Niif Wf ^ - T< r- . ,T1 ^l"»fi|i^WMl"Mli|IMIV"«!W"I THE McHEKRY FLAIND«ALES, THURSDAY, DkC. 8, 1927 •Oil': > f* ^ ?* V' "' '•"• '-> ' :>v. *S~;v ... * 1'"• _ j-.- V. - ., * . • = '. . t ': s Have - • * *r " 10i r- • '. * /" v: &: : I 4J j.:;1 *1 • " ': -&*V : .. V-;: •" .""• j. . "• , J J-:.: '1 4 -r ~. I : * ^h.'":' y1'-' i-'f l'« at the FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9 From 8 A. M. Until Midnight--One Day Only, Make a Note 0 Se^ JtonTh(U Pay Write, Telephone or Call Today for Illustrated Booklet, Which Gives Complete Details of This New Car KNOX MOTOR Phones 1' enry, %r>i-. McHenry Cartage Service Company <» We specialise in hauling rubbish, ashes, cans, etc. _ We will make weekly calls. We will also do expressing of all kinds at reasonable rates FOR QUICK SERVICE CALL McHENRY 38 CURTIS WOODWOUk BOOKS umd CHINA become decoratire ele- 01 enti in hunting bookcasea END china CUM. The one# afiown hara art but two ot teveral designs you can chooae from. The bookcaae C-6035 J« $0.00, the Ctuna 90.00. SENSIBLE GIFTS "to the house?' THIS year do your, Christmas shopping at a different kind of store .. . Buy presents that are new and different . . . presents that every member of the family will appreciate, because they are useful and sensible as well as convenient pr beautiful. Come in and see oar selection of Curtis cabinetwork. In addition to the items shown here, we are also prepared to deliver for Christmas .use, ^beautiful corner cupboards, mantels, bookcases, dining alcove sets, kitchen dressers, medicine and telephone cabinets, ironing boards and broom , closets. They can be finished'm any manner to suit your decorative scheme, or you may finish them yourself. Here are unique gifts "to the house"--and their cost is far less than you would pay for less sensible presents. May we give you further information? • |MWIr/HI1ENRY U'MBMl ffl QUAUTY AND SERVICE FIWT VVf« mm- WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY As Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In By Our Friendb 6. A. Hianly Of Elgin visited friends here Sunday. Miss Lillian Baur wit aft Elgin vistor Saturday. Mrs. F. E. Cobb was an Elgin visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Meyers visited at Chicago Monday. Julius Keg was a business visitor at Delevan Sunday. Jay Schneider of Chicago spent Sanday at his home here. Glen Robertson of Chicago spent the week-end at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman were Chicago visitors Saturday. Mr> and Mra. John Miller were Woodstock visitors Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Powers ware recent visitors at Woodstock. Miss Dorothy Knox visited friends in Chicago over the week-end. Misses Genevieve and Dorothy Knox were Chicago visitors Saturday. Robert Conway spent a few days the first of the week at" Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. F. Ferwerda and family were Chicago visitors Sunday. ; Miss Agnes Weingart of Johnsburg visited Miss Laura Miehels Sunday. Mass Elizabeth McCabe of Chicago spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. P. J. Schaefer and little daughter visited her mother in Chicago last week. Edward Brefeld of Chicago was a visitor in the B., J. Brefeld home on Thursday. John Aeschan of Chicago was a visitor in the B. J. Brefeld home on Thursday. „ , , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes and daughter, Frances, were Chicago visitors Saturday. Leo Winkle of Chicago spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Winkle. ..., Mrs. F. O. Gans and daughter, Mildred, visited relatives in Chicago over the week-end. Peter Steffens of Chicago was a Sunday guest in the home of Mrs. Caroline Schiessle. Mrs. A. Krause and son, Arthur, and daughter, Marion, were Elgin visitors Saturday. • Miss Blanche Pryor spent the first of the week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell. - Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Burns and son of Oak Park were guests of McHenry relatives Sunday. Miss L#ura Karls of Chicago spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls. Mrs. J. R. Smith visited in the home k of her daughter, Mrs. Fuller Bontelle, at Lake Geneva Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Erickson and family visited relatives at Crystal Lake Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey -Baron visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Bray at Marengo Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Karls and son, Bobby, of Chicago were guests in the Fred Karls home last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Brefeld and daughter, Kathrine, of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. Anna Stringer of Elgin visited in' the home of her son, Gordon Stringer and family, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Stoffel visited in the home of their son, George Stoffel, at Woodstock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander at Hebron Sunday. Mrs. John Miller and granddaughter, Rosemary, visited in the William Bray home at Marengo Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Baron were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Simes at Hebron Sunday. Mrs. Alma Thomas visited her daughter, Mrs. James Rainey, at Ringwood several days last week. Miss Laura Miehels of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Miehels. