$*:• • ,i";,. .,-•>«' ' •; •' -•.,>' - *./-*•':' mm THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, B*0. 1, 1927 »*v r , Funeral services were held at 10:30 o'clock Tuesday morning, Nov. 29, with burial at Crystal Lake cemetery Card of Thanks We wish in this way to thank our neighbors and friends for the beautiful floral offerings and for the . ^ i Kimiw sympathy extended to as in. our ref /'"v - *4*' r ' ipi » 'vsu' s^isi ¥-'K& * • MICHAEL CONLEY Michael Conley, 70 years old, died *t his home, west of this city on Saturday morning', Nov. 26, 1927. Mr. Conley had lived in this vicinity aU of his lifetime and was born on a farm near Woodstock. When he was just a young boy, he moved with his Parents, to his present home where he had lived for nearly sixty years. For the last thirty-six years Pat Moran has lived on the farm with him and their companionship has been a very close one. ; < - • Ths deceased leaves four sisters, Mrs. M. Fitzsimmons of Woodstock, >Ers. Afln Walsh of Woodstock, Mrs. P. F. Hanrahan of Chicago and Mrs. M. Baley of Chicago. He had one brother. James Conley, deceased. cent breavement. The Family and Pat Moran. Full Explanation Tony, not being very well acquainted with our language, thus described the gtjnsil be wanted to the girl fa % hitrsfc.?£ hands, "ft water he go through, but se macaroni she stop."--Boston Tran •crtPtfor ; Christmas Gifts Call at oft Ritts "Tempos Fugit" plm St.--McHenry IVORY SETS, WRIST WATCHES, ft SILVERWARE AND JEWELRY & & & Christmas Shopping WHY YOU SHOULD BUY YOUR HOLIDAY GOODS AT MILLER'S BECAUSE f a What you buy will be satisfactory or money refunded. No doubt but what prices will be lower than the heavy advertised stores. Proprietor and clerks will fee pleased to help you select your gifts. WATCH OUR HOLIDAY AIM Jos. J. Miller Riverside Drive and Pearl Si. McHenry SERVICE IS WHAT COUNTS Our " wet woaii" (rough dry) or family finish service I- '"-has been and always will be the best. You can have v : your whole washing done cheaper than you can do H %" yourself. Call us up and let us show you. J McHenry agencies--Bishop & Olson, Riverside Drive Kercher & Drevmiller, Green street; John Stoffel Grocery, West McHenry. H too big to carry, call us at our expen®®,' WOODSTOCK LAUNDRY Phone, Woodstock 542 V Mid Pure Milk! A food that is not only the very best for babies and children, but the grownups, too. To be a food food, however, it must be pure. We handle nothing but Borden's Pasteurized and Degreed Products Ben J. Smith ¥hone 657-R-l % The "State of Illinois will have but slightly less than $200,000 to distribute among the county fairs next year as the result of having encroached on the 1928 allotment to the extent of $23,1C>0.48. State funds paid falFs this £W!'f"TTot rT of $243.1^.48. exceeding alt pajt re?onIs. Tlie state department oT agricijlttlffS, which hae charge of thg 9Tstributlon of the fund?, had a limit of $440,000 to distribute among county fairs for botb this year and next. If the fairs pay as much in premiums next year as they did this season, they will receive only their pro-rated share of the balance available. '"Fair officials will do well next season," Director Stanard of the department of agriculture states, "to keep their premium offerings within bounds. It hAs been repeatedly pointed out to them that Increased premiums would cause a deficit in the appropriation, and that this department is without authority to pay more than the legislature authorises, $440,000, which, we find, Is the most liberal appropriation of Its, kind in the United States." The state division of highways let the contract recently for the construction of two bridges on route 116, In Livingston county, to the Indiana Road Paving company, Rochester, Ind. The cost of the Bridge on section n?T* was $19,968.44 and the one on section 114B was $7,048.56. AGATHA SHOP August 18 to JK5 are the dates for the 1928 Illinois state fair, according to an announcement Issued recently by the state department of agriculture. In accordance with established custom, the Kankakee Inter-State fair, of which Gov. Len Small Is secretary, will be held during the preceding week, August 13-17. Other fairs, with this information, . will formulate their plans for 1928, according to StTilman J. Stanard, director of agriculture, and by January 11 and 12, when the Illinois Association of Agricultural Fairs convenes in Qulncy, a schedule of dates for a formidable list of Illinois expositions will be announced. Early In December, officials of state meet In Chicago, and at that time will announce the dates for the nation's greatest agricultural expositions. After discussing with the governor, plans for the 1928 Illinois state fair. Director Stanard announces that further Improvements at the state fair grounds are contemplated. Plans whereby the beauty of the grounds will be enhanced are receiving careful