Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Dec 1927, p. 2

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THE McHENRY PL^UNDEALER, THURSDAY, DEO The Open Mind It la often and trol.v said that ^> 's radical ia tomorrow'# coaHfTIIsaac Watta was not allowed (a r*aeb la a church of i|H|hli< (So to any Episcopal chureb today WMJ g can bear his great hymn i "Our Our Help tn Agti Past" ttg of mankind1* Nttwmwt UM • opaa door of Um mlai HERMAN J. SCHAEFER v Moving and |<ong Di«tane* Hauling . Fhone 126-R ; : McHenry, Illinois McHENRY GRAVEL & ^EXCAVATING CO. l ' A. P. Freund, Prop. jfeoad Building and Excavating of Every Description ( Estimates Furnished on , ^ Request "High-grade Gravel Delivered any time--large or small Orders given prompt attention. Phone 654-M-2 McHenry Old-fashioned self-rising Buckwheat Flour Now is the time to begin to think about some of those wonderful buckwheat cakes. There is none better than the product of the 1 Mcflenrj flour Mills Wes1 McHenry, HI. Aak yonr grocer for it. 0. W. KLONTZ, M. D.' Physician and Surgeon (Also treating all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and doing Refraction) Office Hours--8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence, Waukegan Road. Phone 181 McHenry, HL WM. M CARROLL Lawyer with Kent & Coapaay Every Wednesday Fbone 8 McHenry, DL ¥ Telephone No. 106-R. Stof fel & Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS J. W. WORTH ; PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT [ Audits Systems Income Inheritance Tax Matters I Meml>er of I Wblic Accountants Association of Illinois »ene 2M-J McHenry, DL Fho®* Reasonable Rates I ; . . A.R. SCHAEFER T ' Draying McHENRY, ILLINOIS In Snre-IosDnuice WITH -- Whether you're President o' the hull United States or jest a clerk behind the counter the day holds jest the same amount o'minutes fer both of ye. And if you'll both do the best you kin with all of them you'll both get the same credit in the book of providence. Last week I cranked my flivver up and took Sary Jane and the pup and went down to the husking match; I like to watgh them folks detach the ears from off the stalks, by gum, the winner sure was goin' some! They lined 'em up and fired a gun to show the contest had begun, the ears when flyin' through the air, there wan't no time for loafin' there. Them buskers didn't wait to walk, they jumped along from stalk to stalk, they grabbed them ears from out the shuck, a slow poke would be oat of lock, a-huskin' in that bunch, by heck, he'd git an ear across his neck. Farm life would sure be fine, indeed, if hired men would make such speed, I told my man I'd raise his pay if he would work like that all day, if I had men that husked like that and make the ears go rat-a-tat, I'd sure make up my mind, by gum, that the millenium had come. A huskin' contest sure is great, it makes the farm boys percolate and fills them full of vim and pep, it sure makes them contestant! step. Beside it, pitchin' shoes is tame, it even beats a football game, there ain't no contest that can beat for fun, a right good huskin* meet! "Our waste of time extend# to ttie smallest things," said a McHenry man. "Frequently I decide when reading a magazine that I want an address, but will not take it at the time, preferring subsequently to spend several hours hunting it, retrieving it just as it is about to be consigned to the furnace. # I:-' Twice Tol d Tales firittwsthtg Bits of News Taken From the Columns of the Plainde&ler Fifty and Twenty-five Year* Ago Ladies who have given up" writing mash notes to the -Prince of Wales because he's now too old might try their art on young King Michael. Sanitoriums are places where people who are run down wind up. Break into song if you will, but keep out of strange flats. The woman who wears a fashionable evening dress is very much out of it. A little present often smooths over a terrible past. With a charming air of romance and pleasant sentimentally, the company were discussing how each couple among them first met. "And where did you first meet your wife?" the little man in the corner was asked/ "I did not meet her," he replied solemnly. "She overtook me." Be thankful: But even nowadays, when we sit down before a relative of Kinj? Tut which we fondly nickname a "turkey" we* have got a lot to be thankful for, too, even with all the drawbacks of an advanced civilization. We can be thankful that black shirts came into style the same time as soft coal. That there is yet no law against parting our hair as we like. That we don't have to listen to radio programs unless we wish. That you can't be divorced for throwing gum wrappers in the street. That Cal lives in Washington and Oawes in Chicago. That parsnips will sustain life if worst comes to worst. Wm. G. Schreiner Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Pbone 93-R McHENRY, ILL Men are valuable just in proportion as they are able and willing to work in harmony with other men. When a person loses his ability to cooperate with others, he has joined the Down-and-Out club. Lotta Sand has came back here to live, which her husband died an' left her reel well off. She has things turrible nice in her home an' sets a offle nice tables, bean sort o' special cranky about her coffee. So Mis Les Brane got in the habit of running into Lotta's every few days to borry some coffee an' then she'd pay it back with some cheap Carbuncle's. So finely Lotta jest though she'd put the Carbuncle's into a separate can an' when Mirs. Brane come over for coffee she'd give her back what she'd brang. The secont time it happened Mis Brane says, "You dont seem to be a-buyin as good grade o' coffe as you usta," she says. Another wayto keepjcookies and doughnuts safe from juvenile hands is to lock them in the pantry and hide the key under the soap on the wash- Stand, December, 1877 Chicago market prices are as follows: flour, $7.25; eggs, fresh, 21 cents; butter, 33 cents; lard, 8 cents. Judge T. D. Murphy and Capt. James Nish of Woodstock showed themselves on our streets on Friday last. Good prints, 5 cents per yard; yard wide bleached sheeting 8 to 10 cents per