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sayler and daughters, Viola and Joyce, of Woodstock visited in the W. A. Sayler home Sunday. j Mrs. Fred Justen and Miss Rose Huemann left last week on a motor trip to Florida where they expect to spend several weeks. Dr. and Mjji.'W. C. Besely and R. H. Bennett of Woodstock were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler . Mr. and Mrs. Herman Elsholz of Elgin were Sunday visitors in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Gordon Stringer and family. Neil Doherty, a student at Loyola University, Chicago, was a week-end guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Doherty. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schneider, in company with Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson of Ringwood visited at Highland Park Sunday. Mrs. William Bonslett was hostess to several iladies at lundheon 'and bridge last Monday afternoon, in honor of a birthday anniversary of Mrs. Jack Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Squires and daughter, Mary Louise, of Elgin were guests in the H. C. Sampson home Friday. Mr. Squires is a construction . engineer on the state highway. Mr. and Mrs. George Kamholz and little son of Chicago were recent visitors in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz. Mrs. J. W. Rothermel and children went to Chicago last Thursday where they visited relatives for several days. They were joined by Mr. Rothermel, who spent the week-end in the city, all returning ho^ne on Sunday. Miss May Justen was a Chicago visitor Friday. Miss Etta Powers was an Elfrin visitor Saturday. Mrs. William Welch was a Chicago visitor Saturday. Miss Dorothy Misner was a Chicago visitor Saturday. Mrs. Mary Powers was an Elgin visitor Saturday. Mrs. Mary McCabe spent Saturday as the guest of Elgin friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey were visitors at Evanston Tuesday. Miss Mayme Keg of Chicago spent the week-end with home folks. William Martin and Jacob Stock were Mundelein visitors Sunday. Mrs. Edward Young spent several days with her sister at Terra Haute, Ind. Mrs. Ben Wegener and daughter. Helen, were Chicago visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brooks and little son, spent the week-end in Chi cago. Richard Stenger of Milwaukee, Wis., spent the week-end with McHenry friends. Mrs. W. J. Welch and daughter, Helen, visited Crystal Lake friends on Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. J. Aylward and Miss Grace Gahan of Elgin were McHenry visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Martin of Wauconda were Sunday guests of McHenry relatives. Misses Helen Welch and Grace Martin were Woodstock visitors Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. M. Phalin and daughters, Eleanor and Ruth, were Chicago visitors Saturday. Miss Kathleen Powers, who is teaching near Alden spent the weekend at her hotne here. R. J. Frisby an« son, Weston, of Chicago were week-end guests in the home of Mrs. B. Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sampson attended a chop suey luncheon at Highland Park Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and M. A. Conway motored to Elgin and attended a party Saturday evening. Miss Marjory Phalin of Chicago was a week-end guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin. George Ernst, Narcisse Gudor and John Zakery of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the William J. Welch home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brooks, Mrs. Anna Barron and Miss Anna Frisby motored to Chicago Thursday evening. Mrs. A. J. Schneider and Mrs. Mary McCabe visited the Misses Mary and Frances Fleming near Crystal Lake Tuesday MJS. Glen Robinson of Woods toe k_ was a week-end visitor in the home of her parents, Mir. and Mrs. William J. Welch.. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schneider andl Mrs. E. C. Schneider of Grayslake were Sunday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Theo Winkle. * Frett Bros. & Freund I: MASON CONTRACTORS i and • CINCRE-fE BUILDING UNITS * * Telephone McHenry 600-M-l or 86-R ^ ' V;W: J J Take the Wheel Yourself 'and Drive!"' From one coast to the other. From Canada to the Gulf. Here . .. there .. • everywhere. A mighty chorus of public acclaim . . . Owners talking to owners. Owners talking to friends. Praising this new American car . . . the Oakland All- American Six * . . Praising its brilliant performance .. . its smoothness, speed and snap. Praising the instant action of its four-wheel brakes . . . the way its big balloon tires rub out the ruts and cling securely to the road ... Maybe you think they're prejudiced. It's easy to see why you could. But just come in ... take the wheel yourself ... and drive! Then scft. how you change you* mind. IS'EW LOW PRICES: 2-Door Sedan. f/04J{-LknJau Coupe, $1045; Sport Roadster, $1075; 4-Door SMISH^ $1145; Cabriolet. $1145; Landau Sedan, $1265. riMtimeSi*,tl4» «•***£. AU^ricm*»t/ettary . iWiwwjirtrilill th*• MMmm fcaiMfW w y « * P * V S U I . I"",t McHENRY AUTO SALES Pkoue 8 Riverside Drive KLAND ERICAN SIX