consideration, he states, and the Increasing list of exhibitors will find Improved facilities In the way of permanent improvements. Harold Holmes, who recently won the Illinois corn husking contest to spite of the handicap of a boll on his hand, took fourth place In the national contest at Winnebago, Minn., a few days ago. Holmes husked a total of 13.9 bushels, but was seriously hindered by a coating of sleet on the ears of corn. Holmes actually husked but 31 pounds less than Fred Btanek, twenty-eight-year-old Iowa farmer, who won the national contest Holmes has a record of husking more corn in this state than apj other state title holder. ' Illinois has eight streams wbfcTr fire commercially navigable, the Illinois fiver being the largest. It Is navigable from LaSalle to Orafton, a tance of 225 miles. The America First foundation, fathered by Mayor William Hale Thompson of Chicago, has been granted a charter by Secretary of State Emmerson. The object of the organization Is to teach the fundamental principles' of the government and to place In all homes "the priceless document of our constitution." The incorporators are Mayor Thompson, Henry Paschen, John J. Murphy, Christian Pasehen and Linus Long. County treasurers are entitled to 1 per cent or the money realized from the sale of road bonds when they receive the money and an additional 1 per cent when they pay the money out of the treasury. Attorney General Oscar E. Carlstrom ruled In an opinion made recently. His opinion was given in reply to a query from the state's attorney of Saline county, who | wished an interpretation of the law In regard to the treasurer's authority to collect commission on road bonds and whether the county board could forbid him to make such collections. ; GOOD REMEDY FOR BAD COUGH "A hard persistent wearing cough kept me awake for several nights, and when my druggist recommended Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, I was eager to try it. In less than two days my cough was entirely gone," says this satisfied user from Nebraska. No opiates, no chloroform, a really valuable remedy for coughs, colds, throat and bronchial irritations. Accept no substitute for Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Get the genuine. Thoaai P. Bolfer, Druggist. Buslneu men of Illinois are beginning to realise the potential trade possibilities of the Pan-American countries and great interest is being evidenced in the second Carrlbean sea cruise being sponsored by the Illinois Chamber of Commerce. John H. Camlin, Chicago, Is president of the organization. According to government figures this immediate foreign territory now absorbs more than 13 per cent of the exports of the United States. The coming good will trade tour of the state chamber has as Its purpose the development of foreign trade for minols manufacturers. The party will leave Chicago January 26 on the Panama Limited of the Illinois Central and will sail January 28 on the United Fruit st^mgr Cartage, for the sea voyage of 21 days. Who can resist shopping early for Christmas when you see the decorative, colorful and useful array of Christmas gifts await your selectionI Stamped Needlework Gifts of Wrought Iron Useful articles that make charming gifts: Luncheon Sets, Aprons, Laundry Bags, Scarfs, Pillow Cases, Towels, Patterns and Materials for Quilted Pillows. ial for this week. Oases $1.00 Beautiful Gift Handkerchiefs for men and women Wonderful Values in Linen 25c--35c--55c--85c Lunclieon Cloths and Sets--$1.00 each and up S and Pottery Scones Jases Dinner Gongs Tea Sets Candle Holders Waffle Seta Colored and Crystal Glass Vases, Water Sets, Sherberts, Goblets, ,, Salad Plates Special for this week. One-half dozen either Goblets, Sherberts, Salad Plates $2.00 Hosiery for Wlomen and Men i Nicely Boxed French Stationery makes a mogt acceptable gift. if 1 - 5 - Order Youjr Personal Christmas Cards Now A wide selection of Christmas Greeting Cards Boxes--Gift Wrapping--Tags and Seals ~ 1 (-- f - r t n n r n n n n - n - n n n -| r t n nnnnnnry-^r)r||^nr>nnn|pnr n Do Vour Christmas Shopping early 4 and Do It in McHenry * • - - - -- -- ~ -- - --- - -- --- --- - i i r > f w > < - i n n n njnni'iivirii'inju'uT.nnrirwM • Christmas Suggestions Everybody Likes Everything Electrical GENERAL fP ELECTRIC Refrigerator © 5 We can install it In your home by Christmas It is easy to have a General Electric Refrigerator installed where and when you want it. It takes just a few minutes. There are no plumbing or assembling jobs. Here is an electric refrigerator so simple that all you need to do is to plug it into the nearest electric outlet and it works. Just say die word, and we •will have it installed in yctur home in plenty of time for Christmas. Where can you find a gift that would hciqg more all-year-round joy than this? CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP Green Street ^ ¥ 3 ait McHenry