yard; good all wool stocking yarn 90 cents and French bone corsets at 40 cents. Signed P. D. Smith. Any man who neglects to pay for his paper, and expects to enjoy his dinner in the evening and retire to ambroeial slumbers, deceiveth himself and is not wise; for to such comes the nightmare in its most horrible shape. But the man who holds ye editor's receipt for a year in advance, will fold his mantle about him and lie down to pleasant dreams. Joseph Wiedemann at his restaurant near the depot, ia now keeping the celebrated Milwaukee bottled beer, which is without question the finest in the market. He sells it by the single bottle or by the dozen. When in want of a good cool glass of beer do not fail to call "Joe." December, 1902 John Buss expects to finish hia work at M'arengo in about two weeks. He states that only 12,000 bushels of cucumbers were taken in at the factory there this fall. Two years ago over 60,000 bushels were handled. There is considerable talk of putting in a few powerful gasoline lamps on the main streets of MiHenry, but whether the scheme will materialise or not is a question. George Curtis and Wallie Woodburn, representing different companies displayed their lamps before the city council Monday evening, but that body took no action in the matter. It may be that a few of the business men will "chip in" and buy a few of the lamps. 1, 1927 CHRISTMAS W M Our Christmas Club Jjnce a year---at Christmas Time--the whole world seems akin. A spirit 'Iff wanting to make other people happy seems to come oyer us. From this wondrous brotherly feeling has sprang the custom of giving ;gifts ° ? T ^ p d f r i e n d s . i it) much ftieppiness and sunshine as this--ages old--custom of gift giving. However, the lack of ready funds has often rrt:.iy ' ' ' ffiarred the pleasure of thusly expressing such beautiful sentiments. But the Christmas Club completely removes this handicap. Millions now make other millions happy and themselves happier because of this easy way to accumulate money. And Christmas Club members know the full meaning of the words:--A Paid for Christmas is a Merrier Christmas. Join Nouv~WhUe It's Fresh in Your Mind Fox River Valley State Bank ur^v(ll 9f a snjike shortly is cast Is due lo th« L,- ? DENTISTS I ' M& MeCHESNEY & BROWN (Incorporated) t* .Dr. L W. Brown Dr. R- M. Walker •aUbUsked over 50 years and still at the old stand in First Class Dentistry at Moderate Prices Ask your neighbors and • Friends about as. COT. Clark and Randolph 8t. 144 N. Clark St, Chicago • to S, Sundays 9 W U Central SM7 Eyesight of Snakes The milky appearance of the eyea before the slough sepafa {Ton of the outer layer of epidermis from the cornea, resulting In Impaired vision. This gives rise to various *uperstltlons regarding snakes going blind during the dog days of late summer. GUARDIAN'S SALE State of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss. By virtue of a decretal order of the County Court of said County, entered at the November Term of said Court, A. D. 1927, on the application of Math J. Smith, Guardian of Clarence Smith and Elmer Smith, Minors, to sell th^ following described real estate, belonging to said Minors, situate in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, to-wit: An undivided two forty-eighths interest in and to the following: The West fifty-nine (59) acres of the South half of the South East quarter of Section Number Six (6); and the South ten and one-half (10%) acres of the East forty-two (42) acres of the South East quarter of said Section Number six (6); the above described premises also known as Lot Number three (3) of the County Clerk's Plat of the South East quarter of said Section Number six (6), as per Plat recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, in Bctak 2 of Plats, on page 13; and also known as the South half of the South half of Lots Number one (1) and two (2) and the South half of Lots Number three (3), four (4), five (5), six (6) and seven (7), of the Subdivision of the Alfred Stone Estate of said South East quarter said Section Number six (6), all in Township Number forty-five (46) North, of Range Number Nine (9), East of the Third Principal Meridian, and containing in all sixty-nine and fifty one hundredths (69.50) acres, (excepting and reserving therefrom that portion thereof conveyed by Math J. Smith, a widower, to Susie Freund and Peter F. Freund, by deed dated August 5th, A." D. 1927, and recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, in Book 183 of Deeds on page 359), and situate, lying and being, In the ^County of McHenry, in the state of Illinois. I shall, on the 10th day of December A. D. 1927v4t the hour of 10:00 a. m., sell alt the interest of said Minors, in and to the said real estate, at the East door of the Court House, Woodstock, 111. Terms of sale as follows: Cash; the purchaser to pay twenty-five per cent (25%) of bid on day of sale. Balance upon approval of sale and delivery of deed. MATH J. SMITH, Guardian for Clarence Smith and Elmer Smith, minors. 23-4 Do Your Christmas Shopping Early and Do It in MeHenrs^ PROTECT YOUR CHILD'S HEALTH Through thoughtlessness the slight cough or cold of a child is sometimes neglected and becomes serious. A few doses of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, at small cost, taken at the onset of a cold, brings speed^ relief, j Be prepared, have a bottle of this] safe reliable cough remedy on hand and give promptly when a cough or Cold is first detected. Equally effective for grown persons. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar. TlMtnas P. Bolger, Druggist. " " • For BETTER GLASSES BETTER VISION T BETTER SERVICE ML HENRY FREUND Optometrist Pries Bldg. McHenry, Illinois. Hours: 7 to 9 p. m. except Saturday; Wednesdays 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Phones: Office McHenry 182 41 Residence, McHenry 176. r TOMORROW Friday, December 2nd Come in and let its give you the full story of the NEW FORD CAR Open until midnight KNOX MOTOR SALES "Where Your Dollar Buys Most" Phones 30 and 31 HcHenry XMIIMMMIIMMMMMM

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