present were Mr. and Mrs. T. Nelson of Waupea, Wis., father and mother of Mrs. Cristy, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nelson and son, Billy, and Mr. and Mrs. Myron Godfrey and two children also of Waupea, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nelson and four children of Colby, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Granberg and daughter of Oshkosh, Wis. Another large family reunion was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison where the following enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and Misses Alice and Marian Peet, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond HJarrison and son, Neal, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison and son, Earl, Edward Harrison and Miss Ruth Owen of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hince of Crystal Lake. Betty was milking the cow when a mad bull tore through the meadow. Betty kept on milking. To the astonishment of her friends who fled for safety the bull stopped a few yards away from her, turned and ran away. "Weren't you afraid? Why did he run away?" they asked. "He got scared" replied Betty. "This cow is his mother-in-law."-- Progressive Grocer. "Time curses all things .Look what fashion has done for the girl who didn't have anything to wear."--Montreal Herald. WfflitY PfRSONAlS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY As Seen By Pl&indealer Reporters and Handed II By Our Friends Mrs. P. M. Justen was a recent Chi-r cago visitor. Miss Helen Welch spent last Wednesday in Elgin. Miss Mildred Welch was a Chicago visitor Thursday. „ JMiss Cecelia Themras was a Chicago i weeks because of illness. Ray Page was a Woodstock visitor Monday evening. ^ Raymond Howard spent ThanksgiV. ing with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund spent Thursday at Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Bowers spent Thursday at Spring Grove. Father Hackett of Fulton, is spending the week with friends here. John Sutton of Chicago spent the week-end with McHenry friends. . Mr. and Mrs. C .H. Duker and fataily were Chicago visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Glosson o£ Waakegan were Sunday guests-'ui the Fred Karls home. Mrs. Anton Schneider has been confined to her home for the past few $o spats about the way we clean spats. Nothing but satisfaction in the way we dye and clean ^ ^erything. Acquaint yourself with real service. r --Mr. Before and After. . "When Things Look Dark Send For Us" Mrs. Anna Howard CLEANING, PRESSING and REPAIRING PHONE 143-W Located over Bolger's Drug Store when nvrra automobiles ami kjilt. buck WILL BUILD 1HBM Drive Buick for 1928 over that bad road DRIVE a Buick for 1928 over the stretch of bad road you know best. . . Notice how Buick's Cantilever Springs smooth away those aggravating ruts and bumps . . . Observe how Buick's Larejoy Hydraulic Shock Absorbers, front and rear, absorb road shocks and eliminate jolts and jars . . . You cannot know Buick's marvelous new riding coo|* fort until you have tested it yourself. A car awaits you in our showroom. ODANS *1193 to *1995 ' ' COUPES #1195 to *1SM r SPORT MODELS #1195 to £1525 r f. o. ft. Pl'mt, Mick., A. C. fitumcmg pU tmI lo be Th drurabU, H fMiUib!*, BUICK>I928 Overton & Cowen Buick Dealers Weal Mfiffeiury, illinaia P visitor last Tuesday, Mrs. Mary MeCabe was S" Chicago visitor last Tuesday. Miss Ethel Jonfs was *. Chicago visitor last Wednesday. Mrs. C. R. Draper was a Woodstock shopper Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Martin were Woodstock visitors Saturday. Earl Walsh was the guest of. Chicago friends Thanksgiving day. Miss Olive Vasey spent Thanksgiving day with friends in Chicago. Miss Marilyn Mertes spent a few days with Elgin relatives last week. Harold Bacon was the guest of friends in Chicago Thanksgiving day. Arthur Krause spent a few days last week with friends at Davenport, Iowa. Miss Rosalind Nye spent a few days last week with friends at Coal City, 111. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ensign called on Crystal Lake relatives Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fay and baby of Elgin were guests in the J. W. Fay home Thursday. Richard Warner of Elgin spent last week in the home of his aunt, Mrs. Mollie Givens. Edmund Willis spent his Thanksgiving vacation as the guest of friends at Detroit, Mich. Miss Adeline Vogt spent several days last week as the guest of relatives at Elburn. Mr. and Mrs. George Paul of Chicago spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Johnson. Miss Lillian Baur spent a few days last week in the home of her sister at Davenport, Iowa. Mrs. Henry Foss, Mrs. Minnie Miller and daughter, Alice, were in Woodstock Saturday. William Martin has returned home from Kansas, where he has been for the past several months. Mrs. J. F. Claxton and daughter, Mrs. John Dreymiller, spent Saturday afternoon in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robinson of Woodstock spent Thanksgiving day in the W. J. Welch home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walkup of Ridgefield spent Saturday evening with friends at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron were guests in the Robert Thompson home Thursday. Gus Goettsche and son, William, of Chicago spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Malone of Elgin spent Thursday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh. Mrs. Emma K. Freund and daughter, Clara, were guests of Chicago relatives Thanksgiving day. Charles Ferwerda of Champaign was a guest in the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Ferwerda, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Harrison and little son of Elgin were guests in the home of Mrs. Mayme Harrison Thursday. Miss Martha Slusser of Chicago spent several days the past week in the home of her cousin, Mrs. Charles Mertes Leroy Conway, who is attending school at Notre Dame, $pent his vacation in the home of his father, M. A Conway. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bonslett of Austin were Thanksgiving day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William. Bonslett. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Holmes of Cleveland, Ohio, spent a few days last Week in the J. M. Phalin an<J W. J. Welch homes Howard Phalin, a student at Notre Dame, was a Thanksgiving guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1. M. Phalin. Miss Janice Klontz spent a few days the past week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strain mt Richmond. . Miss Louise Chamberlin of Elmhurst spent Thanksgiving day in the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. €. Chamberlin. MTss Christina Maynard and Harry Carpenter of Chicago were guests in •the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ensign Thursday. Miss Gladys Rietesel of Chicago •pent a few days last week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rietesel. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson and children ate Thanksgiving dinner in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Burns in Oak Park. Mrs. John Refhansperger of West Chicago was a guest in the home of her son, Charles, and family a few 4ays the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Kirk and Mac Stewart of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Herrold on Thanksgiving day. John and James Fay, who are attending school at Champaign, spent Jheir Thanksgiving vacation in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fay. Mr. and ]£rs. Frank Strain and Mr. •nd Mrs. V. L. Austin of Richmond Were entertained in the home of Dr. *nd Mrs. C. W. Klontz on Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McArthur, daughter, Ruth, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson and children, of Elgin, wete Thanksgiving guests in the home of Mrs. Augusta Wolff. - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reihansperg- «r and children and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey were Thanksgiving day fuests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Westffjj in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Smith of Spring Grove were guests of Mrs. Catherine Young, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stucker were- Thanksgiving day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Frett. Mrs. Ella M. Wheeler and daughter, Mabelle, visited Mrs. Chris Blake at' Pistakee Bay one day recently. Miss Frances May of Woodstock spent Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin May. Miss Edna Speaker of Hammond, Ind., spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her sister, Mrs. Leslie Olson. M. A. Conway and son, Leroy, saw the football game between Notre and California at Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Howard left the last of the week for a few days' motor and business trip in Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Breyer and son, Ted, of Chicago spent the week-end at their cottage at McCollum's Lake. Miss Laura Karls and Mat Karls of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward of Elgin visited in McHenry Friday everfltag. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler spent Thanksgiving day in the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. G. A. Hartley, and family at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh spent Thanksgiving day in the home of their son, Richard B. Walsh, and family at Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Germer Petesch of Chicago were guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Petesch, on Thanksgiving day. Miss Alice Miller, who is attending the University of Illinois, spent her Thanksgiving vacation with her mother, Mrs. Minnie Miller. Mrs. B. J. Brefeld and daughters of this city, in company with Mrs. John Brefeld of Waukegan spent last Wednesday at Kenosha, Wis. TODAY Nash inaugurates a special pra- 'Christmas exhibit at Nssh showrooms throughout the country,and youare invited! For this is **Ghre a Nssh for Christmas" week, and ire cordially urge you to come in either day or availing and see the special display of new Nash models m our showroom.1 The piffoct Christinas gift is a new Nash. We have a SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PLAN whereby you can give a new Nash car to your family at very lowcosc. George A. Stilling Garage Come in and ask as this plan. You'll be amazed^ to find howE^yyit is make a new Nash yo Christmas gift this year. Pick out your Nssh today ^ delivery bright and Christmas morning. Remember: There are 24 striking new models, offer* ing a brilliant array of boty i J: , V types and color combine* dons, priced from $865 to $1990, f. o. b. factory. v, ' * Jv* a hini front the and purchase Ml* Vji '/if, f xjri :'Jr' V 1 r Superb-a-lite for dak oc tabic. a an*, to - be - appreciated gift. WW *2^ ,0Kb: Federal Washer with convergent swinging wringer makes a useful. thi ughrful gift. *155 Give a Fedelco Cleaner I you ghre her • tatting Chriattnas rememb r a n c e i n d more hour* of leisure, only $^in50 Their treasured nickels go for useful gifts. A tiny comb, perhaps, for Mother; a radio screwdriver for Dad--but every gift warms some? body's heart because it shows loving thoughtfulness... And among grown'ups, electrical gifts are always most welcome because their last' ing, helpful service brings a message of cheer every day in the year. f=J & Came in now and see the attractive display of useful gifts at your Public Service store. Christmas gifts purchased here may be had at once a n d p a i d f o r "Little by Little", b e g i n n i n g in February* ! V }• Sunbeam Toaster handles raro iltcea at once, a uae- , ful table gift. A travel aire electric iron included free. $goo A Federal I Percolator, i t a t - way* a welcome gift. This beautiful 9- cup modal. Sunbeam; Iron /. 29- (Attachment* $5 a) V. "Little Princess" Travel-size Iron ficrn FREE with either Sunbeam Iron, • . $8.50 Sunbeam Grill, . . v Sunbeam Toaster, > Sold alooe, $3-51 h $822 This Simplex Heating Pad of soft warm woo! attache? to anv electric socket, briwgs quick i unit and fireeeoof .•-e. Trave' $>:<* mi. ludevi I r-< £ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS 101 Williams St, Crystal Lake J Telephone 280 I, A. Schabeck. District Monaster u

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